class WebsocketClient: def __init__(self, symbol, expiry, api_key, acess_token, underlying): # Create kite ticker instance self.kws = KiteTicker(api_key, acess_token, debug=True) self.symbol = symbol self.expiry = expiry self.underlying = underlying self.instrumentClass = InstrumentMaster(api_key) self.token_list = self.instrumentClass.fetch_contract( self.symbol, str(self.expiry), self.underlying) self.q = Queue() def form_option_chain(self, q): """ Wrapper method around fetch and create option chain """ while 1: complete_option_data = self.instrumentClass.generate_optionChain( self.token_list) # Store queue data q.put(complete_option_data) def on_ticks(self, ws, ticks): """ Push each tick to DB """ for tick in ticks: contract_detail = self.instrumentClass.fetch_token_detail( tick['instrument_token']) # For EQ underlying instrument don't fetch OI and volume(for INDICES) value if contract_detail['type'] == 'EQ': optionData = { 'token': tick['instrument_token'], 'symbol': contract_detail['symbol'], 'last_price': tick['last_price'], 'change': tick['change'] } else: optionData = { 'token': tick['instrument_token'], 'symbol': contract_detail['symbol'], 'last_price': tick['last_price'], 'volume': tick['volume'], 'change': tick['change'], 'oi': tick['oi'] } # Store each tick to redis with symbol and token as key pair self.instrumentClass.store_option_data(contract_detail['symbol'], tick['instrument_token'], optionData) def on_connect(self, ws, response): ws.subscribe(self.token_list) ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_FULL, self.token_list) def on_close(self, ws, code, reason): logging.error("closed connection on close: {} {}".format(code, reason)) def on_error(self, ws, code, reason): logging.error("closed connection on error: {} {}".format(code, reason)) def on_noreconnect(self, ws): logging.error("Reconnecting the websocket failed") def on_reconnect(self, ws, attempt_count): logging.debug("Reconnecting the websocket: {}".format(attempt_count)) def assign_callBacks(self): # Assign all the callbacks self.kws.on_ticks = self.on_ticks self.kws.on_connect = self.on_connect self.kws.on_close = self.on_close self.kws.on_error = self.on_error self.kws.on_noreconnect = self.on_noreconnect self.kws.on_reconnect = self.on_reconnect self.kws.connect() def queue_callBacks(self): """ Wrapper around ticker callbacks with multiprocess Queue """ # Process to keep updating real time tick to DB Process(target=self.assign_callBacks, ).start() # Delay to let intial instrument DB sync # For option chain to fetch value # Required only during initial run time.sleep(2) # Process to fetch option chain in real time from Redis Process(target=self.form_option_chain, args=(self.q, )).start()
class WebsocketClient: def __init__(self, symbol, expiry, api_key, acess_token): # Create kite ticker instance self.kws = KiteTicker(api_key, acess_token, debug=True) self.symbol = symbol self.expiry = expiry self.instrumentClass = InstrumentMaster(api_key) self.token_list = self.instrumentClass.fetch_contract( self.symbol, str(self.expiry)) self.q = Queue() # Set access_token for Quote API call self.kite.set_access_token(["access_token"]) def form_option_chain(self, q): """ Wrapper method around fetch and create option chain """ while 1: complete_option_data = self.instrumentClass.generate_optionChain( self.token_list) # Store queue data q.put(complete_option_data) def on_ticks(self, ws, ticks): """ Push each tick to DB """ for tick in ticks: contract_detail = self.instrumentClass.fetch_token_detail( tick['instrument_token']) expiry_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.expiry, '%Y-%m-%d') # calculate time difference from contract expiry time_difference = (expiry_date - contract = 'NSE:{}'.format(contract_detail['name']) # fetch underlying contract ltp from Quote API call eq_detail = self.kite.quote([contract]) # Calculate IV if contract_detail['type'] == 'CE': iv = implied_volatility('CALL', eq_detail[contract]['last_price'], contract_detail['strike'], time_difference, 0.04, tick['last_price']) elif contract_detail['type'] == 'PE': iv = implied_volatility('PUT', eq_detail[contract]['last_price'], contract_detail['strike'], time_difference, 0.04, tick['last_price']) optionData = { 'token': tick['instrument_token'], 'symbol': contract_detail['symbol'], 'last_price': tick['last_price'], 'volume': tick['volume'], 'change': tick['change'], 'oi': tick['oi'], 'iv': iv } # Store each tick to redis with symbol and token as key pair self.instrumentClass.store_option_data(contract_detail['symbol'], tick['instrument_token'], optionData) def on_connect(self, ws, response): ws.subscribe(self.token_list) ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_FULL, self.token_list) def on_close(self, ws, code, reason): logging.error("closed connection on close: {} {}".format(code, reason)) def on_error(self, ws, code, reason): logging.error("closed connection on error: {} {}".format(code, reason)) def on_noreconnect(self, ws): logging.error("Reconnecting the websocket failed") def on_reconnect(self, ws, attempt_count): logging.debug("Reconnecting the websocket: {}".format(attempt_count)) def assign_callBacks(self): # Assign all the callbacks self.kws.on_ticks = self.on_ticks self.kws.on_connect = self.on_connect self.kws.on_close = self.on_close self.kws.on_error = self.on_error self.kws.on_noreconnect = self.on_noreconnect self.kws.on_reconnect = self.on_reconnect self.kws.connect() def queue_callBacks(self): """ Wrapper around ticker callbacks with multiprocess Queue """ # Process to keep updating real time tick to DB Process(target=self.assign_callBacks, ).start() # Delay to let intial instrument DB sync # For option chain to fetch value # Required only during initial run time.sleep(2) # Process to fetch option chain in real time from Redis Process(target=self.form_option_chain, args=(self.q, )).start()