def match_optical(target, channel, data_dir='', optical_dir='/Volumes/Annie/CRRP/OpticalCatalogs/', dao_dir='/usr/local/phot/'): deep_mosaic_fits = target + '_' + channel + '_deep.fits' curr_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(data_dir + 'DeepMosaic') ids, catalog_x, catalog_y, catalog_ra, catalog_dec = optical.read_optical_fnl( optical_dir, target) als_file = re.sub('.fits', '_dn.als', deep_mosaic_fits) dtype1 = np.dtype([('x', float), ('y', float)]) data = np.loadtxt(als_file, dtype=dtype1, skiprows=3, usecols=(1, 2)) xmin = np.min(data['x']) xmax = np.max(data['x']) ymin = np.min(data['y']) ymax = np.max(data['y']) print "Calculating optical boundaries..." print xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2 = coordinates.find_coord_window_mosaic( deep_mosaic_fits, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) print ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2 min_x, min_y = coordinates.radec2catalogpix(ra1, dec1, catalog_x, catalog_y, catalog_ra, catalog_dec) max_x, max_y = coordinates.radec2catalogpix(ra2, dec2, catalog_x, catalog_y, catalog_ra, catalog_dec) # c1, c2, c3, c4 = coordinates.radec2pix(target, x1, x2, y1, y2, xcat, ycat, ra, dec) print "Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax for optical catalog:" print min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y xmin = [min_x] xmax = [max_x] ymin = [min_y] ymax = [max_y] f = ['Deep'] # Save boundary window for each field into a text file (e.g. I1-catalog-cuts.txt) data_save = np.array(zip(f, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), dtype=[('c1', 'S8'), ('c2', float), ('c3', float), ('c4', float), ('c5', float)]) np.savetxt(channel + '-deep-cuts.txt', data_save, comments='', fmt='%s %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f') limits = str(min_x) + ',' + str(max_x) + ',' + str(min_y) + ',' + str( max_y) image_list = ['optical:' + target + '-I.mag', als_file] mch_file = 'op-' + channel + '.mch' daomatch.daomatch(image_list, mch_file, dao_dir=dao_dir, xy_limits=limits) daomaster.daomaster(mch_file, dao_dir=dao_dir, frame_num='1,0.5,1') os.chdir(curr_dir)
def check_match(target, channel, optical_dir='/Volumes/Annie/CRRP/OpticalCatalogs/', data_dir=''): fig = mp.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # read optical catalog and add to plots ids, xcat, ycat, ra, dec = optical.read_optical_fnl(optical_dir, target) ax1.plot(xcat, ycat, '.', color='0.25', markersize=0.75) # read boundaries of IRAC data dtype1 = np.dtype([('xmin', float), ('xmax', float), ('ymin', float), ('ymax', float)]) cuts = np.loadtxt(data_dir + 'DeepMosaic/' + channel + '-deep-cuts.txt', dtype=dtype1, usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4)) ax1.plot([cuts['xmin'], cuts['xmax']], [cuts['ymin'], cuts['ymin']], '-', color='r', linewidth=2) ax1.plot([cuts['xmin'], cuts['xmax']], [cuts['ymax'], cuts['ymax']], '-', color='r', linewidth=2) ax1.plot([cuts['xmin'], cuts['xmin']], [cuts['ymin'], cuts['ymax']], '-', color='r', linewidth=2) ax1.plot([cuts['xmax'], cuts['xmax']], [cuts['ymin'], cuts['ymax']], '-', color='r', linewidth=2) ax1.set_xlabel('X (pixels)') ax1.set_ylabel('Y (pixels)') # Add transformed catalogs data = read_dao.read_alf(data_dir + 'DeepMosaic/' + target + '_' + channel + '_deep_dn.als') x = data['x'] y = data['y'] files, x_off, y_off, transform, dof = read_dao.read_mch(data_dir + 'DeepMosaic/op-' + channel + '.mch') x_new = float( x_off[1]) + float(transform[1][0]) * x + float(transform[1][1]) * y y_new = float( y_off[1]) + float(transform[1][2]) * x + float(transform[1][3]) * y ax1.plot(x_new, y_new, '.', markersize=1.8, color='r')
def find_variables_by_coord_mosaic(optical_folder, target): # read in list of Clement variables dtype1 = np.dtype([('id', 'S8'), ('ra', 'S10'), ('dec', 'S11'), ('period', float), ('var_type', 'S8')]) data = np.loadtxt(target + '-clement.txt', dtype=dtype1) RRc = data[:][data['var_type'] == 'RR1'] RRab = data[:][data['var_type'] == 'RR0'] ra_variables, dec_variables = coordinates.radec_string2deg( data['ra'], data['dec']) ids, xcat, ycat, ra, dec = optical.read_optical_fnl(optical_folder, target) # Limit search to horizontal branch # ids, xcat, ycat, ra, dec = optical.read_optical_catalog(optical_folder, target+'-HB') ra1 = np.radians(ra) dec1 = np.radians(dec) id_match = [] ra_match = [] dec_match = [] num_neighbors = [] for obj in range(0, len(ra_variables)): ra2 = np.radians(ra_variables[obj]) dec2 = np.radians(dec_variables[obj]) x1 = np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(ra1) y1 = np.cos(dec1) * np.sin(ra1) z1 = np.sin(dec1) x2 = np.cos(dec2) * np.cos(ra2) y2 = np.cos(dec2) * np.sin(ra2) z2 = np.sin(dec2) dist = np.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2 + (z2 - z1)**2) dist = np.degrees(dist) * 3600. matches = ids[dist < 3] code = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l'] print 'V' + data['id'][obj] + ' - ' + str(len(matches)) + ' matches' for ind, star in enumerate(matches): if ind == 0: variable_star = 'V' + data['id'][obj] lightcurves.make_mosaic_lcv(['I1'], [variable_star], [star]) if ind <= 12 and ind > 0: variable_star = 'V' + data['id'][obj] + code[ind - 1] lightcurves.make_mosaic_lcv(['I1'], [variable_star], [star]) # lightcurves.phase_lcv('lcvs/'+variable_star+'.lcv', data['period'][obj], 50000, bin=0) lightcurves.plot_raw_mosaic_lcv( 'mosaic_lcvs/' + variable_star + '.lcv', star)
mp.plot([ra2, ra3], [dec2, dec3], '-', color='0.5') mp.plot([ra3, ra4], [dec3, dec4], '-', color='0.5') mp.plot([ra4, ra1], [dec4, dec1], '-', color='0.5') mp.xlabel('RA') mp.ylabel('Dec') x_formatter = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) mp.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(x_formatter) mp.savefig('aor-footprint.eps', format='eps') mp.gcf().clear() # Map of source catalog with field boundaries shown optical_folder = '/Users/jrneeley/CRRP/OpticalCatalogs/' ids, xcat, ycat, ra, dec = optical.read_optical_fnl(optical_folder, target) dtype1 = np.dtype([('xmin', float), ('xmax', float), ('ymin', float), ('ymax', float)]) cuts = np.loadtxt(channel+'-catalog-cuts.txt', dtype=dtype1, usecols=(1,2,3,4)) mp.plot(xcat, ycat, '.', color='0.25', markersize=0.75) colors=['r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'k'] for ind in range(len(cuts['xmin'])): mp.plot([cuts['xmin'][ind], cuts['xmax'][ind]], [cuts['ymin'][ind], cuts['ymin'][ind]], '-', color=colors[ind], linewidth=2) mp.plot([cuts['xmin'][ind], cuts['xmax'][ind]], [cuts['ymax'][ind], cuts['ymax'][ind]], '-', color=colors[ind], linewidth=2) mp.plot([cuts['xmin'][ind], cuts['xmin'][ind]], [cuts['ymin'][ind], cuts['ymax'][ind]], '-', color=colors[ind], linewidth=2) mp.plot([cuts['xmax'][ind], cuts['xmax'][ind]], [cuts['ymin'][ind], cuts['ymax'][ind]], '-', color=colors[ind], linewidth=2)
def find_stars_in_cat(optical_dir, target, channel, data_dir=''): cat_ids, x, y, ra, dec = optical.read_optical_fnl(optical_dir, target) reg_file = open(data_dir + channel + '.reg').read().replace(':', ' ') dtype1 = np.dtype([('ra_h', int), ('ra_m', int), ('ra_s', float), ('dec_d', int), ('dec_m', int), ('dec_s', float)]) data = np.loadtxt(StringIO.StringIO(reg_file), dtype=dtype1) ra_h = data['ra_h'] ra_m = data['ra_m'] ra_s = data['ra_s'] dec_d = data['dec_d'] dec_m = data['dec_m'] dec_s = data['dec_s'] cal_ra, cal_dec = coordinates.hms2deg(ra_h, ra_m, ra_s, dec_d, dec_m, dec_s) alf_list = glob.glob(data_dir + 'data/' + channel + '*.alf') phot_data = np.zeros(len(cal_ra), dtype=[('id', 'S8'), ('ra', float), ('dec', float), ('neigh', int), ('aor', int, len(alf_list)), ('f_num', int, len(alf_list)), ('x', float, len(alf_list)), ('y', float, len(alf_list)), ('psf_mag', float, len(alf_list)), ('psf_err', float, len(alf_list))]) neighbors = np.zeros(len(cal_ra), dtype=object) # Find id numbers of selected stars in optical catalog - and all stars within 6 arcsec for obj in range(0, len(cal_ra)): dist = coordinates.radial_dist(cal_ra[obj], cal_dec[obj], ra, dec) cat_match = np.argmin(dist) nei_match = np.argwhere(dist < 6.0) num_neighbors = len(nei_match) phot_data['id'][obj] = cat_ids[cat_match] phot_data['ra'][obj] = ra[cat_match] phot_data['dec'][obj] = dec[cat_match] phot_data['neigh'][obj] = num_neighbors neighbors[obj] = cat_ids[nei_match] # Find the selected stars in the individual alf files for ind in range(0, len(alf_list)): alf_id, x, y, alf_mag, alf_err = read_dao.read_alf(alf_list[ind]) for ind2 in range(0, len(cal_ra)): alf_match = np.argwhere(alf_id == int(phot_data['id'][ind2])) alf_nei_match = np.argwhere(alf_id == neighbors[ind2]) trash1, aor_num, frame_num, trash2 = alf_list[ind].split('_') phot_data['aor'][ind2, ind] = int(aor_num) phot_data['f_num'][ind2, ind] = int(frame_num) if len(alf_match): phot_data['x'][ind2, ind] = x[alf_match] phot_data['y'][ind2, ind] = y[alf_match] phot_data['psf_mag'][ind2, ind] = alf_mag[alf_match] phot_data['psf_err'][ind2, ind] = alf_err[alf_match] else: phot_data['x'][ind2, ind] = float('NaN') phot_data['y'][ind2, ind] = float('NaN') phot_data['psf_mag'][ind2, ind] = float('NaN') phot_data['psf_err'][ind2, ind] = float('NaN') print 'Writing files...' # print phot_data['x'][1] for ind in range(0, len(cal_ra)): if np.all(np.isnan(phot_data['psf_mag'][ind])): continue np.savetxt(data_dir + 'cal_stars/' + channel + '_' + phot_data['id'][ind] + '.coo', np.c_[phot_data['aor'][ind], phot_data['f_num'][ind], phot_data['x'][ind], phot_data['y'][ind], phot_data['psf_mag'][ind], phot_data['psf_err'][ind]], header=str(phot_data['id'][ind]) + ' ' + str(phot_data['ra'][ind]) + ' ' + str(phot_data['dec'][ind]) + ' ' + str(phot_data['neigh'][ind]) + '\n', comments='', fmt='%8i %2i %7.3f %7.3f %6.3f %6.4f')
daomaster.daomaster_mosaic(dao_dir, channel + "_mosaic.mch") ## Find appropriate window in source catalog if (start <= 5): dtype1 = np.dtype([('x', float), ('y', float)]) data = np.loadtxt(channel + '_mosaic.mag', dtype=dtype1, skiprows=3, usecols=(1, 2)) xmin = np.min(data['x']) xmax = np.max(data['x']) ymin = np.min(data['y']) ymax = np.max(data['y']) ids, catalog_x, catalog_y, catalog_ra, catalog_dec = optical.read_optical_fnl( optical_dir, target) print "Calculating field boundaries..." ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2 = coordinates.find_coord_window_mosaic( dn_list[0], xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) print ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2 min_x, min_y = coordinates.radec2catalogpix(ra1, dec1, catalog_x, catalog_y, catalog_ra, catalog_dec) max_x, max_y = coordinates.radec2catalogpix(ra2, dec2, catalog_x, catalog_y, catalog_ra, catalog_dec) # c1, c2, c3, c4 = coordinates.radec2pix(target, x1, x2, y1, y2, xcat, ycat, ra, dec) print "Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax for optical catalog:" print min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y