コード例 #1
class Taggable(ABC):
    def __init__(self):
        self._tags = OrderedSet()

    def get_required_tags(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_tags(self):
        """Gets the comma-separated list of tags.

        Returns: A comma separated list of tags, or an empty string if
            there are no tags.
        return ','.join(self.get_required_tags() | self._tags)

    def set_tags(self, tags):
        """Sets from a comma-separated list of tags.
        if tags is None:  # Weird, but for compatibility with the Java version


    def add_tags(self, *tags):

    def remove_tag(self, tag):
        if tag:

    def has_tag(self, tag):
        return tag in self._tags
コード例 #2
ファイル: turn_game.py プロジェクト: konahart/turn-taker
class TurnGame(object):
    def __init__(self, advance_func=None):
        self._player_queue = OrderedSet()
        self.advance_func = advance_func or self._default_advance_turn

    def reset(self):

    def advance_turn(self):

    def _default_advance_turn(player_queue):
        # Move current player to end of queue
        current_player = player_queue.pop(last=False)

    def get_current_player(self):
        return self._player_queue[0]

    def get_next_player(self):
        return self.advance_func(self.get_players())[0]

    def fast_forward(self, player):
        # Ensure player is in the queue

        # Rotate player to the front
        for _ in range(len(self._player_queue)):
            if self._player_queue[0] == player:

    def get_players(self):
        return OrderedSet(self._player_queue)

    def get_player_count(self):
        return len(self._player_queue)

    def add_player(self, player) -> bool:
        if player not in self._player_queue:
            return True
            return False

    def remove_player(self, player) -> bool:
        if player in self._player_queue:
            return True
            return False
コード例 #3
    class __TransactionSet:
        def __init__(self):
            """Initialize transaction store."""
            self.store = OrderedSet()

        def add(self, transaction):

        def add_multiple(self, transaction_list):
            """Add multiple transactions to the set.

            Since the transactions are re-added to the set (they were in it once),
            we add them at the front of the existing set.
            transaction_list = OrderedSet(transaction_list)
            self.store = transaction_list.union(self.store)

        def contains(self, transaction):
            return self.store.__contains__(transaction)

        def pop(self):
            """Remove and return a transaction from the set."""
                return self.store.pop(0)
            # Catch KeyError if set is empty
            except KeyError:
                return None

        def discard(self, transaction):
            """Remove the transaction if it was present in the set."""

        def discard_multiple(self, transaction_list):
            """Remove multiple transactions from the set."""
            [self.discard(tx) for tx in transaction_list]

        def clear(self):
            """Remove all transactions from the set."""

        def __len__(self):
            return len(self.store)

        def __iter__(self):
            yield from self.store

        def __repr__(self):
            return self.store.__repr__()
コード例 #4
class ContextExtractor(ExpressionEvaluator):
    Context extractor is used in conjunction with extract_context_names
    to extract argument context as a token value

    def __init__(self):
        # Init evaluator with fake empty context
        super(ContextExtractor, self).__init__({})
        self.infix_rules = super(ContextExtractor, self).infix_rules
        for k, v in super(ContextExtractor, self).prefix_rules.items():
            self.prefix_rules.setdefault(k, v)
        # Init empty context set
        self.contexts = OrderedSet()

    def identifier(self, token, pc):
        Get corresponding value for token
        In this function, we return the same token value without using context
            token: token object
            pc: parse context

        Returns: same token value

        return token.value

    def parse(self, expression):
        Parse current expression, return contexts inside this expression
            expression (str): expression

            set of contexts

        super(ContextExtractor, self).parse(expression)
        return self.contexts
コード例 #5
 def test_clear(self):
     s = OrderedSet((1,2,3,4))
コード例 #6
 def test_clear(self):
     s = OrderedSet((1, 2, 3, 4))
コード例 #7
class QueryModel(object):
       The QueryModel class represents the intermediate object between the DAG graph and the ultimate SPARQL query.
    def __init__(self):
        Initializing the QueryModel
        QueryModel is a representation of a sparql query. It has a place holder for every
        possible componne of a sparql query

        self.prefixes = {}  # a dictionary of prefix_name: prefix_URI

        self.variables = set()  # a set of all variables in the query.
        self.from_clause = set()  # a list of graph URIs
        self.filter_clause = {
        }  # a dictionary of column name as key and associated conditions as a value
        self.groupBy_columns = OrderedSet(
        )  # a set of columns for the groupby modifier, it's a subset of self.variables
        self.aggregate_clause = {
        }  # a dictionary of new_aggregation_col_name: (aggregate function, src_column_name)
        self.having_clause = {
        }  # a dictionary of new_aggregation_col_name : condition
        self.order_clause = OrderedDict(
        )  # a dictionary of columns and the specifier (ASC, DSC)

        self.limit = 0  # represents the number of rows to be returned by the query.
        self.offset = 0  # represents the offset in terms of the number of rows

        self.triples = [
        ]  # list of basic graph patterns in the form (subject, predicate, object) tuples
        self.optionals = []  # list of optional query models.
        self.subqueries = [
        ]  # list of subqueries. each subquery is a query model
        self.optional_subqueries = [
        ]  # list of optional subqueries. each subquery is a query model
        self.unions = [
        ]  # list of subqueries to union with the current query model
        self.graph_triples = {
        }  # dict of graph: list of triples. When there is more than one triple in the graph

        self.select_columns = OrderedSet(
        )  # list of columns to be selected ,  set()
        self.auto_generated_select_columns = OrderedSet()
        self.select_all = False

        self.querybuilder = None  # a SPARQLbuilder that converts the query model to a string
        self.parent_query_model = None  # a pointer to the parent query if this is a subquery
        self.is_optional = False

    def add_prefixes(self, prefixes):
        Add a dictionary of prefixs to the sparql queries
        :param prefixes: a dictionary of prefixes where the key is the prefix name and the value is the prefix URI
        if not self.is_subquery():

    def add_graphs(self, graphs):
        Add a list of graphs to the from clause
        :param graphs: a list of graphs' URIs
        if not self.is_subquery():
            self.from_clause = self.from_clause.union(graphs)  #extend

    def add_optional_triples(self, triples, graph=None):
         add a triple to the list of the optional triples in the query model.
         :param subject: subject of the triple
         :param object: object of the triple
         :param predicate: predicate of the triple
        if len(triples) > 0:
            optional_query_model = OptionalQueryModel()
            for (subject, predicate, object) in triples:
                optional_query_model.add_triple(subject, predicate, object)
            return optional_query_model

    def add_optional_block(self, optional_query_model):
         add a triple to the list of the optional triples in the query model.
         :param subject: subject of the triple
         :param object: object of the triple
         :param predicate: predicate of the triple

    def add_triple(self, subject, predicate, object):
         add a triple to the list of the triples in the query model.
         :param subject: subject of the triple
         :param object: object of the triple
         :param predicate: predicate of the triple
        if (subject, predicate, object) not in self.triples:
            self.triples.append((subject, predicate, object))

    def add_graph_triple(self, graph, triples):
        self.graph_triples[graph] = triples

    def add_unions(self, unionquery):  # subquery type is query_builder
        adds a subquery to the query model
        :param subquery:
        if len(unionquery.select_columns) <= 0 and len(
                unionquery.auto_generated_select_columns) <= 0:
            #if len(unionquery.select_columns) <= 0:
            unionquery.select_all = True
        unionquery.parent_query_model = weakref.ref(self)

    def add_subquery(self, subquery):  # subquery type is query_builder
        adds a subquery to the query model
        :param subquery:
        subquery.parent_query_model = weakref.ref(self)

    def add_optional_subquery(self,
                              subquery):  # subquery type is query_builder
        adds a subquery to the query model
        :param subquery:
        subquery.parent_query_model = weakref.ref(self)

    def add_variable(self, col_name):
        add a variable (column name) to the list of the variables of a single SPARQL query (mainly to represent
         Select variables) .
         :param col_name: represents the column name after being parced from the corresponding DAG node.

        if not is_uri(col_name):
            if col_name.find(":") < 0:
            elif col_name[:col_name.find(":")] not in self.prefixes:

    def add_group_columns(self, col_names):
         add a columns  to the list of the group by columns.
        :param col_names: represents the column name that will group the records based on it.
        self.groupBy_columns = self.groupBy_columns.union(col_names)

    def add_aggregate_pair(self,
         add a pair of column, function name to the list that forms the aggregation clause
         :param src_col_name: the source column name to be aggregated
         :param new_col_name: the new column name
         :param func_name: represents aggregation function on the corresponding column
         :param agg_param: aggregation parameter like distinct with count
        if new_col_name not in self.aggregate_clause:
            self.aggregate_clause[new_col_name] = []
            (func_name, agg_param, src_col_name))

    def add_filter_condition(self, col_name, condition):
        add a pair of (column, condition) to the list of conditions of the filter clause
        :param col_name: represents the column name at which the condition will be applied.
        :param condition: represents the filtering criterion ( Operator, Value)
        if col_name not in self.variables:
        if col_name in self.filter_clause:
            self.filter_clause[col_name] = [condition]

    def add_having_condition(self, agg_col_name, condition):
        add a pair of (column, condition) to the list of conditions of the filter clause
        :param agg_col_name: represents the column name where the filtering will occur.
        :param condition: represents the having criterion ( Operator Value)
        if agg_col_name not in self.having_clause:
            self.having_clause[agg_col_name] = []
        func_name, agg_param, src_col_name = self.aggregate_clause[
            [func_name, agg_param, src_col_name, condition])

    def add_order_columns(self, sorting_cols):
        add a pair of (column, specifier) to the list of sorting options.
        :param sorting_cols: list of pairs of (column name, sort order) that will be used for sorting
        for col, order in sorting_cols.items():
            self.order_clause[col] = order

    def set_limit(self, limit):
        :param limit: the value that represents the number of results to be returned
        :return: none
        self.limit = limit

    def set_offset(self, offset):

        :param offset: the value that represents the number of NEXT results to be returned
        :return: none
        self.offset = offset

    def add_select_column(self, col_name):
        :param col_name:

    def auto_add_select_column(self, col_name):
        #print("Auto adding {}".format(col_name))

    def rem_select_column(self, col_name):

    def rem_all_triples(self):
        self.triples = []

    def rem_graph_triples(self):
        self.graph_triples = {}

    def rem_from_clause(self):
        self.from_clause = set()

    def rem_prefixes(self):
        self.prefixes = {}

    def rem_optional_triples(self):
        self.optionals = []

    def rem_filters(self):
        self.filter_clause = {}

    def rem_subqueries(self):
        self.subqueries = []

    def rem_optional_subqueries(self):
        self.optional_subqueries = []

    def rem_unions(self):
        self.unions = []

    def transfer_grouping_to_subquery(self, subquery):
        grouping_cols = self.groupBy_columns

        for g_col in grouping_cols:
            involved_triples = [
                triple for triple in self.triples
                if g_col == triple[0] or g_col == triple[2]
            for t in involved_triples:

        subquery.groupBy_columns = OrderedSet(grouping_cols)
        subquery.select_columns = set(grouping_cols)
        subquery.having_clause = dict(self.having_clause)
        subquery.aggregate_clause = dict(self.aggregate_clause)


    def clean_inner_qm(qm):
        # clean the inner query (self)
        qm.limit = 0
        qm.offset = 0
        qm.order_clause = OrderedDict()

    def wrap_in_a_parent_query(self):
        wraps the current query in a subquery and returns a new query model that contains one graph pattern which is
        the current query as a subquery
        :return: a new QueryModel that wraps the current query model
        # initialize the parent query with the graph uri, the prefixes and the variables in the inner query
        parent_query = QueryModel()
        to_add_to_select = []
        to_rem_from_select = []
        for var in self.select_columns:
            # if select column in groupby or aggregation: add it to selected columns by the user in inner query
            #  and the outer query.
            #  else: find the relevant graph patterns and move them to the outer query and
            #  remove the select column from select clause in inner query
            if (var in self.groupBy_columns) or (var in self.aggregate_clause):
                # add basic graph patterns
                involved_triples = [
                    triple for triple in self.triples
                    if var == triple[0] or var == triple[2]
                for t in involved_triples:
                # add filter patterns
                if var in self.filter_clause:
                    for condition in self.filter_clause[var]:
                        parent_query.add_filter_condition(var, condition)
                # add subqueries
                # Is it query.select or query.variables
                for subquery in self.subqueries:
                    if var in subquery.select_columns:
        for var in to_add_to_select:
        for var in to_rem_from_select:

        # set the limit and offset of the outer query. don't allow limit and offset in the inner query
        # add self to the subqueries in the parent subquery
        self.parent_query_model = parent_query

        # clean the inner query (self)
        #self.prefixes = {}
        #self.limit = 0
        #self.offset = 0
        #self.order_clause = OrderedDict()

        return parent_query

    def transfer_select_triples_to_parent_query(self, parent_ds_cols):
        # transfer the order by, the filter clause,
        for col in parent_ds_cols:
            triples_list = [subquery.triples for subquery in self.subqueries]
            involved_triples = [
                triple for triples in triples_list for triple in triples
                if col == triple[0] or col == triple[2]
            for t in involved_triples:
                if t not in self.triples:

    def is_defined_variable(self, var):
        return var in self.variables or any([
            subquery.is_defined_variable(var) for subquery in self.subqueries

    def is_grouped(self):
        return len(self.groupBy_columns) > 0

    def is_sorted(self):
        return len(self.order_clause) > 0

    def to_sparql(self):
        self.querybuilder = SPARQLBuilder()
        return self.querybuilder.to_sparql(self)

    def is_aggregate_col(self, src_col_name):
        if src_col_name in self.aggregate_clause:
            return True
        return False

    def is_subquery(self):
        return self.parent_query_model is not None

    def all_variables(self):
        if len(self.subqueries) == 0:
            return self.variables

        all_vars = set().union(self.variables)

        for subq in self.subqueries:
            all_vars = all_vars.union(subq.all_variables())
        return all_vars

    def rename_variable(self, old_name, new_name):
        self.triples = [[
            new_name if element == old_name else element for element in triple
        ] for triple in self.triples]
        for query in self.optionals:
            query.rename_variable(old_name, new_name)
        self.select_columns = OrderedSet([
            new_name if var == old_name else var for var in self.select_columns
        self.auto_generated_select_columns = OrderedSet([
            new_name if var == old_name else var
            for var in self.auto_generated_select_columns
        self.groupBy_columns = OrderedSet([
            new_name if var == old_name else var
            for var in self.groupBy_columns
        self.variables = {
            new_name if var == old_name else var
            for var in self.variables
        if old_name in self.order_clause:
            self.order_clause[new_name] = self.order_clause[old_name]
            del self.order_clause[old_name]
        if old_name in self.filter_clause:
            self.filter_clause[new_name] = self.filter_clause[old_name]
            del self.filter_clause[old_name]
        if old_name in self.having_clause:
            self.having_clause[new_name] = self.having_clause[old_name]
            del self.having_clause[old_name]
        for var in self.aggregate_clause:
            self.aggregate_clause[var] = [[
                new_name if element == old_name else element
                for element in triple
            ] for triple in self.aggregate_clause[var]]
            if var == old_name:
                self.aggregate_clause[new_name] = self.aggregate_clause[
                del self.aggregate_clause[old_name]
        for query in self.subqueries:
            query.rename_variable(old_name, new_name)
        for query in self.unions:
            query.rename_variable(old_name, new_name)
        for query in self.optional_subqueries:
            query.rename_variable(old_name, new_name)

    def is_valid_prefix(self, prefix):
        if prefix in self.prefixes.keys():
            return True
            return False

    def get_triples(self):
        triple_string = ""
        for triple in self.triples:
            triple1 = triple[1]
            triple2 = triple[2]
            if not is_uri(triple[1]) and triple[1].find(":") < 0:
                triple1 = "?" + triple[1]
            if not is_uri(triple[2]) and triple[2].find(":") < 0:
                triple2 = "?" + triple[2]
            triple = (triple[0], triple1, triple2)
            triple_string += '\t?%s %s %s' % (triple[0], triple[1], triple[2]) + " .\n"
        optional_string = self.get_optional_triples()
        triple_string += '\t'.join(('\n' + optional_string.lstrip()).splitlines(True))
        return triple_string

    def get_optional_triples(self):
        optional_string = ""
        if len(self.optionals) > 0:
            optional_string = "OPTIONAL {  \n"
            for triple in self.optionals:
                triple1 = triple[1]
                triple2 = triple[2]
                if not is_uri(triple[1]) and triple[1].find(":") < 0:
                    triple1 = "?" + triple[1]
                if not is_uri(triple[2]) and triple[2].find(":") < 0:
                    triple2 = "?" + triple[2]
                triple = (triple[0], triple1, triple2)
                optional_string += '\t?%s %s %s' % (triple[0], triple[1], triple[2]) + " .\n"
            optional_string += "}"

        return optional_string

    def union(self, qm2):
        union this query model with query model (qm2)
        :param qm2:
        :return: a query model that unions the current query model and qm2
        final_qm = QueryModel()

        if self.from_clause == qm2.from_clause:  # same graph
            # add the graphs to the outer qm and remove them  from the inner qms

            # union the prefixes and remove them  from the inner qms
            # TODO: check that all namespaces that have the same prefix have the same uri

            final_qm.variables = final_qm.variables.union(self.variables)
            final_qm.variables = final_qm.variables.union(qm2.variables)

            final_qm.set_offset(min(self.offset, qm2.offset))
            final_qm.set_limit(max(self.limit, qm2.limit))



            return final_qm

    def validate(self):
        validate the columns and parameters data in the query model and reports and inconsistencies.
        1) validate the namespance in the preidcate to match the given in the graphs' prefixes
        :return: True if valid and False if not
        ## add the aggregation to expandable group

        ## group by in expandable dataset, raise exception if the select cols not in the group by
        ### validate the prefix in the triple
        if self.parent_query_model is None:
            for triple in self.triples:
                if not is_uri(triple[1]):
                    if triple[1].find(":") >= 0:
                        prefix = triple[1].split(":")
                        if (len(prefix) >= 1):
                            if not self.is_valid_prefix(prefix[0]):
                                raise Exception(
                                    "Not a valid Prefix in triple {}".format(
                        # predicate is a variable

        if self.parent_query_model is None:
            for col_name in self.filter_clause:
                if col_name.find(':') != -1:
                    prefix = col_name.split(":")
                    if (len(prefix) >= 1):
                        if not self.is_valid_prefix(prefix[0]):
                            raise Exception(
                                "Not a valid Prefix in filter {}".format(

        for subquery in self.subqueries:
            subquery_variables_set = set(subquery.variables)
            my_variables_set = set(self.variables)
            intersection_variables = my_variables_set.intersection(
            if len(intersection_variables) < 0:
                raise Exception(
                    "No common variables between the main query and the subquery"

        all_vars = self.all_variables()
        missing_vars = set()

        for sel_col in self.select_columns:
            if sel_col not in all_vars:

        if len(missing_vars) > 0:
            raise Exception(
                'Variables {} are not defined in the query\'s body'.format(
                    ', '.join(missing_vars)))

        # filter_clause validation
        for col_name in self.filter_clause:
            if col_name not in all_vars:
                raise Warning(
                    'Cannot add filter on {}, is not part of the query variables'

        for col in self.order_clause:
            if col not in self.variables:
                raise Warning(
                    '{} cannot be a sorting column, it should be part of variables'

        for col_name in self.having_clause:
            if not self.is_aggregate_col(col_name):
                raise Warning(
                    '{} is not an aggregate column, cannot be added to having clause'

    def copy(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.to_sparql()

    def __str__(self):
        return self.to_sparql()