コード例 #1
    def as_proto(self) -> protos.PhysicalState:
        """Creates a protos.PhysicalState view into all internal data.

        Expensive. Consider one of the other accessors, which are faster.
        For example, if you want to iterate over all elements, use __iter__
        by doing:
        for entity in my_physics_state: print(entity.name)"""
        constructed_protobuf = protos.PhysicalState()
        for entity_data, entity in zip(self, constructed_protobuf.entities):
            (entity.x, entity.y, entity.vx, entity.vy, entity.heading,
             entity.spin, entity.fuel, entity.throttle, entity.landed_on,
             entity.broken) = (entity_data.x, entity_data.y, entity_data.vx,
                               entity_data.vy, entity_data.heading,
                               entity_data.spin, entity_data.fuel,
                               entity_data.throttle, entity_data.landed_on,

        return constructed_protobuf
コード例 #2
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: space-bass/orbitx
def load_savefile(file: Path) -> 'data_structures.PhysicsState':
    """Loads the physics state represented by the input file.
    If the input file is an OrbitX-style .json file, simply loads it.
    If the input file is an OrbitV-style .rnd file, tries to interpret it
    and also loads the adjacent STARSr file to produce a PhysicsState."""

    # We shouldn't import orbitv_file_interface at the top of common.py, since
    # common.py is imported by lots of modules and shouldn't circularly depend
    # on anything.
    from orbitx import orbitv_file_interface
    physics_state: data_structures.PhysicsState
    logging.getLogger().info(f'Loading savefile {file.resolve()}')

    assert isinstance(file, Path)
    if file.suffix.lower() == '.rnd':
        physics_state = \

        if file.suffix.lower() != '.json':
                f'{file} is not a .json file, trying to load it anyways.')

        with open(file, 'r') as f:
            data = f.read()
        read_state = protos.PhysicalState()
        google.protobuf.json_format.Parse(data, read_state)
        physics_state = data_structures.PhysicsState(None, read_state)

    if physics_state.time_acc == 0:
        physics_state.time_acc = 1
    if physics_state.reference == '':
        physics_state.reference = DEFAULT_REFERENCE
    if physics_state.target == '':
        physics_state.target = DEFAULT_TARGET
    if physics_state.srb_time == 0:
        physics_state.srb_time = SRB_FULL
    return physics_state
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, y: Optional[np.ndarray],
                 proto_state: protos.PhysicalState):
        """Collects data from proto_state and y, when y is not None.

        There are two kinds of values we care about:
        1) values that change during simulation (like position, velocity, etc)
        2) values that do not change (like mass, radius, name, etc)

        If both proto_state and y are given, 1) is taken from y and
        2) is taken from proto_state. This is a very quick operation.

        If y is None, both 1) and 2) are taken from proto_state, and a new
        y vector is generated. This is a somewhat expensive operation."""
        assert isinstance(proto_state, protos.PhysicalState)
        assert isinstance(y, np.ndarray) or y is None

        # self._proto_state will have positions, velocities, etc for all
        # entities. DO NOT USE THESE they will be stale. Use the accessors of
        # this class instead!
        self._proto_state = protos.PhysicalState()
        self._n = len(proto_state.entities)

        self._entity_names = \
            [entity.name for entity in self._proto_state.entities]
        self._array_rep: np.ndarray

        if y is None:
            # We rely on having an internal array representation we can refer
            # to, so we have to build up this array representation.
            y = np.empty(
                len(proto_state.entities) * len(_PER_ENTITY_MUTABLE_FIELDS) +

            for field_name, field_n in _FIELD_ORDERING.items():
                for entity_index, entity in enumerate(proto_state.entities):
                    proto_value = getattr(entity, field_name)
                    # Internally translate string names to indices, otherwise
                    # our entire y vector will turn into a string vector oh no.
                    # Note this will convert to floats, not integer indices.
                    if field_name == _LANDED_ON:
                        proto_value = self._name_to_index(proto_value)

                    y[self._n * field_n + entity_index] = proto_value

            y[-2] = proto_state.srb_time
            y[-1] = proto_state.time_acc
            self._array_rep = y
            # Take everything except the SRB time, the last element.
            self._array_rep = y.astype(self.DTYPE)
            self._proto_state.srb_time = y[self.SRB_TIME_INDEX]
            self._proto_state.time_acc = y[self.TIME_ACC_INDEX]

        assert len(self._array_rep.shape) == 1, \
            f'y is not 1D: {self._array_rep.shape}'
        assert (self._array_rep.size - self.N_SINGULAR_ELEMENTS) % \
               len(_PER_ENTITY_MUTABLE_FIELDS) == 0, self._array_rep.size
        assert (self._array_rep.size - self.N_SINGULAR_ELEMENTS) // \
               len(_PER_ENTITY_MUTABLE_FIELDS) == len(proto_state.entities), \
            f'{self._array_rep.size} mismatches: {len(proto_state.entities)}'

        np.mod(self.Heading, 2 * np.pi, out=self.Heading)

        self._entities_with_atmospheres: Optional[List[int]] = None
コード例 #4
class PhysicsStateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests state.PhysicsState accessors and setters."""

    proto_state = protos.PhysicalState(
            components=[protos.EngineeringState.Component()] * _N_COMPONENTS,
            coolant_loops=[protos.EngineeringState.CoolantLoop()] *
            radiators=[protos.EngineeringState.Radiator()] * _N_RADIATORS))

    def test_landed_on(self):
        """Test that the special .landed_on field is properly set."""
        ps = PhysicsState(None, self.proto_state)
        self.assertEqual(ps['First'].landed_on, '')
        self.assertEqual(ps['Second'].landed_on, 'First')

    def test_y_vector_init(self):
        """Test that initializing with a y-vector uses y-vector values."""
        y0 = np.concatenate((
                20,  # x
                40,  # y
                60,  # vx
                0,  # vy
                0,  # heading
                80,  # spin
                100,  # fuel
                0,  # throttle
                -1,  # only First is landed on Second
                1,  # Second is broken
                1  # time_acc

        ps = PhysicsState(y0, self.proto_state)
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(ps.y0(), y0.astype(ps.y0().dtype)))
        self.assertEqual(ps['First'].landed_on, 'Second')

        proto_state = ps.as_proto()
        proto_state.timestamp = 50
        self.assertEqual(proto_state.timestamp, 50)
        self.assertEqual(proto_state.entities[0].fuel, 90)

    def test_get_set(self):
        """Test __getitem__ and __setitem__."""
        ps = PhysicsState(None, self.proto_state)
        entity = ps[0]
        entity.landed_on = 'Second'
        ps[0] = entity
        self.assertEqual(ps[0].landed_on, 'Second')

    def test_entity_view(self):
        """Test that setting and getting _EntityView attrs propagate."""
        ps = PhysicsState(None, self.proto_state)
        self.assertEqual(ps[0].name, 'First')
        entity = ps[0]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(entity, _EntityView))

        self.assertEqual(entity.x, 10)
        self.assertEqual(entity.y, 20)
        self.assertEqual(entity.vx, 30)
        self.assertEqual(entity.vy, 40)
        self.assertEqual(entity.spin, 50)
        self.assertEqual(entity.fuel, 60)
        self.assertEqual(entity.landed_on, '')
        self.assertEqual(entity.throttle, 70)

        self.assertEqual(entity.heading, 7 % (2 * np.pi))

        ps[0].landed_on = 'Second'
        self.assertEqual(entity.landed_on, 'Second')
        entity.x = 500
        self.assertEqual(ps[0].x, 500)
        entity.pos = np.array([55, 66])
        self.assertEqual(ps['First'].x, 55)
        self.assertEqual(ps['First'].y, 66)
コード例 #5
def clone_orbitv_state(rnd_path: Path) -> PhysicsState:
    """Gathers information from an OrbitV savefile, in the *.RND format,
    as well as a STARSr file.
    Returns a PhysicsState representing everything we can read."""
    proto_state = protos.PhysicalState()
    starsr_path = rnd_path.parent / 'STARSr'

    log.info(f"Reading OrbitV file {rnd_path}, "
             f"using info from adjacent STARSr file {starsr_path}")

    hab_index: Optional[int] = None
    ayse_index: Optional[int] = None

    with open(starsr_path, 'r') as starsr_file:
        starsr = csv.reader(starsr_file, delimiter=',')

        background_star_line = next(starsr)
        while len(background_star_line) == 3:
            background_star_line = next(starsr)

        # After the last while loop, the value of background_star_line is
        # actually a gravity_pair line (a pair of indices, which we also don't
        # care about).
        gravity_pair_line = background_star_line
        while len(gravity_pair_line) == 2:
            gravity_pair_line = next(starsr)

        entity_constants_line = gravity_pair_line
        while len(entity_constants_line) == 6:
            proto_entity = proto_state.entities.add()

            # Cast all the elements on a line to floats.
            # Some strings will be the form '1.234D+04', convert these too.
            (colour, mass, radius,
                atmosphere_thickness, atmosphere_scaling, atmosphere_height) \
                = map(_string_to_float, entity_constants_line)
            mass = max(1, mass)

            proto_entity.mass = mass
            proto_entity.r = radius
            if atmosphere_thickness and atmosphere_scaling:
                # Only set atmosphere fields if they both have a value.
                proto_entity.atmosphere_thickness = atmosphere_thickness
                proto_entity.atmosphere_scaling = atmosphere_scaling

            entity_constants_line = next(starsr)

        # We skip a line here. It's the timestamp line, but the .RND file will
        # have more up-to-date timestamp info.
        entity_positions_line = next(starsr)

        # We don't care about entity positions, we'll get this from the .RND
        # file as well.
        while len(entity_positions_line) == 6:
            entity_positions_line = next(starsr)

        entity_name_line = entity_positions_line
        entity_index = 0
        while len(entity_name_line) == 1:
            name = entity_name_line[0].strip()
            proto_state.entities[entity_index].name = name

            if name == common.HABITAT:
                hab_index = entity_index
            elif name == common.AYSE:
                ayse_index = entity_index

            entity_index += 1
            entity_name_line = next(starsr)

    assert proto_state.entities[0].name == common.SUN, (
        'We assume that the Sun is the first OrbitV entity, this has '
        'implications for how we populate entity positions.')
    assert hab_index is not None, \
        "We didn't see the Habitat in the STARSr file!"
    assert ayse_index is not None, \
        "We didn't see AYSE in the STARSr file!"

    hab = proto_state.entities[hab_index]
    ayse = proto_state.entities[ayse_index]

    with open(rnd_path, 'rb') as rnd:
        check_byte = rnd.read(1)
        rnd.read(len("ORBIT5S        "))
        craft_throttle = _read_single(rnd) / 100

        # I don't know what Vflag and Aflag do.
        _read_int(rnd), _read_int(rnd)
        navmode = Navmode(SFLAG_TO_NAVMODE[_read_int(rnd)])
        if navmode is not None:
            proto_state.navmode = navmode.value

        _read_double(rnd)  # This is drag, we calculate this ourselves.
        _read_double(rnd)  # This is zoom, we ignore this as well.
        hab.heading = _read_single(rnd)
        # Skip centre, ref, and targ information.
        _read_int(rnd), _read_int(rnd), _read_int(rnd)

        # We don't track if trails are set.
        drag_profile = _read_single(rnd)
        proto_state.parachute_deployed = (drag_profile > 0.002)

        current_srb_output = _read_single(rnd)
        if current_srb_output != 0:
            proto_state.srb_time = common.SRB_BURNTIME

        # We don't care about colour trails or how times are displayed.
        _read_int(rnd), _read_int(rnd)
        _read_double(rnd), _read_double(rnd)  # No time acc info either.
        _read_single(rnd)  # Ignore some RCPS info
        _read_int(rnd)  # Eflag? Something that gassimv.bas sets.

        year = _read_int(rnd)
        day = _read_int(rnd)
        hour = _read_int(rnd)
        minute = _read_int(rnd)
        second = _read_double(rnd)

        timestamp = datetime(
            year, 1, 1, hour=hour, minute=minute,
            second=int(second)) + timedelta(day - 1)
        proto_state.timestamp = timestamp.timestamp()

        ayse.heading = _read_single(rnd)
        _read_int(rnd)  # AYSEscrape seems to do nothing.

        # TODO: Once we implement wind, fill in these fields.
        _read_single(rnd), _read_single(rnd)

        hab.spin = numpy.radians(_read_single(rnd))
        docked_constant = _read_int(rnd)
        if docked_constant != 0:
            hab.landed_on = common.AYSE

        _read_single(rnd)  # Rad shields, overwritten by enghabv.bas.
        # TODO: once module is implemented, have it be launched here.
        # module_state = MODFLAG_TO_MODSTATE[modflag]

        _read_single(rnd), _read_single(rnd)  # AYSEdist and OCESSdist.

        hab.broken = bool(_read_int(rnd))
        ayse.broken = bool(_read_int(rnd))

        # TODO: Once we implement nav malfunctions, set this field.

        # Max thrust, ignored because we'll read it from ORBITSSE.rnd

        # TODO: Once we implement nav malfunctions, set this field.
        # Also, apparently this is the same field as two fields ago?

        # TODO: Once we implement wind, fill in these fields.

        # TODO: There is some information required from MST.rnd to implement
        # this field (LONGtarg).

        # We calculate pressure and agrav.
        _read_single(rnd), _read_single(rnd)
        # Note, we skip the first entity, the Sun, since OrbitV does.
        for i in range(1, min(39, len(proto_state.entities))):
            entity = proto_state.entities[i]
            entity.x, entity.y, entity.vx, entity.vy = (_read_double(rnd),

        hab.fuel = _read_single(rnd)
        ayse.fuel = _read_single(rnd)

        check_byte_2 = rnd.read(1)

    if check_byte != check_byte_2:
        log.warning('RND file had inconsistent check bytes: '
                    f'{check_byte} != {check_byte_2}')

    # Delete any entity with a (0, 0) position that isn't the Sun.
    # TODO: We also delete the OCESS launch tower, but once we implement
    # OCESS we should no longer do this.
    entity_index = 0
    while entity_index < len(proto_state.entities):
        proto_entity = proto_state.entities[entity_index]
        if round(proto_entity.x) == 0 and round(proto_entity.y) == 0 and \
                proto_entity.name != common.SUN or \
                proto_entity.name == common.OCESS:
            del proto_state.entities[entity_index]
            entity_index += 1

    hab.artificial = True
    ayse.artificial = True
    # Habitat and AYSE masses are hardcoded in OrbitV.
    hab.mass = 275000
    ayse.mass = 20000000

    orbitx_state = PhysicsState(None, proto_state)
    orbitx_state[common.HABITAT] = Entity(hab)
    orbitx_state[common.AYSE] = Entity(ayse)

    craft = orbitx_state.craft_entity()
    craft.throttle = craft_throttle

    log.debug(f'Interpreted {rnd_path} and {starsr_path} into this state:')
    orbitx_state = _separate_landed_entities(orbitx_state)
    return orbitx_state
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, y: Optional[np.ndarray],
                 proto_state: protos.PhysicalState):
        """Collects data from proto_state and y, when y is not None.

        There are two kinds of values we care about:
        1) values that change during simulation (like position, velocity, etc)
        2) values that do not change (like mass, radius, name, etc)

        If both proto_state and y are given, 1) is taken from y and
        2) is taken from proto_state. This is a very quick operation.

        If y is None, both 1) and 2) are taken from proto_state, and a new
        y vector is generated. This is a somewhat expensive operation."""
        assert isinstance(proto_state, protos.PhysicalState)
        assert isinstance(y, np.ndarray) or y is None

        # self._proto_state will have positions, velocities, etc for all
        # entities. DO NOT USE THESE they will be stale. Use the accessors of
        # this class instead!
        self._proto_state = protos.PhysicalState()
        self._n = len(proto_state.entities)

        self._entity_names = \
            [entity.name for entity in self._proto_state.entities]
        self._array_rep: np.ndarray

        if y is None:
            # We rely on having an internal array representation we can refer
            # to, so we have to build up this array representation.
            self._array_rep = np.empty(
                len(proto_state.entities) * len(_PER_ENTITY_MUTABLE_FIELDS) +
                self.N_SINGULAR_ELEMENTS +

            for field_name, field_n in _ENTITY_FIELD_ORDER.items():
                for entity_index, entity in enumerate(proto_state.entities):
                    proto_value = getattr(entity, field_name)
                    # Internally translate string names to indices, otherwise
                    # our entire y vector will turn into a string vector oh no.
                    # Note this will convert to floats, not integer indices.
                    if field_name == _LANDED_ON:
                        proto_value = self._name_to_index(proto_value)

                    self._array_rep[self._n * field_n +
                                    entity_index] = proto_value

            self._array_rep[self.SRB_TIME_INDEX] = proto_state.srb_time
            self._array_rep[self.TIME_ACC_INDEX] = proto_state.time_acc

            # It's IMPORTANT that we pass in self._array_rep, because otherwise the numpy
            # array will be copied and EngineeringState won't be modifying our numpy array.
            self.engineering = EngineeringState(
            self._array_rep = y.astype(self.DTYPE)
            self._proto_state.srb_time = y[self.SRB_TIME_INDEX]
            self._proto_state.time_acc = y[self.TIME_ACC_INDEX]
            self.engineering = EngineeringState(

        assert len(self._array_rep.shape) == 1, \
            f'y is not 1D: {self._array_rep.shape}'
        n_entities = len(proto_state.entities)
        assert self._array_rep.size == (
            n_entities * len(_PER_ENTITY_MUTABLE_FIELDS) +
            self.N_SINGULAR_ELEMENTS + EngineeringState.N_ENGINEERING_FIELDS)

        np.mod(self.Heading, 2 * np.pi, out=self.Heading)

        self._entities_with_atmospheres: Optional[List[int]] = None