def load_geometries(directory, good_sources, area): ''' Load a set of GeoJSON geometries should be rendered. ''' good_geometries, bad_geometries = list(), list() osr.UseExceptions() sref_geo = osr.SpatialReference() sref_geo.ImportFromProj4(EPSG4326) sref_map = osr.SpatialReference() sref_map.ImportFromProj4(EPSG2163 if area == USA else ESRI54029) project = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sref_geo, sref_map) for path in glob(join(directory, '*.json')): with open(path) as file: data = json.load(file) if 'geometry' in data.get('coverage', {}): geojson = json.dumps(data['coverage']['geometry']) geometry = ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(geojson) if not geometry: continue geometry.Transform(project) if basename(path) in good_sources: good_geometries.append(geometry) else: bad_geometries.append(geometry) return good_geometries, bad_geometries
def delete_points_in_countries(points_lat_long, points, indices, countries=None, path="data/shp/countries/cntry00.shp"): from osgeo import ogr from osgeo import osr query = "CNTRY_NAME IN (\'" + "\',\'".join(countries) + "\')" print(query) ogr.UseExceptions() osr.UseExceptions() driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") dataStore = driver.Open(path, 0) layer = dataStore.GetLayer(0) layer.SetAttributeFilter(query) feature = layer.GetNextFeature() while feature: print(list(feature.items())["CNTRY_NAME"]) geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() if list(feature.items())["CNTRY_NAME"] != "Russia": print(geom.ExportToWkt()) to_del = filter(lambda x: geom.Distance(x[1]) < 0.2, list(zip(points, points_lat_long, indices))) to_del = list(to_del) for p_del, p_ll_del, i_del in to_del: points.remove(p_del) indices.remove(i_del) points_lat_long.remove(p_ll_del) feature = layer.GetNextFeature() pass dataStore.Destroy()
def load_geometries(directory, good_sources, area): ''' Load two dictionaries of GeoJSON geometries should be rendered. Dictionary keys are source paths, values are geometries ''' good_geometries, bad_geometries = dict(), dict() osr.UseExceptions() sref_geo = osr.SpatialReference() sref_geo.ImportFromProj4(EPSG4326) sref_map = osr.SpatialReference() sref_map.ImportFromProj4(EPSG2163 if area == USA else ESRI54029) project = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sref_geo, sref_map) for path in iterate_sources_dir(directory): with open(join(directory, path)) as file: data = json.load(file) if 'geometry' in data.get('coverage', {}): geojson = json.dumps(data['coverage']['geometry']) geometry = ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(geojson) if not geometry: continue geometry.Transform(project) if path in good_sources: good_geometries[path] = geometry else: bad_geometries[path] = geometry return good_geometries, bad_geometries
def Set(self, evt): try: from osgeo import osr osr.UseExceptions() source = osr.SpatialReference() # 0 = Custom if self.GetSelection() == 1: # WGS84 self.SetValue(config.epsg4326) elif self.GetSelection() == 2: # UTM source.SetProjCS( _("%s / UTM Zone %s%s") % (config.wellknowngeogcs[self.geogcs.GetSelection()], self.utmzone.GetValue(), ['N', 'S' ][self.north.GetSelection()])) source.SetWellKnownGeogCS( config.wellknowngeogcs[self.geogcs.GetSelection()]) source.SetUTM(self.utmzone.GetValue(), (self.north.GetSelection() == 0)) self.SetValue(source.ExportToPrettyWkt()) elif self.GetSelection() == 3: # EPSG if self.epsgesri.GetSelection() == 0: source.ImportFromEPSG(self.epsgcode.GetValue()) else: source.ImportFromESRI(self.epsgcode.GetValue()) self.SetValue(source.ExportToPrettyWkt()) except Exception, error: wx.MessageBox("%s" % error, _("The SRS definition is not correct"), wx.ICON_ERROR)
def get_projection(): ''' ''' osr.UseExceptions() sref_geo = osr.SpatialReference(); sref_geo.ImportFromProj4(EPSG4326) sref_map = osr.SpatialReference(); sref_map.ImportFromProj4(EPSG900913) return osr.CoordinateTransformation(sref_geo, sref_map)
def _set_up_osgeo_use_exception(new, _): if new: gdal.UseExceptions() osr.UseExceptions() ogr.UseExceptions() else: gdal.DontUseExceptions() osr.DontUseExceptions() ogr.DontUseExceptions()
def push_gdal_error_handler(cls): """ Install GDAL error handler """ gdal.PushErrorHandler(cls.gdal_error_handler) gdal.UseExceptions() ogr.UseExceptions() osr.UseExceptions() cls.error_loaded = True
def has_proj(): sr1 = osr.SpatialReference() sr1.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # lat, lon. sr2 = osr.SpatialReference() sr2.ImportFromEPSG(28355) # GDA94/MGA zone 55. osrex = osr.GetUseExceptions() osr.UseExceptions() hasproj = True # Use exceptions to determine if we have proj and epsg files # otherwise we can't reliably determine if it has failed. try: trans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sr1, sr2) except RuntimeError: hasproj = False return hasproj
def define_transformation(self, dataset_crs, tile_crs): """Return the transformation between dataset_crs and tile_crs projections""" osr.UseExceptions() try: dataset_spatial_reference = self.create_spatial_ref(dataset_crs) tile_spatial_reference = self.create_spatial_ref(tile_crs) if dataset_spatial_reference is None: raise DatasetError('Unknown projecton %s' % str(dataset_crs)) if tile_spatial_reference is None: raise DatasetError('Unknown projecton %s' % str(tile_crs)) return osr.CoordinateTransformation(dataset_spatial_reference, tile_spatial_reference) except Exception: raise DatasetError('Coordinate transformation error ' + 'for transforming %s to %s' % (str(dataset_crs), str(tile_crs)))
def create_spatial_ref(crs): """Create a spatial reference system for projecton crs. Called by define_transformation()""" # pylint: disable=broad-except osr.UseExceptions() try: spatial_ref = osr.SpatialReference() except Exception: raise DatasetError('No spatial reference done for %s' % str(crs)) try: spatial_ref.ImportFromWkt(crs) return spatial_ref except Exception: pass try: matchobj = re.match(r'EPSG:(\d+)', crs) epsg_code = int( spatial_ref.ImportFromEPSG(epsg_code) return spatial_ref except Exception: return None
def svg(self, scale_factor=1.0, color=None): if self.is_empty: return '<g />' return '<g>%s</g>' % ''.join( p.svg(scale_factor, c) for p, c in zip(self, self.colors)) def load_utm_proj4(source_path): return GeoTable.load_utm_proj4(source_path) def load(source_path, source_proj4=None, target_proj4=None, with_z=True, **kw): t = GeoTable.load(source_path, source_proj4, target_proj4, **kw) if not with_z: t['geometry_object'] = transform_geometries(t['geometry_object'], drop_z) return t concatenate_tables = partial(pd.concat, ignore_index=True) gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_NUM_THREADS', 'ALL_CPUS') gdal.UseExceptions() ogr.UseExceptions() osr.UseExceptions() __all__ = [ 'GeoTable', 'GeoRow', 'GeoTableError', 'EmptyGeoTableError', 'LONGITUDE_LATITUDE_PROJ4' ]
from math import floor, ceil, log from os import unlink, close, write, makedirs, chmod from os.path import basename, exists, isdir, join from http.client import HTTPConnection from urllib.parse import urlparse from io import StringIO from gzip import GzipFile from hashlib import md5 from TileStache.Geography import SphericalMercator from osgeo import gdal, osr ideal_zoom = 11 ### log(3 * 360*360 / 256) / log(2) # ~10.6 osr.UseExceptions() # <-- otherwise errors will be silent and useless. sref = osr.SpatialReference() sref.ImportFromProj4('+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +no_defs') def quads(minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat): """ Generate a list of northwest (lon, lat) for 1-degree quads of NED 10m data. """ lon = floor(minlon) while lon <= maxlon: lat = ceil(maxlat) while lat >= minlat: yield lon, lat
def test_gdal_calculations_py_2(): ''' Test environment getting/setting ''' try: from gdal_calculations import Env, Dataset from osgeo import gdal #Get/set cellsize assert Env.cellsize == "DEFAULT", "Env.cellsize != 'DEFAULT' ('%s')" % Env.cellsize Env.cellsize = "DEFAULT" Env.cellsize = "MINOF" Env.cellsize = "MAXOF" Env.cellsize = 1 Env.cellsize = [1, 1] try: Env.cellsize = "INCORRECT" except: pass else: return fail('Env.cellsize accepted an incorrect value') #Get/set extent assert Env.extent == "MINOF", "Env.extent != 'MINOF' ('%s')" % Env.extent Env.extent = "MINOF" Env.extent = "MAXOF" Env.extent = [1, 1, 2, 2] try: Env.extent = "INCORRECT" except: pass else: return fail('Env.extent accepted an incorrect value') #Get/set extent assert Env.nodata == False, "Env.nodata != False ('%s')" % Env.nodata Env.nodata = True Env.nodata = False #Get/set overwrite assert Env.overwrite == False, "Env.overwrite != False ('%s')" % Env.overwrite Env.overwrite = True Env.overwrite = False #Get/set reproject assert Env.reproject == False, "Env.reproject != False ('%s')" % Env.reproject Env.reproject = True Env.reproject = False #Get/set resampling assert Env.resampling == gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour, 'Env.resampling != "NEAREST"' Env.resampling = "BILINEAR" Env.resampling = "CUBIC" Env.resampling = "CUBICSPLINE" Env.resampling = "LANCZOS" Env.resampling = "NEAREST" if int(gdal.VersionInfo("VERSION_NUM")) >= 1100000: Env.resampling = "AVERAGE" Env.resampling = "MODE" try: Env.resampling = "INCORRECT" except: pass else: return fail('Env.resampling accepted an incorrect value') #Get/set snap assert Env.snap is None, 'Env.snap should be None not %s' % repr( Env.snap) Env.snap = Dataset('data/tgc_geo.tif') assert isinstance(Env.snap, Dataset), 'Env.snap is not a Dataset' #Get/set srs epsg = 4283 wkt = 'GEOGCS["GDA94",DATUM["Geocentric_Datum_of_Australia_1994",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6283"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4283"]]' srs = osr.SpatialReference(wkt) assert Env.srs is None, 'Env.srs should be None' Env.srs = epsg assert isinstance( Env.srs, osr.SpatialReference), 'Env.srs is not a SpatialReference (EPSG)' Env.srs = wkt assert isinstance( Env.srs, osr.SpatialReference), 'Env.srs is not a SpatialReference (WKT)' Env.srs = srs assert isinstance( Env.srs, osr.SpatialReference ), 'Env.srs is not a SpatialReference (SpatialReference)' gue = osr.GetUseExceptions() osr.DontUseExceptions() try: Env.srs = 1 except: pass else: return fail('Env.srs accepted an invalid EPSG (1)') try: Env.srs = 'INCORRECT' except: pass else: return fail('Env.extent accepted an invalid WKT ("INCORRECT")') try: Env.srs = osr.SpatialReference('sdfsdfsdf') except: pass else: return fail('Env.extent accepted an invalid SpatialReference') if gue: osr.UseExceptions() else: osr.DontUseExceptions() #Get/set tempdir try: tempdir = tempfile.tempdir #use to reset tempfile.tempdir to default assert Env.tempdir == tempfile.tempdir, 'Env.tempdir != %s' % tempfile.tempdir Env.tempdir = 'tmp' #autotest/pyscripts/tmp assert tempfile.tempdir == 'tmp', 'tempfile.tempdir != tmp' try: Env.tempdir = "INCORRECT" except: pass else: gdaltest.post_reason('Env.tempdir accepted an incorrect value') return 'fail' finally: tempfile.tempdir = tempdir #Get/set tiled assert Env.tiled == True, "Env.tiled != True ('%s')" % Env.tiled Env.tiled = False Env.tiled = True return 'success' except ImportError: return 'skip' except AssertionError: return fail() finally: cleanup()
def SRSInput(srs): osr.UseExceptions() reference.SetFromUserInput(srs) return reference.ExportToPrettyWkt()
from itertools import count import os import re from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output, Popen, PIPE from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from xml.etree import ElementTree import numpy from osgeo import gdal, gdalconst, osr from osgeo.gdalconst import (GA_ReadOnly, GRA_Bilinear, GRA_Cubic, GRA_CubicSpline, GRA_Lanczos, GRA_NearestNeighbour) gdal.UseExceptions() # Make GDAL throw exceptions on error osr.UseExceptions() # And OSR as well. from .constants import (EPSG_WEB_MERCATOR, ESRI_102113_PROJ, ESRI_102100_PROJ, GDALTRANSLATE, GDALWARP, TILE_SIDE) from .exceptions import (GdalError, CalledGdalError, UnalignedInputError, UnknownResamplingMethodError) from .types import Extents, GdalFormat, XY from .utils import rmfile logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) RESAMPLING_METHODS = { GRA_NearestNeighbour: 'near', GRA_Bilinear: 'bilinear', GRA_Cubic: 'cubic',
def combine_bands(self): """ Start combining the bands. A file is created in the process. """ self.LOGGER.debug("merging bands to one file") osr.UseExceptions() band_list = [] crs = self.layer_list[0][0].crs() cell_resolution_x = self.layer_list[0][0].rasterUnitsPerPixelX() cell_resolution_y = self.layer_list[0][0].rasterUnitsPerPixelY() x_min = self.layer_list[0][0].dataProvider().extent().xMinimum() x_max = self.layer_list[0][0].dataProvider().extent().xMaximum() y_min = self.layer_list[0][0].dataProvider().extent().yMinimum() y_max = self.layer_list[0][0].dataProvider().extent().yMaximum() for layer in self.layer_list: if crs != layer[0].crs(): self.finished.emit(False, "Location does not match", None) self.LOGGER.warning("location does not match") return # location comparison if x_min != layer[0].dataProvider().extent().xMinimum() or \ x_max != layer[0].dataProvider().extent().xMaximum() or \ y_min != layer[0].dataProvider().extent().yMinimum() or \ y_max != layer[0].dataProvider().extent().yMaximum(): self.LOGGER.warning("size does not match") self.finished.emit(False, "Image sizes does not match", None) return # finding the highest resolution if cell_resolution_x > layer[0].rasterUnitsPerPixelX(): cell_resolution_x = layer[0].rasterUnitsPerPixelX() if cell_resolution_y > layer[0].rasterUnitsPerPixelY(): cell_resolution_y = layer[0].rasterUnitsPerPixelY() band_list.append(self._layer_to_array(layer[0], layer[1])) wkt = crs.toWkt() band_list = self._equalize_arrays(band_list) height, width = band_list[0].shape self.LOGGER.debug("getting driver by name: self.gdal_driver_name") driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(self.gdal_driver_name) self.LOGGER.debug("creating output_raster") output_raster = driver.Create(self.output_path, width, height, len(band_list), eType=self.gdal_data_type) geo_transform = (x_min, cell_resolution_x, 0, y_max, 0, -1 * cell_resolution_y) output_raster.SetProjection(str(wkt)) output_raster.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) for index in range(0, len(band_list)): output_band = output_raster.GetRasterBand(index + 1) output_band.WriteArray(band_list[index]) output_band.FlushCache() if not os.path.exists(self.output_path): self.LOGGER.warning("result file was not created", self.output_path) self.finished.emit(False, "Result file was not created", None) self.finished.emit(True, "Success", self.output_path)