コード例 #1
def dumpYamlWin(yamlFile):
    yaml = Yaml()
    win = {}
    win['geometry'] = nw.geometry()
    win['title'] = "Test"
    win['grid'] = nw.getGrid()
    win['sconfig'] = nw.sconfig()
    (rows, cols) = win['grid']
    spectra = []
    win['spectra'] = spectra
    nCharts = nw.nCharts()
    for iSpectrum in range(nCharts):
        sd = {}
        iRow = iSpectrum / cols
        iCol = iSpectrum % cols
        sd['grid'] = [iRow, iCol]
        sd['lim'] = nw.lim()
        sd['cconfig'] = nw.cconfig()
        sd['datasets'] = []
        datasets = nw.datasets()
        for dataset in datasets:
            dset = {}
            dset['name'] = dataset
            dset['config'] = nw.config(dataset)
            dset['dims'] = nw.getDims(dataset)
        sd['peaklists'] = []
        peakLists = nw.peakLists()
        for peakList in peakLists:
            pset = {}
            pset['name'] = peakList
            pset['config'] = nw.pconfig(peakList)

    print win
    yamlDump = yaml.dump(win)
    with open(yamlFile, 'w') as fOut:
コード例 #2
import de.embl.cba.metadata.MetaData as MetaData
import de.embl.cba.metadata.MetadataCreator as MetadataCreator
import ij.IJ as IJ
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions as DumperOptions
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml as Yaml
import java.io.FileWriter as FileWriter

file = "/Volumes/cba/exchange/OeyvindOedegaard/yaml_project/01_TestFiles/20180627_LSM780M2_208_ibidi1_fcs_B_Posx96.lsm"
metadataCreator = MetadataCreator(file)
metadata = metadataCreator.getMetadata()

dumperOptions = DumperOptions()

outputPath = "/Volumes/cba/exchange/OeyvindOedegaard/yaml_project/test.yaml"
yaml = Yaml(dumperOptions)
writer = FileWriter(outputPath)
yaml.dump(metadata, writer)

コード例 #3
ファイル: sandbox.py プロジェクト: relet/nomjyc
class nomjyc (HttpServlet):
This is the sandbox of the nomjyc web interface. Please refer to 
<a href="http://nomjyc.ath.cx:8080">nomjyc.ath.cx:8080</a> for the main game. 

Called without parameters, it will most probably just display the nomjyc rules,
read from the main nomjyc game. Send a GET or POST parameter called "test" to 
add an arbitrary rule to be executed at the end of the rule list.

  def __init__(self):
    self.yaml          = Yaml()
    self.yamlLexer     = YamlLexer()
    self.pythonLexer   = PythonLexer()
    self.pythonTBLexer = PythonTracebackLexer()
    self.htmlFormatter = HtmlFormatter()

  def dumpData(self,c):
    rules = c.data["rules"]
    c.data["rules"] = "omitted"
    code = highlight(self.yaml.dump(c.data), self.yamlLexer, self.htmlFormatter)	
    c.data["rules"] = rules 
    return code

  def dumpYaml(self, anything):
    return highlight(self.yaml.dump(anything), self.yamlLexer, self.htmlFormatter)	
  def dumpPython(self, code):
    return highlight(code, self.pythonLexer, self.htmlFormatter)	
  def dumpPythonTB(self, code):
    return highlight(code, self.pythonTBLexer, self.htmlFormatter)	

  def explainException(self, title):
    nruter = "<div class=\"erroroutput\"><span class=\"gu\">%s</span>" % title
    exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
    for line in traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
      nruter += "\n%s" % self.dumpPythonTB(line)
    return nruter + "</div>"
  def doGet(self, request, response):
    # Treat GET and POST equally
    self.doPost(request, response)

  DIV_HIDEOUS_BOX = "<div class=\"%s\"><div class=\"gh\">%s - <a href=\"javascript:ReverseDisplay('%s')\">show/hide %s</a></div><div id=\"%s\" style=\"display:%s\">%s</div>%s"
  def divHideCode(self, claz, title, id, data, visible=False, content="", openend=False):
    return self.DIV_HIDEOUS_BOX % (claz, title, id, content, id, visible and "show" or "none", data, openend and " " or "</div>")

  def doPost(self, request, response):
    c = NomjycContainer()
    c.parameters = request.getParameterMap()

    log = open("/var/log/nomjyc/sandbox.log","a")
    safelog = dict(c.parameters)
    if "pass" in safelog:
    log.write(("[[%s]] %s %s\n" % (request.getRemoteAddr(), datetime.utcnow(), self.yaml.dump(safelog))).encode("utf-8"))

    output = "<div class=\"infobox\"><span class=\"gh\">nomjyc 0.1</span>\n"
    c.session    = {}
    if len(c.parameters)==0:
      output += "<pre>%s</pre>" % self.__doc__
    output += "</div>"


      c.data = self.yaml.load(FileInputStream("/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/nomjyc/data/nomjyc.yaml"))
      output += self.explainException("Error while initiating game state")

    # Print some debug information - for now.
    output += self.divHideCode("infobox", "Request", "reqi", self.dumpYaml(c.parameters), visible=True)
    output += self.divHideCode("infobox", "Data read", "dri", self.dumpYaml(c.data))

    # Add a final rule, if the test parameter is set
    if "test" in c.parameters:
      for code in c.parameters["test"]:
        c.data["rules"].add({"author":"impromptu", "code":code, "creation":datetime.utcnow(), "title":"test rule"})

    cycles = 1
    if "cycles" in c.parameters:
        cycles = int(c.parameters["cycles"][0])
    if cycles<0 or cycles>3:
      cycles = 1

    # Execute all rules against the user input
    brain = PythonInterpreter()
    c.sandbox = True # a flag that gives away that we are in a sandbox
    for i in range(cycles):
      c.cycle = i    # a counter for the cycle we are in
      for rule in c.data["rules"][:]: # we are going to modify the rules. a lot. this prevents concurrent modification.
          output += self.divHideCode("rulebox", "Executing rule '%s'" % rule["title"], "id"+str(random()), self.dumpPython(rule["code"]), openend=True)
   	  err = StringWriter()
  	  out = StringWriter()
          checksum = hashlib.md5(self.yaml.dump(c.data)).hexdigest()
          brain.set("self", c)
          before = time.time()
          timeout (brain.exec,(rule["code"],),timeout_duration=30)
          runtime = int((time.time()-before) * 1000)
          changes = (checksum != hashlib.md5(self.yaml.dump(c.data)).hexdigest())
          output += "<div class=\"ruleoutput\">"
          if changes: output += "<div class=\"erroroutput\">This rule changed the game data.</div>"
          if (err.getBuffer().length()): output += "<div class=\"erroroutput\">Err:<br />%s</div>" % self.dumpPythonTB(err.toString().strip())
          if (out.getBuffer().length()): output += "<div class=\"gu\">Out:</div>"+out.toString().strip()
          output += "<div>(runtime: %sms)</div></div></div>" % runtime

        except Exception, ex:
          output += self.explainException("Execution failed") + "</div>"

    # Dump the data back to file - but not in the sandbox 
    #  self.yaml.dump(c.data, FileWriter("/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/sandbox/data/nomjyc.yaml"))    
    #  output += self.explainException("Error while storing game state")

    # Print some debug information - for now.
    output += self.divHideCode("infobox", "Session data", "sess", self.dumpYaml(c.session), visible=True) 
    output += self.divHideCode("infobox", "Data stored", "dsf", self.dumpYaml(c.data)) 

    # Send all output to the user (xml or html?)
    toClient = response.getWriter()
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="pygments.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="nomjyc.js"></script>
""" % output)
コード例 #4
ファイル: nomjyc.py プロジェクト: relet/nomjyc
class nomjyc (HttpServlet):
This is the nomjyc web interface. Nomic is a game where the players change the rules. 
Nomjyc is the same game, except that the rules are written in jython. 

Called without parameters, it will most probably just display its own rules. 
Call it with GET or POST parameters to execute and change them. 
Read the code to understand how.

Just kidding. We have a wiki at <a href="http://nomjyc.ath.cx:8080/cgi/fossil">http://nomjyc.ath.cx:8080/cgi/fossil</a>

  def __init__(self):
    self.yaml          = Yaml()
    self.yamlLexer     = YamlLexer()
    self.pythonLexer   = PythonLexer()
    self.pythonTBLexer = PythonTracebackLexer()
    self.htmlFormatter = HtmlFormatter()

  def dumpData(self,c):
    rules = c.data["rules"]
    c.data["rules"] = "omitted"
    code = highlight(self.yaml.dump(c.data), self.yamlLexer, self.htmlFormatter)	
    c.data["rules"] = rules
    return code

  def dumpYaml(self, anything):
    #return highlight(self.yaml.dump(anything), self.yamlLexer, self.htmlFormatter)	
    return "<pre>%s</pre>" % self.yaml.dump(anything)
  def dumpPython(self, code):
    return highlight(code, self.pythonLexer, self.htmlFormatter)	
  def dumpPythonTB(self, code):
    return highlight(code, self.pythonTBLexer, self.htmlFormatter)	

  def explainException(self, title):
    nruter = "<div class=\"erroroutput\"><span class=\"gu\">%s</span>" % title
    exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
    for line in traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
      nruter += "\n%s" % self.dumpPythonTB(line)
    return nruter + "</div>"
  def doGet(self, request, response):
    # Treat GET and POST equally
    self.doPost(request, response)

  DIV_HIDEOUS_BOX = "<div class=\"%s\"><div class=\"gh\">%s - <a href=\"javascript:ReverseDisplay('%s')\">show/hide %s</a></div><div id=\"%s\" style=\"display:%s\">%s</div>%s"
  def divHideCode(self, claz, title, id, data, visible=False, content="", openend=False):
    return self.DIV_HIDEOUS_BOX % (claz, title, id, content, id, visible and "show" or "none", data, openend and " " or "</div>")

  def doPost(self, request, response):
    c = NomjycContainer() # re-initialized container upon every request    
    c.parameters = request.getParameterMap()
    log = open("/var/log/nomjyc/nomjyc.log","a")
    safelog = dict(c.parameters)
    if "pass" in safelog:
    log.write(("[[%s]] %s %s\n" % (request.getRemoteAddr(), datetime.utcnow(), self.yaml.dump(safelog))).encode("utf-8"))

    output = "<div class=\"infobox\"><span class=\"gh\">nomjyc 0.1</span>\n"
    c.session    = {}
    if len(c.parameters)==0:
      output += "<pre>%s</pre>" % self.__doc__
    output += "</div>"


      c.data = self.yaml.load(FileInputStream("/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/nomjyc/data/nomjyc.yaml"))
      output += self.explainException("Error while initiating game state - trying to load backup.")
      c.data = self.yaml.load(FileInputStream("/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/nomjyc/data/nomjyc.bak"))

    # Print some debug information - for now.
    output += self.divHideCode("infobox", "Request", "reqi", self.dumpYaml(c.parameters), visible=True)
    output += self.divHideCode("infobox", "Data read", "dri", self.dumpYaml(c.data))

    # If we have come so far, we assume that it is safe to write a backup.
      self.yaml.dump(c.data, FileWriter("/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/nomjyc/data/nomjyc.bak"))    
      output += self.explainException("Error while storing backup game state")
    # Execute all rules against the user input
    brain = PythonInterpreter()
    c.sandbox = False # a flag that tells that we are not in a sandbox
    checksum = hashlib.md5(self.yaml.dump(c.data)).hexdigest()
    for rule in c.data["rules"][:]: # we are going to modify the rules. a lot. this prevents concurrent modification.
        output += self.divHideCode("rulebox", "Executing rule '%s'" % rule["title"], "id"+str(random()), self.dumpPython(rule["code"]), openend=True)
        err = StringWriter()
        out = StringWriter()
        # Compile the rule into a jython/java class
        brain.set("self", c) # expose the container to the rules
        before = time.time()
        timeout (brain.exec,(rule["code"],),timeout_duration=30)
        runtime = int((time.time()-before) * 1000)
        newsum   = hashlib.md5(self.yaml.dump(c.data)).hexdigest()
        changes  = (checksum != newsum)
        checksum = newsum
        output += "<div class=\"ruleoutput\">" 
        if changes: output += "<div class=\"erroroutput\">This rule changed the game data.</div>"
        if (err.getBuffer().length()): output += "<div class=\"erroroutput\">Err:<br />%s</div>" % self.dumpPythonTB(err.toString())
        if (out.getBuffer().length()): output += "<div class=\"gu\">Out:</div>"+out.toString()
        output += "<div>(runtime: %sms)</div></div></div>" % runtime

      except Exception, ex:
        output += self.explainException("Execution failed") + "</div>"

    # Dump the data back to file    
      self.yaml.dump(c.data, FileWriter("/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/nomjyc/data/nomjyc.yaml"))    
      output += self.explainException("Error while storing game state")

    # Print some debug information - for now.
    output += self.divHideCode("infobox", "Session data", "sess", self.dumpYaml(c.session), visible=True) 
    output += self.divHideCode("infobox", "Data stored", "dsf", self.dumpYaml(c.data)) 

    # Send all output to the user (xml or html?)
    toClient = response.getWriter()
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="pygments.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="nomjyc.js"></script>
""" % output)