コード例 #1
    def sendDevicePushNotification(self, user, app_id, u2f_device, super_gluu_request):

        device_data = u2f_device.getDeviceData()
        if device_data == None:
            return {"send_android":0,"send_ios":0}
        platform = device_data.getPlatform()
        push_token = device_data.getPushToken()
        pushNotificationContext = PushNotificationContext(app_id,super_gluu_request)
        pushNotificationContext.debugEnabled = self.debugEnabled
        pushNotificationContext.user = user
        pushNotificationContext.u2fDevice = u2f_device
        pushNotificationContext.devicePlatform = platform
        pushNotificationContext.pushToken = push_token
        send_ios = 0
        send_android = 0

        if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(platform,"ios") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
            # Sending notification to iOS user's device
            if self.pushAppleService == None:
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Apple push notification service disabled"
                send_ios = 1
        if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(platform,"android") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
            # Sending notification to android user's device
            if self.pushAndroidService == None:
                print "Super-Gluu-Push. Android push notification service disabled"
                send_android = 1
        return {"send_android":send_android,"send_ios":send_ios}
    def lockUser(self, user_name):
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_name):
            return None

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        cacheService= CdiUtil.bean(CacheService)
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)
        if (find_user_by_uid == None):
            return None

        status_attribute_value = userService.getCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, "gluuStatus")
        if status_attribute_value != None:
            user_status = status_attribute_value.getValue()
            if StringHelper.equals(user_status, "inactive"):
                print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' locked already" % user_name
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, "gluuStatus", "inactive")
        updated_user = userService.updateUser(find_user_by_uid)

        object_to_store = json.dumps({'locked': True, 'created': LocalDateTime.now().toString()}, separators=(',',':'))

        cacheService.put(StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime), "lock_user_"+user_name, object_to_store);
        facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Your account is locked. Please try again after " + StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime) + " secs")

        print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' locked" % user_name
コード例 #3
    def is_session_authenticated(self, sessionId):
        if sessionId == None:
            return False
        state = sessionId.getState()
        custom_state = sessionId.getSessionAttributes().get(SessionIdService.SESSION_CUSTOM_STATE)
        if state == None:
            print "Super-Gluu-RO. Session {%s} has no state variable set" % sessionId.getId()
            return False
        state_unauthenticated = SessionIdState.UNAUTHENTICATED == state
        state_authenticated = SessionIdState.AUTHENTICATED == state
        custom_state_declined = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase("declined",custom_state) 
        custom_state_expired  = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase("expired",custom_state)
        custom_stated_approved = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase("approved",custom_state)

        if state_unauthenticated and (custom_state_declined or custom_state_expired):
            print "Super-Gluu-RO. Session {%s} isn't authenticated" % sessionId.getId()
            return False
        if state_authenticated or (state_unauthenticated and custom_stated_approved):
            print "Super-Gluu-RO. Session {%s} is authenticated" % sessionId.getId()
            return True

        return False
    def init(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "Basic (lock account). Initialization"

        self.invalidLoginCountAttribute = "oxCountInvalidLogin"
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("invalid_login_count_attribute"):
            self.invalidLoginCountAttribute = configurationAttributes.get("invalid_login_count_attribute").getValue2()
            print "Basic (lock account). Initialization. Using default attribute"

        self.maximumInvalidLoginAttemps = 3
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("maximum_invalid_login_attemps"):
            self.maximumInvalidLoginAttemps = StringHelper.toInteger(configurationAttributes.get("maximum_invalid_login_attemps").getValue2())
            print "Basic (lock account). Initialization. Using default number attempts"

        self.lockExpirationTime = 180
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("lock_expiration_time"):
            self.lockExpirationTime = StringHelper.toInteger(configurationAttributes.get("lock_expiration_time").getValue2())
            print "Basic (lock account). Initialization. Using default lock expiration time"

        print "Basic (lock account). Initialized successfully. invalid_login_count_attribute: '%s', maximum_invalid_login_attemps: '%s', lock_expiration_time: '%s'" % (self.invalidLoginCountAttribute, self.maximumInvalidLoginAttemps, self.lockExpirationTime)

        return True   
 def authenticate_user_credentials(self, identity, authentication_service):
     credentials = identity.getCredentials()
     user_name = credentials.getUsername()
     user_password = credentials.getPassword()
     print "ThumbSignIn. user_name: " + user_name
     logged_in = False
     if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password):
         logged_in = self.authenticate_user_in_gluu_ldap(authentication_service, user_name, user_password)
     return logged_in
コード例 #6
 def verify_session_ownership(self, sessionId, user, client):
     session_attributes = sessionId.getSessionAttributes()
     client_id = session_attributes.get(self.clientIdSessionParamName)
     if not StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(client.getClientId(),client_id):
         print "Super-Gluu-RO. Session {%s} client_id mismatch" % sessionId.getId()
         return False
     user_id = session_attributes.get(Constants.AUTHENTICATED_USER)
     if not StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(user_id,user.getUserId()):
         print "Super-Gluu-RO. Session {%s} user_id mismatch" % sessionId.getId() 
         return False
     return True
    def init(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "Cert. Initialization"

        if not (configurationAttributes.containsKey("chain_cert_file_path")):
            print "Cert. Initialization. Property chain_cert_file_path is mandatory"
            return False

        if not (configurationAttributes.containsKey("map_user_cert")):
            print "Cert. Initialization. Property map_user_cert is mandatory"
            return False

        chain_cert_file_path = configurationAttributes.get("chain_cert_file_path").getValue2()

        self.chain_certs = CertUtil.loadX509CertificateFromFile(chain_cert_file_path)
        if self.chain_certs == None:
            print "Cert. Initialization. Failed to load chain certificates from '%s'" % chain_cert_file_path
            return False

        print "Cert. Initialization. Loaded '%d' chain certificates" % self.chain_certs.size()
        crl_max_response_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # 10Mb
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("crl_max_response_size"):
            crl_max_response_size = StringHelper.toInteger(configurationAttributes.get("crl_max_response_size").getValue2(), crl_max_response_size)
            print "Cert. Initialization. CRL max response size is '%d'" % crl_max_response_size

        # Define array to order methods correctly
        self.validator_types = [ 'generic', 'path', 'ocsp', 'crl']
        self.validators = { 'generic' : [GenericCertificateVerifier(), False],
                            'path' : [PathCertificateVerifier(False), False],
                            'ocsp' : [OCSPCertificateVerifier(), False],
                            'crl' : [CRLCertificateVerifier(crl_max_response_size), False] }

        for type in self.validator_types:
            validator_param_name = "use_%s_validator" % type
            if configurationAttributes.containsKey(validator_param_name):
                validator_status = StringHelper.toBoolean(configurationAttributes.get(validator_param_name).getValue2(), False)
                self.validators[type][1] = validator_status

            print "Cert. Initialization. Validation method '%s' status: '%s'" % (type, self.validators[type][1])

        self.map_user_cert = StringHelper.toBoolean(configurationAttributes.get("map_user_cert").getValue2(), False)
        print "Cert. Initialization. map_user_cert: '%s'" % self.map_user_cert

        self.enabled_recaptcha = self.initRecaptcha(configurationAttributes)
        print "Cert. Initialization. enabled_recaptcha: '%s'" % self.enabled_recaptcha

        print "Cert. Initialized successfully"

        return True   
    def processKeyStoreProperties(self, attrs):
        file = attrs.get("key_store_file")
        password = attrs.get("key_store_password")

        if file != None and password != None:
            file = file.getValue2()
            password = password.getValue2()

            if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(file) and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(password):
                self.keyStoreFile = file
                self.keyStorePassword = password
                return True

        print "Passport. readKeyStoreProperties. Properties key_store_file or key_store_password not found or empty"
        return False
コード例 #9
    def getGeolocation(self, identity):

        session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
        if session_attributes.containsKey("remote_ip"):
            remote_ip = session_attributes.get("remote_ip")
            if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(remote_ip):

                httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)

                http_client = httpService.getHttpsClient()
                http_client_params = http_client.getParams()
                http_client_params.setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 4 * 1000)

                geolocation_service_url = "http://ip-api.com/json/%s?fields=country,city,status,message" % remote_ip
                geolocation_service_headers = { "Accept" : "application/json" }

                    http_service_response = httpService.executeGet(http_client, geolocation_service_url, geolocation_service_headers)
                    http_response = http_service_response.getHttpResponse()
                    print "Casa. Determine remote location. Exception: ", sys.exc_info()[1]
                    return None

                    if not httpService.isResponseStastusCodeOk(http_response):
                        print "Casa. Determine remote location. Get non 200 OK response from server:", str(http_response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode())
                        return None

                    response_bytes = httpService.getResponseContent(http_response)
                    response_string = httpService.convertEntityToString(response_bytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))

                if response_string == None:
                    print "Casa. Determine remote location. Get empty response from location server"
                    return None

                response = json.loads(response_string)

                if not StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(response['status'], "success"):
                    print "Casa. Determine remote location. Get response with status: '%s'" % response['status']
                    return None

                return response

        return None
コード例 #10
 def authenticate(self, context): 
     if self.perform_preliminary_user_authentication(context) == False:
         print "Super-Gluu-Radius. User authentication state not validated"
         return False
     step = context.getHttpRequest().getParameter(self.stepParamName)
     if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(step,self.initiateAuthStepName):
         return self.initiate_authentication(context)
     elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(step,self.resendNotificationStepName):
         return self.resend_push_notification(context)
     elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(step,self.verifyAuthStepName):
         return self.verify_authentication(context)
         print "Super-Gluu-RO. Unknown authentication step '%s'" % step
         return False
    def init(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "UAF. Initialization"

        if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("uaf_server_uri"):
            print "UAF. Initialization. Property uaf_server_uri is mandatory"
            return False

        self.uaf_server_uri = configurationAttributes.get("uaf_server_uri").getValue2()

        self.uaf_policy_name = "default"
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("uaf_policy_name"):
            self.uaf_policy_name = configurationAttributes.get("uaf_policy_name").getValue2()

        self.send_push_notifaction = False
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("send_push_notifaction"):
            self.send_push_notifaction = StringHelper.toBoolean(configurationAttributes.get("send_push_notifaction").getValue2(), False)

        self.registration_uri = None
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("registration_uri"):
            self.registration_uri = configurationAttributes.get("registration_uri").getValue2()

        self.customQrOptions = {}
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("qr_options"):
            self.customQrOptions = configurationAttributes.get("qr_options").getValue2()

        print "UAF. Initializing HTTP client"
        httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)
        self.http_client = httpService.getHttpsClient()
        http_client_params = self.http_client.getParams()
        http_client_params.setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 15 * 1000)

        print "UAF. Initialized successfully. uaf_server_uri: '%s', uaf_policy_name: '%s', send_push_notifaction: '%s', registration_uri: '%s', qr_options: '%s'" % (self.uaf_server_uri, self.uaf_policy_name, self.send_push_notifaction, self.registration_uri, self.customQrOptions)
        print "UAF. Initialized successfully"
        return True
    def getCountAuthenticationSteps(self, configurationAttributes):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if identity.isSetWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps"):
            return StringHelper.toInteger("%s" % identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps"))
            return 2
コード例 #13
    def init(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "User registration. Initialization"

        self.enable_user = StringHelper.toBoolean(configurationAttributes.get("enable_user").getValue2(), False)

        print "User registration. Initialized successfully"

        return True   
コード例 #14
    def updateUser(self, user, configurationAttributes):
        attributes = user.getCustomAttributes()

        # Add new attribute preferredLanguage
        attrPrefferedLanguage = GluuCustomAttribute("preferredLanguage", "en-us")

        # Add new attribute userPassword
        attrUserPassword = GluuCustomAttribute("userPassword", "test")

        # Update givenName attribute
        for attribute in attributes:
            attrName = attribute.getName()
            if (("givenname" == StringHelper.toLowerCase(attrName)) and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(attribute.getValue())):
                attribute.setValue(StringHelper.removeMultipleSpaces(attribute.getValue()) + " (updated)")

        return True
コード例 #15
    def __init__(self, serviceMode, credentialsFile):

        self.pushSnsMode = False
        self.pushGluuMode = False
        self.pushNotificationsEnabled = False
        self.titleTemplate = "Super-Gluu"
        self.messageTemplate = "Super-Gluu login request to %s"
        self.debugEnabled = True
        self.httpConnTimeout = 15 * 1000 # in milliseconds 
        creds = self.loadCredentials(credentialsFile)
        if creds == None:
            return None
        if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(serviceMode,"sns"):
        elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(serviceMode,"gluu"):
    def isUserMemberOfGroup(self, user, attribute, group):
        is_member = False
        member_of_list = user.getAttributeValues(attribute)
        if (member_of_list != None):
            for member_of in member_of_list:
                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(group, member_of) or member_of.endswith(group):
                    is_member = True

        return is_member
コード例 #17
    def preRegistration(self, user, requestParameters, configurationAttributes):
        print "User registration. Pre method"
        userStatus = GluuStatus.INACTIVE

        # Disable/Enable registered user
        self.guid = StringHelper.getRandomString(16)
        return True
    def unLockUser(self, user_name):
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_name):
            return None

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        cacheService= CdiUtil.bean(CacheService)

        find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)
        if (find_user_by_uid == None):
            return None

        object_to_store = json.dumps({'locked': False, 'created': LocalDateTime.now().toString()}, separators=(',',':'))
        cacheService.put(StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime), "lock_user_"+user_name, object_to_store);

        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, "gluuStatus", "active")
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, self.invalidLoginCountAttribute, None)
        updated_user = userService.updateUser(find_user_by_uid)

        print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' unlocked" % user_name
コード例 #19
 def get_remote_ip_from_request(self, servletRequest):
         remote_ip = servletRequest.getHeader("X-FORWARDED-FOR")
         if StringHelper.isEmpty(remote_ip):
             remote_ip = servletRequest.getRemoteAddr()
         return remote_ip
         print "NetApi. Could not determine remote location: ", sys.exc_info()[1]
     return None
    def processBasicAuthentication(self, credentials):
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()
        user_password = credentials.getPassword()

        logged_in = False
        if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password):
            logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

        if not logged_in:
            return None

        find_user_by_uid = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
        if find_user_by_uid == None:
            print "UAF. Process basic authentication. Failed to find user '%s'" % user_name
            return None
        return find_user_by_uid
    def getUserProfile(self, jwt):
        # Check if there is user profile
        jwt_claims = jwt.getClaims()
        user_profile_json = jwt_claims.getClaimAsString("data")
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_profile_json):
            print "Passport. getUserProfile. User profile missing in JWT token"
            user_profile = None
            user_profile = self.getProfileFromJson(user_profile_json)

        return (user_profile, user_profile_json)
    def loadOtpConfiguration(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "OTP. Load OTP configuration"
        if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("otp_conf_file"):
            return False

        otp_conf_file = configurationAttributes.get("otp_conf_file").getValue2()

        # Load configuration from file
        f = open(otp_conf_file, 'r')
            otpConfiguration = json.loads(f.read())
            print "OTP. Load OTP configuration. Failed to load configuration from file:", otp_conf_file
            return False
        # Check configuration file settings
            self.hotpConfiguration = otpConfiguration["hotp"]
            self.totpConfiguration = otpConfiguration["totp"]
            hmacShaAlgorithm = self.totpConfiguration["hmacShaAlgorithm"]
            hmacShaAlgorithmType = None

            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(hmacShaAlgorithm, "sha1"):
                hmacShaAlgorithmType = HmacShaAlgorithm.HMAC_SHA_1
            elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(hmacShaAlgorithm, "sha256"):
                hmacShaAlgorithmType = HmacShaAlgorithm.HMAC_SHA_256
            elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(hmacShaAlgorithm, "sha512"):
                hmacShaAlgorithmType = HmacShaAlgorithm.HMAC_SHA_512
                print "OTP. Load OTP configuration. Invalid TOTP HMAC SHA algorithm: '%s'" % hmacShaAlgorithm
            self.totpConfiguration["hmacShaAlgorithmType"] = hmacShaAlgorithmType
            print "OTP. Load OTP configuration. Invalid configuration file '%s' format. Exception: '%s'" % (otp_conf_file, sys.exc_info()[1])
            return False

        return True
    def validateSessionId(self, identity):
        session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
            print "OTP. Validate session id. Failed to determine session_id"
            return False

        otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
        if not otp_auth_method in ['enroll', 'authenticate']:
            print "OTP. Validate session id. Failed to authenticate user. otp_auth_method: '%s'" % otp_auth_method
            return False

        return True
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        if (step == 1):
            print "Basic. Authenticate for step 1"

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True
            return False
    def isInboundJwt(self, value):
        if value == None:
            return False
            jwt = Jwt.parse(value)
            user_profile_json = jwt.getClaims().getClaimAsString("data")
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_profile_json):
                return False
            return False

        return True
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if (step == 1):
            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2"

            session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            userName = user.getUserId()

            metaDataConfiguration = self.getMetaDataConfiguration()

            # Check if user have registered devices
            registrationPersistenceService = CdiUtil.bean(RegistrationPersistenceService)
            assertionResponse = None
            attestationResponse = None

            userFido2Devices = registrationPersistenceService.findAllRegisteredByUsername(userName)
            if (userFido2Devices.size() > 0):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Call Fido2 endpoint in order to start assertion flow"

                    assertionService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance().createAssertionService(metaDataConfiguration)
                    assertionRequest = json.dumps({'username': userName}, separators=(',', ':'))
                    assertionResponse = assertionService.authenticate(assertionRequest).readEntity(java.lang.String)
                except ClientResponseFailure, ex:
                    print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to start assertion flow. Exception:", sys.exc_info()[1]
                    return False
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Call Fido2 endpoint in order to start attestation flow"

                    attestationService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance().createAttestationService(metaDataConfiguration)
                    attestationRequest = json.dumps({'username': userName, 'displayName': userName}, separators=(',', ':'))
                    attestationResponse = attestationService.register(attestationRequest).readEntity(java.lang.String)
                except ClientResponseFailure, ex:
                    print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to start attestation flow. Exception:", sys.exc_info()[1]
                    return False
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if (step == 1):
            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "U2F. Prepare for step 2"

            session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            u2f_application_id = configurationAttributes.get("u2f_application_id").getValue2()

            # Check if user have registered devices
            deviceRegistrationService = CdiUtil.bean(DeviceRegistrationService)

            userInum = user.getAttribute("inum")

            registrationRequest = None
            authenticationRequest = None

            deviceRegistrations = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistrations(userInum, u2f_application_id)
            if (deviceRegistrations.size() > 0):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Call FIDO U2F in order to start authentication workflow"

                    authenticationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance().createAuthenticationRequestService(self.metaDataConfiguration)
                    authenticationRequest = authenticationRequestService.startAuthentication(user.getUserId(), None, u2f_application_id, session_id)
                except ClientResponseFailure, ex:
                    if (ex.getResponse().getResponseStatus() != Response.Status.NOT_FOUND):
                        print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Failed to start authentication workflow. Exception:", sys.exc_info()[1]
                        return False
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Call FIDO U2F in order to start registration workflow"
                registrationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance().createRegistrationRequestService(self.metaDataConfiguration)
                registrationRequest = registrationRequestService.startRegistration(user.getUserId(), u2f_application_id, session_id)

            identity.setWorkingParameter("fido_u2f_authentication_request", ServerUtil.asJson(authenticationRequest))
            identity.setWorkingParameter("fido_u2f_registration_request", ServerUtil.asJson(registrationRequest))

            return True
    def getCustomAuthzParameter(self, simpleCustProperty):

        customAuthzParameter = None
        if simpleCustProperty != None:
            prop = simpleCustProperty.getValue2()
            if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(prop):
                customAuthzParameter = prop

        if customAuthzParameter == None:
            print "Passport. getCustomAuthzParameter. No custom param for OIDC authz request in script properties"
            print "Passport. getCustomAuthzParameter. Passport flow cannot be initiated by doing an OpenID connect authorization request"
            print "Passport. getCustomAuthzParameter. Custom param for OIDC authz request in script properties: %s" % customAuthzParameter

        return customAuthzParameter
コード例 #29
    def prepareClientsSet(self, configurationAttributes):
        clientsSet = HashSet()
        if (not configurationAttributes.containsKey("allowed_clients")):
            return clientsSet

        allowedClientsList = configurationAttributes.get("allowed_clients").getValue2()
        if (StringHelper.isEmpty(allowedClientsList)):
            print "UMA authorization policy. Initialization. The property allowed_clients is empty"
            return clientsSet    

        allowedClientsListArray = StringHelper.split(allowedClientsList, ",")
        if (ArrayHelper.isEmpty(allowedClientsListArray)):
            print "UMA authorization policy. Initialization. There aren't clients specified in allowed_clients property"
            return clientsSet
        # Convert to HashSet to quick search
        i = 0
        count = len(allowedClientsListArray)
        while (i < count):
            client = allowedClientsListArray[i]
            i = i + 1

        return clientsSet
コード例 #30
    def authorize(self, context): # context is reference of org.gluu.oxauth.uma.authorization.UmaAuthorizationContext
        print "RPT Policy. Authorizing ..."

        print "UmaRptPolicy. client_id = %s" % client_id

        if (StringHelper.isEmpty(client_id)):
            return False
        if (self.clientsSet.contains(client_id)):
            print "UmaRptPolicy. Authorizing client"
            return True
            print "UmaRptPolicy. Client isn't authorized"
            return False
コード例 #31
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        if REMOTE_DEBUG:

        # Inject dependencies
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        facesResources = CdiUtil.bean(FacesResources)
        facesService = CdiUtil.bean(FacesService)
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

        session = identity.getSessionId()
        sessionAttributes = session.getSessionAttributes()
        externalContext = facesResources.getFacesContext().getExternalContext()
        uiLocales = sessionAttributes.get(AuthorizeRequestParam.UI_LOCALES)

        rpConfig = self.getRPConfig(session)
        clientUri = self.getClientUri(session)

            "default-src 'self' https://www.canada.ca; font-src 'self' https://fonts.gstatic.com https://use.fontawesome.com https://www.canada.ca; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src-elem 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://use.fontawesome.com https://fonts.googleapis.com https://www.canada.ca; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://www.canada.ca https://ajax.googleapis.com; connect-src 'self' https://*.fjgc-gccf.gc.ca"

        if step == 1:
            httpRequest = externalContext.getRequest()
            # Bookmark detection
            #if httpRequest.getHeader("referer") is None:
            #    if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(clientUri):
            #        facesService.redirectToExternalURL(clientUri)
            #        return True
            #    else:
            #        print("%s: prepareForStep. clientUri is missing for client %s" % (self.name, self.getClient(session).getClientName()))
            #        return False

            # forceAuthn workaround
            prompt2 = httpRequest.getParameter("prompt2")
            if prompt2 == "login":
                identity.setWorkingParameter("forceAuthn", True)

            # step could actually be 2, or 3
            if uiLocales is not None:
                if len(self.providers) > 1:
                    step = self.STEP_CHOOSER
                    step = self.STEP_1FA

        if identity.getWorkingParameter("abort"):  # Back button workaround
            # Obtain the client URI of the current client from the client configuration
            if len(self.providers
                   ) == 1:  # Pass through, so send them back to the client
                if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(clientUri):
                    return True
                        "%s: prepareForStep. clientUri is missing for client %s"
                        % (self.name, self.getClient(session).getClientName()))
                    return False
            else:  # reset the chooser
                identity.setWorkingParameter("provider", None)

        if step == self.STEP_CHOOSER:
            # Prepare for chooser page customization.
            for param in ["layout", "chooser", "content"]:
                identity.setWorkingParameter(param, rpConfig[param])

        elif step in {self.STEP_1FA, self.STEP_COLLECT,
                      self.STEP_2FA}:  # Passport

            passportOptions = {
                "ui_locales": uiLocales,
                "exp": int(time.time()) + 60

            if step in {self.STEP_1FA, self.STEP_COLLECT}:
                provider = identity.getWorkingParameter("provider")
                if provider is None and len(
                ) == 1:  # Only one provider. Direct Pass-through
                    provider = next(iter(self.providers))
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("provider", provider)

            if step == self.STEP_1FA:
                # Coordinate single-sign-on (SSO)
                maxAge = (sessionAttributes.get(AuthorizeRequestParam.MAX_AGE)
                          or self.getClient(session).getDefaultMaxAge())
                if (identity.getWorkingParameter("forceAuthn") or
                    ("GCCF" in self.passport.getProvider(provider)["options"]
                     and maxAge < 1200)
                    ):  # 1200 is 20 minutes, the SSO timeout on GCKey and CBS
                    passportOptions["forceAuthn"] = "true"

            elif step == self.STEP_COLLECT:
                collect = rpConfig.get("collect")
                if collect is not None:
                    passportOptions["allowCreate"] = rpConfig.get(
                        "allowCreate") or "false"
                    passportOptions["spNameQualifier"] = collect
                else:  # This should never happen
                        "%s. prepareForStep: collection entityID is missing" %
                    return False

            elif step == self.STEP_2FA:
                provider = rpConfig.get("mfaProvider")
                if provider is None:
                    print("%s: prepareForStep. mfaProvider is missing!" %
                    return False
                mfaId = identity.getWorkingParameter("mfaId")
                if mfaId is None:
                    print("%s: prepareForStep. mfaId is missing!" % self.name)
                    return False
                    passportOptions["login_hint"] = mfaId
                    # The following parameters are redundant, but currently required by the 2ndFaaS
                        "redirect_uri"] = self.passport.getProvider(
                    passportOptions["response_type"] = "code"
                    passportOptions["scope"] = "openid profile"

            # Set the abort flag to handle back button
            identity.setWorkingParameter("abort", True)
            # Send the request to passport
            passportRequest = self.passport.createRequest(
                provider, passportOptions)

        elif step in {self.STEP_FIDO_REGISTER, self.STEP_FIDO_AUTH}:
            userId = identity.getWorkingParameter("userId")
            metaDataConfiguration = self.getFidoMetaDataConfiguration()

            if step == self.STEP_FIDO_REGISTER:
                    attestationService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance(
                    attestationRequest = json.dumps(
                            'username': userId,
                            'displayName': userId,
                            'attestation': 'direct',
                            'timeout': 120000,
                            'userVerification': 'discouraged'
                        separators=(',', ':'))
                    attestationResponse = attestationService.register(
                except ClientErrorException as ex:
                        "%s. Prepare for step. Failed to start FIDO2 attestation flow. Exception:"
                        % self.name,
                    return False

            elif step == self.STEP_FIDO_AUTH:
                userId = identity.getWorkingParameter("userId")
                metaDataConfiguration = self.getFidoMetaDataConfiguration()
                fidoDeviceCount = userService.countFidoAndFido2Devices(
                    userId, self.fido2_domain)
                    assertionService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance(
                    assertionRequest = json.dumps(
                            'username': userId,
                            'timeout': 120000,
                            'userVerification': 'discouraged'
                        separators=(',', ':'))
                    assertionResponse = assertionService.authenticate(
                except ClientErrorException as ex:
                        "%s. Prepare for step. Failed to start FIDO2 assertion flow. Exception:"
                        % self.name,
                    return False

        return True
コード例 #32
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        extensionResult = self.extensionAuthenticate(configurationAttributes,
                                                     requestParameters, step)
        if extensionResult != None:
            return extensionResult

        print "Passport. authenticate for step %s called" % str(step)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            jwt_param = None
            if self.isInboundFlow(identity):
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Detected idp-initiated inbound Saml flow"
                jwt_param = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes().get(

            if jwt_param == None:
                jwt_param = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "user")

            if jwt_param != None:
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. JWT user profile token found"

                # Parse JWT and validate
                jwt = Jwt.parse(jwt_param)
                if not self.validSignature(jwt):
                    return False

                if self.jwtHasExpired(jwt):
                    return False

                (user_profile, jsonp) = self.getUserProfile(jwt)
                if user_profile == None:
                    return False

                return self.attemptAuthentication(identity, user_profile,

            #See passportlogin.xhtml
            provider = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(provider):

                #it's username + passw auth
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication detected"
                logged_in = False

                credentials = identity.getCredentials()
                user_name = credentials.getUsername()
                user_password = credentials.getPassword()

                if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                        user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
                    logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                        user_name, user_password)

                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication returned: %s" % logged_in
                return logged_in

            elif provider in self.registeredProviders:
                #it's a recognized external IDP
                identity.setWorkingParameter("selectedProvider", provider)
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Retrying step 1"
                #see prepareForStep (step = 1)
                return True

        if step == 2:
            mail = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            jsonp = identity.getWorkingParameter("passport_user_profile")

            if mail == None:
                                     "Email was missing in user profile")
            elif jsonp != None:
                # Completion of profile takes place
                user_profile = json.loads(jsonp)
                user_profile["mail"] = mail

                return self.attemptAuthentication(identity, user_profile,

            print "Passport. authenticate for step 2. Failed: expected mail value in HTTP request and json profile in session"
            return False
コード例 #33
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        requestParameterService = CdiUtil.bean(RequestParameterService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)

        if step == 1:
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1"
            ticket_array = requestParameters.get("ticket")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(ticket_array):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. ticket is empty"
                return False

            ticket = ticket_array[0]
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. ticket: " + ticket

            if StringHelper.isEmptyString(ticket):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. ticket is invalid"
                return False

            # Validate ticket
            facesContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext)
            request = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest()

            parametersMap = HashMap()
            parametersMap.put("service", httpService.constructServerUrl(request) + "/postlogin.htm")
            if self.cas_renew_opt:
                parametersMap.put("renew", "true")
            parametersMap.put("ticket", ticket)
            cas_service_request_uri = requestParameterService.parametersAsString(parametersMap)
            cas_service_request_uri = self.cas_host + "/serviceValidate?" + cas_service_request_uri
            if self.cas_extra_opts != None:
                cas_service_request_uri = cas_service_request_uri + "&" + self.cas_extra_opts

            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. cas_service_request_uri: " + cas_service_request_uri

            http_client = httpService.getHttpsClient()
            http_service_response = httpService.executeGet(http_client, cas_service_request_uri)
                validation_content = httpService.convertEntityToString(httpService.getResponseContent(http_service_response.getHttpResponse()))

            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. validation_content: " + validation_content
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(validation_content):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Ticket validation response is invalid"
                return False

            cas2_auth_failure = self.parse_tag(validation_content, "cas:authenticationFailure")
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. cas2_auth_failure: ", cas2_auth_failure

            cas2_user_uid = self.parse_tag(validation_content, "cas:user")
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. cas2_user_uid: ", cas2_user_uid
            if (cas2_auth_failure != None) or (cas2_user_uid == None):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Ticket is invalid"
                return False

            if self.cas_map_user:
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: cas2:" + cas2_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified cas2_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "cas2:" + cas2_user_uid)

                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("cas2_count_login_steps", 2)
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("cas2_user_uid", cas2_user_uid)
                    return True

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: " + found_user_name
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cas2_count_login_steps", 1)

                return True
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid:" + cas2_user_uid

                # Check if there is user with specified cas2_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(cas2_user_uid)
                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: " + found_user_name


                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cas2_count_login_steps", 1)

                return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 2"

            if identity.isSetWorkingParameter("cas2_user_uid"):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 2. cas2_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            cas2_user_uid = identity.getWorkingParameter("cas2_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(cas2_user_uid)
            if not passed_step1:
                return False

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if not logged_in:
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has cas2_user_uid
            # Avoid mapping CAS2 account to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "cas2:" + cas2_user_uid)

            if find_user_by_uid == None:
                # Add cas2_user_uid to user one id UIDs
                find_user_by_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", "cas2:" + cas2_user_uid)
                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                return True
                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 2. found_user_name: " + found_user_name
                if StringHelper.equals(user_name, found_user_name):
                    return True
            return False
            return False
コード例 #34
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        mapUserDeployment = False
        enrollUserDeployment = False
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("gplus_deployment_type")):
            deploymentType = StringHelper.toLowerCase(configurationAttributes.get("gplus_deployment_type").getValue2())
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(deploymentType, "map")):
                mapUserDeployment = True
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(deploymentType, "enroll")):
                enrollUserDeployment = True

        if (step == 1):
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1"
            gplusAuthCodeArray = requestParameters.get("gplus_auth_code")
            gplusAuthCode = gplusAuthCodeArray[0]

            # Check if user uses basic method to log in
            useBasicAuth = False
            if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(gplusAuthCode)):
                useBasicAuth = True

            # Use basic method to log in
            if (useBasicAuth):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)
                credentials = identity.getCredentials()

                userName = credentials.getUsername()
                userPassword = credentials.getPassword()
                loggedIn = False
                if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userName) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userPassword)):
                    userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
                    loggedIn = authenticationService.authenticate(userName, userPassword)
                if (not loggedIn):
                    return False
                return True

            # Use Google+ method to log in
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. gplusAuthCode:", gplusAuthCode

            currentClientSecrets = self.getCurrentClientSecrets(self.clientSecrets, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
            if (currentClientSecrets == None):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Client secrets configuration is invalid"
                return False
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to gets tokens"
            tokenResponse = self.getTokensByCode(self.clientSecrets, configurationAttributes, gplusAuthCode)
            if ((tokenResponse == None) or (tokenResponse.getIdToken() == None) or (tokenResponse.getAccessToken() == None)):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to get tokens"
                return False
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Successfully gets tokens"

            jwt = Jwt.parse(tokenResponse.getIdToken())
            # TODO: Validate ID Token Signature  

            gplusUserUid = jwt.getClaims().getClaimAsString(JwtClaimName.SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER)
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Found Google user ID in the ID token: '%s'" % gplusUserUid
            if (mapUserDeployment):
                # Use mapping to local IDP user
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: 'gplus:%s'" % gplusUserUid

                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)

                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 2)
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_user_uid", gplusUserUid)
                    return True

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. foundUserName: '******'" % foundUserName
                userAuthenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(foundUserName)
                if (userAuthenticated == False):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
            elif (enrollUserDeployment):
                # Use auto enrollment to local IDP
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: 'gplus:%s'" % gplusUserUid
                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    # Auto user enrollemnt
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to gets user info"
                    userInfoResponse = self.getUserInfo(currentClientSecrets, configurationAttributes, tokenResponse.getAccessToken())
                    if ((userInfoResponse == None) or (userInfoResponse.getClaims().size() == 0)):
                        print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to get user info"
                        return False
                        print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Successfully gets user info"
                    gplusResponseAttributes = userInfoResponse.getClaims()
                    # Convert Google+ user claims to lover case
                    gplusResponseNormalizedAttributes = HashMap()
                    for gplusResponseAttributeEntry in gplusResponseAttributes.entrySet():
                            StringHelper.toLowerCase(gplusResponseAttributeEntry.getKey()), gplusResponseAttributeEntry.getValue())
                    currentAttributesMapping = self.getCurrentAttributesMapping(self.attributesMapping, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Using next attributes mapping '%s'" % currentAttributesMapping
                    newUser = User()
                    for attributesMappingEntry in currentAttributesMapping.entrySet():
                        remoteAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getKey()
                        localAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getValue()
                        localAttributeValue = gplusResponseNormalizedAttributes.get(remoteAttribute)
                        if (localAttribute != None):
                            newUser.setAttribute(localAttribute, localAttributeValue)
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("sn") == None):
                        newUser.setAttribute("sn", gplusUserUid)
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("cn") == None):
                        newUser.setAttribute("cn", gplusUserUid)

                    # Add mail to oxTrustEmail so that the user's
                    # email is available through the SCIM interface
                    # too.
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("oxTrustEmail") is None and
                        newUser.getAttribute("mail") is not None):
                        oxTrustEmail = {
                            "value": newUser.getAttribute("mail"),
                            "display": newUser.getAttribute("mail"),
                            "primary": True,
                            "operation": None,
                            "reference": None,
                            "type": "other"
                        newUser.setAttribute("oxTrustEmail", json.dumps(oxTrustEmail))

                    newUser.setAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user '%s' with next attributes '%s'" % (gplusUserUid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                    foundUser = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID: '%s'" % foundUser.getUserId()

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. foundUserName: '******'" % foundUserName

                userAuthenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(foundUserName)
                if (userAuthenticated == False):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to run extension postLogin"
                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid: '%s'" % gplusUserUid

                foundUser = userService.getUser(gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. foundUserName: '******'" % foundUserName

                userAuthenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(foundUserName)
                if (userAuthenticated == False):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2"
            sessionAttributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            if (sessionAttributes == None) or not sessionAttributes.containsKey("gplus_user_uid"):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. gplus_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            gplusUserUid = sessionAttributes.get("gplus_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(gplusUserUid)
            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()

            userName = credentials.getUsername()
            userPassword = credentials.getPassword()

            loggedIn = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userName) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userPassword)):
                loggedIn = authenticationService.authenticate(userName, userPassword)

            if (not loggedIn):
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has gplusUserUid
            # Avoid mapping Google account to more than one IDP account
            foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)

            if (foundUser == None):
                # Add gplusUserUid to user one id UIDs
                foundUser = userService.addUserAttribute(userName, "oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. foundUserName: '******'" % foundUserName
                if StringHelper.equals(userName, foundUserName):
                    postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult
                    return postLoginResult
            return False
            return False
コード例 #35
    def processOtpAuthentication(self, requestParameters, user_name, identity,
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

        otpCode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(otpCode):
                              "Failed to authenticate. OTP code is empty")
            print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. otpCode is empty"

            return False

        if otp_auth_method == "enroll":
            # Get key from session
            otp_secret_key_encoded = identity.getWorkingParameter(
            if otp_secret_key_encoded == None:
                print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. OTP secret key is invalid"
                return False

            otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(otp_secret_key_encoded)

            if self.otpType == "hotp":
                validation_result = self.validateHotpKey(
                    otp_secret_key, 1, otpCode)

                if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                    print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during enrollment. otpCode is valid"
                    # Store HOTP Secret Key and moving factor in user entry
                    otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % (

                    # Add otp_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                        user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                        return True

                    print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during enrollment. Failed to update user entry"
            elif self.otpType == "totp":
                validation_result = self.validateTotpKey(
                    otp_secret_key, otpCode)
                if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                    print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during enrollment. otpCode is valid"
                    # Store TOTP Secret Key and moving factor in user entry
                    otp_user_external_uid = "totp:%s" % otp_secret_key_encoded

                    # Add otp_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                        user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                        return True

                    print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during enrollment. Failed to update user entry"
        elif otp_auth_method == "authenticate":
            # Modified for Casa compliance

            user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(user_name, "hotp")

            #if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
            #    print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. There is no OTP enrollment for user '%s'" % user_name
            #    facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "There is no valid OTP user enrollments")
            #    return False

            if len(user_enrollments) > 0:
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    user_enrollment_data = user_enrollment.split(";")
                    otp_secret_key_encoded = user_enrollment_data[0]

                    # Get current moving factor from user entry
                    moving_factor = StringHelper.toInteger(
                    otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(otp_secret_key_encoded)

                    # Validate TOTP
                    validation_result = self.validateHotpKey(
                        otp_secret_key, moving_factor, otpCode)
                    if (validation_result !=
                            None) and validation_result["result"]:
                        print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during authentication. otpCode is valid"
                        otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % (
                            otp_secret_key_encoded, moving_factor)
                        new_otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % (

                        # Update moving factor in user entry
                        find_user_by_external_uid = userService.replaceUserAttribute(
                            user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid,
                        if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                            return True

                        print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during authentication. Failed to update user entry"

            user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(user_name, "totp")

            if len(user_enrollments) > 0:
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(user_enrollment)

                    # Validate TOTP
                    validation_result = self.validateTotpKey(
                        otp_secret_key, otpCode)
                    if (validation_result !=
                            None) and validation_result["result"]:
                        print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during authentication. otpCode is valid"
                        return True

                          "Failed to authenticate. OTP code is invalid")
        print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. OTP code is invalid"

        return False
コード例 #36
 def containsAttributeString(self, dictionary, attribute):
     return ((attribute in dictionary)
             and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(dictionary[attribute]))
コード例 #37
ファイル: smpp2FA.py プロジェクト: kdhttps/jans-auth-server
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        session_attributes = self.identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes(
        form_passcode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "passcode")

        print("SMPP form_response_passcode: {}".format(str(form_passcode)))

        if step == 1:
            print("SMPP Step 1 Password Authentication")
            credentials = self.identity.getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if not logged_in:
                return False

            # Get the Person's number and generate a code
            foundUser = None
                foundUser = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
                print("SMPP Error retrieving user {} from LDAP".format(
                return False

            mobile_number = None
                isVerified = foundUser.getAttribute("phoneNumberVerified")
                if isVerified:
                    mobile_number = foundUser.getAttribute("employeeNumber")
                if not mobile_number:
                    mobile_number = foundUser.getAttribute("mobile")
                if not mobile_number:
                    mobile_number = foundUser.getAttribute("telephoneNumber")
                if not mobile_number:
                        "Failed to determine mobile phone number")
                    print("SMPP Error finding mobile number for user '{}'".
                    return False
            except Exception as e:
                                  "Failed to determine mobile phone number")
                print("SMPP Error finding mobile number for {}: {}".format(
                    user_name, e))
                return False

            # Generate Random six digit code
            code = random.randint(100000, 999999)

            # Get code and save it in LDAP temporarily with special session entry
            self.identity.setWorkingParameter("code", code)

            self.identity.setWorkingParameter("mobile_number", mobile_number)
                "mobile_number", mobile_number)
            if not self.sendMessage(mobile_number, str(code)):
                                  "Failed to send message to mobile phone")
                return False

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            # Retrieve the session attribute
            print("SMPP Step 2 SMS/OTP Authentication")
            code = session_attributes.get("code")
            print("SMPP Code: {}".format(str(code)))

            if code is None:
                print("SMPP Failed to find previously sent code")
                return False

            if form_passcode is None:
                print("SMPP Passcode is empty")
                return False

            if len(form_passcode) != 6:
                print("SMPP Passcode from response is not 6 digits: {}".format(
                return False

            if form_passcode == code:
                print("SMPP SUCCESS! User entered the same code!")
                return True

            print("SMPP failed, user entered the wrong code! {} != {}".format(
                form_passcode, code))
                              "Incorrect SMS code, please try again.")
            return False

        print("SMPP ERROR: step param not found or != (1|2)")
        return False
コード例 #38
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        extensionResult = self.extensionPrepareForStep(configurationAttributes,
                                                       requestParameters, step)
        if extensionResult != None:
            return extensionResult

        print "Passport. prepareForStep called %s" % str(step)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            #re-read the strategies config (for instance to know which strategies have enabled the email account linking)

            providerParam = self.customAuthzParameter
            url = None

            sessionAttributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            self.skipProfileUpdate = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(
                sessionAttributes.get("skipPassportProfileUpdate"), "true")

            #this param could have been set previously in authenticate step if current step is being retried
            provider = identity.getWorkingParameter("selectedProvider")
            print "prepareForStep %s - provider = %s" % (str(step),

            # if there is a selectedProvider
            if provider != None:

                # get the redirect URL to use at facesService.redirectToExternalURL() that sends /passport/auth/<provider>/<token>
                url = self.getPassportRedirectUrl(provider)
                print "prepareForStep %s - url = %s" % (str(step), url)

                # sets selectedProvider back to None
                identity.setWorkingParameter("selectedProvider", None)

            # if there is customAuthzParameter
            elif providerParam != None:

                # get it from sessionAtributes
                paramValue = sessionAttributes.get(providerParam)

                #if exists
                if paramValue != None:
                    print "Passport. prepareForStep. Found value in custom param of authorization request: %s" % paramValue
                    provider = self.getProviderFromJson(paramValue)

                    if provider == None:
                        print "Passport. prepareForStep. A provider value could not be extracted from custom authorization request parameter"
                    elif not provider in self.registeredProviders:
                        print "Passport. prepareForStep. Provider '%s' not part of known configured IDPs/OPs" % provider
                        url = self.getPassportRedirectUrl(provider)

            # if no provider selected yet...
            if url == None:
                print "Passport. prepareForStep. A page to manually select an identity provider will be shown"

            # else already got the /passport/auth/<provider>/<token> url...

                facesService = CdiUtil.bean(FacesService)

                # redirects to Passport getRedirectURL - sends browser to IDP.
                print "Passport. Redirecting to external url: %s" + url


        return True
コード例 #39
ファイル: inwebo.py プロジェクト: christian-hawk/oxAuth
 def isPassedDefaultAuthentication(self):
     identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
     credentials = identity.getCredentials()
     user_name = credentials.getUsername()
     passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
     return passed_step1
コード例 #40
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)

        server_flag = configurationAttributes.get(
        callback_attrs = configurationAttributes.get(
        creds_file = configurationAttributes.get(

        # Create OneID
        authn = OneID(server_flag)

        # Set path to credentials file
        authn.creds_file = creds_file

        if (step == 1):
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1"

            # Find OneID request
            json_data_array = requestParameters.get("json_data")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(json_data_array):
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. json_data is empty"
                return False

            request = json_data_array[0]
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. request: " + request

            if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(request)):
                return False


            # Validate request
            http_client = httpService.getHttpsClientDefaulTrustStore()
            auth_data = httpService.encodeBase64(authn.api_id + ":" +
            http_response = httpService.executePost(
                http_client, authn.helper_server + "/validate", auth_data,
                request, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)
            validation_content = httpService.convertEntityToString(
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. validation_content: " + validation_content

            if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(validation_content)):
                return False

            validation_resp = json.loads(validation_content)
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. validation_resp: " + str(

            if (not authn.success(validation_resp)):
                return False

            response = json.loads(request)
            for x in validation_resp:
                response[x] = validation_resp[x]

            oneid_user_uid = response['uid']
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. oneid_user_uid: " + oneid_user_uid

            # Check if the is user with specified oneid_user_uid
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", "oneid:" + oneid_user_uid)

            if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("oneid_count_login_steps", 2)
                identity.setWorkingParameter("oneid_user_uid", oneid_user_uid)
                return True

            found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: " + found_user_name

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()


            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("oneid_count_login_steps", 1)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 2"

            sessionAttributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            if (sessionAttributes == None
                ) or not sessionAttributes.containsKey("oneid_user_uid"):
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 2. oneid_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            oneid_user_uid = sessionAttributes.get("oneid_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(oneid_user_uid)
            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)

            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has oneid_user_uid
            # Avoid mapping OneID account to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", "oneid:" + oneid_user_uid)

            if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                # Add oneid_user_uid to user one id UIDs
                find_user_by_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                    user_name, "oxExternalUid", "oneid:" + oneid_user_uid)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "OneId. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                return True
                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 2. found_user_name: " + found_user_name

                if StringHelper.equals(user_name, found_user_name):
                    return True

            return False
            return False
コード例 #41
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()


        if (step == 1):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1"

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()

            authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(credentials)
            if authenticated_user == None:
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second device registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'. Changing uaf_auth_method to '%s'" % (user_name, uaf_auth_method)

            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method
            identity.setWorkingParameter("uaf_auth_method", uaf_auth_method)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2"

            session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False
            user_name = user.getUserId()

            uaf_auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "auth_result")
            if uaf_auth_result != "success":
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. auth_result is '%s'" % uaf_auth_result
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")

            if not uaf_auth_method in ['enroll', 'authenticate']:
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to authenticate user. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method
                return False

            # Request STATUS_OBB
            if True:
                #TODO: Remove this condition
                # It's workaround becuase it's not possible to call STATUS_OBB 2 times. First time on browser and second ime on server
                uaf_user_device_handle = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "auth_handle")
                uaf_obb_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_obb_auth_method")
                uaf_obb_server_uri = session_attributes.get("uaf_obb_server_uri")
                uaf_obb_start_response = session_attributes.get("uaf_obb_start_response")

                # Prepare STATUS_OBB
                uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(uaf_obb_start_response)
                uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = { "operation": "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                                                      "userName": user_name,
                                                      "needDetails": 1,
                                                      "oobStatusHandle": uaf_obb_start_response_json["oobStatusHandle"],
                uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

                uaf_status_obb_response = self.executePost(uaf_obb_server_uri, uaf_obb_status_request)
                if uaf_status_obb_response == None:
                    return False

                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Get STATUS response: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response
                uaf_status_obb_response_json = json.loads(uaf_status_obb_response)
                if uaf_status_obb_response_json["statusCode"] != 4000:
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF operation status is invalid. statusCode: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response_json["statusCode"]
                    return False

                uaf_user_device_handle = uaf_status_obb_response_json["additionalInfo"]["authenticatorsResult"]["handle"]

            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_user_device_handle):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to get UAF handle"
                return False

            uaf_user_external_uid = "uaf:%s" % uaf_user_device_handle
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF handle: '%s'" % uaf_user_external_uid

            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                # Validate if user used device with same keYHandle
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'." % user_name
                    return False
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(user_enrollment, uaf_user_device_handle):
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is UAF enrollment for user '%s'. User authenticated successfully" % user_name
                        return True
                userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

                # Double check just to make sure. We did checking in previous step
                # Check if there is user which has uaf_user_external_uid
                # Avoid mapping user cert to more than one IDP account
                find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                    # Add uaf_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                        return False
                    return True

            return False
            return False
コード例 #42
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "IDP Chooser. authenticate called for step '%s'" % step

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        sessionId = identity.getSessionId()
        sessionAttributes = sessionId.getSessionAttributes()
        # SWITCH - if the switch credential is in 3_DO_SWITCH state, then do the switch
        if (sessionAttributes.get("switchFlowStatus") == "3_DO_SWITCH"):
            # first get the target user
            userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
            sourceUser = userService.getUser(
            targetUser = userService.getUser(

            if (targetUser == None):
                print "IDP Chooser. authenticate: Failed to fetch target user '%s'" % sessionAttributes.get(
                ## SESSION_SAFE - update
                return False
            elif (sourceUser == None):
                print "IDP Chooser. authenticate: Failed to fetch source user '%s'" % sessionAttributes.get(
                ## SESSION_SAFE - update
                return False
                switchPersistentId = sessionAttributes.get(
                # FIRST set the persistentId for the entitySpNameQualifier in the target user
                tergetPersistentIds = targetUser.getAttributeValues(
                tmpList = ArrayList(
                ) if tergetPersistentIds != None else ArrayList()
                targetUser.setAttribute("persistentId", tmpList)

                # SECOND remove the persistentId for the entitySpNameQualifier in the source user
                sourcePersistentIds = sourceUser.getAttributeValues(
                tmpList = ArrayList()
                # build a new list of persistentIds without the switched ID
                for sourcePersistentId in sourcePersistentIds:
                    if (sourcePersistentId != switchPersistentId):
                sourceUser.setAttribute("persistentId", tmpList)
                    # THIRD if failed to update the source then reset the source user
                    print "IDP Chooser. authenticate: Failed to update source user, '%s', reverting target user " % sessionAttributes.get(
                    print "Exception: ", sys.exc_info()[1]
                    tergetPersistentIds = targetUser.getAttributeValues(
                    tmpList = ArrayList(
                    ) if tergetPersistentIds != None else ArrayList()
                    targetUser.setAttribute("persistentId", tmpList)
                    return False

                # finish the switch flow
                sessionAttributes.put("switchFlowStatus", "4_FINISHED")
                ## SESSION_SAFE - update
                return CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService).authenticate(
            # process the ACR selection
            new_acr_provider_value = self.getAcrValueFromAuth(
            print "IDP Chooser. authenticate: saving new acr provider = '%s'" % new_acr_provider_value
            new_acr_provider_elements = StringHelper.split(
                new_acr_provider_value, ":")
            new_acr_value = new_acr_provider_elements[0]
            new_acr_provider = new_acr_provider_elements[1]
            print "IDP Chooser. authenticate: setting new_acr_value = '%s'" % new_acr_value
            print "IDP Chooser. authenticate: setting new_acr_provider = '%s'" % new_acr_provider

            # Validate the ACR is allowed for the current entityId/client
            allowedCredentials = sessionAttributes.get(
            allowSetNewAcr = False
            for cred in StringHelper.split(allowedCredentials, ','):
                if (new_acr_provider_value.find(cred) == -1):
                    allowSetNewAcr = True

            if (allowSetNewAcr):
                identity.setWorkingParameter("new_acr_value", new_acr_value)
                sessionAttributes.put("selectedProvider", new_acr_provider)
                print "IDP Chooser. authenticate: provider '%s' not allowed for this client" % new_acr_provider
                return False

            # SWITCH - Reading switch credential checkbox
            switchFlowStatus = sessionAttributes.get("switchFlowStatus")
            if (switchFlowStatus == None):
                switchSelected = self.getSwitchValueFromAuth(requestParameters)
                if (switchSelected == True):
                    print "IDP Chooser. authenticate SWITCH FLOW: setting 1_GET_SOURCE"
                    sessionAttributes.put("switchFlowStatus", "1_GET_SOURCE")

        ## SESSION_SAFE - update

        if step == 1:
            return True
            return False
コード例 #43
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print("SMPP Authenticate for step {}".format(step))

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

        if step == 1:
            if not user:
                credentials = identity.getCredentials()
                user_name = credentials.getUsername()
                user_password = credentials.getPassword()

                if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                        user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

            if not user:
                return False

            numbers = self.getNumbers(user)
            if not numbers:
                return False
                # Generate Random six digit code
                code = random.randint(100000, 999999)
                identity.setWorkingParameter("randCode", code)

                if len(numbers) == 1:
                    return self.sendMessage(numbers[0], str(code))
                    chopped = [number[-4:] for number in numbers]

                    # converting to comma-separated list (identity does not remember lists)
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("numbers", ",".join(numbers))
                    return True
            if not user:
                return False

            session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            code = session_attributes.get("randCode")
            numbers = session_attributes.get("numbers")

            if step == 2 and numbers:
                # Means that the selection number page was used
                idx = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                    requestParameters, "OtpSmsloginForm:indexOfNumber")
                if idx and code:
                    number = numbers.split(",")[int(idx)]
                    return self.sendMessage(number, str(code))
                    return False

            form_passcode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                requestParameters, "OtpSmsloginForm:passcode")
            if form_passcode and code == form_passcode:
                    "SMPP authenticate. 6-digit code matches with code sent via SMS"
                return True
                facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
                                  "Wrong code entered")
                return False
コード例 #44
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep called for step '%s'" % step

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        sessionId = identity.getSessionId()
        sessionAttributes = sessionId.getSessionAttributes()
        entityId = sessionAttributes.get("entityId")
        entitySpNameQualifier = sessionAttributes.get("spNameQualifier")

        # entityId is used for UI branding. Handle getting entityId if it's an OIDC client
        if (entityId == None):
            # First get the client_id (should be deterministic ... ?????)
            currentClientId = sessionAttributes.get("client_id")
            # Call the ClientService and get all clients
            clientService = CdiUtil.bean(ClientService)
            oidcClient = clientService.getClient(currentClientId)
            if (oidcClient != None):
                entityId = "oidc:%s" % oidcClient.getClientName()
                sessionAttributes.put("entityId", entityId)

            # SpNameQualifier is used for persistenId generation. Handle getting entitySpNameQualifier if it's an OIDC client
            if (entitySpNameQualifier == None):
                # Look for value saved in the PolicyURL field in the client configurationAttributes
                clientPolicyUri = oidcClient.getPolicyUri()
                if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(clientPolicyUri)):
                    # Set it to the clientPolicyUri if absent
                    entitySpNameQualifier = clientPolicyUri
                    sessionAttributes.put("spNameQualifier", clientPolicyUri)
        # FIXME - For now as an error scenario if it's not found put a default
        if (entityId == None):
            entityId = "_default"

        # CUSTOMIZATION - Select which page body elements will be rendered
        if (sessionAttributes.get("pageContent") == None):
            # CUSTOMIZATION - FIRST try direct match
            pageContent = self.selectorPageContent.get(entityId)

            # CUSTOMIZATION - SECOND try prefix match
            if (pageContent == None):
                for contentKey in self.selectorPageContent.keys():
                    if (entityId.find(contentKey) == 0):
                        pageContent = self.selectorPageContent.get(contentKey)

            # CUSTOMIZATION - LASTLY go to default content
            if (pageContent == None):
                pageContent = self.selectorPageContent.get("_default")

            # CUSTOMIZATION - save the page content in session for reference in xhtml pages
            if (pageContent != None):
                sessionAttributes.put("pageContent", pageContent)
                # We have an error - log it and fail
                print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep ERROR: '_default' and '%s' page content missing in file " % (
                return False

            # CUSTOMIZATION - Select which credential buttons will show up
            showCredentials = sessionAttributes.get(
            allCredentials = self.selectorPageContent["_default"][
            for cred in StringHelper.split(allCredentials, ','):
                if (showCredentials.find(cred) == -1):
                    sessionAttributes.put("hide_cred_" + cred, False)

        # SWITCH - update switch flow step if coming back with a user
        if (sessionAttributes.get("switchFlowStatus") == "1_GET_SOURCE"
                and sessionAttributes.get("auth_user") != None):
            # first get the source user and validate the persistentId exists for the entitySpNameQualifier
            userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
            sourceUser = userService.getUser(
            # then find the persistenId for the entitySpNameQualifier in the source user
            sourcePersistentIds = sourceUser.getAttributeValues("persistentId")
            if (sourcePersistentIds != None):
                # go through source user persistentIds
                for userPersistentId in sourcePersistentIds:
                    existingMappedRp = StringHelper.split(
                        userPersistentId, '|')[0]
                    # if the current RP matches, save the persistenId for the target
                    if (userPersistentId.find(entitySpNameQualifier) > -1):

            print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep SWITCH FLOW: setting 2_GET_TARGET"
            sessionAttributes.put("switchFlowStatus", "2_GET_TARGET")

        # SWITCH - move to switch screen if the target has been authenticated
        elif (sessionAttributes.get("switchFlowStatus") == "2_GET_TARGET"
              and sessionAttributes.get("auth_user") != None):
            # first get the target user
            userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
            targetUser = userService.getUser(
            # then find the persistenId for the entitySpNameQualifier in the target user
            targetPersistentIds = targetUser.getAttributeValues("persistentId")
            switchCurrentState = "AVAILABLE"
            if (targetPersistentIds != None):
                # go through source user persistentIds
                for userPersistentId in targetPersistentIds:
                    existingMappedRp = StringHelper.split(
                        userPersistentId, '|')[0]
                    # if the current RP already has a persistentId then mark it
                    if (entitySpNameQualifier != None and
                            userPersistentId.find(entitySpNameQualifier) > -1):
                        switchCurrentState = "NOT AVAILABLE - Persistent ID already exists for this RP in the target"

            if (switchCurrentState == "AVAILABLE"):
                print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep SWITCH FLOW: setting 3_DO_SWITCH"
                sessionAttributes.put("switchFlowStatus", "3_DO_SWITCH")
                print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep SWITCH FLOW: FAILED - target contains mapping for %s" % entitySpNameQualifier
                sessionAttributes.put("switchFlowStatus", "4_FINISHED")

            sessionAttributes.put("switchCurrentState", switchCurrentState)

        # MFA - update mfa flow status - check if the entityId is on the list of MFA applications
        mfaFlowStatus = sessionAttributes.get("mfaFlowStatus")
        print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep Fetched mfaFlowStatus = '%s'" % mfaFlowStatus
        for mfaEntityId in StringHelper.split(self.entityids_with_mfa, ','):
            if (mfaEntityId == entityId):
                # if the status is blank then we set it to MFA_1_REQUIRED. This also means first pass so no MFA forwarding
                if (mfaFlowStatus == None):
                    mfaFlowStatus = "MFA_1_REQUIRED"
                    print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep Setting  mfaFlowStatus = '%s'" % mfaFlowStatus
                    sessionAttributes.put("mfaFlowStatus", mfaFlowStatus)

                # we check that we have an authenticated user, which is a signal to trigger MFA
                elif (sessionAttributes.get("auth_user") != None):
                    print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep For mfaFlowStatus found authenticated user = '******'" % sessionAttributes.get(
                    # SWITCH - we check that we are not in a switch flow, or switch flow has finished
                    switchFlowStatus = sessionAttributes.get(
                    if (switchFlowStatus == None
                            or switchFlowStatus == "4_FINISHED"):
                        mfaFlowStatus = "MFA_2_IN_PROGRESS"
                        print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep Setting  mfaFlowStatus = '%s' and [new_acr_value to 'passport_social'] and [selectedProvider to 'mfa']" % mfaFlowStatus
                        sessionAttributes.put("mfaFlowStatus", mfaFlowStatus)
                        print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep Setting  [new_acr_value = 'passport_social'] and [selectedProvider = 'mfa']"
                        sessionAttributes.put("selectedProvider", "mfa")

        ## SESSION_SAFE - update

        print "IDP Chooser. prepareForStep. got session '%s'" % identity.getSessionId(

        if (step == 1 or step == 2):
            return True
            return False
コード例 #45
    def validateTotpKey(self, secretKey, totpKey):
        localTotpKey = self.generateTotpKey(secretKey)
        if StringHelper.equals(localTotpKey, totpKey):
            return {"result": True}

        return {"result": False}
コード例 #46
ファイル: inwebo.py プロジェクト: christian-hawk/oxAuth
    def checkStatus(self, iw_api_uri, iw_service_id, user_name, session_id,
        print "inside check status ", user_name + session_id
        # step 1: call action=pushAthenticate
        httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)

        request_uri = iw_api_uri + "action=pushAuthenticate" + "&serviceId=" + str(
            iw_service_id) + "&userId=" + httpService.encodeUrl(
                user_name) + "&format=json&withoutpin=" + str(without_pin)
        #curTime = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()
        #endTime = curTime + (timeout * 1000)

            response_status = None
            http_service_response = httpService.executeGet(
                self.client, request_uri)
            http_response = http_service_response.getHttpResponse()

            if (http_response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200):
                print "inWebo. Invalid response from inwebo server: checkStatus ", str(
                return None

            response_bytes = httpService.getResponseContent(http_response)
            response_string = httpService.convertEntityToString(response_bytes)

            print "inWebo validate method. Exception: ", sys.exc_info()[1]
            return False


        print "response string:", response_string
        json_response = json.loads(response_string)

        if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(json_response['err'], "OK"):

            session_id = json_response['sessionId']
            checkResult_uri = iw_api_uri + "action=checkPushResult" + "&serviceId=" + str(
                iw_service_id) + "&userId=" + httpService.encodeUrl(
                    user_name) + "&sessionId=" + httpService.encodeUrl(
                        session_id) + "&format=json&withoutpin=1"
            print "checkPushResult_uri:", checkResult_uri

            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
            currentTime = startTime
            endTime = startTime + long(25000)
            print "start time ----> ", startTime
            print "end time ", endTime
            while (endTime > currentTime):
                    # step 2: call action=checkPushResult; using session id from step 1
                    http_check_push_response = httpService.executeGet(
                        self.client, checkResult_uri)
                    check_push_response = http_check_push_response.getHttpResponse(
                    check_push_response_bytes = httpService.getResponseContent(
                    check_push_response_string = httpService.convertEntityToString(

                    check_push_json_response = json.loads(
                    print "check_push_json_response :", check_push_json_response
                    if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(
                            check_push_json_response['err'], "OK"):
                        self.push_fail = None
                        return True
                    elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(
                            check_push_json_response['err'], "NOK:REFUSED"):
                        print "Push request notification for session", session_id
                        self.push_fail = "inwebo.push.notification.rejected"
                        return False
                    elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(
                            check_push_json_response['err'], "NOK:TIMEOUT"):
                        print "Push request timed out for session", session_id
                        self.push_fail = "inwebo.push.notification.timed.out.for.session"
                        return False
                    elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(
                            check_push_json_response['err'], "NOK:WAITING"):
                        self.push_fail = "inwebo.push.notification.timed.out.for.session"
                        currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
                        print " NOw ######## ", currentTime
                        self.push_fail = "inwebo.push.notification.failed"
                        return False


        elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(json_response['err'], "NOK:SN"):
            self.push_fail = "inwebo.no.username"
            return False
        elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(json_response['err'],
                                           "NOK:account unknown"):
            self.push_fail = "inwebo.no.username"
            return False
            print "No response from server."
            self.push_fail = "inwebo.push.notification.timed.out.for.session"
            return False

        print "inWebo. CheckStatus. The process has not received a response from the phone yet"

        return False
コード例 #47
    def bindWWPass(self, requestParameters, userService, authenticationService, identity, ticket):
        puid = identity.getWorkingParameter("puid")
        email = requestParameters.get('email')[0] if 'email' in requestParameters else None
        if not puid:
            identity.setWorkingParameter("errors", "WWPass login failed")
            return False
        if ticket:
            puid_new = self.getPuid(ticket)
            # Always use the latest PUID when retrying step 2
            identity.setWorkingParameter("puid", puid_new)
            if puid == puid_new:
                # Registering via external web service
                if not self.registration_url:
                    return False
                if self.tryFirstLogin(puid, userService, authenticationService):
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("puid", None)
                    return True
                if not self.allow_passkey_bind:
                    return False
                # Binding with existing PassKey
                user = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "wwpass:%s"%puid_new)
                if user:
                    if authenticationService.authenticate(user.getUserId()):
                        userService.addUserAttribute(user.getUserId(), "oxExternalUid", "wwpass:%s"%puid)
                        identity.setWorkingParameter("puid", None)
                        return True
                identity.setWorkingParameter("errors", "Invalid user")
                return False
        elif email:
            # Binding via email
            if not self.allow_email_bind:
                return False
            email = requestParameters.get('email')[0] if 'email' in requestParameters else None
            identity.setWorkingParameter("email", email)
            user = userService.getUserByAttribute('mail', email)
            if not user:
                print("User with email '%s' not found." % email)
                return True
            nonce = self.generateNonce(33)
            mailService = CdiUtil.bean(MailService)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("email_nonce", nonce)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("email_nonce_exp", str(time() + self.EMAIL_NONCE_EXPIRATION))
            subject = "Bind your WWPass Key"
            body = """
To bind your WWPass Key to your account, copy and paste the following
code into "Email code" field in the login form:
If you haven't requested this operation, you can safely disregard this email.
            mailService.sendMail(email, subject, body % nonce)
            return True
            # Binding via username/password
            if not self.allow_password_bind:
                return False
            puid = identity.getWorkingParameter("puid")
            if not puid:
                return False
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                    logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)
                except Exception as e:
            if not logged_in:
                identity.setWorkingParameter("errors", "Invalid username or password")
                return False
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if not user:
                identity.setWorkingParameter("errors", "Invalid user")
                return False
            userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", "wwpass:%s"%puid)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("puid", None)
            return True
        return False
コード例 #48
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()


        if step == 1:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1"

            # Modified for Casa compliance
            authenticated_user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if authenticated_user == None:
                authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(
                if authenticated_user == None:
                    return False

            otp_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second OTP registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    otp_auth_method = "enroll"

            # Modified for Casa compliance
            if not self.hasEnrollments(configurationAttributes,
                return False

            #if otp_auth_method == "authenticate":
            #    user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(authenticated_user.getUserId())
            #    if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
            #        otp_auth_method = "enroll"
            #        print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. There is no OTP enrollment for user '%s'. Changing otp_auth_method to '%s'" % (authenticated_user.getUserId(), otp_auth_method)

            if otp_auth_method == "enroll":
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps: '%s'" % 3
                identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps", 3)

            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. otp_auth_method: '%s'" % otp_auth_method
            identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method", otp_auth_method)

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method == 'enroll':
                auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
                if not StringHelper.isEmpty(auth_result):
                    print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. User not enrolled OTP"
                    return False

                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Skipping this step during enrollment"
                return True

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(
                requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
        elif step == 3:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 3"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method != 'enroll':
                return False

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(
                requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 3. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
            return False
コード例 #49
ファイル: casa.py プロジェクト: VilledeMontreal/oxAuth
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "Casa. authenticate %s" % str(step)

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(

                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    self.uid_attr, user_name)
                #foundUser = userService.getUser(user_name)
                if foundUser == None:
                    print "Casa. authenticate for step 1. Unknown username"
                    platform_data = self.parsePlatformData(requestParameters)
                    mfaOff = foundUser.getAttribute(
                        "oxPreferredMethod") == None
                    logged_in = False

                    if mfaOff:
                        logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                            user_name, user_password)
                        acr = self.getSuitableAcr(foundUser, platform_data)
                        if acr != None:
                            module = self.authenticators[acr]
                            logged_in = module.authenticate(
                                module.configAttrs, requestParameters, step)

                    if logged_in:
                        foundUser = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser(

                        if foundUser == None:
                            print "Casa. authenticate for step 1. Cannot retrieve logged user"
                            if mfaOff:
                                identity.setWorkingParameter("skip2FA", True)
                                #Determine whether to skip 2FA based on policy defined (global or user custom)
                                skip2FA = self.determineSkip2FA(
                                    userService, identity, foundUser,
                                    "skip2FA", skip2FA)
                                identity.setWorkingParameter("ACR", acr)

                            return True

                        print "Casa. authenticate for step 1 was not successful"
            return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "Casa. authenticate for step 2. Cannot retrieve logged user"
                return False

            #see casa.xhtml
            alter = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if alter != None:
                #bypass the rest of this step if an alternative method was provided. Current step will be retried (see getNextStep)
                self.simulateFirstStep(requestParameters, alter)
                return True

            session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            acr = session_attributes.get("ACR")
            #this working parameter is used in casa.xhtml
                "methods", ArrayList(self.getAvailMethodsUser(user, acr)))

            success = False
            if acr in self.authenticators:
                module = self.authenticators[acr]
                success = module.authenticate(module.configAttrs,
                                              requestParameters, step)

            #Update the list of trusted devices if 2fa passed
            if success:
                print "Casa. authenticate. 2FA authentication was successful"
                tdi = session_attributes.get("trustedDevicesInfo")
                if tdi == None:
                    print "Casa. authenticate. List of user's trusted devices was not updated"
                    user.setAttribute("oxTrustedDevicesInfo", tdi)
                print "Casa. authenticate. 2FA authentication failed"

            return success

        return False
コード例 #50
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()


        if (step == 1):
            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2"

            session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_auth_method):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine auth_method"
                return False

            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method

            uaf_obb_auth_method = "OOB_REG"
            uaf_obb_server_uri = self.uaf_server_uri + "/nnl/v2/reg" 
            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(uaf_auth_method, "authenticate"):
                uaf_obb_auth_method = "OOB_AUTH"
                uaf_obb_server_uri = self.uaf_server_uri + "/nnl/v2/auth" 

            # Prepare START_OBB
            uaf_obb_start_request_dictionary = { "operation": "START_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                                                 "userName": user.getUserId(),
                                                 "policyName": "default",
                                                    { "qr": "true", "rawData": "false", "push": "false" } 

            uaf_obb_start_request = json.dumps(uaf_obb_start_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Prepared START request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (uaf_obb_start_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

            # Request START_OBB
            uaf_obb_start_response = self.executePost(uaf_obb_server_uri, uaf_obb_start_request)
            if uaf_obb_start_response == None:
                return False

            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Get START response: '%s'" % uaf_obb_start_response
            uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(uaf_obb_start_response)

            # Prepare STATUS_OBB
            #TODO: Remove needDetails parameter
            uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = { "operation": "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                                                  "userName": user.getUserId(),
                                                  "needDetails": 1,
                                                  "oobStatusHandle": uaf_obb_start_response_json["oobStatusHandle"],

            uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

            identity.setWorkingParameter("uaf_obb_auth_method", uaf_obb_auth_method)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("uaf_obb_server_uri", uaf_obb_server_uri)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("uaf_obb_start_response", uaf_obb_start_response)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("qr_image", uaf_obb_start_response_json["modeResult"]["qrCode"]["qrImage"])
            identity.setWorkingParameter("uaf_obb_status_request", uaf_obb_status_request)

            return True
            return False
コード例 #51
    def update(self, dynamicScopeContext, configurationAttributes):
        print ("Dynamic scope [claims_scope]. Update method")

        # Get the client and session and dynamic claims
        authorizationGrant = dynamicScopeContext.getAuthorizationGrant()
        oidcClient = authorizationGrant.getClient()
        currentEntityId = "oidc:%s" % oidcClient.getClientName()
        # sessionDn = authorizationGrant.getSessionDn()
        # print "Dynamic scope [claims_scope]. Got session DN = '%s'" % sessionDn
        # sessionId = dynamicScopeContext.getEntryAttributeValue(sessionDn, "sessionId")
        # if ( sessionDn != None ):

        # prepare the search results attributes
        claimNamesJsonString = None
        claimsSrcJsonString = None
        # then we look for the SAML persistentId value in user profile
        user = dynamicScopeContext.getUser()
        userTransientIds = user.getAttributeValues("transientId")
        if ( userTransientIds != None ):
            if ( userTransientIds.size > 0 ):
                # save latest time (set to 0 initially)
                latestExpiryTimeSec = 0
                # go through existing user persistentIds
                for userTransientId in userTransientIds:
                    # if the current RP already has a mapping then skip the second phase
                    transientIdRp = StringHelper.split(userTransientId,'|')[0]
                    if ( transientIdRp == currentEntityId ):
                        print ("Dynamic scope [claims_scope]. Found matching transientId '%s'" % userTransientId)
                        # Format is : currentOidcRp, expiryTimeSec, userInfoUrl, accessToken
                        expiryTimeSec = StringHelper.split(userTransientId,'|')[1]
                        userInfoUrl   = StringHelper.split(userTransientId,'|')[2]
                        accessToken   = StringHelper.split(userTransientId,'|')[3]
                        # Check the last timestamp is newer than the current one and not older than 15 minutes (900 second)
                        expiryTimeSec = StringHelper.toInteger(expiryTimeSec)
                        currenttimeSec = int(round(time.time()))
                        if ( expiryTimeSec > latestExpiryTimeSec and expiryTimeSec > (currenttimeSec - 900) ):
                            # Save expiry and update/set the _claim_sources parameters
                            latestExpiryTimeSec = expiryTimeSec
                            # create a JSON object with _claim_sources for distributed claims
                            claimsSrcJsonString = '{"src1":{"endpoint":"%s","access_token":"%s"}}' % ( userInfoUrl, accessToken )
                            # Set the _claim_names value to the result - static as per PCTF
                            #   "_claim_names": {
                            #     "given_name": "src1",
                            #     "family_name": "src1",
                            #     "birthdate": "src1",
                            #     "address": "src1"
                            #   },
                            # create a JSON object with _claim_sources for distributed claims
                            claimNamesJsonString = '{"given_name":"src1","family_name":"src1","birthdate":"src1","address":"src1"}'

        # set the claims if they have been found
        if ( claimNamesJsonString != None and claimsSrcJsonString != None ):
            # Get the claims object
            jsonWebResponse = dynamicScopeContext.getJsonWebResponse()
            claims = jsonWebResponse.getClaims()
            # create JSON objects
            claimNamesJson = JSONObject(claimNamesJsonString)
            claimsSrcJson = JSONObject(claimsSrcJsonString)
            # set the claims
            claims.setClaim("_claim_names", claimNamesJson)
            claims.setClaim("_claim_sources", claimsSrcJson)

        return True