def SymLinkAction(target, source, env): for trg in target: # symlink the target from the source fullsrc = str(source[0]) src = os.path.basename(str(source[0])) dst = str(trg) log(11, ['SymLinkAction %s -> %s' % (src, dst)]) try: os.remove(dst) except: pass try: log(12, ['symlink(%s, %s)' % (src, dst)]) os.symlink(src, dst) except: try: log(12, ['hardlink(%s, %s)' % (fullsrc, dst)]), dst) except: try: log(12, ['copy(%s, %s)' % (fullsrc, dst)]) os.copy(fullsrc, dst) except Exception, ex: log(0, ['SymLinkAction failed: %s' % (str(ex))]) raise ex
def runInitScripts(self, scriptPath, *args, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(scriptPath): return False, 'Path not found: %s' % scriptPath if os.path.isfile(scriptPath): os.copy(scriptPath, self.workDir) if os.path.isdir(scriptPath): shutil.rmtree(self.workDir) shutil.copytree(scriptPath, self.workDir) os.chdir(self.workDir) initList = os.listdir(self.workDir) for initFile in sorted(initList): if == 'nt' and self.execType != 'bat': return False, '' if == 'posix' and self.execType != 'sh': return False, '' extLen = len(self.execType) if initFile[-extLen:] == self.execType: initDir = initFile[: - (extLen + 1)] os.environ[initDir] = self.workDir self.log('INFO', 'Env: %s' % os.environ[initDir]) self.prepareEnvironment(os.environ[initDir]) self.log('INFO', 'chdir: %s' % os.environ[initDir]) try: self.log('INFO', 'Running script %s from %s.' % (initFile, self.workDir)) p1 = subprocess.Popen([self.workDir + os.sep + initFile, ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) self.log('INFO', except Exception, e: msg = 'Error in executing init script: ' + initFile + ' path: ' + self.workDir self.application.exceptionTrace(e, message=msg) self.setStatus('1')
def makecolorimage(self): """Make color image (in sections)""" if (self.stampsize == self.samplesize == 0) and self.testfirst: # Already did the full image! print 'Full size image already made.' imfile = self.testimages[-1] outfile = join(self.outdir, self.outfile) if self.deletetests: print 'Renaming to', outfile os.rename(imfile, outfile) else: print 'Copying to', outfile os.copy(imfile, outfile) imfull = return imfull # Clean up: Delete test images if self.deletetests: for testimage in self.testimages: if exists(testimage): os.remove(testimage) dx = dy = self.stampsize if dx * dy == 0: dx = dy = self.maxstampsize imfull =, (self.nx, self.ny)) if self.mode == 'RGB': if self.verbose: print 'Making full color image, one stamp (section) at a time...' elif self.mode == 'L': if self.verbose: print 'Making full grayscale image, one stamp (section) at a time...' for yo in range(self.ylo,self.yhi,dy): dy1 = min([dy, self.yhi-yo]) for xo in range(self.xlo,self.xhi,dx): dx1 = min([dx, self.xhi-xo]) if self.verbose: print '%5d, %5d / (%d x %d)' % (xo, yo, self.nx, self.ny) limits = yo, yo+dy, xo, xo+dx stamps = self.loadstamps(limits) im = RGBscale2im(stamps, self.levdict, self.noiselums, self.colorsatfac, self.mode) if and self.showstamps: imfull.paste(im, (xo,self.ny-yo-dy1,xo+dx1,self.ny-yo)) outfile = join(self.outdir, self.outfile) if self.legend: self.addlegend(im=imfull) else: if self.verbose: print 'Saving', outfile, '...' if self.showimage(outfile, Image) return imfull
def execute(self, pipedata, prefix=""): task = self.bakery.logging_task('Convert sources to TTF') if self.bakery.forcerun: return if pipedata.get('compiler') == 'make': import subprocess directory = UpstreamDirectory(op.join(self.builddir, 'sources')) snapshot_bin = directory.BIN process = subprocess.Popen(['make'], cwd=op.join(self.builddir, 'sources')) process.communicate() directory = UpstreamDirectory(op.join(self.builddir, 'sources')) snapshot_after_bin = directory.BIN for fontpath in set(snapshot_bin) ^ set(snapshot_after_bin): if fontpath.lower().endswith('.ttf'): os.copy(op.join(self.builddir, 'sources', fontpath), self.builddir) self.run_processes(op.basename(fontpath), pipedata) return pipedata self.convert(pipedata) return pipedata
def create_ca(my_dir='etc/ca', ca_name='demoCA'): complete_dir = my_dir + os.sep + ca_name if os.path.exists(complete_dir): return os.mkdir(complete_dir) os.mkdir(complete_dir + '/certs') os.mkdir(complete_dir + '/crl') os.mkdir(complete_dir + '/newcerts') os.mkdir(complete_dir + '/private') w = open(complete_dir + '/index.txt', 'w') w.close() ret = os.system( 'openssl req -new -keyout {complete_dir}/private/cakey.pem -config init.ssl -nodes -out {complete_dir}/careq.pem' .format(complete_dir=complete_dir)) # 2000 is number of days (arbitrary, really) if ret != 0: return False cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(my_dir) ret = os.system( 'openssl ca -create_serial -out {ca_name}/cacert.pem -days 2000 -batch -keyfile {ca_name}/private/cakey.pem -selfsign -extensions v3_ca -infiles {ca_name}/careq.pem' .format(ca_name=ca_name)) os.copy('%s/cacert.pem' % ca_name, 'cacert.pem') os.chdir(cwd) return ret == 0
def create_ca(my_dir="etc/ca", ca_name="demoCA"): complete_dir = my_dir + os.sep + ca_name if os.path.exists(complete_dir): return os.mkdir(complete_dir) os.mkdir(complete_dir + "/certs") os.mkdir(complete_dir + "/crl") os.mkdir(complete_dir + "/newcerts") os.mkdir(complete_dir + "/private") w = open(complete_dir + "/index.txt", "w") w.close() ret = os.system( "openssl req -new -keyout {complete_dir}/private/cakey.pem -config init.ssl -nodes -out {complete_dir}/careq.pem".format( complete_dir=complete_dir ) ) # 2000 is number of days (arbitrary, really) if ret != 0: return False cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(my_dir) ret = os.system( "openssl ca -create_serial -out {ca_name}/cacert.pem -days 2000 -batch -keyfile {ca_name}/private/cakey.pem -selfsign -extensions v3_ca -infiles {ca_name}/careq.pem".format( ca_name=ca_name ) ) os.copy("%s/cacert.pem" % ca_name, "cacert.pem") os.chdir(cwd) return ret == 0
def store(self, photo_file, new_path): """Stores photo file into path into storage. Args: photo_file: str, path to photo file new_path: str, path in storage to copy photo_file """ os.copy(photo_file, os.path.join(self.path, new_path))
def main(): args = parser_args() # Moves over raw pdb to be editted os.copy('/home/aseamann/public_html/rawPDBs/' + args.rawPDB + ".pdb", '/home/aseamann/public_html/modPDBs/' + args.modPDB + ".pdb") # Submits pdb to PdbTools3 pdb = PdbTools3('/home/aseamann/public_html/modPDBs/' + args.modPDB) all_chains = "FALSE" trimmed = "FALSE" tcr_only = "FALSE" p_only = "FALSE" mhc_only = "FALSE" renum = "FALSE" # Based on arguments passed, updated T/F for if the chain still remains in file if args.mhc_split: pdb.split_mhc() mhc_only = "TRUE" elif args.trim: pdb.clean_tcr_count_trim() trimmed = "TRUE" tcr_alpha = "TRUE" tcr_beta = "TRUE" renum = "TRUE" elif args.tcr_split: pdb.clean_tcr() tcr_alpha = "TRUE" tcr_beta = "TRUE" elif args.peptide_split: pdb.split_p() p_only = "TRUE" else: all_chains = "TRUE" if args.renum: pdb.clean_docking_count() renum = "TRUE" # Dictionary that hold values to be submitted pdb_data = { 'pdbID_mod': args.rawPDB, 'tempID': args.modPDB, 'all_chains': all_chains, 'trimmed': trimmed, 'tcr_only': tcr_only, 'peptide': p_only, 'mhc': mhc_only, 'renum': renum } # Writes to sql file that will be submitted to db with open('modPDBinsert.sql', 'w') as f: f.write('USE aseamann;\n') output = "INSERT INTO modPDB(pdbID_mod, tempID, all_chains, trimmed, tcr_only, peptide, mhc, renum) " \ "VALUES('%(pdbID_mod)s', '%(tempID)s', '%(all_chains)s', '%(trimmed)s', '%(tcr_only)s', '%(peptide)s', '%(mhc)s', '%(renum)s');" % pdb_data f.write(output + '\n') os.system('mysql< modPDBinsert.sql') # Submit to MySql
def save_data( data, db_file ): """Save the data into the given file name.""" if os.path.exists( db_file ): if os.path.exists( db_file+".bak" ): os.unlink( db_file+".bak" ) os.copy( db_file, db_file+".bak" ) with open( db_file+".tmp", "w" ) as target: wtr= csv.writer( target ) wtr.writerows( data ) os.unlink( db_file ) os.rename( db_file+".tmp", db_file )
def copy() : if len(sys.argv) == 4 : try : shutil.copytree( sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) except OSError as exc: # python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.ENOTDIR: os.copy(sys.argv[2]) else: sys.exit(exc) print "copied world from '" + sys.argv[2] + "' too '" + sys.argv[3] + "'"; else : print "Wrong Argument Count!"
def _backupConfigs(self): if not os.path.exists(self.configDir): return False backupFolder = os.path.join(self.configDir, "backup", for filename in [ x for x in os.listdir(self.configDir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.configDir, x)) ]: os.copy(os.path.join(self.configDir, filename), os.path.join(backupFolder, filename))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot 3d matrix data') parser.add_argument('input', help='File containing 3d data as matrix') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default=None, help='Output file') parser.add_argument('-c', '--column', default=None, help='Column for 2d plot', type=int) parser.add_argument('-r', '--row', default=None, help='Row for 2d plot', type=int) parser.add_argument('-l', '--logscale', action="store_true" , help='plot z axis with logscale') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action="store_true" , help='no screen output') parser.add_argument('-p', '--config', default=None, help='gnuplot config file') args = parser.parse_args() if args.column==None and args.row==None: f=open("temp.plt", 'w') f.write("set pm3d\n") f.write("unset surface\n") if args.logscale: f.write("set logscale z\n") if not args.quiet: f.write("splot '%s' matrix\n" % args.input) f.write("pause -1\n") if args.output!=None: f.write("set terminal postscript enhanced color\n") f.write("set output '%s'\n" % args.output) f.write("splot '%s' matrix\n" % args.input) f.close(); cmd = 'gnuplot temp.plt', shell=True) if args.config==None: os.remove("temp.plt") else: cmd = 'mv temp.plt %s' % args.config, shell=True) else: data = numpy.loadtxt(args.input) f=open("temp.dat", 'w') if args.column!=None: subdata=data[:,args.column] for x,y in zip(numpy.arange(0,len(subdata)), subdata): print x,y f.write("%i\t%e\n" % (x,y)) else: subdata=data[args.row,:] for x,y in zip(numpy.arange(0,len(subdata)), subdata): print x,y f.write("%i\t%e\n" % (x,y)) f.close() if args.output!=None: os.copy("temp.dat", args.output) cmd = 'xmgrace temp.dat', shell=True) os.remove("temp.dat")
def disable_chroot_daemons(chroot): """ Disable daemons from starting in a chroot Run this before installing daemon packages like ssh or tor """ # Normally, policy-rc.d doesn't exist. If it does, then daemons have already been disabled if os.path.exists(chroot+'/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d'): logging.debug("Daemons already disabled in chroot {}".format(chroot)) return logging.debug("Disabling daemons in chroot {}".format(chroot)) write_file(['#!/bin/sh', 'exit 101'], chroot+'/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d', mode=0o755) sh( 'dpkg-divert --add --local --divert /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.chroot --rename /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d', env={ 'LANG':'C' }, chroot=chroot) os.copy(chroot+'/bin/true', chroot+'/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d')
def setup_copy(newname, pattern): os.chdir("..") os.mkdir(newname) os.chdir(newname) os.copy("../wakawakawaka/LICENSE", ".") os.copy("../wakawakawaka/", ".") os.copy("../wakawakawaka/", ".") os.copy("../wakawakawaka/vote.txt", ".") os.copy("../wakawakawaka/waka.txt", ".") os.system("git init") os.system("") os.system("git add .") os.system('git commit -am "Base"') load_pattern(pattern) push_pattern(pattern)
def cli_sanitize(input_filepath, save=False, delete=False): """ Copies out a filename without spaces, or deletes that file. Filename invertibility is not Will not work for directories with spaces in their names. """ input_filepath = os.path.abspath(input_filepath) new_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(input_filepath), os.path.basename(input_filepath).replace(' ', '__')) if delete: os.remove(new_filepath) if save: os.copy(input_filepath, new_filepath) return new_filepath
def __make_local_copy(self): """ Retrieves the file from the location specified at <source> and makes a local copy. """ # Verifiy the file does not already exist if os.path.exists(self.filepath): last_updated_time = os.path.getctime(self.filepath) return # Retrieve and save the file print("Retrieving file from " + self.source + "...") try: # The source is a URL request.urlretrieve(self.source, self.filepath) print("Downloaded and saved " + self.filename) except ValueError: # The source is a file path os.copy(self.source, self.filepath)
def resize_file(filename): f = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[0] try: im = w, h = im.size max_width = 400 #print w,h if w > max_width: nw = max_width nh = nw * h / w #print nw,nh else: os.copy(filename, f) return im.thumbnail((nw, nh), Image.ANTIALIAS), quality=80) #os.remove(filename) except IOError, e: print "cannot create thumbnail for '%s'" % filename print e
def process_lidc_annotations(only_patient=None, agreement_threshold=0): # lines.append(",".join()) file_no = 0 pos_count = 0 neg_count = 0 all_lines = [] for anno_dir in [ d for d in glob.glob("resources/luna16_annotations/*") if os.path.isdir(d) ]: xml_paths = glob.glob(anno_dir + "/*.xml") for xml_path in xml_paths: print(file_no, ": ", xml_path) pos, neg, extended = load_lidc_xml( xml_path=xml_path, only_patient=only_patient, agreement_threshold=agreement_threshold) if pos is not None: pos_count += len(pos) neg_count += len(neg) print("Pos: ", pos_count, " Neg: ", neg_count) file_no += 1 all_lines += extended # if file_no > 10: # break # extended_line = [nodule_id, x_center_perc, y_center_perc, z_center_perc, diameter_perc, malignacy, sphericiy, margin, spiculation, texture, calcification, internal_structure, lobulation, subtlety ] df_annos = pandas.DataFrame(all_lines, columns=[ "patient_id", "anno_index", "coord_x", "coord_y", "coord_z", "diameter", "malscore", "sphericiy", "margin", "spiculation", "texture", "calcification", "internal_structure", "lobulation", "subtlety" ]) df_annos.to_csv(settings.BASE_DIR + "lidc_annotations.csv", index=False) os.copy()
def makecolorimage(self): """Make color image (in sections)""" if (self.stampsize == self.samplesize == 0) and self.testfirst: # Already did the full image! print 'Full size image already made.' imfile = self.testimages[-1] outfile = join(self.outdir, self.outfile) if self.deletetests: print 'Renaming to', outfile os.rename(imfile, outfile) else: print 'Copying to', outfile os.copy(imfile, outfile) imfull = return imfull # Clean up: Delete test images if self.deletetests: for testimage in self.testimages: if exists(testimage): os.remove(testimage) dx = dy = self.stampsize if dx * dy == 0: dx = dy = self.maxstampsize imfull =, (self.nx, self.ny)) print if self.mode == 'RGB': print 'Making full color image, one stamp (section) at a time...' elif self.mode == 'L': print 'Making full grayscale image, one stamp (section) at a time...' for yo in range(0,self.ny,dy): dy1 = min([dy, self.ny-yo]) for xo in range(0,self.nx,dx): dx1 = min([dx, self.nx-xo]) print '%5d, %5d / (%d x %d)' % (xo, yo, self.nx, self.ny) #print dx, dy, self.nx, self.ny, dx1, dy1 #stamps = self.dataRGB[:,yo:yo+dy,xo:xo+dx] limits = yo, yo+dy, xo, xo+dx stamps = self.loadstamps(limits) im = RGBscale2im(stamps, self.levdict, self.noiselums, self.colorsatfac, self.mode) if and self.showstamps: #print array(stamps).shape, im.size, xo,self.ny-yo-dy1,xo+dx1,self.ny-yo imfull.paste(im, (xo,self.ny-yo-dy1,xo+dx1,self.ny-yo)) #outfile = outname+'.png' outfile = join(self.outdir, self.outfile) print 'Saving', outfile, '...''.jpg') if try: os.system('open ' + outfile) except: # If you're not on a Mac # Converts to jpg first, so a bit degraded return imfull
healstr['file'] = healstr['file'].replace('/net/dl1/','/dl1/') # Write the full list plus an index print('Writing list to '+listfile) Table(healstr).write(listfile) # append other fits binary tables hdulist = hdu = fits.table_to_hdu(Table(indexj)) # second, catalog hdulist.append(hdu) hdulist.writeto(listfile,overwrite=True) hdulist.close() if os.path.exists(listfile+'.gz'): os.remove(listfile+'.gz') ret =['gzip',listfile]) # compress final catalog # Copy to local directory for faster reading speed if os.path.exists(localdir+'dnidever/nsc/instcal/'+version+'/'): os.delete(localdir+'dnidever/nsc/instcal/'+version+'/') os.copy(listfile+'.gz',localdir+'dnidever/nsc/instcal/'+version+'/') # PUT NSIDE IN HEADER!! # Using existing list else: print('Reading list from '+listfile) healstr = fits.getdata(listfile,1) index = fits.getdata(listfile,2) upix = index['pix'] npix = len(index) # Copy to local directory for faster reading speed file_copy,listfile,localdir+'dnidever/nsc/instcal/'+version+'/',/over # Load the list of healpix pixels for this server to be run LOCALLY
print(err); return; ckId = 'RIFF'; ckSize = size + 44 - 8; ctype = 'WAVE'; sId = 'fmt '; sSize = 0x10; stag = 1; sChnl = channel_count; sSampleR = sample_rate; sBytePS = sample_rate * (bit_deep / 8) * channel_count; sBlockA = bit_deep * channel_count / 8; sBitD = bit_deep; dId = 'data'; dSize = size; os.copy(pcm_file,pcm_file+".wav"); dst_file = open(pcm_file+".wav","w"); wavHeader= struct.pack(">4sI4s4sIHHIIHH4sI",ckId,ckSize, ctype,sId,sSize,stag,sChnl,sSampleR,sBytePS, sBlockA,sBitD,dId,dSize); dst_file.write(dst_file) def resample_wav(wav_source,wav_dst,dst_rate)
def makecolorimage(self): """Make color image (in sections)""" if (self.stampsize == self.samplesize == 0) and self.testfirst: # Already did the full image! print "Full size image already made." imfile = self.testimages[-1] outfile = join(self.outdir, self.outfile) if self.deletetests: print "Renaming to", outfile os.rename(imfile, outfile) else: print "Copying to", outfile os.copy(imfile, outfile) imfull = return imfull # Clean up: Delete test images if self.deletetests: for testimage in self.testimages: if exists(testimage): os.remove(testimage) dx = dy = self.stampsize if dx * dy == 0: dx = dy = self.maxstampsize imfull =, (self.nx, self.ny)) print if self.mode == "RGB": print "Making full color image, one stamp (section) at a time..." elif self.mode == "L": print "Making full grayscale image, one stamp (section) at a time..." # for yo in range(0,self.ny,dy): # dy1 = min([dy, self.ny-yo]) # for xo in range(0,self.nx,dx): # dx1 = min([dx, self.nx-xo]) for yo in range(self.ylo, self.yhi, dy): dy1 = min([dy, self.yhi - yo]) for xo in range(self.xlo, self.xhi, dx): dx1 = min([dx, self.xhi - xo]) print "%5d, %5d / (%d x %d)" % (xo, yo, self.nx, self.ny) # print dx, dy, self.nx, self.ny, dx1, dy1 # stamps = self.dataRGB[:,yo:yo+dy,xo:xo+dx] limits = yo, yo + dy, xo, xo + dx stamps = self.loadstamps(limits) im = RGBscale2im(stamps, self.levdict, self.noiselums, self.colorsatfac, self.mode) if and self.showstamps: # print array(stamps).shape, im.size, xo,self.ny-yo-dy1,xo+dx1,self.ny-yo imfull.paste(im, (xo, self.ny - yo - dy1, xo + dx1, self.ny - yo)) # outfile = outname+'.png' outfile = join(self.outdir, self.outfile) if self.legend: self.addlegend(im=imfull) else: print "Saving", outfile, "..." #'.jpg') if self.showimage(outfile, Image) return imfull
def _hackFile(self, phase, options, step, stepoptions): self.log.devdebug("aspect id: %s", self.log.params['AspectId']) self.log.devdebug("options are: %s", str(options)) self.log.devdebug("aspect address: %s", hex(id(self))) self.targetFile = options['file']"Modifying file '%s'", self.targetFile) try: self.isLink = os.path.exists(self.targetFile) \ and os.path.islink(self.targetFile) except: try: subprocess.check_call( ['sudo', 'test', '-L', self.targetFile] ) self.isLink = True except Exception as e:"File '%s' is not a link or could not be queried", self.targetFile) self.log.debug(" Exception: %s: %s", e.__class__.__name__, str(e)) if self.isLink: self.log.debug("'%s' is a link", self.targetFile) try: self.linkPath = os.readlink(self.targetFile) except: try: self.linkPath = subprocess.check_output( ['sudo', 'readlink', self.targetFile] ).strip() except Exception as e:"Link for '%s' could not be resolved", self.targetFile) self.log.debug(" Exception: %s: %s", e.__class__.__name__, str(e)) self.isLink = False dirtolink, _ = os.path.split(self.targetFile) self.originalLink = self.linkPath self.linkPath = os.path.join(dirtolink, self.linkPath) if self.isLink: try: os.unlink(self.targetFile) os.copy(self.linkPath, self.targetFile) except: try: ['sudo', 'unlink', self.targetFile], stdout = self.log.out(), stderr = self.log.err()) subprocess.check_call( ['sudo', 'cp', self.linkPath, self.targetFile], stdout = self.log.out(), stderr = self.log.err()) except Exception as e:"Link for '%s' could not be duplicated to an original file", self.targetFile) self.log.debug(" Exception: %s: %s", e.__class__.__name__, str(e)) ['sudo', 'ln', '-s', self.linkPath, self.targetFile], stdout = self.log.out(), stderr = self.log.err()) self.isLink = False self.tempFile = self.targetFile + ".csmake-TemporaryFileHack-save" if 'temp-file' in options: self.tempFile = options['temp-file']"Saving original file in '%s'", self.tempFile) if os.path.exists(self.tempFile): self.log.warning("The temporary original file already exists") self.log.warning("Not applying this change as it is assumed it is already applied") self.log.passed() return None self.dirpath = os.path.dirname(self.targetFile) if not self._createPathTo(self.dirpath): self.log.error("Create path to directory '%s' failed", self.dirpath) self.dirpath = None self.log.failed() return None #Save the mode string for the dir to restore it on exit if os.path.exists(self.targetFile): self.realFileMode = oct(os.stat(self.targetFile).st_mode & 0777)[1:] self._ensureDirectoryExists(self.tempFile) result = ['sudo', 'chmod', '777', self.targetFile], stdout = self.log.out(), stderr = self.log.err() ) if result != 0: self.log.warning("Attempting to change the mode of the target file failed") shutil.copy2(self.targetFile, self.tempFile) else: #Go ahead and touch the file with file(self.targetFile, 'w') as openTarget: openTarget.write('') if 'replace' in options: return self._replace(options) if 'replace-file' in options: return self._replaceFile(options) if 'patch' in options: return self._applyPatch(options) if 'patch-file' in options: return self._applyPatchFile(options) if 'append' in options: return self._append(options) if 'append-file' in options: return self._appendFile(options) self.log.error("A file hack aspect was specified, but no action option was given") self.log.failed() return False
print 'could not read ' + str(justfilename) + ' for TxtToLines in rputiles' pass return lines ########################## uzipped = TS + 'actant logs' zips = uzipped + '/zipped logs' listz = os.listdir(zips) listu = os.listdir(uzipped) for f in listu: if 'AQTOR' in f: hf = uzipped + '/' + f + '/Data/HyperFeedInstruments.txt' subdir = uzipped + '/' + f sublist = os.listdir(subdir) for filename in sublist: if 'screenshot' in filename: os.copy(subdir + filename, tgt + shortname + shortdate + filename ## print hf shortname = f.split('_')[1] shortdate = (f.split('_')[2])[0:5] ## print shortname, shortdate hstocks = TxtToLines(hf) for lineb in hstocks: if '//' not in lineb: print shortname, shortdate, lineb
print('\n======generate cover page and readme #####################') #disable page number in cover page Popen([ 'pandoc', input_folder + "coverpage.docx", "-o", build_folder + "coverpage.pdf" ]).communicate() Popen(['pandoc', root_folder + "", "-o", build_folder + "Readme.pdf"]).communicate() from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileMerger pdf_files = [ build_folder + "coverpage.pdf", build_folder + "Readme.pdf", merged_filename_base + ".pdf" ] #for f in pdf_files: print(f) merger = PdfFileMerger() for filename in pdf_files: merger.append(PdfFileReader(filename, "rb")) final_output_filename = "../pdf/" + "FreeCAD_Mod_Dev_Guide" + ts + ".pdf" daily_build_filename = "../pdf/" + "FreeCAD_Mod_Dev_Guide" + ".pdf" if os.path.exists(final_output_filename): os.remove(final_output_filename) if os.path.exists(daily_build_filename): os.remove(daily_build_filename) merger.write(final_output_filename) os.copy(final_output_filename, daily_build_filename) print("final merged file: ", final_output_filename) print('====== merge done!================')
from setuptools import setup # Always prefer setuptools over distutils from codecs import open # To use a consistent encoding from os import path here = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) if not path.exists(path.join(here, 'README.rst')): try: import subprocess['pandoc', '--from=markdown', '--to=rst', path.join(here, ''), '--output', path.join(here, 'README.rst')]) except: import os os.copy(path.join(here, ''), path.join(here, 'README.rst')) # Get the long description from the relevant file with open(path.join(here, 'README.rst'), encoding='utf-8') as f: long_description = import version setup( name='openvpn2dns', version=version.STRING, description='DNS server in python serving openvpn status files as dns zones', long_description=long_description,
# any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see <>. # import os import logging ROOT = './' path = ROOT + '/zimu_text' logging.basicConfig(filename='clean_subtitle.log', level=logging.DEBUG) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file_name in files: name, extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) if extension.lower() in ['.txt', '.srt', '.ass', '.ssa', '.lrc']: old_file = root + '/' + file_name new_file = './zimu_cleaned/' + file_name try: os.copy(old_file, new_file) except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e))
os.path.basename(spzip)[:-4]) #Need to specify a compiler, or do the distutils.cfg? #The f2py thing is weird. The script being on the path is #insufficient for the call in wine, but seemed to work on the #XP VM. This should be fixed in the installer.['python', '', 'bdist_wininst', '--f2py=python C:\\\\Python27\\\\Scripts\\\\'], bits=32, cwd=spacepybuild) #Now install it, grab the omni database, run unit tests spinstaller = os.path.basename( sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'dist', 'spacepy-*.exe')))[-1])[spinstaller, '/s'], bits=32, cwd=os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'dist')) #Force the directory for the ".spacepy" file, so can populate it w/OMNI, etc. runner.env[32]['SPACEPY'] = "C:\\spacepy_user" dotspacepy = os.path.join(c, 'spacepy_user', '.spacepy') os.makedirs(dotspacepy) import spacepy #this is in the BUILD environment, not the target! shutil.copytree(os.path.join(spacepy.DOT_FLN, 'data'), os.path.join(dotspacepy, 'data')) retval =['python', ''], bits=32, cwd=os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'tests'))[0] if retval: print('Unit tests failed.') runner.finish(False) else: print('{0} built and tested.'.format(spinstaller)) os.copy(os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'dist', spinstaller), installers) runner.finish(True)
def main(self): runner = Winerunner() self.runner = runner self.download_anaconda() self.install_anaconda()[os.path.join(self.installers, 'ffnet-0.7.1.win32-py2.7.exe'), '/s'], 32) #THIS at least can go unattended[os.path.join(self.installers, 'cdf35_0_2-setup-32.exe'), '/q'], 32) #oh, dear, mingw # #but don't use links in that guide! #Despite what it says, maybe need dev for gmp, mpc, mpfr, zlib? #binutils-2.24-1-mingw32-bin.tar.xz #gcc-core-4.8.1-4-mingw32-bin.tar.lzma #gcc-core-4.8.1-4-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma #gcc-core-4.8.1-4-mingw32-dll.tar.lzma #gcc-fortran-4.8.1-4-mingw32-bin.tar.lzma #gcc-fortran-4.8.1-4-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma #gcc-fortran-4.8.1-4-mingw32-dll.tar.lzma #gettext- #gmp-5.1.2-1-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma #gmp-5.1.2-1-mingw32-dll.tar.lzma #libasprintf- #libgettextpo- #libiconv-1.14-3-mingw32-dll.tar.lzma #libintl- #mingwrt-3.21-mingw32-dev.tar.xz #mingwrt-3.21-mingw32-dll.tar.xz #mpc-1.0.1-2-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma #mpc-1.0.1-2-mingw32-dll.tar.lzma #mpfr-3.1.2-2-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma #mpfr-3.1.2-2-mingw32-dll.tar.lzma #pthreads-w32-2.9.1-1-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma #pthreads-w32-2.9.1-1-mingw32-dll.tar.lzma #w32api-3.17-2-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma #zlib-1.2.8-1-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma #zlib-1.2.8-1-mingw32-dll.tar.lzma c = runner.c_drive(32) mingout = os.path.join(c, 'MinGW') os.mkdir(mingout) mingin = os.path.join(self.installers, 'mingw') for f in os.listdir(mingin): cmd = ['tar', '-C', mingout, '-xf', os.path.join(mingin, f)] subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=runner.logfd, stderr=runner.logfd) #Putting in python scripts dir even though direct call to f2py fails #also apparently the case matters sometimes. runner.reginsert('[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment]\n' '"PATH"="C:\\\\MinGW\\\\bin;C:\\\\Python27;' 'C:\\\\Python27\\\\Scripts"\n') runner.reginsert('[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment]\n' '"Path"="C:\\\\MinGW\\\\bin;C:\\\\Python27;' 'C:\\\\Python27\\\\Scripts"\n') #f2py dies horribly in link if dll's aren't in same place as cc1.exe, as.exe #even though same gcc command line works fine if run by hand. for d in ('libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll', 'libgmp-10.dll', 'libmpc-3.dll', 'libmpfr-4.dll', 'libintl-8.dll', 'libiconv-2.dll', 'zlib1.dll'): shutil.copy(os.path.join(mingout, 'bin', d), os.path.join(mingout, 'libexec', 'gcc', 'mingw32', '4.8.1')) shutil.copy(os.path.join(mingout, 'bin', d), os.path.join(mingout, 'mingw32', 'bin')) spacepybuild = os.path.join(c, 'spacepy') spzip = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.installers, 'spacepy-*.zip')))[-1] subprocess.check_call(['unzip', spzip, '-d', spacepybuild], stdout=runner.logfd, stderr=runner.logfd) spacepybuild = os.path.join(spacepybuild, os.path.basename(spzip)[:-4]) #Need to specify a compiler, or do the distutils.cfg? #The f2py thing is weird. The script being on the path is #insufficient for the call in wine, but seemed to work on the #XP VM. This should be fixed in the installer.['python', '', 'bdist_wininst', '--f2py=python C:\\\\Python27\\\\Scripts\\\\'], bits=32, cwd=spacepybuild) #Now install it, grab the omni database, run unit tests spinstaller = os.path.basename( sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'dist', 'spacepy-*.exe')))[-1])[spinstaller, '/s'], bits=32, cwd=os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'dist')) #Force the directory for the ".spacepy" file, so can populate it w/OMNI, etc. runner.env[32]['SPACEPY'] = "C:\\spacepy_user" dotspacepy = os.path.join(c, 'spacepy_user', '.spacepy') os.makedirs(dotspacepy) import spacepy #this is in the BUILD environment, not the target! shutil.copytree(os.path.join(spacepy.DOT_FLN, 'data'), os.path.join(dotspacepy, 'data')) retval =['python', ''], bits=32, cwd=os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'tests'))[0] if retval: print('Unit tests failed.') runner.finish(False) else: print('{0} built and tested.'.format(spinstaller)) os.copy(os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'dist', spinstaller), self.installers) runner.finish(True)
def main(args): """ Simple function that looks at the arguments passed, checks to make sure everything expected exists, and then defines a validation data set for later processing by and """ args.rootDir = os.path.normpath(args.rootDir) args.outputDir = os.path.normpath(args.outputDir) # ensuring all expected files and directories exist if not os.path.exists(args.rootDir): raise Exception("ERROR: The dir '" + args.rootDir + "' doesn't exist") if not os.path.exists(args.rootDir + "/data"): raise Exception("ERROR: The dir '" + args.rootDir + "/data' doesn't exist") if not os.path.exists(args.rootDir + "/masks"): raise Exception("ERROR: The dir '"+args.rootDir+"/masks' doesn't " + \ "exist") if not os.path.exists(args.rootDir + "/test.txt"): raise Exception("ERROR: The file '"+args.rootDir+"/test.txt' " + \ "doesn't exist") if not os.path.exists(args.rootDir + "/train.txt"): raise Exception("ERROR: The dir '"+args.rootDir+"/train.txt' "+ \ "doesn't exist") # Make all output directories if needed if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir): os.mkdir(args.outputDir) if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir + "/test"): os.mkdir(args.outputDir + "/test") if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir + "/test/data"): os.mkdir(args.outputDir + "/test/data") if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir + "/validate"): os.mkdir(args.outputDir + "/validate") if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir + "/validate/data"): os.mkdir(args.outputDir + "/validate/data") if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir + "/validate/masks"): os.mkdir(args.outputDir + "/validate/masks") if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir + "/train"): os.mkdir(args.outputDir + "/train") if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir + "/train/data"): os.mkdir(args.outputDir + "/train/data") if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir + "/train/masks"): os.mkdir(args.outputDir + "/train/masks") # Read in test and train files testList = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(args.rootDir + "/test.txt")] trainList = [ line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(args.rootDir + "/train.txt") ] # Randomly suffle the train list random.seed(args.randSeed) random.shuffle(trainList) # Copy over all test data for name in testList: print("test: " + name) copy_tree(args.rootDir + "/data/" + name, args.outputDir + "/test/data/" + name) # Copy over validate data for name in trainList[:min(args.validNum, len(trainList))]: print("validate: " + name) copy_tree(args.rootDir+"/data/"+name,args.outputDir+ \ "/validate/data/"+name) os.copy(args.rootDir+"/masks/"+name+".png",args.outputDir+ \ "/validate/masks/"+name+".png") # Copy remaining data to train directory for name in trainList[args.validNum:]: print("train: " + name) copy_tree(args.rootDir+"/data/"+name,args.outputDir+ \ "/train/data/"+name) os.copy(args.rootDir+"/masks/"+name+".png",args.outputDir+ \ "/train/masks/"+name+".png")
def makecolorimage(self): """Make color image (in sections)""" if (self.stampsize == self.samplesize == 0) and self.testfirst: # Already did the full image! print 'Full size image already made.' imfile = self.testimages[-1] outfile = join(self.outdir, self.outfile) if self.deletetests: print 'Renaming to', outfile os.rename(imfile, outfile) else: print 'Copying to', outfile os.copy(imfile, outfile) imfull = return imfull # Clean up: Delete test images if self.deletetests: for testimage in self.testimages: if exists(testimage): os.remove(testimage) dx = dy = self.stampsize if dx * dy == 0: dx = dy = self.maxstampsize imfull =, (self.nx, self.ny)) if self.mode == 'RGB': if self.verbose: print 'Making full color image, one stamp (section) at a time...' elif self.mode == 'L': if self.verbose: print 'Making full grayscale image, one stamp (section) at a time...' for yo in range(self.ylo, self.yhi, dy): dy1 = min([dy, self.yhi - yo]) for xo in range(self.xlo, self.xhi, dx): dx1 = min([dx, self.xhi - xo]) if self.verbose: print '%5d, %5d / (%d x %d)' % (xo, yo, self.nx, self.ny) limits = yo, yo + dy, xo, xo + dx stamps = self.loadstamps(limits) im = RGBscale2im(stamps, self.levdict, self.noiselums, self.colorsatfac, self.mode) if and self.showstamps: imfull.paste(im, (xo, self.ny - yo - dy1, xo + dx1, self.ny - yo)) outfile = join(self.outdir, self.outfile) if self.legend: self.addlegend(im=imfull) else: if self.verbose: print 'Saving', outfile, '...' if self.showimage(outfile, Image) return imfull
最后,看一下os模块的总结 *************************************************************** ''' # 当前执行这个python文件的工作目录相关的工作路径 os.getcwd() #(pwd) 获取当前工作目录,即当前python脚本工作的目录路径 ** os.chdir("dirname") #(cd ) 改变当前脚本工作目录;相当于shell下cd ** os.curdir 返回当前目录: ('.') ** os.pardir 获取当前目录的父目录字符串名:('..') ** # 和文件夹相关 os.makedirs('dirname1/dirname2') #(mkdir -p ) 可生成多层递归目录 *** os.removedirs('dirname1') #(rm -r) 若目录为空,则删除,并递归到上一级目录,如若也为空,则删除,依此类推 *** os.mkdir('dirname') #(mkdir) 生成单级目录;相当于shell中mkdir dirname *** os.rmdir('dirname') #(rmdir) 删除单级空目录,若目录不为空则无法删除,报错;相当于shell中rmdir dirname *** os.listdir('dirname') #(ls -al) 列出指定目录下的所有文件和子目录,包括隐藏文件,并以列表方式打印 ** os.copy('olddir','newdir/newfile') #(cp olddir newdir) #oldfile只能是文件夹,newfile可以是文件,也可以是目标目录 # 和文件相关 os.remove() 删除一个文件 *** os.rename("oldname","newname") 重命名文件/目录 *** os.stat('path/filename') 获取文件/目录信息 ** shutil.copytree("olddir","newdir") #复制文件夹: olddir和newdir都只能是目录,且newdir必须不存在 shutil.move("oldpos","newpos") #移动文件(目录) # 和操作系统差异相关 os.sep #输出操作系统特定的路径分隔符,win下为"\\",Linux下为"/" * os.linesep #输出当前平台使用的行终止符,win下为"\t\n",Linux下为"\n" * os.pathsep #输出用于分割文件路径的字符串 win下为;,Linux下为: * #输出字符串指示当前使用平台。win->'nt'; Linux->'posix' *和执行系统命令相关 # os.system("bash command") #运行shell命令,直接显示 ** # os.popen("bash command").read() # 运行shell命令,获取执行结果 ** os.environ 获取系统环境变量 **
def QMRun(inp, program=setting.qmcode, **kwargs): """ interface to run qmcode with written inp files. It manages to start qmcode in **cwd**, write to output, collect result, clean up scratch, tmp files according to setup. However, each code require different implementation. input: inp(str): path to input file code(str): qmcode to run, default set to setting.qmcode kwargs (optional): threads=n(int): number of threads per job bigmem=Boolean: big memory request, implemented for CPMD and others CPMD: save_restart=Boolean scr=/path/to/scratch """ if 'threads' in kwargs: _threads = kwargs['threads'] else: _threads = 1 if 'bigmem' in kwargs: _bigmem = kwargs['bigmem'] else: if setting.memory > 16: _bigmem = True else: _bigmem = False if 'omp' in kwargs: omp = kwargs['omp'] else: omp = 1 if 'save_restart' in kwargs: _save_restart = kwargs['save_restart'] else: _save_restart = False if 'save_density' in kwargs: _save_density = kwargs['save_density'] else: _save_density = False if 'chdir' in kwargs and kwargs['chdir']: cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(inp) ########################################### # SYSTEM CALL SUBPROCESS: Running mpi job # ########################################### def compute(exestr, outpath, threads_per_job, **kwargs): """ initiate a single MPI job, wait for it, and write to output """ os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(omp) outfile = open(outpath, "w") if threads_per_job > 1: mpi_cmd = "%s %d"% (setting.mpistr, threads_per_job) for mpi_flag in setting.mpi_flags: if mpi_flag == '--cpus-per-proc': flag = mpi_flag + ' ' + str(threads_per_job) else: flag = mpi_flag mpi_cmd = mpi_cmd + ' ' + flag cmd = mpi_cmd + ' ' + exestr else: cmd = exestr ut.progress('', 'running job with command: %s\n' % cmd) run = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=outfile) # wait each mpijob to finish before lauching another # otherwise all mpijobs will be launched simutaniously run.wait() outfile.close() ########## END OF SYSTEM CALL ########## ####################### # CPMD IMPLEMENTATION # ####################### if program.lower() == 'cpmd': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.cpmd_exe if 'scr' in kwargs and kwargs['scr']: scrdir = kwargs['scr'] ut.delete(inpname, 'FILEPATH', 2) ut.insert(inpname, 'CPMD', ' FILEPATH\n %s' % scrdir) inp_list = sorted(glob.glob('*.inp')) for job in inp_list: out = os.path.splitext(job)[0] + '.out' exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, job) compute(exestr, out, _threads) rst_list = sorted(glob.glob('RESTART.*')) if rst_list: rst_n = rst_list[-1] if os.path.exists('RESTART'): os.remove('RESTART'), 'RESTART') final_out = re.sub(r'_[0-9][0-9].out$', '.out', out) if final_out != out: os.copy(out, final_out) # clean up files files = glob.glob('*') tmp = filter(\ lambda x: '.out' not in x \ and '.inp' not in x\ and '.psp' not in x\ and '.xyz' not in x\ and 'KPTS_GENERATION' not in x\ and 'RESTART' not in x\ and 'DENSITY' not in x\ and 'SPINDEN' not in x, files ) for f in tmp: os.remove(f) if not _save_restart: rst_list = glob.glob("RESTART*") for rfile in rst_list: os.remove(rfile) densities = glob.glob('*DEN*') for i in range(len(densities)): exe = setting.cpmd_cpmd2cube_exe log_name = densities[i] + '_%02d.log' % i log = open(log_name, 'w') run = sp.Popen("%s -fullmesh %s" % (exe, densities[i]), shell=True, stdout=log) run.wait() log.close() if os.path.exists(out): qio_out = qio.QMOut(out, program='cpmd') else: qio_out = None ####################### # VASP IMPLEMENTATION # ####################### elif program.lower() == 'vasp': if 'exe' in kwargs: exestr = kwargs['exe'] else: exestr = setting.vasp_exe qmoutput = inp + '.out' qmlog = inp + '.log' compute(exestr, qmoutput, _threads) qio_out = qio.QMOut('vasprun.xml', program='vasp') if not _save_restart: try: os.remove('WAVECAR') except: pass try: os.remove('POTCAR') except: pass os.rename(qmoutput, qmlog) shutil.copyfile('vasprun.xml', qmoutput) ######################### # NWChem IMPLEMENTATION # ######################### elif program.lower() == 'nwchem': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.nwchem_exe exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, inp) qmoutput = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] + '.out' compute(exestr, qmoutput, _threads) qio_out = qio.QMOut(qmoutput, program='nwchem') files = glob.glob('*.*') tmp = filter(\ lambda x: '.out' not in x \ and '.inp' not in x\ and '.cube' not in x\ and '.movecs' not in x, files ) for f in tmp: os.remove(f) movecs = glob.glob('*.movecs') for f in movecs: exe = setting.nwchem_mov2asc_exe nb = qio_out.n_basis out = re.sub('\.movecs','.modat',f) exestr = "%s %d %s %s" % (exe, nb, f, out) run = sp.Popen(exestr, shell=True) run.wait() qio_out.getMO(out) if not _save_restart: os.remove(f) ######################### # BigDFT IMPLEMENTATION # ######################### elif program.lower() == 'bigdft': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.bigdft_exe inp = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, inp) qmoutput = inp + '.out' compute(exestr, qmoutput, _threads) qio_out = qio.QMOut(qmoutput, program='bigdft') ######################### # Abinit IMPLEMENTATION # ######################### elif program.lower() == 'abinit': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.abinit_exe inp = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] exestr = "%s < %s" % (exe, inp + '.files') qmlog = inp + '.log' qmoutput = inp + '.out' compute(exestr, qmlog, _threads) qio_out = qio.QMOut(qmoutput, program='abinit') # clean up files files = glob.glob('*') tmp = filter(\ lambda x: '.out' not in x \ and '.log' not in x\ and '.inp' not in x\ and '.files' not in x\ and 'psp' not in x\ and '_EIG' not in x\ and '_WFK' not in x\ and '_DEN' not in x, files ) for f in tmp: os.remove(f) if not _save_restart: for rst in glob.glob('*_WFK'): os.remove(rst) if not _save_density: for den in glob.glob('*_DEN'): os.remove(den) ############################# # Gaussian09 IMPLEMENTATION # ############################# elif program.lower() == 'gaussian': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.gaussian_exe exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, inp) qmoutput = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] + '.out' qmlog = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] + '.log' compute(exestr, qmoutput, _threads) os.rename(qmlog, qmoutput) chks = glob.glob('*.chk') for chk in chks: exe = setting.gaussian_formchk_exe exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, chk) run = sp.Popen(exestr, shell=True) run.wait() qio_out = qio.QMOut(qmoutput, program='gaussian') ################################## # QuantumESPRESSO IMPLEMENTATION # ################################## elif program.lower() == 'espresso': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.espresso_exe inp_list = sorted(glob.glob('*.inp')) for job in inp_list: out = os.path.splitext(job)[0] + '.out' exestr = "%s < %s" % (exe, job) compute(exestr, out, _threads) qio_out = qio.QMOut(out, program='espresso') if not _save_restart: rst_list = glob.glob("*.wfc*") rst_list.extend(glob.glob("*.restart_*")) else: rst_list = [] for r in rst_list: os.remove(r) ######################### # GAMESS IMPLEMENTATION # ######################### elif program.lower() == 'gamess': ut.exit("ERROR! program '%s' not implemented" % program) # and others... # else: ut.exit("ERROR! program '%s' not recognized" % program) if 'cwd' in locals(): os.chdir(cwd) return qio_out
os.mkdir(work_dir) JOB_NAME=name RANDOM_SEED=random_seed EVENT_NUMBER=event_number ENERGY=energy RUN_NUMBER=run_number #Do substitution for required value configure(template_dir+"/template_sim.cfg", work_dir+"/"+name+"_sim.cfg", JOB_NAME, ENERGY, RANDOM_SEED, EVENT_NUMBER, RUN_NUMBER) configure(template_dir+"/template_rec.cfg", work_dir+"/"+name+"_rec.cfg", JOB_NAME, ENERGY, RANDOM_SEED, EVENT_NUMBER, RUN_NUMBER) configure(template_dir+"/template_ana.cfg", work_dir+"/"+name+"_ana.cfg", JOB_NAME, ENERGY, RANDOM_SEED, EVENT_NUMBER, RUN_NUMBER) configure(template_dir+"/common_sim.cfg", work_dir+"/common_sim.cfg", JOB_NAME, ENERGY, RANDOM_SEED, EVENT_NUMBER, RUN_NUMBER) configure(template_dir+"/pbsjobs", work_dir+"/pbsjobs", JOB_NAME, ENERGY, RANDOM_SEED, EVENT_NUMBER, RUN_NUMBER) print "Starting the "+PBS_QUEUE+" job " + name #os.system("qsub "+work_dir+"/pbsjobs") #end of do_mc function def copy_template(sdir, tdir, prefix) os.copy(sdir+"/template_sim.cfg", tdir+"/"+prefix+"_sim.cfg") os.copy(sdir+"/template_rec.cfg", tdir+"/"+prefix+"_rec.cfg") os.copy(sdir+"/template_ana.cfg", tdir+"/"+prefix+"_ana.cfg") N=50000 jobs = 20 #for job in range(1,jobs+1): # do_mc(1777, N, job, "-20334, -20335, -20339, -20336") print rundir print scriptdir print templatedir
#XP VM. This should be fixed in the installer.[ 'python', '', 'bdist_wininst', '--f2py=python C:\\\\Python27\\\\Scripts\\\\' ], bits=32, cwd=spacepybuild) #Now install it, grab the omni database, run unit tests spinstaller = os.path.basename( sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'dist', 'spacepy-*.exe')))[-1])[spinstaller, '/s'], bits=32, cwd=os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'dist')) #Force the directory for the ".spacepy" file, so can populate it w/OMNI, etc. runner.env[32]['SPACEPY'] = "C:\\spacepy_user" dotspacepy = os.path.join(c, 'spacepy_user', '.spacepy') os.makedirs(dotspacepy) import spacepy #this is in the BUILD environment, not the target! shutil.copytree(os.path.join(spacepy.DOT_FLN, 'data'), os.path.join(dotspacepy, 'data')) retval =['python', ''], bits=32, cwd=os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'tests'))[0] if retval: print('Unit tests failed.') runner.finish(False) else: print('{0} built and tested.'.format(spinstaller)) os.copy(os.path.join(spacepybuild, 'dist', spinstaller), installers) runner.finish(True)
def copy_file(self,src,dst): try: os.copy(src, dst) except IOError, e: logging.error(e)
def QMRun(inp, program=setting.qmcode, **kwargs): """ interface to run qmcode with written inp files. It manages to start qmcode in **cwd**, write to output, collect result, clean up scratch, tmp files according to setup. However, each code require different implementation. input: inp(str): path to input file code(str): qmcode to run, default set to setting.qmcode kwargs (optional): threads=n(int): number of threads per job bigmem=Boolean: big memory request, implemented for CPMD and others CPMD: save_restart=Boolean scr=/path/to/scratch """ if 'threads' in kwargs: _threads = kwargs['threads'] else: _threads = 1 if 'bigmem' in kwargs: _bigmem = kwargs['bigmem'] else: if setting.memory > 16: _bigmem = True else: _bigmem = False if 'omp' in kwargs: omp = kwargs['omp'] else: omp = 1 if 'save_restart' in kwargs: _save_restart = kwargs['save_restart'] else: _save_restart = False if 'save_density' in kwargs: _save_density = kwargs['save_density'] else: _save_density = False if 'chdir' in kwargs and kwargs['chdir']\ or 'run_dir' in kwargs and kwargs['run_dir']: dest_dir = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dest_dir) ########################################### # SYSTEM CALL SUBPROCESS: Running mpi job # ########################################### def compute(exestr, outpath, threads_per_job, **kwargs): """ initiate a single MPI job, wait for it, and write to output """ os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(omp) outfile = open(outpath, "w") if threads_per_job > 1: mpi_cmd = "%s %d" % (setting.mpistr, threads_per_job) for mpi_flag in setting.mpi_flags: if mpi_flag == '--cpus-per-proc': flag = mpi_flag + ' ' + str(threads_per_job) else: flag = mpi_flag mpi_cmd = mpi_cmd + ' ' + flag cmd = mpi_cmd + ' ' + exestr else: cmd = exestr ut.progress('', 'running job with command: %s\n' % cmd) if 'env' in kwargs: run = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=outfile, env=kwargs['env']) else: run = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=outfile) # wait each mpijob to finish before lauching another # otherwise all mpijobs will be launched simutaniously run.wait() outfile.close() ########## END OF SYSTEM CALL ########## ################################# # SYSTEM CALL for post analysis # ################################# def sys_run(cmd_str, log_file=None): if log_file: log = open(log_file, 'w') try: qtk.progress("QMRun", cmd_str) if log_file: run = sp.Popen(cmd_str, shell=True, stdout=log) else: run = sp.Popen(cmd_str, shell=True) run.wait() except Exception as err: qtk.warning('%s failed with error: %s' % (cmd_str, err)) if log_file: log.close() ########## END OF SYSTEM CALL ########## ####################### # CPMD IMPLEMENTATION # ####################### if program.lower() == 'cpmd': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.cpmd_exe if 'scr' in kwargs and kwargs['scr']: scrdir = kwargs['scr'] ut.delete(inpname, 'FILEPATH', 2) ut.insert(inpname, 'CPMD', ' FILEPATH\n %s' % scrdir) inp_list = sorted(glob.glob('*.inp')) for job in inp_list: out = os.path.splitext(job)[0] + '.out' exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, job) compute(exestr, out, _threads) if (len(inp_list) > 1): rst_list = sorted(glob.glob('RESTART.*')) if rst_list: rst_n = rst_list[-1] if os.path.exists('RESTART'): os.remove('RESTART'), 'RESTART') final_out = re.sub(r'_[0-9][0-9].out$', '.out', out) if final_out != out: os.copy(out, final_out) # clean up files files = sorted(glob.glob('*')) tmp = filter(\ lambda x: '.out' not in x \ and '.inp' not in x\ and '.psp' not in x\ and '.xyz' not in x\ and 'KPTS_GENERATION' not in x\ and 'RESTART' not in x\ and 'DENSITY' not in x\ and 'SPINDEN' not in x, files ) for f in tmp: os.remove(f) if not _save_restart: rst_list = sorted(glob.glob("RESTART*")) for rfile in rst_list: os.remove(rfile) densities = sorted(glob.glob('*DEN*')) for i in range(len(densities)): exe = setting.cpmd_cpmd2cube_exe cmd = "%s -fullmesh %s" % (exe, densities[i]) log_name = densities[i] + '_%02d.log' % i sys_run(cmd, log_name) #log = open(log_name, 'w') #try: # run = sp.Popen("%s -fullmesh %s" % (exe, densities[i]), # shell=True, # stdout=log) # run.wait() #except Exception as err: # qtk.warning('%s failed with error: %s' % (exe, err)) #log.close() if os.path.exists(out): qio_out = qio.QMOut(out, program='cpmd') else: qio_out = None ####################### # VASP IMPLEMENTATION # ####################### elif program.lower() == 'vasp': if 'exe' in kwargs: exestr = kwargs['exe'] else: exestr = setting.vasp_exe qmoutput = inp + '.out' qmlog = inp + '.log' compute(exestr, qmoutput, _threads) qio_out = qio.QMOut('vasprun.xml', program='vasp') if not _save_restart: try: os.remove('WAVECAR') except: pass try: os.remove('POTCAR') except: pass os.rename(qmoutput, qmlog) shutil.copyfile('vasprun.xml', qmoutput) ######################### # NWChem IMPLEMENTATION # ######################### elif program.lower() == 'nwchem': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.nwchem_exe exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, inp) qmoutput = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] + '.out' compute(exestr, qmoutput, _threads) qio_out = qio.QMOut(qmoutput, program='nwchem') files = sorted(glob.glob('*.*')) tmp = filter(\ lambda x: '.out' not in x \ and '.inp' not in x\ and '.cube' not in x\ and '.movecs' not in x, files ) for f in tmp: os.remove(f) movecs = sorted(glob.glob('*.movecs')) for f in movecs: exe = setting.nwchem_mov2asc_exe nb = qio_out.n_basis out = re.sub('\.movecs', '.modat', f) exestr = "%s %d %s %s" % (exe, nb, f, out) sys_run(exestr) #try: # run = sp.Popen(exestr, shell=True) # run.wait() # qio_out.getMO(out) #except Exception as err: # qtk.warning('%s failed with error: %s' % (exe, err)) if not _save_restart: os.remove(f) ######################### # BigDFT IMPLEMENTATION # ######################### elif program.lower() == 'bigdft': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.bigdft_exe env = os.environ.copy() inp = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, inp) qmoutput = inp + '.out' qmlog = 'log-%s.yaml' % inp compute(exestr, qmoutput, _threads, env=env) qio_out = qio.QMOut(qmlog, program='bigdft') ######################### # Abinit IMPLEMENTATION # ######################### elif program.lower() == 'abinit': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.abinit_exe inp = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] exestr = "%s < %s" % (exe, inp + '.files') qmlog = inp + '.log' qmoutput = inp + '.out' compute(exestr, qmlog, _threads) # unfold bandstructure if 'unfold' in kwargs and kwargs['unfold']: folds = kwargs['unfold'] exe = setting.abinit_f2b_exe wfk_list = sorted(glob.glob("*_WFK")) if len(wfk_list) > 0: wfk = wfk_list[-1] qtk.progress("QMRun", "linking wfk file %s to unfold_WFK" % wfk), 'unfold_WFK') wfk_root = wfk.replace('_WFK', '') log_name = '%s_f2b.log' % wfk_root fold_str = [str(f) for f in folds] cmd_str = "%s unfold_WFK %s" % (exe, ':'.join(fold_str)) sys_run(cmd_str, log_name) qtk.progress("QMRun", "Done, remove unfold_WFK") os.remove('unfold_WFK') #try: # qtk.progress("QMRun", cmd_str) # run = sp.Popen(cmd_str, shell=True, stdout=log) # run.wait() #except Exception as err: # qtk.warning('%s failed with error: %s' % (exe, err)) #log.close() else: qtk.warning('unfolding but no wavefunction file found...') if 'unfold_cleanup' in kwargs and kwargs['unfold_cleanup']: qtk.progress("QMRun", "deleting all WFK files") for wfk in sorted(glob.glob("*_WFK")): os.remove(wfk) # clean up files files = sorted(glob.glob('*')) tmp = filter(\ lambda x: '.out' not in x \ and '.f2b' not in x\ and '.log' not in x\ and '.inp' not in x\ and '.files' not in x\ and 'psp' not in x\ and '_EIG' not in x\ and '_WFK' not in x\ and '_DOS' not in x\ and '_DEN' not in x, files ) for f in tmp: os.remove(f) if not _save_restart: for rst in sorted(glob.glob('*_WFK')): os.remove(rst) if not _save_density: for den in sorted(glob.glob('*_DEN')): os.remove(den) densities = sorted(glob.glob('*_DEN')) if len(densities) > 0: i = len(densities) - 1 exe = setting.abinit_cut3d_exe #den_inp = densities[i] + '.cov' den_inp = densities[-1] + '.cov' cube_file = inp + '.cube' den_inp_file = open(den_inp, 'wb') den_inp_file.write("%s\n14\n%s\n0" % (densities[i], cube_file)) den_inp_file.close() log_name = densities[i] + '.log' cmd = "%s < %s" % (exe, den_inp) sys_run(cmd, log_name) #log = open(log_name, 'w') #try: # run = sp.Popen("%s < %s" % (exe, den_inp), # shell=True, # stdout=log) # run.wait() #except Exception as err: # qtk.warning('%s failed with error: %s' % (exe, err)) #log.close() qio_out = qtk.QMOut(qmoutput, program='abinit') ############################# # Gaussian09 IMPLEMENTATION # ############################# elif program.lower() == 'gaussian': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.gaussian_exe exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, inp) qmoutput = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] + '.out' qmlog = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] + '.log' compute(exestr, qmoutput, _threads) os.rename(qmlog, qmoutput) chks = sorted(glob.glob('*.chk')) for chk in chks: exe = setting.gaussian_formchk_exe exestr = "%s %s" % (exe, chk) sys_run(exestr) #run = sp.Popen(exestr, shell=True) #run.wait() if _save_density: fchk = sorted(glob.glob("*.fchk"))[-1] q = qtk.CUBE(fchk) qio_out = qio.QMOut(qmoutput, program='gaussian') ################################## # QuantumESPRESSO IMPLEMENTATION # ################################## elif program.lower() == 'espresso': if 'exe' in kwargs: exe = kwargs['exe'] else: exe = setting.espresso_exe inp_list = sorted(glob.glob('*.inp')) for job in inp_list: out = os.path.splitext(job)[0] + '.out' exestr = "%s < %s" % (exe, job) compute(exestr, out, _threads) qio_out = qio.QMOut(out, program='espresso') if not _save_restart: rst_list = sorted(glob.glob("*.wfc*")) rst_list.extend(sorted(glob.glob("*.restart_*"))) else: rst_list = [] for r in rst_list: os.remove(r) ######################### # GAMESS IMPLEMENTATION # ######################### elif program.lower() == 'gamess': ut.exit("ERROR! program '%s' not implemented" % program) # and others... # else: ut.exit("ERROR! program '%s' not recognized" % program) if 'cwd' in locals(): os.chdir(cwd) qio_out.path = inp return qio_out
tracks = test_db.get_tracks() tracks.sort() assert tracks == music_files test_db.set_uploaded(music_files[0]) tracks = test_db.get_tracks() tracks.sort() assert tracks == music_files[1:] del test_db test_db = db.DB(db_path) test_db.set_uploaded(music_files[1]) tracks = test_db.get_tracks() tracks.sort() assert tracks == music_files[2:] assert test_db.total_uploaded_tracks() == 2 os.mkdir(db_dir_path) for database in databases: os.copy(database, db_dir_path) try: test_new_db() finally: for dbname in os.listdir(db_dir_path): filename = os.path.join(db_dir_path, dbname) os.remove(filename) os.rmdir(db_dir_path)