def osm_net_download(polygon, network_type='all_private', timeout=180, memory=None, max_query_area_size=50 * 1000 * 50 * 1000): """Download OSM ways and nodes within a polygon from the Overpass API""" osm_filter = osmnx.get_osm_filter(network_type) response_xmls = [] if memory is None: maxsize = '' else: maxsize = '[maxsize:{}]'.format(memory) geometry_proj, crs_proj = osmnx.project_geometry(polygon) geometry_proj_cons_subdiv = osmnx.consolidate_subdivide_geometry( geometry_proj, max_query_area_size=max_query_area_size) geometry, _ = osmnx.project_geometry(geometry_proj_cons_subdiv, crs=crs_proj, to_latlong=True) polygon_coord_strs = osmnx.get_polygons_coordinates(geometry) for polygon_coord_str in polygon_coord_strs: query_template = \ '[out:xml][timeout:{timeout}]{maxsize};' + \ '(way["highway"]{filters}(poly:"{polygon}");>;);out;' query_str = query_template.format(polygon=polygon_coord_str, filters=osm_filter, timeout=timeout, maxsize=maxsize) response_xml = overpass_request(data={'data': query_str}, timeout=timeout) response_xmls.append(response_xml) return response_xmls
def get_bufferedstudyregion_polygon(filepath, buffer_dist=1e4, crs=None, to_crs=None, to_latlong=True): """ Convert a GeoDataFrame from file to shapely polygon with the UTM zone appropriate for its geometries' centroid. Parameters ---------- filepath : String the name of the shapefile path(including file extension) buffer_dist : float distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters crs : dict the starting coordinate reference system of the passed-in geometry, default value (None) will set settings.default_crs as the CRS to_crs : dict if not None, just project to this CRS instead of to UTM to_latlong : bool if True, projects to latlong instead of to UTM Returns ------- tuple (geometry_proj, crs), the projected shapely geometry and the crs of the projected geometry """ # load shaplefile shape = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(filepath) # create buffer polygon = shape['geometry'].iloc[0] buffer_polygon = polygon.buffer(buffer_dist) # Project a shapely Polygon from lat-long to UTM, or vice-versa polygon_buffer_prof = ox.project_geometry(buffer_polygon, crs=crs, to_crs=to_crs, to_latlong=to_latlong) return polygon_buffer_prof
def analyze_city(boundary, crs, local_edges): """Analyze correspondence between Local and OSM bikeways throughout a city. Parameters ---------- boundary : :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` City boundary projected in WGS 84 crs : epsg coordinate system Local coordinate system in meters (e.g., UTM 10: {'init': 'epsg:26910'}) local_edges : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` Output from `structure_bikeways_shapefile` Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` * :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Output from `summarize_bikeway_correspondance` * :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` OSM edges with OSM and local bikeway data attached """ # Define OSM tag filter # Importantly, no paths with 'highway':'service' or 'highway':'motorway' tags will be returned tag_filter = ( '["area"!~"yes"]["highway"!~"service|footway|motor|proposed|construction|abandoned|platform|raceway"]' '["bicycle"!~"no"]["access"!~"private"]') # Download the OSM data overpass_jsons = ox.osm_net_download(boundary, custom_filter=tag_filter) overpass_json = sp.merge_overpass_jsons(overpass_jsons) # Define bikeway columns and associated labels bikeway_types = [ 'off_street_path', 'bike_blvd', 'separated_bike_lane', 'bike_lane', 'shoulder', 'sharrow', 'bike_route' ] # Parse Overpass JSON into bikeway types overpass_parsed = sp.parse_osm_tags(overpass_json, bikeway_types, true_value=1, false_value=0, none_value=np.nan) # Specify attributes to include in graph path_tags = (bikeway_types + ['highway']) ox.config(useful_tags_path=path_tags) # Convert json to graph G = ox.create_graph([overpass_parsed]) # Simply graph by removing all nodes that are not intersections or dead ends G = ox.simplify_graph(G, strict=True) # Make graph undirected G = nx.to_undirected(G) # Convert graph to geodataframes osm_edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(G, nodes=False) # Project to local coordinate system osm_edges = osm_edges.to_crs(crs) # Project city boundary to local coordinate system boundary, _ = ox.project_geometry(boundary, to_crs=crs) # Constrain edges to those intersecting the city boundary polygon osm_edges = sp.gdf_intersecting_polygon(osm_edges, boundary) # Summarize bikeway values stored in lists osm_edges[bikeway_types] = osm_edges[bikeway_types].applymap( lambda x: sp.nan_any(x, 1, np.nan)) # Idenfity largest available highway type def largest_highway(highways): # Specify highway order, # largest (least bikable) to smallest (most bikable) highway_order = [ 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified', 'residential', 'living_street', 'cycleway' ] highways = sp.listify(highways) # Strip '_link' from tags highways = [x[:-5] if x[-5:] == '_link' else x for x in highways] # If list includes one of these tags, return the biggest one ranked_highways = [x for x in highways if x in highway_order] if len(ranked_highways) > 0: ranks = [highway_order.index(x) for x in ranked_highways] return highway_order[min(ranks)] # Otherwise, return 'other' else: return 'other' osm_edges['highway'] = osm_edges['highway'].apply(largest_highway) # Restrict edges to bikeable highway types bikable = [ 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified', 'residential', 'living_street', 'cycleway' ] osm_edges = osm_edges[osm_edges['highway'].isin(bikable)].copy() # Project local edges to local coordinate system local_edges = local_edges.to_crs(crs) # Restrict to local edges intersecting the city boundary local_edges = sp.gdf_intersecting_polygon(local_edges, boundary) # Match local edges to OSM edges analysis_columns = bikeway_types + ['geometry'] # Match dataframes osm_matches = sp.match_lines_by_hausdorff( sp.select_columns( osm_edges, analysis_columns, suffix='_osm').rename(columns={'geometry_osm': 'geometry'}), sp.select_columns( local_edges, analysis_columns, suffix='_local').rename(columns={'geometry_local': 'geometry'}), constrain_target_features=True, distance_tolerance=20, azimuth_tolerance=20, match_fields=True) # Identify local and osm bikeway columns joint_bikeway_cols = [ column for column in osm_matches.columns if any(bikeway in column for bikeway in bikeway_types) ] # Reduce lists to a single single binary value osm_matches[joint_bikeway_cols] = osm_matches[joint_bikeway_cols].applymap( lambda x: sp.nan_any(x, 1, np.nan)) # Drop records without a bikeway in either dataset osm_matches = osm_matches.dropna(how='all', subset=joint_bikeway_cols) # Reclassify NaN values as 0 osm_matches = osm_matches.fillna(0) # Function fo calculate composite bikeways def composite_columns(matches, columns, suffix): # Select relevent columns relevent_columns = sp.select_columns(matches, [x + suffix for x in columns]) # Assess whether there are any values of 1 across each row return relevent_columns.apply(lambda x: sp.nan_any(x, 1, 0), axis=1) # Define exclusive and shared bikeway types exclusive_bikeways = ['bike_lane', 'separated_bike_lane'] shared_bikeways = ['bike_blvd', 'sharrow', 'bike_route'] # Calculate composite of exclusive bikeways osm_matches['exclusive_bikeway_osm'] = composite_columns( osm_matches, exclusive_bikeways, '_osm') osm_matches['exclusive_bikeway_local'] = composite_columns( osm_matches, exclusive_bikeways, '_local') # Calculate composite of shared bikeways osm_matches['shared_bikeway_osm'] = composite_columns( osm_matches, shared_bikeways, '_osm') osm_matches['shared_bikeway_local'] = composite_columns( osm_matches, shared_bikeways, '_local') # Calculate composite of all bikeways osm_matches['any_bikeway_osm'] = composite_columns(osm_matches, bikeway_types, '_osm') osm_matches['any_bikeway_local'] = composite_columns( osm_matches, bikeway_types, '_local') # Calculate the length of each edge osm_matches['length'] = osm_matches['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.length) # Add labels to bikeway types bikeway_labels = [ 'Off Street Path', 'Bike Boulevard', 'Separated Bike Lane', 'Bike Lane', 'Shoulder', 'Sharrow', 'Bike Route' ] bikeway_labels = OrderedDict(zip(bikeway_types, bikeway_labels)) # Add labels for composite bikeway types bikeway_labels.update({'exclusive_bikeway': 'Exclusive'}) bikeway_labels.update({'shared_bikeway': 'Shared'}) bikeway_labels.update({'any_bikeway': 'Any'}) # Calculate summaries summaries = summarize_bikeway_correspondance(osm_matches, bikeway_labels) return summaries, osm_matches
ID_nodes_quartier = dict() keys = [ 'n', 'm', 'k_avg', 'streets_per_node_avg', 'edge_length_total', 'edge_length_avg', 'street_length_total', 'street_length_avg', 'circuity_avg' ] records = list() for i in range(n_zone): #estrazione del poligono relativo alla zona catastale pol = zone.loc[i, 'WKT'] polygon = loads(pol) g_zona = ox.graph_from_polygon(polygon, network_type='drive_service', retain_all=True) polygon, _ = ox.project_geometry(polygon, to_latlong=False) area = unary_union(polygon).area / 10**6 try: stats = ox.basic_stats(g_zona) stats = dict((k, stats[k]) for k in keys) stats['area'] = area stats['Zona'] = zone.loc[i, 'Name'][18:] stats['avg_betweenness'] = mean( nx.betweenness_centrality(g_zona).values()) stats['avg_closeness'] = mean(nx.closeness_centrality(g_zona).values()) G = nx.DiGraph() for u, v, data in g_zona.edges(data=True): w = data['length'] # if 'length' in data else 1.0 if not G.has_edge(u, v): G.add_edge(u, v, weight=w) stats['avg_clustering'] = mean(nx.clustering(G).values())
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(g1, node_color=cc, node_edgecolor=cc, fig_height=11, fig_width=11, show=False, close=False, node_size=4, node_zorder=2, edge_linewidth=0.4, margin=0) for i in range(n_quartieri): polygon = quartieri_napoli['geometry'].iloc[i] polygon, _ = ox.project_geometry(polygon, crs={'init': 'epsg:32633'}, to_latlong=True) polypatch = PolygonPatch(polygon, alpha=1, zorder=2, color='black', fill=False) ax.add_patch(polypatch) plt.title('Spinglass', {'fontsize': 23}) fig_file_name = os.path.join(picture_dir, 'splinglass') plt.savefig(fig_file_name, bbox_inches='tight') # ### Eigenvector # In[34]:
def get_buildings(place, polygon): """ Get Buildings Data Parameters ---------- place : input place polygon : polygon for Buildings Data Returns Buildings Data """ max_query_area_size = 3000000000 maxsize = '' timeout = 180 # requesting polygon geometry and projection geometry_proj, crs_proj = ox.project_geometry(polygon) # subdividing area if area is big and exceeds max_query_area_size geometry_proj_consolidated_subdivided = ox.consolidate_subdivide_geometry( geometry_proj, max_query_area_size=max_query_area_size) # getting geometry of subpart geometry, _ = ox.project_geometry(geometry_proj_consolidated_subdivided, crs=crs_proj, to_latlong=True) # get polygon coordinates polygon_coord_strs = ox.get_polygons_coordinates(geometry) print('Requesting building footprint data') start_time = time.time() # pass each polygon coordinates in the list to Overpass API response_jsons = [] for polygon_coord_str in polygon_coord_strs: query_template = ('[out:json][timeout:{timeout}]{maxsize};(way' '(poly:"{polygon}")["building"];(._;>;);relation' '(poly:"{polygon}")["building"];(._;>;););out;') query_str = query_template.format(polygon=polygon_coord_str, timeout=timeout, maxsize=maxsize) # call overpass API with query response_json = call_overpass(data={'data': query_str}) response_jsons.append(response_json) # collectiong Buildings vertices = {} for response in response_jsons: for result in response['elements']: if 'type' in result and result['type'] == 'node': vertices[result['id']] = { 'lat': result['lat'], 'lon': result['lon'] } buildings = {} for response in response_jsons: for result in response['elements']: if 'type' in result and result['type'] == 'way': nodes = result['nodes'] try: polygon = Polygon([(vertices[node]['lon'], vertices[node]['lat']) for node in nodes]) except Exception: print('Polygon has invalid geometry: {}'.format(nodes)) building = {'nodes': nodes, 'geometry': polygon} if 'tags' in result: for tag in result['tags']: building[tag] = result['tags'][tag] buildings[result['id']] = building # converting it into geo pandas df_building = gpd.GeoDataFrame(buildings).T = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} # drop all invalid geometries df_building = df_building[df_building['geometry'].is_valid] df_building["osm_id"] = df_building.index df_building.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_building.gdf_name = str( place['state'] ) + '_buildings' if not place['state'] is None else 'buildings' columns_of_interest = [ "amenity", "landuse", "leisure", "shop", "man_made", "building", "building:use", "building:part", "osm_id", "geometry", "height_tags" ] # drop all unused columns df_building.drop([ col for col in list(df_building.columns) if col not in columns_of_interest ], axis=1, inplace=True) return df_building
def get_poi_data(place, polygon): """ Get POI Data Parameters ---------- place : input place polygon : polygon for POI Data Returns POI Data """ max_query_area_size = 3000000000 maxsize = '' timeout = 180 # requesting polygon geometry and projection geometry_proj, crs_proj = ox.project_geometry(polygon) # subdividing area if area is big and exceeds max_query_area_size geometry_proj_consolidated_subdivided = ox.consolidate_subdivide_geometry( geometry_proj, max_query_area_size=max_query_area_size) # getting geometry of subpart geometry, _ = ox.project_geometry(geometry_proj_consolidated_subdivided, crs=crs_proj, to_latlong=True) # get polygon coordinates polygon_coord_strs = ox.get_polygons_coordinates(geometry) print('Requesting POI data') start_time = time.time() # pass each polygon coordinates in the list to Overpass API response_jsons = [] for polygon_coord_str in polygon_coord_strs: query_template = ('[out:json][timeout:{timeout}]{maxsize};(' '(node["office"](poly:"{polygon}"););' '(node["shop"](poly:"{polygon}"););' '(node["amenity"](poly:"{polygon}"););' '(node["leisure"](poly:"{polygon}"););' '(node["building"](poly:"{polygon}"););' '(node["sport"](poly:"{polygon}");););out;') query_str = query_template.format(polygon=polygon_coord_str, timeout=timeout, maxsize=maxsize) # call overpass API with query response_json = call_overpass(data={'data': query_str}) response_jsons.append(response_json) # collectiong POI vertices = {} for response in response_jsons: for result in response['elements']: if 'type' in result and result['type'] == 'node': point = Point(result['lon'], result['lat']) POI = {'geometry': point} if 'tags' in result: for tag in result['tags']: POI[tag] = result['tags'][tag] vertices[result['id']] = POI # converting it into geo pandas df_poi = gpd.GeoDataFrame(vertices).T = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} try: # drop all invalid geometries df_poi = df_poi[df_poi['geometry'].is_valid] except BaseException: # Empty data frame # Create one-row data frame with null information point = polygon.centroid data = {"geometry": [point], "osm_id": [0]} df_poi = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}) df_poi["osm_id"] = df_poi.index df_poi.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_poi.gdf_name = str( place['state']) + '_points' if not place['state'] is None else 'points' columns_of_interest = [ "amenity", "landuse", "leisure", "shop", "man_made", "building", "building:use", "building:part", "osm_id", "geometry" ] # drop all unused columns df_poi.drop([ col for col in list(df_poi.columns) if col not in columns_of_interest ], axis=1, inplace=True) return df_poi
with zipfile.ZipFile(counties_shapefile_zip, 'r') as zip_file: zip_file.extractall(counties_shapefile_dir) os.remove(counties_shapefile_zip) counties = gpd.read_file(counties_shapefile_dir) # retain only those tracts that are in the bay area counties mask = (counties['STATEFP'] == '06') & (counties['COUNTYFP'].isin( bayarea.values())) gdf_bay = counties[mask] bayarea_polygon = gdf_bay.unary_union # get the convex hull, otherwise we'll cut out bridges over the bay bayarea_polygon = bayarea_polygon.convex_hull bayarea_polygon_proj, crs = ox.project_geometry(bayarea_polygon) # get the simplified graph for the drive network G = ox.graph_from_polygon(bayarea_polygon, network_type='drive', simplify=False) # filter way types types = [ 'motorway', 'motorway_link', 'trunk', 'trunk_link', 'primary', 'primary_link', 'secondary', 'secondary_link', 'tertiary', 'tertiary_link', 'unclassified', 'road' ] minor_streets = [(u, v, k) for u, v, k, d in G.edges(keys=True, data=True) if d['highway'] not in types]