def POST(self): qdict = web.input() save_to_options(qdict) if 'master' in qdict: m = int(qdict['master']) if m < 0: stations.master = None elif m < stations.count(): stations.master = m if 'old_password' in qdict and qdict['old_password'] != "": try: if test_password(qdict['old_password']): if qdict['new_password'] == "": raise web.seeother('/options?errorCode=pw_blank') elif qdict['new_password'] == qdict['check_password']: options.password_salt = password_salt() # Make a new salt options.password_hash = password_hash(qdict['new_password'], options.password_salt) else: raise web.seeother('/options?errorCode=pw_mismatch') else: raise web.seeother('/options?errorCode=pw_wrong') except KeyError: pass raise web.seeother('/')
def POST(self): qdict = web.input() recalc = False for s in xrange(0, stations.count()): stations[s].name = qdict["%d_name" % s] stations[s].usage = float(qdict.get("%d_usage" % s, 1.0)) stations[s].precipitation = float(qdict.get("%d_precipitation" % s, 10.0)) stations[s].capacity = float(qdict.get("%d_capacity" % s, 10.0)) stations[s].eto_factor = float(qdict.get("%d_eto_factor" % s, 1.0)) stations[s].enabled = True if qdict.get("%d_enabled" % s, 'off') == 'on' else False stations[s].ignore_rain = True if qdict.get("%d_ignore_rain" % s, 'off') == 'on' else False if stations.master is not None or options.master_relay: stations[s].activate_master = True if qdict.get("%d_activate_master" % s, 'off') == 'on' else False balance_adjust = float(qdict.get("%d_balance_adjust" % s, 0.0)) if balance_adjust != 0.0: calc_day = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) stations[s].balance[calc_day]['intervals'].append({ 'program': -1, 'program_name': 'Balance adjustment', 'done': True, 'irrigation': balance_adjust }) stations[s].balance[calc_day]['total'] += balance_adjust recalc = True if recalc: Timer(0.1, programs.calculate_balances).start() raise web.seeother('/')
def POST(self): qdict = web.input() for s in xrange(0, stations.count()): stations[s].name = qdict["%d_name" % s] stations[s].usage = float(qdict.get("%d_usage" % s, 1.0)) stations[s].precipitation = float(qdict.get("%d_precipitation" % s, 10.0)) stations[s].capacity = float(qdict.get("%d_capacity" % s, 10.0)) stations[s].enabled = True if qdict.get("%d_enabled" % s, 'off') == 'on' else False stations[s].ignore_rain = True if qdict.get("%d_ignore_rain" % s, 'off') == 'on' else False if stations.master is not None or options.master_relay: stations[s].activate_master = True if qdict.get("%d_activate_master" % s, 'off') == 'on' else False raise web.seeother('/')
def GET(self): from ospy import server qdict = web.input() stop_all = get_input(qdict, 'stop_all', False, lambda x: True) scheduler_enabled = get_input(qdict, 'scheduler_enabled', None, lambda x: x == '1') manual_mode = get_input(qdict, 'manual_mode', None, lambda x: x == '1') rain_block = get_input(qdict, 'rain_block', None, float) level_adjustment = get_input(qdict, 'level_adjustment', None, float) toggle_temp = get_input(qdict, 'toggle_temp', False, lambda x: True) if stop_all: if not options.manual_mode: options.scheduler_enabled = False programs.run_now_program = None run_once.clear() log.finish_run(None) stations.clear() if scheduler_enabled is not None: options.scheduler_enabled = scheduler_enabled if manual_mode is not None: options.manual_mode = manual_mode if rain_block is not None: options.rain_block = + datetime.timedelta(hours=rain_block) if level_adjustment is not None: options.level_adjustment = level_adjustment / 100 if toggle_temp: options.temp_unit = "F" if options.temp_unit == "C" else "C" set_to = get_input(qdict, 'set_to', None, int) sid = get_input(qdict, 'sid', 0, int) - 1 set_time = get_input(qdict, 'set_time', 0, int) if set_to is not None and 0 <= sid < stations.count() and options.manual_mode: if set_to: # if status is on start = new_schedule = { 'active': True, 'program': -1, 'station': sid, 'program_name': "Manual", 'fixed': True, 'cut_off': 0, 'manual': True, 'blocked': False, 'start': start, 'original_start': start, 'end': start + datetime.timedelta(days=3650), 'uid': '%s-%s-%d' % (str(start), "Manual", sid), 'usage': stations.get(sid).usage } if set_time > 0: # if an optional duration time is given new_schedule['end'] = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=set_time) log.start_run(new_schedule) stations.activate(new_schedule['station']) else: # If status is off stations.deactivate(sid) active = log.active_runs() for interval in active: if interval['station'] == sid: log.finish_run(interval) self._redirect_back()
def predicted_schedule(start_time, end_time): """Determines all schedules for the given time range. To calculate what should currently be active, a start time of some time (a day) ago should be used.""" adjustment = level_adjustments.total_adjustment() max_usage = options.max_usage delay_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=options.station_delay) rain_block_start = rain_block_end = rain_blocks.block_end() skip_intervals = log.finished_runs() + log.active_runs() current_active = [ interval for interval in skip_intervals if not interval['blocked'] ] usage_changes = {} for active in current_active: start = active['start'] end = active['end'] if start not in usage_changes: usage_changes[start] = 0 if end not in usage_changes: usage_changes[end] = 0 usage_changes[start] += active['usage'] usage_changes[end] -= active['usage'] station_schedules = {} # Get run-once information: for station in stations.enabled_stations(): run_once_intervals = run_once.active_intervals(start_time, end_time, station.index) for interval in run_once_intervals: if station.index not in station_schedules: station_schedules[station.index] = [] program_name = _('Run-Once') new_schedule = { 'active': None, 'program': -1, 'program_name': program_name, 'fixed': True, 'cut_off': 0, 'manual': True, 'blocked': False, 'start': interval['start'], 'original_start': interval['start'], 'end': interval['end'], 'uid': '%s-%s-%d' % (str(interval['start']), str(program_name), station.index), 'usage': station.usage } station_schedules[station.index].append(new_schedule) # Get run-now information: if programs.run_now_program is not None: program = programs.run_now_program for station in sorted(program.stations): run_now_intervals = program.active_intervals( start_time, end_time, station) for interval in run_now_intervals: if station >= stations.count( ) or stations.master == station or stations.master_two == station or not stations[ station].enabled: continue if station not in station_schedules: station_schedules[station] = [] program_name = "%s " % + _('Run-Now') new_schedule = { 'active': None, 'program': -1, 'program_name': program_name, 'fixed': program. fixed, # True for ignore water level else program.fixed for use water level in run now-program xx 'cut_off': 0, 'manual': True, 'blocked': False, 'start': interval['start'], 'original_start': interval['start'], 'end': interval['end'], 'uid': '%s-%s-%d' % (str(interval['start']), str(program_name), station), 'usage': stations.get(station).usage } station_schedules[station].append(new_schedule) # Aggregate per station: for program in programs.get(): if not program.enabled: continue for station in sorted(program.stations): program_intervals = program.active_intervals( start_time, end_time, station) if station >= stations.count( ) or stations.master == station or stations.master_two == station or not stations[ station].enabled: continue if station not in station_schedules: station_schedules[station] = [] for interval in program_intervals: if current_active and current_active[-1][ 'original_start'] > interval['start']: continue new_schedule = { 'active': None, 'program': program.index, 'program_name':, # Save it because programs can be renamed 'fixed': program.fixed, 'cut_off': program.cut_off / 100.0, 'manual': program.manual, 'blocked': False, 'start': interval['start'], 'original_start': interval['start'], 'end': interval['end'], 'uid': '%s-%d-%d' % (str(interval['start']), program.index, station), 'usage': stations.get(station).usage } station_schedules[station].append(new_schedule) # Make lists sorted on start time, check usage for station in station_schedules: if 0 < max_usage < stations.get(station).usage: station_schedules[station] = [] # Impossible to schedule else: station_schedules[station].sort(key=lambda inter: inter['start']) all_intervals = [] # Adjust for weather and remove overlap: for station, schedule in station_schedules.iteritems(): for interval in schedule: if not interval['fixed']: time_delta = interval['end'] - interval['start'] time_delta = datetime.timedelta( seconds=(time_delta.days * 24 * 3600 + time_delta.seconds) * adjustment) interval['end'] = interval['start'] + time_delta interval['adjustment'] = adjustment else: interval['adjustment'] = 1.0 last_end = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) for interval in schedule: if last_end > interval['start']: time_delta = last_end - interval['start'] interval['start'] += time_delta interval['end'] += time_delta last_end = interval['end'] new_interval = {'station': station} new_interval.update(interval) all_intervals.append(new_interval) # Make list of entries sorted on duration and time (stable sorted on station #) all_intervals.sort(key=lambda inter: inter['end'] - inter['start']) all_intervals.sort(key=lambda inter: inter['start']) # If we have processed some intervals before, we should skip all that were scheduled before them for to_skip in skip_intervals: index = 0 while index < len(all_intervals): interval = all_intervals[index] if interval['original_start'] < to_skip['original_start'] and ( not to_skip['blocked'] or interval['blocked']): del all_intervals[index] elif interval['uid'] == to_skip['uid']: del all_intervals[index] break else: index += 1 # And make sure manual programs get priority: all_intervals.sort(key=lambda inter: not inter['manual']) # Try to add each interval for interval in all_intervals: if not interval['manual'] and not options.scheduler_enabled: interval['blocked'] = 'disabled scheduler' continue elif not interval['manual'] and not stations.get(interval['station']).ignore_rain and \ rain_block_start <= interval['start'] < rain_block_end: interval['blocked'] = 'rain delay' continue elif not interval['manual'] and not stations.get( interval['station']).ignore_rain and inputs.rain_sensed(): interval['blocked'] = 'rain sensor' continue elif not interval[ 'fixed'] and interval['adjustment'] < interval['cut_off']: interval['blocked'] = 'cut-off' continue if max_usage > 0: usage_keys = sorted(usage_changes.keys()) start_usage = 0 start_key_index = -1 for index, key in enumerate(usage_keys): if key > interval['start']: break start_key_index = index start_usage += usage_changes[key] failed = False finished = False while not failed and not finished: parallel_usage = 0 parallel_current = 0 for index in range(start_key_index + 1, len(usage_keys)): key = usage_keys[index] if key >= interval['end']: break parallel_current += usage_changes[key] parallel_usage = max(parallel_usage, parallel_current) if start_usage + parallel_usage + interval[ 'usage'] <= max_usage: start = interval['start'] end = interval['end'] if start not in usage_changes: usage_changes[start] = 0 if end not in usage_changes: usage_changes[end] = 0 usage_changes[start] += interval['usage'] usage_changes[end] -= interval['usage'] finished = True else: while not failed: # Shift this interval to next possibility start_key_index += 1 # No more options if start_key_index >= len(usage_keys): failed = True else: next_option = usage_keys[start_key_index] next_change = usage_changes[next_option] start_usage += next_change # Lower usage at this starting point: if next_change < 0: skip_delay = False if options.min_runtime > 0: # Try to determine how long we have been running at this point: min_runtime_delta = datetime.timedelta( seconds=options.min_runtime) temp_usage = 0 running_since = next_option not_running_since = next_option for temp_index in range( 0, start_key_index): temp_usage_key = usage_keys[temp_index] if temp_usage < 0.01 and usage_changes[ temp_usage_key] > 0 and temp_usage_key - not_running_since > datetime.timedelta( seconds=3): running_since = temp_usage_key temp_usage += usage_changes[ temp_usage_key] if temp_usage < 0.01 and usage_changes[ temp_usage_key] < 0: not_running_since = temp_usage_key if next_option - running_since < min_runtime_delta: skip_delay = True if skip_delay: time_to_next = next_option - interval[ 'start'] else: time_to_next = next_option + delay_delta - interval[ 'start'] interval['start'] += time_to_next interval['end'] += time_to_next break if failed: logging.warning('Could not schedule %s.', interval['uid']) interval['blocked'] = 'scheduler error' all_intervals.sort(key=lambda inter: inter['start']) return all_intervals
def predicted_schedule(start_time, end_time): """Determines all schedules for the given time range. To calculate what should currently be active, a start time of some time (a day) ago should be used.""" adjustment = level_adjustments.total_adjustment() max_usage = options.max_usage delay_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=options.station_delay) rain_block_start = rain_block_end = rain_blocks.block_end() skip_intervals = log.finished_runs() + log.active_runs() current_active = [interval for interval in skip_intervals if not interval['blocked']] usage_changes = {} for active in current_active: start = active['start'] end = active['end'] if start not in usage_changes: usage_changes[start] = 0 if end not in usage_changes: usage_changes[end] = 0 usage_changes[start] += active['usage'] usage_changes[end] -= active['usage'] station_schedules = {} # Get run-once information: for station in stations.enabled_stations(): run_once_intervals = run_once.active_intervals(start_time, end_time, station.index) for interval in run_once_intervals: if station.index not in station_schedules: station_schedules[station.index] = [] new_schedule = { 'active': None, 'program': -1, 'program_name': "Run-Once", 'fixed': True, 'cut_off': 0, 'manual': True, 'blocked': False, 'start': interval['start'], 'original_start': interval['start'], 'end': interval['end'], 'uid': '%s-%s-%d' % (str(interval['start']), "Run-Once", station.index), 'usage': station.usage } station_schedules[station.index].append(new_schedule) # Get run-now information: if programs.run_now_program is not None: program = programs.run_now_program for station in sorted(program.stations): run_now_intervals = program.active_intervals(start_time, end_time, station) for interval in run_now_intervals: if station >= stations.count() or stations.master == station or not stations[station].enabled: continue if station not in station_schedules: station_schedules[station] = [] program_name = "%s (Run-Now)" % new_schedule = { 'active': None, 'program': -1, 'program_name': program_name, 'fixed': True, 'cut_off': 0, 'manual': True, 'blocked': False, 'start': interval['start'], 'original_start': interval['start'], 'end': interval['end'], 'uid': '%s-%s-%d' % (str(interval['start']), program_name, station), 'usage': stations.get(station).usage } station_schedules[station].append(new_schedule) # Aggregate per station: for program in programs.get(): if not program.enabled: continue for station in sorted(program.stations): program_intervals = program.active_intervals(start_time, end_time, station) if station >= stations.count() or stations.master == station or not stations[station].enabled: continue if station not in station_schedules: station_schedules[station] = [] for interval in program_intervals: if current_active and current_active[-1]['original_start'] > interval['start']: continue new_schedule = { 'active': None, 'program': program.index, 'program_name':, # Save it because programs can be renamed 'fixed': program.fixed, 'cut_off': program.cut_off/100.0, 'manual': program.manual, 'blocked': False, 'start': interval['start'], 'original_start': interval['start'], 'end': interval['end'], 'uid': '%s-%d-%d' % (str(interval['start']), program.index, station), 'usage': stations.get(station).usage } station_schedules[station].append(new_schedule) # Make lists sorted on start time, check usage for station in station_schedules: if 0 < max_usage < stations.get(station).usage: station_schedules[station] = [] # Impossible to schedule else: station_schedules[station].sort(key=lambda inter: inter['start']) all_intervals = [] # Adjust for weather and remove overlap: for station, schedule in station_schedules.iteritems(): for interval in schedule: if not interval['fixed']: time_delta = interval['end'] - interval['start'] time_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(time_delta.days * 24 * 3600 + time_delta.seconds) * adjustment) interval['end'] = interval['start'] + time_delta interval['adjustment'] = adjustment else: interval['adjustment'] = 1.0 last_end = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) for interval in schedule: if last_end > interval['start']: time_delta = last_end - interval['start'] interval['start'] += time_delta interval['end'] += time_delta last_end = interval['end'] new_interval = { 'station': station } new_interval.update(interval) all_intervals.append(new_interval) # Make list of entries sorted on duration and time (stable sorted on station #) all_intervals.sort(key=lambda inter: inter['end'] - inter['start']) all_intervals.sort(key=lambda inter: inter['start']) # If we have processed some intervals before, we should skip all that were scheduled before them for to_skip in skip_intervals: index = 0 while index < len(all_intervals): interval = all_intervals[index] if interval['original_start'] < to_skip['original_start'] and (not to_skip['blocked'] or interval['blocked']): del all_intervals[index] elif interval['uid'] == to_skip['uid']: del all_intervals[index] break else: index += 1 # And make sure manual programs get priority: all_intervals.sort(key=lambda inter: not inter['manual']) # Try to add each interval for interval in all_intervals: if not interval['manual'] and not options.scheduler_enabled: interval['blocked'] = 'disabled scheduler' continue elif not interval['manual'] and not stations.get(interval['station']).ignore_rain and \ rain_block_start <= interval['start'] < rain_block_end: interval['blocked'] = 'rain delay' continue elif not interval['manual'] and not stations.get(interval['station']).ignore_rain and inputs.rain_sensed(): interval['blocked'] = 'rain sensor' continue elif not interval['fixed'] and interval['adjustment'] < interval['cut_off']: interval['blocked'] = 'cut-off' continue if max_usage > 0: usage_keys = sorted(usage_changes.keys()) start_usage = 0 start_key_index = -1 for index, key in enumerate(usage_keys): if key > interval['start']: break start_key_index = index start_usage += usage_changes[key] failed = False finished = False while not failed and not finished: parallel_usage = 0 parallel_current = 0 for index in range(start_key_index+1, len(usage_keys)): key = usage_keys[index] if key >= interval['end']: break parallel_current += usage_changes[key] parallel_usage = max(parallel_usage, parallel_current) if start_usage + parallel_usage + interval['usage'] <= max_usage: start = interval['start'] end = interval['end'] if start not in usage_changes: usage_changes[start] = 0 if end not in usage_changes: usage_changes[end] = 0 usage_changes[start] += interval['usage'] usage_changes[end] -= interval['usage'] finished = True else: while not failed: # Shift this interval to next possibility start_key_index += 1 # No more options if start_key_index >= len(usage_keys): failed = True else: next_option = usage_keys[start_key_index] next_change = usage_changes[next_option] start_usage += next_change # Lower usage at this starting point: if next_change < 0: skip_delay = False if options.min_runtime > 0: # Try to determine how long we have been running at this point: min_runtime_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=options.min_runtime) temp_usage = 0 running_since = next_option not_running_since = next_option for temp_index in range(0, start_key_index): temp_usage_key = usage_keys[temp_index] if temp_usage < 0.01 and usage_changes[temp_usage_key] > 0 and temp_usage_key - not_running_since > datetime.timedelta(seconds=3): running_since = temp_usage_key temp_usage += usage_changes[temp_usage_key] if temp_usage < 0.01 and usage_changes[temp_usage_key] < 0: not_running_since = temp_usage_key if next_option - running_since < min_runtime_delta: skip_delay = True if skip_delay: time_to_next = next_option - interval['start'] else: time_to_next = next_option + delay_delta - interval['start'] interval['start'] += time_to_next interval['end'] += time_to_next break if failed: logging.warning('Could not schedule %s.', interval['uid']) interval['blocked'] = 'scheduler error' all_intervals.sort(key=lambda inter: inter['start']) return all_intervals
def on_message(client, userdata, message): log.clear(NAME) NAME, datetime_string() + ' ' + _('Message received') + ': ' + str(message.payload.decode("utf-8"))) #print("Message topic=",message.topic) #print("Message qos=",message.qos) #print("Message retain flag=",message.retain) if plugin_options["use_mqtt_secondary"]: if not options.manual_mode: # check operation status NAME, datetime_string() + ' ' + _('You must this OSPy switch to manual mode!')) return if inputs.rain_sensed(): # check rain sensor NAME, datetime_string() + ' ' + _('Skipping command, rain sense is detected!')) return if rain_blocks.seconds_left(): # check rain delay NAME, datetime_string() + ' ' + _('Skipping command, rain delay is activated!')) return try: rec_data = str(message.payload) cmd = json.loads(rec_data) except ValueError as e:, _('Could not decode command:') + ':\n' + message.payload, e) return first = int( plugin_options["first_station"]) - 1 # first secondary station count = int(plugin_options["station_count"]) # count secondary station try: for i in range( first, first + count): # count of station (example on main OSPy: 5 to 10) zone = cmd[i]["status"] # "off" or "on" state #station = cmd[i]["station"] #name = cmd[i]["name"] #print station, name, zone sid = i - first if sid <= stations.count(): # local station size check if zone == "on": start = mqn = _('MQTT Manual') new_schedule = { 'active': True, 'program': -1, 'station': sid, 'program_name': mqn, 'fixed': True, 'cut_off': 0, 'manual': True, 'blocked': False, 'start': start, 'original_start': start, 'end': start + datetime.timedelta(days=3650), 'uid': '%s-%s-%d' % (str(start), mqn, sid), 'usage': stations.get(sid).usage } # if an optional duration time is given #set_time = xxx second #new_schedule['end'] = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=set_time) log.start_run(new_schedule) stations.activate(new_schedule['station']) if zone == "off": stations.deactivate(sid) active = log.active_runs() for interval in active: if interval['station'] == i: log.finish_run(interval) else: log.error( NAME, _('MQTT plug-in') + ':\n' + _('Setup stations count is smaler! Set correct first station and station count.' )) except Exception: log.error(NAME, _('MQTT plug-in') + ':\n' + traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(1)
def POST(self): qdict = web.input() change = False # if change language -> restart ospy if 'lang' in qdict and qdict['lang']: if options.lang != qdict['lang']: change = True qdict['name'] = qdict['name'] qdict['location'] = qdict['location'] qdict['darksky_key'] = qdict['darksky_key'] qdict['HTTP_web_ip'] = qdict['HTTP_web_ip'] save_to_options(qdict) if 'master' in qdict: m = int(qdict['master']) if m < 0: stations.master = None elif m < stations.count(): stations.master = m if 'master_two' in qdict: m = int(qdict['master_two']) if m < 0: stations.master_two = None elif m < stations.count(): stations.master_two = m if 'old_password' in qdict and qdict['old_password'] != "": try: if test_password(qdict['old_password']): if qdict['new_password'] == "": raise web.seeother('/options?errorCode=pw_blank') elif qdict['new_password'] == qdict['check_password']: options.password_salt = password_salt() # Make a new salt options.password_hash = password_hash(qdict['new_password'], options.password_salt) else: raise web.seeother('/options?errorCode=pw_mismatch') else: raise web.seeother('/options?errorCode=pw_wrong') except KeyError: pass if 'rbt' in qdict and qdict['rbt'] == '1': report_rebooted() reboot(True) # Linux HW software return self.core_render.home() if 'rstrt' in qdict and qdict['rstrt'] == '1': report_restarted() restart() # OSPy software return self.core_render.restarting(home_page) if 'pwrdwn' in qdict and qdict['pwrdwn'] == '1': poweroff() # shutdown HW system return self.core_render.restarting(home_page) if 'deldef' in qdict and qdict['deldef'] == '1': OPTIONS_FILE = './ospy/data' try: import shutil, time shutil.rmtree(OPTIONS_FILE) # delete data folder time.sleep(2) os.makedirs(OPTIONS_FILE) # create data folder report_restarted() restart() # restart OSPy software return self.core_render.restarting(home_page) except: pass if change: report_restarted() restart() # OSPy software return self.core_render.restarting(home_page) report_option_change() raise web.seeother('/')
def POST(self): qdict = web.input() change = False # if change language -> restart ospy if 'lang' in qdict and qdict['lang']: if options.lang != qdict['lang']: change = True newname = qdict['name'] # if name is asci char try: from ospy.helpers import ASCI_convert qdict['name'] = ASCI_convert(newname) except: qdict['name'] = ' ' save_to_options(qdict) if 'master' in qdict: m = int(qdict['master']) if m < 0: stations.master = None elif m < stations.count(): stations.master = m if 'master_two' in qdict: m = int(qdict['master_two']) if m < 0: stations.master_two = None elif m < stations.count(): stations.master_two = m if 'old_password' in qdict and qdict['old_password'] != "": try: if test_password(qdict['old_password']): if qdict['new_password'] == "": raise web.seeother('/options?errorCode=pw_blank') elif qdict['new_password'] == qdict['check_password']: options.password_salt = password_salt( ) # Make a new salt options.password_hash = password_hash( qdict['new_password'], options.password_salt) else: raise web.seeother('/options?errorCode=pw_mismatch') else: raise web.seeother('/options?errorCode=pw_wrong') except KeyError: pass if 'rbt' in qdict and qdict['rbt'] == '1': reboot(True) # Linux HW software return self.core_render.home() if 'rstrt' in qdict and qdict['rstrt'] == '1': restart() # OSPy software return self.core_render.restarting(home_page) if 'pwrdwn' in qdict and qdict['pwrdwn'] == '1': poweroff() # shutdown HW system return self.core_render.restarting(home_page) if 'deldef' in qdict and qdict['deldef'] == '1': OPTIONS_FILE = './ospy/data' try: import shutil, time shutil.rmtree(OPTIONS_FILE) # delete data folder time.sleep(2) os.makedirs(OPTIONS_FILE) # create data folder restart() # restart OSPy software return self.core_render.restarting(home_page) except: pass if change: restart() # OSPy software return self.core_render.restarting(home_page) raise web.seeother('/')