コード例 #1
ファイル: syncing.py プロジェクト: wuzzapcom/syncing_script
def recursive_checking_files(current_way, original_folder, local_syncing_folder):
	files = os.listdir(current_way)
	for i in files:
		if os.path.isdir(current_way + '/' + i):
			recursive_checking_files(current_way + '/' + i, original_folder, local_syncing_folder)
		elif os.path.isfile(current_way + '/' + i):
			folder_from_syncing = search_in_syncing(local_syncing_folder, current_way + '/' + i)
			if folder_from_syncing:
				if os.getmtime(folder_from_syncing + i) < os.getmtime(current_way + '/' + i):
					shutil.copy2(current_way + '/' + i, folder_from_syncing + i)
					are_there_copied_files = True
				folders = current_way.split('/')
				new_path = local_syncing_folder
				for folder in folders:
					if folder not in original_folder:
						new_path += '/'
						new_path += folder
				if not os.path.exists(new_path):
				shutil.copy2(current_way + '/' + i, new_path)
				are_there_copied_files = True
コード例 #2
def handlereq(req, root):
    global mimetype
    code = req.split('\n')[0]
    print("code start")
    print("code end")
    headers = parseheaders(req)
    for h, v in headers.items():
        print("{} => {}".format(h, v))
    if code != "GET":
        response = "HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed\n" + formatdate()
        for file in code.split():
            if (file.startswith("/")):
                reqfile = root + file
        print("reqfile is")
        print("reqfile end")
        if (reqfile.endswith("html")):
            mimetype = content["html"]
        elif (reqfile.endswith("css")):
            mimetype = content["css"]
        elif (reqfile.endswith("gif")):
            mimetype = content["gif"]
        elif (reqfile.endswith("png")):
            mimetype = content["png"]
        elif (reqfile.endswith("jpg") or reqfile.endswith("jpeg")):
            mimetype = content["jpg"]
        elif (reqfile.endswith("js")):
            mimetype = content["js"]
        ctype = "Content-Type: " + mimetype + "\n"
        contentlength = "Content-Length: " + str(
            os.path.getsize(reqfile)) + "\n"
        if "If-Modified-Since" in headers:
            headertime = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            filetime = datetime.datetime(os.getmtime(reqfile))
            if headertime > filetime:
                response = "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified\n" + formatdate()
        with open(reqfile, 'rb') as f:
            respheader = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n" + formatdate(
            ) + ctype + contentlength + "\n\n"
            return bytes(respheader, 'UTF-8') + f.read()
    except IOError:
        respheader = "HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found\n" + "Date: " + date.strftime(
            datetime.datetime.now(), timeformat) + "\n\n"
        return bytes(respheader, 'UTF-8')
コード例 #3
ファイル: animator.py プロジェクト: leogermond/FreeGameTools
    def reload_files(self):
        """ Lit le dossier et recharge les images qui ont changé """
        import os
        import time
        from glob import glob  # On importe la fonction 'glob' depuis le module 'glob'

        self.images = []  # On vide les images
        for filename in glob("{0}/*.[pP][nN][gG]".format(self.images_path)):
            # Pour chaque image trouvée dans le dossier
            # On relit l'image si elle a été modifiée dans la seconde
            if not filename in self.images or time.time() - os.getmtime(filename):
                try:  # Utilisé pour gérer les erreurs (appellées "exceptions")
                    image = pygame.image.load(filename).convert()  # On la charge depuis le disque
                    if self.scale > 1:  # On redimensionne l'image
                        # On redimensionne en gardant les proportions de l'image
                        width = image.get_width() * self.scale
                        height = image.get_height() * self.scale
                        image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (width, height))

                    self.images.append(image)  # On l'ajoute à la liste des images
                except:  # Au cas ou une erreur à eu lieue depuis le try, on se retrouve la
                    pass  # On ignore l'erreur (par exemple: image illisible ...)
コード例 #4
 def restore_from_directories(self):
     as our heartbeat server has been down, there's no accurate way
     to set the heartbeat times, so we just use the current time, and
     hope for an update from the process before the heartbeat timeout
     if os.path.isdir(self.server_pid_dir):
         for file in os.listdir(self.server_pid_dir):
             with open(os.path.join(self.server_pid_dir, file)) as f:
                 (pid, pgid) = f.readline().strip().split()
             if pid and pgid:
                 self.server_job_list[file] = [time.time(), pid, pgid, None]
     # for finished proceses, though, we use the exit file time
     if os.path.isdir(self.server_exitrc_dir):
         for file in os.listdir(self.server_exitrc_dir):
             fn = os.path.join(self.server_exitrc_dir, file)
             with open(fn) as f:
                 rc = f.readline().strip()
             if rc:
                 if file in self.server_job_list:
                     self.server_job_list[file][0] = os.path.getmtime(fn)
                     self.server_job_list[file][3] = rc
                     self.server_job_list[file] = [os.getmtime(fn), None, None, rc]
コード例 #5
ファイル: checkdata.py プロジェクト: IST402PSUABT5/PyScripts
#Author: Nick Blair
#Purpose: Provide logging to the database when user has logged in and when they chagned script files
#This will log the entries when the admin has signed on and when he has modified files. This will be logged to a MYSQL database
import datetime,os as p,MySQLdb as sql,sys,platform,time
#This is importing the needed functions for python to execute and log to database
conn = None #Will set the connection value default to none
username =  p.getlogin()#grabs who the user is currently logged in on the terminal
userlog = get_nix_login_time()#grabs current login time#This doesn't work need work around
filearray  = [('/home/user/scripts/lanfilecheck.py'),('/home/user/scripts/wanfilecheck.py'),('/home/user/scripts/pymountmv.py')]#aray of files that will be checked
filetime = p.getmtime(filearray)#checks the files in the array for the time of each
curtime =time.time()#This reads out all the times
timelasped = filetime - curtime# checks to see if time elapsed or not for file change
isttimelaspe = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timelasped.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))#This will convert the unix epoch(seconds) time to readable time
for x in filearray:
 if x == timelasped:
  x = filename

 conn = sql.connect("cloud","root","root","logdb")#will connect to the MySQL database
 cur = db.cursor()#
#logger is a insert variable that will insert large values extracted from python into the mysql table 
 cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS logs")

 if timelasped > 0:
  cur.execute( 'INSERT INTO logs VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)',(username,filename,userlog,isttimelaspe))
 cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM logs')
 res = cur.fetchall()
 with open ('dblog.txt','w') as l: