def search_current(self, value): """ Search in the current folder :param value: The value use to search the file :type value: string :return: The absolute path of the .pyg file :rtype: Path """ #Set the filename file_name = value #Check if the value arg don't end with .Pygnata if not value.endswith(PygnataProvider.extension): file_name = file_name + PygnataProvider.extension #Check if the file exist in the current directory current_folder = path.getcwd() local_pyg_files = os.listdir(current_folder) if file_name in local_pyg_files: return os.path.abspath(current_folder / path(file_name)) else: #Search in the .pygnata folder return self.search_local(value)
def _download_zipped_file(url, filename=None): """ Download from a URL to a file. """ if filename is None: data_dir = op.abspath(op.getcwd()) filename = op.join(data_dir, url.split('/')[-1]) # NOTE the stream=True parameter req = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(filename, 'wb') as f_obj: for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f_obj.write(chunk) return filename
def unpack_dmg(self, bundle_path): """Unpack DMG :param bundle_path: path to bundle to unpack :returns unpacked_bundle: path to unpacked bundle """ cwd = path.getcwd() mount_info = sh.hdiutil("attach", "-noverify", # Avoid output "-mountroot", cwd, "-nobrowse", # Make invisible to Finder bundle_path) dev, hint, mount_point = [s.strip() for s in mount_info.split("\t")] atexit.register(sh.hdiutil, "detach", mount_point, "-force") unpacked_bundle = path(mount_point) / \ path(self.config["unpacked_bundle"]) if not unpacked_bundle.exists(): raise RuntimeError("Could not find unpacked bundle \"{}\"". format(unpacked_bundle)) return unpacked_bundle
def jsdocs(options): """Generate API documentation using the jsdoc-toolkit.""" _fetchfile("jsdoc-toolkit", options.dest_dir, options.download_location, options.download_url) outputdir = options.builddir / "docs" / "api" if outputdir.exists(): outputdir.rmtree() outputdir.makedirs() sourcedir = (path.getcwd() / "frameworks" / "bespin").abspath() command = ("java -jar jsrun.jar app/run.js -a " "--directory=%s " "--encoding=utf-8 " "--recurse=10 " "--securemodules " "--template=%s/templates/jsdoc " "--verbose " "%s") % (outputdir.abspath(), options.dest_dir.abspath(), sourcedir) sh(command, cwd=options.dest_dir)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # - build script # Written in 2015 by MNMLSTC # To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright # and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain # worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. You should have # received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. # If not, see <>. from __future__ import print_function from os.path import getcwd from os.path import join from os import walk def find(name, path): return [join(root, name) for root, _, files in walk(path) if name in files] if __name__ == '__main__': for path in find('LastTest.log', getcwd()): with open(path) as log: for line in log: print(line, end='')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # - build script # Written in 2015 by MNMLSTC # To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright # and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain # worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. You should have # received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. # If not, see <>. from __future__ import print_function from os.path import getcwd from os.path import join from os import walk def find(name, path): return [join(root, name) for root, _, files in walk(path) if name in files] if __name__ == "__main__": for path in find("LastTest.log", getcwd()): with open(path) as log: for line in log: print(line, end="")
dryice=dryice.tool:main """) options( version=Bunch(number="0.9a3", name="Edison", api="4"), virtualenv=Bunch(paver_command_line="initial"), server=Bunch( # set to true to allow connections from other machines address="", port="8080", try_build=False, dburl=None, async=False, config_file=path(""), directory=path("../bespinserver/").abspath(), clientdir=path.getcwd()), server_pavement=lambda: / "", builddir=path("tmp"), install_tiki=Bunch(git=False, force=False), jsdocs=Bunch( download_url= "", download_location=path("external") / "", dest_dir=path("external") / "jsdoc-toolkit"), fetch_compiler=Bunch( dest_dir=path("external") / "compiler", download_url= "", download_location=path("external") / "")) TIKI_TEMPLATE = u"""
def generateModelPath(): newDir = osp.join(osp.getcwd(),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')) return newDir
name="Edison", api="4" ), virtualenv=Bunch( paver_command_line="initial" ), server=Bunch( # set to true to allow connections from other machines address="", port="8080", try_build=False, dburl=None, async=False, config_file=path(""), directory=path("../bespinserver/").abspath(), clientdir=path.getcwd() ), server_pavement=lambda: / "", builddir=path("tmp"), install_tiki=Bunch( git=False, force=False ), jsdocs=Bunch( download_url="", download_location=path("external") / "", dest_dir=path("external") / "jsdoc-toolkit" ), fetch_compiler=Bunch( dest_dir=path("external") / "compiler", download_url="",
def __init__(self, workpath=None, part_csv_path=None, init_csv_path=None, reftxt_path=None, history_path=None, stride_path=None): # setting paths if workpath == None: from os.path import getcwd workpath = getcwd() + "/" if part_csv_path == None: part_csv_path = workpath+"part.csv" if init_csv_path == None: init_csv_path = workpath+"init.csv" if reftxt_path == None: reftxt_path = workpath+"reftxt.txt" if history_path == None: history_path = workpath+"history.p" if stride_path == None: stride_path = workpath+"stride.p" # read part.csv if there is one, otherwise read init.csv if isfile(part_csv_path): src_csv_path = part_csv_path elif isfile(init_csv_path): src_csv_path = init_csv_path else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"file '{init_csv_path}' does not exist.") self.save_path = part_csv_path self.history_path = history_path with open(src_csv_path, "r", newline='') as src_csv: self.srcL = list(csv.DictReader(src_csv)) self.fieldnames = list(self.srcL[0].keys()) #load reftxt self.analyzed_tokens = [] self.unanalyzed_tokens = [] with open(workpath+"reftxt.txt", "r") as rf: for line in rf: tline = line.split('\t') if len(tline) >= 3: self.analyzed_tokens.append(tline[2][:-1]) self.unanalyzed_tokens.append(tline[1]) else: self.analyzed_tokens.append(tline[1][:-1]) self.unanalyzed_tokens.append('') #load history if isfile(history_path): with open(history_path, 'rb') as hf: self.history = pickle.load(hf) else: self.history = [] self.historyix = self.historylen = len(self.history) #initialize some variables self.annotation = {} #{line_num: case} self.partlist = ["JKS" #nominative/subjective ,"JKC" #complementative ,"JKG" #gwanhyeonggyeok ,"JKO" #accusative/objective ,"JKB" #busagyeok ,"JKV" #vocative ,"JKQ" #quotative ,"JX" #bojosa ,"JC" #conjunctive ,"NJ" #cannot be particled ] #{case: number_of_cases} self.tag_stats = {part: 0 for part in self.partlist} self.non_tag_stats = {part: 0 for part in self.partlist} self.number_of_unparticled = 0 if src_csv_path == part_csv_path: for d in self.srcL: if d["tagged"] != '' and int(d["tagged"]): self.annotation.update({int(d["line_num"]): d["case"]}) self.tag_stats[d["case"]] += 1 elif int(d["particled"]): self.non_tag_stats[d["case"]] += 1 else: self.number_of_unparticled += 1 else: for d in self.srcL: if int(d["particled"]): self.non_tag_stats[d["case"]] += 1 else: self.number_of_unparticled += 1 self.workix = 0 self.tokenlen = len(self.unanalyzed_tokens) self.srcLlen = len(self.srcL) if isfile(stride_path): with open(stride_path, "rb") as sf: self.stride_path = pickle.load(sf) else: self.stride = 10
each_video_dir = os.path.join(UCFSports_Images_Dir, testlist) video_frame_num = d.nframes(testlist) labels = list(d._gttubes[testlist].keys())[0] resoliution = d._resolution[testlist] for nframe in range(video_frame_num): num = num + 1 imgdir = os.path.join( each_video_dir, "{:0>6}".format(nframe + 1) + ".jpg") # imgdir, testlist, nframe, labels, resoliution, num temp = {} temp['name'] = 'train' temp['dir'] = imgdir[-15:-4] temp['bbox'] = d._gttubes[testlist][labels][0][nframe,1:].tolist() temp['difficult'] = 0 temp['labels'] = labels result["{:0>6}".format(num)] = [temp] # result["{:0>6}".format(num)] = [{'name': 'train', 'truncated': 0, 'pose': 'Unspecified', 'bbox': [138, 199, 206, 300], 'difficult': 0}] det_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'result_UCFS','gt','detections.pkl') with open(det_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(result, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'result_UCFS', 'Main.txt') with open(filename, 'wt') as f: for i in range(len(result)): f.write('{:s} \n'.format("{:0>6}".format(i+1))) print('need ot save result pkl') print('1123')