コード例 #1
 # export computations to tab file [person level]
 if export_computations_person == True:
     print '[Person Level] Exporting computations to: %s' % out_table_name_person_computations
     persons.write_dataset(attributes = ['person_id', 'home2work_travel_time_min', 'work2home_travel_time_min', 'travel_cost_per_person'], 
                         out_storage = storage_output, 
                         out_table_name = out_table_name_person_computations)
 # Exports according to case study
 if case_study == 'brussels' and policy_level == 'zone':
     # export computations to tab file [zone level]
     if export_computations_zone == True:
         print '[Zone Level] Exporting computations to: %s' % out_table_name_computations
         zones.write_dataset(attributes = ['income_per_zone', 'housing_cost_per_zone', 'travel_cost_per_zone', 'utility_of_residents_zone'], 
                         out_storage = storage_output, 
                         out_table_name = out_table_name_computations)
     # Summarize utility_of_residents_zone attributes
     swf_per_year = zones.attribute_sum('utility_of_residents_zone')
 elif case_study == 'zurich' and policy_level == 'parcel':
     # export computations to tab file [parcel level]
     if export_computations_parcel == True:
         print '[Parcel Level] Exporting computations to: %s' % out_table_name_computations
         parcels.write_dataset(attributes = ['income_per_parcel', 'housing_cost_per_parcel', 'travel_cost_per_parcel', 'utility_of_residents_parcel'], 
                             out_storage = storage_output, 
                             out_table_name = out_table_name_computations)
     # Summarize utility_of_residents_zone attributes
     swf_per_year = parcels.attribute_sum('utility_of_residents_parcel')
 print 'Social Welfare for year %s: %s' % (year, swf_per_year)
 # Place swf idicator value for the running year into a dict storage
 # Add swf as primary attribute for the running year
 swf_indicators.add_elements(data = {"swf_id":array([1]),
                                     "social_welfare":array([swf_per_year])}, require_all_attributes = True, change_ids_if_not_unique = True)
コード例 #2
     # export computations to tab file [zone level]
     if export_computations_zone == True:
         print '[Zone Level] Exporting computations to: %s' % out_table_name_computations
         print 'Time Start: %s' % strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %X", gmtime())
         zones.write_dataset(attributes = ['income_per_zone', 
                                           'travel_benefit_car', #'travel_benefit_pt',
                         out_storage = storage_output, 
                         out_table_name = out_table_name_computations)
         print 'Time End: %s' % strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %X", gmtime())
     # Compute social welfare per year by summarizing attributes
     swf_per_year = zones.attribute_sum('utility_of_residents_zone') \
     + zones.attribute_sum('utility_of_commuters') \
     + zones.attribute_sum('utility_of_the_rest_of_the_world')
 elif case_study == 'zurich' and policy_level == 'parcel':
     # export computations to tab file [parcel level]
     if export_computations_parcel == True:
         print '[Parcel Level] Exporting computations to: %s' % out_table_name_computations
         print 'Time Start: %s' % strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %X", gmtime())
         parcels.write_dataset(attributes = ['income_per_parcel', 
                                             'travel_benefit_car', #'travel_benefit_pt',
                             out_storage = storage_output,