def cmd_created_in_last(self, params, team_id=None, channel=None): elk_to_slack = ELK_to_Slack() if len(params) < 2: text = ":exclamation: you must provide an start date. You can use `1d`,`1w`,`1y` (d=day, w=week, y=year" return {"text": text, "attachments": []} from_date = params.pop() issues = API_Issues().issues_created_in_last(from_date) issues_text = elk_to_slack.get_text_with_issues_key_and_summary(issues) graph_name = elk_to_slack.save_issues_as_new_graph(issues) text = elk_to_slack.get_slack_message(issues, graph_name) max_table = 100 if len(issues) < max_table: text += "\n (Since there are less than {0} results also showing table with data)".format( max_table) self.cmd_table(["table", graph_name], team_id, channel) return { "text": text, "attachments": [{ 'text': issues_text, 'color': 'good' }] }
def cmd_created_between(self, params, team_id=None, channel=None): elk_to_slack = ELK_to_Slack() if len(params) < 3: text = ":exclamation: you must provide an start and end date. You can use `1d`,`1w`,`1y` (d=day, w=week, y=year" text += "\nTry `now-1d` and `now`" return {"text": text, "attachments": []} to_date = params.pop() from_date = params.pop() try: issues = API_Issues().elastic().get_data_between_dates( "Created", from_date, to_date) issues_text = elk_to_slack.get_text_with_issues_key_and_summary( issues) graph_name = elk_to_slack.save_issues_as_new_graph(issues) text = elk_to_slack.get_slack_message(issues, graph_name) min_table = 100 max_table = 100 if min_table < len(issues) < max_table: text += "\n (Since there are less than {0} (and more than {1}) results also showing table with data)".format( max_table, min_table) self.cmd_table(["table", graph_name], team_id, channel) return { "text": text, "attachments": [{ 'text': issues_text, 'color': 'good' }] } except Exception as error: text = "Error in cmd_created_between: {0}".format(error) return {"text": text, "attachments": []}
def return_search_results(self, query): query = query.replace('+', ' ') max_show = 100 issues = ELK_to_Slack().cmd_search(query.split(' ')) count = len(issues) options = [] if count > max_show: options.append({ 'text': '[{0} matches, showing first {1}]'.format(count, max_show), 'value': 'NA' }) else: options.append({ 'text': '[{0} matches]'.format(count), 'value': 'NA' }) options.append({ 'text': '------------------------------', 'value': 'NA' }) issues = issues[0:max_show] items = {} for issue in issues: text = "{1}: {0}".format(issue.get('Summary'), issue.get('Issue Type')) items[text] = issue.get('Key') for text in sorted(items.keys()): options.append({'text': text, 'value': items[text]}) return {"options": options}
def __init__(self): self.lambda_graph = Lambda('osbot_jira.lambdas.graph') self.api_issues = API_Issues() self.gs_bot_jira = GS_Bot_Jira() self.graph_commands = Lambda_Graph_Commands() self.elk_to_slack = ELK_to_Slack()
class Jp_Graph_Data: def __init__(self): self.lambda_graph = Lambda('osbot_jira.lambdas.graph') self.api_issues = API_Issues() self.gs_bot_jira = GS_Bot_Jira() self.graph_commands = Lambda_Graph_Commands() self.elk_to_slack = ELK_to_Slack() def lambda_invoke(self, params): result = self.lambda_graph.invoke({'params': params, 'data': {}}) return json_loads(result) def issue(self, issue_id): return self.api_issues.issue(issue_id) def issues(self, issue_id): return self.api_issues.issues(issue_id) def jira_links(self, source, depth=1): params = ['links', source, depth] return self.gs_bot_jira.cmd_links(params, save_graph=False) def jira_search(self, query): params = query.split(' ') query = self.elk_to_slack.get_search_query(params) return self.api_issues.search_using_lucene(query) def graph_expand(self, source, depth, link_types): params = [source, depth, link_types] return self.graph_commands.expand(params=params, save_graph=False) #data = json..invoke(params)) #nodes = data.get('nodes') #edges = data.get('edges') def draw_graph(self, graph): nodes = graph.nodes edges = graph.edges import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt size = 40 plt.figure(figsize=(size, size)) G = nx.DiGraph() for node in nodes: G.add_node(node) for edge in edges: G.add_edge(edge[0], edge[2], label=edge[1]) edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'label') # pos = nx.spring_layout(G) # pos=nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(G,prog='dot') pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(G) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_shape='', node_size=100) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size=16) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos=pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size=10)
def setUp(self): self.elk_to_slack = ELK_to_Slack() self._lambda = Lambda("osbot_jira.lambdas.elk_to_slack")
class Test_ELK_to_Slack(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.elk_to_slack = ELK_to_Slack() self._lambda = Lambda("osbot_jira.lambdas.elk_to_slack") # def test_update_lambda(self): # Lambda("").update_with_src() # #Lambda('osbot_jira.lambdas.jira').update_with_src() def test_cmd_search(self): params = ['Issue\ Type:"Security Controls"'] user = '******' channel = 'DDKUZTK6X' assert len(self.elk_to_slack.cmd_search(params, user, channel)) > 10 def test_cmd_search___people(self): params = ['people', 'dinis'] assert self.elk_to_slack.cmd_search(params)[0].get('Key') == 'GSP-95' def test_cmd_search__no_params(self): params = [] response = self.elk_to_slack.cmd_search(params) #Dev.print(response) def test_cmd_search__view_handle_lambda_event(self): params = { 'params': ['search', '"GSOKR-924"'], 'user': '******', 'channel': 'DDKUZTK6X' } #Dev.pprint(self.elk_to_slack.handle_lambda_event(params)) def test_get_search_query(self): assert self.elk_to_slack.get_search_query([]) == '' assert self.elk_to_slack.get_search_query( ['people', '123']) == 'Issue\\ Type:People AND Summary:123' assert self.elk_to_slack.get_search_query(['aaa', '123']) == 'aaa 123' def test__lambda_update_invoke(self): params = { 'params': ['search', 'project:RISK', 'and', 'Status=Open'], 'user': '******', 'channel': 'DDKUZTK6X' } result = self._lambda.invoke(params) #Dev.pprint(result) def test__cmd_search__via_lambda(self): query = ['Project:RISK', 'AND', 'Status:Open'] payload = {"params": ["search"] + query, "channel": "DDKUZTK6X"} result = self._lambda.invoke(payload) assert len(result) > 12 def test__cmd_search__via_lambda___Epic_issue(self): query = ['"GSOKR-924"'] payload = {"params": ["search"] + query, "channel": "DDKUZTK6X"} result = self._lambda.invoke(payload) assert len(result) > 12 # def test__cmd_search_graph__via_lambda(self): # # query = ['Labels:R1'] # payload = {"params": ["search-graph"] + query, "channel": "DDKUZTK6X"} # # result = self._lambda.invoke(payload) # Dev.pprint(result) # #assert result is None def test___cmd_search_graph__send_results_to_Lambda(self): slack_cmd = 'links RISK-1534,RISK-1496,RISK-1498,RISK-1494,RISK-1592,RISK-1495 down 1' params = slack_cmd.split(' ') user_id = None channel = 'DDKUZTK6X' result = Lambda('osbot_jira.lambdas.jira').invoke({ "params": params, "user": user_id, "channel": channel }) ##Dev.pprint(result) slack_message(result.get('text'), result.get('attachments'), channel) def test_bug_in_search(self): query = ['"Epic Link":“SEC-9700”'] payload = {"params": ["search"] + query} result = self._lambda.invoke(payload)