コード例 #1
ファイル: test_osr_util.py プロジェクト: rsbivand/gdal
def test_transform():
    pj_utm = osr_util.get_srs(32636)
    utm_x = [690950.4640, 688927.6381]
    utm_y = [3431318.8435, 3542183.4911]

    for gis_order in (False, True):
        axis_order = osr_util.get_axis_order_from_gis_order(gis_order)
        pj4326 = osr_util.get_srs(4326, axis_order=axis_order)
        ct = osr_util.get_transform(pj4326, pj_utm)
        lon = [35, 35]
        lat = [31, 32]
        x, y = (lon, lat) if gis_order else (lat, lon)
        osr_util.transform_points(ct, x, y)
        d = array_util.array_dist(x, utm_x), array_util.array_dist(y, utm_y)
        assert max(d) < 0.01
コード例 #2
def gdallocationinfo(
    filename_or_ds: PathOrDS,
    x: ArrayOrScalarLike,
    y: ArrayOrScalarLike,
    srs: CoordinateTransformationOrSRS = None,
    axis_order: Optional[OAMS_AXIS_ORDER] = None,
    open_options: Optional[dict] = None,
    ovr_idx: Optional[int] = None,
    band_nums: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
    inline_xy_replacement: bool = False,
    return_ovr_pixel_line: bool = False,
    transform_round_digits: Optional[float] = None,
    allow_xy_outside_extent: bool = True,
    pixel_offset: Real = -0.5,
    line_offset: Real = -0.5,
    quiet_mode: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    ds = open_ds(filename_or_ds, open_options=open_options)
    filename = filename_or_ds if is_path_like(filename_or_ds) else ''
    if ds is None:
        raise Exception(f'Could not open {filename}.')
    if not isinstance(x, ArrayLike.__args__):
        x = [x]
    if not isinstance(y, ArrayLike.__args__):
        y = [y]
    if len(x) != len(y):
        raise Exception(
            f'len(x)={len(x)} should be the same as len(y)={len(y)}')
    point_count = len(x)

    dtype = np.float64
    if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
        x = np.array(x, dtype=dtype)
        y = np.array(y, dtype=dtype)
        inline_xy_replacement = True

    if srs is None:
        srs = LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine

    # Build Spatial Reference object based on coordinate system, fetched from the opened dataset
    if srs != LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine:
        if srs != LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS:
            ds_srs = ds.GetSpatialRef()
            ct = None
            if isinstance(srs, osr.CoordinateTransformation):
                ct = srs
                if srs == LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS_GeogCS:
                    points_srs = ds_srs.CloneGeogCS()
                    points_srs = get_srs(srs, axis_order=axis_order)
                ct = get_transform(points_srs, ds_srs)
            if ct is not None:
                if not inline_xy_replacement:
                    x = x.copy()
                    y = y.copy()
                    inline_xy_replacement = True
                transform_points(ct, x, y)
                if transform_round_digits is not None:
                    x.round(transform_round_digits, out=x)
                    y.round(transform_round_digits, out=y)

        # Read geotransform matrix and calculate corresponding pixel coordinates
        geotransform = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        inv_geotransform = gdal.InvGeoTransform(geotransform)
        if inv_geotransform is None:
            raise Exception("Failed InvGeoTransform()")

        # can we inline this transformation ?
        x, y = \
            (inv_geotransform[0] + inv_geotransform[1] * x + inv_geotransform[2] * y), \
            (inv_geotransform[3] + inv_geotransform[4] * x + inv_geotransform[5] * y)
        inline_xy_replacement = True

    xsize, ysize = ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize
    bands = get_bands(ds, band_nums, ovr_idx=ovr_idx)
    ovr_xsize, ovr_ysize = bands[0].XSize, bands[0].YSize
    pixel_fact, line_fact = (ovr_xsize / xsize,
                             ovr_ysize / ysize) if ovr_idx else (1, 1)
    bnd_count = len(bands)

    shape = (bnd_count, point_count)
    np_dtype, np_dtype = GDALTypeCodeAndNumericTypeCodeFromDataSet(ds)
    results = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=np_dtype)

    check_outside = not quiet_mode or not allow_xy_outside_extent
    if check_outside and (np.any(x < 0) or np.any(x >= xsize) or np.any(y < 0)
                          or np.any(y >= ysize)):
        msg = 'Passed coordinates are not in dataset extent!'
        if not allow_xy_outside_extent:
            raise Exception(msg)
        elif not quiet_mode:

    if pixel_fact == 1:
        pixels_q = x
    elif return_ovr_pixel_line:
        x *= pixel_fact
        pixels_q = x
        pixels_q = x * pixel_fact

    if line_fact == 1:
        lines_q = y
    elif return_ovr_pixel_line:
        y *= line_fact
        lines_q = y
        lines_q = y * line_fact

    buf_xsize = buf_ysize = 1
    buf_type, typecode = GDALTypeCodeAndNumericTypeCodeFromDataSet(ds)
    buf_obj = np.empty([buf_ysize, buf_xsize], dtype=typecode)

    for idx, (pixel, line) in enumerate(zip(pixels_q, lines_q)):
        for bnd_idx, band in enumerate(bands):
            if BandRasterIONumPy(band, 0, pixel - 0.5, line - 0.5, 1, 1,
                                 buf_obj, buf_type, resample_alg, None,
                                 None) == 0:
                results[bnd_idx][idx] = buf_obj[0][0]

    is_scaled, scales, offsets = get_scales_and_offsets(bands)
    if is_scaled:
        for bnd_idx, (scale, offset) in enumerate(zip(scales, offsets)):
            results[bnd_idx] = results[bnd_idx] * scale + offset

    return x, y, results
コード例 #3
def test_gdallocationinfo_py_7():
    filename_template = 'tmp/byte{}.tif'
    overview_list = [2]
    overview_list, file_list = copy_raster_and_add_overviews(

    ds = open_ds(filename_template.format(''))
    ds_srs = ds.GetSpatialRef()
    gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
    ovr_fact = 1
    pix_offset = 0
    p0 = list(i * ovr_fact + pix_offset for i in range(0, 3))
    l0 = list(i * ovr_fact + pix_offset for i in range(0, 3))
    p0, l0 = zip(*product(p0, l0))
    x0 = list(gt[0] + pixel * gt[1] for pixel in p0)
    y0 = list(gt[3] + line * gt[5] for line in l0)

    dtype = np.float64
    p0 = np.array(p0, dtype=dtype)
    l0 = np.array(l0, dtype=dtype)
    x0 = np.array(x0, dtype=dtype)
    y0 = np.array(y0, dtype=dtype)

    expected_results = [[(0.0, 0.0, 107), (0.0, 1.0, 115), (0.0, 2.0, 115),
                         (1.0, 0.0, 123), (1.0, 1.0, 132), (1.0, 2.0, 132),
                         (2.0, 0.0, 132), (2.0, 1.0, 107), (2.0, 2.0, 140)],
                        [(0.0, 0.0, 120), (0.0, 0.5, 120), (0.0, 1.0, 132),
                         (0.5, 0.0, 120), (0.5, 0.5, 120), (0.5, 1.0, 132),
                         (1.0, 0.0, 124), (1.0, 0.5, 124), (1.0, 1.0, 129)]]
    expected_results = np.array(expected_results, dtype=dtype)

    do_print = False
    for ovr_idx, f in enumerate(overview_list):
        for srs in [
                LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine, LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS, 4326
            if srs == LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine:
                x = p0
                y = l0
            elif srs == LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS:
                x = x0
                y = y0
                points_srs = get_srs(srs,
                ct = get_transform(ds_srs, points_srs)
                x = x0.copy()
                y = y0.copy()
                transform_points(ct, x, y)
            pixels, lines, results = gdallocationinfo.gdallocationinfo(

            actual = list(zip(pixels, lines, *results))
            actual = np.array(actual, dtype=dtype)
            expected = expected_results[ovr_idx]
            if do_print:
                outputs = list(zip(x, y, pixels, lines, *results))
                    f'ovr: {ovr_idx}, srs: {srs}, x/y/pixel/line/result: {outputs}'
            assert_allclose(expected, actual, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-3)
コード例 #4
ファイル: gdallocationinfo.py プロジェクト: Dukowsky/gdal
def gdallocationinfo(
    filename_or_ds: PathOrDS,
    x: NumpyCompatibleArrayOrReal,
    y: NumpyCompatibleArrayOrReal,
    gis_order: bool = False,
    open_options: Optional[dict] = None,
    ovr_idx: Optional[int] = None,
    band_nums: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
    srs: CoordinateTransformationOrSRS = None,
    inline_xy_replacement: bool = True,
    quiet_mode: bool = True,
    allow_xy_outside_extent: bool = True,
    pixel_offset: Real = -0.5,
    line_offset: Real = -0.5,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

    ds = open_ds(filename_or_ds, open_options=open_options)
    filename = filename_or_ds if is_path_like(filename_or_ds) else ''
    if ds is None:
        raise Exception(f'Could not open {filename}.')
    if not isinstance(x, NumpyCompatibleArray.__args__):
        x = [x]
    if not isinstance(y, NumpyCompatibleArray.__args__):
        y = [y]
    if len(x) != len(y):
        raise Exception(
            f'len(x)={len(x)} should be the same as len(y)={len(y)}')
    point_count = len(x)

    if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        x = np.ndarray(x)
    if not isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
        y = np.ndarray(y)

    if srs is None:
        srs = LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine

    # Build Spatial Reference object based on coordinate system, fetched from the opened dataset
    if srs != LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine:
        if srs != LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS:
            ds_srs = ds.GetSpatialRef()
            ct = None
            if isinstance(srs, osr.CoordinateTransformation):
                ct = srs
                if srs == LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS_GeogCS:
                    points_srs = ds_srs.CloneGeogCS()
                    points_srs = get_srs(srs, gis_order=gis_order)
                ct = get_transform(points_srs, ds_srs)
            x, y, _z = transform_points(ct, x, y)

        # Read geotransform matrix and calculate corresponding pixel coordinates
        geomatrix = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        inv_geometrix = gdal.InvGeoTransform(geomatrix)
        if inv_geometrix is None:
            raise Exception("Failed InvGeoTransform()")

        x, y = \
            (inv_geometrix[0] + inv_geometrix[1] * x + inv_geometrix[2] * y), \
            (inv_geometrix[3] + inv_geometrix[4] * x + inv_geometrix[5] * y)

    xsize, ysize = ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize
    bands = get_bands(ds, band_nums, ovr_idx=ovr_idx)
    ovr_xsize, ovr_ysize = bands[0].XSize, bands[0].YSize
    pixel_fact, line_fact = (ovr_xsize / xsize,
                             ovr_ysize / ysize) if ovr_idx else (1, 1)
    bnd_count = len(bands)

    shape = (bnd_count, point_count)
    np_dtype, np_dtype = GDALTypeCodeAndNumericTypeCodeFromDataSet(ds)
    results = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=np_dtype)

    check_outside = not quiet_mode or not allow_xy_outside_extent
    if check_outside and (np.any(x < 0) or np.any(x >= xsize) or np.any(y < 0)
                          or np.any(y >= ysize)):
        msg = 'Passed coordinates are not in dataset extent!'
        if not allow_xy_outside_extent:
            raise Exception(msg)
        elif not quiet_mode:

    pixels = np.clip(x * pixel_fact + pixel_offset,
                     ovr_xsize - 1,
                     out=x if inline_xy_replacement else None)
    lines = np.clip(y * line_fact + line_offset,
                    ovr_ysize - 1,
                    out=y if inline_xy_replacement else None)

    for idx, (pixel, line) in enumerate(zip(pixels, lines)):
        for bnd_idx, band in enumerate(bands):
            val = band.ReadAsArray(pixel,
            val = val[0][0]
            results[bnd_idx][idx] = val

    is_scaled, scales, offsets = get_scales_and_offsets(bands)
    if is_scaled:
        for bnd_idx, scale, offset in enumerate(zip(scales, offsets)):
            results[bnd_idx] = results[bnd_idx] * scale + offset

    return pixels, lines, results