def larger_area(larger_network_area: ogr.Geometry, project_area: ogr.Geometry) -> ogr.Geometry: """ The area in which the network will only cover main roads, defaults to the project area, if no larger_network_area is given """ dummy_geom = dummy_polygon() # compare the geometry to the default dummy_area if larger_network_area.SymmetricDifference(dummy_geom).Area(): # if its different, the area of the symmetric difference is > 0 return larger_network_area # otherwise, use the project_area instead return project_area
def detailed_area(detailed_network_area: ogr.Geometry, project_area: ogr.Geometry) -> ogr.Geometry: """ The area in which the network will be detailed, defaults to the project area, if no detailed_network_area is given """ dummy_geom = dummy_polygon() # compare the geometry to the default dummy_area if detailed_network_area.SymmetricDifference(dummy_geom).Area(): # if its different, the area of the symmetric difference is > 0 return detailed_network_area # otherwise, use the project_area instead return project_area