コード例 #1
    def _visualize(self, args, cache_directory = None):

        self.visualizations = []
        indicators_to_visualize = {}
        interface = IndicatorFrameworkInterface(self.project)
        not_visualized = []
        #get common years
        years = set([])
        for indicator in self.indicators:
            years |= set(indicator['years'])

        source_data_objs = {}
        for indicator in self.indicators:
            indicator_name = indicator['indicator_name']
            source_data_name = indicator['source_data_name']
            dataset_name = indicator['dataset_name']
            if (self.indicator_type == 'mapnik_map' or self.indicator_type == 'mapnik_animated_map') and dataset_name not in self.spatial_datasets:

            if source_data_name not in source_data_objs:
                source_data = interface.get_source_data(
                                             source_data_name = source_data_name,
                                             years = list(years),
                                             cache_directory = cache_directory
                source_data_objs[source_data_name] = source_data
                source_data = source_data_objs[source_data_name]

            indicator = interface.get_indicator(
                                         indicator_name = indicator_name,
                                         dataset_name = dataset_name)

            computed_indicator = interface.get_computed_indicator(indicator = indicator,
                                                                  source_data = source_data,
                                                                  dataset_name = dataset_name)
            computed_indicator.gui_indicator_name = indicator_name
            #hack to get plausible primary keys...
            cache_directory = source_data.cache_directory
            _storage_location = os.path.join(cache_directory,

            storage = StorageFactory().get_storage(
                           type = 'flt_storage',
                           storage_location = _storage_location)
            cols = storage.get_column_names(
                        table_name = dataset_name)

            primary_keys = [col for col in cols if col.find('_id') != -1]
            computed_indicator.primary_keys = primary_keys

            name = computed_indicator.get_file_name(
                suppress_extension_addition = True)

            indicators_to_visualize[name] = computed_indicator

        viz_args = {}

        if self.indicator_type == 'mapnik_map':
            viz_type = self.indicator_type
        elif self.indicator_type == 'mapnik_animated_map':
            viz_type = self.indicator_type
        elif self.indicator_type == 'matplotlib_chart':
            viz_type = self.indicator_type
        elif self.indicator_type == 'tab':
            viz_type = 'table'
            if 'output_style' not in viz_args:
                viz_args['output_style'] = Table.ALL
            viz_args['output_type'] = 'tab'
        elif self.indicator_type == 'table_esri':
            viz_type = 'table'
            if 'output_style' not in viz_args:
                viz_args['output_style'] = Table.ALL
            viz_args['output_type'] = 'esri'
        elif self.indicator_type == 'table_per_year':
            viz_type = 'table'
            if 'output_style' not in viz_args:
                viz_args['output_style'] = Table.PER_YEAR
            viz_args['output_type'] = 'tab'
        elif self.indicator_type == 'table_per_attribute':
            viz_type = 'table'
            if 'output_style' not in viz_args:
                viz_args['output_style'] = Table.PER_ATTRIBUTE
            viz_args['output_type'] = 'tab'


#        try:
#            import pydevd;pydevd.settrace()
#        except:
#            pass

        viz_factory = VisualizationFactory()
        self.visualizations = viz_factory.visualize(
                                  indicators_to_visualize = indicators_to_visualize.keys(),
                                  computed_indicators = indicators_to_visualize,
                                  visualization_type = viz_type, **viz_args)

        if self.visualizations is None:
            self.visualizations = []

        return not_visualized