コード例 #1
ファイル: loader.py プロジェクト: yury-intel/openvino
def add_initializers_and_inputs_to_graph(graph: Graph, graph_pb, data_nodes_map: dict):
    The function adds nodes specified in the 'initializer' attribute of the pb and input nodes.
    :param graph: the Graph to add nodes to
    :param graph_pb: the graph protobuf message
    :param data_nodes_map: the dictionary with mapping of tensor names to node id and port
    :return: the list of Parameter nodes
    initializers = Graph()
    fill_graph_with_nodes(initializers, graph_pb.initializer, get_id=lambda pb: pb.name, get_attrs=protobuf_attrs)

    parameters = []
    # first go through all inputs and separate constant from placeholders
    for inp in graph_pb.input:
        name = str(inp.name)
        if graph.has_node(name):
            raise Error('Name {} of input node already exists, input names are duplicated.', name)
        elif initializers.has_node(name):
            graph.add_node(name, kind='op', op='Const', pb=inp, pb_init=initializers.node[name]['pb'])
            graph.add_node(name, kind='op', op='Parameter', pb=inp)
            parameters.append(Node(graph, name))

        assert name not in data_nodes_map, 'Inconsistency between data_nodes_map and graph.nodes'
        data_nodes_map[name] = (name, 0)

    # go over all initializers and make sure that all of them are added to the graph
    for initializer in initializers.nodes():
        initializer_id = initializer
        if not graph.has_node(initializer_id):
            graph.add_node(initializer_id, kind='op', op='Const', pb=initializers.node[initializer]['pb'],
            data_nodes_map[initializer] = (initializer_id, 0)
    return parameters
コード例 #2
ファイル: subgraph_utils.py プロジェクト: mikhailk62/openvino
def update_body_graph(body_graph: Graph, subgraph_proto: dict,
                      body_parameter_names: list, body_results: list):
    Updates the loop body graph with a sub-graph (for body or condition functions)
    :param body_graph: a loop body graph to be updated
    :param subgraph_proto: a sub-graph in a protobuf format to be added into the loop body graph
    :param body_parameter_names: a (unchanged) list of parameters in the loop body graph
    :param body_results: a list of Result nodes that is extended with a list from a sub-graph
    # create a map from a node name in original model to a name in a loop body graph assuming
    # that names in the original model are unique
    # initially, the map contains names for parameters that are common for the body and condition graphs
    map_original_name = {}
    for idx, pb_node in enumerate(subgraph_proto['input_arg']):
        map_original_name[pb_node.name] = body_parameter_names[idx]

    # walk through all nodes (non-parameter and non-result nodes) and add into the loop body graph
    for pb_node in subgraph_proto['node_def']:
        # create an NX node
        id = body_graph.unique_id(pb_node.name)
        map_original_name[pb_node.name] = id
        body_graph.add_node(id, pb=pb_node, kind='op')
        if hasattr(body_graph, 'op_names_statistic') and hasattr(
                pb_node, 'op'):
            body_graph.op_names_statistic[pb_node.op] += 1

        # add incoming edges based on data_nodes_map
        for dst_port, inp in enumerate(pb_node.input):
            orig_src_id = inp.split(":")[0]

            # TODO: avoid this temporal workaround for TF 2.4 or higher RNN layers:
            #  skip control flow dependency
            if orig_src_id[0] == '^':

            src_id = map_original_name[orig_src_id]
            src_port = 0 if len(inp.split(":")) == 1 else int(
            assert (body_graph.has_node(src_id))

                [create_tf_edge(src_id + ":" + str(src_port), id, dst_port)])

    # create Result nodes in the loop body graph
    for output in subgraph_proto['output_arg']:
        output_name = subgraph_proto['ret'][output.name]
        orig_src_id = output_name.split(":")[0]
        src_id = map_original_name[orig_src_id]
        src_port = 0 if len(output_name.split(":")) == 1 \
            else int(output_name.split(":")[-1])
        assert body_graph.has_node(
        ), 'The body graph does not contain output with name "{}"'.format(
            Node(body_graph, add_opoutput(body_graph, src_id, src_port,

    return True
コード例 #3
def apply_pattern(graph: Graph, nodes: list, edges: list, action: callable, node_attrs: list = None,
                  edge_attrs: list = None):
    Search for all matches of a given subgraph defined by [nodes, edges] in graph,
    then apply action for each such match.
    if not all_edges_in_nodes([node[0] for node in nodes], edges):
        log.warning("Incorrect pattern attributes: not all nodes from edges are in nodes. "
                    "Please, mention all nodes you need in pattern in nodes attribute. ")

    matches = []
    for match in find_pattern_matches(graph, nodes, edges, node_attrs, edge_attrs):

    for match in matches:
        match = inverse_dict(match)
        still_valid = True
        for k in match:
            if not graph.has_node(match[k]):
                # Graph changed significantly
                still_valid = False
                log.warning("The graph has changed significantly during applying pattern:\n"
                            "nodes: {}\n"
                            "edges: {}\n"
                            "node_attrs: {}\n"
                            "edge_attrs: {}".format(nodes, edges, node_attrs, edge_attrs))
            match[k] = Node(graph, match[k])
        if still_valid:
            action(graph, match)
コード例 #4
    def find_and_replace_pattern(self, graph: Graph):
        reshape_nodes = graph.get_op_nodes(type='Reshape')
        for node in reshape_nodes:
            if not graph.has_node(node.id):
                # the Reshape node has been removed in the previous iteration
            if len(node.out_port(0).get_destinations()) == 1:
                log.debug('First phase for Reshape: {}'.format(node.soft_get('name')))

                next_op = get_next_operation(node)[0]
                log.debug('second node: id={}, type={}'.format(next_op.soft_get('id'), next_op.soft_get('type')))
                if next_op.has_valid('type') and next_op.type == 'Reshape':
                    dim_value = next_op.in_port(1).data.get_value()
                    if dim_value is None or 0 in dim_value or -1 in dim_value:
                        # we do not fuse reshape sequences with special symbols: 0, -1

                    # Detected Reshape1 --> data --> Reshape2 pattern without side edges. Remove Reshape1
                    log.debug('Second phase for Reshape: {}'.format(node.soft_get('name')))
                    remove_op_node_with_data_node(graph, node)
コード例 #5
    def replace_sub_graph(self, graph: Graph, match: dict):
        box_nms = match['box_nms']
        top_k = box_nms.topk
        nms_threshold = box_nms.overlap_thresh

        ssd_concats = {}
        concat_names = ['ssd_concat1', 'ssd_concat0', 'ssd_concat2']

        for i, concat_match in enumerate(self.concats_pattern):
            for matches in find_pattern_matches(graph, concat_match['nodes'],
                                                concat_match['edges'], None,
                for match in matches:
                    if graph.has_node(match):
                        n = Node(graph, match)
                        if n.op == 'Concat':
                            ssd_concats.update({concat_names[i]: n})

        assert concat_names[0] in ssd_concats
        assert concat_names[1] in ssd_concats
        assert concat_names[2] in ssd_concats

        detection_output_node = DetectionOutput(
            dict(name=graph.unique_id() + '/DetectionOutput_',

        reshape_node = create_op_node_with_second_input(
            graph, Reshape, int64_array([0, -1]),
            dict(name=graph.unique_id() + '/DetectionOutput_'))

        ssd_softmax_node = ssd_concats['ssd_concat0'].out_node().out_node()

        ssd_concats['ssd_concat2'].axis = 2


        Result(graph, {
            'name': detection_output_node.id + '/Result'
コード例 #6
def merge_nodes(graph: Graph,
                nodes_to_merge_names: list,
                inputs_desc: list = None,
                outputs_desc: list = None):
    Merges nodes specified in the set 'nodes_to_merge_names' into one mega-node, creating new edges between mega-node
    and inputs/outputs nodes of the mega-node. The added edges contain name of input/output nodes which will be used for
    generation of placeholders and will be saved to the IR xml so IE plug-in know how to map input/output data for the
    layer. Also the function adds protobufs of the nodes of the sub-graph and 'Const' ops consumed by nodes in the
    sub-graph to the node's attribute 'pbs'.
    :param graph: the graph object to operate on.
    :param nodes_to_merge_names: list of nodes names that should be merged into a single node.
    :param inputs_desc: optional list describing input nodes order.
    :param outputs_desc: optional list describing output nodes order.
    if not is_connected_component(graph, nodes_to_merge_names):
            "The following nodes do not form connected sub-graph: {}".format(
        # graph.dump_graph_for_graphviz(nodes_to_dump=nodes_to_merge_names)

    new_node_name = graph.unique_id("TFSubgraphCall_")
    log.info("Create new node with name '{}' for nodes '{}'".format(
        new_node_name, ', '.join(nodes_to_merge_names)))
    new_node_attrs = graph.node[new_node_name]

    new_node_attrs['name'] = new_node_name
    new_node = Node(graph, new_node_name)

    added_input_tensors_names = set(
    )  # set of tensors that are were added as input to the sub-graph
    added_new_node_output_tensors = dict(
    )  # key - tensor name, value - out port

    for node_name in nodes_to_merge_names:
        node = Node(graph, node_name)
        add_node_pb_if_not_yet_added(node, new_node)
        # TODO: any improvements?
        for in_node_name, edge_attrs in Node(graph, node_name).get_inputs():
            in_node = Node(graph, in_node_name)

            # internal edges between nodes of the sub-graph
            if in_node_name in nodes_to_merge_names:
                add_node_pb_if_not_yet_added(in_node, new_node)

            # edge outside of sub-graph into sub-graph
            if in_node_name not in nodes_to_merge_names:
                # we cannot use the 'in_node_name' as a protobuf operation name here
                # because the 'in_node_name' could be a sub-graph matched before.
                input_tensor_name = node.pb.input[edge_attrs['in']]
                if input_tensor_name not in added_input_tensors_names:
                    if not new_node.has_port('in', edge_attrs['in']):
                        in_node_name, new_node_name,
                                find_input_port(new_node, inputs_desc,
                                                node_name, edge_attrs['in']),
                                'in_attrs': [
                                    'in', 'internal_input_node_name',
                                    'original_dst_port', 'placeholder_name'
                                'out_attrs': ['out']
                            }, edge_attrs))
                        "Creating edge from outside of sub-graph to inside sub-graph: {} -> {}"
                        .format(in_node_name, new_node_name))

        # edge from inside sub-graph to outside sub-graph
        for out_node_name, edge_attrs in Node(graph, node_name).get_outputs():
            if out_node_name not in nodes_to_merge_names:
                    "Creating edge from inside of sub-graph to outside sub-graph: {} -> {}"
                    .format(new_node_name, out_node_name))
                out_name = internal_output_name_for_node(
                    node_name, edge_attrs['out'])
                if out_name not in added_new_node_output_tensors.keys():
                    added_new_node_output_tensors[out_name] = find_output_port(
                        new_node, outputs_desc, node_name, edge_attrs['out'])
                if not new_node.has_port(
                        'out', added_new_node_output_tensors[out_name]):
                    new_node_name, out_node_name,
                            'in': edge_attrs['in'],
                            'out': added_new_node_output_tensors[out_name],
                            'internal_output_node_name': out_name,
                            'in_attrs': ['in', 'internal_input_node_name'],
                            'out_attrs': ['out', 'internal_output_node_name']
                        }, edge_attrs))
        new_node['output_tensors_names'] = [
            val for val in
            {v: k
             for k, v in added_new_node_output_tensors.items()}.values()

    # add nodes using the same order as in initial GraphDef so we can dump them to IR in "correct" order
    new_node['nodes_order'] = [
        node for node in graph.graph['initial_nodes_order']
        if node in new_node['pbs'].keys()

    for n in nodes_to_merge_names:
        if graph.has_node(
                n):  # check if not deleted by another (similar) pattern
    return Node(graph, new_node_name)
コード例 #7
def protobuf2nx(graph: Graph, pb):
    Convert proto message with ONNX model to equivalent NX representation. All nodes and edges are restored here as
    ONNX model has op/data representation, that means that nodes are connected via tensor names. Name of tensors are
    defined on demand in nodes, so we have a code similar to Caffe here.

    :param graph: the Graph object to load the graph into
    :param pb: the ONNX file protobuf message
    :return: None
    # maps a tensor name to a node produced it and the node port: str -> (node_id, node_port)
    data_nodes_map = {}

    graph_pb = pb.graph
    add_initializers_and_inputs_to_graph(graph, graph_pb, data_nodes_map)

    output_ids = []
    for outp in graph_pb.output:
        name = str(outp.name)
        if graph.has_node(name):
                'Name {} of output node already exists in graph. Ignoring this output. If the output is required,'
                ' please rename it.'.format(name),
                extra={'is_warning': True})
            # add fake node on output
            graph.add_node(name, kind='op', op='FakeOutput', pb=outp)

    # Go through all nodes in the original model order (because data nodes are defined on-the-fly and order is
    # important)
    for node in graph_pb.node:
        # create an NX node
        fw_name = node_id(node)
        id = graph.unique_id(fw_name)
        graph.add_node(id, pb=node, kind='op')
        if hasattr(graph, 'op_names_statistic') and hasattr(node, 'op_type'):
            graph.op_names_statistic[node.op_type] += 1

        # add incoming edges based on data_nodes_map
        for dst_port, inp in enumerate(node.input):
            # should add edge inp --> id
            if inp not in data_nodes_map:
                if inp == '':
                    # input is omitted; most likely it corresponds to an optional input for an operator
                    raise Error(
                        'Reference to {} is not satisfied. A node refer not existing data tensor. ONNX model is not '
                        'consistent. Protobuf fragment: {}', inp, node)
            src_id, src_port = data_nodes_map[inp]

            assert (graph.has_node(src_id))
            edge_attrs = {
                'out': src_port,
                'in': dst_port,
                'name': inp,
                'fw_tensor_debug_info': [(src_id, inp)],
                'in_attrs': ['in', 'name'],
                'out_attrs': ['out', 'name'],
                'data_attrs': ['fw_tensor_debug_info']
            graph.add_edge(src_id, id, **edge_attrs)

        # add outgoing edges to data_nodes_map
        for src_port, out in enumerate(node.output):
            if out in output_ids:
                edge_attrs = {
                    'out': src_port,
                    'in': 0,
                    'name': out,
                    'fw_tensor_debug_info': [(fw_name, out)],
                    'in_attrs': ['in', 'name'],
                    'out_attrs': ['out', 'name'],
                    'data_attrs': ['fw_tensor_debug_info']
                graph.add_edge(id, out, **edge_attrs)
            if out in data_nodes_map:
                log.debug("Detected reuse of blob {}.".format(out))
            data_nodes_map[out] = (id, src_port)

        'tensor_mapping'] = data_nodes_map  # save main graph tensor names mapping for Loop op parsing
コード例 #8
ファイル: loop_ext.py プロジェクト: yury-intel/openvino
    def extract(cls, loop_node):
        Loop.update_node_stat(loop_node, {})

        body_graph_proto = onnx_attr(loop_node, 'body', 'g', None)
        main_graph = loop_node.graph

        # create a Graph object for the body and take graph attributes from the main graph
        body_graph = Graph()
        main_graph_attrs_copy = {}
        for attr_key, attr_value in main_graph.graph.items():
            if attr_key not in ['tensor_mapping', 'parent_node']:
                main_graph_attrs_copy[attr_key] = copy.deepcopy(attr_value)
        loop_node['body'] = body_graph
        # save parent node for nested loops to know which node contains body (and which graph is on upper level)
        body_graph.graph['parent_node'] = loop_node

        # maps a tensor name to a node produced it and the node port: str -> (node_id, node_port)
        data_nodes_map = {}
        body_graph.graph['tensor_mapping'] = data_nodes_map  # save mapping for possible Loop inside the Loop

        body_parameters = add_initializers_and_inputs_to_graph(body_graph, body_graph_proto, data_nodes_map)

        external_edges = []  # (src_node, src_out_port), dest_body_parameter_node
        # save additional edges information for graph on each level, the first one is the deepest
        additional_params = []  # (src_node, src_out_port) -> parameter_node (for manually added Parameters)
        # Go through all nodes in the original model order because data nodes are defined on-the-fly and order matters
        for pb_node in body_graph_proto.node:
            # create an NX node
            id = body_graph.unique_id(node_id(pb_node))
            body_graph.add_node(id, pb=pb_node, kind='op')
            if hasattr(body_graph, 'op_names_statistic') and hasattr(pb_node, 'op_type'):
                body_graph.op_names_statistic[pb_node.op_type] += 1

            # add incoming edges based on data_nodes_map
            for dst_port, inp in enumerate(pb_node.input):
                # should add edge src_internal_id --> dst_id
                if inp not in data_nodes_map:
                    if inp == '':
                        # input is omitted; most likely it corresponds to an optional input for an operator
                        is_finished = create_cross_body_edge(body_graph, external_edges, additional_params,
                                                             inp, id, dst_port)
                        if not is_finished:
                            raise Error(
                                'Reference to "{}" is not satisfied. A node refer not existing data tensor. ONNX '
                                'model is not consistent. Protobuf fragment: {}', inp, pb_node)
                    src_id, src_port = data_nodes_map[inp]
                    create_edge_with_attrs(body_graph, inp, src_id, src_port, id, dst_port)

            # add outgoing edges to data_nodes_map
            for src_port, out in enumerate(pb_node.output):
                if out in data_nodes_map:
                    log.debug("Detected reuse of blob {}.".format(out))
                data_nodes_map[out] = (id, src_port)

        body_results = []
        for output in body_graph_proto.output:
            tensor_name = str(output.name)
            node_name, output_port = data_nodes_map[tensor_name]
            assert body_graph.has_node(node_name), 'The body graph does not contain output with name "{}"'.format(
            body_results.append(Node(body_graph, add_opoutput(body_graph, node_name, output_port, False)))

        # add 'internal_layer_id' attribute which is a must have attribute for the loop body node
        for idx, body_node in enumerate(body_graph.get_op_nodes()):
            body_node['internal_layer_id'] = idx

        loop_carried_dependencies_count = len(body_graph_proto.input) - 2
        scan_outputs_count = len(body_graph_proto.output) - 1 - loop_carried_dependencies_count

        # Loop inputs:
        #   0 - trip count
        #   1 - execution condition
        #   2 .. - loop carried dependencies

        # Loop outputs:
        #   0 .. loop_carried_dependencies_count - 1 - loop carried dependencies
        #   loop_carried_dependencies_count .. - scan outputs

        # Body inputs:
        #   0 - iteration number
        #   1 - execution condition
        #   2 .. - loop carried dependencies

        # Body outputs:
        #   0 - execution condition
        #   1 .. loop_carried_dependencies_count - loop carried dependencies
        #   loop_carried_dependencies_count + 1 .. - scan outputs

        # some of the inputs/outputs may not be connected but the normalization transformation will take care of it
        # connection Loop body nodes with external input edges
        next_loop_input_port_idx = sorted(loop_node.in_edges().keys())[-1] + 1
        cur_graph = body_graph
        for external_edges_subg in external_edges:
            if 'parent_node' not in cur_graph.graph:
            cur_loop_node = cur_graph.graph['parent_node']
            parent_graph = cur_loop_node.graph
            for (src_node, src_port), body_node, tensor_name in external_edges_subg:
                create_edge_with_attrs(parent_graph, tensor_name, src_node, src_port,
                                       cur_loop_node.id, next_loop_input_port_idx)

                Loop.connect_body_input(cur_loop_node, next_loop_input_port_idx, body_node)
                next_loop_input_port_idx += 1
            cur_graph = parent_graph

        # mark current iteration input Parameter node
        Loop.mark_current_iteration_parameter_node(loop_node, body_parameters[0])

        # connect initial value for "execution condition" input of the loop
        Loop.connect_body_input(loop_node, 1, body_parameters[1])
        # add back edge with "execution condition"
        Loop.add_back_edge(loop_node, body_parameters[1], body_results[0])
        # mark "execution condition" Result node
        Loop.mark_execution_condition_result_node(loop_node, body_results[0])

        # connect initial value for "loop carried" dependencies variables
        for idx in range(loop_carried_dependencies_count):
            Loop.connect_body_input(loop_node, idx + 2, body_parameters[idx + 2])
        # add back edge for "loop carried" dependencies variables
        for idx in range(loop_carried_dependencies_count):
            Loop.add_back_edge(loop_node, body_parameters[idx + 2], body_results[idx + 1])
        # connect final value for "loop carried" dependencies variables
        for idx in range(loop_carried_dependencies_count):
            Loop.connect_body_output(loop_node, idx, body_results[idx + 1])

        # connect "scan outputs" and mark axis for concatenation
        for idx in range(loop_carried_dependencies_count, loop_carried_dependencies_count + scan_outputs_count):
            Loop.connect_body_output(loop_node, idx, body_results[idx + 1], axis=0)

        # run function to parse body nodes attributes similar to the main graph
        extract_node_attrs(body_graph, lambda node: onnx_op_extractor(node, check_for_duplicates(onnx_op_extractors)))
        return cls.enabled