コード例 #1
def getNodeHistory(id) :
    global tagfirst
    global tagsecond
    global tagthird
    global tagfourth
    global tagfifth
    global tagsixth
    global nodefirst
    global nodesecond
    global nodethird
    global nodefourth
    global nodefifth
    global nodesixth
    #time is started
    start_time = time.time()
    for version in nodeHistory.keys():
        user = nodeHistory[version]['user']
        version = int(nodeHistory[version]['version'])
        if(version == 1):
            if(len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])!= 0):
                tagfirst +=len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])
            nodefirst +=1
        if(version == 2):
            if(len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])!= 0):
                tagsecond +=len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])
            nodesecond +=1
        if(version == 3):
            if(len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])!= 0):
                tagthird +=len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])
            nodethird +=1
        if(version == 4):
            if(len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])!= 0):
                tagfourth +=len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])
            nodefourth +=1
        if(version == 5):
            if(len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])!= 0):
                tagfifth +=len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])
            nodefifth +=1
        if(version == 6):
            if(len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])!= 0):
                tagsixth +=len(nodeHistory[version]['tag'])
            nodesixth +=1
コード例 #2
class Changeset(object):
    def __init__(self, id, api='https://api.openstreetmap.org'):
        self.id = id
        logger.debug('Using api={}'.format(api))
        if api:
            self.osmapi = OsmApi(api=api)
            self.osmapi = None

        self.meta = None
        self.changes = None

        # History for modified/deleted elements, inner dicts indexed by object id
        self.history_one_version_back = True
        self.hist = {'node': {}, 'way':{}, 'relation':{}}

        # Summary of elemets, created, modified, deleted. '_' versions are summarized across all object types
        self.summary = {'create' : { 'node': 0, 'way':0, 'relation':0, 'relation_tags':{}},
                        'modify' : { 'node': 0, 'way':0, 'relation':0, 'relation_tags':{}},
                        'delete' : { 'node': 0, 'way':0, 'relation':0, 'relation_tags':{}},
                        '_create':0, '_modify':0, '_delete':0}
        # Tag changes
        self.tagdiff = self.getEmptyDiffDict()
        # Tags unchanged, i.e. mostly ID if object geometrically changed
        self.tags = {}
        # Textual diff description
        self.diffs = {}
        # Simple (no tags) nodes
        self.simple_nodes = {'create':0, 'modify':0, 'delete':0}

        self.other_users = None
        self.mileage = None

        self.apidebug = False
        self.datadebug = False

    def get_timestamp(meta, typeof=None, include_discussion=False):
        if include_discussion and 'comments_count' in meta and int(meta['comments_count'])>0:
            typeof = 'comment'
            cset_ts = reduce(lambda c1,c2: c1 if c1['date']>c2['date'] else c2, meta['discussion'])['date']
            if not typeof:
                if 'closed_at' in meta.keys():
                    typeof = 'closed_at'
                    typeof = 'created_at'

            cset_ts = meta[typeof]

        if type(cset_ts) is datetime.datetime:
            # Some osmapi's pass datetime's here without tz instead of a unicode string?
            timestamp = cset_ts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
            timestamp = diff.OsmDiffApi.timetxt2datetime(cset_ts)
        return (typeof, timestamp)

    def printSummary(self):
        s = self.summary
        print '{} elements created: Nodes: {}, ways:{} Relations:{}'.format(s['_create'], s['create']['node'], s['create']['way'], s['create']['relation'])
        print '{} elements modified: Nodes: {}, ways:{} Relations:{}'.format(s['_modify'], s['modify']['node'], s['modify']['way'], s['modify']['relation'])
        print '{} elements deleted: Nodes: {}, ways:{} Relations:{}'.format(s['_delete'], s['delete']['node'], s['delete']['way'], s['delete']['relation'])
        print 'Simple nodes: {}'.format(pprint.pformat(self.simple_nodes))
        if (self.tagdiff['create'] or self.tagdiff['modify'] or self.tagdiff['delete']):
            print 'Tag change stats: {}'.format(pprint.pformat(self.tagdiff))
            print 'No tags changed'
        if self.other_users:
            print 'Modifies objects previously edited by: {}'.format(pprint.pformat(self.other_users))
        if self.mileage:
            print 'Mileage (ways): {} meters'.format(int(self.mileage['_all_create']-self.mileage['_all_delete']))
            print 'Mileage (navigable): {} meters'.format(int(self.mileage['_navigable_create']-self.mileage['_navigable_delete']))
            for nav_cat in self.mileage['by_type'].keys():
                for nav_type in self.mileage['by_type'][nav_cat].keys():
                    print 'Mileage ({}={}): {} meters'.format(nav_cat, nav_type,

    def printDiffs(self):

    def _pluS(self, num):
        '''Return plural s'''
        if num==1:
            return ''
        return 's'

    def buildDiffList(self, maxtime=None):
        logger.debug('Start building diff list')
        self.diffs = self.getEmptyObjDict()
        for modif in self.changes:
            logger.debug('Processing modif: {}'.format(modif))
            etype = modif['type']
            data = modif['data']
            id = data['id']
            version = data['version']
            action = modif['action']
            diff = self.getTagDiff(etype, id, version)
            label = self.getLabel(etype, id, version)
            #logger.debug('-- {} {} {} --'.format(action, etype, id))
            notes = []
            prev_authors = []
            entry = (action, label, diff, notes, prev_authors)
            self.diffs[etype][str(id)] = entry
            if action == 'modify':
                old = self.old(etype,id,version-1)
                if etype=='way':
                    nd_ops = self.diffStat(old['nd'], data['nd'])
                    if nd_ops or diff:
                        if nd_ops:
                            if nd_ops[0]:
                                notes.append(u'added {} node{}'.format(nd_ops[0], self._pluS(nd_ops[0])))
                            if nd_ops[1]:
                                notes.append(u'removed {} node{}'.format(nd_ops[1], self._pluS(nd_ops[1])))
                        if old['uid'] != data['uid']:
                if etype=='relation':
                    # member is list of dict's: {u'role': u'', u'ref': 1234, u'type': u'way'}
                    ombr = [x['ref'] for x in old['member']]
                    nmbr = [x['ref'] for x in data['member']]
                    m_ops = self.diffStat(ombr, nmbr)
                    if m_ops or diff:
                        if m_ops:
                            if m_ops[0]:
                                notes.append(u'added {} member{}'.format(m_ops[0], self._pluS(m_ops[0])))
                            if m_ops[1]:
                                notes.append(u'deleted {} member{}'.format(m_ops[1], self._pluS(m_ops[1])))
                        if old['uid'] != data['uid']:
                    if not m_ops and ombr!=nmbr:
                        notes.append(u'Reordered members')
                # TODO: Handle relation role changes (e.g. inner to outer)
                # TODO: Show relation as modified if member changes (e.g. way has added a node)
        return self.diffs

    def diffStat(self, a, b):
        ''' Given two lists of ids, return tuple with (added, removed) '''
        aa = set(a)
        bb = set(b)
        d1 = aa-bb
        d2 = bb-aa
        if not d1 and not d2:
            return None
        return (len(d2), len(d1))

    def downloadMeta(self, set_tz=True):
        if not self.meta:
            if self.apidebug:
                logger.debug('osmapi.ChangesetGet({}, include_discussion=True)'.format(self.id))
            self.meta = self.osmapi.ChangesetGet(self.id, include_discussion=True)
            if set_tz:
                for ts in ['created_at', 'closed_at']:
                    if ts in self.meta:
                        self.meta[ts] = self.meta[ts].replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
                if 'discussion' in self.meta:
                    for disc in self.meta['discussion']:
                        disc['date'] = disc['date'].replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
            if self.datadebug:
                logger.debug(u'meta({})={}'.format(self.id, self.meta))

    def downloadData(self):
        if not self.changes:
            if self.apidebug:
            self.changes = self.osmapi.ChangesetDownload(self.id)
            if self.datadebug:
                logger.debug(u'changes({})={}'.format(self.id, self.changes))

    def _downloadGeometry(self, overpass_api='https://overpass-api.de/api'):
        # https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=[adiff:"2016-07-02T22:23:17Z","2016-07-02T22:23:19Z"];(node(bbox)(changed);way(bbox)(changed););out meta geom(bbox);&bbox=11.4019207,55.8270254,11.4030363,55.8297091
        opened = self.get_timestamp(self.meta, 'created_at')[1] - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
        closed = self.get_timestamp(self.meta, 'closed_at')[1] + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
        tfmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%h:%M:%sZ'
        url = overpass_api+'/interpreter?data=[adiff:"'+ \
            opened.strftime(tfmt) + '","' + closed.strftime(tfmt) + \
            '"];(node(bbox)(changed);way(bbox)(changed););out meta geom(bbox);&bbox=' + \
            '{},{},{},{}'.format(self.meta['min_lon'], self.meta['min_lat'], self.meta['max_lon'], self.meta['max_lat'])
        #r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers={'Connection':'close'})
        r = requests.get(url)
        if r.status_code!=200:
            raise Exception('Overpass error:{}:{}:{}'.format(r.status_code,r.text,url))
        #r.raw.decode_content = True

    def downloadGeometry(self, maxtime=None, way_nodes=True):
        for mod in self.changes:
            etype = mod['type']
            data = mod['data']
            eid = data['id']
            version = data['version']
            action = mod['action']
            if action == 'create':
                self.hist[etype][eid] = {1: data}
                self.hist[etype][eid] = {version: data}
                self.old(etype, eid, version-1)
            if etype == 'way' and action != 'delete':
                for nid in data['nd']:
                    self.old('node', nid, data['timestamp'])

    def startProcessing(self, maxtime=None):
        self.max_processing_time = maxtime
        self.processing_start = time.time()

    def checkProcessingLimits(self):
        if self.max_processing_time:
            used = time.time()-self.processing_start
            logger.debug('Used {:.2f}s of {}s to process history'.format(used, self.max_processing_time))
            if used > self.max_processing_time:
                logger.warning('Timeout: Used {:.2f}s of processing time'.format(used))
                raise Timeout

    def unload(self):
        ch = self.changes
        self.changes = None
        del ch
        hist = self.hist
        self.hist = None
        del hist

    def wayIsNavigable(self, tags):
        navigable = ['highway', 'cycleway', 'busway']
        return set(navigable) & set(tags)

    def buildSummary(self, mileage=True, maxtime=None):
        logger.debug('Start building change summary')
        self.other_users = {}
        self.mileage = {'_navigable_create':0, '_navigable_delete':0, '_all_create':0, '_all_delete':0, 'by_type': {}}

        for modif in self.changes:
            logger.debug('Processing modif: {}'.format(modif))
            etype = modif['type']
            data = modif['data']
            eid = data['id']
            version = data['version']
            action = modif['action']

            self.summary['_'+action] += 1
            self.summary[action][etype] += 1

            diff = self.getTagDiff(etype, eid, version)
            if diff:
                self.addDiffDicts(self.tagdiff, diff)

            self.tags = self.getTags(etype, eid, version, self.tags)
            if etype=='node':
                if action == 'delete':
                    old = self.old(etype,eid,version-1)
                    if not diff and ('tag' not in old.keys() or not old['tag']):
                        self.simple_nodes[action] += 1
                    if not diff and ('tag' not in data.keys() or not data['tag']):
                        self.simple_nodes[action] += 1

            # For modify and delete we summarize affected users
            if action != 'create':
                old = self.old(etype,eid,version-1)
                old_uid = old['uid']
                if old_uid != data['uid']:
                    old_uid = str(old_uid)
                    if not old_uid in self.other_users.keys():
                        if old['user']:
                            usr = old['user']
                            usr = '******'
                        self.other_users[old_uid] = {'user':usr, 'edits':0}
                    self.other_users[old_uid]['edits'] = +1

            # FIXME: Since we are only summing created/deleted ways, we ignore edited mileage
            if (action == 'create' or action == 'delete') and etype=='way':
                if action == 'create':
                    # If created, we take the latest node version - in special
                    # cases where a node is edited multiple times in the same
                    # diff, this might not be correct
                    nv = -1
                    nd = data['nd']
                    tags = data['tag']
                    # For deleted ways, we take the previous version
                    nv = old['timestamp']
                    nd = old['nd']
                    tags = old['tag']
                d = 0
                flon = flat = None
                for nid in nd:
                    n = self.old('node', nid, nv)
                    #logger.debug('({}, {})'.format(n['lon'], n['lat']))
                    if flon:
                        d += geotools.haversine(flon, flat, n['lon'], n['lat'])
                    flon, flat = (n['lon'], n['lat'])
                if action == 'delete':
                    d = -d
                self.mileage['_all_'+action] += d
                navigable = self.wayIsNavigable(tags)
                if navigable:
                    self.mileage['_navigable_'+action] += d
                    nav_cat = navigable.pop()
                    nav_type = tags[nav_cat]
                    if not nav_cat in self.mileage['by_type'].keys():
                        self.mileage['by_type'][nav_cat] = {}
                    if not nav_type in self.mileage['by_type'][nav_cat].keys():
                        self.mileage['by_type'][nav_cat][nav_type] = 0
                    self.mileage['by_type'][nav_cat][nav_type] += d
                #    # Buildings, natural objects etc
                #    logger.debug('*** Not navigable way ({}) mileage: {} {} {}'.format(tags, d, self.mileage, navigable))

    def getEmptyDiffDict(self):
        return {'create':{}, 'delete':{}, 'modify':{}}

    def getEmptyObjDict(self):
        return {'node':{}, 'way':{}, 'relation':{}}

    def addDiffDicts(self, into, src):
        for ac in src.keys():
            for k,v in src[ac].iteritems():
                into[ac][k] = into[ac].get(k, 0)+v

    def getTagDiff(self, etype, eid, version):
        ''' Compute tag diffence between 'version' and previous version '''
        diff = self.getEmptyDiffDict()
        curr = self.old(etype,eid,version)
        ntags = curr['tag']
        if version > 1:
            old = self.old(etype,eid,version-1)
            otags = old['tag']
            old = None
            otags = {}
        #logger.debug('Tags curr:{}'.format(ntags))
        #logger.debug('Tags old:{}'.format(otags))
        for t in ntags.keys():
            if t in otags:
                if ntags[t]!=otags[t]:
                    k = u'{}={} --> {}={}'.format(t, otags[t], t, ntags[t])
                    diff['modify'][k] = diff['modify'].get(k, 0)+1
                k = u'{}={}'.format(t, ntags[t])
                diff['create'][k] = diff['create'].get(k, 0)+1
        for t in otags.keys():
            if not t in ntags:
                k = u'{}={}'.format(t, otags[t])
                diff['delete'][k] = diff['delete'].get(k, 0)+1
        if not diff['create'] and not diff['delete'] and not diff['modify']:
            return None
        return diff

    def getTags(self, etype, eid, version, curr_tags=None):
        '''Compute unmodified tags, i.e. tags on objects changed geometrically, but
           where tags are identical between 'version' and previous version'''
        if not curr_tags:
            tags = {}
            tags = curr_tags
        curr = self.old(etype,eid,version)
        ntags = curr['tag']
        if version > 1:
            old = self.old(etype,eid,version-1)
            otags = old['tag']
            old = None
            otags = {}
        #logger.debug('Tags curr:{}'.format(ntags))
        #logger.debug('Tags old:{}'.format(otags))
        for t in ntags.keys():
            if t in otags:
                if ntags[t]==otags[t]:
                    k = u'{}={}'.format(t, ntags[t])
                    tags[k] = tags.get(k, 0)+1
        return tags

    def getLabel(self, etype, eid, version):
        e = self.old(etype,eid,version)
        if 'tag' in e.keys():
            tag = e['tag']
            if 'name' in tag.keys():
                label = u'name={}'.format(tag['name'])
                label = u'{}<{}>'.format(etype.capitalize(), eid)
            keytags = ['highway', 'amenity', 'man_made', 'leisure', 'historic', 'landuse', 'type']
            for kt in keytags:
                if kt in tag.keys():
                    return u'{}={}, {}'.format(kt, tag[kt], label)
        return u'{}<{}>'.format(etype, eid)

    # Note: Deleted objects only have history
    def getElement(self, modif):
        etype = modif['type']
        data = modif['data']
        eid = data['id']
        version = data['version']
        action = modif['action']
        if action == 'create':
            self.hist[etype][eid] = {1: data}
            e = self.old(etype, eid, version-1)

    def getElementHistory(self, etype, eid, version):
        logger.debug('GetElementHistory({} idw {} version {})'.format(etype, eid, version));
        hv = None
        if self.history_one_version_back or version<4:
            if not eid in self.hist[etype].keys():
                self.hist[etype][eid] = {}
            if self.apidebug:
                logger.debug('cset {} -> osmapi.{}Get({},ver={})'.format(self.id, etype.capitalize(), eid, version))
            if etype == 'node':
                hv = self.osmapi.NodeGet(eid, NodeVersion=version)
            elif etype == 'way':
                hv = self.osmapi.WayGet(eid, WayVersion=version)
            elif etype == 'relation':
                hv = self.osmapi.RelationGet(eid, RelationVersion=version)
            if hv:
                self.hist[etype][eid][version] = hv
                # Possibly deleted element, fall-through
                logger.warning('Failed to get element history by version: {} id {} version {}'.format(etype, eid, version))

        if not hv:
            if self.apidebug:
                logger.debug('cset {} -> osmapi.{}History({})'.format(self.id, etype.capitalize(), eid))
            if etype == 'node':
                h = self.osmapi.NodeHistory(eid)
            elif etype == 'way':
                h = self.osmapi.WayHistory(eid)
            elif etype == 'relation':
                h = self.osmapi.RelationHistory(eid)
            self.hist[etype][eid] = h
            logger.debug('{} id {} history: {}'.format(etype, eid, h))

    def old(self, etype, eid, version, only_visible=True):
        logger.debug('Get old {} id {} version {}'.format(etype, eid, version))
        if not isinstance(version, int):
            '''Support timestamp versioning. Ways and relations refer un-versioned
               nodes/ways/relations, i.e. the only way to find the relevant node
               postion when the node was e.g. edited is to lookup using the
               timestamp. Using the latest version of the node is node correct
               if the node was moved subsequently..
            ts = diff.OsmDiffApi.timetxt2datetime(version)
            # First look if we have version very close in time
            if eid in self.hist[etype]:
                for v in self.hist[etype][eid].keys():
                    e = self.hist[etype][eid][v]
                    diffsec = abs((ts-e['timestamp']).total_seconds())
                    # If timestamp difference is less than two seconds, return the element we have
                    # This will cover e.g. newly created nodes+ways
                    if diffsec<2:
                        return e
                if not self.osmapi:
                    # If we have no api, return the newest version
                    v = max(self.hist[etype][eid].keys())
                    e = self.hist[etype][eid][v]
                    if only_visible and not e['visible']:
                        e = self.hist[etype][eid][v-1]
                    return e

            # Lookup the old node
            if self.apidebug:
                logger.debug('cset {} -> osmapi.{}History({})'.format(self.id, etype.capitalize(), eid))
            if etype == 'node':
                self.hist[etype][eid] = self.osmapi.NodeHistory(eid)
            elif etype == 'way':
                self.hist[etype][eid] = self.osmapi.WayHistory(eid)
            elif etype == 'relation':
                self.hist[etype][eid] = self.osmapi.RelationHistory(eid)
            k = self.hist[etype][eid].keys()
            version = 1 # Default, if timestamps does not work - should never be needed
            for v in k:
                e = self.hist[etype][eid][v]
                ets = diff.OsmDiffApi.timetxt2datetime(e['timestamp'])
                if ets<=ts:
                    version = e['version']

        if version==-1:
            # Latest version we already have
            if eid in self.hist[etype].keys():
                ks = self.hist[etype][eid].keys()
                version = ks[-1]
                logger.debug('version -1 changed to {} (ks={})'.format(version, ks))
                for v in range(version, 1, -1):
                    if not only_visible or self.hist[etype][eid][version]['visible']:
                        return self.hist[etype][eid][version]
            logger.debug('Did not find existing history on {} id {} version {}'.format(etype, eid, version))

        if (not eid in self.hist[etype].keys()) or (not version in self.hist[etype][eid].keys()):
            logger.debug('Do not have element {} id {} version {}'.format(etype, eid, version))
            if not eid in self.hist[etype].keys():
                logger.debug('Id {} not in {} keys'.format(eid, etype))
            elif not version in self.hist[etype][eid].keys():
                logger.debug('Version {} not in {}/{} keys'.format(version, etype, eid))
            self.getElementHistory(etype, eid, version)
            ks = self.hist[etype][eid].keys()
            version = ks[-1]
            logger.debug('version -1 changed to {} (ks={})'.format(version, ks))

        logger.debug('{} id {} version {}: {}'.format(etype, eid, version, self.hist[etype][eid]))
        elem = self.hist[etype][eid][version]

        if only_visible and not elem['visible']:
            if version > 1:
                # Deleted and then reverted elements will not have lat/lons on the old version
                logger.debug('Non-visible element found, trying {} id {} version {}'.format(etype, eid, version-1))
                elem = self.old(etype, eid, version-1, only_visible)
                logger.error('Non-visible element found: {} id {} version {}'.format(etype, eid, version))

        if not ('uid' in elem.keys() and 'user' in elem.keys()):
            logger.warning('*** Warning, old element type={} id={} v={} elem={}'.format(etype, eid, version, elem))
            # API-QUIRK (Anonymous edits, discontinued April 2009): Not all old
            # elements have uid. See
            # e.g. 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/8599635/history'
            # Also, 'created_by' does not seem like a complete substitute
            #if hasattr(elem, 'create_by'):
            #    user = '******'.format(elem['create_by'])
            user = None
            # Insert pseudo-values
            if not 'uid' in elem.keys():
                elem['uid'] = 0
            if not 'user' in elem.keys():
                elem['user'] = user
        return elem

    # def getReferencedElements(self):
    #     ''' Get elements referenced by changeset but not directly modified. '''
    #     for id,w in self.elems['way'].iteritems():
    #         self.getWay(id, w)
    #     for id,r in self.elems['relation'].iteritems():
    #         self.getRelation(id, r)

    # def getNode(self, id, data=None):
    #     if not data:
    #         if self.apidebug:
    #             logger.debug('osmapi.NodeGet({})'.format(id))
    #         data = self.osmapi.NodeGet(id)
    #     if not data: # Deleted, get history
    #         self.hist['node'][id] = self.osmapi.NodeHistory(id)
    #     else:
    #         self.elems['node'][id] = data

    # def getWay(self, id, data=None):
    #     if not data:
    #         if self.apidebug:
    #             logger.debug('osmapi.WayGet({})'.format(id))
    #         data = self.osmapi.WayGet(id)
    #     if not data: # Deleted, get history
    #         self.hist['way'][id] = self.osmapi.WayHistory(id)
    #     else:
    #         # Api has limitations on how many elements we can request in one multi-request
    #         # probably a char limitation, not number of ids
    #         api_max = 100
    #         all_nds = data['nd']
    #         for l in [all_nds[x:x+api_max] for x in xrange(0, len(all_nds), api_max)]:
    #             # We dont know node version - if node has been deleted we are in trouble
    #             if self.apidebug:
    #                 logger.debug('osmapi.NodesGet({})'.format(l))
    #             nds = self.osmapi.NodesGet(l)
    #             for nd in nds.keys():
    #                 self.getNode(nd, nds[nd])

    # def getRelation(self, id, data=None):
    #     if not data:
    #         if self.apidebug:
    #             logger.debug('osmapi.RelationGet({})'.format(id))
    #         data = self.osmapi.RelationGet(id)
    #     if not data: # Deleted, get history
    #         self.hist['relation'][id] = self.osmapi.RelationHistory(id)
    #     else:
    #         for mbr in data['member']:
    #             ref = mbr['ref']
    #             etype = mbr['type']
    #             # We dont know version - if way/node has been deleted we are in trouble
    #             if etype == 'node':
    #                 self.getNode(ref)
    #             elif etype == 'way':
    #                 self.getWay(ref)
    #             elif etype == 'relation':
    #                 self.getRelation(ref)

    def isInside(self, area, load_way_nodes=True):
        '''Return true if there are node edits in changeset and one or more nodes are within area'''
        hasnodes = False
        for modif in self.changes:
            etype = modif['type']
            data = modif['data']
            action = modif['action']
            if etype=='node':
                hasnodes = True
                if action!='delete':
                    if area.contains(data['lon'], data['lat']):
                        return True
                    # Deleted node do not have lat/lon
                    id = data['id']
                    version = data['version']
                    n = self.old(etype,id,version-1)
                    if area.contains(n['lon'], n['lat']):
                        return True
        if hasnodes:
            # Changesset has node edits, but none inside area i.e. most likely
            # not within area. We could have way/relation changes inside area,
            # which we will miss (FIXME).
            return False
            # FIXME: We really do not know because only tags/members on/off
            # ways/relations where changes. Maybe download way/relation nodes
            # to detect where edit where
            if load_way_nodes:
                for modif in self.changes:
                    etype = modif['type']
                    data = modif['data']
                    #action = modif['action']
                    if etype=='way':
                        nd = data['nd']
                        for nid in nd:
                            n = self.old('node', nid, data['timestamp'])
                            if area.contains(n['lon'], n['lat']):
                                return True
                return False
                # If we do not load nodes, we assume there are changed within area
                return True

    def getGeoJsonDiff(self, include_modified_ways=True):
        g = gj.GeoJson()
        c_create = '009a00' # Green
        c_delete = 'ff2200' # Red
        c_old = 'ffff60'    # Yellow
        c_mod = '66aacc'    # Light blue

        for modif in self.changes:
            etype = modif['type']
            n = modif['data']
            id = n['id']
            version = n['version']
            action = modif['action']
            #diff = self.getTagDiff(etype, id, version)
            f = None
            if action=='delete':
                e = self.old(etype,id,version-1)
                e = self.old(etype,id,version)
            if etype=='node':
                if action=='modify':
                    oe = self.old(etype,id,version-1)
                    logger.debug('Modify node {} version={} e={}, oe={}'.format(id, version, e, oe))
                    l = g.addLineString()
                    g.addLineStringPoint(l, e['lon'], e['lat'])
                    g.addLineStringPoint(l, oe['lon'], oe['lat'])
                    g.addColour(l, c_old)
                    g.addProperty(l, 'popupContent', 'Node moved')
                    g.addProperty(l, 'action', action)
                    g.addProperty(l, 'type', etype)

                    #f = g.addPoint(oe['lon'], oe['lat'])
                    #g.addColour(f, c_old)
                    f = g.addPoint(e['lon'], e['lat'])
                    f = g.addPoint(e['lon'], e['lat'])
            if etype=='way' and (include_modified_ways or action!='modify'):
                f = g.addLineString()
                nd = e['nd']
                for nid in nd:
                    # Using timestamp here means we draw the old way. If
                    # existing points have been moved and new ones added, we
                    # will draw the old way but show points as being moved.
                    n = self.old('node', nid, e['timestamp'])
                    g.addLineStringPoint(f, n['lon'], n['lat'])

            if f:
                # Popup text
                txt = ''

                e = self.old(etype,id,version)
                tag = e['tag']

                g.addProperty(f, 'action', action)
                g.addProperty(f, 'type', etype)
                g.addProperty(f, 'id', id)
                if action=='delete':
                    g.addColour(f, c_delete)
                    g.addProperty(f, 'tag', {version: tag})
                elif action=='create':
                    g.addColour(f, c_create)
                    g.addProperty(f, 'tag', {version: tag})
                    g.addColour(f, c_mod)
                    oe = self.old(etype,id,version-1)
                    g.addProperty(f, 'tag', {version: tag, version-1: oe['tag']})

                if self.diffs:
                    diff = self.diffs[etype][str(id)]
                    if diff:
                        if action!='create': # Dont show tags twice
                            d = diff[2]
                            if d:
                                tags = 0
                                repl = {'create': 'Added tags:', 'modify': 'Modified tags:', 'delete': 'Removed tags:'}
                                for k in ['create', 'modify', 'delete']:
                                    if len(d[k].keys()) > 0:
                                        txt = self.joinTxt(txt, repl[k])
                                    for kk in d[k].keys():
                                        txt = self.joinTxt(txt, kk)
                                    tags += 1
                                if tags > 0:
                                    txt = self.joinTxt(txt, '', new_ph=True)

                        notes = diff[3]
                        if notes:
                            for n in notes:
                                txt = self.joinTxt(txt, n)
                            txt = self.joinTxt(txt, '', new_ph=True)

                        usr = diff[4]
                        if usr:
                            txt = self.joinTxt(txt, u'Affects edits by:', new_ph=True)
                            for u in usr:
                                if not u:
                                    u = '(Anonymous)'
                                txt = self.joinTxt(txt, u)

                if txt != '':
                    txt = self.joinTxt(txt, '')
                    g.addProperty(f, 'popupContent', txt)

        return g.getData()

    def joinTxt(self, t1, t2, new_ph=False, pstart='<p>', pend='</p>'):
        if (t1=='' or t1.endswith(pend)) and t2!='':
            t1 += pstart+t2.capitalize()
            if t2=='':
                if new_ph:
                    if t1!='':
                        t1 += '.'+pend
                    t1 += pstart+t2.capitalize()
                    if not t1.endswith(':'):
                        t1 += ', '
                    t1 += t2
        return t1

    def get_elem_elem(self, obj, elem):
        '''Find elements within elements'''
        els = elem.split('.')[1:]
            for e in els:
                logger.debug(u'get e={} obj={}'.format(e,obj))
                if type(obj) is dict:
                    obj = obj[e]
                    obj = getattr(obj, e)
                logger.debug(u'new obj={}'.format(obj))
            return obj
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
            return None

    def regex_test(self, regex_filter):
        '''Check if changeset matches regexp.  Input regex_filter is a list of
           dicts. For each dict in list, check if all dict elements match, if a
           full match is found, return True. I.e. match is OR between list of
           dicts and AND between elements in each dict.

        logger.debug('Cset check regex filter: {}'.format(regex_filter))
        for rf in regex_filter:
            matchcnt = 0
            for k,v in rf.iteritems():
                logger.debug(u"Evaluating: '{}'='{}'".format(k,v))
                if k.startswith('.changes'):
                    if self.regex_test_changes(k, v):
                        logger.debug("Match found")
                        matchcnt += 1
                    e = self.get_elem_elem(self, k)
                    logger.debug(u"regex: field '{}'='{}', regex '{}'".format(k,e,v))
                    if e:
                        m = re.match(v, e)
                        if m:
                            logger.debug(u"Match found on '{}'".format(e))
                            matchcnt += 1
            if matchcnt == len(rf.keys()):
                logger.debug(u"Found '{}' matches of: '{}'".format(matchcnt, rf))
                return True
            logger.debug(u"No match: '{}' (found {} of {})".format(rf, matchcnt, len(rf.keys())))
        return False

    def regex_test_changes(self, k, v):
        '''Regex test on changeset changes.  Format is:


        where optional '.action' is either '.modify', '.create' or '.delete' and  optional
        '.element-type' is either '.node', '.way' or '.relation'

        Examples: '.changes.modify.node.tag.name'
        # FIXME: This code only looks at the new values (e.g. tags on new
        # version). We need to investigate old version also to detect e.g. deleted tags
        if not self.changes:
            return False
        action = None
        elemtype = None
        rg = k.split('.')[2:]
        if rg[0] in ['modify', 'create', 'delete']:
            action = rg.pop(0)
        if rg[0] in ['node', 'way', 'relation']:
            elemtype = rg.pop(0)
        logger.debug("Action: '{}', element type '{}'".format(action, elemtype))
        for modif in self.changes:
            if action and action!=modif['action']:
            if elemtype and elemtype!=modif['type']:
            data = modif['data']
            logger.debug('Modif {}'.format(data))
            field = '.'+'.'.join(rg)
            e = self.get_elem_elem(data, field)
            logger.debug("regex: field '{}'='{}', regex '{}'".format(field,e,v))
            if e:
                return re.match(v, e)
        return False

    def build_labels(self, label_rules):
        '''Build list of labels based on regex and area check.  Note that both regex and
           area check can be defined with and AND rule between then, i.e. both
           must match if both are defined.
        labels = []
        for dd in label_rules:
            if dd['label'] in labels:
                logger.debug('Label already set: {}'.format(dd['label']))
                continue # duplicate label
            match = True
            if 'regex' in dd:
                logger.debug('regex test, rule={}'.format(dd))
                if self.regex_test(dd['regex']):
                    logger.debug('Regex test OK')
                    match = False
            if 'area_file' in dd:
                logger.debug('area test, rule={}'.format(dd))
                area = poly.Poly()
                if 'OSMTRACKER_REGION' in os.environ:
                    area_file = os.environ['OSMTRACKER_REGION']
                    area_file = dd['area_file']
                logger.debug("Loaded area polygon from '{}' with {} points".format(area_file, len(area)))
                if ('area_check_type' not in dd or dd['area_check_type']=='cset-bbox') and area.contains_chgset(self.meta):
                    logger.debug('Area test OK, changeset bbox')
                elif set(['min_lon', 'min_lat', 'max_lon', 'max_lat']).issubset(self.meta.keys()) and ('area_check_type' in dd and dd['area_check_type']=='cset-center') and area.contains((float(self.meta['min_lon'])+float(self.meta['max_lon']))/2,
                    logger.debug('Area test OK, changeset center')
                    match = False
            if match:
                logger.debug("Adding label '{}'".format(dd['label']))
        return labels

    def data_export(self):
        return {'state': {},
                'summary': self.summary,
                'tags': self.tags,
                'tagdiff': self.tagdiff,
                'simple_nodes': self.simple_nodes,
                'diffs': self.diffs,
                'other_users': self.other_users,
                'mileage_m': self.mileage,
                'geometry': self.hist,
                'changes': self.changes}

    def data_import(self, data):
        self.summary = data['summary']
        self.tags = data['tags']
        self.tagdiff = data['tagdiff']
        self.simple_nodes = data['simple_nodes']
        self.diffs = data['diffs']
        self.other_users = data['other_users']
        self.mileage = data['mileage_m']
        self.changes = data['changes']
        self.hist = {}
        # Exporting to JSON causes int keys to be converted to strings
        for etype in data['geometry'].keys():
            self.hist[etype] = {}
            for eid in data['geometry'][etype].keys():
                self.hist[etype][long(eid)] = {}
                for v in data['geometry'][etype][eid].keys():
                    self.hist[etype][long(eid)][long(v)] = data['geometry'][etype][eid][v]
コード例 #3
class TestOsmApiNode(osmapi_tests.TestOsmApi):
    def test_NodeGet(self):

        result = self.api.NodeGet(123)

        args, kwargs = self.api._conn.putrequest.call_args
        self.assertEquals(args[0], 'GET')
        self.assertEquals(args[1], '/api/0.6/node/123')

            result, {
                'id': 123,
                'changeset': 15293,
                'uid': 605,
                'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 18, 11, 14, 26),
                'lat': 51.8753146,
                'lon': -1.4857118,
                'visible': True,
                'version': 8,
                'user': '******',
                'tag': {
                    'amenity': 'school',
                    'foo': 'bar',
                    'name': 'Berolina & Schule'

    def test_NodeGet_with_version(self):

        result = self.api.NodeGet(123, NodeVersion=2)

        args, kwargs = self.api._conn.putrequest.call_args
        self.assertEquals(args[0], 'GET')
        self.assertEquals(args[1], '/api/0.6/node/123/2')

            result, {
                'id': 123,
                'changeset': 4152,
                'uid': 605,
                'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 18, 11, 14, 26),
                'lat': 51.8753146,
                'lon': -1.4857118,
                'visible': True,
                'version': 2,
                'user': '******',
                'tag': {
                    'amenity': 'school',

    def test_NodeCreate_changesetauto(self):
        # setup mock
        self.api = OsmApi(api="api06.dev.openstreetmap.org",

        test_node = {
            'lat': 47.123,
            'lon': 8.555,
            'tag': {
                'amenity': 'place_of_worship',
                'religion': 'pastafarian'


    def test_NodeCreate(self):

        # setup mock
        self.api.ChangesetCreate = mock.Mock(return_value=1111)
        self.api._CurrentChangesetId = 1111

        test_node = {
            'lat': 47.287,
            'lon': 8.765,
            'tag': {
                'amenity': 'place_of_worship',
                'religion': 'pastafarian'

        cs = self.api.ChangesetCreate({'comment': 'This is a test dataset'})
        self.assertEquals(cs, 1111)
        result = self.api.NodeCreate(test_node)

        args, kwargs = self.api._conn.putrequest.call_args
        self.assertEquals(args[0], 'PUT')
        self.assertEquals(args[1], '/api/0.6/node/create')

        self.assertEquals(result['id'], 9876)
        self.assertEquals(result['lat'], test_node['lat'])
        self.assertEquals(result['lon'], test_node['lon'])
        self.assertEquals(result['tag'], test_node['tag'])

    def test_NodeCreate_wo_changeset(self):
        test_node = {
            'lat': 47.287,
            'lon': 8.765,
            'tag': {
                'amenity': 'place_of_worship',
                'religion': 'pastafarian'

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, 'need to open a changeset'):

    def test_NodeCreate_wo_auth(self):

        # setup mock
        self.api.ChangesetCreate = mock.Mock(return_value=1111)
        self.api._CurrentChangesetId = 1111
        test_node = {
            'lat': 47.287,
            'lon': 8.765,
            'tag': {
                'amenity': 'place_of_worship',
                'religion': 'pastafarian'

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(UsernamePasswordMissingError,
                                     'Username/Password missing'):

    def test_NodeUpdate(self):

        # setup mock
        self.api.ChangesetCreate = mock.Mock(return_value=1111)
        self.api._CurrentChangesetId = 1111

        test_node = {
            'id': 7676,
            'lat': 47.287,
            'lon': 8.765,
            'tag': {
                'amenity': 'place_of_worship',
                'name': 'christian'

        cs = self.api.ChangesetCreate({'comment': 'This is a test dataset'})
        self.assertEquals(cs, 1111)
        result = self.api.NodeUpdate(test_node)

        args, kwargs = self.api._conn.putrequest.call_args
        self.assertEquals(args[0], 'PUT')
        self.assertEquals(args[1], '/api/0.6/node/7676')

        self.assertEquals(result['id'], 7676)
        self.assertEquals(result['version'], 3)
        self.assertEquals(result['lat'], test_node['lat'])
        self.assertEquals(result['lon'], test_node['lon'])
        self.assertEquals(result['tag'], test_node['tag'])

    def test_NodeDelete(self):

        # setup mock
        self.api.ChangesetCreate = mock.Mock(return_value=1111)
        self.api._CurrentChangesetId = 1111

        test_node = {'id': 7676}

        cs = self.api.ChangesetCreate({'comment': 'This is a test dataset'})
        self.assertEquals(cs, 1111)

        result = self.api.NodeDelete(test_node)

        args, kwargs = self.api._conn.putrequest.call_args
        self.assertEquals(args[0], 'DELETE')
        self.assertEquals(args[1], '/api/0.6/node/7676')
        self.assertEquals(result['id'], 7676)
        self.assertEquals(result['version'], 4)

    def test_NodeHistory(self):

        result = self.api.NodeHistory(123)

        args, kwargs = self.api._conn.putrequest.call_args
        self.assertEquals(args[0], 'GET')
        self.assertEquals(args[1], '/api/0.6/node/123/history')

        self.assertEquals(len(result), 8)
        self.assertEquals(result[4]['id'], 123)
        self.assertEquals(result[4]['version'], 4)
        self.assertEquals(result[4]['lat'], 51.8753146)
        self.assertEquals(result[4]['lon'], -1.4857118)
        self.assertEquals(result[4]['tag'], {
            'empty': '',
            'foo': 'bar',

    def test_NodeWays(self):

        result = self.api.NodeWays(234)

        args, kwargs = self.api._conn.putrequest.call_args
        self.assertEquals(args[0], 'GET')
        self.assertEquals(args[1], '/api/0.6/node/234/ways')

        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEquals(result[0]['id'], 60)
        self.assertEquals(result[0]['changeset'], 61)
        self.assertEquals(result[0]['tag'], {
            'highway': 'path',
            'name': 'Dog walking path',

    def test_NodeRelations(self):

        result = self.api.NodeRelations(4295668179)

        args, kwargs = self.api._conn.putrequest.call_args
        self.assertEquals(args[0], 'GET')
        self.assertEquals(args[1], '/api/0.6/node/4295668179/relations')

        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEquals(result[0]['id'], 4294968148)
        self.assertEquals(result[0]['changeset'], 23123)
        self.assertEquals(result[0]['member'][1], {
            'role': 'point',
            'ref': 4295668179,
            'type': 'node',
        self.assertEquals(result[0]['tag'], {
            'type': 'fancy',

    def test_NodesGet(self):

        result = self.api.NodesGet([123, 345])

        args, kwargs = self.api._conn.putrequest.call_args
        self.assertEquals(args[0], 'GET')
        self.assertEquals(args[1], '/api/0.6/nodes?nodes=123,345')

        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
            result[123], {
                'id': 123,
                'changeset': 15293,
                'uid': 605,
                'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 18, 11, 14, 26),
                'lat': 51.8753146,
                'lon': -1.4857118,
                'visible': True,
                'version': 8,
                'user': '******',
                'tag': {
                    'amenity': 'school',
                    'foo': 'bar',
                    'name': 'Berolina & Schule'
            result[345], {
                'id': 345,
                'changeset': 244,
                'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2009, 9, 12, 3, 22, 59),
                'uid': 1,
                'visible': False,
                'version': 2,
                'user': '******',
                'tag': {},