def write(geo_array, file_name, dtype=None, nodata=None, proj=None, gdal_driver='GTiff', overwrite=False): if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(file_name): raise IOError('file `{}` already exists.'.format(file_name)) if dtype is None: dtype = geo_array.array.dtype raster = gdal.GetDriverByName(gdal_driver).Create( utf8_path=file_name, xsize=geo_array.width, ysize=geo_array.height, bands=geo_array.bands, eType=gdal_array.flip_code(numpy.dtype(dtype))) if not raster: raise IOError('an error occurred while creating gdal dataset.') # resolve projection if proj is None: proj = geo_array.proj_origin if proj is None: proj = DEFAULT_PROJ raster.SetProjection(proj) raster.SetGeoTransform(geo_array.geotransform.to_list()) # convert buffer dtype to informed dtype parameter as to write data to raster. buffer = geo_array.array.astype(dtype, copy=True) byte_string = buffer.tostring() # get buffer strides in order to finda data elements position in `byte_string` height_size, width_size, bands_size = buffer.strides raster.WriteRaster(xoff=0, yoff=0, xsize=geo_array.width, ysize=geo_array.height, buf_string=byte_string, buf_xsize=geo_array.width, buf_ysize=geo_array.height, buf_type=gdal_array.flip_code(dtype), buf_pixel_space=width_size, buf_line_space=height_size, buf_band_space=bands_size) # 2-do: capture gdal errors and treat them appropriately. raster.FlushCache() if nodata is None: nodata = geo_array.nodata if nodata is not None: for i in range(1, raster.RasterCount + 1): raster.GetRasterBand(i).SetNoDataValue(nodata) for i in range(1, raster.RasterCount + 1): raster.GetRasterBand(i).ComputeStatistics(False) raster.SetMetadata(geo_array.metadata)
def test_write_array_to_file(shape: Tuple[int], dst_filename: Optional[PathLikeOrStr] = None): np_dtype = np.float32 a = np.random.rand(*shape) a = np.array(a, dtype=np_dtype) if dst_filename is None: dst_filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.tif') ds = write_array_to_file(dst_filename, a) if len(shape) == 3: a0 = a[0] raster_count = shape[0] y_size, x_size = shape[1:] else: a0 = a raster_count = 1 y_size, x_size = shape assert ds.RasterCount == raster_count assert ds.RasterXSize == x_size assert ds.RasterYSize == y_size bnd: gdal.Band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) assert bnd.DataType == gdal_array.flip_code(a.dtype) b = bnd.ReadAsArray() assert_almost_equal(a0, b) ds = None gdal.Unlink(dst_filename)
def command(source_path, raster_path, target_path, attribute, partial): """ Main """ if partial is None: source_features = common.Source(source_path) else: source_features = common.Source(source_path).select(partial) raster = gdal.Open(raster_path) geo_transform = GeoTransform(raster.GetGeoTransform()) sr = osr.SpatialReference(raster.GetProjection()) band = raster.GetRasterBand(1) dtype = gdal_array.flip_code(band.DataType) no_data_value = np.array(band.GetNoDataValue(), dtype).item() # prepare statistics gathering target = common.Target( path=target_path, template_path=source_path, attributes=[attribute], ) for source_feature in source_features: geometry = source_feature.geometry() geometry.TransformTo(sr) xoff, yoff = geo_transform.get_centroid_indices(geometry) value = band.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, 1, 1).item() attributes = {attribute: None if value == no_data_value else value} target.append(geometry=geometry, attributes=attributes) return 0
def replace(source_path, target_path): source_dataset = gdal.Open(source_path) source_values = source_dataset.ReadAsArray() source_band = source_dataset.GetRasterBand(1) source_no_data_value = source_band.GetNoDataValue() data_type = source_band.DataType dtype = gdal_array.flip_code(data_type) target_no_data_value = np.finfo(dtype).max.item() target_values = np.where( source_values == source_no_data_value, target_no_data_value, source_values, ) target_dataset = DRIVER_MEM.CreateCopy('', source_dataset) target_band = target_dataset.GetRasterBand(1) target_band.WriteArray(target_values) target_band.SetNoDataValue(target_no_data_value) options = ['compress=deflate', 'tiled=yes'] gdal.GetDriverByName(str('gtiff')).CreateCopy( target_path, target_dataset, options=options, )
def write_array_to_file(dst_filename: PathLikeOrStr, a: MaybeSequence[np.ndarray], gdal_dtype=None) -> gdal.Dataset: driver_name = GetOutputDriverFor(dst_filename, is_raster=True) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name) a_shape = a[0].shape if len(a_shape) == 1: # 2d array, singleband raster a = [a] bands_count = 1 elif len(a_shape) == 2: # 3d array, multiband raster bands_count = a.shape[0] else: raise Exception('Array should have 2 or 3 dimensions') y_size, x_size = a[0].shape if gdal_dtype is None: np_dtype = a[0].dtype gdal_dtype = gdal_array.flip_code(np_dtype) ds = driver.Create(dst_filename, x_size, y_size, bands_count, gdal_dtype) if ds is None: raise Exception(f'failed to create: {dst_filename}') for bnd_num in range(bands_count): bnd = ds.GetRasterBand(bnd_num + 1) if gdal_array.BandWriteArray(bnd, a[bnd_num], xoff=0, yoff=0) != 0: raise Exception('I/O error') return ds
def point_from_dataset(dataset, point): x, y = point p, a, b, q, c, d = dataset.GetGeoTransform() minv = np.linalg.inv([[a, b], [c, d]]) u, v =, [x - p, y - q]) band_list = range(1, dataset.RasterCount + 1) data = dataset.ReadRaster(int(u), int(v), 1, 1, band_list=band_list) data_type = gdal_array.flip_code(dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) return np.fromstring(data, dtype=data_type)
def get_data_for_polygon(self, wkb, crs, size): """ Return a numpy array for the data. """ # Quick out if polygon bounds match polygon geometry = vectors.Geometry(wkb) envelope = geometry.envelope extent = geometry.extent nodatavalue = self.manager.no_data_value datatype = self.manager.data_type # Initialize resulting array to nodatavalue dtype = gdal_array.flip_code(datatype) array = np.ones( (1, size[1], size[0]), dtype=dtype, ) * dtype(nodatavalue) # Create dataset and use it to retrieve data from the store array_dict = dict( array=array, no_data_value=nodatavalue, projection=projections.get_wkt(crs), geo_transform=rasters.get_geotransform( extent=extent, width=size[0], height=size[1], ), ) dataset = rasters.dict2dataset(array_dict) self.warpinto(dataset) dataset.FlushCache() # Cut when necessary if not envelope.Equals(wkb): source = OGR_MEM_DRIVER.CreateDataSource('') sr = projections.get_spatial_reference(crs) layer = source.CreateLayer(b'', sr) defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() feature = ogr.Feature(defn) feature.SetGeometry(envelope.Difference(wkb)) layer.CreateFeature(feature) gdal.RasterizeLayer(dataset, (1,), layer, burn_values=(nodatavalue,)) dataset.FlushCache() return, nodatavalue, copy=False)
def read_as_shared_array(dataset): """ Return numpy array. Puts the array data in shared memory for use with multiprocessing. """ # Derive array properties from the dataset dtype = np.dtype(gdal_array.flip_code( dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType, )) shape = (dataset.RasterCount, dataset.RasterYSize, dataset.RasterXSize) size = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2] * dtype.itemsize # Create shared memory array and read into it return dataset.ReadAsArray(buf_obj=np.frombuffer( multiprocessing.RawArray('b', size), dtype ).reshape(*shape))
def test_gdal2xyz_py_1(): """ test get_ovr_idx, create_flat_raster """ pytest.importorskip('numpy') size = (3, 3) origin = (500_000, 0) pixel_size = (10, -10) nodata_value = 255 band_count = 2 dt = gdal.GDT_Byte np_dt = flip_code(dt) ds = create_flat_raster(filename='', size=size, origin=origin, pixel_size=pixel_size, nodata_value=nodata_value, fill_value=nodata_value, band_count=band_count, dt=dt) src_nodata = nodata_value np.random.seed() for bnd_idx in range(band_count): bnd = ds.GetRasterBand(bnd_idx + 1) data = (np.random.random_sample(size) * 255).astype(np_dt) data[1, 1] = src_nodata bnd.WriteArray(data, 0, 0) dst_nodata = 254 for pre_allocate_np_arrays, skip_nodata in product((True, False), (True, False)): geo_x, geo_y, data, nodata = \ gdal2xyz.gdal2xyz( ds, None, return_np_arrays=True, src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, skip_nodata=skip_nodata, pre_allocate_np_arrays=pre_allocate_np_arrays) _pixels, _lines, data2 = gdallocationinfo.gdallocationinfo( ds, x=geo_x, y=geo_y, resample_alg=gdal.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, srs=gdallocationinfo.LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS) data2[data2 == src_nodata] = dst_nodata assert np.all(np.equal(data, data2))
def point_from_dataset(animation, framenr, point): x, y = point p, a, b, q, c, d = animation.get_geotransform() minv = np.linalg.inv([[a, b], [c, d]]) u, v =, [x - p, y - q]) u = int(u) v = int(v) if not ((0 <= u < animation.cols) and (0 <= v < animation.rows)): # Outside animation return None dataset = gdal.Open(animation.get_dataset_path(framenr)) if dataset is None: return None data = dataset.ReadRaster(u, v, 1, 1, band_list=[1]) data_type = gdal_array.flip_code(dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) return np.fromstring(data, dtype=data_type)[0]
def read_block(self, block): """ Read a block as a dataset. """ # read the data u1, u2, v1, v2 = self.get_offsets(block) band_list = range(1, self.raster_count + 1) array = np.fromstring(self.dataset.ReadRaster( u1, v1, u2 - u1, v2 - v1, band_list=band_list, ), dtype=gdal_array.flip_code(self.data_type)) array.shape = self.raster_count, v2 - v1, u2 - u1 # dataset properties p, a, b, q, c, d = self.geo_transform geo_transform = p + a * u1 + b * v1, a, b, q + c * u1 + d * v1, c, d dataset = dict2dataset(dict( array=array, geo_transform=geo_transform, projection=self.projection, no_data_value=self.no_data_value, )) return dict(dataset=dataset, array=array)
def get_dtype(dataset): """ Return the numpy dtype. """ return np.dtype(gdal_array.flip_code( dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType, ))
def lutx(lut, input, output, format): """ Reads in input image, applies lut and outputs image """ # Read in input image gdal.AllRegister() src_ds = gdal.Open(input, GA_ReadOnly) if src_ds is None: print 'Error: could not open {0}'.format(input) rows = src_ds.RasterYSize cols = src_ds.RasterXSize # Read in data band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) dtype = band.DataType data = band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows).astype(gdal_array.flip_code(dtype)) # Determine requiredo output datatype out_dt = np.byte if np.min(lut.values()) < 0: # Must be signed int if np.max(np.abs(lut.values())) < 2**15: # NOTE: put np.int8 as np.int16 since GDAL has no int8 out_dt = np.int16 elif np.max(np.abs(lut.values())) < 2**31: out_dt = np.int32 elif np.max(np.abs(lut.values())) < 2**63: out_dt = np.int64 else: print 'Required output data type is unknown' sys.exit(1) else: # Can be unsigned if np.max(lut.values()) < 2**8: out_dt = np.uint8 elif np.max(lut.values()) < 2**16: out_dt = np.uint16 elif np.max(lut.values()) < 2**32: out_dt = np.uint32 elif np.max(lut.values()) < 2**64: out_dt = np.uint64 else: print 'Required output data type is unknown' sys.exit(1) if DEBUG: print 'NumPy data type: %s' % str(out_dt) print 'GDAL data type: %s' % str( gdal.GetDataTypeName(gdal_array.flip_code(out_dt))) # Copy data for output lutdata = data.copy().astype(out_dt) # Apply lut for key, value in lut.iteritems():, data == key, value) # Write to output driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format) dst_ds = driver.Create(output, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal_array.flip_code(out_dt)) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjection()) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(lutdata) # Close src_ds = None dst_ds = None print 'Wrote output to file {0}'.format(output)
def save_raster(outfile, data, info=None): """open a GDAL-readable raster file returns a pair of (metadata,array) """ proj4txt = (info and info['grid'].srs()) geoxf = (info and info['grid'].geoxf()) meta = None # XXX fixme dirname,fname = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(outfile)) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) if len(data.shape) == 3: ysize,xsize,nbands = data.shape else: ysize,xsize = data.shape nbands = 1 # get the gdal datatype from the numpy datatype gdtype = gdal_array.flip_code(data.dtype.type) # do not add COMPRESS=DEFLATE here # generate all TIFFs in blocks for faster random access blocksize = 128 opts = [ 'TILED=YES', 'BLOCKXSIZE=%d' % blocksize, 'BLOCKYSIZE=%d' % blocksize ] #print 'SAVE %r %r' % (outfile, (data.shape, blocksize, opts)) gtiff = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') #print 'GDTY %r %r %r' % (data.dtype, gdtype, gdalconst.GDT_Byte) ds = gtiff.Create(str(outfile), xsize, ysize, nbands, gdtype, opts) if proj4txt is not None: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromProj4(proj4txt) ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) if geoxf is not None: ds.SetGeoTransform(geoxf) if meta is not None: ds.SetMetadata(meta) for i in range(nbands): rband = ds.GetRasterBand(i+1) if nbands == 1: rband.SetRasterColorInterpretation(gdalconst.GCI_GrayIndex) elif i == 0: rband.SetRasterColorInterpretation(gdalconst.GCI_RedBand) elif i == 1: rband.SetRasterColorInterpretation(gdalconst.GCI_GreenBand) elif i == 2: rband.SetRasterColorInterpretation(gdalconst.GCI_BlueBand) elif i == 3: rband.SetRasterColorInterpretation(gdalconst.GCI_AlphaBand) #rband.SetNoDataValue(xxx): bdata = data if nbands > 1: bdata = data[:,:,i] # transform data to unsigned byte? print 'DATA %r: %f < x < %f' % (outfile, N.min(bdata), N.max(bdata)) rband.WriteArray(bdata)
def lutx(lut, input, output, format): """ Reads in input image, applies lut and outputs image """ # Read in input image gdal.AllRegister() src_ds = gdal.Open(input, GA_ReadOnly) if src_ds is None: print 'Error: could not open {0}'.format(input) rows = src_ds.RasterYSize cols = src_ds.RasterXSize # Read in data band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) dtype = band.DataType data = band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows).astype( gdal_array.flip_code(dtype)) # Determine requiredo output datatype out_dt = np.byte if np.min(lut.values()) < 0: # Must be signed int if np.max(np.abs(lut.values())) < 2 ** 15: # NOTE: put np.int8 as np.int16 since GDAL has no int8 out_dt = np.int16 elif np.max(np.abs(lut.values())) < 2 ** 31: out_dt = np.int32 elif np.max(np.abs(lut.values())) < 2 ** 63: out_dt = np.int64 else: print 'Required output data type is unknown' sys.exit(1) else: # Can be unsigned if np.max(lut.values()) < 2 ** 8: out_dt = np.uint8 elif np.max(lut.values()) < 2 ** 16: out_dt = np.uint16 elif np.max(lut.values()) < 2 ** 32: out_dt = np.uint32 elif np.max(lut.values()) < 2 ** 64: out_dt = np.uint64 else: print 'Required output data type is unknown' sys.exit(1) if DEBUG: print 'NumPy data type: %s' % str(out_dt) print 'GDAL data type: %s' % str( gdal.GetDataTypeName(gdal_array.flip_code(out_dt))) # Copy data for output lutdata = data.copy().astype(out_dt) # Apply lut for key, value in lut.iteritems():, data == key, value) # Write to output driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format) dst_ds = driver.Create(output, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal_array.flip_code(out_dt)) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjection()) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(lutdata) # Close src_ds = None dst_ds = None print 'Wrote output to file {0}'.format(output)
def read(raster, geom=None, band_list=None, dtype=None, resample_alg=GRIORA_NearestNeighbour): raster = _open_raster(raster) if not isinstance(raster, gdal.Dataset): raise ValueError('invalid informed `raster` argument.') if raster.RasterCount < 1: raise ValueError('informed `raster` has no bands') # calculate the interested area geotransform = GeoTransform(*raster.GetGeoTransform()) if geom is None: x_off, y_off, x_size, y_size = 0, 0, raster.RasterXSize, raster.RasterYSize else: geom_raster = geotransform.transform(, 0, raster.RasterXSize, raster.RasterYSize)) intersection = geom_raster.intersection(geom) if intersection.is_empty: raise ValueError('`geom` do not intersects with `raster`.') # get offset to read from raster x_off, y_off, x_size, y_size = tuple( map(int, geotransform.get_inverse().transform(intersection).bounds)) x_size, y_size = x_size - x_off, y_size - y_off # update resulting geotransform x_ul, y_min, _, y_max = intersection.exterior.bounds y_ul = y_max if geotransform.y_res < 0 else y_min geotransform = GeoTransform(x_ul, geotransform.x_res, geotransform.x_skew, y_ul, geotransform.y_skew, geotransform.y_res) bands = raster.RasterCount if band_list is None else len(band_list) # prepare raster buffer: get buffer strides if dtype is None: dtype = gdal_array.flip_code(raster.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) sizeof_dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype).itemsize line_space, pixel_space, band_space = sizeof_dtype * x_size * bands, sizeof_dtype * bands, sizeof_dtype # read to buffer buffer = raster.ReadRaster(xoff=x_off, yoff=y_off, xsize=x_size, ysize=y_size, buf_type=gdal_array.flip_code( numpy.dtype(dtype)), buf_xsize=x_size, buf_ysize=y_size, band_list=band_list, buf_pixel_space=pixel_space, buf_line_space=line_space, buf_band_space=band_space, resample_alg=resample_alg) array = numpy.fromstring(buffer, dtype=dtype) array.shape = (y_size, x_size, -1) return GeoArray(array, geotransform, proj_origin=raster.GetProjection(), **raster.GetMetadata_Dict())