def update(self, username): if username == 'me' or username == self.username: # A user can only modify his own information user = models.User.query.options( db.joinedload(models.User.emails) ).filter( models.User.username == self.username ).one() if 'first_name' in self.args: user.first_name = self.args['first_name'] if 'last_name' in self.args: user.last_name = self.args['last_name'] if 'password' in self.args and \ username not in config.DEMO_ACCOUNTS: if 'currentpassword' in self.args and \ authentication.authenticate( username, self.args['currentpassword'], False ): if len(self.args['password']) < 8: self.badrequest( 'Password should be at least 8 characters long') user.passhash = sha512_crypt.encrypt( self.args['password'], rounds=config.PASSWORD_SALT_COMPLEXITY ) else: self.badrequest( "Please provide the correct current password") if 'preferred_currency' in self.args: currency = models.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( models.Currency.isocode == self.args['preferred_currency'], models.Currency.owner_username == None, ) ).first() if currency: # When preferred currency is changed, all owner's # currencies rates must be changed # XXX Debts amounts should also be changed... when debts will be implemented multiplier = user.preferred_currency multiplier = exchangerate.getrate( user.preferred_currency.isocode, currency.isocode ) for c in models.Currency.query.filter( models.Currency.owner_username == self.username ): c.rate = c.rate * multiplier user.preferred_currency = currency self.add_to_response('totalbalance') if 'emails' in self.args: emails = json.loads(self.args['emails']) previous_emails = [] previous_notifications = [] for address in models.UserEmail.query.filter( models.UserEmail.user_username == self.username): previous_emails.append(address.email_address) if address.notification: previous_notifications.append(address.email_address) if type(emails) == type({}): if 'add' in emails and \ type(emails['add']) == type([]) and \ username not in config.DEMO_ACCOUNTS: for address in emails['add']: # TODO Verify there is a "@" in the email address if address not in previous_emails: # Use random hash for email confirmation # Email confirmation is done outside of OSPFM # Another process must read the database and # send confirmation emails randomhash = os.urandom(8).encode('hex') db.session.add( models.UserEmail( user_username = self.username, email_address = address, confirmation = randomhash ) ) if 'remove' in emails and type(emails['remove'])==type([]): for address in emails['remove']: if address in previous_emails: db.session.delete( models.UserEmail.query.filter( db.and_( models.UserEmail.user_username == self.username, models.UserEmail.email_address == address ) ).first() ) if 'enablenotifications' in emails and \ type(emails['enablenotifications']) == type([]): for address in emails['enablenotifications']: if address not in previous_notifications: models.UserEmail.query.filter( db.and_( models.UserEmail.user_username == self.username, models.UserEmail.email_address == address ) ).first().notification = True if 'disablenotifications' in emails and \ type(emails['disablenotifications']) == type([]): for address in emails['disablenotifications']: if address in previous_notifications: models.UserEmail.query.filter( db.and_( models.UserEmail.user_username == self.username, models.UserEmail.email_address == address ) ).first().notification = False db.session.commit() return else: self.forbidden('The only user you can modify is yourself')
def login(): return authentication.authenticate()