コード例 #1
def v_iter_single(setup, t, EV, female, ushift, force_f32=False):

    agrid_s = setup.agrid_s
    sgrid_s = setup.sgrid_s

    dtype = setup.dtype

    using_pre_u = setup.usinglef_precomputed_u if female else setup.usinglem_precomputed_u
    using_pre_x = setup.usinglef_precomputed_x if female else setup.usinglem_precomputed_x
    zvals = setup.exogrid.zf_t[t] if female else setup.exogrid.zm_t[t]
    ztrend = setup.pars['f_wage_trend'][t] if female else setup.pars[
    #sigma = setup.pars['crra_power']
    beta = setup.pars['beta_t'][t]
    R = setup.pars['R_t'][t]

    dtype_here = np.float32 if force_f32 else dtype

    ls = np.array([setup.ls_levels[-1]], dtype=dtype) if female else np.array(
        [setup.mlevel], dtype=dtype)
    money_t = (R * agrid_s, np.exp(zvals + ztrend), np.zeros_like(zvals))

    if EV is None:
        EV = np.zeros((agrid_s.size, zvals.size), dtype=dtype_here)
        EV = EV.astype(dtype_here, copy=False)

    assert EV.dtype == dtype_here

    V_0, c_opt, x_opt, s_opt, i_opt, _, _ = \

    V_0, c_opt, x_opt, s_opt, i_opt =  \
        (x.squeeze(axis=2) for x in [V_0, c_opt, x_opt, s_opt, i_opt])

    #    wf = money_t[1].reshape((1,money_t[1].size))*0.1
    #    wm = money_t[2].reshape((1,money_t[2].size))
    #    asset_income = money_t[0].reshape((money_t[0].size,1))
    #    money = wf + wm + asset_income
    #    aaa=money-c_opt-x_opt-s_opt

    EVexp = setup.vsgrid_s.apply_preserve_shape(EV)
    V_ret = setup.u_single_pub(
        c_opt, x_opt,
        ls) + ushift + beta * np.take_along_axis(EVexp, i_opt, 0)

    assert V_ret.dtype == dtype

    def r(x):
        return x

    return r(V_ret), r(c_opt), r(x_opt), r(s_opt)
コード例 #2
ファイル: singles.py プロジェクト: egorkozlov/py_shotgun
def v_iter_single(setup, t, EV, female, ushift):

    agrid_s = setup.agrid_s if nogpu else setup.cupy.agrid_s
    sgrid_s = setup.sgrid_s if nogpu else setup.cupy.sgrid_s

    dtype = setup.dtype

    zvals = co(setup.exogrid.zf_t[t]) if female else co(setup.exogrid.zm_t[t])
    ztrend = setup.pars['f_wage_trend'][t] if female else setup.pars[
    beta = setup.pars['beta_t'][t]
    R = setup.pars['R_t'][t]

    money_t = (R * agrid_s, np.exp(zvals + ztrend), np.zeros_like(zvals))

    if EV is None:
        EV = np.zeros((agrid_s.size, zvals.size), dtype=setup.dtype)

    sname = 'Female, single' if female else 'Male, single'

    taxfun = setup.taxes[sname] if t < setup.pars['Tret'] else lambda x: 0.0 * x

    uu = setup.u_precomputed[sname][
        'u'] if nogpu else setup.cupy.u_precomputed[sname]['u']
    ux = setup.u_precomputed[sname][
        'x'] if nogpu else setup.cupy.u_precomputed[sname]['x']
    mgrid = setup.mgrid_s if nogpu else setup.cupy.mgrid_s
    ls = setup.ls_levels[sname]

    vsgrid = setup.vsgrid_s if nogpu else setup.cupy.vsgrid_s

    V, c, x, s, i_opt, ils, V_all_l = \

    assert np.all(x < 1e-5)  # no x and no labor supply

    V_ret, c_opt, s_opt, i_opt = (q.squeeze(axis=2) for q in (V, c, s, i_opt))

    c_refine = R * agrid_s[:, None] + np.exp(zvals + ztrend)[None, :] - s_opt

    vs = setup.vsgrid_s if nogpu else setup.cupy.vsgrid_s

    EVexp = vs.apply_preserve_shape(EV)
    V_refine = setup.u(c_refine) + ushift + beta * np.take_along_axis(
        EVexp, i_opt, 0)

    def r(x):
        return x.astype(dtype, copy=False)

    return r(V_refine), r(c_opt), r(s_opt)
コード例 #3
ファイル: single_moms.py プロジェクト: egorkozlov/py_shotgun
def v_iter_single_mom(setup,t,EV,ushift):
    agrid_s = setup.agrid_s if nogpu else setup.cupy.agrid_s
    sgrid_s = setup.sgrid_s if nogpu else setup.cupy.sgrid_s
    ls = setup.ls_levels['Female and child']
    taxfun = setup.taxes['Female and child']
    dtype = setup.dtype
    zvals = co(setup.exogrid.zf_t[t])
    ztrend = setup.pars['f_wage_trend'][t]
    R = setup.pars['R_t'][t]
    beta = setup.pars['beta_t'][t]
    wm0 = np.zeros_like(zvals + ztrend)
    money_t = (R*agrid_s,np.exp(zvals + ztrend),wm0)
    if EV is None:
        EV = np.zeros((agrid_s.size,zvals.size,ls.size),dtype=setup.dtype)
    vs = setup.vsgrid_s if nogpu else setup.cupy.vsgrid_s
    # I add virtual theta axis
    EV_t = (vs, EV[...,None,:])
    uu = setup.u_precomputed['Female and child']['u'] if nogpu else setup.cupy.u_precomputed['Female and child']['u']
    ux = setup.u_precomputed['Female and child']['x'] if nogpu else setup.cupy.u_precomputed['Female and child']['x'] 
    V, c, x, s, i_opt, ils, V_all_l = \
    # remove the virtual axis
    V_old, c, x, s, i_opt, ils, V_all_l = (q.squeeze(axis=2) for q in (V, c, x, s, i_opt, ils, V_all_l))
    u = setup.u_single_k(c,x,ils,ushift)
    EVexp = vs.apply_preserve_shape(EV)    
    V_refine = u + beta*np.take_along_axis(np.take_along_axis(EVexp,i_opt[...,None],0),ils[...,None],2).squeeze(axis=2)
    #print('After retirement (sm) max diff is {}'.format(np.max(np.abs(V_old-V_refine))))
    def r(x): return x.astype(dtype,copy=False)
    return r(V_refine), r(c), r(x), r(s), r(ils)
コード例 #4
def v_iter_couple(setup,t,EV_tuple,ushift,haschild,nbatch=nbatch_def,verbose=False):
    if verbose: start = default_timer()
    agrid = setup.agrid_c
    sgrid = setup.sgrid_c
    dtype = setup.dtype
    key = 'Couple and child' if haschild else 'Couple, no children'
    taxfun = setup.taxes[key] if t < setup.pars['Tret'] else lambda x : 0.0*x
    ls = setup.ls_levels[key]
    uu, ux = setup.u_precomputed[key]['u'],setup.u_precomputed[key]['x']
    upart, ucouple = (setup.u_part_k, setup.u_couple_k) if haschild else (setup.u_part_nk, setup.u_couple_nk)

    nls = len(ls)
    # type conversion is here
    zf  = setup.exogrid.all_t[t][:,0]
    zm  = setup.exogrid.all_t[t][:,1]
    zftrend = setup.pars['f_wage_trend'][t]
    zmtrend = setup.pars['m_wage_trend'][t]

    psi = setup.exogrid.all_t[t][:,2]
    beta = setup.pars['beta_t'][t]
    sigma = setup.pars['crra_power']
    R = setup.pars['R_t'][t]

    wf = np.exp(zf + zftrend)
    wm = np.exp(zm + zmtrend)
    #labor_income = np.exp(zf) + np.exp(zm)
    #money = R*agrid[:,None] + wf[None,:] 
    nexo = setup.pars['nexo_t'][t]
    shp = (setup.na,nexo,setup.ntheta)
    if EV_tuple is None:
        EVr_by_l, EVc_by_l, EV_fem_by_l, EV_mal_by_l = np.zeros((4,) + shp + (nls,),dtype=setup.dtype)
        EVr_by_l, EVc_by_l, EV_fem_by_l, EV_mal_by_l = EV_tuple    
    # type conversion
    sgrid,sigma,beta = (dtype(x) for x in (sgrid,sigma,beta))
    V_couple, c_opt, s_opt, x_opt = np.empty((4,)+shp,dtype)
    i_opt, il_opt = np.empty(shp,np.int16), np.empty(shp,np.int16)
    V_all_l = np.empty(shp+(nls,),dtype=dtype)
    theta_val = dtype(setup.thetagrid)
    # the original problem is max{umult*u(c) + beta*EV}
    # we need to rescale the problem to max{u(c) + beta*EV_resc}
    istart = 0
    ifinish = nbatch if nbatch < nexo else nexo
    # this natually splits everything onto slices
    for ibatch in range(int(np.ceil(nexo/nbatch))):
        #money_i = money[:,istart:ifinish]
        assert ifinish > istart
        money_t = (R*agrid, wf[istart:ifinish], wm[istart:ifinish])
        EV_t = (setup.vsgrid_c,EVr_by_l[:,istart:ifinish,:,:])
        V_pure_i, c_opt_i, x_opt_i, s_opt_i, i_opt_i, il_opt_i, V_all_l_i = \
        V_ret_i = V_pure_i + psi[None,istart:ifinish,None]
        V_couple[:,istart:ifinish,:] = V_ret_i # this estimate of V can be improved
        c_opt[:,istart:ifinish,:] = c_opt_i 
        s_opt[:,istart:ifinish,:] = s_opt_i
        i_opt[:,istart:ifinish,:] = i_opt_i
        x_opt[:,istart:ifinish,:] = x_opt_i
        il_opt[:,istart:ifinish,:] = il_opt_i
        V_all_l[:,istart:ifinish,:,:] = V_all_l_i # we need this for l choice so it is ok
        istart = ifinish
        ifinish = ifinish+nbatch if ifinish+nbatch < nexo else nexo
        if verbose: print('Batch {} done at {} sec'.format(ibatch,default_timer()-start))
    assert np.all(c_opt > 0)
    psi_r = psi[None,:,None].astype(setup.dtype,copy=False)
    # finally obtain value functions of partners
    uf, um = upart(c_opt,x_opt,il_opt,theta_val[None,None,:],ushift,psi_r)
    uc = ucouple(c_opt,x_opt,il_opt,theta_val[None,None,:],ushift,psi_r)
    EVf_all, EVm_all, EVc_all  = (setup.vsgrid_c.apply_preserve_shape(x) for x in (EV_fem_by_l, EV_mal_by_l,EVc_by_l))
    V_fem = uf + beta*np.take_along_axis(np.take_along_axis(EVf_all,i_opt[...,None],0),il_opt[...,None],3).squeeze(axis=3)
    V_mal = um + beta*np.take_along_axis(np.take_along_axis(EVm_all,i_opt[...,None],0),il_opt[...,None],3).squeeze(axis=3)
    V_all = uc + beta*np.take_along_axis(np.take_along_axis(EVc_all,i_opt[...,None],0),il_opt[...,None],3).squeeze(axis=3)
    def r(x): return x
    if V_all.shape[-1] > 1:
        V_weighted = V_fem*setup.thetagrid[None,None,:] + V_mal*(1-setup.thetagrid[None,None,:])
        vd_max = np.max(np.abs(V_weighted - V_all))
        vd_mean = np.mean(np.abs(V_weighted - V_all))
        print('max diff is {}, mean diff is {}'.format(vd_max,vd_mean))
    assert V_all.dtype==EVc_all.dtype==V_couple.dtype
    if uf.shape[-1] > 1:
        assert np.all(np.diff(uf,axis=-1)>0), 'Monotonicity is violated for females in u'
        assert np.all(np.diff(um,axis=-1)<0), 'Monotonicity is violated for males in u'
    if V_fem.shape[-1] > 1:
        assert np.all(np.diff(V_fem,axis=-1)>0), 'Monotonicity is violated for females in V'
        assert np.all(np.diff(V_mal,axis=-1)<0), 'Monotonicity is violated for males in V'
    return r(V_all), r(V_fem), r(V_mal), r(c_opt), r(x_opt), r(s_opt), il_opt, r(V_all_l)
コード例 #5
ファイル: couples.py プロジェクト: egorkozlov/py_shotgun
def v_iter_couple(model,

    setup = model.setup

    if verbose: start = default_timer()

    if gpu:
        np = cp
        np = onp

    nogpu = not gpu

    agrid = setup.agrid_c if nogpu else setup.cupy.agrid_c
    sgrid = setup.sgrid_c if nogpu else setup.cupy.sgrid_c

    dtype = setup.dtype

    key = 'Couple and child' if haschild else 'Couple, no children'

    taxfun = setup.taxes[key] if t < setup.pars['Tret'] else lambda x: 0.0 * x

    ls = setup.ls_levels[key]
    if nogpu:
        uu, ux, mgrid = setup.u_precomputed[key]['u'], setup.u_precomputed[
            key]['x'], setup.mgrid_c
        uu, ux, mgrid = setup.cupy.u_precomputed[key][
            'u'], setup.cupy.u_precomputed[key]['x'], setup.cupy.mgrid_c

    upart, ucouple = (setup.u_part_k,
                      setup.u_couple_k) if haschild else (setup.u_part_nk,

    nls = len(ls)

    # type conversion is here

    all_t = np.array(setup.exogrid.all_t[t], copy=False)

    zf = all_t[:, 0]
    zm = all_t[:, 1]
    zftrend = setup.pars['f_wage_trend'][t]
    zmtrend = setup.pars['m_wage_trend'][t]

    psi = all_t[:, 2]
    beta = setup.pars['beta_t'][t]
    sigma = setup.pars['crra_power']
    R = setup.pars['R_t'][t]

    wf = np.exp(zf + zftrend)
    wm = np.exp(zm + zmtrend)

    nexo = setup.pars['nexo_t'][t]
    shp = (setup.na, nexo, setup.ntheta)

    if EV_tuple is None:
        EVr_by_l, EVc_by_l, EV_fem_by_l, EV_mal_by_l = np.zeros(
            (4, ) + shp + (nls, ), dtype=setup.dtype)
        EVr_by_l, EVc_by_l, EV_fem_by_l, EV_mal_by_l = EV_tuple

    # type conversion
    sigma, beta = (dtype(x) for x in (sigma, beta))

    V_couple, c_opt, s_opt, x_opt = np.empty((4, ) + shp, dtype)
    i_opt, il_opt = np.empty(shp, np.int16), np.empty(shp, np.int16)

    sgrid = sgrid.astype(dtype, copy=False)
    theta_val = dtype(setup.thetagrid) if nogpu else setup.cupy.thetagrid

    # the original problem is max{umult*u(c) + beta*EV}
    # we need to rescale the problem to max{u(c) + beta*EV_resc}

    istart = 0
    ifinish = nbatch if nbatch < nexo else nexo

    # this natually splits everything onto slices

    vs = setup.vsgrid_c if nogpu else setup.cupy.vsgrid_c

    for ibatch in range(int(np.ceil(nexo / nbatch))):
        #money_i = money[:,istart:ifinish]
        assert ifinish > istart

        money_t = (R * agrid, wf[istart:ifinish], wm[istart:ifinish])
        EV_t = (vs, EVr_by_l[:, istart:ifinish, :, :])

        V_pure_i, c_opt_i, x_opt_i, s_opt_i, i_opt_i, il_opt_i, V_all_l_i = \

        V_ret_i = V_pure_i + psi[None, istart:ifinish, None]

        V_couple[:, istart:
                 ifinish, :] = V_ret_i  # this estimate of V can be improved
        c_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = c_opt_i
        s_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = s_opt_i
        i_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = i_opt_i
        x_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = x_opt_i
        il_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = il_opt_i
        #V_all_l[:,istart:ifinish,:,:] = V_all_l_i # we need this for l choice so it is ok

        istart = ifinish
        ifinish = ifinish + nbatch if ifinish + nbatch < nexo else nexo

        if verbose:
            print('Batch {} done at {} sec'.format(ibatch,
                                                   default_timer() - start))

    assert np.all(c_opt > 0)

    psi_r = psi[None, :, None].astype(setup.dtype, copy=False)

    # finally obtain value functions of partners
    uf, um = upart(c_opt, x_opt, il_opt, theta_val[None, None, :], ushift,
    uc = ucouple(c_opt, x_opt, il_opt, theta_val[None, None, :], ushift, psi_r)

    EVf_all, EVm_all, EVc_all = (vs.apply_preserve_shape(x)
                                 for x in (EV_fem_by_l, EV_mal_by_l, EVc_by_l))

    V_fem = uf + beta * np.take_along_axis(
        np.take_along_axis(EVf_all, i_opt[..., None], 0), il_opt[..., None],
    V_mal = um + beta * np.take_along_axis(
        np.take_along_axis(EVm_all, i_opt[..., None], 0), il_opt[..., None],
    V_all = uc + beta * np.take_along_axis(
        np.take_along_axis(EVc_all, i_opt[..., None], 0), il_opt[..., None],

    def r(x):
        return x

    assert V_all.dtype == EVc_all.dtype == V_couple.dtype

    return r(V_all), r(V_fem), r(V_mal), r(c_opt), r(x_opt), r(s_opt), il_opt
コード例 #6
ファイル: solver_couples.py プロジェクト: fblasutt/py_mar
def v_iter_couple(setup,

    if verbose: start = default_timer()

    agrid = setup.agrid_c
    sgrid = setup.sgrid_c

    dtype = setup.dtype

    ls = setup.ls_levels
    nls = len(ls)

    # type conversion is here

    zf = setup.exogrid.all_t[t][:, 0]
    zm = setup.exogrid.all_t[t][:, 1]
    zftrend = setup.pars['f_wage_trend'][t]
    zmtrend = setup.pars['m_wage_trend'][t]

    psi = setup.exogrid.all_t[t][:, 2]
    beta = setup.pars['beta_t'][t]
    sigma = setup.pars['crra_power']
    R = setup.pars['R_t'][t]

    nexo = setup.pars['nexo_t'][t]
    shp = (setup.na, nexo, setup.ntheta)

    wf = np.exp(zf + zftrend)
    wm = np.exp(zm + zmtrend)

    dtype_here = np.float32 if force_f32 else dtype

    if EV_tuple is None:
        EVr_by_l, EVc_by_l, EV_fem_by_l, EV_mal_by_l = np.zeros(
            ((4, ) + shp + (nls, )), dtype=dtype)
        EVr_by_l, EVc_by_l, EV_fem_by_l, EV_mal_by_l = EV_tuple

    # type conversion
    sgrid, sigma, beta = (dtype(x) for x in (sgrid, sigma, beta))

    V_couple, c_opt, s_opt, x_opt = np.empty((4, ) + shp, dtype)
    i_opt, il_opt = np.empty(shp, np.int16), np.empty(shp, np.int16)

    V_all_l = np.empty(shp + (nls, ), dtype=dtype)

    theta_val = dtype(setup.thetagrid)

    # the original problem is max{umult*u(c) + beta*EV}
    # we need to rescale the problem to max{u(c) + beta*EV_resc}

    istart = 0
    ifinish = nbatch if nbatch < nexo else nexo

    #Time husband contribute to build Q
    mt = 1.0 - setup.mlevel

    # this natually splits everything onto slices

    for ibatch in range(int(np.ceil(nexo / nbatch))):
        #money_i = money[:,istart:ifinish]
        assert ifinish > istart

        money_t = (R * agrid, wf[istart:ifinish], wm[istart:ifinish])
        EV_t = (setup.vsgrid_c, EVr_by_l[:, istart:ifinish, :, :])

        V_pure_i, c_opt_i, x_opt_i, s_opt_i, i_opt_i, il_opt_i, V_all_l_i = \

        V_ret_i = V_pure_i + psi[None, istart:ifinish, None]

        # if dtype_here != dtype type conversion happens here

        V_couple[:, istart:
                 ifinish, :] = V_ret_i  # this estimate of V can be improved
        c_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = c_opt_i
        s_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = s_opt_i
        i_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = i_opt_i
        x_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = x_opt_i
        il_opt[:, istart:ifinish, :] = il_opt_i
        V_all_l[:, istart:
                ifinish, :, :] = V_all_l_i  # we need this for l choice so it is ok

        istart = ifinish
        ifinish = ifinish + nbatch if ifinish + nbatch < nexo else nexo

        if verbose:
            print('Batch {} done at {} sec'.format(ibatch,
                                                   default_timer() - start))

    assert np.all(c_opt > 0)

    psi_r = psi[None, :, None].astype(setup.dtype, copy=False)

    # finally obtain value functions of partners
    uf, um = setup.u_part(c_opt, x_opt, il_opt, theta_val[None, None, :],
                          ushift, psi_r)
    uc = setup.u_couple(c_opt, x_opt, il_opt, theta_val[None, None, :], ushift,

    EVf_all, EVm_all, EVc_all = (setup.vsgrid_c.apply_preserve_shape(x)
                                 for x in (EV_fem_by_l, EV_mal_by_l, EVc_by_l))

    V_fem = uf + beta * np.take_along_axis(
        np.take_along_axis(EVf_all, i_opt[..., None], 0), il_opt[..., None],
    V_mal = um + beta * np.take_along_axis(
        np.take_along_axis(EVm_all, i_opt[..., None], 0), il_opt[..., None],
    V_all = uc + beta * np.take_along_axis(
        np.take_along_axis(EVc_all, i_opt[..., None], 0), il_opt[..., None],

    #def r(x): return x.astype(dtype)

    def r(x):
        return x

    assert V_all.dtype == dtype
    assert V_fem.dtype == dtype
    assert V_mal.dtype == dtype
    assert c_opt.dtype == dtype
    assert x_opt.dtype == dtype
    assert s_opt.dtype == dtype

        assert np.allclose(V_all, V_couple, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-3)
        #print('max difference in V is {}'.format(np.max(np.abs(V_all-V_couple))))

    return r(V_all), r(V_fem), r(V_mal), r(c_opt), r(x_opt), r(
        s_opt), il_opt, r(V_all_l)