def main(): s_conn_str = "wlblazers/[email protected]:1522/orcl" s_conn = oracle.ConnectOracleAsSysdba(s_conn_str) if s_conn is None: print "Connect error" else: print "Connect successfully" str = 'select status from v$instance' status = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) print "current status is: %s" % (status) time.sleep(300)
def exe_muitl_cmd(hostname, port, username, password): conn_str = "wlblazers/[email protected]:1522/orcl" conn = oracle.ConnectOracleAsSysdba(conn_str) paramiko.util.log_to_file("paramiko.log") ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname=hostname, port=port, username=username, password=password) #cmd_list="""["whoami", "pwd", "ls -al"]""" #stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd_list) #stdin.write("Y") # Generally speaking, the first connection, need a simple interaction. #print cmd_list = "ps -ef | grep '(LOCAL=NO)' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd_list + "\n") stdin.write( "Y" ) # Generally speaking, the first connection, need a simple interaction. spid_str = spid_str = spid_str.replace("\n", " ") #spid_list=spid_str.split("\n") #spid_list.pop() print type(spid_str) print spid_str print ssh.close() str = "select p.spid from v$session s, v$process p where s.paddr = p.addr and s.program like 'python%' and type!='BACKGROUND' " spid = oracle.GetMultiValue(conn, str) for line in spid: print type(line[0]) print "line: %s" % (line) spid_str = spid_str.replace(line[0], " ") print spid_str
except Exception as e: logger.error(e) sys.exit(2) s_str = """select concat(username, '/', password, '@', host, ':', port, '/', dsn) from db_cfg_oracle where id=%s """ % ( sta_id) s_conn_str = mysql.GetSingleValue(mysql_conn, s_str) s_str = """select concat(username, '/', password, '@', host, ':', port, '/', dsn) from db_cfg_oracle where id=%s """ % ( sta_id) s_nopass_str = mysql.GetSingleValue(mysql_conn, s_str)"The standby database is: " + s_nopass_str + ", the id is: " + str(sta_id)) s_conn = oracle.ConnectOracleAsSysdba(s_conn_str) try: common.operation_lock(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SNAPSHOT_STOP') common.init_op_instance(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SNAPSHOT_STOP') #初始化切换实例 if s_conn is None: logger.error("Connect to standby database error, exit!!!") common.update_op_reason(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SNAPSHOT_STOP', '连接数据库失败') common.update_op_result(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SNAPSHOT_STOP', '-1') sys.exit(2)
def switch2standby(mysql_conn, group_id, p_conn, p_conn_str, pri_id): result = -1"Switchover database to physical standby in progress...") # get database role str = 'select database_role from v$database' role = oracle.GetSingleValue(p_conn, str) common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '获取数据库角色成功', 15, 2)"The current database role is: " + role) # get switchover status str = 'select switchover_status from v$database' switch_status = oracle.GetSingleValue(p_conn, str)"The current database switchover status is: " + switch_status) # get gap count str = 'select count(1) from v$archive_gap' gap_count = oracle.GetSingleValue(p_conn, str)"The current database gap_count is: %s" % (gap_count)) # get database version str = """select substr(version, 0, instr(version, '.')-1) from v$instance""" version = oracle.GetSingleValue(p_conn, str) # get standby redo log str = 'select count(1) from v$standby_log' log_count = oracle.GetSingleValue(p_conn, str)"The current database has %s standby log" % (log_count)) recover_str = "" if log_count > 0: recover_str = "alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect from session;" else: recover_str = "alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;" if role == "PRIMARY": common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '验证数据库角色成功', 20, 2) "Now we are going to switch database %s to physical standby." % (pri_id)) if switch_status == "TO STANDBY" or switch_status == "SESSIONS ACTIVE" or switch_status == "FAILED DESTINATION" or ( switch_status == "RESOLVABLE GAP" and gap_count == 0):"Switchover to physical standby... ") common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '正在将主库切换成备库,可能会花费几分钟时间,请耐心等待...', 25, 0) sqlplus = Popen(["sqlplus", "-S", p_conn_str, "as", "sysdba"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) sqlplus.stdin.write( bytes( "alter database commit to switchover to physical standby with session shutdown;" + os.linesep)) sqlplus.stdin.write(bytes("shutdown immediate" + os.linesep)) out, err = sqlplus.communicate() logger.error(err) sqlplus = Popen(["sqlplus", "-S", p_conn_str, "as", "sysdba"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) sqlplus.stdin.write(bytes("startup mount" + os.linesep)) sqlplus.stdin.write(bytes(recover_str + os.linesep)) out, err = sqlplus.communicate() logger.error(err) # 获取oracle连接 p_conn = oracle.ConnectOracleAsSysdba(p_conn_str) if version > '10': "Alter standby database to open read only in progress... ") common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '正在将备库启动到open readonly状态...', 40, 0) sqlplus = Popen(["sqlplus", "-S", p_conn_str, "as", "sysdba"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) sqlplus.stdin.write( bytes( "alter database recover managed standby database cancel;" + os.linesep)) sqlplus.stdin.write(bytes("alter database open;" + os.linesep)) sqlplus.stdin.write(bytes(recover_str + os.linesep)) out, err = sqlplus.communicate() logger.error(err) str = 'select open_mode from v$database' open_mode = oracle.GetSingleValue(p_conn, str) if open_mode == "READ ONLY" or open_mode == "READ ONLY WITH APPLY": common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '备库已经成功启动到open readonly状态', 45, 2)"Alter standby database to open successfully.") else: common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '备库已经成功启动到open readonly状态', 45, 2) logger.error("Start MRP process failed!") str = 'select database_role from v$database' role = oracle.GetSingleValue(p_conn, str) if role == "PHYSICAL STANDBY": common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '主库已经成功切换成备库', 50, 2)"Switchover to physical standby successfully.") result = 0 else: common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '主库切换备库失败', 50, 2)"Switchover to physical standby failed.") result = -1 else: common.update_op_reason(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '验证数据库角色失败,当前数据库不是主库,不能切换到备库') common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '验证数据库角色失败,当前数据库不是主库,不能切换到备库', 90, 2) logger.error( "You can not switchover a standby database to physical standby!") return result
def standby2primary(mysql_conn, group_id, s_conn, s_conn_str, sta_id): result = -1"Switchover database to primary in progress...") # get database role str = 'select database_role from v$database' role = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '获取数据库角色成功', 55, 2)"The current database role is: " + role) # get switchover status str = 'select switchover_status from v$database' switch_status = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str)"The current database switchover status is: " + switch_status) if role == "PHYSICAL STANDBY": common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '验证数据库角色成功', 70, 2)"Now we are going to switch database %s to primary." % (sta_id)) if switch_status == "NOT ALLOWED" or switch_status == "SWITCHOVER PENDING": show_str = "数据库状态为 %s,无法进行切换,尝试重启MRP进程" % (switch_status) common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', show_str, 70, 0) "The standby database not allowed to switchover, restart the MRP process..." ) sqlplus = Popen(["sqlplus", "-S", s_conn_str, "as", "sysdba"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) sqlplus.stdin.write( bytes( "alter database recover managed standby database cancel;" + os.linesep)) sqlplus.stdin.write( bytes( "alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;" + os.linesep)) out, err = sqlplus.communicate() logger.error(err) # check MRP status str = "select count(1) from gv$session where program like '%(MRP0)' " mrp_status = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) if mrp_status > 0: common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '重启数据库同步进程成功', 72, 0)"Restart the MRP process successfully.") else: common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '重启数据库同步进程失败', 72, 0)"Restart the MRP process failed.") # 再次验证切换状态 timeout = 0 str = 'select switchover_status from v$database' switch_status = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) while switch_status == "NOT ALLOWED" or switch_status == "SWITCHOVER PENDING": if timeout > 30: break show_str = "数据库状态为 %s,无法进行切换" % (switch_status) common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', show_str, 72, 2) str = 'select switchover_status from v$database' switch_status = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) timeout = timeout + 2 if timeout > 30:"Switchover standby database to primary failed.") return -1 #超时退出 if switch_status == "TO PRIMARY" or switch_status == "SESSIONS ACTIVE": to_primary(mysql_conn, group_id, s_conn_str) if switch_status == "TO PRIMARY" or switch_status == "SESSIONS ACTIVE": to_primary(mysql_conn, group_id, s_conn_str) # 重新切换后数据库角色 s_conn = oracle.ConnectOracleAsSysdba(s_conn_str) str = 'select database_role from v$database' db_role = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) if db_role == "PRIMARY": common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '备库已经成功切换成主库', 90, 2)"Switchover standby database to primary successfully.") result = 0 else: common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '备库切换主库失败', 90, 2)"Switchover standby database to primary failed.") result = -1 else: common.update_op_reason(mysql_conn, group_id, 'SWITCHOVER', '验证数据库角色失败,当前数据库无法切换到主库') logger.error("You can not switchover primary database to primary!") return result
def failover2primary(mysql_conn, group_id, s_conn, s_conn_str, sta_id):"Failover database to primary in progress...") result = -1 # get database role str = 'select database_role from v$database' role = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', '获取数据库角色成功', 20, 2)"The current database role is: " + role) if role == "PHYSICAL STANDBY": common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', '验证数据库角色成功', 40, 2) "Now we are going to failover standby database %s to primary." % (sta_id))"Restart the standby database MRP process...") # 判断是否有已经传输过来的归档没有应用 str = "select count(1) from v$archived_log where dest_id = 1 and archived='YES' and applied='NO' " left_arch = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) if left_arch > 1: show_str = "还有 %s 个归档等待应用" % (left_arch) common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', show_str, 50, 2) sqlplus = Popen(["sqlplus", "-S", s_conn_str, "as", "sysdba"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) sqlplus.stdin.write( bytes( "alter database recover managed standby database cancel;" + os.linesep)) sqlplus.stdin.write( bytes( "alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;" + os.linesep)) out, err = sqlplus.communicate() # check MRP status str = "select count(1) from gv$session where program like '%(MRP0)' " mrp_status = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) if mrp_status > 0: common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', '重启数据库同步进程成功', 60, 2)"Restart the MRP process successfully.") else: common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', '重启数据库同步进程失败', 60, 2)"Restart the MRP process failed.") timeout = 0 while left_arch > 1: if timeout > 60: break str = "select count(1) from v$archived_log where dest_id = 1 and archived='YES' and applied='NO' " left_arch = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str) show_str = "还有 %s 个归档等待应用" % (left_arch) common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', show_str, 65, 2) timeout = timeout + 2 if timeout > 300: common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', '归档应用超时,灾难切换失败!', 90, 2)"Failover standby database to primary failed.") return -1 #超时退出 # 归档应用完毕,开始切换 failover(mysql_conn, group_id, s_conn_str) else: failover(mysql_conn, group_id, s_conn_str) # 重新验证切换后数据库角色 s_conn = oracle.ConnectOracleAsSysdba(s_conn_str) str = 'select database_role from v$database' db_role = oracle.GetSingleValue(s_conn, str)"Now the database role is: %s" % (db_role)) if db_role == "PRIMARY": common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', '数据库灾难切换成功', 90, 2)"Failover standby database to primary successfully.") result = 0 else: common.log_dg_op_process(mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', '数据库灾难切换失败,请根据相关日志查看原因', 90, 2)"Failover standby database to primary failed.") result = -1 else: common.update_op_reason( mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', '验证数据库角色失败,当前数据库不是PHYSICAL STANDBY,无法切换到Primary') common.log_dg_op_process( mysql_conn, group_id, 'FAILOVER', '验证数据库角色失败,当前数据库不是PHYSICAL STANDBY,无法切换到Primary', 90) logger.error("You can not failover primary database to primary!") return result