コード例 #1
class AbstractBasket(models.Model):
    Basket object
    # Baskets can be anonymously owned - hence this field is nullable.  When a
    # anon user signs in, their two baskets are merged.
    owner = models.ForeignKey('auth.User',

    # Basket statuses
    # - Frozen is for when a basket is in the process of being submitted
    #   and we need to prevent any changes to it.
    OPEN, MERGED, SAVED, FROZEN, SUBMITTED = ("Open", "Merged", "Saved",
                                              "Frozen", "Submitted")
        (OPEN, _("Open - currently active")),
        (MERGED, _("Merged - superceded by another basket")),
        (SAVED, _("Saved - for items to be purchased later")),
        (FROZEN, _("Frozen - the basket cannot be modified")),
        (SUBMITTED, _("Submitted - has been ordered at the checkout")),
    status = models.CharField(_("Status"),

    # A basket can have many vouchers attached to it.  However, it is common
    # for sites to only allow one voucher per basket - this will need to be
    # enforced in the project's codebase.
    vouchers = models.ManyToManyField('voucher.Voucher',

    date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date created"), auto_now_add=True)
    date_merged = models.DateTimeField(_("Date merged"), null=True, blank=True)
    date_submitted = models.DateTimeField(_("Date submitted"),

    # Only if a basket is in one of these statuses can it be edited
    editable_statuses = (OPEN, SAVED)

    class Meta:
        abstract = True
        verbose_name = _('Basket')
        verbose_name_plural = _('Baskets')

    objects = models.Manager()
    open = OpenBasketManager()
    saved = SavedBasketManager()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AbstractBasket, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # We keep a cached copy of the basket lines as we refer to them often
        # within the same request cycle.  Also, applying offers will append
        # discount data to the basket lines which isn't persisted to the DB and
        # so we want to avoid reloading them as this would drop the discount
        # information.
        self._lines = None  # Cached queryset of lines
        self.offer_applications = results.OfferApplications()
        self.exempt_from_tax = False

    def __unicode__(self):
        return _(
            u"%(status)s basket (owner: %(owner)s, lines: %(num_lines)d)") % {
                'status': self.status,
                'owner': self.owner,
                'num_lines': self.num_lines

    def all_lines(self):
        Return a cached set of basket lines.

        This is important for offers as they alter the line models and you
        don't want to reload them from the DB as that information would be
        if self.id is None:
            return query.EmptyQuerySet(model=self.__class__)
        if self._lines is None:
            self._lines = self.lines.select_related(
                'product', 'product__stockrecord').all().prefetch_related(
                    'attributes', 'product__images')
        return self._lines

    def is_quantity_allowed(self, qty):
        basket_threshold = settings.OSCAR_MAX_BASKET_QUANTITY_THRESHOLD
        if basket_threshold:
            total_basket_quantity = self.num_items
            max_allowed = basket_threshold - total_basket_quantity
            if qty > max_allowed:
                return False, _(
                    "Due to technical limitations we are not able "
                    "to ship more than %(threshold)d items in one order.") % {
                        'threshold': basket_threshold,
        return True, None

    # ============
    # Manipulation
    # ============

    def flush(self):
        """Remove all lines from basket."""
        if self.status == self.FROZEN:
            raise PermissionDenied("A frozen basket cannot be flushed")
        self._lines = None

    def add_product(self, product, quantity=1, options=None):
        Add a product to the basket

        The 'options' list should contains dicts with keys 'option' and 'value'
        which link the relevant product.Option model and string value
        if options is None:
            options = []
        if not self.id:

        # Line reference is used to distinguish between variations of the same
        # product (eg T-shirts with different personalisations)
        line_ref = self._create_line_reference(product, options)

        # Determine price to store (if one exists).  It is only stored for
        # audit and sometimes caching.
        price_excl_tax, price_incl_tax = None, None
        if product.has_stockrecord:
            stockrecord = product.stockrecord
            if stockrecord:
                price_excl_tax = getattr(stockrecord, 'price_excl_tax', None)
                price_incl_tax = getattr(stockrecord, 'price_incl_tax', None)

        line, created = self.lines.get_or_create(line_reference=line_ref,
        if created:
            for option_dict in options:
            line.quantity += quantity

    add_product.alters_data = True

    def applied_offers(self):
        Return a dict of offers successfully applied to the basket.

        This is used to compare offers before and after a basket change to see
        if there is a difference.
        return self.offer_applications.offers

    def reset_offer_applications(self):
        Remove any discounts so they get recalculated
        self.offer_applications = results.OfferApplications()
        self._lines = None

    def merge_line(self, line, add_quantities=True):
        For transferring a line from another basket to this one.

        This is used with the "Saved" basket functionality.
            existing_line = self.lines.get(line_reference=line.line_reference)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            # Line does not already exist - reassign its basket
            line.basket = self
            # Line already exists - assume the max quantity is correct and
            # delete the old
            if add_quantities:
                existing_line.quantity += line.quantity
                existing_line.quantity = max(existing_line.quantity,
            self._lines = None

    merge_line.alters_data = True

    def merge(self, basket, add_quantities=True):
        Merges another basket with this one.

        :basket: The basket to merge into this one.
        :add_quantities: Whether to add line quantities when they are merged.
        for line_to_merge in basket.all_lines():
            self.merge_line(line_to_merge, add_quantities)
        basket.status = self.MERGED
        basket.date_merged = now()
        basket._lines = None

    merge.alters_data = True

    def freeze(self):
        Freezes the basket so it cannot be modified.
        self.status = self.FROZEN

    freeze.alters_data = True

    def thaw(self):
        Unfreezes a basket so it can be modified again
        self.status = self.OPEN

    thaw.alters_data = True

    def submit(self):
        Mark this basket as submitted
        self.status = self.SUBMITTED
        self.date_submitted = now()

    submit.alters_data = True

    # Kept for backwards compatibility
    set_as_submitted = submit

    def set_as_tax_exempt(self):
        self.exempt_from_tax = True
        for line in self.all_lines():

    def is_shipping_required(self):
        Test whether the basket contains physical products that require
        for line in self.all_lines():
            if line.product.is_shipping_required:
                return True
        return False

    # =======
    # Helpers
    # =======

    def _create_line_reference(self, item, options):
        Returns a reference string for a line based on the item
        and its options.
        if not options:
            return item.id
        return "%d_%s" % (item.id, zlib.crc32(str(options)))

    def _get_total(self, property):
        For executing a named method on each line of the basket
        and returning the total.
        total = Decimal('0.00')
        for line in self.all_lines():
                total += getattr(line, property)
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                # Handle situation where the product may have been deleted
        return total

    # ==========
    # Properties
    # ==========

    def is_empty(self):
        Test if this basket is empty
        return self.id is None or self.num_lines == 0

    def total_excl_tax(self):
        """Return total line price excluding tax"""
        return self._get_total('line_price_excl_tax_and_discounts')

    def total_tax(self):
        """Return total tax for a line"""
        return self._get_total('line_tax')

    def total_incl_tax(self):
        Return total price inclusive of tax and discounts
        return self._get_total('line_price_incl_tax_and_discounts')

    def total_incl_tax_excl_discounts(self):
        Return total price inclusive of tax but exclusive discounts
        return self._get_total('line_price_incl_tax')

    def total_discount(self):
        return self._get_total('discount_value')

    def offer_discounts(self):
        Return basket discounts from non-voucher sources.  Does not include
        shipping discounts.
        return self.offer_applications.offer_discounts

    def voucher_discounts(self):
        Return discounts from vouchers
        return self.offer_applications.voucher_discounts

    def shipping_discounts(self):
        Return discounts from vouchers
        return self.offer_applications.shipping_discounts

    def post_order_actions(self):
        Return discounts from vouchers
        return self.offer_applications.post_order_actions

    def grouped_voucher_discounts(self):
        Return discounts from vouchers but grouped so that a voucher which
        links to multiple offers is aggregated into one object.
        return self.offer_applications.grouped_voucher_discounts

    def total_excl_tax_excl_discounts(self):
        Return total price excluding tax and discounts
        return self._get_total('line_price_excl_tax')

    def num_lines(self):
        """Return number of lines"""
        return len(self.all_lines())

    def num_items(self):
        """Return number of items"""
        return reduce(lambda num, line: num + line.quantity, self.all_lines(),

    def num_items_without_discount(self):
        num = 0
        for line in self.all_lines():
            num += line.quantity_without_discount
        return num

    def num_items_with_discount(self):
        num = 0
        for line in self.all_lines():
            num += line.quantity_with_discount
        return num

    def time_before_submit(self):
        if not self.date_submitted:
            return None
        return self.date_submitted - self.date_created

    def time_since_creation(self, test_datetime=None):
        if not test_datetime:
            test_datetime = now()
        return test_datetime - self.date_created

    def contains_a_voucher(self):
        return self.vouchers.all().count() > 0

    # =============
    # Query methods
    # =============

    def can_be_edited(self):
        Test if a basket can be edited
        return self.status in self.editable_statuses

    def contains_voucher(self, code):
        Test whether the basket contains a voucher with a given code
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return False
            return True

    def line_quantity(self, product, options=None):
        Return the current quantity of a specific product and options
        ref = self._create_line_reference(product, options)
            return self.lines.get(line_reference=ref).quantity
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return 0

    def is_submitted(self):
        return self.status == self.SUBMITTED
コード例 #2
ファイル: 16758_abstract_models.py プロジェクト: dslika/Oscar
class AbstractBasket(models.Model):
    Basket object
    # Baskets can be anonymously owned - hence this field is nullable.  When a
    # anon user signs in, their two baskets are merged.
    owner = models.ForeignKey(AUTH_USER_MODEL,

    # Basket statuses
    # - Frozen is for when a basket is in the process of being submitted
    #   and we need to prevent any changes to it.
    OPEN, MERGED, SAVED, FROZEN, SUBMITTED = ("Open", "Merged", "Saved",
                                              "Frozen", "Submitted")
        (OPEN, _("Open - currently active")),
        (MERGED, _("Merged - superceded by another basket")),
        (SAVED, _("Saved - for items to be purchased later")),
        (FROZEN, _("Frozen - the basket cannot be modified")),
        (SUBMITTED, _("Submitted - has been ordered at the checkout")),
    status = models.CharField(_("Status"),

    # A basket can have many vouchers attached to it.  However, it is common
    # for sites to only allow one voucher per basket - this will need to be
    # enforced in the project's codebase.
    vouchers = models.ManyToManyField('voucher.Voucher',

    date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date created"), auto_now_add=True)
    date_merged = models.DateTimeField(_("Date merged"), null=True, blank=True)
    date_submitted = models.DateTimeField(_("Date submitted"),

    # Only if a basket is in one of these statuses can it be edited
    editable_statuses = (OPEN, SAVED)

    class Meta:
        abstract = True
        app_label = 'basket'
        verbose_name = _('Basket')
        verbose_name_plural = _('Baskets')

    objects = models.Manager()
    open = OpenBasketManager()
    saved = SavedBasketManager()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AbstractBasket, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # We keep a cached copy of the basket lines as we refer to them often
        # within the same request cycle.  Also, applying offers will append
        # discount data to the basket lines which isn't persisted to the DB and
        # so we want to avoid reloading them as this would drop the discount
        # information.
        self._lines = None
        self.offer_applications = results.OfferApplications()

    def __str__(self):
        return _(
            u"%(status)s basket (owner: %(owner)s, lines: %(num_lines)d)") \
            % {'status': self.status,
               'owner': self.owner,
               'num_lines': self.num_lines}

    # ========
    # Strategy
    # ========

    def has_strategy(self):
        return hasattr(self, '_strategy')

    def _get_strategy(self):
        if not self.has_strategy:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "No strategy class has been assigned to this basket. "
                "This is normally assigned to the incoming request in "
                "oscar.apps.basket.middleware.BasketMiddleware. "
                "Since it is missing, you must be doing something different. "
                "Ensure that a strategy instance is assigned to the basket!")
        return self._strategy

    def _set_strategy(self, strategy):
        self._strategy = strategy

    strategy = property(_get_strategy, _set_strategy)

    def all_lines(self):
        Return a cached set of basket lines.

        This is important for offers as they alter the line models and you
        don't want to reload them from the DB as that information would be
        if self.id is None:
            return self.lines.none()
        if self._lines is None:
            self._lines = (self.lines.select_related(
                'product', 'stockrecord').prefetch_related(
        return self._lines

    def is_quantity_allowed(self, qty):
        Test whether the passed quantity of items can be added to the basket
        # We enforce a max threshold to prevent a DOS attack via the offers
        # system.
        basket_threshold = settings.OSCAR_MAX_BASKET_QUANTITY_THRESHOLD
        if basket_threshold:
            total_basket_quantity = self.num_items
            max_allowed = basket_threshold - total_basket_quantity
            if qty > max_allowed:
                return False, _(
                    "Due to technical limitations we are not able "
                    "to ship more than %(threshold)d items in one order.") \
                    % {'threshold': basket_threshold}
        return True, None

    # ============
    # Manipulation
    # ============

    def flush(self):
        Remove all lines from basket.
        if self.status == self.FROZEN:
            raise PermissionDenied("A frozen basket cannot be flushed")
        self._lines = None

    def add_product(self, product, quantity=1, options=None):
        Add a product to the basket

        'stock_info' is the price and availability data returned from
        a partner strategy class.

        The 'options' list should contains dicts with keys 'option' and 'value'
        which link the relevant product.Option model and string value

        Returns (line, created).
          line: the matching basket line
          created: whether the line was created or updated

        if options is None:
            options = []
        if not self.id:

        # Ensure that all lines are the same currency
        price_currency = self.currency
        stock_info = self.strategy.fetch_for_product(product)
        if price_currency and stock_info.price.currency != price_currency:
            raise ValueError(
                ("Basket lines must all have the same currency. Proposed "
                 "line has currency %s, while basket has currency %s") %
                (stock_info.price.currency, price_currency))

        if stock_info.stockrecord is None:
            raise ValueError(
                ("Basket lines must all have stock records. Strategy hasn't "
                 "found any stock record for product %s") % product)

        # Line reference is used to distinguish between variations of the same
        # product (eg T-shirts with different personalisations)
        line_ref = self._create_line_reference(product, stock_info.stockrecord,

        # Determine price to store (if one exists).  It is only stored for
        # audit and sometimes caching.
        defaults = {
            'quantity': quantity,
            'price_excl_tax': stock_info.price.excl_tax,
            'price_currency': stock_info.price.currency,
        if stock_info.price.is_tax_known:
            defaults['price_incl_tax'] = stock_info.price.incl_tax

        line, created = self.lines.get_or_create(
        if created:
            for option_dict in options:
            line.quantity = max(0, line.quantity + quantity)

        # Returning the line is useful when overriding this method.
        return line, created

    add_product.alters_data = True
    add = add_product

    def applied_offers(self):
        Return a dict of offers successfully applied to the basket.

        This is used to compare offers before and after a basket change to see
        if there is a difference.
        return self.offer_applications.offers

    def reset_offer_applications(self):
        Remove any discounts so they get recalculated
        self.offer_applications = results.OfferApplications()
        self._lines = None

    def merge_line(self, line, add_quantities=True):
        For transferring a line from another basket to this one.

        This is used with the "Saved" basket functionality.
            existing_line = self.lines.get(line_reference=line.line_reference)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            # Line does not already exist - reassign its basket
            line.basket = self
            # Line already exists - assume the max quantity is correct and
            # delete the old
            if add_quantities:
                existing_line.quantity += line.quantity
                existing_line.quantity = max(existing_line.quantity,
            self._lines = None

    merge_line.alters_data = True

    def merge(self, basket, add_quantities=True):
        Merges another basket with this one.

        :basket: The basket to merge into this one.
        :add_quantities: Whether to add line quantities when they are merged.
        # Use basket.lines.all instead of all_lines as this function is called
        # before a strategy has been assigned.
        for line_to_merge in basket.lines.all():
            self.merge_line(line_to_merge, add_quantities)
        basket.status = self.MERGED
        basket.date_merged = now()
        basket._lines = None
        # Ensure all vouchers are moved to the new basket
        for voucher in basket.vouchers.all():

    merge.alters_data = True

    def freeze(self):
        Freezes the basket so it cannot be modified.
        self.status = self.FROZEN

    freeze.alters_data = True

    def thaw(self):
        Unfreezes a basket so it can be modified again
        self.status = self.OPEN

    thaw.alters_data = True

    def submit(self):
        Mark this basket as submitted
        self.status = self.SUBMITTED
        self.date_submitted = now()

    submit.alters_data = True

    # Kept for backwards compatibility
    set_as_submitted = submit

    def is_shipping_required(self):
        Test whether the basket contains physical products that require
        for line in self.all_lines():
            if line.product.is_shipping_required:
                return True
        return False

    # =======
    # Helpers
    # =======

    def _create_line_reference(self, product, stockrecord, options):
        Returns a reference string for a line based on the item
        and its options.
        base = '%s_%s' % (product.id, stockrecord.id)
        if not options:
            return base
        repr_options = [{
            'option': repr(option['option']),
            'value': repr(option['value'])
        } for option in options]
        return "%s_%s" % (base, zlib.crc32(repr(repr_options).encode('utf8')))

    def _get_total(self, property):
        For executing a named method on each line of the basket
        and returning the total.
        total = D('0.00')
        for line in self.all_lines():
                total += getattr(line, property)
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                # Handle situation where the product may have been deleted
            except TypeError:
                # Handle Unavailable products with no known price
                info = self.strategy.fetch_for_product(line.product)
                if info.availability.is_available_to_buy:
        return total

    # ==========
    # Properties
    # ==========

    def is_empty(self):
        Test if this basket is empty
        return self.id is None or self.num_lines == 0

    def is_tax_known(self):
        Test if tax values are known for this basket
        return all([line.is_tax_known for line in self.all_lines()])

    def total_excl_tax(self):
        Return total line price excluding tax
        return self._get_total('line_price_excl_tax_incl_discounts')

    def total_tax(self):
        """Return total tax for a line"""
        return self._get_total('line_tax')

    def total_incl_tax(self):
        Return total price inclusive of tax and discounts
        return self._get_total('line_price_incl_tax_incl_discounts')

    def total_incl_tax_excl_discounts(self):
        Return total price inclusive of tax but exclusive discounts
        return self._get_total('line_price_incl_tax')

    def total_discount(self):
        return self._get_total('discount_value')

    def offer_discounts(self):
        Return basket discounts from non-voucher sources.  Does not include
        shipping discounts.
        return self.offer_applications.offer_discounts

    def voucher_discounts(self):
        Return discounts from vouchers
        return self.offer_applications.voucher_discounts

    def has_shipping_discounts(self):
        return len(self.shipping_discounts) > 0

    def shipping_discounts(self):
        Return discounts from vouchers
        return self.offer_applications.shipping_discounts

    def post_order_actions(self):
        Return discounts from vouchers
        return self.offer_applications.post_order_actions

    def grouped_voucher_discounts(self):
        Return discounts from vouchers but grouped so that a voucher which
        links to multiple offers is aggregated into one object.
        return self.offer_applications.grouped_voucher_discounts

    def total_excl_tax_excl_discounts(self):
        Return total price excluding tax and discounts
        return self._get_total('line_price_excl_tax')

    def num_lines(self):
        """Return number of lines"""
        return self.all_lines().count()

    def num_items(self):
        """Return number of items"""
        return sum(line.quantity for line in self.lines.all())

    def num_items_without_discount(self):
        num = 0
        for line in self.all_lines():
            num += line.quantity_without_discount
        return num

    def num_items_with_discount(self):
        num = 0
        for line in self.all_lines():
            num += line.quantity_with_discount
        return num

    def time_before_submit(self):
        if not self.date_submitted:
            return None
        return self.date_submitted - self.date_created

    def time_since_creation(self, test_datetime=None):
        if not test_datetime:
            test_datetime = now()
        return test_datetime - self.date_created

    def contains_a_voucher(self):
        if not self.id:
            return False
        return self.vouchers.exists()

    def is_submitted(self):
        return self.status == self.SUBMITTED

    def can_be_edited(self):
        Test if a basket can be edited
        return self.status in self.editable_statuses

    def currency(self):
        # Since all lines should have the same currency, return the currency of
        # the first one found.
        for line in self.all_lines():
            return line.price_currency

    # =============
    # Query methods
    # =============

    def contains_voucher(self, code):
        Test whether the basket contains a voucher with a given code
        if self.id is None:
            return False
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return False
            return True

    def product_quantity(self, product):
        Return the quantity of a product in the basket

        The basket can contain multiple lines with the same product, but
        different options and stockrecords. Those quantities are summed up.
        matching_lines = self.lines.filter(product=product)
        quantity = matching_lines.aggregate(Sum('quantity'))['quantity__sum']
        return quantity or 0

    def line_quantity(self, product, stockrecord, options=None):
        Return the current quantity of a specific product and options
        ref = self._create_line_reference(product, stockrecord, options)
            return self.lines.get(line_reference=ref).quantity
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return 0
コード例 #3
class AbstractBasket(models.Model):
    Basket object
    # Baskets can be anonymously owned (which are merged if the user signs in)
    owner = models.ForeignKey('auth.User', related_name='baskets', null=True)
        (OPEN, _("Open - currently active")),
        (MERGED, _("Merged - superceded by another basket")),
        (SAVED, _("Saved - for items to be purchased later")),
        (FROZEN, _("Frozen - the basket cannot be modified")),
        (SUBMITTED, _("Submitted - has been ordered at the checkout")),
    status = models.CharField(_("Status"),
    vouchers = models.ManyToManyField('voucher.Voucher', null=True)

    date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    date_merged = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
    date_submitted = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)

    # Cached queryset of lines
    _lines = None

    discounts = []

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

    objects = models.Manager()
    open = OpenBasketManager()
    saved = SavedBasketManager()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"%s basket (owner: %s, lines: %d)" % (self.status, self.owner,

    def all_lines(self):
        Return a cached set of basket lines.
        This is important for offers as they alter the line models and you don't
        want to reload them from the DB.
        if not self._lines:
            self._lines = self.lines.all()
        return self._lines

    # ============
    # Manipulation
    # ============

    def flush(self):
        """Remove all lines from basket."""
        if self.status == FROZEN:
            raise PermissionDenied("A frozen basket cannot be flushed")
        self._lines = None

    def add_product(self, item, quantity=1, options=None):
        Convenience method for adding products to a basket
        The 'options' list should contains dicts with keys 'option' and 'value'
        which link the relevant product.Option model and string value respectively.
        if options is None:
            options = []
        if not self.id:
        line_ref = self._create_line_reference(item, options)
            line = self.lines.get(line_reference=line_ref)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            line = self.lines.create(basket=self,
            for option_dict in options:
            line.quantity += quantity
            self._lines = None

    def set_discounts(self, discounts):
        Sets the discounts that apply to this basket.  
        This should be a list of dictionaries
        self.discounts = discounts

    def merge_line(self, line):
        For transferring a line from another basket to this one.
        This is used with the "Saved" basket functionality.
            existing_line = self.lines.get(line_reference=line.line_reference)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            # Line does not already exist - reassign its basket
            line.basket = self
            # Line already exists - bump its quantity and delete the old
            existing_line.quantity += line.quantity

    def merge(self, basket):
        Merges another basket with this one.
        for line_to_merge in basket.all_lines():
        basket.status = MERGED
        basket.date_merged = datetime.datetime.now()
        self._lines = None

    def freeze(self):
        Freezes the basket so it cannot be modified.
        self.status = FROZEN

    def thaw(self):
        Unfreezes a basket so it can be modified again
        self.status = OPEN

    def set_as_submitted(self):
        """Mark this basket as submitted."""
        self.status = SUBMITTED
        self.date_submitted = datetime.datetime.now()

    # =======
    # Helpers
    # =======

    def _create_line_reference(self, item, options):
        Returns a reference string for a line based on the item
        and its options.
        if not options:
            return item.id
        return "%d_%s" % (item.id, zlib.crc32(str(options)))

    def _get_total(self, property):
        For executing a named method on each line of the basket
        and returning the total.
        total = Decimal('0.00')
        for line in self.all_lines():
                total += getattr(line, property)
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                # Handle situation where the product may have been deleted
        return total

    # ==========
    # Properties
    # ==========

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return bool based on basket having 0 lines"""
        return self.num_lines == 0

    def total_excl_tax(self):
        """Return total line price excluding tax"""
        return self._get_total('line_price_excl_tax_and_discounts')

    def total_tax(self):
        """Return total tax for a line"""
        return self._get_total('line_tax')

    def total_incl_tax(self):
        Return total price inclusive of tax and discounts
        return self._get_total('line_price_incl_tax_and_discounts')

    def total_incl_tax_excl_discounts(self):
        Return total price inclusive of tax but exclusive discounts
        return self._get_total('line_price_incl_tax')

    def total_discount(self):
        return self._get_total('discount_value')

    def offer_discounts(self):
        Return discounts from non-voucher sources.
        offer_discounts = []
        for discount in self.discounts:
            if not discount['voucher']:
        return offer_discounts

    def voucher_discounts(self):
        Return discounts from vouchers
        voucher_discounts = []
        for discount in self.discounts:
            if discount['voucher']:
        return voucher_discounts

    def total_excl_tax_excl_discounts(self):
        Return total price excluding tax and discounts
        return self._get_total('line_price_excl_tax')

    def num_lines(self):
        """Return number of lines"""
        return self.all_lines().count()

    def num_items(self):
        """Return number of items"""
        return reduce(lambda num, line: num + line.quantity, self.all_lines(),

    def num_items_without_discount(self):
        """Return number of items"""
        num = 0
        for line in self.all_lines():
            num += line.quantity_without_discount
        return num

    def time_before_submit(self):
        if not self.date_submitted:
            return None
        return self.date_submitted - self.date_created

    def time_since_creation(self, test_datetime=None):
        if not test_datetime:
            test_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
        return test_datetime - self.date_created