def gdalos_make_vrt( filenames: MaybeSequence[PathOrDS], filenames_expand: Optional[bool] = None, vrt_path=None, kind=None, resampling_alg=..., overwrite=True, vrt_options: Optional[dict] = None, logger=None, ): if gdalos_util.is_list_like(filenames): flatten_filenames = gdalos_util.flatten_and_expand_file_list(filenames, do_expand_glob=filenames_expand) else: flatten_filenames = [filenames] flatten_filenames = [str(f) if isinstance(f, Path) else f for f in flatten_filenames] if not flatten_filenames: return None first_filename = flatten_filenames[0] if vrt_path is None: vrt_path = f'/vsimem/{uuid.uuid4()}.vrt' elif vrt_path is ...: vrt_path = first_filename + ".vrt" else: vrt_path = str(vrt_path) is_vsimem = vrt_path.startswith('/vsimem/') if not is_vsimem: if os.path.isdir(vrt_path): vrt_path = os.path.join(vrt_path, os.path.basename(first_filename) + ".vrt") if do_skip_if_exists(vrt_path, overwrite, logger): return vrt_path if os.path.isfile(vrt_path): raise Exception("could not delete vrt file: {}".format(vrt_path)) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(vrt_path), exist_ok=True) vrt_options = dict(vrt_options or dict()) if resampling_alg is None: if kind in [None, ...]: kind = RasterKind.guess(first_filename) resampling_alg = kind.resampling_alg_by_kind(kind) if resampling_alg is not ...: vrt_options["resampleAlg"] = enum_to_str(resampling_alg) vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(**vrt_options) ds = gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_path, flatten_filenames, options=vrt_options) return vrt_path, ds
def composite(self, which_bands, out_composite): """ Creates a three band composite out of the specified bands. Parameters ---------- which_bands : list A list of bands to save as a three band composite. Must be in order of how the bands are to saved within the output TIFF. e.g. which_bands=['band_1', 'band_2', 'band_3'] out_composite : str The output filename to save the composite, """ paths = self.path bands = [] for i in range(len(which_bands)): if which_bands[i] == 'band_1': bands.append(paths["band_1"]) if which_bands[i] == 'band_2': bands.append(paths["band_2"]) if which_bands[i] == 'band_3': bands.append(paths["band_3"]) if which_bands[i] == 'band_4': bands.append(paths["band_4"]) if which_bands[i] == 'band_5': bands.append(paths["band_5"]) if which_bands[i] == 'band_6': bands.append(paths["band_6"]) if which_bands[i] == 'band_7': bands.append(paths["band_7"]) if which_bands[i] == 'band_8': bands.append(paths["band_8"]) if which_bands[i] == 'band_9': bands.append(paths["band_9"]) if which_bands[i] == 'band_10': bands.append(paths["band_10"]) vrt = gdal.BuildVRT('tmp.vrt', bands, separate=True, bandList=[1, 1, 1]) trans = gdal.Translate(out_composite, vrt, format='GTiff')
def test_gdalbuildvrt_lib_usemaskband_on_alpha_band(): src1_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('src1', 3, 1, 2) src1_ds.SetGeoTransform([2, 0.001, 0, 49, 0, -0.001]) src1_ds.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(255) src1_ds.GetRasterBand(2).SetColorInterpretation(gdal.GCI_AlphaBand) src1_ds.GetRasterBand(2).WriteRaster(0, 0, 1, 1, b'\xff') src2_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('src2', 3, 1, 2) src2_ds.SetGeoTransform([2, 0.001, 0, 49, 0, -0.001]) src2_ds.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(127) src2_ds.GetRasterBand(2).SetColorInterpretation(gdal.GCI_AlphaBand) src2_ds.GetRasterBand(2).WriteRaster(1, 0, 1, 1, b'\xff') ds = gdal.BuildVRT('', [src1_ds, src2_ds]) assert struct.unpack('B' * 3, ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadRaster()) == (255, 127, 0) assert struct.unpack('B' * 3, ds.GetRasterBand(2).ReadRaster()) == (255, 255, 0)
def test_gdalbuildvrt_lib_usemaskband_on_mask_band(): src1_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('src1', 3, 1) src1_ds.SetGeoTransform([2, 0.001, 0, 49, 0, -0.001]) src1_ds.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(255) src1_ds.CreateMaskBand(0) src1_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand().WriteRaster(0, 0, 1, 1, b'\xff') src2_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('src2', 3, 1) src2_ds.SetGeoTransform([2, 0.001, 0, 49, 0, -0.001]) src2_ds.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(127) src2_ds.CreateMaskBand(0) src2_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand().WriteRaster(1, 0, 1, 1, b'\xff') ds = gdal.BuildVRT('', [src1_ds, src2_ds]) assert struct.unpack('B' * 3, ds.ReadRaster()) == (255, 127, 0) assert struct.unpack( 'B' * 3, ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand().ReadRaster()) == (255, 255, 0)
def test_vrtmask_4(): gtiff_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') md = gtiff_drv.GetMetadata() if md['DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST'].find('JPEG') == -1: pytest.skip() src_ds = gdal.Open('../gcore/data/ycbcr_with_mask.tif') gdal.BuildVRT('tmp/vrtmask_4.vrt', [src_ds]) expected_msk_cs = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand().Checksum() src_ds = None ds = gdal.Open('tmp/vrtmask_4.vrt') msk_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand().Checksum() ds = None os.remove('tmp/vrtmask_4.vrt') assert msk_cs == expected_msk_cs, 'did not get expected mask band checksum'
def make_vrts(filepath,output_dest,shapefile,epsg,field,region): """Create vrt file of all tiles in a repo and then gdal_translate that to a tif file.""" dem_fps = [str(file) for file in Path(filepath).glob('*.tif')] if not shapefile: pass else: print('filtering inputs to mosaic....') features = gpd.read_file(shapefile)[field].tolist() #features = [i[:3]+'*'+i[3:] for i in features] dem_out = [] for i in dem_fps: for e in features: pattern1 = '*'+e[:3]+'*'+e[3:]+'*' pattern2 = '*'+e[:3].lower()+'*'+e[3:].lower()+'*' if fnmatch(i,pattern1):# in i: dem_out.append(i) #print(i) #print(e) elif fnmatch(i,pattern2):# in i: dem_out.append(i) #print(i) #print(e.lower()) else: continue #dem_chunks=list(chunks(dem_out,250)) output_vrt = output_dest+f'AK_5m_original_mosaic_{region}_region.vrt' output_tif = output_dest+f'AK_5m_original_mosaic_{region}_region.tif' #input_files = filepath+'*.tif' #[str(file) for file in Path(filepath).glob('*.tif')] cmd = gdal.BuildVRT(output_vrt, dem_out, outputSRS = epsg,allowProjectionDifference=True,srcNodata=-10000) #make a tif from the vrt file #print('making the tif file') #ds = gdal.Translate(output_tif,output_vrt,format='GTiff',outputSRS=epsg) #close the datasets #ds = None cmd = None return
def write_vrt(infiles, outfile): """ Parameters ---------- infiles: list of strings the input files outfile: string the output .vrt """ virtpath = outfile outvirt = gdal.BuildVRT(virtpath, infiles) outvirt.FlushCache() outvirt=None
def get_angle_images(self, DST=None): """ :param DST: Optional name of the output tif containing all angle images :return: set self.angles_file Following band order : SAT_AZ , SAT_ZENITH, SUN_AZ, SUN_ZENITH ') The unit is DEGREES """ if DST is not None: root_dir = os.path.dirname(DST) else: root_dir = os.path.dirname(self.tile_metadata) # Viewing Angles (SAT_AZ / SAT_ZENITH) dst_file = os.path.join(root_dir, 'VAA.tif') out_file_list = self.extract_viewing_angle(dst_file, 'Azimuth') dst_file = os.path.join(root_dir, 'VZA.tif') out_file_list.extend(self.extract_viewing_angle(dst_file, 'Zenith')) # Solar Angles (SUN_AZ, SUN_ZENITH) dst_file = os.path.join(root_dir, 'SAA.tif') self.extract_sun_angle(dst_file, 'Azimuth') out_file_list.append(dst_file) dst_file = os.path.join(root_dir, 'SZA.tif') self.extract_sun_angle(dst_file, 'Zenith') out_file_list.append(dst_file) out_vrt_file = os.path.join(root_dir, 'tie_points.vrt') gdal.BuildVRT(out_vrt_file, out_file_list, separate=True) if DST is not None: out_tif_file = DST else: out_tif_file = os.path.join(root_dir, 'tie_points.tif') gdal.Translate(out_tif_file, out_vrt_file, format="GTiff") self.angles_file = out_vrt_file'SAT_AZ, SAT_ZENITH, SUN_AZ, SUN_ZENITH')'UNIT = DEGREES (scale: x100) :')' ' + out_tif_file) self.angles_file = out_tif_file
def country_biomass_mosaic(iso3, input_dir="data_raw", output_dir="data", proj="EPSG:3395"): """Function to mosaic biomass images from WHRC. This function mosaics the biomass data obtained from GEE. No reprojection is performed. :param iso3: Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code. :param input_dir: Directory with input files for biomass. :param output_dir: Output directory. :param proj: Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Default to "EPSG:3395" (World Mercator). """ # Create output directory make_dir("data") # Mosaicing files_tif = input_dir + "/biomass_whrc_" + iso3 + "*.tif" input_list = glob(files_tif) output_file = input_dir + "/biomass_whrc.vrt" gdal.BuildVRT(output_file, input_list) # Compressing input_file = input_dir + "/biomass_whrc.vrt" output_file = output_dir + "/biomass_whrc.tif" param = gdal.TranslateOptions(options=["overwrite", "tap"], format="GTiff", noData=-9999, outputSRS=proj, creationOptions=[ "TILED=YES", "BLOCKXSIZE=256", "BLOCKYSIZE=256", "COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2", "BIGTIFF=YES" ]) gdal.Translate(output_file, input_file, options=param)
def test_stacta_east_hemisphere(): # Test a json file with min_tile_col = 1 at zoom level 2 ds = gdal.OpenEx('data/stacta/test_east_hemisphere.json', open_options=['WHOLE_METATILE=YES']) assert ds.RasterCount == 3 assert ds.RasterXSize == 1024 assert ds.RasterYSize == 1024 assert ds.GetSpatialRef().GetName() == 'WGS 84' assert ds.GetGeoTransform() == pytest.approx( [0.0, 0.17578125, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0, -0.17578125], rel=1e-8) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverviewCount() == 2 # Create a reference dataset, that is externally the same as the STACTA one vrt_ds = gdal.BuildVRT('', ['data/stacta/WorldCRS84Quad/2/0/1.tif']) ref_ds = gdal.Translate('', vrt_ds, format='MEM') ref_ds.BuildOverviews('NEAR', [2, 4]) assert ds.ReadRaster(600, 500, 50, 100, 10, 20) == \ ref_ds.ReadRaster(600, 500, 50, 100, 10, 20)
def gdalbuildvrt(src, dst, options): """ a simple wrapper for gdal.BuildVRT Parameters ---------- src: str, ogr.DataSource or gdal.DataSource the input data set dst: str the output data set options: dict additional parameters passed to gdal.BuildVRT; see Returns ------- """ out = gdal.BuildVRT(dst, src, options=gdal.BuildVRTOptions(**options)) out = None
def extract_chunk_tile_bands(tif_file): tile_dir = get_tile_dir(tif_file) create_tile_dir(tile_dir) os.chdir(tile_dir) rel_tif_file = relpath(tif_file, tile_dir) ds = gdal.Open(rel_tif_file, GA_ReadOnly) for band_index in range(1, ds.RasterCount + 1): band_name = ds.GetRasterBand(band_index).GetDescription() band_file = join(tile_dir, band_name + '.vrt') gdal.SetConfigOption('VRT_SHARED_SOURCE', '0') vrt = gdal.BuildVRT( band_file, rel_tif_file, bandList=[band_index], VRTNodata=nodata_value ) vrt.GetRasterBand(1).SetDescription(band_name) vrt.FlushCache() make_relative_to_vrt(band_file) print('.', end='', flush=True)
def finished(self, result): if result: layers = {} valid = True for mosaic, files in self.filenames.items(): mosaiclayers = [] for filename in files: mosaiclayers.append(QgsRasterLayer(filename, os.path.basename(filename), "gdal")) layers[mosaic] = mosaiclayers valid = valid and (False not in [lay.isValid() for lay in mosaiclayers]) if not valid: widget = iface.messageBar().createMessage("Planet Explorer", f"Order '{}' correctly downloaded ") button = QPushButton(widget) button.setText("Open order folder") button.clicked.connect(lambda: QDesktopServices.openUrl( QUrl.fromLocalFile(self.order.download_folder())) ) widget.layout().addWidget(button) iface.messageBar().pushWidget(widget, level=Qgis.Success) else: if self.order.load_as_virtual: for mosaic, files in self.filenames.items(): vrtpath = os.path.join(self.order.download_folder(), mosaic, f'{mosaic}.vrt') gdal.BuildVRT(vrtpath, files) layer = QgsRasterLayer(vrtpath, mosaic, "gdal") QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer) else: for mosaic, mosaiclayers in layers.items(): for layer in mosaiclayers: QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer) #TODO create groups iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Planet Explorer", f"Order '{}' correctly downloaded and processed", level=Qgis.Success, duration=5) elif self.exception is not None: QgsMessageLog.logMessage(f"Order '{}' could not be downloaded.\n{self.exception}", QGIS_LOG_SECTION_NAME, Qgis.Warning) iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Planet Explorer", f"Order '{}' could not be downloaded. See log for details", level=Qgis.Warning, duration=5)
def gdal_stack_images_vrt(input_imgs, output_vrt_file): """ A function which creates a GDAL VRT file from a set of input images by stacking the input images in a multi-band output file. :param input_imgs: A list of input images :param output_vrt_file: The output file location for the VRT. """ try: import tqdm pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=100) callback = lambda *args, **kw: pbar.update() except: callback = gdal.TermProgress build_vrt_opt = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(separate=True) gdal.BuildVRT(output_vrt_file, input_imgs, options=build_vrt_opt, callback=callback)
def stack_rasters(rasters, out, rescale=False, rescale_min=0, rescale_max=1): if rescale: rescaled = [] for r in rasters:"Rescaling {}".format(r)) rescaled_name = r'/vsimem/{}_rescale.vrt'.format(Path(r).stem) rescale_raster(str(r), rescaled_name, out_min=rescale_min, out_max=rescale_max) rescaled.append(rescaled_name) rasters = rescaled'Building stacked VRT...') temp = r'/vsimem/stack.vrt' gdal.BuildVRT(temp, rasters, separate=True)'Writing to: {}'.format(out)) out_ds = gdal.Translate(out, temp) return out_ds
def main(in_files, out_file): vrt_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%s_vrt.vrt' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(out_file))[0]) if os.path.exists(vrt_file): os.remove(vrt_file) gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_file, str(in_files).split(','), srcNodata = srcNodata, VRTNodata = VRTNodata) progress(0.25) out_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") if os.path.exists(out_file): out_driver.Delete(out_file) time.sleep(1) out_sds = out_driver.CreateCopy(out_file, gdal.Open(vrt_file)) progress(0.85) out_sds = None os.remove(vrt_file) progress(1)
def test_gdalbuildvrt_lib_2(): tab = [0] ds = gdal.BuildVRT('', '../gcore/data/byte.tif', callback=mycallback, callback_data=tab) if ds is None: return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() != 4672: gdaltest.post_reason('Bad checksum') return 'fail' if tab[0] != 1.0: gdaltest.post_reason('Bad percentage') return 'fail' ds = None return 'success'
def create_vrt_from_stac_assets(assets: dict, assets_name_to_use: list, vrt_output_file: str): """Function to create GDAL VRT from STAC Assets Args: assets (dict): STAC-Assets dict (with href key) assets_name_to_use (list): List of assets to be insert in vrt vrt_output_file (str): Complete path and filename Returns: None """ from osgeo import gdal # create href elements (vsicurl to allow gdal driver get elements without download complete image) assets_href = [ "/vsicurl/" + assets[asset_name]['href'] for asset_name in assets_name_to_use ] vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(separate=True) vrt_gdal = gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_output_file, assets_href, options=vrt_options) vrt_gdal = None
def generate_mosaic(input_directory, output_directory, variable): #output_tif = output_dest+f'AK_5m_original_mosaic_{region}_region.tif' dem_fps = [str(file) for file in Path(input_directory).glob('*.tif')] #input_files = filepath+'*.tif' #[str(file) for file in Path(filepath).glob('*.tif')] for year in range(2002, 2020): output_vrt = output_directory + f'MODIS_{variable}_{year}_by_climate_region_and_elevation_band.vrt' year_list = [i for i in dem_fps if str(i[-8:-4]) == str(year)] print(year_list) cmd = gdal.BuildVRT(output_vrt, dem_fps, outputSRS='EPSG:3338', allowProjectionDifference=True, srcNodata=0) #make a tif from the vrt file #print('making the tif file') #ds = gdal.Translate(output_tif,output_vrt,format='GTiff',outputSRS=epsg) #close the datasets #ds = None cmd = None
def test_gdalbuildvrt_lib_separate_nodata_3(): src1_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', 1000, 1000) src1_ds.SetGeoTransform([2,0.001,0,49,0,-0.001]) src1_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(1) src2_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', 1000, 1000) src2_ds.SetGeoTransform([2,0.001,0,49,0,-0.001]) src2_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(2) gdal.BuildVRT('/vsimem/out.vrt', [src1_ds, src2_ds], separate=True, srcNodata='3 4', VRTNodata='5 6') f = gdal.VSIFOpenL('/vsimem/out.vrt', 'rb') data = gdal.VSIFReadL(1, 10000, f) gdal.VSIFCloseL(f) gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/out.vrt') assert b'<NoDataValue>5</NoDataValue>' in data assert b'<NODATA>3</NODATA>' in data assert b'<NoDataValue>6</NoDataValue>' in data assert b'<NODATA>4</NODATA>' in data
def make_hillshade(dem_paths): # Make sure all dem_paths exist # An obscure error is given if the files don't exist for dem_path in dem_paths: if not Path(dem_path).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(dem_path) tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Extract each dem_path into tmpdir unzipped_paths = [] for dem_path in dem_paths: zf = ZipFile(dem_path) names = zf.namelist() img_file = [x for x in names if x.endswith('.img')] assert len(img_file) == 1, 'More than one img file in zip file' img_file = img_file[0] unzipped_path = Path(tmpdir) / img_file with open(unzipped_path, 'wb') as f: f.write( unzipped_paths.append(unzipped_path) vrt_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dem.vrt') # Setting vrt to None is weird but required # # vrt = gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_path, unzipped_paths) vrt = None # Check that vrt_path actually was created if not Path(vrt_path).exists(): raise ValueError('Unable to create virtual raster') return vrt_path dem_paths pass
def _mosaic(input_rasters, target_srs, resample, resolution, dtype, nodata, gdal_multithread): vrt_tempname = f"/vsimem/{uuid4()}.vrt" vrt = gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_tempname, input_rasters) assert vrt vrt.FlushCache() vrt = None log.debug("Created VRT") wrp_tempname = f"/vsimem/{uuid4()}.tif" wopt = gdal.WarpOptions( dstSRS=target_srs, outputType=dtype, resampleAlg=resample, xRes=resolution[0], yRes=resolution[1], srcNodata=nodata, dstNodata=nodata, multithread=gdal_multithread, ) wrp = gdal.Warp(wrp_tempname, vrt_tempname, options=wopt) assert wrp log.debug("Created WRP") yield wrp log.debug("Performing Cleanup") wrp = None vrt = None rc1 = gdal.Unlink(vrt_tempname) rc2 = gdal.Unlink(wrp_tempname) if rc1 != 0 or rc2 != 0: log.warning( "Received return codes [%s, %s] while removing MemRasters", rc1, rc2)
def run_merge(args): """Merge downloaded blocks into one VRT file""" input_ds = gdal.Open(args.input) print('Input dataset size', input_ds.RasterXSize, 'x', input_ds.RasterYSize) bounds = get_bounds(input_ds) print('Dataset bounds', bounds) conn = get_db(args) cursor = conn.cursor() complete_block_names = [] failed_block_names = [] for row in cursor.execute("SELECT file_name, file_hash FROM task WHERE complete "): file_name = os.path.join(args.output, row['file_name']) file_ok, msg = verify_file(args, file_name, row['file_hash']) if not file_ok: print('\033[91m{:32} {}\033[0m'.format(row['file_name'], msg)) failed_block_names.append([row['file_name']]) else: print('{:32} {} {}!'.format(row['file_name'], row['file_hash'], msg)) complete_block_names.append(file_name) print('Found {} downloaded blocks'.format(len(complete_block_names))) if failed_block_names: print('\033[91mFound {} invalid blocks. Rerun download.\033[0m' .format(len(failed_block_names))) cursor.executemany('UPDATE task SET ' 'complete = 0, ' 'file_url = Null, file_hash = Null ' 'WHERE file_name = ?', failed_block_names) conn.commit() return 1 gdal.BuildVRT(os.path.join(args.output, 'merge.img'), complete_block_names, outputBounds=bounds, callback=gdal.TermProgress) return 0
def monthly_mosaic_lst(product, month, year, day_night, tilesH, tilesV, save_path, usr, pwd, ncores): # Creating a tempdir to store the monthly geotiff per tile mosaic_name = (product + '.A' + str(year) + str(month).zfill(2) + '.' + day_night) tp = tempfile.mkdtemp() temp_path_geotiff = os.path.join(tp, 'GEOTIFF', mosaic_name) os.makedirs(temp_path_geotiff, exist_ok=True) # # One monthly composite is produced for each tile (on one or several cores) Parallel(n_jobs=ncores, backend='threading')( delayed(dl_month_hdf)(product=product, day_night=day_night, tileH=tilesH[i], tileV=tilesV[i], year=year, month=month, usr=usr, pwd=pwd, temp_path_geotiff=temp_path_geotiff) for i in range(len(tilesV))) # # Build a virtual raster mosaicing all the GeoTiff in temp_path_geotiff # VRT are saved in a temporary dir path_vrt = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.makedirs(path_vrt, exist_ok=True) VRT = gdal.BuildVRT(os.path.join(path_vrt, mosaic_name + ".vrt"), glob.glob(os.path.join(temp_path_geotiff, "*.tif"))) # Save the mosaic as a GeoTiff save_raster(value=VRT.ReadAsArray(), transfo=VRT.GetGeoTransform(), projection=VRT.GetProjection(), save_path=os.path.join(save_path, mosaic_name + '.tif'), in_na_value=0) VRT = None # Removing the temporary geotiff rmtree(temp_path_geotiff, ignore_errors=True) # Removing the VRT temporary directory rmtree(path_vrt, ignore_errors=True)
def createnativemosaic(filelist, nativemosaic, resample='lanczos', mosaictype='vrt'): """ input is an array of file addresses, a location to place output, and a resampling method. writes a VRT to the specified location """ print("building native CRS mosaic") #GDAL understands the /vsis3/ driver, niot s3 urls: # if 's3://' in nativemosaic: nativemosaic = nativemosaic.replace('s3://', '/vsis3/') vrtoptions = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(resampleAlg=resample, addAlpha=True) myvrt = gdal.BuildVRT(nativemosaic, filelist, options=vrtoptions) myvrt.FlushCache() myvrt = None return (nativemosaic)
def compileVrt(scene, product): out_pathname = None # generate file list filelist = fio.getFileList('*', scene) if len(filelist) > 0: # need to guarantee consistent band ordering sorted_list = [] # for each band bands = product.getElementsByTagName('band') for band in bands: if (band.hasAttribute("filename")): for obj in filelist: # add entry to sort list if configuration matches argument if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.basename(obj), str(band.attributes["filename"].value)): sorted_list.append(obj) break # build vrt on validation of successful sort if len(sorted_list) == len(bands): out_pathname = scene + '/' + product.attributes["name"].value + '.vrt' updateImages(sorted_list) vrt = gdal.BuildVRT(out_pathname, sorted_list, options=gdal.BuildVRTOptions(separate=True)) vrt = None return out_pathname
def combine_same_utm(): '''Combines all files within one UTM zone in on vrt-file (per day)''' print("-> Start combining same UTM zone...") # Create Out folder TEMP_FOLDERS["utm"] = create_folder(OUT_FOLDER, "04_combined_utm") # iterate over each day for day in listdir(TEMP_FOLDERS["unzipped"]): # Create one folder per day folder_day = create_folder(TEMP_FOLDERS["utm"], day) # Sort files after their UTM zone zones = {} for file in listdir("{0}/{1}".format(TEMP_FOLDERS["combined_bands"], day)): file_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(TEMP_FOLDERS["combined_bands"], day, file) cur_zone = file[1:3] if cur_zone not in zones: zones[cur_zone] = [file_path] else: zones[cur_zone].append(file_path) # Iterate over UTM zones in dict for zone in zones.keys(): # Build out_path out_filename = "T{0}_{1}.vrt".format(zone, day) out_path = "{0}/{1}".format(folder_day, out_filename) # Merge all vrt-files inside one UTM zone gdal.BuildVRT(out_path, zones[zone]) print(" - Combined UTM for {0}".format(out_filename)) print("-> Finished combining same UTM zone.")
def buildvrt_utility(self, task, zoom_levels): if not (task["parameters"]["fileNames"] and task["parameters"]["originDirectory"]): raise VRTError("jobData didn't have source files data, for {0}" .format(utilities.task_format_log(task))) vrt_config = { 'VRTNodata': self.__config["gdal"]["vrt"]["no_data"], 'outputSRS': self.__config["gdal"]["vrt"]["output_srs"], 'resampleAlg': self.__config["gdal"]["vrt"]["resample_algo"], 'addAlpha': self.__config["gdal"]["vrt"]["add_alpha"] }"Starting process GDAL-BUILD-VRT on {0} and zoom-levels: {1}" .format(utilities.task_format_log(task), zoom_levels)) mount_path = self.__config['source_mount'] files = [path.join(mount_path, task["parameters"]['originDirectory'], file) for file in task["parameters"]['fileNames']] vrt_result = gdal.BuildVRT(self.vrt_file_location(task["parameters"]['discreteId']), files, **vrt_config) if vrt_result != None: vrt_result.FlushCache() vrt_result = None else: raise VRTError("Could not create VRT File")
def gdalbuildvrt(src, dst, options=None, void=True): """ a simple wrapper for :osgeo:func:`gdal.BuildVRT` Parameters ---------- src: str, list, :osgeo:class:`ogr.DataSource` or :osgeo:class:`gdal.Dataset` the input data set(s) dst: str the output data set options: dict additional parameters passed to :osgeo:func:`gdal.BuildVRT`; see :osgeo:func:`gdal.BuildVRTOptions` void: bool just write the results and don't return anything? If not, the spatial object is returned Returns ------- """ options = {} if options is None else options if 'outputBounds' in options.keys() and gdal.__version__ < '2.4.0': warnings.warn( '\ncreating VRT files with subsetted extent is very likely to cause problems. ' 'Please use GDAL version >= 2.4.0, which fixed the problem.\n' 'see here for a description of the problem:\n' '' 'sampling-error-using-gdalwarp-on-a-subsetted-vrt\n' 'and here for the release note of GDAL 2.4.0:\n' '') out = gdal.BuildVRT(dst, src, options=gdal.BuildVRTOptions(**options)) out.FlushCache() if void: out = None else: return out
def create_vrt(path_save, list_path_raster, list_band_name=None, src_nodata=None, dst_nodata=None): """ Write raster from image (can use with gdal and rasterio raster). Parameters ---------- path_save: str Virtual's save path. list_band_name: list of string (optional), default None List of the name of each band. Otherwise, blank band names. src_nodata: int (optional), default None Nodata value of the source raster. dst_nodata: int (optional), default None Nodata value of the virtual raster. Examples -------- >>> create_vrt(path_save="ice.tif", list_path_raster=["raster1.tif", "raster2.tif"], list_band_name=["ice", "lnw"], src_nodata=0, dst_nodata=0) Returns ------- None """ options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(separate=True, srcNodata=src_nodata, VRTNodata=dst_nodata) outds = gdal.BuildVRT(path_save, list_path_raster, options=options) if list_band_name is not None: for idx, band_name in enumerate(list_band_name): outds.GetRasterBand(idx + 1).SetDescription(band_name) outds.FlushCache() del outds