コード例 #1
def getstockprice():
    h1 = 'Get Stock Price'
    title = 'Terminal Trader'
    symbol = request.form['symbol']
    payload_from_wrapper = wrapper.get_stock_price(symbol)
    name, price = payload_from_wrapper
    username = '******'
    cash = orm.get_balance(username)
    stocks_in_portfolio = orm.sell_get_list_of_positions(username)
    if stocks_in_portfolio is not False:
        current_prices = {}
        # [ (ticker, price, quantity ) ]
        for stocks in stocks_in_portfolio:
            name, price = wrapper.get_stock_price(stocks[0])
            current_prices[stocks[0]] = price
        NPV = 0
        for stocks in stocks_in_portfolio:
            stock_q_times_p = float(stocks[2]) * float(current_prices[stocks[0]])
            NPV += stock_q_times_p
        stock_payload = [[x[0].upper(), x[2]] for x in stocks_in_portfolio]
        NPV += float(cash)
        NPVreturn = (NPV - 1000000.0) / 1000000.0
        if NPVreturn > 0.999999:
            NPVmessage = 'up'
            NPVmessage = 'down'
        # clean up data
        cash = '{:.2f}'.format(cash)
        if len(cash) > 5:
            cash = cash[:-6] + ',' + cash[-6:]
        NPV = '{:.2f}'.format(NPV)
        if len(NPV) > 5:
            NPV = NPV[:-6] + ',' + NPV[-6:]
        NPVreturn = '{:.6f}'.format(NPVreturn)
    return render_template('getstockprice.html',h1=h1,title=title,name=name,price=price)
コード例 #2
def get_cash_stocks_prices_snapshot(username):
    cash = orm.get_balance(username)
    stocks_in_portfolio = orm.sell_get_list_of_positions(username)
    if stocks_in_portfolio is not False:
        current_prices = {}
        # [ (ticker, price, quantity ) ]
        for stocks in stocks_in_portfolio:
            name, price = wrapper.get_stock_price(stocks[0])
            current_prices[stocks[0]] = price
        return cash, stocks_in_portfolio, current_prices
        return cash, stocks_in_portfolio, False
コード例 #3
def index():
    h1 = 'Flask Trader'
    title = 'Terminal Trader'
    username = '******'
    cash = orm.get_balance(username)
    stocks_in_portfolio = orm.sell_get_list_of_positions(username)
    if stocks_in_portfolio is not False:
        current_prices = {}
        # [ (ticker, price, quantity ) ]
        for stocks in stocks_in_portfolio:
            name, price = wrapper.get_stock_price(stocks[0])
            current_prices[stocks[0]] = price
        NPV = 0
        for stocks in stocks_in_portfolio:
            stock_q_times_p = float(stocks[2]) * float(current_prices[stocks[0]])
            NPV += stock_q_times_p
        stock_payload = [[x[0].upper(), x[2]] for x in stocks_in_portfolio]
        NPV += float(cash)
        NPVreturn = (NPV - 1000000.0) / 1000000.0
        if NPVreturn > 0.999999:
            NPVmessage = 'up'
            NPVmessage = 'down'
        # clean up data
        cash = '{:.2f}'.format(cash)
        if len(cash) > 5:
            cash = cash[:-6] + ',' + cash[-6:]
        NPV = '{:.2f}'.format(NPV)
        if len(NPV) > 5:
            NPV = NPV[:-6] + ',' + NPV[-6:]
        NPVreturn = '{:.6f}'.format(NPVreturn)
        return render_template('index.html',h1=h1,title=title,cash=cash,NPV=NPV,NPVreturn=NPVreturn,
                           up_or_down=NPVmessage, stocks=stock_payload)

        return render_template('index.html',h1=h1,title=title,cash=cash,NPV='0',NPVreturn='0',
                               up_or_down='0', stocks=[])
コード例 #4
def buy_stocks(username,shares,password,stock_exchange, stock_symbol,volume,stock_price):
	for cash in balance:
		if cash[balance'] == '0':
			print("insufficient balance") 
		if balance > (shares * stock_price):
			orm.buying_stocks(username,password,stock_exchange, stock_symbol,volume,stock_price)
	def buying_stocks(check_balance, stock_exchange, stock_symbol, stock_price, volume, username,password):
	#Check the balance
		print("\n\nTo access any function below, enter the corresponding key")
		print ('''To:
		want to buy stocks,press A.
		check Balance, press B.
		deposit cash,  press D.
		exit service,  press E\n
		status = input("")
		if status == 'A':		
		if status=='B':
			check_balance = orm.get_balance(username)
		elif status=='D':

		elif status=='E':
			print ("Thank you for using our Services")
	# if enough balance, buy stocks, else return insufficient funds
	def buy(check_balance,shares,stock_price):
		number_of_shares = input("Enter number of shares: ")
		object = Markit()
		price = object.get_quote(stock_symbol)
		enter_price = input("Enter the price to purchase shares: ")

		if get_stock(stock) == None:
			stock_to_buy = {}
			stock_to_buy['shares'] = shares
			stock_to_buy['value'] = "{0:.2f}".format(float(stock_price))
			stock_to_buy = get_stock(stock)
			stock_to_buy['value'] = "{0:.2f}".format(float(enter_price) * int(number_of_shares)) 
			stock_to_buy['shares'] = str(int(stock_to_buy['shares']) + int(shares))
#return "Your balance is " + ({0:.2f}".format(float(enter_price) * int(number_of_shares) - balance)

def check_balance(username):
	balance = ORM.check_balance(username)
	return balance	



def sell_stocks(shares, price):
sale_price = input("Enter sale price: ")
	for stock in portfolio:
	    if stock['portfolio']
if __name__ == '__main__':
	buy_stocks(username,shares,password,stock_exchange, stock_symbol,volume,stock_price)
コード例 #5
def buy():
    h1 = 'Buy'
    title = 'Terminal Trader'
    username = '******'
    symbol = request.form['symbol']
    quantity = request.form['quantity']
    # get price
    payload_from_wrapper = wrapper.get_stock_price(symbol)
    price = payload_from_wrapper[1]
    if price is not None:
        # check if person can buy quantity
        cost = float(price) * float(quantity)
        username = '******'
        cash_balance = orm.get_balance(username)
        if cash_balance > cost:
            #if they can buy quantity, subtract cost from balance
            payload_message1 = orm.buy_stocks_users_table(username,cost, cash_balance)
            if payload_message1 is True:
                # add to positions table and transactions table
                if payload_message2 is True:
                    # get updated portfolio
                    cash = orm.get_balance(username)
                    stocks_in_portfolio = orm.sell_get_list_of_positions(username)
                    if stocks_in_portfolio is not False:
                        current_prices = {}
                        # [ (ticker, price, quantity ) ]
                        for stocks in stocks_in_portfolio:
                            name, price = wrapper.get_stock_price(stocks[0])
                            current_prices[stocks[0]] = price
                        NPV = 0
                        for stocks in stocks_in_portfolio:
                            stock_q_times_p = float(stocks[2]) * float(current_prices[stocks[0]])
                            NPV += stock_q_times_p
                        stock_payload = [[x[0].upper(), x[2]] for x in stocks_in_portfolio]
                        NPV += float(cash)
                        NPVreturn = (NPV - 1000000.0) / 1000000.0
                        if NPVreturn > 0.999999:
                            NPVmessage = 'up'
                            NPVmessage = 'down'
                        # clean up data
                        cash = '{:.2f}'.format(cash)
                        if len(cash) > 5:
                            cash = cash[:-6] + ',' + cash[-6:]
                        NPV = '{:.2f}'.format(NPV)
                        if len(NPV) > 5:
                            NPV = NPV[:-6] + ',' + NPV[-6:]
                        NPVreturn = '{:.6f}'.format(NPVreturn)
                    # return success confirmation
                    return render_template('buy.html', h1=h1, title=title, quantity=quantity,symbol=symbol,price=price,
                                           cash=cash,NPV=NPV,NPVreturn=NPVreturn,up_or_down=NPVmessage, stocks=stock_payload)
                    return render_template('error.html', h1=h1, title=title,
                                           error_message="Error at positions or transactions table")
                return render_template('error.html', h1=h1, title=title,
                                       error_message="Error at users table")
            # else return to error.html with error message
            return render_template('error.html', h1=h1, title=title,
                                   error_message="You don't have enough cash to make this transaction")
        return render_template('error.html', h1=h1, title=title, error_message="Stock does not exist")
コード例 #6
def sell():
    h1 = 'Sell'
    title = 'Terminal Trader'
    symbol = request.form['symbol']
    quantity = request.form['quantity']
    username = '******'
    # get price
    payload_from_wrapper = wrapper.get_stock_price(symbol)
    price = payload_from_wrapper[1]
    if price is not None:
        # check if person has shares to sell... list_of_positions =  [ (ticker, price, quantity ) ]
        list_of_positions = orm.sell_get_list_of_positions(username)
        for _ in list_of_positions:
            if _[0] == symbol:
                list_of_positions= _
        if len(list_of_positions) != 0:
            if int(list_of_positions[2]) >= int(quantity):
                # edit users table
                income = float(price) * float(quantity)
                payload_message1, new_balance, income = orm.sell_stocks_user_table(username,income)
                if payload_message1 is not False:
                    # edit transactions table
                    payload_message2 = orm.sell_stocks_transactions_table(username,symbol,quantity,price)
                    if payload_message2 is not False:
                        # edit positions table
                        # get updated positions
                        username = '******'
                        cash = orm.get_balance(username)
                        stocks_in_portfolio = orm.sell_get_list_of_positions(username)
                        if stocks_in_portfolio is not False:
                            current_prices = {}
                            # [ (ticker, price, quantity ) ]
                            for stocks in stocks_in_portfolio:
                                name, price = wrapper.get_stock_price(stocks[0])
                                current_prices[stocks[0]] = price
                            NPV = 0
                            for stocks in stocks_in_portfolio:
                                stock_q_times_p = float(stocks[2]) * float(current_prices[stocks[0]])
                                NPV += stock_q_times_p
                            stock_payload = [[x[0].upper(), x[2]] for x in stocks_in_portfolio]
                            NPV += float(cash)
                            NPVreturn = (NPV - 1000000.0) / 1000000.0
                            if NPVreturn > 0.999999:
                                NPVmessage = 'up'
                                NPVmessage = 'down'
                            # clean up data
                            cash = '{:.2f}'.format(cash)
                            if len(cash) > 5:
                                cash = cash[:-6] + ',' + cash[-6:]
                            NPV = '{:.2f}'.format(NPV)
                            if len(NPV) > 5:
                                NPV = NPV[:-6] + ',' + NPV[-6:]
                            NPVreturn = '{:.6f}'.format(NPVreturn)
                        return render_template('sell.html',h1=h1,title=title,symbol=symbol,
                                               quantity=quantity,price=price,income=income, new_balance=new_balance,
                                               cash=cash, NPV=NPV, NPVreturn=NPVreturn,
                                               up_or_down=NPVmessage, stocks=stock_payload
                        return render_template('error.html', h1=h1, title=title,
                                               error_message='Error at transactions table')
                    return render_template('error.html', h1=h1, title=title,
                                           error_message='Error at users table')
                return render_template('error.html', h1=h1, title=title, error_message='You do not own enough shares')
            return render_template('error.html', h1=h1, title=title, error_message='You do not own this stock')
        return render_template('error.html', h1=h1,title=title,error_message='Stock symbol does not exist')
コード例 #7
def get_balance(username):
    balance_message = orm.get_balance(username)
    return balance_message