コード例 #1
    def _remove_autonetwork(self, server_networks, request):
        Removes the automatically created network that was used prior to
        server_networks_keys = list(server_networks.keys())
        neutron_enabled = is_enabled_by_config('network')
        # delete only if vm has one network
        if neutron_enabled and len(server_networks) == 1:
            networks = network_list_for_tenant(request, request.user.tenant_id)
            autonetwork = filter(lambda network: network.name in server_networks_keys, networks)
            auto_subnet_name = autonetwork_subnet_name(request)
            if len(autonetwork) != 1:
            autonetwork_subnet = filter(lambda subnet: subnet.name == auto_subnet_name, autonetwork[0].subnets)
            if len(autonetwork_subnet) != 1:
            router = router_list(request, network_id=autonetwork_subnet[0])
            if len(router) != 1:

            router_remove_interface(request, router[0].id, subnet_id=autonetwork_subnet[0].id)
            router_delete(request, router[0].id)
            subnet_delete(request, autonetwork_subnet[0].id)
            network_delete(request, autonetwork[0].id)
コード例 #2
def get_limits(request):
    """return the user's limits/quota. This includes nova, cinder and if neutron is available the number of attached
    IP addresses
    :param request: The request
    :returns nova, cinder & neutron limits

    cinder_limits = None
    neutron_limits = {}

    # get nova & cinder limits
    reserved = request.GET.get('reserved') == 'true'
    nova_limits = nova_tenant_absolute_limits(request, reserved)

        cinder_limits = cinder_tenant_absolute_limits(request)

    # if neturon is enabled, get the number of floating and attached IP addresses
    if is_enabled_by_config("network"):
        neutron_max = tenant_quota_get(request, request.user.tenant_id)

        for limit in neutron_max:

            # check if the used ips are really attached to an instance
            used_ips = []
            if limit.name == 'floatingip':
                neutron_limits['maxTotalFloatingIps'] = limit.limit
                floating_ip_manager = FloatingIpManager(request)
                floating_ips = floating_ip_manager.list()
                neutron_limits['totalFloatingIps'] = len(floating_ips)
                for ip in floating_ips:
                    if ip.instance_id:

                neutron_limits['totalFloatingIpsUsed'] = len(used_ips)
    return clean_limts(nova_limits), clean_limts(cinder_limits), clean_limts(
コード例 #3
    def post(self, request):
        """Create a server.

        Create a server using the parameters supplied in the POST
        application/json object. The required parameters as specified by
        the underlying novaclient are:

        :param name: The new server name.
        :param source_id: The ID of the image to use.
        :param flavor_id: The ID of the flavor to use.
        :param key_name: (optional extension) name of previously created
                      keypair to inject into the instance.
        :param user_data: user data to pass to be exposed by the metadata
                      server this can be a file type object as well or a
        :param security_groups: An array of one or more objects with a "name"

        Other parameters are accepted as per the underlying novaclient:
        "block_device_mapping", "block_device_mapping_v2", "nics", "meta",
        "availability_zone", "instance_count", "admin_pass", "disk_config",

        This returns the new server object on success.
        default_user = ""
        user_email = ""
        floating_ip_manager = FloatingIpManager(request)
        security_groups = request.DATA['security_groups']
        neutron_enabled = is_enabled_by_config('neutron')

        # default user for instance
        if 'default_user' in request.DATA:
            default_user = request.DATA['default_user']

        nics, floating_ip = self._get_nics_and_floating_ip(floating_ip_manager, neutron_enabled)

        args = self._verify_arguments(security_groups)

        # set keyword arguments
        kw = {
            'nics': nics,
            'disk_config': "AUTO",
            'availability_zone': "nova",
            'meta': {
                SW_METADATA[0]: SW_METADATA[1]

        instance = server_create(*args, **kw)

        self._associate_floating_ip(neutron_enabled, floating_ip_manager, instance, floating_ip, request)

            LOG.debug("Servers.create(): Send Email")
            user_email = send_create_email(request, floating_ip, default_user, request.DATA['name'])

        return rest_utils.CreatedResponse(
            '/api/nova/servers/%s' % utils_http.urlquote(instance.id),
                "instance": instance.to_dict(),
                "email": user_email,
                "network": PRIVATE_NETWORK