コード例 #1
ファイル: parser_composer.py プロジェクト: flaviobarros/pyxam
def parse():
    Converts mixed files from source to an intermediate based on the extension of the template file. Once converted the
    intermediate is run through the default filters and the extension formatter's processors.

    :return: A list of intermediates corresponding to each of the mixed files
    intermediates, parser = [], get_format(options.state.template())
    if not parser['format']:
        raise FormatError('This format is export only!')
    # Loop through all weaved files
    for file in fileutil.with_extension('.tex'):
        options.post('Using ' + parser['name'] + ' format to parse ' + file)
        intermediate = util.Map({
            'ast': [],
            'src': parser['parser_preprocessor'](fileutil.read(file)),
            'fmt': parser,
            'name': file.replace('.tex', '')
        intermediate.ast = parse_tokens(intermediate.src, parser)
        for default_filter in config.default_filters:
            intermediate.ast = default_filter(intermediate.ast)
        intermediate = parser['parser_postprocessor'](intermediate)
        fileutil.write(options.state.cwd() + '/parsed-ast', ''.join(str_token(intermediate.ast)))
    options.post('Successfully parsed', parser['name'] + '.')
    return intermediates
コード例 #2
ファイル: plugin_loader.py プロジェクト: balancededge/pyxam
def load_plugins():
    Call the load function on all plugins in the appropriate order. Loads the following
     - `plugins -plg` List all currently loaded plugins
    options.add_option('plugins', '-plg', 'List all currently loaded plugins', False, bool)
    plugins = [plugin[:-3] for plugin in os.listdir(config.plugin_directory) if plugin.endswith('.py')]
    # Put logging at the start of list
    plugins.insert(0, plugins.pop(plugins.index('_logging')))
    # Put options at the end of the list
    # Attempt to load plugins
    for plugin in plugins:
            exec('import plugins.{}; load(plugins.{}.load())'.format(plugin, plugin))
            logging.info('Loaded ' + plugin)
        except AttributeError:
            raise PluginError('Failed to load ' + plugin + ': plugin has no load function')
        except TypeError:
            raise PluginError('Failed to load ' + plugin + ': plugin returned an invalid plugin signature or was None')
    # Display plugin list and exit
    options.post('Successfully loaded', len(_plugins), 'plugins.')
    if options.state.plugins():
        for plugin in _plugins.values():
            print('\t' + plugin['name'] + ' by ' + plugin['author'] + '\n\t\t' + plugin['description'])
コード例 #3
ファイル: mixer.py プロジェクト: balancededge/pyxam
def setup():
    Mix the composed files with the specified method then copy all mixed files to the out directory with the
    appropriate names. If any files are in the figure directory they are copied out as well.
    for n in range(options.state.number()):
        mix(n, {'first': '', 'last': '', 'name': '','number': ''}, default=True)
    _methods[options.state.method()](options.state.number(), csv_read(options.state.population()))
    options.post('Template successfully weaved.')
コード例 #4
ファイル: lib_loader.py プロジェクト: balancededge/pyxam
def pdflatex(file):
    Calls pdflatex on a LaTeX file to compile it. By default no output is shown and no user input is allowed. If this
    fails the compilation is attempted again but this time pdflatex is run in interactive mode to allow the user to see
    what issues there may be.
    :param file: The path to the LaTeX file to compile
        with open(os.devnull, 'r') as stdin:
            subprocess.check_output(['pdflatex', '-shell-escape', file], stdin=stdin, cwd=options.state.out())
    if not any(os.path.isfile(file[:-3] + extension) for extension in ['pdf', 'dvi']):
        options.post('Failed to compile latex file: ' + file + '\n' + 'Running pdflatex in interactive mode...')
        subprocess.call(['pdflatex', '-shell-escape', file], cwd=options.state.out())
コード例 #5
def setup():
    Mix the composed files with the specified method then copy all mixed files to the out directory with the
    appropriate names. If any files are in the figure directory they are copied out as well.
    for n in range(options.state.number()):
        mix(n, {
            'first': '',
            'last': '',
            'name': '',
            'number': ''
    options.post('Template successfully weaved.')
コード例 #6
def pdf_compile():
    Compiles any tex files in the out directory to PDF or DVI depending on what `compile_format` is set to. All
    additional files (aux, log, tex) are removed once compilation completes.
    options.post('Compiling', len(fileutil.with_extension('.tex')), 'files.')
    for file in fileutil.with_extension('.tex'):
        if compile_format == 'dvi':
            fileutil.write(file, '%&latex\n' + fileutil.read(file))
            fileutil.remove(file.replace('.tex', '.pdf'))
        for i in range(options.state.recomps()):
    fileutil.remove(fileutil.with_extension(['.aux', '.log', '.tex']))
    options.post('Finished compiling.\n')
コード例 #7
ファイル: format_pdf.py プロジェクト: balancededge/pyxam
def pdf_compile():
    Compiles any tex files in the out directory to PDF or DVI depending on what `compile_format` is set to. All
    additional files (aux, log, tex) are removed once compilation completes.
    options.post('Compiling', len(fileutil.with_extension('.tex')), 'files.')
    for file in fileutil.with_extension('.tex'):
        if compile_format == 'dvi':
            fileutil.write(file, '%&latex\n' + fileutil.read(file))
            fileutil.remove(file.replace('.tex', '.pdf'))
        for i in range(options.state.recomps()):
    fileutil.remove(fileutil.with_extension(['.aux', '.log', '.tex']))
    options.post('Finished compiling.\n')
コード例 #8
def pdflatex(file):
    Calls pdflatex on a LaTeX file to compile it. By default no output is shown and no user input is allowed. If this
    fails the compilation is attempted again but this time pdflatex is run in interactive mode to allow the user to see
    what issues there may be.
    :param file: The path to the LaTeX file to compile
        with open(os.devnull, 'r') as stdin:
            subprocess.check_output(['pdflatex', '-shell-escape', file],
    if not any(
            os.path.isfile(file[:-3] + extension)
            for extension in ['pdf', 'dvi']):
        options.post('Failed to compile latex file: ' + file + '\n' +
                     'Running pdflatex in interactive mode...')
        subprocess.call(['pdflatex', '-shell-escape', file],
コード例 #9
ファイル: parser_composer.py プロジェクト: flaviobarros/pyxam
def compose(intermediates):
    Converts intermediates to a source file based on the format option. The formatter's processors are run on the
    intermediate and final source. If the source is being converted to the same format it came from the intermediate
    will be discarded in favour of the original source.

    :param intermediates: A list of intermediates
        composer = formats[options.state.format()]
        raise FormatError('Unknown format')
    for intermediate in intermediates:
        composed = intermediate.src
        # If not already in native format
        if intermediate.fmt != composer:
            intermediate = composer['composer_preprocessor'](intermediate)
            fileutil.write(options.state.cwd() + '/composed-ast', ''.join(str_token(intermediate.ast)))
            composed = ''.join([pack(token, composer) for token in intermediate.ast]).strip()
        composed = composer['composer_postprocessor'](composed)
        fileutil.write(intermediate.name + '.cmp', composed)
    options.post('Successfully composed', composer['name'] + '.')
コード例 #10
ファイル: pyxam.py プロジェクト: balancededge/pyxam
def goodbye():
    Posts a goodbye message
    options.post('Thanks for using Pyxam, have a nice day!')
コード例 #11
ファイル: pyxam.py プロジェクト: balancededge/pyxam
def welcome():
    Posts the Pyxam title and version number
    options.post(title, '\n\n\tLatex Exam Generation.', __version__, '\n')
コード例 #12
ファイル: pyxam.py プロジェクト: flaviobarros/pyxam
def goodbye():
    Posts a goodbye message
    options.post('Thanks for using Pyxam, have a nice day!')
コード例 #13
ファイル: pyxam.py プロジェクト: flaviobarros/pyxam
def welcome():
    Posts the Pyxam title and version number
    options.post(title, '\n\n\tLatex Exam Generation.', __version__, '\n')