コード例 #1
# %%
marginalDegrees = [4] * dim_input
experiment = ot.GaussProductExperiment(distributionMu, marginalDegrees)

# %%
# We can see the size of the associated design of experiments.

# %%

# %%
# The choice of the `GaussProductExperiment` rule leads to 256 evaluations of the model.

# %%
projectionStrategy = ot.IntegrationStrategy(experiment)

# %%
# We can now create the functional chaos.

# %%
chaosalgo = ot.FunctionalChaosAlgorithm(g, myDistribution, adaptiveStrategy,

# %%
# Get the result

# %%
result = chaosalgo.getResult()
コード例 #2
# This algorithm estimates the empirical error on each sub-basis using Leave One Out strategy.

# %%
fittingAlgorithm = ot.CorrectedLeaveOneOut()
# Finally the metamodel selection algorithm embbeded in LeastSquaresStrategy
approximationAlgorithm = ot.LeastSquaresMetaModelSelectionFactory(
    basisSequenceFactory, fittingAlgorithm)
evaluationCoeffStrategy_2 = ot.LeastSquaresStrategy(
    ot.MonteCarloExperiment(sampleSize), approximationAlgorithm)

# %%
# Try integration.

# %%
marginalDegrees = [2] * inputDimension
evaluationCoeffStrategy_3 = ot.IntegrationStrategy(
    ot.GaussProductExperiment(distributionMu, marginalDegrees))

# %%
# STEP 4: Creation of the Functional Chaos Algorithm
# --------------------------------------------------
# The `FunctionalChaosAlgorithm` class combines
# * the model : `model`
# * the distribution of the input random vector : `distribution`
# * the truncature strategy of the multivariate basis
# * and the evaluation strategy of the coefficients

# %%
polynomialChaosAlgorithm = ot.FunctionalChaosAlgorithm(
    model, distribution, truncatureBasisStrategy, evaluationCoeffStrategy)
コード例 #3
ファイル: polynomial_chaos.py プロジェクト: tupui/batman
    def __init__(self, strategy, degree, distributions, N_quad=None, sample=None,
                 stieltjes=True, sparse_param={}):
        """Generate truncature and projection strategies.

        Allong with the strategies the sample is storred as an attribute.
        :attr:`sample` as well as corresponding weights: :attr:`weights`.

        :param str strategy: Least square or Quadrature ['LS', 'Quad', 'SparseLS'].
        :param int degree: Polynomial degree.
        :param  distributions: Distributions of each input parameter.
        :type distributions: lst(:class:`openturns.Distribution`)
        :param array_like sample: Samples for least square
          (n_samples, n_features).
        :param bool stieltjes: Wether to use Stieltjes algorithm for the basis.
        :param dict sparse_param: Parameters for the Sparse Cleaning Truncation
          Strategy and/or hyperbolic truncation of the initial basis.

            - **max_considered_terms** (int) -- Maximum Considered Terms,
            - **most_significant** (int), Most Siginificant number to retain,
            - **significance_factor** (float), Significance Factor,
            - **hyper_factor** (float), factor for hyperbolic truncation
        # distributions
        self.in_dim = len(distributions)
        self.dist = ot.ComposedDistribution(distributions)
        self.sparse_param = sparse_param

        if 'hyper_factor' in self.sparse_param:
            enumerateFunction = ot.EnumerateFunction(self.in_dim, self.sparse_param['hyper_factor'])
            enumerateFunction = ot.EnumerateFunction(self.in_dim)

        if stieltjes:
            # Tend to result in performance issue
            self.basis = ot.OrthogonalProductPolynomialFactory(
                 for marginal in distributions], enumerateFunction)
            self.basis = ot.OrthogonalProductPolynomialFactory(
                 for margin in distributions], enumerateFunction)

        self.n_basis = enumerateFunction.getStrataCumulatedCardinal(degree)

        # Strategy choice for expansion coefficient determination
        self.strategy = strategy
        if self.strategy == 'LS' or self.strategy == 'SparseLS':  # least-squares method
            self.sample = sample
        else:  # integration method
            # redefinition of sample size
            # n_samples = (degree + 1) ** self.in_dim
            # marginal degree definition
            # by default: the marginal degree for each input random
            # variable is set to the total polynomial degree 'degree'+1
            measure = self.basis.getMeasure()

            if N_quad is not None:
                degrees = [int(N_quad ** 0.25)] * self.in_dim
                degrees = [degree + 1] * self.in_dim

            self.proj_strategy = ot.IntegrationStrategy(
                ot.GaussProductExperiment(measure, degrees))
            self.sample, self.weights = self.proj_strategy.getExperiment().generateWithWeights()

            if not stieltjes:
                transformation = ot.Function(ot.MarginalTransformationEvaluation(
                    [measure.getMarginal(i) for i in range(self.in_dim)],
                    distributions, False))
                self.sample = transformation(self.sample)

        self.pc = None
        self.pc_result = None
コード例 #4
# This algorithm estimates the empirical error on each sub-basis using Leave One Out strategy.

# %%
fittingAlgorithm = ot.CorrectedLeaveOneOut()
# Finally the metamodel selection algorithm embbeded in LeastSquaresStrategy
approximationAlgorithm = ot.LeastSquaresMetaModelSelectionFactory(
    basisSequenceFactory, fittingAlgorithm)
evaluationCoeffStrategy_2 = ot.LeastSquaresStrategy(
    ot.MonteCarloExperiment(sampleSize), approximationAlgorithm)

# %%
# Try integration.

# %%
marginalSizes = [2] * inputDimension
evaluationCoeffStrategy_3 = ot.IntegrationStrategy(
    ot.GaussProductExperiment(distributionStandard, marginalSizes))

# %%
# STEP 4: Creation of the Functional Chaos Algorithm
# --------------------------------------------------
# The `FunctionalChaosAlgorithm` class combines
# * the model : `model`
# * the distribution of the input random vector : `distribution`
# * the truncature strategy of the multivariate basis
# * and the evaluation strategy of the coefficients

# %%
polynomialChaosAlgorithm = ot.FunctionalChaosAlgorithm(
    model, distribution, truncatureBasisStrategy, evaluationCoeffStrategy)