def test_create_settings(): """Create a settings module with several submodules.""" project = 'test_project_settings' modules = ('__init__', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz') settings = DjangoSettingsManager(project, *modules) for module in modules: thefile = settings.get_file(module) assert os.path.isfile(, "File not created: %s" %
def test_create_settings(): """Create a settings module with several submodules.""" project = 'test_project_settings' modules = ('__init__', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz') settings = DjangoSettingsManager(project, *modules) for module in modules: thefile = settings.get_file(module) assert os.path.isfile(, "File not created: %s" %
def probe_values_in_list(content, settings_path, required_values): """ Test a list for required values, extracting the list beforehand. :param content: content string containing the list attribute (e.g. Django settings) :param settings_path: attribute hierarchy list to find the list :param required_values: list or tuple of values for testing the list :return: None (asserts in case of failure) """ last_index = len(settings_path) - 1 indentation = DjangoSettingsManager._indentation_by(last_index) try: start, stop = DjangoSettingsManager._find_block(content, settings_path) block = content[start:stop] for val in required_values: val_line = ("%s'%s',\n" % (indentation, val)) assert val_line in block, "Not found in block %s: %s" % \ (settings_path[last_index], val) return True except AssertionError as ae: print(ae.message) return False
def _split_project(): global args global profiles global projectname global settings profiles = ('develop', 'staging', 'production') filenames = ('__init__', 'common') + profiles _print_verbose(2, 'Creating directories ...') os.mkdir('' % projectname) os.mkdir('%s.static' % projectname) os.mkdir('%s.templates' % projectname) os.mkdir(os.path.join(projectname, 'settings')) _print_verbose( 2, 'Converting settings to deployment profiles (%s) ...' % ', '.join(profiles)) os.rename(os.path.join(projectname, ''), os.path.join(projectname, 'settings', '')) settings = DjangoSettingsManager(projectname, *filenames) settings.append_lines( '__init__', '"""', 'Modularized settings generated by django Organice setup.', 'This solution follows the second recommendation from', '', '"""', 'from .develop import * # noqa') for prof in profiles: settings.append_lines( prof, '# Django project settings for %s environment' % prof.capitalize(), '', 'from .common import * # noqa') # out-of-the-box Django values relevant for deployment settings.delete_var('common', 'SITE_ID') settings.insert_lines('common', '_ = lambda s: s', '', 'SITE_ID = 1') settings.replace_line('common', 'import os', 'from os.path import abspath, dirname, join') settings.set_value('common', 'BASE_DIR', 'dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))))') settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_ROOT', "join(BASE_DIR, '')" % projectname) settings.set_value('common', 'STATIC_ROOT', "join(BASE_DIR, '%s.static')" % projectname) settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_URL', "'/media/'") settings.set_value('common', 'USE_I18N', False) settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DEBUG') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DATABASES') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'MEDIA_ROOT') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'STATIC_ROOT') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'SECRET_KEY') for prof in ('staging', 'production'): settings.set_value(prof, 'DEBUG', False) settings.set_value_lines( prof, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS', '[', " ''," % (args.account if args.account else projectname), " '%s'," % (args.domain if args.domain else ''), ']')
def _split_project(): global args global profiles global projectname global settings profiles = ('develop', 'staging', 'production') filenames = ('__init__', 'common') + profiles _print_verbose(2, 'Creating directories ...') os.mkdir('' % projectname) os.mkdir('%s.static' % projectname) os.mkdir('%s.templates' % projectname) os.mkdir(os.path.join(projectname, 'settings')) _print_verbose(2, 'Converting settings to deployment profiles (%s) ...' % ', '.join(profiles)) os.rename(os.path.join(projectname, ''), os.path.join(projectname, 'settings', '')) settings = DjangoSettingsManager(projectname, *filenames) settings.append_lines('__init__', '"""', 'Modularized settings generated by django Organice setup.', 'This solution follows the second recommendation from', '', '"""', 'from .develop import * # noqa') for prof in profiles: settings.append_lines(prof, '# Django project settings for %s environment' % prof.capitalize(), '', 'from .common import * # noqa') # out-of-the-box Django values relevant for deployment settings.delete_var('common', 'SITE_ID') settings.insert_lines('common', '_ = lambda s: s', '', 'SITE_ID = 1') settings.replace_line('common', 'import os', 'from os.path import abspath, dirname, join') settings.set_value('common', 'BASE_DIR', 'dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))))') settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_ROOT', "join(BASE_DIR, '')" % projectname) settings.set_value('common', 'STATIC_ROOT', "join(BASE_DIR, '%s.static')" % projectname) settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_URL', "'/media/'") settings.set_value('common', 'USE_I18N', False) settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DEBUG') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DATABASES') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'MEDIA_ROOT') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'STATIC_ROOT') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'SECRET_KEY') for prof in ('staging', 'production'): settings.set_value(prof, 'DEBUG', False) settings.set_value_lines(prof, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS', '[', " ''," % (args.account if args.account else projectname), " '%s'," % (args.domain if args.domain else ''), ']')
def startproject(): """ Starts a new django Organice project by first generating a Django project using ````, and then modifying the project settings. """ usage_descr = 'django Organice setup. Start getting organiced!' if sys.version_info < (2, 7): from optparse import OptionParser # Deprecated since version 2.7 parser = OptionParser(description=usage_descr) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error('Please specify a projectname') projectname = args[0] else: from argparse import ArgumentParser # New since version 2.7 parser = ArgumentParser(description=usage_descr) parser.add_argument('projectname', help='name of project to create') args = parser.parse_args() projectname = args.projectname mode0755 = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH profiles = ('develop', 'staging', 'production') filenames = ('__init__', 'common') + profiles print('Generating project %s ...' % projectname) code = call(['', 'startproject', projectname, '.']) if code != 0: return code os.chmod('', mode0755) print('Creating directories ...') os.mkdir('media') os.mkdir('static') os.mkdir('templates') os.mkdir(os.path.join(projectname, 'settings')) print('Converting settings to deployment profiles (%s) ...' % ', '.join(profiles)) os.rename(os.path.join(projectname, ''), os.path.join(projectname, 'settings', '')) settings = DjangoSettingsManager(projectname, *filenames) settings.append_lines('__init__', '"""', 'Modularized settings generated by django Organice setup.', 'This solution follows the second recommendation from', '', '"""', 'from .develop import *') for prof in profiles: settings.append_lines(prof, '# Django project settings for %s environment' % prof.capitalize(), '', 'from .common import *') # out-of-the-box Django values relevant for deployment settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DEBUG') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'TEMPLATE_DEBUG') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DATABASES') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'SECRET_KEY') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'WSGI_APPLICATION') settings.insert_lines('common', 'import os', 'PROJECT_PATH = os.sep.join(__file__.split(os.sep)[:-3])') settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_URL', "'/media/'") settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_ROOT', "os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'media')") settings.set_value('common', 'STATIC_ROOT', "os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'static')") settings.set_value('common', 'USE_I18N', False) settings.set_value('staging', 'DEBUG', False) settings.set_value('production', 'DEBUG', False) print('Configuring development database ...') DEV_DATABASES = """{ 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', # 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'. 'NAME': os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, '%s.sqlite'), # path to database file if using sqlite3. # The following settings are not used with sqlite3: 'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': '', # Empty for localhost through domain sockets or '' for localhost through TCP. 'PORT': '', # Set to empty string for default. } }""" % projectname settings.set_value('develop', 'DATABASES', DEV_DATABASES) # configuration for included packages adding_settings_for = 'Adding settings for %s ...' print(adding_settings_for % 'installed apps') settings.delete_var('common', 'INSTALLED_APPS') settings.append_lines('common', 'INSTALLED_APPS = (', " 'django.contrib.auth',", " 'django.contrib.comments',", " 'django.contrib.contenttypes',", " 'django.contrib.sessions',", " 'django.contrib.sites',", " 'django.contrib.messages',", " 'django.contrib.staticfiles',", " 'django.contrib.admin',", " 'organice',", " 'cms',", " 'mptt',", " 'menus',", " 'south',", " 'sekizai',", " 'reversion',", " 'cms.plugins.text',", " 'cms.plugins.picture',", " '',", " 'cms.plugins.teaser',", " 'cms.plugins.file',", " '',", " 'cms.plugins.flash',", " 'cms.plugins.googlemap',", " 'cms.plugins.inherit',", " 'cmsplugin_contact',", " 'cmsplugin_zinnia',", " 'tagging',", " 'emencia.django.newsletter',", " 'tinymce',", " 'simple_links',", " 'zinnia',", ')') print(adding_settings_for % 'django CMS') settings.delete_var('common', 'MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES') settings.append_lines('common', 'MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = (', " 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',", " 'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware',", " 'solid_i18n.middleware.SolidLocaleMiddleware',", " 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware',", " 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',", " 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware',", " 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',", " '',", " 'cms.middleware.user.CurrentUserMiddleware',", " 'cms.middleware.toolbar.ToolbarMiddleware',", " 'cms.middleware.language.LanguageCookieMiddleware',", ')') # must be set both in order to make solid_i18n work properly settings.set_value('common', 'LANGUAGE_CODE', """'en-us' LANGUAGES = ( ('en-us', 'English (United States)'), )""") settings.append_lines('common', 'CMS_TEMPLATES = (', " ('cms_article.html', 'Template for normal content pages'),", " ('cms_bookmarks.html', 'Template for the bookmarks page'),", ')', 'CMS_USE_TINYMCE = False') settings.delete_var('common', 'TEMPLATE_DIRS') settings.append_lines('common', 'TEMPLATE_DIRS = (', " # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.", " os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'templates'),", " os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'templates', 'zinnia'),", ')') settings.append_lines('common', 'TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = (', " 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth',", " 'django.core.context_processors.i18n',", " 'django.core.context_processors.request',", " '',", " 'django.core.context_processors.static',", " '',", " 'sekizai.context_processors.sekizai',", " 'organice.context_processors.expose',", ')') print(adding_settings_for % 'Emencia Newsletter') settings.append_lines('common', "NEWSLETTER_DEFAULT_HEADER_SENDER = 'Your Organization <*****@*****.**>'", "NEWSLETTER_MEDIA_URL = '/media/' # emencia/django/newsletter/media/edn/ directory (alternative)", 'NEWSLETTER_USE_TINYMCE = True', 'TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG = {', " 'height': 450,", " 'width': 800,", " 'convert_urls': False,", " 'plugins': 'table,paste,searchreplace,template',", " 'theme': 'advanced',", " 'theme_advanced_toolbar_location': 'top',", " 'theme_advanced_buttons1': 'bold,italic,underline,forecolor,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,formatselect,|,template',", " 'theme_advanced_buttons3_add': 'tablecontrols',", '}') print(adding_settings_for % 'Zinnia Blog') settings.append_lines('common', '# use plugin system of django-cms in blog entries', "ZINNIA_ENTRY_BASE_MODEL = 'cmsplugin_zinnia.placeholder.EntryPlaceholder'", "ZINNIA_WYSIWYG = 'wymeditor'") settings.append_lines('common', 'SOUTH_MIGRATION_MODULES = {', ' # integration of EntryPlaceholder (django CMS) into Zinnia', " 'zinnia': 'organice.migrations.zinnia',", '}') settings.save_files() print('Configuring project URLs ...') gen_by_comment = '# generated by django Organice' project = DjangoModuleManager(projectname) project.add_file('urls', lines=(gen_by_comment, 'from organice.urls import urlpatterns')) project.save_files() suggest_editing = ('ADMINS', 'TIME_ZONE', 'LANGUAGE_CODE', 'LANGUAGES') suggest_adding = ('SERVER_EMAIL', ) print('Done. Enjoy your organiced day!' + os.linesep) print('Please visit file `%s` and edit or add the variables: %s' % (settings.get_file('common').name, ', '.join(suggest_editing + suggest_adding))) print('Please visit file `%s` and configure your development database in: %s' % (settings.get_file('develop').name, 'DATABASES')) print('See for details.' + os.linesep) print('To initialize your development database run: `python syncdb --migrate`') print('You can then run your development server with: `python runserver`')
def _split_project(): global args global profiles global settings profiles = ('develop', 'staging', 'production') filenames = ('__init__', 'common') + profiles _print_verbose(2, 'Creating directories ...') os.mkdir('' % args.projectname) os.mkdir('%s.static' % args.projectname) os.mkdir('%s.templates' % args.projectname) os.mkdir(os.path.join(args.projectname, 'settings')) _print_verbose( 2, 'Converting settings to deployment profiles (%s) ...' % ', '.join(profiles)) os.rename(os.path.join(args.projectname, ''), os.path.join(args.projectname, 'settings', '')) settings = DjangoSettingsManager(args.projectname, *filenames) settings.append_lines( '__init__', '"""', 'Modularized settings generated by django Organice setup.', 'This solution follows the second recommendation from', '', '"""', 'from .develop import * # noqa') for prof in profiles: settings.append_lines( prof, '# Django project settings for %s environment' % prof.capitalize(), '', 'from .common import * # noqa') # out-of-the-box Django values relevant for deployment settings.delete_var('common', 'SITE_ID') settings.insert_lines( 'common', 'from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _', '', 'SITE_ID = 1') settings.replace_line('common', 'import os', '') settings.insert_lines('common', 'from os.path import abspath, dirname, join') settings.set_value('common', 'BASE_DIR', 'dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))))') settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_ROOT', "join(BASE_DIR, '')" % args.projectname) settings.set_value('common', 'STATIC_ROOT', "join(BASE_DIR, '%s.static')" % args.projectname) settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_URL', "'/media/'") settings.set_value('common', 'USE_I18N', True) settings.set_value('common', 'USE_L10N', True) settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DEBUG') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS') settings.append_lines( 'develop', "DEVELOP_APPS = (", " 'behave_django',", ")", "", "try:", " from importlib import import_module", " for pkg in DEVELOP_APPS:", " import_module(pkg)", " INSTALLED_APPS += DEVELOP_APPS", "except ImportError:", " from warnings import warn", " warn('Development packages missing. Please run `make develop`', Warning)" ) settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DATABASES') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'MEDIA_ROOT') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'STATIC_ROOT') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'SECRET_KEY') account_domain = '' % args.account for prof in ('staging', 'production'): settings.set_value(prof, 'DEBUG', False) settings.set_value_lines( prof, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS', '[', " '%s'," % (args.domain if args.domain else account_domain), " '%s'," % (account_domain if args.domain else 'www.%s' % account_domain), ']')
def _create_project(): global args global profiles global projectname global settings mode0755 = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH profiles = ('develop', 'staging', 'production') filenames = ('__init__', 'common') + profiles if args.manage == 'multi': if os.path.isfile(''): print('Deleting to allow multi-settings platform setup ...') os.unlink('') print('Generating project %s ...' % projectname) code = call(['', 'startproject', projectname, '.']) if code != 0: return code os.chmod('', mode0755) if args.manage == 'multi': print('Removing project specific configuration from ...') with open('', 'a+') as f: lines = f.readlines() f.truncate() for line in lines: if not 'import os' in line and not 'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE' in line: f.write(line) print('Creating directories ...') os.mkdir('' % projectname) os.mkdir('%s.static' % projectname) os.mkdir('%s.templates' % projectname) os.mkdir(os.path.join(projectname, 'settings')) print('Converting settings to deployment profiles (%s) ...' % ', '.join(profiles)) os.rename(os.path.join(projectname, ''), os.path.join(projectname, 'settings', '')) settings = DjangoSettingsManager(projectname, *filenames) settings.append_lines('__init__', '"""', 'Modularized settings generated by django Organice setup.', 'This solution follows the second recommendation from', '', '"""', 'from .develop import *') for prof in profiles: settings.append_lines(prof, '# Django project settings for %s environment' % prof.capitalize(), '', 'from .common import *') # out-of-the-box Django values relevant for deployment settings.delete_var('common', 'SITE_ID') settings.insert_lines('common', '_ = lambda s: s', 'import os', 'PROJECT_PATH = os.sep.join(__file__.split(os.sep)[:-3])', '', 'SITE_ID = 1') settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_ROOT', "os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, '')" % projectname) settings.set_value('common', 'STATIC_ROOT', "os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, '%s.static')" % projectname) settings.set_value('common', 'MEDIA_URL', "'/media/'") settings.set_value('common', 'USE_I18N', False) settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DEBUG') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'TEMPLATE_DEBUG') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'DATABASES') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'MEDIA_ROOT') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'STATIC_ROOT') settings.move_var('common', profiles, 'SECRET_KEY') for prof in ('staging', 'production'): settings.set_value(prof, 'DEBUG', False) settings.set_value_lines(prof, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS', '[', " ''," % (args.account if args.account else projectname), " '%s'," % (args.domain if args.domain else ''), ']')