def lockUser(self, user_name):
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_name):
            return None

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        cacheService= CdiUtil.bean(CacheService)
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)
        if (find_user_by_uid == None):
            return None

        status_attribute_value = userService.getCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, "gluuStatus")
        if status_attribute_value != None:
            user_status = status_attribute_value.getValue()
            if StringHelper.equals(user_status, "inactive"):
                print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' locked already" % user_name
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, "gluuStatus", "inactive")
        updated_user = userService.updateUser(find_user_by_uid)

        object_to_store = json.dumps({'locked': True, 'created':}, separators=(',',':'))

        cacheService.put(StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime), "lock_user_"+user_name, object_to_store);
        facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Your account is locked. Please try again after " + StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime) + " secs")

        print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' locked" % user_name
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        duo_host = configurationAttributes.get("duo_host").getValue2()

        if (step == 1):
            print "Duo. Prepare for step 1"

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Duo. Prepare for step 2"

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "Duo. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False
            user_name = user.getUserId()

            duo_sig_request = duo_web.sign_request(self.ikey, self.skey, self.akey, user_name)
            print "Duo. Prepare for step 2. duo_sig_request: " + duo_sig_request
            identity.setWorkingParameter("duo_host", duo_host)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("duo_sig_request", duo_sig_request)

            return True
            return False
コード例 #3
    def resend_push_notification(self,context):
        print "Super-Gluu-RO resend_push_notification"

        sessionIdService = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService)
        session_id = context.getHttpRequest().getParameter(self.sessionIdParamName)
        if session_id == None:
            print "Super-Gluu-RO. No session_id was specified for resend_push_notification"
            return False
        sessionId = sessionIdService.getSessionId(session_id)
        if sessionId == None:
            print "Super-Gluu-RO. Session '%s' does not exist or has expired" % session_id
            return False
        client = CdiUtil.bean(Identity).getSessionClient().getClient()
        if not self.verify_session_ownership(sessionId,context.getUser(),client):
            print "Super-Gluu-RO. resend_push_notification_failed due to invalid session ownership"
            return False
        print "Super-Gluu-RO resend_push_notification complete"
        return True
コード例 #4
    def sendPushNotificationImpl(self, user, app_id, super_gluu_request):

        if not self.pushNotificationsEnabled:
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Push notifications are disabled"
            return None
        user_name = user.getUserId()
        print "Super-Gluu-Push. Sending push notification to user '%s' devices" % user_name

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        deviceRegistrationService = CdiUtil.bean(DeviceRegistrationService)

        user_inum = userService.getUserInum(user_name)

        u2f_device_list = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistrations(user_inum, app_id, 
        send_ios = 0
        send_android = 0
        if u2f_device_list.size() > 0:
            for u2f_device in u2f_device_list:
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Send device notification to device"
                device_push_result = self.sendDevicePushNotification(user, app_id, u2f_device, super_gluu_request)
                send_ios += device_push_result["send_ios"]
                send_android += device_push_result["send_android"]
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. No device enrolled for user '%s'" % user_name
            return 0
        msg = """Super-Gluu-Push. Send push notification. send_android: '%s', send_ios: '%s' """
        print msg % (send_android, send_ios)
        return send_android + send_ios
    def getPassportRedirectUrl(self, provider):

        # provider is assumed to exist in self.registeredProviders
        url = None
            facesContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext)
            tokenEndpoint = "https://%s/passport/token" % facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getServerName()

            httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)
            httpclient = httpService.getHttpsClient()

            print "Passport. getPassportRedirectUrl. Obtaining token from passport at %s" % tokenEndpoint
            resultResponse = httpService.executeGet(httpclient, tokenEndpoint, Collections.singletonMap("Accept", "text/json"))
            httpResponse = resultResponse.getHttpResponse()
            bytes = httpService.getResponseContent(httpResponse)

            response = httpService.convertEntityToString(bytes)
            print "Passport. getPassportRedirectUrl. Response was %s" % httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()

            tokenObj = json.loads(response)
            url = "/passport/auth/%s/%s" % (provider, tokenObj["token_"])
            print "Passport. getPassportRedirectUrl. Error building redirect URL: ", sys.exc_info()[1]

        return url
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "Cert. Prepare for step %d" % step
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        if step == 1:
            if self.enabled_recaptcha:
                identity.setWorkingParameter("recaptcha_site_key", self.recaptcha_creds['site_key'])
        elif step == 2:
            # Store certificate in session
            facesContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext)
            externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext()
            request = externalContext.getRequest()

            # Try to get certificate from header X-ClientCert
            clientCertificate = externalContext.getRequestHeaderMap().get("X-ClientCert")
            if clientCertificate != None:
                x509Certificate = self.certFromPemString(clientCertificate)
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_x509",  self.certToString(x509Certificate))
                print "Cert. Prepare for step 2. Storing user certificate obtained from 'X-ClientCert' header"
                return True

            # Try to get certificate from attribute javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate
            x509Certificates = request.getAttribute('javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate')
            if (x509Certificates != None) and (len(x509Certificates) > 0):
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_x509", self.certToString(x509Certificates[0]))
                print "Cert. Prepare for step 2. Storing user certificate obtained from 'javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate' attribute"
                return True

        if step < 4:
            return True
            return False
    def prepareForStep(self, configuration_attributes, request_parameters, step):
        print "ThumbSignIn. Inside prepareForStep. Step %d" % step
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        authentication_service = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity.setWorkingParameter("ts_host", ts_host)
        identity.setWorkingParameter("ts_statusPath", ts_statusPath)


        if step == 1 or step == 3:
            print "ThumbSignIn. Prepare for step 1"
            self.initialize_thumbsignin(identity, AUTHENTICATE)
            return True

        elif step == 2:
            print "ThumbSignIn. Prepare for step 2"
            if identity.isSetWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW):
                user_login_flow = identity.getWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW)
                print "ThumbSignIn. Value of user_login_flow is %s" % user_login_flow
            user = authentication_service.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user is None:
                print "ThumbSignIn. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False
            user_name = user.getUserId()
            print "ThumbSignIn. Prepare for step 2. user_name: " + user_name
            if user_name is None:
                return False
            identity.setWorkingParameter(USER_ID, user_name)
            self.initialize_thumbsignin(identity, REGISTER + "/" + user_name)
            return True
            return False
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()


        if step == 1:
            print "OTP. Prepare for step 1"

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "OTP. Prepare for step 2"

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            print "OTP. Prepare for step 2. otp_auth_method: '%s'" % otp_auth_method

            if otp_auth_method == 'enroll':
                authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
                user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
                if user == None:
                    print "OTP. Prepare for step 2. Failed to load user enty"
                    return False

                if self.otpType == "hotp":
                    otp_secret_key = self.generateSecretHotpKey()
                    otp_enrollment_request = self.generateHotpSecretKeyUri(otp_secret_key, self.otpIssuer, user.getAttribute("displayName"))
                elif self.otpType == "totp":
                    otp_secret_key = self.generateSecretTotpKey()
                    otp_enrollment_request = self.generateTotpSecretKeyUri(otp_secret_key, self.otpIssuer, user.getAttribute("displayName"))
                    print "OTP. Prepare for step 2. Unknown OTP type: '%s'" % self.otpType
                    return False

                print "OTP. Prepare for step 2. Prepared enrollment request for user: '******'" % user.getUserId()
                identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_secret_key", self.toBase64Url(otp_secret_key))
                identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_enrollment_request", otp_enrollment_request)

            return True
        elif step == 3:
            print "OTP. Prepare for step 3"

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            print "OTP. Prepare for step 3. otp_auth_method: '%s'" % otp_auth_method

            if otp_auth_method == 'enroll':
                return True

        return False
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self, appId, superGluuRequest):

        self.appId = appId
        self.superGluuRequest = superGluuRequest
        self.debugEnabled = False
        self.deviceRegistrationService = CdiUtil.bean(DeviceRegistrationService)
        self.pushSnsService = CdiUtil.bean(PushSnsService)
        self.user = None
        self.u2fDevice = None
        self.devicePlatform = None
        self.pushToken = None
コード例 #10
    def getNextStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        print "Casa. getNextStep called %s" % str(step)
        if step > 1:
            acr = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "alternativeMethod")
            if acr != None:
                print "Casa. getNextStep. Use alternative method %s" % acr
                CdiUtil.bean(Identity).setWorkingParameter("ACR", acr)
                #retry step with different acr
                return 2

        return -1
    def authenticate(self, configuration_attributes, request_parameters, step):
        print "ThumbSignIn. Inside authenticate. Step %d" % step
        authentication_service = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        identity.setWorkingParameter("ts_host", ts_host)
        identity.setWorkingParameter("ts_statusPath", ts_statusPath)

        if step == 1 or step == 3:
            print "ThumbSignIn. Authenticate for Step %d" % step

            login_flow = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(request_parameters, "login_flow")
            print "ThumbSignIn. Value of login_flow parameter is %s" % login_flow

            # Logic for ThumbSignIn Authentication Flow (Either step 1 or step 3)
                identity.setWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW, login_flow)
                print "ThumbSignIn. Value of userLoginFlow is %s" % identity.getWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW)
                logged_in_status = authentication_service.authenticate(self.get_user_id_from_thumbsignin(request_parameters))
                print "ThumbSignIn. logged_in status : %r" % logged_in_status
                return logged_in_status

            # Logic for traditional login flow (step 1)
            print "ThumbSignIn. User credentials login flow"
            identity.setWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW, THUMBSIGNIN_REGISTRATION)
            print "ThumbSignIn. Value of userLoginFlow is %s" % identity.getWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW)
            logged_in = self.authenticate_user_credentials(identity, authentication_service)
            print "ThumbSignIn. Status of User Credentials based Authentication : %r" % logged_in

            # When the traditional login fails, reinitialize the ThumbSignIn data before sending error response to UI
            if not logged_in:
                self.initialize_thumbsignin(identity, AUTHENTICATE)
                return False

            print "ThumbSignIn. Authenticate successful for step %d" % step
            return True

        elif step == 2:
            print "ThumbSignIn. Registration flow (step 2)"

            user = self.get_authenticated_user_from_gluu(authentication_service)
            if user is None:
                print "ThumbSignIn. Registration flow (step 2). Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            user_name = user.getUserId()
            print "ThumbSignIn. Registration flow (step 2) successful. user_name: %s" % user_name
            return True

            return False
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if (step == 1):
            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2"

            session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            userName = user.getUserId()

            metaDataConfiguration = self.getMetaDataConfiguration()

            # Check if user have registered devices
            registrationPersistenceService = CdiUtil.bean(RegistrationPersistenceService)
            assertionResponse = None
            attestationResponse = None

            userFido2Devices = registrationPersistenceService.findAllRegisteredByUsername(userName)
            if (userFido2Devices.size() > 0):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Call Fido2 endpoint in order to start assertion flow"

                    assertionService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance().createAssertionService(metaDataConfiguration)
                    assertionRequest = json.dumps({'username': userName}, separators=(',', ':'))
                    assertionResponse = assertionService.authenticate(assertionRequest).readEntity(java.lang.String)
                except ClientResponseFailure, ex:
                    print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to start assertion flow. Exception:", sys.exc_info()[1]
                    return False
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Call Fido2 endpoint in order to start attestation flow"

                    attestationService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance().createAttestationService(metaDataConfiguration)
                    attestationRequest = json.dumps({'username': userName, 'displayName': userName}, separators=(',', ':'))
                    attestationResponse = attestationService.register(attestationRequest).readEntity(java.lang.String)
                except ClientResponseFailure, ex:
                    print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to start attestation flow. Exception:", sys.exc_info()[1]
                    return False
コード例 #13
 def initiate_authentication(self, context):
     print "Super-Gluu-RO initiatate_authentication"
     client = CdiUtil.bean(Identity).getSessionClient().getClient()
     sessionId = self.new_unauthenticated_session(context.getUser(),client)
     # set session id in identity object
     # this will be used by our dynamic scope script
     identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
     if not self.send_push_notification_to_user(sessionId,context):
         print "Send push notification to user '%s' failed " % context.getUser().getUserId()
         return False
     print "Super-Gluu-RO initiate_authentication complete"
     return True
コード例 #14
    def getCountAuthenticationSteps(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "Casa. getCountAuthenticationSteps called"

        if CdiUtil.bean(Identity).getWorkingParameter("skip2FA"):
           return 1

        acr = CdiUtil.bean(Identity).getWorkingParameter("ACR")
        if acr in self.authenticators:
            module = self.authenticators[acr]
            return module.getCountAuthenticationSteps(module.configAttrs)
            return 2

        print "Casa. getCountAuthenticationSteps. Could not determine the step count for acr %s" % acr
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if (step == 1):
            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "U2F. Prepare for step 2"

            session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            u2f_application_id = configurationAttributes.get("u2f_application_id").getValue2()

            # Check if user have registered devices
            deviceRegistrationService = CdiUtil.bean(DeviceRegistrationService)

            userInum = user.getAttribute("inum")

            registrationRequest = None
            authenticationRequest = None

            deviceRegistrations = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistrations(userInum, u2f_application_id)
            if (deviceRegistrations.size() > 0):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Call FIDO U2F in order to start authentication workflow"

                    authenticationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance().createAuthenticationRequestService(self.metaDataConfiguration)
                    authenticationRequest = authenticationRequestService.startAuthentication(user.getUserId(), None, u2f_application_id, session_id)
                except ClientResponseFailure, ex:
                    if (ex.getResponse().getResponseStatus() != Response.Status.NOT_FOUND):
                        print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Failed to start authentication workflow. Exception:", sys.exc_info()[1]
                        return False
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Call FIDO U2F in order to start registration workflow"
                registrationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance().createRegistrationRequestService(self.metaDataConfiguration)
                registrationRequest = registrationRequestService.startRegistration(user.getUserId(), u2f_application_id, session_id)

            identity.setWorkingParameter("fido_u2f_authentication_request", ServerUtil.asJson(authenticationRequest))
            identity.setWorkingParameter("fido_u2f_registration_request", ServerUtil.asJson(registrationRequest))

            return True
コード例 #16
    def postRegistration(self, user, requestParameters, configurationAttributes):
        print "User registration. Post method"
        appConfiguration = CdiUtil.bean(AppConfiguration)

        hostName = appConfiguration.getApplianceUrl()
        externalContext = CdiUtil.bean(ExternalContext)
        contextPath = externalContext.getRequest().getContextPath() 

        mailService = CdiUtil.bean(MailService)
        subject = "Confirmation mail for user registration"
        body = "User Registered for %s. Please Confirm User Registration by clicking url: %s%s/confirm/registration?code=%s" % (user.getMail(), hostName, contextPath, self.guid)
        print "User registration. Post method. Attempting to send e-mail to '%s' message '%s'" % (user.getMail(), body)

        mailService.sendMail(user.getMail(), subject, body)
        return True
    def findEnrollments(self, user_name, skipPrefix = True):
        result = []

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        user = userService.getUser(user_name, "oxExternalUid")
        if user == None:
            print "OTP. Find enrollments. Failed to find user"
            return result
        user_custom_ext_attribute = userService.getCustomAttribute(user, "oxExternalUid")
        if user_custom_ext_attribute == None:
            return result

        otp_prefix = "%s:" % self.otpType
        otp_prefix_length = len(otp_prefix) 
        for user_external_uid in user_custom_ext_attribute.getValues():
            index = user_external_uid.find(otp_prefix)
            if index != -1:
                if skipPrefix:
                    enrollment_uid = user_external_uid[otp_prefix_length:]
                    enrollment_uid = user_external_uid

        return result
    def init(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "UAF. Initialization"

        if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("uaf_server_uri"):
            print "UAF. Initialization. Property uaf_server_uri is mandatory"
            return False

        self.uaf_server_uri = configurationAttributes.get("uaf_server_uri").getValue2()

        self.uaf_policy_name = "default"
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("uaf_policy_name"):
            self.uaf_policy_name = configurationAttributes.get("uaf_policy_name").getValue2()

        self.send_push_notifaction = False
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("send_push_notifaction"):
            self.send_push_notifaction = StringHelper.toBoolean(configurationAttributes.get("send_push_notifaction").getValue2(), False)

        self.registration_uri = None
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("registration_uri"):
            self.registration_uri = configurationAttributes.get("registration_uri").getValue2()

        self.customQrOptions = {}
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("qr_options"):
            self.customQrOptions = configurationAttributes.get("qr_options").getValue2()

        print "UAF. Initializing HTTP client"
        httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)
        self.http_client = httpService.getHttpsClient()
        http_client_params = self.http_client.getParams()
        http_client_params.setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 15 * 1000)

        print "UAF. Initialized successfully. uaf_server_uri: '%s', uaf_policy_name: '%s', send_push_notifaction: '%s', registration_uri: '%s', qr_options: '%s'" % (self.uaf_server_uri, self.uaf_policy_name, self.send_push_notifaction, self.registration_uri, self.customQrOptions)
        print "UAF. Initialized successfully"
        return True
コード例 #19
    def getNotifyMetadata(self, gluu_server_uri):

            notifyClientFactory  = NotifyClientFactory.instance()
            metadataConfigurationService = notifyClientFactory.createMetaDataConfigurationService(gluu_server_uri)
            return metadataConfigurationService.getMetadataConfiguration()
            exc_value = sys.exc_info()[1]
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Gluu push notification init failed while loading metadata. %s." % exc_value
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Retrying loading metadata using httpService..."
            httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)
            http_client = httpService.getHttpsClient()
            http_client_params = http_client.getParams()
            notify_service_url = "%s/.well-known/notify-configuration" % gluu_server_uri
            notify_service_headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
                http_service_response = httpService.executeGet(http_client,notify_service_url,notify_service_headers)
                http_response = http_service_response.getHttpResponse()
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Loading metadata using httpService failed. %s." % sys.exc_info()[1]
                return None
                if not httpService.isResponseStastusCodeOk(http_response):
                    http_error_str = str(http_response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode())
                    print "Super-Gluu-Push. Loading metadata using httpService failed with http code %s." % http_error_str
                    return None
                resp_bytes = httpService.getResponseContent(http_response)
                resp_str = httpService.convertEntityToString(resp_bytes)
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Loading metadata using httpService failed. %s." % sys.exc_info()[1]
                return None
            if resp_str == None:
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Loading metadata using httpService failed.Empty response from server"
                return None
            json_resp = json.loads(resp_str)
            if ('version' not in json_resp) or ('issuer' not in json_resp):
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Loading metadata using httpService failed. Invalid json response %s." % json_resp
                return None
            if ('notify_endpoint' not in json_resp) and ('notifyEndpoint' not in json_resp):
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Loading metadata using httpService failed. Invalid json response %s." % json_resp
                return None
            notifyMeta = NotifyMetadata()
            if 'notify_endpoint' in json_resp:
            elif 'notifyEndpoint' in json_resp: 
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Metadata loaded using httpService successfully"
            return notifyMeta
    def executePost(self, request_uri, request_data):
        httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)

        request_headers = { "Content-type" : "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Accept" : "application/json" }

            http_service_response = httpService.executePost(self.http_client, request_uri, None, request_headers, request_data)
            http_response = http_service_response.getHttpResponse()
            print "UAF. Validate POST response. Exception: ", sys.exc_info()[1]
            return None

            if not httpService.isResponseStastusCodeOk(http_response):
                print "UAF. Validate POST response. Get invalid response from  server: %s" % str(http_response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode())
                return None
            response_bytes = httpService.getResponseContent(http_response)
            response_string = httpService.convertEntityToString(response_bytes)
            return response_string
        return None
    def getCountAuthenticationSteps(self, configurationAttributes):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if identity.isSetWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps"):
            return StringHelper.toInteger("%s" % identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps"))
            return 2
コード例 #22
    def confirmRegistration(self, user, requestParameters, configurationAttributes):
        print "User registration. Confirm method"

        code_array = requestParameters.get("code")
        if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(code_array):
            print "User registration. Confirm method. code is empty"
            return False

        confirmation_code = code_array[0]
        print "User registration. Confirm method. code: '%s'" % confirmation_code

        if confirmation_code == None:
            print "User registration. Confirm method. Confirmation code not exist in request"
            return False

        personService = CdiUtil.bean(PersonService)
        user = personService.getPersonByAttribute("oxGuid", confirmation_code)
        if user == None:
            print "User registration. Confirm method. There is no user by confirmation code: '%s'" % confirmation_code
            return False

        if confirmation_code == user.getGuid():
            print "User registration. Confirm method. User '%s' confirmed his registration" % user.getUid()
            return True

        print "User registration. Confirm method. Confirmation code for user '%s' is invalid" % user.getUid()
    	return False
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        extensionResult = self.extensionPrepareForStep(configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step)
        if extensionResult != None:
            return extensionResult

        print "Passport. prepareForStep called %s"  % str(step)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            #re-read the strategies config (for instance to know which strategies have enabled the email account linking)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("externalProviders", json.dumps(self.registeredProviders))

            providerParam = self.customAuthzParameter
            url = None

            sessionAttributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            self.skipProfileUpdate = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(sessionAttributes.get("skipPassportProfileUpdate"), "true")

            #this param could have been set previously in authenticate step if current step is being retried
            provider = identity.getWorkingParameter("selectedProvider")
            if provider != None:
                url = self.getPassportRedirectUrl(provider)
                identity.setWorkingParameter("selectedProvider", None)

            elif providerParam != None:
                paramValue = sessionAttributes.get(providerParam)

                if paramValue != None:
                    print "Passport. prepareForStep. Found value in custom param of authorization request: %s" % paramValue
                    provider = self.getProviderFromJson(paramValue)

                    if provider == None:
                        print "Passport. prepareForStep. A provider value could not be extracted from custom authorization request parameter"
                    elif not provider in self.registeredProviders:
                        print "Passport. prepareForStep. Provider '%s' not part of known configured IDPs/OPs" % provider
                        url = self.getPassportRedirectUrl(provider)

            if url == None:
                print "Passport. prepareForStep. A page to manually select an identity provider will be shown"
                facesService = CdiUtil.bean(FacesService)

        return True
    def postRegistration(self, user, requestParameters, configurationAttributes):
        print "User registration. Post method"
        appConfiguration = CdiUtil.bean(AppConfiguration)

        hostName = appConfiguration.getApplianceUrl()
        externalContext = CdiUtil.bean(ExternalContext)
        contextPath = externalContext.getRequest().getContextPath() 

        mailService = CdiUtil.bean(MailService)
        subject = "Registration confirmation"
        activationLink = "%s%s/confirm/registration?code=%s" %(hostName, contextPath, self.guid)
        body = "<h2 style='margin-left:10%%;color: #337ab7;'>Welcome</h2><hr style='width:80%%;border: 1px solid #337ab7;'></hr><div style='text-align:center;'><p>Dear <span style='color: #337ab7;'>%s</span>,</p><p>Your Account has been created, welcome to <span style='color: #337ab7;'>%s</span>.</p><p>You are just one step way from activating your account on <span style='color: #337ab7;'>%s</span>.</p><p>Click the button and start using your account.</p></div><a class='btn' href='%s'><button style='background: #337ab7; color: white; margin-left: 30%%; border-radius: 5px; border: 0px; padding: 5px;' type='button'>Activate your account now!</button></a>"  % (user.getUid(), hostName, hostName, activationLink)

        print "User registration. Post method. Attempting to send e-mail to '%s' message '%s'" % (user.getMail(), body)
        mailService.sendMail(user.getMail(), None, subject, body, body);
        return True
    def getNextStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        if step == 1:
            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            provider = identity.getWorkingParameter("selectedProvider")
            if provider != None:
                return 1

        return -1
コード例 #26
 def getLocalPrimaryKey(self):
     #Pick (one) attribute where user id is stored (e.g. uid/mail)
     oxAuthInitializer = CdiUtil.bean(AppInitializer)
     #This call does not create anything, it's like a getter (see oxAuth's AppInitializer)
     ldapAuthConfigs = oxAuthInitializer.createPersistenceAuthConfigs()
     uid_attr = ldapAuthConfigs.get(0).getLocalPrimaryKey()
     print "Casa. init. uid attribute is '%s'" % uid_attr
     return uid_attr
    def validateRecaptcha(self, recaptcha_response):
        print "Cert. Validate recaptcha response"

        facesContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext)
        request = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest()

        remoteip = ServerUtil.getIpAddress(request)
        print "Cert. Validate recaptcha response. remoteip: '%s'" % remoteip

        httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)

        http_client = httpService.getHttpsClient()
        http_client_params = http_client.getParams()
        http_client_params.setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 15 * 1000)
        recaptcha_validation_url = ""
        recaptcha_validation_request = urllib.urlencode({ "secret" : self.recaptcha_creds['secret_key'], "response" : recaptcha_response, "remoteip" : remoteip })
        recaptcha_validation_headers = { "Content-type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept" : "application/json" }

            http_service_response = httpService.executePost(http_client, recaptcha_validation_url, None, recaptcha_validation_headers, recaptcha_validation_request)
            http_response = http_service_response.getHttpResponse()
            print "Cert. Validate recaptcha response. Exception: ", sys.exc_info()[1]
            return False

            if not httpService.isResponseStastusCodeOk(http_response):
                print "Cert. Validate recaptcha response. Get invalid response from validation server: ", str(http_response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode())
                return False
            response_bytes = httpService.getResponseContent(http_response)
            response_string = httpService.convertEntityToString(response_bytes)

        if response_string == None:
            print "Cert. Validate recaptcha response. Get empty response from validation server"
            return False
        response = json.loads(response_string)
        return response["success"]
コード例 #28
    def initSnsPushNotifications(self, creds):

        print "Super-Gluu-Push. SNS push notifications init ..."
        self.pushSnsMode = True
            sns_creds = creds["sns"]
            android_creds = creds["android"]["sns"]
            ios_creds = creds["ios"]["sns"]
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Invalid SNS credentials format"
            return None
        self.pushAndroidService = None
        self.pushAppleService = None
        if not (android_creds["enabled"] or ios_creds["enabled"]):
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. SNS disabled for all platforms"
            return None
        sns_access_key = sns_creds["access_key"]
        sns_secret_access_key = sns_creds["secret_access_key"]
        sns_region = sns_creds["region"]

        encryptionService = CdiUtil.bean(EncryptionService)

            sns_secret_access_key = encryptionService.decrypt(sns_secret_access_key)
            # Ignore exception. Password is not encrypted
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Assuming 'sns_access_key' is not encrypted"
        pushSnsService = CdiUtil.bean(PushSnsService)
        pushClient = pushSnsService.createSnsClient(sns_access_key,sns_secret_access_key,sns_region)
        if android_creds["enabled"]:
            self.pushAndroidService = pushClient
            self.pushAndroidPlatformArn = android_creds["platform_arn"]
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Created SNS android notification service"
        if ios_creds["enabled"]:
            self.pushAppleService = pushClient
            self.pushApplePlatformArn = ios_creds["platform_arn"]
            self.pushAppleServiceProduction = ios_creds["production"]

        self.pushNotificationsEnabled = self.pushAndroidService != None or self.pushAppleService != None
コード例 #29
 def new_unauthenticated_session(self,user,client):
     sessionIdService = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService)
     authDate = Date()
     sid_attrs = HashMap()
     sessionId = sessionIdService.generateUnauthenticatedSessionId(user.getDn(),authDate,SessionIdState.UNAUTHENTICATED,sid_attrs,True)
     print "Super-Gluu-RO. Generated session id. DN: '%s'" % sessionId.getDn()
     return sessionId
コード例 #30
    def initGluuPushNotifications(self, creds):
        print "Super-Gluu-Push. Gluu push notifications init ... "

        self.pushGluuMode = True

            gluu_conf = creds["gluu"]
            android_creds = creds["android"]["gluu"]
            ios_creds = creds["ios"]["gluu"]
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Invalid Gluu credentials format"
            return None
        self.pushAndroidService = None
        self.pushAppleService = None

        if not(android_creds["enabled"] or ios_creds["enabled"]):
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Gluu disabled for all platforms"
            return None
        gluu_server_uri = gluu_conf["server_uri"]
        notifyClientFactory  = NotifyClientFactory.instance()
        metadataConfiguration = self.getNotifyMetadata(gluu_server_uri)
        if metadataConfiguration == None:
            return None
        gluuClient = notifyClientFactory.createNotifyService(metadataConfiguration)
        encryptionService = CdiUtil.bean(EncryptionService)

        if android_creds["enabled"]:
            gluu_access_key = android_creds["access_key"]
            gluu_secret_access_key = android_creds["secret_access_key"]

                gluu_secret_access_key = encryptionService.decrypt(gluu_secret_access_key)
                # Ignore exception. Password is not encrypted
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Assuming 'gluu_secret_access_key' is not encrypted"
            self.pushAndroidService = gluuClient
            self.pushAndroidServiceAuth = notifyClientFactory.getAuthorization(gluu_access_key,gluu_secret_access_key)
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Created Gluu Android notification service"
        if ios_creds["enabled"]:
            gluu_access_key = ios_creds["access_key"]
            gluu_secret_access_key = ios_creds["secret_access_key"]

                gluu_secret_access_key = encryptionService.decrypt(gluu_secret_access_key)
                # Ignore exception. Password is not encrypted
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Assuming 'gluu_secret_access_key' is not encrypted"
            self.pushAppleService = gluuClient
            self.pushAppleServiceAuth = notifyClientFactory.getAuthorization(gluu_access_key,gluu_secret_access_key)
            print "Super-Gluu-Push. Created Gluu iOS notification service"
        self.pushNotificationsEnabled = self.pushAndroidService != None or self.pushAppleService != None
コード例 #31
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        if (step == 1):
            print "Google+ Prepare for step 1"
            currentClientSecrets = self.getCurrentClientSecrets(self.clientSecrets, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
            if (currentClientSecrets == None):
                print "Google+ Prepare for step 1. Google+ client configuration is invalid"
                return False
            identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_client_id", currentClientSecrets["web"]["client_id"])
            identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_client_secret", currentClientSecrets["web"]["client_secret"])

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Google+ Prepare for step 2"

            return True
            return False
コード例 #32
    def perform_preliminary_user_authentication(self, context):
        username = context.getHttpRequest().getParameter(
        if self.authWithoutPassword:
            userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
            user = userService.getUser(username, "uid")
            if user == None:
                print "Super-Gluu-RO. User '%s' not found" % username
                return False
            print "Super-Gluu-RO. User '%s' authenticated without password" % username
            return True

        password = context.getHttpRequest().getParameter(
        authService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        if authService.authenticate(username, password) == False:
            print "Super-Gluu-RO. Could not authenticate user '%s' " % username
            return False

        return True
コード例 #33
    def startSession(self, httpRequest, sessionId, configurationAttributes):
        print "Application session. Starting external session"

        user_name = sessionId.getSessionAttributes().get(Constants.AUTHENTICATED_USER)

        first_session = self.isFirstSession(user_name)
        if not first_session:
            facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
            facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Please, end active session first!")
            return False

        print "Application session. External session started successfully"
        return True
コード例 #34
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        allowedCountriesListArray = StringHelper.split(self.allowedCountries,
        if (len(allowedCountriesListArray) > 0
                and session_attributes.containsKey("remote_ip")):
            remote_ip = session_attributes.get("remote_ip")
            remote_loc_dic = self.determineGeolocationData(remote_ip)
            if remote_loc_dic == None:
                print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine remote location by remote IP '%s'" % remote_ip
            remote_loc = "%s" % (remote_loc_dic['countryCode'])
            print "Your remote location is " + remote_loc
            if remote_loc in allowedCountriesListArray:
                print "you are allowed to access"
                return False

        if (step == 1):
            print "Basic. Authenticate for step 1"
            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True
            return False
コード例 #35
ファイル: プロジェクト: sign-in-canada/MFA
 def getPageForStep(self, configurationAttributes, step):
     # Get the locale/language from the browser
     locale = CdiUtil.bean(LanguageBean).getLocaleCode()[:2]
     print "MFA Chooser. getPageForStep called for step '%s' and locale '%s'" % (
         step, locale)
     # Make sure it matches "en" or "fr"
     if (locale != "en" and locale != "fr"):
         locale = "en"
     # determine what page to display
     if locale == "en":
         return "/en/register/new.xhtml"
     if locale == "fr":
         return "/fr/enregistrer/nouveau.xhtml"
コード例 #36
    def processBasicAuthentication(self, credentials):
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()
        user_password = credentials.getPassword()

        logged_in = False
        if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
            logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                user_name, user_password)

        if (not logged_in):
            return None

        find_user_by_uid = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
        if (find_user_by_uid == None):
            print "Cert. Process basic authentication. Failed to find user '%s'" % user_name
            return None

        return find_user_by_uid
コード例 #37
ファイル: プロジェクト: GluuFederation/Smartcard-Demo
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "Cert. Prepare for step %d" % step
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            if self.enabled_recaptcha:
            return True
        elif step == 2:
            # Store certificate in session
            facesContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext)
            externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext()
            request = externalContext.getRequest()

            # Try to get certificate from header X-ClientCert
            clientCertificate = externalContext.getRequestHeaderMap().get(
            if clientCertificate != None:
                x509Certificate = self.certFromPemString(clientCertificate)
                    "cert_x509", self.certToString(x509Certificate))
                print "Cert. Prepare for step 2. Storing user certificate obtained from 'X-ClientCert' header"
                return True

            # Try to get certificate from attribute javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate
            x509Certificates = request.getAttribute(
            if (x509Certificates != None) and (len(x509Certificates) > 0):
                    "cert_x509", self.certToString(x509Certificates[0]))
                print "Cert. Prepare for step 2. Storing user certificate obtained from 'javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate' attribute"
                return True

        if step < 4:
            return True
            return False
コード例 #38
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "MFA Enroll Recovery. authenticate called for step '%s'" % step

        # if it's the confirmation page then just get on with it and finish
        if (step == 2):
            return True

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        # For authentication then check if someone enrolling clicked CANCEL button
        alternateAction = self.alternateActionRequested(requestParameters)
        if ( alternateAction == 'cancel'):
            identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes().put("authenticationFlow", "RESTART_ENROLLMENT")
            CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).updateSessionId( identity.getSessionId() )
            return True

        # 1. Make sure we have a session and a user with no existing codes in the profile
        session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
        if not session_id_validation:
            print "MFA Enroll Recovery. prepareForStep for step %s. Failed to validate session state" % step
            return False

        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        authenticated_user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

        if authenticated_user == None:
            print "MFA Enroll Recovery. prepareForStep. Failed to determine authenticated user from previous module"
            return False

        # 2. Get the confirmation checkbox value
        confirmCodeBox = None
            toBeFeatched = "loginForm:confirmCodeBox"
            print "MFA Enroll Recovery. authenticate: fetching '%s'" % toBeFeatched
            confirmCodeBox = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, toBeFeatched)
        except Exception, err:
            print("MFA Enroll Recovery. authenticate Exception getting form checkbox: " + str(err))
コード例 #39
    def getPassportRedirectUrl(self, provider, issuerSpNameQualifier):

        # provider is assumed to exist in self.registeredProviders
        url = None
            facesContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext)
            tokenEndpoint = "https://%s/passport/token" % facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getServerName()

            httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)
            httpclient = httpService.getHttpsClient()

            print "Passport-saml. getPassportRedirectUrl. Obtaining token from passport at %s" % tokenEndpoint
            resultResponse = httpService.executeGet(httpclient, tokenEndpoint, Collections.singletonMap("Accept", "text/json"))
            httpResponse = resultResponse.getHttpResponse()
            bytes = httpService.getResponseContent(httpResponse)

            response = httpService.convertEntityToString(bytes)
            print "Passport-saml. getPassportRedirectUrl. Response was %s" % httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()

            print "Passport-saml. getPassportRedirectUrl. Loading response %s" % response
            tokenObj = json.loads(response)
            print "Passport-saml. getPassportRedirectUrl. Building URL: provider:  %s" % provider
            print "Passport-saml. getPassportRedirectUrl. Building URL: token:     %s" % tokenObj["token_"]
            print "Passport-saml. getPassportRedirectUrl. Building URL: spNameQfr: %s" % issuerSpNameQualifier

            locale = CdiUtil.bean(LanguageBean).getLocaleCode()[:2]
            if (locale != "en" and locale != "fr"):
                locale = "en"

            # Check if the samlissuer is there so to use the old endpoint if no collection needed
            if ( issuerSpNameQualifier != None ):
                url = "/passport/auth/%s/%s/locale/%s/saml/%s" % (provider, tokenObj["token_"], locale, Base64Util.base64urlencode(issuerSpNameQualifier))
                url = "/passport/auth/%s/%s/locale/%s" % ( provider, tokenObj["token_"], locale )
            print "Passport-saml. getPassportRedirectUrl. Error building redirect URL: ", sys.exc_info()[1]

        return url
コード例 #40
ファイル: プロジェクト: sign-in-canada/MFA
    def getUser(self, pairwiseId):
        print "MFA. getUser() called"

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        clientService = CdiUtil.bean(ClientService)
        pairwiseIdentifierService = CdiUtil.bean(PairwiseIdentifierService)
        facesResources = CdiUtil.bean(FacesResources)

        # Get the user service and fetch the user
        # Normally we would fetch by pairwise ID ... however because there is no API for that we save MFA PAI in oxExternalUid
        externalUid = "sic-mfa:" + pairwiseId
        print "MFA: getUser(). Looking up user with externalUid = '%s'" % externalUid
        user = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", externalUid)

        if (user is None):
            # Create a new account
            print "MFA: getUser(). Creating new user with externalUid = '%s'" % (externalUid)
            newUser = User()
            userId = uuid.uuid4().hex
            newUser.setAttribute("oxExternalUid", externalUid)
            user = userService.addUser(newUser, True)

            # add a Pairwise Subject Identifier for the OIDC Client
            facesContext = facesResources.getFacesContext()
            httpRequest = facesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()
            clientId = httpRequest.getParameter("client_id")
            client = clientService.getClient(clientId)
            sectorIdentifierUri = client.getRedirectUris()[0]
            userInum = user.getAttribute("inum")

            pairwiseSubject = PairwiseIdentifier(sectorIdentifierUri, clientId)
            pairwiseSubject.setDn(pairwiseIdentifierService.getDnForPairwiseIdentifier(pairwiseSubject.getId(), userInum))
            pairwiseIdentifierService.addPairwiseIdentifier(userInum, pairwiseSubject)

        return user
コード例 #41
    def getNextStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "Basic (demo reset step). Get next step for step '%s'" % step
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        # If user not pass current step authenticaton change step to previous
        pass_authentication = identity.getWorkingParameter(
        if not pass_authentication:
            if step > 1:
                resultStep = step - 1
                print "Basic (demo reset step). Get next step. Changing step to '%s'" % resultStep
                return resultStep

        return -1
コード例 #42
    def isValidAuthenticationMethod(self, usageType, configurationAttributes):
        print "MFA Recovery. isValidAuthenticationMethod called"

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        # check if cancel was requested and go back to original validator
        authenticationFlow = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes(
        if (authenticationFlow == "MFA_VALIDATION"):
            return False
        # check if the flow has completed successfully
        if (identity.getWorkingParameter("user_code_success")):
            print "MFA Recovery. isValidAuthenticationMethod return False, recovery complete"
            return False
        return True
コード例 #43
ファイル: プロジェクト: sign-in-canada/MFA
    def deleteTOTP(self, username, identity):
        # Inject dependencies
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

        user = userService.getUser(username, "oxExternalUid")
        if (user is None):
            print "MFA. authenticateTOTP. Failed to find user"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("flow", "Error") # Error page
            externalUids = userService.getCustomAttribute(user, "oxExternalUid")
            if (externalUids is not None):
                for externalUid in externalUids.getValues():
                    if (externalUid.startswith("totp:")):
                        userService.removeUserAttribute(username, "oxExternalUid", externalUid)
コード例 #44
    def isValidAuthenticationMethod(self, usageType, configurationAttributes):
        print "SPNEGO. isValidAuthenticationMethod()"
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        spnego_fatal_error = identity.getWorkingParameter('spnego_fatal_error')
        if spnego_fatal_error is True and self.alternativeAcr is not None:
            print "SPNEGO. Invalid authentication method"
            return False

        if (self.parseSpnegoAlternateAcr() is not None) and (self.alternativeAcr is not None):
            print "SPNEGO. Invalid authentication method. Determined from request params"
            return False
        print "SPNEGO. This is a valid authentication method"
        return True
コード例 #45
    def createNewAuthenticatedSession(self, context, customParameters={}):
        sessionIdService = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService)

        user = context.getUser()
        client = CdiUtil.bean(Identity).getSessionClient().getClient()

        # Add mandatory session parameters
        sessionAttributes = HashMap()
        sessionAttributes.put(Constants.AUTHENTICATED_USER, user.getUserId())
        sessionAttributes.put(AuthorizeRequestParam.CLIENT_ID, client.getClientId())
        sessionAttributes.put(AuthorizeRequestParam.PROMPT, "")

        # Add custom session parameters
        for key, value in customParameters.iteritems():
            if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(value):
                sessionAttributes.put(key, value)

        # Generate authenticated session
        sessionId = sessionIdService.generateAuthenticatedSessionId(context.getHttpRequest(), user.getDn(), sessionAttributes)

        print "ROPC script. Generated session id. DN: '%s'" % sessionId.getDn()

        return sessionId
コード例 #46
    def getAlternativeAuthenticationMethod(self, usageType, configurationAttributes):
        print "SPNEGO. getAlternativeAuthenticationMethod()"
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        spnego_fatal_error = identity.getWorkingParameter('spnego_fatal_error')
        if spnego_fatal_error is True and self.alternativeAcr is not None:
            print "SPNEGO. Alternative acr %s" % (self.alternativeAcr)
            return self.alternativeAcr

        if (self.parseSpnegoAlternateAcr() is not None) and (self.alternativeAcr is not None):
            print "SPNEGO. Alternative acr from query string %s" % (self.alternativeAcr)
            return self.alternativeAcr
        print "SPNEGO. No alternative acr"
        return None
コード例 #47
    def init(self, configurationAttributes):

        print "Super-Gluu-RO Init"
        if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("application_id"):
            print "Super-Gluu-Radius RO PW Init Failed. application_id property is required"
            return False

        if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("credentials_file"):
            print "Super-Gluu-RO Init Failed. credentials_file is required"
            return False

        notificationServiceMode = None
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("notification_service_mode"):
            notificationServiceMode = configurationAttributes.get(

        self.applicationId = "*"  # wildcard. Selects all devices irrespective of the application
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("application_id"):
            self.applicationId = configurationAttributes.get(

        credentialsFile = configurationAttributes.get(

        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("push_notification_title"):
            self.pushNotificationManager.titleTemplate = configurationAttributes.get(

        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("push_notification_message"):
            self.pushNotificationManager.messageTemplate = configurationAttributes.get(

        self.authWithoutPassword = False
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("auth_without_password"):
            auth_without_password = configurationAttributes.get(
            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(auth_without_password, "yes"):
                self.authWithoutPassword = True

        self.issuerId = CdiUtil.bean(
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("issuer_id"):
            self.issuerId = configurationAttributes.get(

        self.pushNotificationManager = PushNotificationManager(
            notificationServiceMode, credentialsFile)
        self.networkApi = NetworkApi()

        return True
コード例 #48
    def update(self, dynamicScopeContext, configurationAttributes):
        print "Permission dynamic scope scope. Update method"

        authorizationGrant = dynamicScopeContext.getAuthorizationGrant()
        user = dynamicScopeContext.getUser()
        jsonWebResponse = dynamicScopeContext.getJsonWebResponse()
        claims = jsonWebResponse.getClaims()

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        roles = userService.getCustomAttribute(user, "role")
        if roles != None:
            claims.setClaim("role", roles.getValues())

        return True
コード例 #49
    def parseAllProviders(self):

        registeredProviders = {}
        print "Passport. parseAllProviders. Adding providers"
        passportDN = CdiUtil.bean(ConfigurationFactory).getPersistenceConfiguration().getConfiguration().getString("oxpassport_ConfigurationEntryDN")
        entryManager = CdiUtil.bean(AppInitializer).createPersistenceEntryManager()
        config = LdapOxPassportConfiguration()
        config = entryManager.find(config.getClass(), passportDN).getPassportConfiguration()
        config = config.getProviders() if config != None else config
        if config != None and len(config) > 0:      
            for prvdetails in config:
                if prvdetails.isEnabled():              
                    registeredProviders[prvdetails.getId()] = {     
                        "emailLinkingSafe": prvdetails.isEmailLinkingSafe(), 
                        "requestForEmail" : prvdetails.isRequestForEmail(),
                        "logo_img": prvdetails.getLogoImg(),
                        "displayName": prvdetails.getDisplayName(),
                        "type": prvdetails.getType()
        return registeredProviders
コード例 #50
    def getPageForStep(self, configurationAttributes, step):
        print "Casa. getPageForStep called %s" % str(step)

        if step > 1:
            acr = CdiUtil.bean(Identity).getWorkingParameter("ACR")
            if acr in self.authenticators:
                module = self.authenticators[acr]
                page = module.getPageForStep(module.configAttrs, step)
                page = None

            return page

        return "/casa/login.xhtml"
コード例 #51
    def getClientConfiguration(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters):
        # Get client configuration
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_client_configuration_attribute"):
            saml_client_configuration_attribute = configurationAttributes.get("saml_client_configuration_attribute").getValue2()
            print "Asimba. GetClientConfiguration. Using client attribute: '%s'" % saml_client_configuration_attribute

            if requestParameters == None:
                return None

            client_id = None
            client_id_array = requestParameters.get("client_id")
            if ArrayHelper.isNotEmpty(client_id_array) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(client_id_array[0]):
                client_id = client_id_array[0]

            if client_id == None:
                identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
                if identity.getSessionId() != None:
                    client_id = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes().get("client_id")

            if client_id == None:
                print "Asimba. GetClientConfiguration. client_id is empty"
                return None

            clientService = CdiUtil.bean(ClientService)
            client = clientService.getClient(client_id)
            if client == None:
                print "Asimba. GetClientConfiguration. Failed to find client '%s' in local LDAP" % client_id
                return None

            saml_client_configuration = clientService.getCustomAttribute(client, saml_client_configuration_attribute)
            if (saml_client_configuration == None) or StringHelper.isEmpty(saml_client_configuration.getValue()):
                print "Asimba. GetClientConfiguration. Client '%s' attribute '%s' is empty" % ( client_id, saml_client_configuration_attribute )
                print "Asimba. GetClientConfiguration. Client '%s' attribute '%s' is '%s'" % ( client_id, saml_client_configuration_attribute, saml_client_configuration )
                return saml_client_configuration

        return None
コード例 #52
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "MFA Enroll Recovery. prepareForStep called for step '%s'" % step

        if (step == 1):
            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            # 1. Make sure we have a session
            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                print "MFA Enroll Recovery. prepareForStep for step %s. Failed to validate session state" % step
                return False

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            authenticated_user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

            if authenticated_user == None:
                print "MFA Enroll Recovery. prepareForStep. Failed to determine authenticated user from previous module"
                return False

            # 2. Generate a recovery code with 128 bit strength
            #    - use Alphanumeric (A-Z,0-9)
            #    - use size of 12 (to achieve around 61 bits of entropy)
            #    - save it in "new_code"
            if (identity.getWorkingParameter("new_code") == None):
                alphanumeric = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
                code1 = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(alphanumeric) for _ in range( 4 ))
                code2 = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(alphanumeric) for _ in range( 4 ))
                code3 = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(alphanumeric) for _ in range( 4 ))
                code  = "%s-%s-%s" % (code1, code2, code3)
                identity.setWorkingParameter("new_code", code)
                print "MFA Enroll Recovery. prepareForStep. A code has already been generated and not confirmed"

            print "MFA Enroll Recovery. prepareForStep. got session '%s'"  % identity.getSessionId().toString()

        return True
コード例 #53
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        if (step == 1):
            print "Asimba. Prepare for step 1"

            httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)
            facesContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext)
            request = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest()
            assertionConsumerServiceUrl = httpService.constructServerUrl(
                request) + "/postlogin.htm"
            print "Asimba. Prepare for step 1. Prepared assertionConsumerServiceUrl: '%s'" % assertionConsumerServiceUrl

            currentSamlConfiguration = self.getCurrentSamlConfiguration(
                self.samlConfiguration, configurationAttributes,
            if currentSamlConfiguration == None:
                print "Asimba. Prepare for step 1. Client saml configuration is invalid"
                return False

            # Generate an AuthRequest and send it to the identity provider
            samlAuthRequest = AuthRequest(currentSamlConfiguration)
            external_auth_request_uri = currentSamlConfiguration.getIdpSsoTargetUrl(
            ) + "?SAMLRequest=" + samlAuthRequest.getRequest(
                True, assertionConsumerServiceUrl)

            print "Asimba. Prepare for step 1. external_auth_request_uri: '%s'" % external_auth_request_uri
            facesService = CdiUtil.bean(FacesService)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Asimba. Prepare for step 2"

            return True
            return False
    def createLdapExtendedConfigurations(self, authConfiguration):
        ldapExtendedConfigurations = []

        for connectionConfiguration in authConfiguration["ldap_configuration"]:
            configId = connectionConfiguration["configId"]

            servers = connectionConfiguration["servers"]

            bindDN = None
            bindPassword = None
            useAnonymousBind = True
            if (self.containsAttributeString(connectionConfiguration,
                useAnonymousBind = False
                bindDN = connectionConfiguration["bindDN"]
                bindPassword = CdiUtil.bean(EncryptionService).decrypt(

            useSSL = connectionConfiguration["useSSL"]
            maxConnections = connectionConfiguration["maxConnections"]
            baseDNs = connectionConfiguration["baseDNs"]
            loginAttributes = connectionConfiguration["loginAttributes"]
            localLoginAttributes = connectionConfiguration[

            ldapConfiguration = GluuLdapConfiguration()


        return ldapExtendedConfigurations
コード例 #55
    def hasEnrollments(self, configurationAttributes, user):

        inum = user.getAttribute("inum")
        devRegService = CdiUtil.bean(DeviceRegistrationService)
        app_id = configurationAttributes.get("u2f_application_id").getValue2()
        userDevices = devRegService.findUserDeviceRegistrations(
            inum, app_id, "oxStatus")

        hasDevices = False
        for device in userDevices:
            if device.getStatus().getValue() == "active":
                hasDevices = True

        return hasDevices
コード例 #56
 def update(self, dynamicScopeContext, configurationAttributes):
     # Todo implement this
     print "Super-Gluu-DynScope update"
     updated = False
     identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
     if (identity is not None) and (identity.getSessionId() is not None):
         session_id = identity.getSessionId().getId()
         jsonWebResponse = dynamicScopeContext.getJsonWebResponse()
         claims = jsonWebResponse.getClaims()
         claims.setClaim(self.sessionIdClaimName, session_id)
         updated = True
         print "Super-Gluu-DynScope. No session id found. Skipping"
     print "Super-Gluu-DynScope update complete"
     return updated
    def isInboundFlow(self, identity):
        sessionId = identity.getSessionId()
        if sessionId == None:
            # Detect mode if there is no session yet. It's needed for getPageForStep method
            facesContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext)
            requestParameters = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap()

            authz_state = requestParameters.get(AuthorizeRequestParam.STATE)
            authz_state = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes().get(AuthorizeRequestParam.STATE)

        if self.isInboundJwt(authz_state):
            return True

        return False
コード例 #58
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "Casa. prepareForStep %s" % str(step)
        if step == 1:
            return True
            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

            if user == None:
                print "Casa. prepareForStep. Cannot retrieve logged user"
                return False

            acr = session_attributes.get("ACR")
            print "Casa. prepareForStep. ACR = %s" % acr
            identity.setWorkingParameter("methods", ArrayList(self.getAvailMethodsUser(user, acr)))

            if acr in self.authenticators:
                module = self.authenticators[acr]
                return module.prepareForStep(module.configAttrs, requestParameters, step)
                return False
コード例 #59
ファイル: プロジェクト: wwpass/gluu
 def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
     print("WWPass. Authenticate for step %d" % step)
     authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
     userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
     ticket = requestParameters.get(
         'wwp_ticket')[0] if 'wwp_ticket' in requestParameters else None
     identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
     identity.setWorkingParameter("errors", "")
     result = self.doAuthenticate(step, requestParameters, userService,
                                  authenticationService, identity, ticket)
     if result and self.sso_cookie_tags:
         externalContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext).getExternalContext()
         for tag in self.sso_cookie_tags:
                 "sso_magic_%s" % tag, "auth", {
     return result
コード例 #60
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        if (step == 1):
            print "Basic. Authenticate for step 1"

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True
            return False