def plot_theory(v0, mass_ratio): alpha = np.linspace(0, 5, num=200) if v0 > 5.0: print('v0 should be <= 5.0') return #rmass=1.0/100.0 rmass = mass_ratio #v0=3.0 growth_rate = osiris.buneman_growth_rate(alpha, rmass) growth_rate_func = interp1d(alpha, np.abs(growth_rate), kind='cubic') karray = np.arange(0.01, 1.0, 0.01) nk = 49 growth_rate = np.zeros(nk) growth_rate = growth_rate_func(karray * v0) maxgr = max(growth_rate) print("Max growth rate is {:.3f}, occurring at k = {:.2f}".format( maxgr, karray[np.argmax(growth_rate)])) print("Instability edge is at k = {:.2f}".format( karray[np.where(growth_rate < 0.001)[0]][0])) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.plot(karray, growth_rate, label='Theory: $v_0 = ' + repr(v0) + '$,\n' + 'mass ratio $m/M = ' + repr(rmass) + '$') plt.xlabel('Wavenumber [$1/\Delta x$]', **axis_font) plt.ylabel('Growth Rate [$\omega_{pe}$]', **axis_font) plt.legend()
def plot_theory(v0=10.0, density_ratio=1 / 100): alpha = np.linspace(0, 20, num=200) rmass = density_ratio growth_rate = osiris.buneman_growth_rate(alpha, rmass) growth_rate_func = interp1d(alpha, np.abs(growth_rate), kind='cubic') #v0=10.0 c = rmass karray = np.arange(0.0005, 1, 0.005) nk = 49 growth_rate = np.zeros(nk) growth_rate = growth_rate_func(karray * v0) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.plot(karray, growth_rate, label='Theory: $v_0 = ' + repr(v0) + '$,\n' + 'den ratio $n_b/n_0 = ' + repr(c) + '$') plt.xlabel('Wavenumber [$1/\Delta x$]', **axis_font) plt.ylabel('Growth Rate [$\omega_{pe}$]', **axis_font) plt.legend()
def get_theory(v0, mass_ratio): alpha = np.linspace(0, 5, num=200) if v0 > 5.0: print('v0 should be <= 5.0') return #rmass=1.0/100.0 rmass = mass_ratio #v0=3.0 growth_rate = osiris.buneman_growth_rate(alpha, rmass) growth_rate_func = interp1d(alpha, np.abs(growth_rate), kind='cubic') karray = np.arange(0.01, 1.0, 0.01) nk = 49 growth_rate = np.zeros(nk) growth_rate = growth_rate_func(karray * v0) maxgr = max(growth_rate) return maxgr, karray[np.argmax(growth_rate)], karray[np.where( growth_rate < 0.001)[0]][0]
def compare_sim_with_theory(output_directory, v0, mode, mass_ratio): alpha = np.arange(0, 2.0, 0.01) rmass = mass_ratio growth_rate = osiris.buneman_growth_rate(alpha, rmass) growth_rate_func = interp1d(alpha, np.abs(growth_rate), kind='cubic') workdir = os.getcwd() dirname = output_directory filename = workdir + '/' + dirname + '/Ex.h5' test4 = h5_utilities.read_hdf(filename) k_data = np.fft.fft(, axis=1) = np.abs(k_data) test4.axes[0].axis_max = 2.0 * 3.1415926 nx =[1] nt =[0] dk = 2 * 3.1415926 / nx display_mode = mode bracket = False #v0=3.0 alpha = v0 * dk * (display_mode) # growth_rate = 0.0 # if (alpha<np.sqrt(2)): growth_rate = growth_rate_func(alpha)[()] taxis = np.linspace(0, test4.axes[1].axis_max, nt) stream_theory = np.zeros(nt) stream_theory_plus = np.zeros(nt) stream_theory_minus = np.zeros(nt) init_amplitude = 1e-7 for it in range(0, nt): stream_theory[it] = init_amplitude * np.exp(growth_rate * taxis[it]) stream_theory_plus[it] = init_amplitude * np.exp( 1.15 * growth_rate * taxis[it]) stream_theory_minus[it] = init_amplitude * np.exp( 0.85 * growth_rate * taxis[it]) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.semilogy(taxis,[:, display_mode], label='PIC simulation, mode =' + repr(display_mode)) plt.semilogy(taxis, stream_theory, 'r', label='theory, growth rate =' + '%.3f' % growth_rate) if (bracket): plt.semilogy(taxis, stream_theory_plus, 'g.') plt.semilogy(taxis, stream_theory_minus, 'g.') plt.ylim((1e-7, 1000)) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Time $[1/\omega_{pe}]$', **axis_font) plt.ylabel('Time History [a.u.]', **axis_font)
def compare_sim_with_theory(output_directory, v0, mode, density_ratio): alpha = np.linspace(0, 20, num=200) rmass = density_ratio growth_rate = osiris.buneman_growth_rate(alpha, rmass) growth_rate_func = interp1d(alpha, np.abs(growth_rate), kind='cubic') workdir = os.getcwd() dirname = output_directory filename = workdir + '/' + dirname + '/Ex.h5' # print(filename) test4 = h5_utilities.read_hdf(filename) # here we fourier analyze the data in space # # k_data=np.fft.fft(,axis=1) k_data = np.fft.fft(, axis=1) # k_data_2=np.fft.fft(k_data,axis=0) = np.abs(k_data) test4.axes[0].axis_max = 2.0 * 3.1415926 nx =[1] nt =[0] # print(repr(nt)) dk = 2 * 3.1415926 / nx # print('Delta k = '+repr(dk)) # To compare with theory, just specify the mode you want to look at here # display_mode = mode bracket = False # # #v0=10.0 alpha = v0 * dk * (display_mode) # growth_rate = 0.0 # if (alpha<np.sqrt(2)): growth_rate = growth_rate_func(alpha)[()] taxis = np.linspace(0, test4.axes[1].axis_max, nt) stream_theory = np.zeros(nt) stream_theory_plus = np.zeros(nt) stream_theory_minus = np.zeros(nt) init_amplitude = 1e-7 for it in range(0, nt): stream_theory[it] = init_amplitude * np.exp(growth_rate * taxis[it]) stream_theory_plus[it] = init_amplitude * np.exp( 1.15 * growth_rate * taxis[it]) stream_theory_minus[it] = init_amplitude * np.exp( 0.85 * growth_rate * taxis[it]) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.semilogy(taxis,[:, display_mode], label='PIC simulation, mode =' + repr(display_mode)) plt.semilogy(taxis, stream_theory, 'r', label='theory, growth rate =' + '%.3f' % growth_rate) if (bracket): plt.semilogy(taxis, stream_theory_plus, 'g.') plt.semilogy(taxis, stream_theory_minus, 'g.') plt.ylim((1e-7, 1000)) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Time $[1/\omega_{pe}]$', **axis_font) plt.ylabel('Mode amplitude [a.u.]', **axis_font)