print,SAMARA_OBL.lon def lxm(xxx): return lxml.etree.tostring(xxx) OSM = SAMARA_OBL.xpath('/osm')[0] MP=cgmp.MP('../map/') MP.IMGID.Name='Samara globe (c)' MP.IMGID.LocalName='глобус Самары (c)' MP.IMGID.Version=OSM.attrib['version'] MP.IMGID.Copyright='(c) & [email protected]'#OSM.attrib['copyright'] R=SAMARA_OBL.xpath('/osm/relation[@id=72194]/member[@type="node"][@role="label"]')[0].attrib['ref'] C=SAMARA_OBL_CENTER=osm.node(R) print,,C.lon, MP.IMGID.PointView='%s %s'%(,C.lon) MP.add(cgmp.AdminCenter(,,C.lon, R=SAMARA_OBL.xpath('/osm/relation[@id=72194]/member[@type="node"][@role="admin_centre"]')[0].attrib['ref'] C=osm.node(R) print,,C.lon, MP.add(cgmp.MainCity(,,C.lon, print,'outline:', for i in SAMARA_OBL.xpath('//relation[@id=72194]/member[@type="way"][@role="outer"]'): W=osm.way(i.attrib['ref']) ; print, MP.add(cgmp.StateBoundary(,W.poly, print
# Write OSM file tmp = base + ".osm" osm = osm.osmfile(dd, tmp) print("Output file: %r" % tmp) osm.header() bbox = poly.getBBox() refs = [] # Make a rectangular polygon for tasking manager #Upper left # top line attrs = dict() attrs['lat'] = str(bbox[3]) attrs['lon'] = str(bbox[0]) node = osm.node(list(), attrs) + 1 refs.append(node) # Upper Right attrs = dict() attrs['lat'] = str(bbox[3]) attrs['lon'] = str(bbox[1]) node = osm.node(list(), attrs) + 1 refs.append(node) # Right side # Lower Right attrs = dict() attrs['lat'] = str(bbox[2]) attrs['lon'] = str(bbox[1]) node = osm.node(list(), attrs) + 1
if dist < threshold:"Ignoring for dist %r" % dist) result = dbcursor.fetchone() continue previous = (lat, lon) # Make the OSM Node attrs['user'] = dd.get('user') attrs['uid'] = dd.get('uid') attrs['lon'] = str(lon) attrs['lat'] = str(lat) tagger = osm.makeTag('addr:housenumber', result[1]) alltags.append(tagger) tagger = osm.makeTag('addr:street', result[2]) alltags.append(tagger) node = osm.node(alltags, attrs) result = dbcursor.fetchone() # query = """DROP TABLE sorted;""" # dbcursor.execute(query) # logging.debug("Rowcount: %r" % dbcursor.rowcount) # if dbcursor.rowcount < 0: # logging.error("Query failed: %s" % query) # query = """SELECT "addr:housenumber",way,ST_Centroid(way) AS center INTO sorted FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE "addr:housenumber" is not NULL or building='yes';""" # dbcursor.execute(query) # logging.debug("Rowcount: %r" % dbcursor.rowcount) # if dbcursor.rowcount < 0: # logging.error("Query failed: %s" % query) # query = """SELECT ST_Transform(way,4326),"addr:housenumber" FROM sorted;"""
def start_element(name, attrs): global n,parsing_node,w,parsing_way,r,parsing_relation,noderefs,sequence_id,cut_nodes,sequence_id,wnc if name == 'node': parsing_node=True n = node() = 'lat' in attrs and float(attrs['lat']) n.lon = 'lon' in attrs and float(attrs['lon']) n.version = 'version' in attrs and int(attrs['version']) n.user_id = 'uid' in attrs and int(attrs['uid']) or 0 n.user = '******' in attrs and unicode(attrs['user']) or "__anonymous__" = 'id' in attrs and int(attrs['id']) n.visible = 'visible' in attrs and attrs['visible'] == "true" n.timestamp = 'timestamp' in attrs and iso8601.parse_date(attrs['timestamp']) n.changeset_id = 'changeset' in attrs and int(attrs['changeset']) elif name == 'way': sequence_id = 0 parsing_way=True w = way() w.version = 'version' in attrs and int(attrs['version']) w.user_id = 'uid' in attrs and int(attrs['uid']) or 0 w.user = '******' in attrs and unicode(attrs['user']) or "__anonymous__" = 'id' in attrs and int(attrs['id']) w.visible = 'visible' in attrs and attrs['visible'] == "true" w.timestamp = 'timestamp' in attrs and iso8601.parse_date(attrs['timestamp']) w.changeset_id = 'changeset' in attrs and int(attrs['changeset']) elif name == 'relation': parsing_relation=True r = relation() r.version = 'version' in attrs and int(attrs['version']) r.user_id = 'uid' in attrs and int(attrs['uid']) or 0 r.user = '******' in attrs and unicode(attrs['user']) or "__anonymous__" = 'id' in attrs and int(attrs['id']) r.visible = 'visible' in attrs and attrs['visible'] == "true" r.timestamp = 'timestamp' in attrs and iso8601.parse_date(attrs['timestamp']) r.changeset_id = 'changeset' in attrs and int(attrs['changeset']) elif name == 'tag': if parsing_node and not n: print "\ttag outside of node" elif parsing_way and not w: print "\ttag outside of way" elif parsing_relation and not r: print "\ttag outside of relation" else: if parsing_node: p = n elif parsing_way: p = w elif parsing_relation: p = r if 'k' in attrs and 'v' in attrs and p: p.tags[attrs['k']] = attrs['v'] elif name == 'nd' and parsing_way: #print '\tnoderef start:', attrs['ref'] if not w: print "\tnoderef outside of way" else: noderef = 'ref' in attrs and int(attrs['ref']) timestamp_way = w.timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # find node version that corresponds to way version # that is the last node version that has creation date before this way version creation date. cursor_nodememstore.execute("select max(timestamp),version from nodes where id = ? and timestamp <= ?",(noderef,timestamp_way)) row = cursor_nodememstore.fetchone() if row[0] == None: # Node does not exist in file, possibly because this version was not in the extract's bbox # Solution for now is to cut this node out for this way-version. cut_nodes += 1 logging.warn("node ref %i was cut from way %i version %i because the node was not in the file" % (noderef,,w.version)) else: noderefs.append(noderef) wn.append((,w.version,noderef,row[1],sequence_id)) sequence_id += 1 wnc += 1 elif name == 'member' and parsing_relation: #print '\tmember start:', attrs['ref'] if not r: print "\tnmember outside of relation" else: m = member() m.type = 'type' in attrs and attrs['type'] m.ref = 'ref' in attrs and attrs['ref'] m.role = 'role' in attrs and attrs['role'] m.sequence_id = sequence_id sequence_id += 1 r.members.append(m)