コード例 #1
ファイル: hl_decoder.py プロジェクト: mdhatmaker/Audio-python
    def test_decode(self):
        decoder = Decoder(48000, 2)

        packet = chr((63 << 2) + 3) + chr(49)
        for j in range(2, 51):
            packet += chr(0)

            decoder.decode(packet, frame_size=960)
        except OpusError as e:
            self.assertEqual(e.code, constants.INVALID_PACKET)

        packet = chr(63 << 2) + chr(0) + chr(0)

            decoder.decode(packet, frame_size=60)
        except OpusError as e:
            self.assertEqual(e.code, constants.BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)

            decoder.decode(packet, frame_size=480)
        except OpusError as e:
            self.assertEqual(e.code, constants.BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)

            decoder.decode(packet, frame_size=960)
        except OpusError:
            self.fail('Decode failed')
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, main_client, channel):
        :param main_client: The :class:`~.curious.core.client.Client` object associated with this
        :param channel: The :class:`~.Channel` associated with this VoiceClient.

        #: The main client this voice client is associated with.
        self.client = main_client

        #: The voice channel this client is connected to.
        self.channel = channel

        #: The voice websocket that we are connected to.
        self.vs_ws = None  # type: VoiceGateway

        #: The UDP socket that we are connected to.
        self._sock = None  # type: socket.socket

        self.main_task = None  # type: curio.Task

        # Header related stuff
        self.sequence = 0  # sequence is 2 bytes
        self.timestamp = 0  # timestamp is 4 bytes

        # Opus encoder/decoder
        # Do not use
        self.encoder = Encoder(48000, 2, 'audio')
        self.encoder.bitrate = 96000
        self.decoder = Decoder(48000, 2)
コード例 #3
ファイル: hl_decoder.py プロジェクト: mdhatmaker/Audio-python
    def test_create(self):
            Decoder(1000, 3)
        except OpusError as e:
            self.assertEqual(e.code, constants.BAD_ARG)

        Decoder(48000, 2)
コード例 #4
ファイル: hl_decoder.py プロジェクト: mdhatmaker/Audio-python
    def test_decode_float(self):
        decoder = Decoder(48000, 2)

        packet = chr(63 << 2) + chr(0) + chr(0)
            decoder.decode_float(packet, frame_size=960)
        except OpusError:
            self.fail('Decode failed')
コード例 #5
ファイル: hl_decoder.py プロジェクト: mdhatmaker/Audio-python
    def test_gain(self):
        decoder = Decoder(48000, 2)

        self.assertEqual(decoder.gain, 0)

            decoder.gain = -32769
        except OpusError as e:
            self.assertEqual(e.code, constants.BAD_ARG)

            decoder.gain = 32768
        except OpusError as e:
            self.assertEqual(e.code, constants.BAD_ARG)

        decoder.gain = -15
        self.assertEqual(decoder.gain, -15)
コード例 #6
def get_encoder(encoding: str, rate: int):
    if encoding == "LINEAR16":
        return lambda audio_chunk: list(map(lambda x: int(x), audio_chunk))
    elif encoding == "RAW_OPUS":
        from opuslib import Decoder
        decode = Decoder(rate, channels=1).decode
        return lambda audio_chunk: list(map(lambda x: int(x), decode(audio_chunk, frame_size=int(0.12 * rate))))
        raise NotImplemented("Another encoding is not supported")
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self, bot):
     self.voice_states = {}
     self.tokenizer = gtts_token.Token()
     self.servers_recording = set()
     self.recording_data = {}
     if Decoder:
         self.opus_decoder = Decoder(48000, 2)
         self.opus_decoder = None
     self.logger = self.logger.getChild('voice')
     self.disconnect_task = self.loop.create_task(self.disconnect_bg_task())
コード例 #8
ファイル: hl_decoder.py プロジェクト: mdhatmaker/Audio-python
    def test_get_pitch(self):
        decoder = Decoder(48000, 2)

        self.assertIn(decoder.pitch, (-1, 0))

        packet = chr(63 << 2) + chr(0) + chr(0)
        decoder.decode(packet, frame_size=960)
        self.assertIn(decoder.pitch, (-1, 0))

        packet = chr(1) + chr(0) + chr(0)
        decoder.decode(packet, frame_size=960)
        self.assertIn(decoder.pitch, (-1, 0))
コード例 #9
ファイル: hl_decoder.py プロジェクト: mdhatmaker/Audio-python
 def test_reset_state(self):
     decoder = Decoder(48000, 2)
コード例 #10
ファイル: hl_decoder.py プロジェクト: mdhatmaker/Audio-python
 def test_get_bandwidth(self):
     decoder = Decoder(48000, 2)
     self.assertEqual(decoder.bandwidth, 0)
コード例 #11
import asyncio
import zlib
import queue
import threading
import audioop

from collections import namedtuple
from google.cloud import speech
from opuslib import Decoder

from config.config import Config
from config.config import Server
from config.config import Opus

dec = Decoder(Opus.rate, Opus.channels)

class VoiceTranscription():
    def __init__(self):
        self.buffer = queue.Queue()
        self.buffer_response = queue.Queue()

    async def new_client(self):
        client = EchoServerProtocol()

    def put_buffer(self, data):

    def get_buffer(self):
        if self.buffer_response.empty():
コード例 #12
import io
import sys
import os
import time

from opuslib import Encoder, Decoder

file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../resources',

rate = 48000
channels = 2
chunk = 960

enc = Encoder(rate, channels, 'audio')
dec = Decoder(rate, channels)

wf = wave.open(file_name, 'rb')

p = pyaudio.PyAudio()

def callback(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
    data = wf.readframes(frame_count)
    opus_audio = enc.encode(data, 960)
    decoded = dec.decode(opus_audio, 960)
    return (decoded, pyaudio.paContinue)

コード例 #13
class VoiceClient(object):
    The voice client instance controls connecting to Discord's voice servers.

    This should ***not*** be created directly - instead use :class:`~.Channel.connect()` to connect
    to a voice channel, and use the instance returned from.
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not has_opus or not has_nacl:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot make new VoiceClients without libopus installed")

        return super().__new__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __init__(self, main_client, channel):
        :param main_client: The :class:`~.curious.core.client.Client` object associated with this
        :param channel: The :class:`~.Channel` associated with this VoiceClient.

        #: The main client this voice client is associated with.
        self.client = main_client

        #: The voice channel this client is connected to.
        self.channel = channel

        #: The voice websocket that we are connected to.
        self.vs_ws = None  # type: VoiceGateway

        #: The UDP socket that we are connected to.
        self._sock = None  # type: socket.socket

        self.main_task = None  # type: curio.Task

        # Header related stuff
        self.sequence = 0  # sequence is 2 bytes
        self.timestamp = 0  # timestamp is 4 bytes

        # Opus encoder/decoder
        # Do not use
        self.encoder = Encoder(48000, 2, 'audio')
        self.encoder.bitrate = 96000
        self.decoder = Decoder(48000, 2)

    def open(self):
        return self.vs_ws._open

    # Voice encoder related things.
    def get_packet_header(self) -> bytes:
        Gets the voice packet header.

        :return: The bytes of the header.
        header = bytearray(12)

        # constant values, provided by the docs
        header[0:2] = b"\x80\x78"

        # dynamic values
        # offset 2 -> sequence
        struct.pack_into(">H", header, 2, self.sequence)
        # offset 4 -> timestamp
        struct.pack_into(">I", header, 4, self.timestamp)
        # offset 8 -> ssrc
        struct.pack_into(">I", header, 8, self.vs_ws.ssrc)

        return header

    def get_voice_packet(self, opus_body: bytes) -> bytes:
        Gets the voice packet to send to Discord, after encryption.

        :param opus_body: The body of the packet to encrypt.
        :return: The bytes of the packet.
        header = self.get_packet_header()
        nonce = bytearray(24)
        # copy the header into nonce
        nonce[:12] = header

        encryptor = SecretBox(bytes(self.vs_ws.secret_key))
        encrypted_body = encryptor.encrypt(opus_body, nonce=bytes(nonce))

        # pack_nonce is True, so the body can just be concatted
        return bytes(header + encrypted_body.ciphertext)

    def get_ip_discovery_packet(self) -> bytes:
        Gets the IP discovery packet to send to Discord.
        packet = bytearray(70)
        packet[0:4] = struct.pack(">I", self.vs_ws.ssrc)

        return packet

    def unpack_packet(self, data: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int, int, bytes]:
        Unpacks a voice packet received from Discord.

        :param data: The data to unpack.
        :return: A tuple of (ssrc, sequence, timestamp, data).
        header = data[:12]
        encrypted_data = data[12:]

        # unpack header data
        type_ = header[0]
        version = header[1]
        sequence = struct.unpack(">H", header[2:4])[0]
        timestamp = struct.unpack(">I", header[4:8])[0]
        ssrc = struct.unpack(">I", header[8:12])[0]

        # okay, for some reason discord sends malformed packets
        # 0x90 as type means we need to chop off the first 8 bytes from the decrypted data
        # because it's invalid opus
        # first, decrypt the data

        nonce = bytearray(24)
        nonce[:12] = header

        encryptor = SecretBox(bytes(self.vs_ws.secret_key))
        decrypted = encryptor.decrypt(encrypted_data, nonce=bytes(nonce))

        if type_ == 0x90:
            decrypted = decrypted[8:]

        pcm_frames = self.decoder.decode(decrypted, 960)

        return ssrc, sequence, timestamp, pcm_frames

    def _send_voice_packet(self, built_packet: bytes):
        Sends a voice packet.

        :param built_packet: The final built packet, as got by :meth:`.get_voice_packet`.
        # Overflow values as appropriate.
        sequence = self.sequence + 1
        self.sequence = simulate_overflow(sequence, 2 * 8, False)

        timestamp = self.timestamp + (20 * 48)
        self.timestamp = simulate_overflow(timestamp, 2 * 16, False)

                              (self.vs_ws.endpoint, self.vs_ws.port))
        except BlockingIOError:
            # can't send rn, oh well
            # opus is built for this
                "Failed to send voice packet! Sequence: {}, timestamp: {}".
                format(self.sequence, self.timestamp))

    def send_opus_data(self, opus_data: bytes):
        Sends an opus-encoded voice packet.

        :param opus_data: The data to send.
        packet = self.get_voice_packet(opus_data)

    def send_voice_packet(self, voice_data: bytes):
        Sends voice data from a PCM buffer.

        :param voice_data: The raw PCM voice data to send.
        data = self.encoder.encode(voice_data, 960)

    def play_path(self, path: str):
        Plays a file using ffmpeg.
        player = vp.VoicePlayer(self, path)

    async def poll(self):
        Polls the voice websocket constantly for new events.
        while True:
            await self.vs_ws.next_event()

    async def close(self):
        Closes the websocket. 
        await self.vs_ws._close()
        await self.main_task.cancel()

    async def connect(self, timeout: int = 10) -> None:
        Connects the voice client to the UDP server.

        :param timeout: The timeout before the connection is closed.
        logger.info("Opening UDP connection to Discord voice servers.")
        # Wait before the voice socket is ready.
        await self.vs_ws._ready.wait()
        # Open our UDP connection.
        # TODO: Make this IPv6 compatible, if appropriate.
        # Now, you may be wondering why we use raw UDP sockets instead of using "nice" sockets.
        # This is because we need a voice thread to be able to access it.
        # This prevents blocking actions from killing the entire voice connection.

        addrinfo = await getaddrinfo(self.vs_ws.endpoint, self.vs_ws.port, 0,

        for item in addrinfo:
                new_socket = socket.socket(item[0], item[1])
                logger.debug("Failed to make socket", exc_info=True)
            raise ConnectionError("Could not create voice socket")

        self._sock = new_socket

        # Send an IP discovery packet.
        logger.info("Connecting to {}:{}".format(self.vs_ws.endpoint,
        packet = self.get_ip_discovery_packet()
        logger.debug("Sending IP discovery packet")
        self._sock.sendto(packet, (self.vs_ws.endpoint, self.vs_ws.port))

        # Wait for our local IP to be received.
            packet_data, addr = await curio.timeout_after(
                timeout, curio.abide(self._sock.recvfrom, 70))
        except curio.TaskTimeout:
        logger.debug("Got IP discovery packet!")

        # IP is encoded in ASCII, from the forth byte to the first \x00 byte.
        # Find the index of the null byte, starting from 4th.
        ip_start = 4
        ip_end = packet_data.index(0, ip_start)
        our_ip = packet_data[ip_start:ip_end].decode('ascii')

        # Also, we need our local port.
        # Unpack the little-endian (thanks discord!) port from the very end of the voice packet.
        our_port = struct.unpack_from('<H', packet_data,
                                      len(packet_data) - 2)[0]

        # Ask the voice websocket to send our SESSION DESCRIPTION packet.
        await self.vs_ws.send_select_protocol(our_ip, our_port)
        await self.vs_ws._got_secret_key.wait()
        logger.info("Established connection to Discord's voice servers.")


        # We are DONW!

    async def create(cls, main_client, gateway, channel) -> 'VoiceClient':
        Creates a new VoiceClient from a channel and a gateway instance.

        :param main_client: The main :class:`.Client` to use.
        :param gateway: The gateway instance to use.
        :param channel: The :class:`~.Channel` to connect to.
        vs_ws = await VoiceGateway.from_gateway(gw=gateway,
        obb = cls(main_client, channel=channel)
        obb.vs_ws = vs_ws
        obb.main_task = await curio.spawn(obb.poll())
        return obb