コード例 #1
ファイル: plone.py プロジェクト: BCCVL/org.bccvl.tasks
def set_progress(state, message, rusage, context, **kw):
    jobtool = getUtility(IJobUtility)
    if '_jobid' in kw:
        # TODO: should we do some security check here?
        #       e.g. only admin and user who owns the job can update it?
        # TODO: jobid may not exist
        job = jobtool.get_job_by_id(kw['_jobid'])
        jt = IJobTracker(kw['_context'])
        job = jt.get_job()
    jobtool.set_progress(job, state, message, rusage)
    if state in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED'):
        jobtool.set_state(job, state)
        LOG.info("Plone: Update job state %s", state)

        # FIXME: we sholud probably send emails in another place (or as additional task in chain?)
        #        there are too many things that can go wrong here and this task is not allowed to
        #        fail (throw an exception) otherwise the user will never see a status update
        # FIXME: should be a better check here, we want to send email only
        #        for experiment results, not for dataset imports (i.e. ala)
            if 'experiment' in context:
                # check if this is the first or last result
                jt = IExperimentJobTracker(kw['_context'].__parent__)
                completed = [st for st in jt.states
                             if st[1] in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED')]
                first = len(completed) == 1
                last = jt.state in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED', 'FINISHED')

                if first or last:
                    # send email
                    fullname = context['user']['fullname']
                    email_addr = context['user']['email']
                    experiment_name = context['experiment']['title']
                    experiment_url = context['experiment']['url']
                    success = (job.state == 'COMPLETED')
                    if fullname and email_addr and experiment_name and experiment_url:
                        send_mail(fullname, email_addr,
                                  experiment_name, experiment_url, success)
                        LOG.warn("Not sending email. Invalid parameters")
        except Exception as e:
                'Got an exception in plone.set_progress while trying to send an email: %s', e, exc_info=True)
        jobtool.set_state(job, state)
        LOG.info("Plone: Update job state RUNNING")
    if not '_jobid' in kw:
        kw['_context'].reindexObject()  # TODO: reindex job state only?
        # Compute the experiement run time if all its jobs are completed
        # The experiment is the parent job
        jt = IExperimentJobTracker(kw['_context'].__parent__, None)
        if jt and jt.state in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED'):
            exp = jt.context
            exp.runtime = time.time() - (exp.created().millis() / 1000.0)
    LOG.info("Plone: Update job progress: %s, %s, %s", state, message, context)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_job.py プロジェクト: BCCVL/org.bccvl.site
 def test_job_state_change(self):
     portal = self.layer['portal']
     job = self._create_new_job()
     content = portal['d1']
     job.content = IUUID(content)
     self.assertEqual(job.state, 'PENDING')
     job_tool = getUtility(IJobUtility)
     # get job tracker for content
     jt = IJobTracker(content)
     # check if we get the same job
     self.assertEqual(job, jt.get_job())
     # progress state
     jt.state = 'COMPLETED'
     self.assertEqual(job.state, 'COMPLETED')
     # but we can't move back
     jt.state = 'RUNNING'
     self.assertEqual(job.state, 'COMPLETED')
コード例 #3
def upgrade_220_230_1(context, logger=None):
    if logger is None:
        logger = LOG
    # Run GS steps
    portal = api.portal.get()
    setup = api.portal.get_tool('portal_setup')
    setup.runImportStepFromProfile(PROFILE_ID, 'org.bccvl.site.content')
    setup.runImportStepFromProfile(PROFILE_ID, 'plone.app.registry')
    setup.runImportStepFromProfile(PROFILE_ID, 'actions')
    pc = api.portal.get_tool('portal_catalog')

   # search all experiments and update job object with infos from experiment
    # -> delete job info on experiment
    LOG.info('Migrating job data for experiments')
    EXP_TYPES = ['org.bccvl.content.sdmexperiment',

    from org.bccvl.site.job.interfaces import IJobTracker
    import json
    for brain in pc.searchResults(portal_type=EXP_TYPES):
        # Update job with process statistic i.e. rusage
        for result in brain.getObject().values():
            if not 'pstats.json' in result:

            jt = IJobTracker(result)
            job = None
                job = jt.get_job()
            except Exception as e:
                LOG.info('Could not resolve %s: %s', result, e)
            if not job:

            pstats = result['pstats.json']
            if hasattr(pstats, 'file'):
                job.rusage = json.loads(pstats.file.data)
                del result['pstats.json']

    # Setup cookie settings
    sess = portal.acl_users.session

    # update facet configurations
    from org.bccvl.site.faceted.interfaces import IFacetConfigUtility
    from org.bccvl.site.faceted.tool import import_facet_config
    fct = getUtility(IFacetConfigUtility)
    for cfgobj in fct.types():
        LOG.info("Import facet config for %s", cfgobj.id)

    # set cookie secret from celery configuration
    from org.bccvl.tasks.celery import app
    cookie_cfg = app.conf.get('bccvl', {}).get('cookie', {})
    if cookie_cfg.get('secret', None):
        sess._shared_secret = cookie_cfg.get('secret').encode('utf-8')
        sess = portal.acl_users.session
            secure=cookie_cfg.get('secure', True)