def main(): cur_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) os.chdir(os.path.join(cur_dir, "..")) modules = sys.argv[1:] if not modules: modules = ['django_evolution'] p = subprocess.Popen(['pyflakes'] + modules, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) contents = p.stdout.readlines() # Read in the exclusions file exclusions = {} fp = open(os.path.join(cur_dir, "pyflakes.exclude"), "r") for line in fp.readlines(): if not line.startswith("#"): exclusions[line.rstrip()] = 1 fp.close() # Now filter thin for line in contents: line = line.rstrip() test_line = re.sub(r':[0-9]+:', r':*:', line, 1) test_line = re.sub(r'line [0-9]+', r'line *', test_line) if test_line not in exclusions: print line
def main(name): try: from python_qt_binding.QtGui import QApplication except: print >> sys.stderr, "please install 'python_qt_binding' package!!" sys.exit(-1) masteruri = init_cfg_path() parser = init_arg_parser() args = rospy.myargv(argv=sys.argv) parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) # Initialize Qt global app app = QApplication(sys.argv) # decide to show main or echo dialog global main_form if parsed_args.echo: main_form = init_echo_dialog(name, masteruri, parsed_args.echo[0], parsed_args.echo[1], parsed_args.hz) else: main_form = init_main_window(name, masteruri, parsed_args.file) # resize and show the qt window if not rospy.is_shutdown(): os.chdir(PACKAGE_DIR) # change path to be able to the images of descriptions main_form.resize(1024, 720) screen_size = QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry() if main_form.size().width() >= screen_size.width() or main_form.size().height() >= screen_size.height()-24: main_form.showMaximized() else: exit_code = -1 rospy.on_shutdown(finish) exit_code = app.exec_()
def test_merge(self): testdir = path(l2emod.__file__).parent / 'testtex' with make_temp_directory() as tmdir: fn = testdir / 'example1.tex' print "file %s" % fn nfn = '%s/%s' % (tmdir, fn.basename()) os.system('cp %s/* %s' % (testdir, tmdir)) os.chdir(tmdir) l2e = latex2edx(nfn, output_dir=tmdir) l2e.convert() fn = testdir / 'example2.tex' print "file %s" % fn nfn = '%s/%s' % (tmdir, fn.basename()) l2e = latex2edx(nfn, output_dir=tmdir, do_merge=True) l2e.convert() cfn = path(tmdir) / 'course/2013_Fall.xml' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(cfn)) self.assertIn('<chapter url_name="Unit_1"', open(cfn).read()) self.assertIn('<chapter url_name="Unit_2"', open(cfn).read()) cfn = path(tmdir) / 'chapter/Unit_1.xml' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(cfn)) cfn = path(tmdir) / 'chapter/Unit_2.xml' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(cfn))
def test_bundler(): """ Run bundler integration """ shell = True if platform.system() == 'Windows' else False if os.environ.get('TRAVIS', False): raise SkipTest('Skip this test on Travis CI :(') # Helper methods def is_installed(prog): dev_null = open(os.devnull, 'wb') try: return_value =[prog, '--version'], shell=shell, stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) return return_value == 0 except OSError: return False def get_output(cmd): return str(subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=shell)) # Check for ruby and bundler if not (is_installed('ruby') and is_installed('gem') and 'bundler' in get_output(['gem', 'list'])): # Ruby not installed, skip test raise SkipTest('Ruby not installed, skipped Bundler integration test') os.chdir(repo_path) from PyGitUp.gitup import GitUp gitup = GitUp(testing=True)
def init_doc_branch(): msg("Initialising %s branch" % DOC_TARGET_BRANCH) dir = os.getcwdu() msg_trace('dir = %r' % dir) tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=TEMP_CHECKOUT_PREFIX) msg_trace('tmp = %r' % tmp) try: msg("Cloning into a temporary directory...") sh('git init -q "%s"' % tmp) msg_trace('os.chdir(%r)' % tmp) os.chdir(tmp) sh('git checkout -q --orphan "%s"' % DOC_TARGET_BRANCH) sh('git commit -qm "Initial commit." --allow-empty') sh('git remote add origin "%s"' % dir) sh('git push -q origin gh-pages') finally: msg('Cleaning up...') msg_trace('os.chdir(%r)' % dir) os.chdir(dir) msg_trace('shutil.rmtree(%r)' % tmp) really_rmtree(tmp) msg('%s is ready. Continuing.' % DOC_TARGET_BRANCH)
def mergeToBranch(branchName,branchType,branchDesc): ''' 把分支合并进 master ''' shellPath = settings.SHELL_PATH os.chdir(shellPath) try: if_merge = VersionList.objects.filter(branch_name = branchName)[0] message = "该分支已被合并到master了,请去进行中项目里生成新分支" except: if_merge = 'no_merge' opResult = os.popen(shellPath+" %s %s %s %s" % (branchName,branchType,branchType,branchDesc)) outputs = "<br/>".join(opResult.readlines()) # log日志 preg = outputs.find('have conflict') no_branch = outputs.find('no this branch') error_repo = outputs.find('repo is error') if_push_ok = outputs.find('FAIL') if_pass = outputs.find('PASS') if error_repo >=0: message = str(branchType)+"仓库异常,请联系管理员" elif no_branch >=0: message = "该分支不存在,请仔细核对,专心点啊=。=" elif preg >=0: message = "rebase master 出现冲突,请解决冲突,分支号为:"+str(branchName) elif if_push_ok >=0: message = "git上没有显示该分支的merge信息,也没有冲突,请确认分支名" elif if_pass >=0: message = "合并成功" else: message = "no status" return message
def test_example1(self): testdir = path(l2emod.__file__).parent / 'testtex' fn = testdir / 'example1.tex' print "file %s" % fn with make_temp_directory() as tmdir: nfn = '%s/%s' % (tmdir, fn.basename()) os.system('cp %s/* %s' % (testdir, tmdir)) os.chdir(tmdir) l2e = latex2edx(nfn, output_dir=tmdir) l2e.convert() xbfn = nfn[:-4] + '.xbundle' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(xbfn)) # xb = open(xbfn).read() # self.assertIn('<chapter display_name="Unit 1" start="2013-11-22" url_name="Unit_1">', xb) xml = etree.parse(xbfn).getroot() chapter = xml.find('.//chapter') self.assertTrue(chapter.get('display_name') == 'Unit 1') self.assertTrue(chapter.get('start') == '2013-11-22') self.assertTrue(chapter.get('url_name') == 'Unit_1') cfn = path(tmdir) / 'course/2013_Fall.xml' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(cfn)) cfn = path(tmdir) / 'chapter/Unit_1.xml' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(cfn)) # self.assertIn('<sequential display_name="Introduction" due="2013-11-22" url_name="Introduction"', open(cfn).read()) xml = etree.parse(cfn).getroot() seq = xml.find('.//sequential') self.assertTrue(seq.get('display_name') == 'Introduction') self.assertTrue(seq.get('due') == '2013-11-22') self.assertTrue(seq.get('url_name') == 'Introduction') self.assertIn('<problem url_name="p1"/>', open(cfn).read())
def buildComponent(component, componentDir=None): """ Build the component. Return a pair of paths (pathToBinary, pathToXPTFile)""" logger = build_util.getLogger('build_components') # Save current working directory to set it back later prevDir = os.getcwd() # Component Directory if componentDir is None: componentDir = os.path.join(Settings.prefs.src_dir, "components", component) os.chdir(componentDir)"Making build and bin dirs for component %s"%component) buildDir = os.path.join(componentDir, "build") binDir = os.path.join(componentDir, "bin") for dir in [buildDir, binDir]: try: os.mkdir(dir) except OSError, err: if err.errno == errno.EEXIST: logger.warning("Couldn't make %s because it exists."%dir) logger.warning("Deleting %s"%dir) shutil.rmtree(dir) logger.warning("Trying to make %s again"%dir) os.mkdir(dir) else: raise
def daca2(foldernum): folders = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' folder = folders[foldernum % len(folders)] print('Daca2 folder=' + folder) os.chdir(os.path.expanduser('~/cppcheck'))['git', 'pull']) p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'show', '--format=%h'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) comm = p.communicate() rev = comm[0] rev = rev[:rev.find('\n')] # compile cppcheck['nice', 'make', 'SRCDIR=build', 'CFGDIR=' + os.path.expanduser('~/cppcheck/cfg'), 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O2', 'CPPFLAGS=-DMAXTIME=600'])['cp', 'cppcheck', os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/cppcheck-O2')]) # run cppcheck['rm', '-rf', os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/' + folder)])['nice', '--adjustment=19', 'python', os.path.expanduser('~/cppcheck/tools/'), folder, '--rev=' + rev]) upload(os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/' + folder + '/results.txt'), 'evidente/results-' + folder + '.txt')['rm', '-rf', os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/lib' + folder)])['nice', '--adjustment=19', 'python', os.path.expanduser('~/cppcheck/tools/'), 'lib' + folder, '--rev=' + rev]) upload(os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/lib' + folder + '/results.txt'), 'evidente/results-lib' + folder + '.txt') # run cppcheck addons['rm', '-rf', os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/' + folder)])['nice', '--adjustment=19', 'python', os.path.expanduser('~/cppcheck/tools/'), folder, '--rev=' + rev]) upload(os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/' + folder + '/results.txt'), 'evidente/addons-' + folder + '.txt')['rm', '-rf', os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/lib' + folder)])['nice', '--adjustment=19', 'python', os.path.expanduser('~/cppcheck/tools/'), 'lib' + folder, '--rev=' + rev]) upload(os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/lib' + folder + '/results.txt'), 'evidente/addons-lib' + folder + '.txt')
def upgradeMaster(config, _noMonkey=False): if not _noMonkey: # pragma: no cover monkeypatches.patch_all() if not base.checkBasedir(config): defer.returnValue(1) return os.chdir(config['basedir']) try: configFile = base.getConfigFileFromTac(config['basedir']) except (SyntaxError, ImportError) as e: print("Unable to load 'buildbot.tac' from '%s':" % config['basedir']) print(e) defer.returnValue(1) return master_cfg = base.loadConfig(config, configFile) if not master_cfg: defer.returnValue(1) return upgradeFiles(config) yield upgradeDatabase(config, master_cfg) if not config['quiet']: print("upgrade complete") defer.returnValue(0)
def scoped_cwd(path): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(cwd)
def build_launcher(out_path, icon_path, file_desc, product_name, product_version, company_name, entry_point, is_gui): src_ico = os.path.abspath(icon_path) target = os.path.abspath(out_path) file_version = product_version dir_ = os.getcwd() temp = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: os.chdir(temp) with open("launcher.c", "w") as h: h.write(get_launcher_code(entry_point)) shutil.copyfile(src_ico, "launcher.ico") with open("launcher.rc", "w") as h: h.write(get_resource_code( os.path.basename(target), file_version, file_desc, "launcher.ico", product_name, product_version, company_name)) build_resource("launcher.rc", "launcher.res") build_exe("launcher.c", "launcher.res", is_gui, target) finally: os.chdir(dir_) shutil.rmtree(temp)
def download_file(url, to_directory='.'): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(to_directory) try: file_name = url.split('/')[-1] u = urllib2.urlopen(url) f = open(file_name, 'wb') meta = etag = meta.getheaders("etag")[0] file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0]) print "Downloading: %s Bytes: %s" % (file_name, file_size) file_size_dl = 0 block_sz = 8192 while True: buffer = if not buffer: break file_size_dl += len(buffer) f.write(buffer) status = r"%10d [%3.2f%%]" % (file_size_dl, file_size_dl * 100. / file_size) status = status + chr(8)*(len(status)+1) print status, f.close() return etag finally: os.chdir(cwd)
def test_no_setup_cfg(self): # makes sure easy_install as a command (main) # doesn't use a setup.cfg file that is located # in the current working directory dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() setup_cfg = open(os.path.join(dir, 'setup.cfg'), 'w') setup_cfg.write('[easy_install]\nfind_links =') setup_cfg.close() setup_py = open(os.path.join(dir, ''), 'w') setup_py.write(SETUP_PY) setup_py.close() from setuptools.dist import Distribution def _parse_command_line(self): msg = 'Error: a local setup.cfg was used' opts = self.command_options if 'easy_install' in opts: assert 'find_links' not in opts['easy_install'], msg return self._old_parse_command_line() Distribution._old_parse_command_line = Distribution.parse_command_line Distribution.parse_command_line = _parse_command_line old_wd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(dir) reset_setup_stop_context( lambda: self.assertRaises(SystemExit, main, []) ) finally: os.chdir(old_wd) shutil.rmtree(dir) Distribution.parse_command_line = Distribution._old_parse_command_line
def setUp(self): self._cwd = os.getcwd() dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) if dirname: os.chdir(dirname) self.run_cmd(['make', 'clean']) self.run_cmd(['make'])
def initEnKFrun(callback=None,basedir=None,site=None,siteparam=None): if not site: raise "site is a required parameter" if siteparam: param = ast.literal_eval(siteparam) else: raise "Parameters are required. Please submit Paramerers with task submission" if not basedir: raise "Basedir is required" #Create working directory newDir = basedir + "celery_data/" + str( check_call(["mkdir",newDir]) os.chdir(newDir) #copy matlab code to working directory codeDir =basedir + 'enfk_matlab/' for file in glob.glob(codeDir + '*'): shutil.copy(file, newDir) #check_call(["cp","-r",codeDir + '*',newDir]) #set inital Paramters files setup_param(newDir,param) if callback: result=subtask(callback).delay(task_id=str(,wkdir=newDir) return {'task_id':result.task_id,'task_name':result.task_name} else: return newDir
def make_new_version_message(self, path): """Make a new version message for the repo at the given path.""" try: cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) version = self.get_current_tag() if version[0] is None: return messages_path = os.path.join(path, 'messages.json') message_path = self.rewrite_messages_json(messages_path, version) if os.path.exists(message_path): os.remove(message_path) with open(message_path, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: header = '{} {}'.format( os.path.basename(path), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(message_path))[0]) f.write('{}\n{}\n'.format(header, '-' * (len(header) + 1))) f.write(self.get_commit_messages_since(version)) self.window.run_command('open_file', args={'file': message_path}) except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: os.chdir(cwd)
def working_directory(path): old = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(path) yield finally: os.chdir(old)
def configure(self): # configure for 64-bit build self.updatecfg('configopts', "-b 64") if self.getcfg('ignorethrottling'): # ignore CPU throttling check # this is not recommended, it will disturb the measurements done by ATLAS # used for the EasyBuild demo, to avoid requiring root privileges self.updatecfg('configopts', '-Si cputhrchk 0') # if LAPACK is found, instruct ATLAS to provide a full LAPACK library # ATLAS only provides a few LAPACK routines natively if self.getcfg('full_lapack'): lapack = get_software_root('LAPACK') if lapack: self.updatecfg('configopts', ' --with-netlib-lapack=%s/lib/liblapack.a' % lapack) else: self.log.error("netlib's LAPACK library not available,"\ " required to build ATLAS with a full LAPACK library.") # enable building of shared libraries (requires -fPIC) if self.getcfg('sharedlibs') or self.toolkit().opts['pic']: self.log.debug("Enabling -fPIC because we're building shared ATLAS libs, or just because.") self.updatecfg('configopts', '-Fa alg -fPIC') # ATLAS only wants to be configured/built in a separate dir' try: objdir = "obj" os.makedirs(objdir) os.chdir(objdir) except OSError, err: self.log.error("Failed to create obj directory to build in: %s" % err)
def do_deploy(): def _run_ansible(): subprocess.check_call(['ansible-playbook', 'masters.yml'], cwd='result/{}'.format(grid_name)) parent_deployment._status = 'masters_provision_deploying' provision_deployment._status = 'masters_deploying' provision_generator = provision_generators[grid.type][ grid.provider](grid_name, **kwargs) provision_generator.generate_all( grid_name, infrastructure_deployment._accessip) try: _run_ansible() except: provision_deployment._status = 'masters_deploy_failed' parent_deployment._status = 'masters_provision_deploy_failed' else: provision_deployment._status = 'masters_deployed' parent_deployment._status = 'masters_provision_finished' finally: self.unlock(parent_deployment) os.chdir(cwd) try: del os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] except: print('no such env') try: del os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] except: print('no such env') shutil.rmtree('result/{}'.format(grid_name))
def test_run_multiproc_nondaemon_with_flag(nondaemon_flag): ''' Start a pipe with two nodes using the multiproc plugin and passing the nondaemon_flag. ''' cur_dir = os.getcwd() temp_dir = mkdtemp(prefix='test_engine_') os.chdir(temp_dir) pipe = pe.Workflow(name='pipe') f1 = pe.Node(interface=Function(function=TestInterface.testFunction, input_names=['sum'], output_names=['sum_out']), name='f1') f2 = pe.Node(interface=Function(function=TestInterface.testFunction, input_names=['sum'], output_names=['sum_out']), name='f2') pipe.connect([(f1,f2,[('sum_out','sum')])]) pipe.base_dir = os.getcwd() f1.inputs.sum = 0 # execute the pipe using the MultiProc plugin with 2 processes and the non_daemon flag # to enable child processes which start other multiprocessing jobs execgraph ="MultiProc", plugin_args={'n_procs':2, 'non_daemon':nondaemon_flag}) names = ['.'.join((node._hierarchy, for node in execgraph.nodes()] node = execgraph.nodes()[names.index('pipe.f2')] result = node.get_output('sum_out') yield assert_equal, result, 180 # n_procs (2) * numberOfThreads (2) * 45 == 180 os.chdir(cur_dir) rmtree(temp_dir)
def test_CommandLine_output(): tmp_infile = setup_file() tmpd, name = os.path.split(tmp_infile) pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpd) yield assert_true, os.path.exists(tmp_infile) ci = nib.CommandLine(command='ls -l') ci.inputs.terminal_output = 'allatonce' res = yield assert_equal, res.runtime.merged, '' yield assert_true, name in res.runtime.stdout ci = nib.CommandLine(command='ls -l') ci.inputs.terminal_output = 'file' res = yield assert_true, 'stdout.nipype' in res.runtime.stdout yield assert_equal, type(res.runtime.stdout), type('hi') ci = nib.CommandLine(command='ls -l') ci.inputs.terminal_output = 'none' res = yield assert_equal, res.runtime.stdout, '' ci = nib.CommandLine(command='ls -l') res = yield assert_true, 'stdout.nipype' in res.runtime.stdout os.chdir(pwd) teardown_file(tmpd)
def test_cycle_namesource1(): tmp_infile = setup_file() tmpd, nme, ext = split_filename(tmp_infile) pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpd) class spec3(nib.CommandLineInputSpec): moo = nib.File(name_source=['doo'], hash_files=False, argstr="%s", position=1, name_template='%s_mootpl') poo = nib.File(name_source=['moo'], hash_files=False, argstr="%s", position=2) doo = nib.File(name_source=['poo'], hash_files=False, argstr="%s", position=3) class TestCycle(nib.CommandLine): _cmd = "mycommand" input_spec = spec3 # Check that an exception is raised to0 = TestCycle() not_raised = True try: to0.cmdline except nib.NipypeInterfaceError: not_raised = False yield assert_false, not_raised os.chdir(pwd) teardown_file(tmpd)
def main(): args = prog_options() # Iterate through all directories and access their files for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.sample_dir): if root != args.sample_dir: os.chdir(root) print root[24:27] # Get relevant file name for file in files: if file.endswith('.fastq'): trim_out = file # Option to get counts of adapters in FLASh output merged file most_common_seqs = count_common_seqs(args.base_counts, args.top_common_count, trim_out) with open(args.out_fnh, 'w') as outf: outf.write('{}\n'.format(trim_out)) outf.write('Read Count\tCommon Sequence\t' 'Common Sequence Counts\tPercent in reads') for d in most_common_seqs: outf.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}' .format(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3])) return
def test_chained_namesource(): tmp_infile = setup_file() tmpd, nme, ext = split_filename(tmp_infile) pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpd) class spec2(nib.CommandLineInputSpec): doo = nib.File(exists=True, argstr="%s", position=1) moo = nib.File(name_source=['doo'], hash_files=False, argstr="%s", position=2, name_template='%s_mootpl') poo = nib.File(name_source=['moo'], hash_files=False, argstr="%s", position=3) class TestName(nib.CommandLine): _cmd = "mycommand" input_spec = spec2 testobj = TestName() testobj.inputs.doo = tmp_infile res = testobj.cmdline yield assert_true, '%s' % tmp_infile in res yield assert_true, '%s_mootpl ' % nme in res yield assert_true, '%s_mootpl_generated' % nme in res os.chdir(pwd) teardown_file(tmpd)
def daemonize( errfile ): """ Detach process and become a daemon. """ pid = os.fork() if pid: os._exit(0) os.setsid() signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN) os.umask(0) pid = os.fork() if pid: os._exit(0) os.chdir("/") for fd in range(0,20): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: pass sys.stdin = open("/dev/null","r") sys.stdout = open("/dev/null","w") sys.stderr = ErrorLog( errfile )
def backup_git_by_page(page, logger): git = get_gitlab_instance() projects = git.projects.all(page=page, per_page=100) git_data_path = GIT_SETTINGS.get('git_data_path') if 0 == len(projects):"All projects backup completed !") exit(0) else:"There are %s projects on page %s." % (len(projects), page)) try: for project in projects: git_repo_path = os.path.join(git_data_path, project.path_with_namespace + ".git") logger.debug("begin to backup git repo %s !" % project.path_with_namespace) # if the project has been cloned,then exec git fetch command,else exec git clone command. if os.path.exists(git_repo_path): os.chdir(git_repo_path) for output in os.popen("git fetch 2>&1"): record_log_with_level(logger, output) else: for output in os.popen("git clone --mirror %s %s 2>&1" % (project.http_url_to_repo, git_repo_path)): record_log_with_level(logger, output) except: logger.exception('Got exception on logger handler:') raise"The projects of page %s backup completed !" % page)
def test_TraitedSpec_withNoFileHashing(): tmp_infile = setup_file() tmpd, nme = os.path.split(tmp_infile) pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpd) yield assert_true, os.path.exists(tmp_infile) class spec2(nib.TraitedSpec): moo = nib.File(exists=True, hash_files=False) doo = nib.traits.List(nib.File(exists=True)) infields = spec2(moo=nme, doo=[tmp_infile]) hashval = infields.get_hashval(hash_method='content') yield assert_equal, hashval[1], '8da4669ff5d72f670a46ea3e7a203215' class spec3(nib.TraitedSpec): moo = nib.File(exists=True, name_source="doo") doo = nib.traits.List(nib.File(exists=True)) infields = spec3(moo=nme, doo=[tmp_infile]) hashval1 = infields.get_hashval(hash_method='content') class spec4(nib.TraitedSpec): moo = nib.File(exists=True) doo = nib.traits.List(nib.File(exists=True)) infields = spec4(moo=nme, doo=[tmp_infile]) hashval2 = infields.get_hashval(hash_method='content') yield assert_not_equal, hashval1[1], hashval2[1] os.chdir(pwd) teardown_file(tmpd)
def processAux(self, dFrag): self.depth=self.depth+1 if not self.files.has_key(self.depth): self.files[self.depth]=[] thisDir=self.compoundDir(self.topDir, dFrag) os.chdir(thisDir) self.theDict[thisDir]={'xml': [], 'bin': [], 'dir': []} # print "Processing",thisDir," Depth",self.depth thisDirContents=os.listdir(thisDir) for fname in thisDirContents: if stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(fname)[stat.ST_MODE]): if not re.match("^(CVS|images|search|photos|htdig|\.)", fname) and self.depth<4: self.processAux(self.compoundDir(dFrag,fname)) self.handleDir(thisDir, fname) os.chdir(thisDir) else: # print "File",fname if re.match(".*\.xml$", fname): self.handleXML(thisDir, dFrag, fname) elif re.match(".*\.(jpe?g|JPG|gif|png|html)$", fname): self.handleBinary(thisDir, fname) self.writeIndex(dFrag) self.depth=self.depth-1
def main(): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) os.system("pip install certifi") print "Copying certifi's cacert.pem" import certifi shutil.copy2(certifi.where(), 'agkyra/resources/cacert.pem')
def lag(): os.chdir(dir_in) #get names tg_list_name = os.listdir() x = 808 y = 809 for t in range(x, y): tg_name = tg_list_name[t] print(tg_name, '\n') # #check if the file exists # os.chdir(dir_out) # if (os.path.isfile(tg_name)): # print('file already exists') # continue #cd to where the actual file is os.chdir(dir_in) pred = pd.read_csv(tg_name) pred.sort_values(by = 'date', inplace=True) pred.reset_index(inplace = True) pred.drop('index', axis = 1, inplace = True) #create a daily time series - date_range #get only the ymd of the start and end times start_time = pred['date'][0].split(' ')[0] end_time = pred['date'].iloc[-1].split(' ')[0] print(start_time, ' - ', end_time, '\n') date_range = pd.date_range(start_time, end_time, freq = 'D') #defining time changing lambda functions time_str = lambda x: str(x) time_converted_str = pd.DataFrame(map(time_str, date_range), columns = ['date']) time_converted_stamp = pd.DataFrame(date_range, columns = ['timestamp']) """ first prepare the six time lagging dataframes then use the merge function to merge the original predictor with the lagging dataframes """ #prepare lagged time series for time only #note here that since ERA20C has 3hrly data #the lag_hrs is increased from 6(eraint) to 11 (era20C) time_lagged = pd.DataFrame() lag_hrs = [0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30] for lag in lag_hrs: lag_name = 'lag'+str(lag) lam_delta = lambda x: str(x - dt.timedelta(hours = lag)) lag_new = pd.DataFrame(map(lam_delta, time_converted_stamp['timestamp']), \ columns = [lag_name]) time_lagged = pd.concat([time_lagged, lag_new], axis = 1) #datafrmae that contains all lagged time series (just time) time_all = pd.concat([time_converted_str, time_lagged], axis = 1) pred_lagged = pd.DataFrame() for ii in range(1,time_all.shape[1]): #to loop through the lagged time series print(time_all.columns[ii]) #extracting corresponding tag time series lag_ts = pd.DataFrame(time_all.iloc[:,ii]) lag_ts.columns = ['date'] #merge the selected tlagged time with the predictor on = "date" pred_new = pd.merge(pred, lag_ts, on = ['date'], how = 'right') pred_new.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1, inplace = True) #sometimes nan values go to the bottom of the dataframe #sort df by date -> reset the index -> remove old index pred_new.sort_values(by = 'date', inplace=True) pred_new.reset_index(inplace=True) pred_new.drop('index', axis = 1, inplace= True) #concatenate lagged dataframe if ii == 1: pred_lagged = pred_new else: pred_lagged = pd.concat([pred_lagged, pred_new.iloc[:,1:]], axis = 1) #cd to saving directory os.chdir(dir_out) pred_lagged.to_csv(tg_name) os.chdir(dir_in)
csv.field_size_limit(100000000) from itertools import islice import cleaning_functions as cf WA_rawdir='R:/FDA/2732 - FDA Tribal Tobacco Retailers/Technical/Task 2 - ' + \ 'Retailers List/Business Data/raw_data/WA' WA_processdir='R:/FDA/2732 - FDA Tribal Tobacco Retailers/Technical/Task 2 - ' + \ 'Retailers List/Business Data/processed_data/WA' FDA_dir = 'C:/Users/lpatterson/AnacondaProjects/Tribal_Master' fda_df = pd.read_excel(FDA_dir + '/input/Public retail data_original.xlsx') fda_df = fda_df.loc[fda_df['State'] == 'WA', :] fda_df.reset_index(inplace=True) # load WA tab-delimited data sets os.chdir(WA_rawdir) rawfiles = [] for file in glob.glob("*.txt"): rawfiles.append(file) for k in rawfiles: # some inconsistencies with the tab delimited data, so we need to first process with csv file = open(k, 'rt', encoding="utf8") reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter='\t', quotechar=None) csv_list = [] for m, l in enumerate(reader): if m % 100000 == 0: print(m) csv_list.append(l) # make dataframe with first row as column headers
sys.exit(0) if args.dest is None: args.dest = basename(args.src) # zzz191020 Affiche le fichier à envoyer print("File: " + args.src) # open source file for reading try: try: f = open(args.src, "rt") except: import os base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) f = open(os.path.join(base_dir, args.src), "rt") os.chdir(base_dir) except: sys.stderr.write("Could not open input file \"%s\"\n" % args.src) sys.exit(1) # Verify the selected file will not exceed the size of the serial buffer. # The size of the buffer is 256. This script does not accept files with # lines longer than 230 characters to have some room for command overhead. num_lines = 0 for ln in f: if len(ln) > 230: sys.stderr.write( "File \"%s\" contains a line with more than 240 " "characters. This exceeds the size of the serial buffer.\n" % args.src) f.close()
import os from setuptools import find_packages, setup with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')) as readme: README = # allow to be run from any path os.chdir(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), os.pardir))) setup( name='django-react-views', version='1.1', packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, license='MIT License', description='A Django app providing generic Class Based views and template tags that make it easy to use react ' 'alongside django views and templates.', long_description=README, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", author='Johnathan Ryan Hornik', author_email='*****@*****.**', classifiers=[ 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Framework :: Django', 'Framework :: Django :: 1.11', # replace "X.Y" as appropriate 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', # example license 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
import tempfile import time import traceback import uuid import six import python_utils.dockerjob as dockerjob import python_utils.jobset as jobset import python_utils.report_utils as report_utils # Docker doesn't clean up after itself, so we do it on exit. atexit.register(lambda:['stty', 'echo'])) ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../..')) os.chdir(ROOT) _FALLBACK_SERVER_PORT = 443 _BALANCER_SERVER_PORT = 12000 _BACKEND_SERVER_PORT = 8080 _TEST_TIMEOUT = 30 _FAKE_SERVERS_SAFENAME = 'fake_servers' # Use a name that's verified by the test certs _SERVICE_NAME = '' class CXXLanguage:
############################### Imports ################################################## import os curdir = '/Users/Rui/Documents/Graduate/Research/Feature_Clustering/sidex20/' os.chdir(curdir) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mds import librosa import librosa.display import cv2 import copy from sidex_load import sidex_readin from Feature import conjoin from feature_detection import feature_detection from h_clustering import h_clustering import convex_hull from datetime import datetime from save_obj import save_object path = '/Users/Rui/Documents/Graduate/Research/SIDEX/SIDEX20/sidex20_calibration/' FS = 1000 NUM_CHANNELS = 16 n_fft = 256 hop_length = int(n_fft / 2) fmin = 0 fmax = 96 # max frequency to examine n_mels = 32 # mask_thres = 50 # noise level threshold to set 0-1 mask
import os import csv directory = 'C:\Python27\my_scripts' os.chdir(directory) file = "sgsgvoges002.2015-09-27_001827_732.log.txt" file_tmp = "TEMP.log.txt" file1 = "sgsgvoges002.2015-09-27_001827_732-EDITED.log.txt" file2 = "CP_FW_log1_header.csv" file3 = 'CP_FW_log1.csv' file4 = 'CP_FW_log1_row_strip.csv' file5 = 'CP_FW_log1_unique.csv' print directory def line_count(x): a = 0 #if a < 6: with open(x, 'rb') as f: for line in f: a = a + 1 print a def preview_file(x): a = 0 # if a < 6: with open(x, 'rb') as f: for line in f: a = a + 1 if a < 6:
nightlyMPISuite.addTests( KratosUnittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCases( [FractionalStepKOmegaTest])) # adding monolithic k-omega-sst high re tests nightlyMPISuite.addTests( KratosUnittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCases( [MonolithicKOmegaSSTTest])) # adding fractional step k-omega-sst high re tests nightlyMPISuite.addTests( KratosUnittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCases( [FractionalStepKOmegaSSTTest])) ### Full MPI set ########################################################### allMPISuite = suites['mpi_all'] allMPISuite.addTests(nightlyMPISuite) # already contains the smallMPISuite allSuite = suites['all'] allSuite.addTests(allMPISuite) return suites if __name__ == '__main__': # this is required by the CI since, CI runs these tests from $KRATOS_HOME folder. os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) KratosMultiphysics.Logger.GetDefaultOutput().SetSeverity( KratosMultiphysics.Logger.Severity.WARNING) KratosUnittest.runTests(AssembleTestSuites())
def setup(): """Set up for testing: Change to temp dir, delete if exists there.""" os.chdir(REL_PATH_TEMPDIR) if os.path.exists(FNAME_JSSERVER_PROPS): os.remove(FNAME_JSSERVER_PROPS)
#encoding:utf-8 import sys import os os.chdir(sys.path[0]) sys.path.append('../pub') from Mydb import mysql import redis def loadcode(): #添加新增的 sql = "select * from wraith_whitelist" tmp = mysql.queryAll(sql) #print "blklist loaded!" r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=3) r.flushdb() for item in tmp: r.set(item['phone_number'], '1') #print r.get(item['code']) print '成功白名单信息!' if __name__ == "__main__": loadcode()
# 这个问题 # --------------------- import random from pyecharts import options as opts from pyecharts.charts import HeatMap import os,sys os.chdir(sys.path[0]) # 改变目录 def heatmap_car() -> HeatMap: x = ['宝马', '法拉利', '奔驰', '奥迪', '大众', '丰田', '特斯拉'] y = ['中国','日本','南非','澳大利亚','阿根廷','阿尔及利亚','法国','意大利','加拿大'] value = [[i, j, random.randint(0, 100)] for i in range(len(x)) for j in range(len(y))] c = ( HeatMap() .add_xaxis(x) .add_yaxis("销量", y, value) .set_global_opts( title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="HeatMap"), visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(), ) ) return c heatmap_car().render('heatmap_pyecharts.html')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Software License Agreement (MIT License) # Author: Duke Fong <*****@*****.**> import sys, os, json sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from conf.gconf import gconf from api.sub.crypt import * from api.sub.helper import * os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # 'comment_id', 'url', 'title' notify_tpl = lambda d: f"""\ <html><body> <p>Hi {d['name']}, I have a new post on my blog, please have a look:</p> <p>Title: {d['title']}</p> <p><a href="{gconf['url']}/{d['url']}">{gconf['url']}/{d['url']}</a></p> <p>If you don't want to continue receiving this, you can click the button next to your comment to close it:</p> <p><a href="{gconf['url']}/subscribe">{gconf['url']}/subscribe</a></p> <p>(If you're not currently logged in, you'll need to log in with your email address to continue.)</p> <p>If you encounter any problems, you can email me at {gconf['admin'][1]} to get help.</p> </body></html> """
import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') import glob,os import xlrd import networkx as nx import pandas as pd import numpy as np from my_network import remove_edges, read_edgelist, weight, all_graph_info from my_plots import density, hist_plt,hist_log_bin import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from my_dataframes import drop_duplicate, drop_emptycell, stock_status lower = [] os.chdir('/Users/shine/work_hard/financial_network/data/status_wind_612_710') FileList = glob.glob('*.xlsx') #for workingfile in filelist print FileList print "FileList length is", len(FileList) #共20个文件 for workingfile in FileList: print workingfile,'is working now' filename = workingfile.split('.')[0] print 'filename is', filename os.chdir('/Users/shine/work_hard/financial_network/data/status_wind_612_710') status = pd.ExcelFile(workingfile) status = pd.read_excel(status, 'Wind资讯'.decode('utf-8')) status = pd.DataFrame(status) status.columns = ['source', 'stock_name', 'limit_ori', 'sus_reason', 'sus_days', 'sus_ori'] status['limit'] = status.apply (lambda df: stock_status(df, 'limit_ori', 'sus_ori'), axis=1) #print len(status) ##经过drop_emptycell和drop_duplicate验证,status中有很多missing data, 如果只提取分析用的几列数可能会改善 df = status[['source', 'stock_name','limit']]
clusjobs_contact_dets = dict()["gunzip", "-kf", args.lig_file]) #ligand = os.path.abspath(args.lig_file[:-3]) ligand = os.path.abspath(args.lig_file) pdb.set_trace()[obabel, ligand, "-O{}".format(ligand)]) temperature, N = args.temperature, args.num_of_decoys ft_options = glob.glob(os.path.join(DOCKING_RESULTS_PATH,\ dock_jobs[0],'ft.*.*')) ft_coef_opts = [os.path.basename(i).split('.')[1] for i in ft_options] recs_and_mask_info = dict() for ft_coef in ft_coef_opts: case_temp_cont_list = [] for job in dock_jobs: job_path = os.path.join(DOCKING_RESULTS_PATH, job) os.chdir(job_path) print('Process job #' + job + ':') print ('job_path: ', job_path) pymol.finish_launching(["pymol", "-qc"]) #receptor = '../../' +job_complex_dict[job][0] #rec_mask = '../../'+job_complex_dict[job][1] #UNCOMMEND THE FOLLOWING FOR SCC #pdbfiles = glob.glob('*.pdb.gz') if job not in recs_and_mask_info: pdbfiles = glob.glob('*.pdb') recs_and_mask_info[job] = dict() if len(pdbfiles) == 2: # mask file and recpdb inside the path #mask_zipped = [i for i in pdbfiles if 'mask.pdb.gz' in i][0] #rec_mask = mask_zipped[:-3] #pdbfiles.remove(mask_zipped) rec_mask = [i for i in pdbfiles if 'mask.pdb' in i][0]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("create scoring image") parser.add_argument( "--output_image_location_file", type=str, help=("Name of a file to write image location to, " "in format")) args = parser.parse_args() model = Model(ws, name=e.model_name, version=e.model_version) sources_dir = e.sources_directory_train if (sources_dir is None): sources_dir = 'diabetes_regression' path_to_scoring = os.path.join(".", sources_dir, "scoring") cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_to_scoring) image_config = ContainerImage.image_configuration( execution_script=e.score_script, runtime="python", conda_file="conda_dependencies.yml", description="Image with ridge regression model", tags={ "area": "diabetes", "type": "regression" }, ) image = Image.create(name=e.image_name, models=[model], image_config=image_config,
def init(doctest_namespace): # This gets run once per process -- must avoid race conditions print("setting up doctest...") olddir = os.getcwd() os.chdir("docs/") doctest_namespace['hl'] = hl doctest_namespace['agg'] = agg if not os.path.isdir("output/"): try: os.mkdir("output/") except OSError: pass files = ["sample.vds", "sample.qc.vds", "sample.filtered.vds"] for f in files: if os.path.isdir(f): shutil.rmtree(f) ds = hl.read_matrix_table('data/example.vds') doctest_namespace['ds'] = ds doctest_namespace['dataset'] = ds doctest_namespace['dataset2'] = ds.annotate_globals(global_field=5) doctest_namespace['dataset_to_union_1'] = ds doctest_namespace['dataset_to_union_2'] = ds v_metadata = ds.rows().annotate_globals(global_field=5).annotate(consequence='SYN') doctest_namespace['v_metadata'] = v_metadata s_metadata = ds.cols().annotate(pop='AMR', is_case=False, sex='F') doctest_namespace['s_metadata'] = s_metadata # Table table1 = hl.import_table('data/kt_example1.tsv', impute=True, key='ID') table1 = table1.annotate_globals(global_field_1=5, global_field_2=10) doctest_namespace['table1'] = table1 doctest_namespace['other_table'] = table1 table2 = hl.import_table('data/kt_example2.tsv', impute=True, key='ID') doctest_namespace['table2'] = table2 table4 = hl.import_table('data/kt_example4.tsv', impute=True, types={'B': hl.tstruct(B0=hl.tbool, B1=hl.tstr), 'D': hl.tstruct(cat=hl.tint32, dog=hl.tint32), 'E': hl.tstruct(A=hl.tint32, B=hl.tint32)}) doctest_namespace['table4'] = table4 people_table = hl.import_table('data/explode_example.tsv', delimiter='\\s+', types={'Age': hl.tint32, 'Children': hl.tarray(hl.tstr)}) doctest_namespace['people_table'] = people_table # TDT doctest_namespace['tdt_dataset'] = hl.import_vcf('data/tdt_tiny.vcf') ds2 = hl.variant_qc(ds) doctest_namespace['ds2'] = ds2.select_rows(AF=ds2.variant_qc.AF) # Expressions doctest_namespace['names'] = hl.literal(['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie']) doctest_namespace['a1'] = hl.literal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) doctest_namespace['a2'] = hl.literal([1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1]) doctest_namespace['t'] = hl.literal(True) doctest_namespace['f'] = hl.literal(False) doctest_namespace['na'] = hl.null(hl.tbool) doctest_namespace['call'] =, 1, phased=False) doctest_namespace['a'] = hl.literal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) doctest_namespace['d'] = hl.literal({'Alice': 43, 'Bob': 33, 'Charles': 44}) doctest_namespace['interval'] = hl.interval(3, 11) doctest_namespace['locus_interval'] = hl.parse_locus_interval("1:53242-90543") doctest_namespace['locus'] ='1', 1034245) doctest_namespace['x'] = hl.literal(3) doctest_namespace['y'] = hl.literal(4.5) doctest_namespace['s1'] = hl.literal({1, 2, 3}) doctest_namespace['s2'] = hl.literal({1, 3, 5}) doctest_namespace['s3'] = hl.literal({'Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'}) doctest_namespace['struct'] = hl.struct(a=5, b='Foo') doctest_namespace['tup'] = hl.literal(("a", 1, [1, 2, 3])) doctest_namespace['s'] = hl.literal('The quick brown fox') doctest_namespace['interval2'] = hl.Interval(3, 6) # Overview doctest_namespace['ht'] = hl.import_table("data/kt_example1.tsv", impute=True) doctest_namespace['mt'] = ds gnomad_data = ds.rows() doctest_namespace['gnomad_data'] = # BGEN bgen = hl.import_bgen('data/example.8bits.bgen', entry_fields=['GT', 'GP', 'dosage']) doctest_namespace['variants_table'] = bgen.rows() print("finished setting up doctest...") yield os.chdir(olddir)
def _restore_working_dir(): curdir = os.getcwd() try: yield finally: os.chdir(curdir)
os.chdir(olddir) return False def main(args): parser = optparse.OptionParser() options, args = parser.parse_args(args) olddir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(srcdir) try: deps_js = generate_deps_js() except parse_deps.DepsException, ex: sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n\n" % str(ex)) return 255 o = open(os.path.join(srcdir, "deps.js"), 'w') o.write(deps_js) o.close() finally: os.chdir(olddir) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
import argparse import os from yolo_detect.yolo import YOLO from yolo_detect.detect_video import detect_video from PIL import Image current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) path_suffix = '/apps' if current_path.endswith(path_suffix): parent_path = current_path.rsplit(path_suffix, 1)[0] os.chdir(parent_path) def detect_img(yolo): while True: img = input('Input image filename:') try: image = except: print('Open Error! Try again!') continue else: r_image = yolo.detect_image(image) yolo.close_session() FLAGS = None if __name__ == '__main__': # class YOLO defines the default value, so suppress any default here
def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.test_tmpdir) os.chdir(self.old_dir)
def verify_package(verbose=True): """Ensure the package has a config file and a valid experiment file.""" is_passing = True # Check for existence of required files. required_files = [ "config.txt", "", "requirements.txt", ] for f in required_files: if os.path.exists(f): log("✓ {} is PRESENT".format(f), chevrons=False, verbose=verbose) else: log("✗ {} is MISSING".format(f), chevrons=False, verbose=verbose) is_passing = False # Check the experiment file. if os.path.exists(""): # Check if the experiment file has exactly one Experiment class. tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() for f in ["", "config.txt"]: shutil.copyfile(f, os.path.join(tmp, f)) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmp) open("", "a").close() exp = imp.load_source('experiment', os.path.join(tmp, "")) classes = inspect.getmembers(exp, inspect.isclass) exps = [ c for c in classes if (c[1].__bases__[0].__name__ in "Experiment") ] if len(exps) == 0: log("✗ does not define an experiment class.", delay=0, chevrons=False, verbose=verbose) is_passing = False elif len(exps) == 1: log("✓ defines 1 experiment", delay=0, chevrons=False, verbose=verbose) else: log("✗ defines more than one experiment class.", delay=0, chevrons=False, verbose=verbose) os.chdir(cwd) # Make sure there's a help file. is_txt_readme = os.path.exists("") is_md_readme = os.path.exists("README.txt") if (not is_md_readme) and (not is_txt_readme): is_passing = False log("✗ README.txt or is MISSING.", delay=0, chevrons=False, verbose=verbose) else: log("✓ README is OK", delay=0, chevrons=False, verbose=verbose) # Check front-end files do not exist files = [ os.path.join("templates", "complete.html"), os.path.join("templates", "error.html"), os.path.join("templates", "launch.html"), os.path.join("templates", "thanks.html"), os.path.join("static", "css", "dallinger.css"), os.path.join("static", "scripts", "dallinger.js"), os.path.join("static", "scripts", "reqwest.min.js"), os.path.join("static", "robots.txt") ] for f in files: if os.path.exists(f): log("✗ {} will CONFLICT with shared front-end files inserted at run-time, " "please delete or rename.".format(f), delay=0, chevrons=False, verbose=verbose) return False log("✓ no file conflicts", delay=0, chevrons=False, verbose=verbose) return is_passing
""" Created on Wed Dec 2 20:27:48 2020 @author: caghangir """ import os import mne import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import extremeEEGSignalAnalyzer as chetto_EEG import pickle # from mne.preprocessing import ICA chetto_EEG = chetto_EEG.extremeEEGSignalAnalyzer() # %matplotlib qt os.chdir('/home/caghangir/Desktop/PhD/Lucid Dream EEG/Extracted Dataset/Epochs/ICA Yes, SSP Yes, CSD Yes') #%%=== MNE Configuration ======= try: mne.set_config('MNE_USE_CUDA', True) except TypeError as err: print(err) print(mne.get_config()) # same as mne.get_config(key=None) print(mne.get_config('MNE_USE_CUDA')) #%% ========== Lucidity Period Taking (Pre-Lucid-Post) =========== # folder_path_o_kniebeugen = 'C:/Users/caghangir/Desktop/PhD/Research/Lucid Dream EEG/Total Data/Datasets/2_Christian_Tausch/Final EDF Files' # folder_path_FILD = 'C:/Users/caghangir/Desktop/PhD/Research/Lucid Dream EEG/Total Data/Datasets/FILD_Raw_data/Lucidity Found' # folder_path_Jarrot = 'C:/Users/caghangir/Desktop/PhD/Research/Lucid Dream EEG/Total Data/Datasets/LD_EEG_Jarrot/EDF Files' # folder_path_Sergio = 'C:/Users/caghangir/Desktop/PhD/Research/Lucid Dream EEG/Total Data/Datasets/Sergio' #pre-lucid-post (203,301,302,303,304_2,501,603_2)
def main(argv=sys.argv): log = logging.getLogger('heat-config') handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '[%(asctime)s] (%(name)s) [%(levelname)s] %(message)s')) log.addHandler(handler) log.setLevel('DEBUG') prepare_dir(OUTPUTS_DIR) prepare_dir(WORKING_DIR) os.chdir(WORKING_DIR) c = json.load(sys.stdin) use_hiera = c['options'].get('enable_hiera', False) use_facter = c['options'].get('enable_facter', True) modulepath = c['options'].get('modulepath') tags = c['options'].get('tags') facts = {} hiera = {} fqdn = get_hostname_f(log) if fqdn: facts['FACTER_fqdn'] = fqdn for input in c['inputs']: input_name = input['name'] input_value = input.get('value', '') if use_facter: fact_name = 'FACTER_%s' % input_name facts[fact_name] = input_value if use_hiera: hiera[input_name] = input_value if use_hiera: prepare_dir(HIERA_DATADIR) hiera_data = os.path.join(HIERA_DATADIR, 'heat_config_%s.json' % c['name']) with os.fdopen(, os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY, 0o600), 'w') as hiera_file: hiera_file.write(json.dumps(hiera).encode('utf8')) facts['FACTER_deploy_config_name'] = c['name'] fn = os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, '%s.pp' % c['id']) heat_outputs_path = os.path.join(OUTPUTS_DIR, c['id']) facts['FACTER_heat_outputs_path'] = heat_outputs_path env_debug = ' '.join('%s="%s" ' % (k, v) for k, v in facts.items()) env = os.environ.copy() env.update(facts) with os.fdopen(, os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY, 0o700), 'w') as f: f.write(c.get('config', '').encode('utf-8')) cmd = [PUPPET_CMD, 'apply', '--detailed-exitcodes', fn] if modulepath: cmd.insert(-1, '--modulepath') cmd.insert(-1, modulepath) if tags: cmd.insert(-1, '--tags') cmd.insert(-1, tags) log.debug('Running %s %s' % (env_debug, ' '.join(cmd))) try: subproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) except OSError: log.warn('puppet not installed yet') return stdout, stderr = subproc.communicate()'Return code %s' % subproc.returncode) if stdout: if stderr: # returncode of 2 means there were successfull changes if subproc.returncode in (0, 2): returncode = 0'Completed %s' % fn) else: returncode = subproc.returncode log.error("Error running %s. [%s]\n" % (fn, subproc.returncode)) response = {} for output in c.get('outputs') or []: output_name = output['name'] try: with open('%s.%s' % (heat_outputs_path, output_name)) as out: response[output_name] = except IOError: pass response.update({ 'deploy_stdout': stdout, 'deploy_stderr': stderr, 'deploy_status_code': returncode, }) json.dump(response, sys.stdout)
def setup_experiment(debug=True, verbose=False, app=None, exp_config=None): """Check the app and, if compatible with Dallinger, freeze its state.""" print_header() # Verify that the package is usable. log("Verifying that directory is compatible with Dallinger...") if not verify_package(verbose=verbose): raise AssertionError( "This is not a valid Dallinger app. " + "Fix the errors and then try running 'dallinger verify'.") # Verify that the Postgres server is running. try: psycopg2.connect(database="x", user="******", password="******") except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: if "could not connect to server" in str(e): raise RuntimeError("The Postgres server isn't running.") # Load configuration. config = get_config() if not config.ready: config.load_config() # Check that the demo-specific requirements are satisfied. try: with open("requirements.txt", "r") as f: dependencies = [r for r in f.readlines() if r[:3] != "-e "] except: dependencies = [] pkg_resources.require(dependencies) # Generate a unique id for this experiment. generated_uid = public_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # If the user provided an app name, use it everywhere that's user-facing. if app: public_id = str(app) log("Experiment id is " + public_id + "") # Copy this directory into a temporary folder, ignoring .git dst = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), public_id) to_ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(os.path.join(".git", "*"), "*.db", "snapshots", "data", "server.log") shutil.copytree(os.getcwd(), dst, ignore=to_ignore) click.echo(dst) # Save the experiment id with open(os.path.join(dst, "experiment_id.txt"), "w") as file: file.write(generated_uid) # Change directory to the temporary folder. cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dst) # Write the custom config if exp_config: config.extend(exp_config) config.write_config(filter_sensitive=True) # Zip up the temporary directory and place it in the cwd. if not debug: log("Freezing the experiment package...") shutil.make_archive( os.path.join(cwd, "snapshots", public_id + "-code"), "zip", dst) # Check directories. if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("static", "scripts")): os.makedirs(os.path.join("static", "scripts")) if not os.path.exists("templates"): os.makedirs("templates") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("static", "css")): os.makedirs(os.path.join("static", "css")) # Rename for backwards compatibility. os.rename(os.path.join(dst, ""), os.path.join(dst, "")) # Get dallinger package location. from pkg_resources import get_distribution dist = get_distribution('dallinger') src_base = os.path.join(dist.location, dist.project_name) heroku_files = [ "Procfile", "", "", "", ] for filename in heroku_files: src = os.path.join(src_base, "heroku", filename) shutil.copy(src, os.path.join(dst, filename)) clock_on = config.get('clock_on', False) # If the clock process has been disabled, overwrite the Procfile. if not clock_on: src = os.path.join(src_base, "heroku", "Procfile_no_clock") shutil.copy(src, os.path.join(dst, "Procfile")) frontend_files = [ os.path.join("static", "css", "dallinger.css"), os.path.join("static", "scripts", "dallinger.js"), os.path.join("static", "scripts", "reqwest.min.js"), os.path.join("templates", "error.html"), os.path.join("templates", "launch.html"), os.path.join("templates", "complete.html"), os.path.join("templates", "thanks.html"), os.path.join("static", "robots.txt") ] for filename in frontend_files: src = os.path.join(src_base, "frontend", filename) shutil.copy(src, os.path.join(dst, filename)) time.sleep(0.25) os.chdir(cwd) return (public_id, dst)
from os.path import dirname, abspath from os import chdir from time import time import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm import message_filters import struct import json import cv2 import config from utils import draw_angled_text import warnings # Change directory to the file directory dir_path = dirname(abspath(__file__)) chdir(dir_path) # Except warnings as errors warnings.filterwarnings("error") # TODO: check hold functionality for multiple objects class PlanarPoseEstimation(): def __init__(self, config): """ Generates poses for detected objects. Parameters ---------- config : object Contains the configuration for the class.
def deploy_sandbox_shared_setup(verbose=True, app=None, web_procs=1, exp_config=None): """Set up Git, push to Heroku, and launch the app.""" if verbose: out = None else: out = open(os.devnull, 'w') (id, tmp) = setup_experiment(debug=False, verbose=verbose, app=app, exp_config=exp_config) # Register the experiment using all configured registration services. config = get_config() if config.get("mode") == u"live": log("Registering the experiment on configured services...") registration.register(id, snapshot=None) # Log in to Heroku if we aren't already. log("Making sure that you are logged in to Heroku.") heroku.log_in() click.echo("") # Change to temporary directory. cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmp) # Commit Heroku-specific files to tmp folder's git repo. cmds = [ "git init", "git add --all", 'git commit -m "Experiment ' + id + '"' ] for cmd in cmds: subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=out, shell=True) time.sleep(0.5) # Load configuration. config = get_config() if not config.ready: config.load_config() # Initialize the app on Heroku. log("Initializing app on Heroku...") create_cmd = [ "heroku", "apps:create", app_name(id), "--buildpack", "", ] # If a team is specified, assign the app to the team. try: team = config.get("heroku_team", None) if team: create_cmd.extend(["--org", team]) except Exception: pass subprocess.check_call(create_cmd, stdout=out) database_size = config.get('database_size') try: if config.get('whimsical'): whimsical = "true" else: whimsical = "false" except: whimsical = "false" # Set up postgres database and AWS environment variables. cmds = [ "heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:{}".format( quote(database_size)), "heroku pg:wait", "heroku addons:create heroku-redis:premium-0", "heroku addons:create papertrail", "heroku config:set HOST=" + app_name(id) + "", "heroku config:set aws_access_key_id=" + quote(config.get('aws_access_key_id')), "heroku config:set aws_secret_access_key=" + quote(config.get('aws_secret_access_key')), "heroku config:set aws_region=" + quote(config.get('aws_region')), "heroku config:set auto_recruit={}".format(config.get('auto_recruit')), "heroku config:set dallinger_email_username="******"heroku config:set dallinger_email_key=" + quote(config.get('dallinger_email_password')), "heroku config:set heroku_email_address=" + quote(config.get('heroku_email_address')), "heroku config:set heroku_password="******"heroku config:set whimsical={}".format(whimsical), ] for cmd in cmds: subprocess.check_call(cmd + " --app " + app_name(id), stdout=out, shell=True) # Wait for Redis database to be ready. log("Waiting for Redis...") ready = False while not ready: redis_URL = subprocess.check_output( "heroku config:get REDIS_URL --app {}".format(app_name(id)), shell=True) r = redis.from_url(redis_URL) try: r.set("foo", "bar") ready = True except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: time.sleep(2) log("Saving the URL of the postgres database...") db_url = subprocess.check_output("heroku config:get DATABASE_URL --app " + app_name(id), shell=True) # Set the notification URL and database URL in the config file. config.extend({ "notification_url": u"http://" + app_name(id) + "", "database_url": db_url.rstrip().decode('utf8'), }) config.write_config() subprocess.check_call("git add config.txt", stdout=out, shell=True), time.sleep(0.25) subprocess.check_call( 'git commit -m "Save URLs for database and notifications"', stdout=out, shell=True) time.sleep(0.25) # Launch the Heroku app. log("Pushing code to Heroku...") subprocess.check_call("git push heroku HEAD:master", stdout=out, stderr=out, shell=True) log("Scaling up the dynos...") scale_up_dynos(app_name(id)) time.sleep(8) # Launch the experiment. log("Launching the experiment on MTurk...") launch_request ='https://{}'.format( app_name(id))) launch_data = launch_request.json() log("URLs:") log("App home: https://{}".format(app_name(id)), chevrons=False) log("Initial recruitment: {}".format( launch_data.get('recruitment_url', None)), chevrons=False) # Return to the branch whence we came. os.chdir(cwd) log("Completed deployment of experiment " + id + ".")
def regex_searcher(): list_files = [] for i in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if os.path.isfile(i): list_files.append(i) for file in list_files: if regex_date.findall(file): mo = part1 = part2 = part3 = part4 = part5 = filename = part1 + part3 + "-" + part2 + "-" + part4 + part5 rename_us_to_eu(file, filename) else: print("not if") pass if __name__ == "__main__": if os.path.isdir("tmp"): os.chdir("tmp") else: os.mkdir("tmp") os.chdir("tmp") path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) touch_n_times(path) regex_searcher()
mdir = mdir.replace("mdir:", "") cdir = all_lines[2] cdir = cdir.replace("\n", "") cdir = cdir.replace("cdir:", "") port = all_lines[3] port = port.replace("\n", "") port = port.replace("port:", "") byonddir = all_lines[4] byonddir = byonddir.replace("\n", "") byonddir = byonddir.replace("byond_dir:", "") print(port) t1 = time.time() print("Updating git...") os.chdir("{}civ13-git".format(mdir)) os.system("git pull") os.system("git reset --hard origin/master") print("Rebuilding binaries...") os.system("{}/bin/dm.exe civ13.dme".format(byonddir)) os.system("cd") print("Copying configuration settings...") os.system("python3 {}{}scripts/".format(mdir, cdir)) print("Copying binaries...")
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image import DM3lib as dm3 from utilities import calcHistogram, calcDisplayRange # CONSTANTS homDir = os.environ['HOME'] relDir = "/work/snippets/py3-DM3reader" wd = homDir + relDir os.chdir(wd) debug = 0 # define command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("file", help="path to DM3 file to parse") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--dump", help="dump DM3 tags in text file", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--convert",
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import os os.chdir('D:/HACKATHONS/news article freelancing') os.getcwd() df = pd.read_csv("movies_genres.csv", delimiter='\t') df_genres = df.drop(['plot', 'title'], axis=1) counts = [] categories = list(df_genres.columns.values) #Checking number of movies per category for i in categories: counts.append((i, df_genres[i].sum())) df_stats = pd.DataFrame(counts, columns=['genre', '#movies']) df_stats.plot(x='genre', y='#movies', kind='bar', legend=False,