def file_make(path): os.chdir(path) try: print "Begin make and make install on the path %s" % path os_cmd('make && make install') except OSError as e: print "Something wrong during make the soft" print >>sys.stderr, "Execution Failed!", e
def file_config(path, prefix, *options): ''' It configure the soft in general way : ./configure --prefix='prefix' 'options' or ./config --prefix='prefix' 'options' or -cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='prefix' 'options' on the 'path' The options can be strings like '--some-option=xxx --some-option=xxx' or can be the args like '--some-option=xxx','-some-options=xxx' ''' config_cmd = ['./configure', './config'] # del the ' ' in the options options = ' '.join(options) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, config_cmd[0].strip('./'))): con_list = [config_cmd[0] , '--prefix=%s' % prefix, options] con = ' '.join(con_list) os.chdir(path) os_cmd(con) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, config_cmd[1].strip('./'))): con_list = [config_cmd[1], '--prefix=%s' % prefix, options] con = ' '.join(con_list) os.chdir(path) os_cmd(con) else: cmake_cmd = '/opt/lnmp/app/init/bin/cmake' if os.path.exists(cmake_cmd): con_list = [cmake_cmd, '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % prefix, options] con = ' '.join(con_list) os.chdir(path) os_cmd(con) else: print "You need to install cmake !"
def apt_install(self, soft): ''' It will install soft with apt command on the ubuntu ''' try: print 'I will begin to install %s on the system !' % soft os_cmd('apt-get install -y %s' % soft) print 'The install operation complete !' os_cmd('apt-get -fy install') os_cmd('apt-get -y autoremove') except OSError as e : print >>sys.stderr, "Execution Falied: ", e
def apt_update(self): ''' Executed the 'apt-get update' 'apt-get upgrade -y' on the ubuntu system ''' os_cmd('apt-get update') os_cmd('apt-get -y upgrade')