コード例 #1
def idr(y,
        orders=dict({"1": "comp"}),
    Fits isotonic distirbutional regression (IDR) to a training dataset. 

    y : np.array
        one dimensional array (response variable)
    X : pd.DataFrame
        data frame of variables (regression covariates)
    groups : dictionary
        denoting groups of variables that are to be ordered with the same order.
        Only relevant if X contains more than one variable
        The default uses one group for all variables
    orders : dictionary
        denotes the order that is applied to a group.
        Only relevant if X contains mode than one variable
        The default is dict({"1":"comp"}).
    (OSQP Solver Setting)
    verbose : boolean
        print output of OSQP solver. The default is False
    max_iter : maximum number of iterations
    eps_rel : relative tolerance
    epc_abs : absolute tolerance

    An object of class idrobject containing the components:
        X: data frame of distinct covariate combinations used for fit
        y: list of responses for given covariate combination
        cdf: estimated CDF
        thresholds: where CDF is evaluated
        groups: groups used for estimation
        orders: orders used for estimation
        indices: indices of covariates in original dataset
        constraints: in multivariate IDR is None, 
        otherwise the order constraints for optimization
    if not isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
        raise ValueError("X must be a pandas data frame")

    if groups is None:
        groups = dict(zip(X.columns, np.ones(X.shape[1])))

    y = np.asarray(y)

    if y.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError('idr only handles 1-D arrays of observations')

    if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame) == False:
        raise ValueError("data must be a pandas data frame")

    if X.shape[0] <= 1:
        raise ValueError('X must have more than 1 row')

    if np.isnan(np.sum(y)) == True:
        raise ValueError("y contains nan values")

    if X.isnull().values.any() == True:
        raise ValueError("X contains nan values")

    if y.size != X.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError("length of y must match number of rows in X")

    if all(item in ['comp', 'icx', 'sd'] for item in orders.values()) == False:
        raise ValueError("orders must be in comp, icx, sd")

    M = all(elem in groups.keys() for elem in X.columns)
    if M == False:
        raise ValueError("some variables must be used in groups and in X")

    thresholds = np.sort(np.unique(y))
    nThr = len(thresholds)

    if nThr == 1:
        raise ValueError("y must contain more than 1 distinct value")
    Xp = X.copy()
    Xp = prepareData(Xp, groups, orders)
    nVar = Xp.shape[1]
    oldNames = Xp.columns
    Xp['y'] = y
    Xp['ind'] = np.arange(len(y))
    tt = list(oldNames)
    X_grouped = Xp.groupby(tt).agg({'y': list, 'ind': list})
    X_grouped = X_grouped.sort_values(by=list(oldNames)[::-1])
    X_grouped = X_grouped.reset_index()
    cpY = X_grouped["y"]
    indices = X_grouped["ind"]
    Xp = X_grouped[tt]
    lenlist = np.vectorize(len)
    weights = lenlist(indices)
    N = Xp.shape[0]
    if nVar == 1:
        constr = None
        rep_time = [len(x) for x in indices]
        flat_indices = [item for sublist in cpY for item in sublist]
        posY = np.repeat(np.arange(len(indices)),
                         rep_time)[np.argsort(flat_indices, kind="mergesort")]
        cdf_vec = isocdf_seq(np.array(weights), np.ones(y.shape[0]),
                             np.sort(y), posY, thresholds)
        cdf1 = np.reshape(cdf_vec, (N, nThr), order="F")
        constr = comp_ord(Xp)
        cdf = np.zeros((N, nThr - 1))
        A = tr_reduc(constr[0], N)
        nConstr = A.shape[1]
        l = np.zeros(nConstr)
        A = sparse.csc_matrix((np.repeat([1, -1], nConstr),
                               (np.tile(np.arange(nConstr), 2), A.flatten())),
                              shape=(nConstr, N))
        P = sparse.csc_matrix((weights, (np.arange(N), np.arange(N))))
        i = 0
        I = nThr - 1
        #conv =  np.full(I, False, dtype=bool)
        q = -weights * np.array(
            cpY.apply(lambda x: np.mean(np.array(x) <= thresholds[i])))
        m = osqp.OSQP()
        sol = m.solve()
        pmax = np.where(sol.x > 0, sol.x, 0)
        cdf[:, 0] = np.where(pmax < 1, pmax, 1)
        if I > 1:
            for i in tqdm(range(1, I)):
                m.warm_start(x=cdf[:, i - 1])
                q = -weights * np.array(
                    cpY.apply(lambda x: np.mean(np.array(x) <= thresholds[i])))
                sol = m.solve()
                pmax = np.where(sol.x > 0, sol.x, 0)
                cdf[:, i] = np.where(pmax < 1, pmax, 1)

    if nVar > 1:
        cdf = pavaCorrect(cdf)
        cdf1 = np.ones((N, nThr))
        cdf1[:, :-1] = cdf

    idr_object = idrobject(ecdf=cdf1,
    return (idr_object)
コード例 #2
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: sz144/pydale
    def _quadprog(cls, Q, y, C, solver='osqp'):
        """solve min_x x^TPx + q^Tx, s.t. Gx<=h, Ax=b

        Q : [type]
        y : [type]
        C : [type]
        solver : str, optional
            [description], by default 'osqp'

        # dual
        nl = y.shape[0]
        q = -1 * np.ones((nl, 1))

        if solver == 'cvxopt':
            G = np.zeros((2 * nl, nl))
            G[:nl, :] = -1 * np.eye(nl)
            G[nl:, :] = np.eye(nl)
            h = np.zeros((2 * nl, 1))
            h[nl:, :] = C / nl

            # convert numpy matrix to cvxopt matrix
            P = matrix(Q)
            q = matrix(q)
            G = matrix(G)
            h = matrix(h)
            A = matrix(y.reshape(1, -1).astype('float64'))
            b = matrix(np.zeros(1).astype('float64'))

            solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
            sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)

            alpha = np.array(sol['x']).reshape(nl)

        elif solver == 'osqp':
            warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sparse.SparseEfficiencyWarning)
            P = sparse.csc_matrix((nl, nl))
            P[:nl, :nl] = Q[:nl, :nl]
            G = sparse.vstack([sparse.eye(nl), y.reshape(1, -1)]).tocsc()
            l_ = np.zeros((nl + 1, 1))
            u = np.zeros(l_.shape)
            u[:nl, 0] = C

            prob = osqp.OSQP()
            prob.setup(P, q, G, l_, u, verbose=False)
            res = prob.solve()
            alpha = res.x

            raise ValueError('Invalid QP solver')

        return alpha
コード例 #3
def mpc_solver(p_0, max_v, min_v, max_a, min_a, max_j, min_j, Target_p, step_n):
    v_0 = 0
    a_0 = 0
    j_0 = 0
    K = 20
    dt = 0.2
    w1 = 10
    w2 = 1
    w3 = 1
    w4 = 5
    w5 = 1e8
    count = 0
    log_p = []
    log_v = []
    log_a = []
    log_j = []
    conc_with_identity = lambda x, y: np.concatenate([x, y * np.ones([K, K])], axis=1)
    for i in range(step_n-1):
        Tp, Tv, Ta, Bp, Bv, Ba = getPredictionMatrix(K, dt, p_0, v_0, a_0)

        Target_p_K = np.asarray(Target_p[count:count + K]).reshape(1, -1)

        H = scipy.linalg.block_diag(w4 * np.ones([K, K]) + w1 * (np.matmul(Tp.transpose(), Tp)),
                                    w5 * np.ones([K, K]))

        F = np.concatenate([2 * w1 * (np.matmul(Bp.transpose(), Tp) - np.matmul(Target_p_K, Tp)),
                            np.zeros([1, K])], axis=1)

        A = np.concatenate([conc_with_identity(Tv, 0),
                            conc_with_identity(-Tv, -1),
                            conc_with_identity(Ta, 0),
                            conc_with_identity(-Ta, -1),
                            conc_with_identity(np.ones([K, K]), 0),
                            conc_with_identity(-np.ones([K, K]), -1),
                            conc_with_identity(np.zeros_like(Ta), -1)], axis=0)

        b = np.concatenate([np.ones([K, 1]) * max_v - Bv,
                            -np.ones([K, 1]) * min_v + Bv,
                            np.ones([K, 1]) * max_a - Ba,
                            -np.ones([K, 1]) * min_a + Ba,
                            np.ones([K, 1]) * max_j,
                            -np.ones([K, 1]) * min_j,
                            np.zeros([K, 1])], axis=0)

        P = sparse.csc_matrix(H)
        q = np.array(F.T)
        A_ = sparse.csc_matrix(A)
        l = np.array(-np.inf * np.ones_like(b))
        # l = None
        u = np.array(b)

        # Create an OSQP object
        prob = osqp.OSQP()

        # Setup workspace and change alpha parameter
        prob.setup(P, q, A_, l, u)

        # Solve problem
        res = prob.solve()

        j = res.x[0]

        p_0 = p_0 + v_0 * dt + 0.5 * a_0 * dt ** 2 + 1 / 6 * j * dt ** 3
        v_0 = v_0 + a_0 * dt + 0.5 * j * dt ** 2
        a_0 = a_0 + j * dt
        j_0 = j

        count += 1

    return log_p, log_v, log_a, log_j
コード例 #4
    def setup_OSQP(self,final_point):

        [nx, nu] = self._osqp_Bd.shape
        # Constraints
        umin = np.ones(nu)*0.3-self.u_hover
        umax = np.ones(nu)*0.9-self.u_hover
        xmin = np.array([0.28,-2.])  #TODO: Tune/consider when testing on hw
        xmax = np.array([ 5.0, 5.0])

        # Sizes
        self.ns = nx # p_x, p_y, p_z, v_x, v_y, v_z
        self.nu = nu # f_x, f_y, f_z

        # Objective function
        Q = sparse.diags([5., .5])
        QN = Q
        R = 4.0*sparse.eye(nu)

        # Initial and reference states
        x0 = np.array([1.0,0.0])
        xr = np.array([final_point[2], 0.0])
        # Prediction horizon
        N = int(self.rate*self.mpc_horizon)
        self._osqp_N = N

        # Cast MPC problem to a QP: x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N),u(0),...,u(N-1))
        # - quadratic objective
        P = sparse.block_diag([sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Q), QN,
                            sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R)]).tocsc()
        # - linear objective
        q = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N), -Q.dot(xr)), -QN.dot(xr),
        # - linear dynamics
        Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1),-sparse.eye(nx)) + sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1, k=-1), self._osqp_Ad)
        Bu = sparse.kron(sparse.vstack([sparse.csc_matrix((1, N)), sparse.eye(N)]), self._osqp_Bd)
        Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])
        leq = np.hstack([-x0, np.zeros(N*nx)])
        ueq = leq
        # - input and state constraints
        nf = 1 # do not add the first nf points to the constraints
        xminf = -np.ones(nx)*np.inf
        xmaxf = +np.ones(nx)*np.inf

        Aineq = sparse.eye((N+1)*nx + N*nu)
        #lineq = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N+1), xmin), np.kron(np.ones(N), umin)])
        #uineq = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N+1), xmax), np.kron(np.ones(N), umax)])

        lineq = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(nf), xminf), np.kron(np.ones(N+1-nf), xmin), np.kron(np.ones(N), umin)])
        uineq = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(nf), xmaxf), np.kron(np.ones(N+1-nf), xmax), np.kron(np.ones(N), umax)])
        # - OSQP constraints
        A = sparse.vstack([Aeq, Aineq]).tocsc()
        self._osqp_l = np.hstack([leq, lineq])
        self._osqp_u = np.hstack([ueq, uineq])

        Nx = (N+1)*nx
        Nu = N*nu

        if self.soft:
            Pdelta = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1), self.D)
            P = sparse.block_diag([P,Pdelta])
            qdelta = np.zeros(Nx)
            q = np.hstack([q,qdelta])
            Adelta = sparse.csc_matrix(np.vstack([np.zeros((Nx,Nx)),np.eye(Nx),np.zeros((Nu,Nx))]))
            A = sparse.hstack([A, Adelta])

        self.qp_size = P.shape[0]
        # Create an OSQP object
        self.prob = osqp.OSQP()

        # Setup workspace
        self.prob.setup(P, q, A, self._osqp_l, self._osqp_u, warm_start=True, verbose=False)
        self.first = True
コード例 #5
ファイル: lasso_example.py プロジェクト: Capri2014/osqp
def solve_loop(qp_matrices, solver='osqp', osqp_settings=None):
    Solve lasso optimization loop for all lambdas
    # Shorter name for qp_matrices
    qp = qp_matrices

    # Extract features
    n = qp.n

    print('n = %d and solver %s' % (n, solver))

    # Get number of problems to solve
    n_prob = qp.q.shape[1]

    # Initialize time vector
    time = np.zeros(n_prob)

    # Initialize number of iterations vector
    niter = np.zeros(n_prob)

    if solver == 'osqp':

        # Setup OSQP
        m = osqp.OSQP()
        m.setup(qp.P, qp.q[:, 0], qp.A, qp.l, qp.u, **osqp_settings)

        for i in range(n_prob):
            q = qp.q[:, i]

            # Update linear cost

            # Solve
            results = m.solve()
            x = results.x
            y = results.y
            status = results.info.status_val
            niter[i] = results.info.iter
            time[i] = results.info.run_time

            # Check if status correct
            if status != m.constant('OSQP_SOLVED'):
                import ipdb
                raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

            # DEBUG
            # solve with gurobi
            # prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, q, Aosqp, losqp, uosqp)
            # res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False)
            # print('Norm difference OSQP-GUROBI %.3e' %
            #       np.linalg.norm(x - res.x))
            # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

    elif solver == 'osqp_coldstart':

        # Setup OSQP
        m = osqp.OSQP()
        m.setup(qp.P, qp.q[:, 0], qp.A, qp.l, qp.u, **osqp_settings)

        for i in range(n_prob):
            q = qp.q[:, i]

            # Update linear cost

            # Solve
            results = m.solve()
            x = results.x
            y = results.y
            status = results.info.status_val
            niter[i] = results.info.iter
            time[i] = results.info.run_time

            # Check if status correct
            if status != m.constant('OSQP_SOLVED'):
                import ipdb
                raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

            # DEBUG
            # solve with gurobi
            # prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, q, qp.A, qp.l, qp.u)
            # res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False)
            # print('Norm difference OSQP-GUROBI %.3e' %
            #       np.linalg.norm(x - res.x))
            # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

        # DEBUG print iterations per value of lambda
        # lambda_vals = np.logspace(-2, 2, 101)[::-1]
        # import matplotlib.pylab as plt
        # plt.figure()
        # ax = plt.gca()
        # plt.plot(lambda_vals, niter)
        # ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$')
        # ax.set_ylabel(r'iter')
        # plt.show(block=False)

        # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

    elif solver == 'osqp_no_caching':

        for i in range(n_prob):

            # Setup OSQP
            m = osqp.OSQP()
            m.setup(qp.P, qp.q[:, i], qp.A, qp.l, qp.u, **osqp_settings)

            # Solve
            results = m.solve()
            x = results.x
            y = results.y
            status = results.info.status_val
            niter[i] = results.info.iter
            time[i] = results.info.run_time

            # Check if status correct
            if status != m.constant('OSQP_SOLVED'):
                import ipdb
                raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

            # DEBUG
            # solve with gurobi
            # prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, q, Aosqp, losqp, uosqp)
            # res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False)
            # print('Norm difference OSQP-GUROBI %.3e' %
            #       np.linalg.norm(x - res.x))
            # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

    elif solver == 'qpoases':

        n_dim = qp.P.shape[0]  # Number of variables
        m_dim = qp.A.shape[0]  # Number of constraints without bounds

        # Initialize qpoases and set options
        qpoases_m = qpoases.PyQProblem(n_dim, m_dim)
        options = qpoases.PyOptions()
        options.printLevel = qpoases.PyPrintLevel.NONE

        # Setup matrix P and A
        P = np.ascontiguousarray(qp.P.todense())
        A = np.ascontiguousarray(qp.A.todense())

        for i in range(n_prob):

            # Get linera cost as contiguous array
            q = np.ascontiguousarray(qp.q[:, i])

            # Reset cpu time
            qpoases_cpu_time = np.array([10.])

            # Reset number of of working set recalculations
            nWSR = np.array([1000])

            if i == 0:
                # First iteration
                res_qpoases = qpoases_m.init(P, q, A,
                                             np.ascontiguousarray(qp.u), nWSR,
                # Solve new hot started problem
                res_qpoases = qpoases_m.hotstart(q,
                                                 nWSR, qpoases_cpu_time)

            # # DEBUG Solve with gurobi
            # qpoases solution
            # sol_qpoases = np.zeros(n + k)
            # qpoases_m.getPrimalSolution(sol_qpoases)
            # import mathprogbasepy as mpbpy
            # Agrb = spa.vstack((qp.A,
            #                     spa.hstack((spa.eye(n), spa.csc_matrix((n, k)))
            #                                ))).tocsc()
            # lgrb = np.append(qp.l, qp.lx)
            # ugrb = np.append(qp.u, qp.ux)
            # prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(spa.csc_matrix(qp.P), q,
            #                              Agrb, lgrb, ugrb)
            # res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=True)
            # print("Norm difference x qpoases - GUROBI = %.4f" %
            #       np.linalg.norm(sol_qpoases - res.x))
            # print("Norm difference objval qpoases - GUROBI = %.4f" %
            #       abs(qpoases_m.getObjVal() - res.obj_val))
            # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

            # if res_qpoases != 0:
            #     raise ValueError('qpoases did not solve the problem!')

            # Save time
            time[i] = qpoases_cpu_time[0]

            # Save number of iterations
            niter[i] = nWSR[0]

    elif solver == 'gurobi':

        for i in range(n_prob):

            # Get linera cost as contiguous array
            q = qp.q[:, i]

            # Solve with gurobi
            prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, q, qp.A, qp.l, qp.u)
            res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False)

            # Save time
            time[i] = res.cputime

            # Save number of iterations
            niter[i] = res.total_iter

    elif solver == 'mosek':

        for i in range(n_prob):

            # Get linera cost as contiguous array
            q = qp.q[:, i]

            # Solve with mosek
            prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, q, qp.A, qp.l, qp.u)
            res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.MOSEK, verbose=False)

            # Save time
            time[i] = res.cputime

            # Save number of iterations
            niter[i] = res.total_iter

    elif solver == 'ecos':

        n_var = qp_matrices.A_lasso.shape[1]
        m_var = qp_matrices.A_lasso.shape[0]

        for i in range(n_prob):
            if n_var <= 60:  # (problem becomes too big otherwise):

                # Model with CVXPY
                #       minimize	y' * y + lambda * 1' * t
                #       subject to  y = Ax - b
                #                   -t <= x <= t
                lambda_i = qp_matrices.lambdas[i]
                x = cvxpy.Variable(n_var)
                y = cvxpy.Variable(m_var)
                t = cvxpy.Variable(n_var)

                objective = cvxpy.Minimize(
                    cvxpy.quad_form(y, spa.eye(m_var)) +
                    lambda_i * np.ones(n_var) * t)
                constraints = [
                    y == qp_matrices.A_lasso * x - qp_matrices.b_lasso,
                    -t <= x, x <= t
                problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
                problem.solve(solver=cvxpy.ECOS, verbose=False)

                # DEBUG: Solve with MOSEK
                q = qp.q[:, i]

                # Solve with mosek
                # prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, q, qp.A, qp.l, qp.u)
                # res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.MOSEK, verbose=False)
                # x_mosek = res.x[:n_var]
                # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

                # Obtain time and number of iterations
                time[i] = problem.solver_stats.setup_time + \

                niter[i] = problem.solver_stats.num_iters
                time[i] = 0
                niter[i] = 0

        raise ValueError('Solver not understood')

    # Return statistics
    return utils.Statistics(time), utils.Statistics(niter)
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self):

        # output_topic = rospy.get_param('~output_topic')

        # subscribers and publishers
        trigger_topic = rospy.get_param('~trigger_topic')
        self.mpc_trigger_sub = rospy.Subscriber(trigger_topic, Empty,

        # model_yaml = rospy.get_param('~model_yaml')

        # Prediction horizon
        # N = 10
        N = rospy.get_param('~N')
        self.N = N
        dt = rospy.get_param('~dt')
        # dt = 0.25; # Assuming each increment is 0.25 seconds long

        Ad_yaml = rospy.get_param('~Ad')
        Ad_data = Ad_yaml['data']

        Ad = Ad_data
        for i in range(len(Ad_data)):
            # print("Ad_data[{}] = {}").format(i, Ad_data[i])
            if isinstance(Ad_data[i], str):
                Ad[i] = eval(Ad_data[i])
            # print("Ad[{}] = {}").format(i, Ad[i])

        test_mat = self.yaml_matrix2csc(Ad, Ad_yaml['rows'], Ad_yaml['rows'])

        # Discrete time model of a 1D quadcopter
        self.Ad = sparse.csc_matrix([[1.0, dt, dt * dt / 2], [0.0, 1.0, dt],
                                     [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
        self.Bd = sparse.csc_matrix([[0.0], [0.0], [1.0]])
        [nx, nu] = self.Bd.shape
        self.nx = nx
        self.nu = nu

        # Objective function
        Q = sparse.diags([1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        # Q = 1.0*sparse.eye(nx)
        QN = Q  # Q at horizon N
        R = 0.1 * sparse.eye(self.nu)

        # Constraints
        u0 = 0.0
        umin = np.array([-1.0]) - u0
        umax = np.array([1.0]) - u0
        xmin = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf])
        xmax = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf])

        # Initial and reference states
        self.x0 = np.zeros(3)
        xr = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # Cast MPC problem to a QP: x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N),u(0),...,u(N-1))
        # - quadratic objective
        P = sparse.block_diag(
            [sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Q), QN,
             sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R)]).tocsc()
        # - linear objective
        # Stack all
        q = np.hstack([
            np.kron(np.ones(N), -Q.dot(xr)), -QN.dot(xr),
            np.zeros(N * self.nu)
        # - linear dynamics
        Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N + 1), -sparse.eye(nx)) + sparse.kron(
            sparse.eye(N + 1, k=-1), self.Ad)
        Bu = sparse.kron(
            sparse.vstack([sparse.csc_matrix((1, N)),
                           sparse.eye(N)]), self.Bd)
        Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])
        leq = np.hstack([-self.x0, np.zeros(N * nx)])
        ueq = leq
        # - input and state constraints
        Aineq = sparse.eye((N + 1) * nx + N * self.nu)
        lineq = np.hstack(
            [np.kron(np.ones(N + 1), xmin),
             np.kron(np.ones(N), umin)])
        uineq = np.hstack(
            [np.kron(np.ones(N + 1), xmax),
             np.kron(np.ones(N), umax)])
        # - OSQP constraints
        A = sparse.vstack([Aeq, Aineq]).tocsc()
        self.l = np.hstack([leq, lineq])
        self.u = np.hstack([ueq, uineq])

        # Create an OSQP object
        self.osqp_solver = osqp.OSQP()

        # Setup workspace
        self.osqp_solver.setup(P, q, A, self.l, self.u, warm_start=True)

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
コード例 #7
    def test_issue14(self):

        m = osqp.OSQP()
        m.setup(self.P, self.q, self.A, self.l, self.u,
                linsys_solver="mkl pardiso")
コード例 #8
    def forward_pass(self):
        x = np.copy(self.initial_state)
        feasible = False
        trust_region_scale = 1
        while not feasible:
            feasible = True
            current_J = 0
            x_new_trajectories = np.zeros(
                (self.system.state_size, self.horizon + 1))
            u_new_trajectories = np.zeros(
                (self.system.control_size, self.horizon))
            x = np.copy(self.initial_state)
            x_new_trajectories[:, 0] = np.copy(x)
            for i in range(self.horizon):
                delta_x = x - self.x_trajectories[:, i]
                x_new_trajectories[:, i] = np.copy(x)
                Q_ux = self.Q_UX[:, :, i]
                Q_u = self.Q_U[:, i]
                P = sparse.csr_matrix(self.Q_UU[:, :, i])
                q = (Q_ux.dot(delta_x) + Q_u)
                '''lb = -self.system.control_bound - self.u_trajectories[:, i]
				ub = self.system.control_bound - self.u_trajectories[:, i]
				lb *= trust_region_scale
				ub *= trust_region_scale'''

                #constraint_A = sparse.csr_matrix(np.identity(self.system.control_size))

                #initialize contraint matrix and bound
                constraint_A = np.zeros(
                    (self.system.control_size + len(self.constraints),
                lb = np.zeros(self.system.control_size + len(self.constraints))
                ub = np.zeros(self.system.control_size + len(self.constraints))

                #control limit contraint
                             0:self.system.control_size] = np.identity(
                lb[0:self.system.control_size] = 0 - self.u_trajectories[:, i]
                   control_size] = self.system.control_bound - self.u_trajectories[:,
                lb *= trust_region_scale
                ub *= trust_region_scale

                #formulate linearized state constraints
                f_x, f_u = self.system.transition_J(x, self.u_trajectories[:,
                constraint_index = self.system.control_size
                for constraint in self.constraints:
                    if i <= self.horizon - 2:  #current action might cause state constraint violation
                        x_temp = self.system.transition(
                            x, self.u_trajectories[:, i])
                        D = constraint.evaluate_constraint(x_temp)
                        #print("constraint eval", D, i, x)
                        C = constraint.evaluate_constraint_J(x_temp)
                        #print(C.shape, f_u.shape)
                        C = C.dot(f_u)
                        constraint_A[constraint_index, :] = np.copy(C)
                        lb[constraint_index] = -np.inf  #no lower bound
                        ub[constraint_index] = -D
                    constraint_index += 1

                constraint_A = sparse.csr_matrix(constraint_A)
                prob = osqp.OSQP()
                res = prob.solve()
                if res.info.status != 'solved':
                    feasible = False
                    #print("infeasible, reduce trust region")
                    trust_region_scale *= 0.5
                delta_u = res.x[0:self.system.control_size]
                u = delta_u + self.u_trajectories[:, i]
                u_new_trajectories[:, i] = np.copy(u)
                # print(u)
                current_J += self.system.calculate_cost(x, u)
                x = self.system.transition(x, u)
            x_new_trajectories[:, self.horizon] = np.copy(x)
            current_J += self.system.calculate_final_cost(x)
            if current_J > self.best_J + 100:
                feasible = False
                trust_region_scale *= 0.5
                self.best_J = current_J
            if feasible == True:
                self.x_trajectories = np.copy(x_new_trajectories)
                self.u_trajectories = np.copy(u_new_trajectories)
                print("total cost", current_J)
コード例 #9
def compute_min_derivative_multispline(order, min_derivative_order,
                                       continuity_order, traj_waypoints):
    num_segments = len(traj_waypoints) - 1
    if num_segments < 2:
        return None

    cw = order + 1  # constraint width
    x_dim = cw * num_segments  # num columns in the constraint matrix
    multi_x_dim = x_dim * traj_waypoints[0].ndim

    Aeq = np.zeros((0, 0))  # equality constraints A matrix
    Aieq = np.zeros((0, 0))  # inequality constraints A matrix
    beq = np.zeros((0, 1))
    bieq = np.zeros((0, 1))
    H = np.zeros((0, 0))

    for dim in range(traj_waypoints[0].ndim):
        pins = [wp.spline_pins[dim] for wp in traj_waypoints]
        dAeq, dbeq, dAieq, dbieq, dH = compute_spline_matrices(
            order, min_derivative_order, continuity_order, pins)

        Aeq = linalg.block_diag(Aeq, dAeq)
        Aieq = linalg.block_diag(Aieq, dAieq)
        H = linalg.block_diag(H, dH)
        beq = np.vstack((beq, dbeq))
        bieq = np.vstack((bieq, dbieq))

    # build directional constraints (constraints between spline dimensions)
    for seg in range(num_segments):
        wp = traj_waypoints[seg]
        for sdc in wp.soft_directional_constraints:
            con_order = sdc[0]
            dvec = sdc[1]
            radius = sdc[2]

            dspace = np.zeros((wp.ndim, wp.ndim))
            dspace[0, :] = np.array(dvec)
            nspace = linalg.null_space(dspace)
            nullspace_vecs = list(nspace.transpose())

            # Positive dot product enforces correct direction of motion
            new_constraint = np.zeros((1, multi_x_dim))
            for d in range(wp.ndim):
                scalar = dvec[d]
                tvec = _calc_tvec(0, order, con_order)
                vec = scalar * tvec
                new_constraint[0, x_dim * d + seg * cw:x_dim * d +
                               (seg + 1) * cw] = vec
            Aieq = np.vstack((Aieq, -1 * new_constraint))
            bieq = np.vstack((bieq, 0))

            # Limit motion in null space:
            for v in nullspace_vecs:
                new_constraint = np.zeros((1, multi_x_dim))
                for d in range(wp.ndim):
                    scalar = v[d]
                    tvec = _calc_tvec(0, order, con_order)
                    vec = scalar * tvec
                    new_constraint[0, x_dim * d + seg * cw:x_dim * d +
                                   (seg + 1) * cw] = vec
                Aieq = np.vstack((Aieq, new_constraint))
                Aieq = np.vstack((Aieq, -1 * new_constraint))
                bieq = np.vstack((bieq, radius))
                bieq = np.vstack((bieq, -radius))

    # Convert equality constraints to inequality constraints:
    Aeq_ieq = np.vstack((Aeq, -1 * Aeq))
    beq_ieq = np.vstack((beq, -1 * beq))
    Aieq = np.vstack((Aieq, Aeq_ieq))
    bieq = np.vstack((bieq, beq_ieq))

    # Solve the QP!
    m = osqp.OSQP()
    except ValueError as ve:
        print("Could not setup QP!")
        return None
    results = m.solve()
    x = results.x

    splines = []
    xwidth = len(x) / traj_waypoints[0].ndim
    for dim in range(traj_waypoints[0].ndim):
        dx = x[dim * xwidth:dim * xwidth + xwidth]
        coefficients = np.fliplr(
            np.array(dx).reshape((num_segments, order + 1)))
        ts = [wp.time for wp in traj_waypoints]
        spline = OptimalSpline(coefficients.transpose(), ts)

    return splines
コード例 #10
def mpc_(Ad_mat, Bd_mat, gd_mat, x_vec, Xr, Q, QN, R, N, lb_x, ub_x, lb_y,
         ub_y, umin, umax):
    # ========== Cast MPC problem to a QP: x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N),u(0),...,u(N-1)) ==========
    nx = Ad_mat.shape[0]
    nu = Bd_mat.shape[1]

    Ad = sparse.csc_matrix(Ad_mat)
    Bd = sparse.csc_matrix(Bd_mat)
    gd = np.squeeze(gd_mat, axis=1)  # from (N,1) to (N,)

    # ----- quadratic objective -----
    P = sparse.block_diag(
        [sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Q), QN,
         sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R)]).tocsc()

    # ----- linear objective -----
    # xr_vec = np.squeeze(xr, axis=1)
    # q = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N), -Q.dot(xr)), -QN.dot(xr),
    #               np.zeros(N*nu)])
    # q = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N), -Q.dot(xr_vec)), -QN.dot(xr_vec),
    #               np.zeros(N*nu)])

    q = -Q.dot(Xr[:, 0])  # index 0
    for ii in range(N - 1):
        q = np.hstack([q, -Q.dot(Xr[:, ii + 1])])  # index 1 ~ N-1
    q = np.hstack([q, -QN.dot(Xr[:, -1]), np.zeros(N * nu)])  # index N

    # ----- linear dynamics -----
    Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N + 1), -sparse.eye(nx)) + sparse.kron(
        sparse.eye(N + 1, k=-1), Ad)
    Bu = sparse.kron(sparse.vstack([sparse.csc_matrix((1, N)),
                                    sparse.eye(N)]), Bd)
    Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])

    # leq = np.hstack([-x0, np.zeros(N*nx)])
    # leq = np.hstack([-x0, np.kron(np.ones(N), -gd)])

    leq = np.hstack([-x_vec, np.kron(np.ones(N), -gd)])
    ueq = leq

    # ----- input and state constraints -----
    Aineq = sparse.eye((N + 1) * nx + N * nu)
    lineq = []
    uineq = []
    # lineq = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N+1), xmin), np.kron(np.ones(N), umin)])
    # uineq = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N+1), xmax), np.kron(np.ones(N), umax)])

    for i in range(len(lb_x)):
        xmin = [lb_x[i], lb_y[i], -10, -np.pi]
        xmax = [ub_x[i], ub_y[i], 10, np.pi]
        lineq = np.hstack([lineq, xmin])
        uineq = np.hstack([uineq, xmax])
    lineq = np.hstack([lineq, np.kron(np.ones(N), umin)])
    uineq = np.hstack([uineq, np.kron(np.ones(N), umax)])

    # ----- OSQP constraints -----
    A = sparse.vstack([Aeq, Aineq]).tocsc()
    lb = np.hstack([leq, lineq])
    ub = np.hstack([ueq, uineq])

    # ==========Create an OSQP object and Setup workspace ==========
    prob = osqp.OSQP()
    prob.setup(P, q, A, lb, ub, verbose=False,
               warm_start=True)  # verbose: print output.

    # Solve
    res = prob.solve()

    return res
コード例 #11
def mpc__(Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list, x_vec, Xr, Q, QN, R, N, xmin, xmax, umin,
    Initialize Nonlinear Dynamics with Shooting Method

    # ========== Cast MPC problem to a QP: x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N),u(0),...,u(N-1)) ==========
    nx = Ad_list[0].shape[0]
    nu = Bd_list[0].shape[1]

    # ----- quadratic objective -----
    P = sparse.block_diag(
        [sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Q), QN,
         sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R)]).tocsc()

    # ----- linear objective -----
    # xr_vec = np.squeeze(xr, axis=1)
    # q = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N), -Q.dot(xr)), -QN.dot(xr),
    #               np.zeros(N*nu)])
    # q = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N), -Q.dot(xr_vec)), -QN.dot(xr_vec),
    #               np.zeros(N*nu)])

    q = -Q.dot(Xr[:, 0])  # index 0
    for ii in range(N - 1):
        q = np.hstack([q, -Q.dot(Xr[:, ii + 1])])  # index 1 ~ N-1
    q = np.hstack([q, -QN.dot(Xr[:, -1]), np.zeros(N * nu)])  # index N

    # ----- linear dynamics -----
    Ax_Ad = sparse.csc_matrix(Ad_list[0])
    Ax_diag = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N + 1), -sparse.eye(nx))
    Bu_Bd = sparse.csc_matrix(Bd_list[0])

    for i in range(N - 1):
        Ad = sparse.csc_matrix(Ad_list[i + 1])
        Bd = sparse.csc_matrix(Bd_list[i + 1])
        Ax_Ad = sparse.block_diag([Ax_Ad, Ad])
        Bu_Bd = sparse.block_diag([Bu_Bd, Bd])

    Ax_Ad_top = sparse.kron(np.ones(N + 1), np.zeros((nx, nx)))
    Ax_Ad_side = sparse.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), np.zeros((nx, nx)))
    Ax = Ax_diag + sparse.vstack(
        [Ax_Ad_top, sparse.hstack([Ax_Ad, Ax_Ad_side])])
    Bu_Bd_top = sparse.kron(np.ones(N), np.zeros((nx, nu)))
    Bu = sparse.vstack([Bu_Bd_top, Bu_Bd])
    Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])

    leq = -x_vec  # later ueq == leq
    for i in range(N):
        gd = np.squeeze(gd_list[i], axis=1)  # from (N,1) to (N,)
        leq = np.hstack([leq, -gd])
    ueq = leq

    # Original Code
    # Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1),-sparse.eye(nx)) + sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1, k=-1), Ad_list[0])
    # Bu = sparse.kron(sparse.vstack([sparse.csc_matrix((1, N)), sparse.eye(N)]), Bd_list[0])
    # Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])
    # gd = np.squeeze(gd_list[0], axis=1) # from (N,1) to (N,)
    # leq = np.hstack([-x_vec, np.kron(np.ones(N), -gd)])
    # ueq = leq

    # ----- input and state constraints -----
    Aineq = sparse.eye((N + 1) * nx + N * nu)
    lineq = np.hstack(
        [np.kron(np.ones(N + 1), xmin),
         np.kron(np.ones(N), umin)])
    uineq = np.hstack(
        [np.kron(np.ones(N + 1), xmax),
         np.kron(np.ones(N), umax)])
    # lineq = []
    # uineq = []

    # for i in range(len(lb_x)):
    #     xmin = [lb_x[i], lb_y[i], -10, -np.pi]
    #     xmax = [ub_x[i], ub_y[i],  10,  np.pi]
    #     lineq = np.hstack([lineq, xmin])
    #     uineq = np.hstack([uineq, xmax])
    # lineq = np.hstack([lineq, np.kron(np.ones(N), umin)])
    # uineq = np.hstack([uineq, np.kron(np.ones(N), umax)])

    # ----- OSQP constraints -----
    A = sparse.vstack([Aeq, Aineq]).tocsc()
    lb = np.hstack([leq, lineq])
    ub = np.hstack([ueq, uineq])

    # ==========Create an OSQP object and Setup workspace ==========
    prob = osqp.OSQP()
    prob.setup(P, q, A, lb, ub, verbose=False,
               warm_start=True)  # verbose: print output.

    # Solve
    res = prob.solve()

    return res
コード例 #12
def mpc(A, B, C, D,  F0, G0, xk, ek, uk1, yrk1, xmax, xmin, umax, umin, dumax, dumin, ymax, ymin, yrmax, yrmin, dyrmax, dyrmin, qx, qe, qu, qyr, qxf, qef, zmax, zmin, Cz, Dz, Gz, N= 10, dT = 250e-3):
    # =========================================================================================
    # Calculos
    # Calcular cantidad de elementos.
    [nx, nu] = B.shape
    [ny, nx] = C.shape
    [nz, nx] = Cz.shape

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    #Calcular las matrices del estado aumentado
    A_ = sparse.vstack([
        sparse.hstack([A, sparse.csc_matrix((nx, ny))]),
        sparse.hstack([dT * C, sparse.eye(ny)])
    ], format='csc')

    B_ = sparse.vstack([
        sparse.hstack([B, sparse.csc_matrix((nx, ny))]),
        sparse.hstack([dT * D, -1 * dT * sparse.eye(ny)])
    ], format='csc')

    #Condiciones iniciales del estado aumentado
    xk_ = np.hstack([xk, ek])

    #Calcular tamaño del estado aumentado
    [nx_, nu_] = B_.shape

    #Calcular las matrices de las variables algebraicas considerando el estado aumentado.
    Cz_ = sparse.hstack([Cz, sparse.csc_matrix((nz, ny))], format = 'csc')
    Dz_ = sparse.hstack([Dz, sparse.csc_matrix((nz, ny))], format = 'csc')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------    
    #Generar las matrices de pesos.
    Q = sparse.diags(np.hstack([qx, qe]), format='csc')
    R = sparse.diags(np.hstack([qu, qyr]), format='csc')

    # Qf = computeQf(A_, B_, Q, R) # Calcular la ganancia de la condición final tal que cumpla la ecuación de Ricatti.
    Qf = sparse.diags(np.hstack([qxf, qef]), format='csc') #Assigned directly.

    # Input diferences
    # dU = Kdu * u
    # Kdu =  sparse.kron(sparse.hstack([sparse.csc_matrix((N-1, 1)), sparse.eye(N-1)]), sparse.eye(nu_)) - sparse.kron(sparse.hstack([sparse.eye(N-1), sparse.csc_matrix((N-1, 1))]), sparse.eye(nu_))
    # # Rdu = Kdu.T * R * Kdu
    # Rdu = Kdu.transpose() * sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N-1), R ) * Kdu

    # Plantear problema de optimización
    # Problema de la forma : 0.5 xT P x + qT x
    # - quadratic objective
    qH = np.arange(1, N+1) / N
    # P = sparse.block_diag([sparse.kron(sparse.diags(qH), Q), #Estados durante el horizonte de predicción
    #                                             Qf,  # Estados al final del horizonte de predicción
    #                                             Rdu], format='csc') #Cambio en las entradas durante el horizonte de predicción

    P = sparse.block_diag([sparse.kron(sparse.diags(qH), Q), #Estados durante el horizonte de predicción
                                                Qf,  # Estados al final del horizonte de predicción
            sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R)], format='csc') #Entradas durante el horizonte de predicción

    # - linear objective
    q = np.zeros( (N+1)*nx_ + N*nu_)

    #Equality restriction 
    #linear dynamics.
    # Aeq * [x, e, u, yr].T
    Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1),-sparse.eye(nx_)) + sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1, k=-1), A_)
    Bu = sparse.kron(sparse.vstack([sparse.csc_matrix((1, N)), sparse.eye(N)]), B_)
    Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])

    bk = - 1 * np.hstack([xk, ek, np.zeros(N*nx_)])
    b0 = - 1 * np.hstack([np.zeros(nx_), np.kron(np.ones(N), np.hstack([F0, dT * G0]))])
    b = b0  + bk 
    #Relajar un poco las restricciones de igualdad
    leq = b - 0.05 * abs(b)
    ueq = b + 0.05 * abs(b)
    #Inequality restriction 
    # - Bounds!!!!!
    xmin_ = np.hstack([xmin,np.kron(np.ones(ny), -np.inf)]) 
    xmax_ = np.hstack([xmax,np.kron(np.ones(ny), np.inf)])

    umin_ = np.hstack([umin, yrmin])
    umax_ = np.hstack([umax, yrmax])

    ABound = sparse.eye((N+1)*nx_ + N*nu_)
    lBound= np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N+1), xmin_), np.kron(np.ones(N), umin_)])
    uBound = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N+1), xmax_), np.kron(np.ones(N), umax_)])

    #Maximum rate of change 
    dumin_ = np.hstack([dumin, dyrmin])
    dumax_ = np.hstack([dumax, dyrmax])
    uk1_ = np.hstack([uk1, yrk1])
    #Maximum rate of change
    Au = sparse.hstack([sparse.csc_matrix((N*nu_, (N+1)*nx_)),
            sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), sparse.eye(nu_)) + sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N, k=-1), -1 * sparse.eye(nu_))])

    ldu = np.hstack([dumin_ + uk1_, np.kron(np.ones(N-1), dumin_)])
    udu = np.hstack([dumax_ + uk1_, np.kron(np.ones(N-1), dumax_)])

    # Algebraic variables
    Az = sparse.hstack([
        sparse.kron(sparse.hstack([sparse.eye(N), sparse.csc_matrix((N, 1))]), Cz_),
        sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Dz_)

    lz = np.kron(np.ones(N), zmin) - np.kron(np.ones(N), Gz)
    uz = np.kron(np.ones(N), zmax) - np.kron(np.ones(N), Gz)

    # - Solver constraints 
    #In general, the contraints have the form:
    #    lb <= Ax <= ub
    Aconst = sparse.vstack([Aeq, ABound, Au, Az], format='csc')
    lb = np.hstack([leq, lBound, ldu, lz])
    ub = np.hstack([ueq, uBound, udu, uz])

    #Condiciones iniciales  para las variables de optimización [x, e, u] a lo largo de todo el horizonte de predicción.
    _Xk_ = np.hstack ([np.kron(np.ones(N+1), xk_),np.kron(np.ones(N), uk1_)]) 
    # Create an OSQP object
    prob = osqp.OSQP()
    # ------------------------------------
    # Setup workspace
    #eps_abs: Absolute tolerance
    # eps_prim_inf: Primal  infeasibility  tolerance
    # eps_dual_inf: Dual  infeasibility  tolerance
    prob.setup(P, q, Aconst, lb, ub, verbose = False, polish = True,  eps_abs = 1e-6, eps_prim_inf=1e-5, eps_dual_inf = 1e-03)    
    # ------------------------------------
    #Start using initial conditions.
    prob.warm_start(x = _Xk_)
    #Solve problem
    res = prob.solve()

    # Check solver status
    if res.info.status not in  ['solved', 'solved inaccurate']:
        # The inaccurate status define when the optimality, primal infeasibility or dual infeasibility conditions are satisfied with tolerances 10 times largerthan the ones set.
        raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')
    # Get firts inputs of the augmented state.
    _uk_ = res.x[-N*nu_:-(N-1)*nu_]
    uk = _uk_[:nu]
    yrk = _uk_[-ny:]

    # output = res.x[:N*nx_]

    # output = output.reshape((N, nx_))
    # plt.plot(output[:, 28])
    # plt.show()
    z = (Az * res.x + np.kron(np.ones(N), Gz))[-N*nz:-(N-1)*nz]
    return uk, yrk, z
コード例 #13
def compute_min_derivative_spline(order, min_derivative_order,
                                  continuity_order, waypoints):
    num_segments = len(waypoints) - 1
    if num_segments < 1:
        return None

    assert not any([wp.time is None for wp in waypoints])

    waypoints.sort(key=lambda waypoint: waypoint.time)

    durations = [0] * num_segments
    for i in range(len(durations)):
        durations[i] = waypoints[i + 1].time - waypoints[i].time

    # Start with waypoint constraints: (Start of each segment, end of last segment.)
    # x is vertical stack of the coefficient col vectors for each segment
    cw = order + 1  # constraint width
    x_dim = cw * (num_segments)  # num columns in the constraint matrix

    Aeq = np.zeros((0, x_dim))  # equality constraints A matrix
    Aieq = np.zeros((0, x_dim))  # inequality constraints A matrix
    beq = np.zeros((0, 1))
    bieq = np.zeros((0, 1))

    for seg, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
        for con in wp.hard_constraints:
            if seg == num_segments:
                tvec = _calc_tvec(durations[seg - 1], order, con[0])
                i = seg - 1
                tvec = _calc_tvec(0, order, con[0])
                i = seg

            constraint = np.zeros(x_dim)  # hard constraint at waypoint
            constraint[i * cw:(i + 1) * cw] = tvec
            Aeq = np.vstack((Aeq, constraint))
            beq = np.vstack((beq, con[1]))

        for con in wp.soft_constraints:  # voxel constraints around waypoint
            if seg == num_segments:
                tvec = _calc_tvec(durations[seg - 1], order, con[0])
                i = seg - 1
                tvec = _calc_tvec(0, order, con[0])
                i = seg

            constraint_max = np.zeros(x_dim)
            constraint_max[i * cw:(i + 1) * cw] = tvec

            constraint_min = np.zeros(x_dim)
            constraint_min[i * cw:(i + 1) * cw] = -1 * tvec

            Aieq = np.vstack((Aieq, constraint_max, constraint_min))
            bieq = np.vstack((bieq, con[1] + con[2], -(con[1] - con[2])))

    # Continuity constraints: (tvec_a(t=end) = tvec_b(t=0))
    for seg in range(0, num_segments - 1):
        for r in range(0, continuity_order + 1):
            constraint = np.zeros(x_dim)  # hard constraint at waypoint
            tvec_end = _calc_tvec(durations[seg], order, r)
            tvec_start = _calc_tvec(0, order, r)
            constraint[seg * cw:(seg + 1) * cw] = tvec_end
            constraint[(seg + 1) * cw:(seg + 2) * cw] = -tvec_start
            Aeq = np.vstack((Aeq, constraint))
            beq = np.vstack((beq, [0]))

    # Construct Hermitian matrix:
    H = np.zeros((x_dim, x_dim))
    for seg in range(0, num_segments):
        Q = _compute_Q(order, min_derivative_order, 0, durations[seg])
        H[cw * seg:cw * (seg + 1), cw * seg:cw * (seg + 1)] = Q

    c = np.zeros((x_dim, 1))

    # Convert equality constraints to inequality constraints:
    Aeq_ieq = np.vstack((Aeq, -1 * Aeq))
    beq_ieq = np.vstack((beq, -1 * beq))
    Aieq = np.vstack((Aieq, Aeq_ieq))
    bieq = np.vstack((bieq, beq_ieq))

    # Solve the QP!
    m = osqp.OSQP()
    results = m.solve()
    x = results.x

    coefficients = np.fliplr(np.array(x).reshape((num_segments, order + 1)))
    ts = [wp.time for wp in waypoints]
    return OptimalSpline(coefficients.transpose(), ts)
コード例 #14
    def _init_problem(self):
        Initialize optimization problem for current time step.

        # Constraints
        umin = self.input_constraints['umin']
        umax = self.input_constraints['umax']
        xmin = self.state_constraints['xmin']
        xmax = self.state_constraints['xmax']

        # LTV System Matrices
        A = np.zeros((self.nx * (self.N + 1), self.nx * (self.N + 1)))
        B = np.zeros((self.nx * (self.N + 1), self.nu * (self.N)))
        # Reference vector for state and input variables
        ur = np.zeros(self.nu*self.N)
        xr = np.zeros(self.nx*(self.N+1))
        # Offset for equality constraint (due to B * (u - ur))
        uq = np.zeros(self.N * self.nx)
        # Dynamic state constraints
        xmin_dyn = np.kron(np.ones(self.N + 1), xmin)
        xmax_dyn = np.kron(np.ones(self.N + 1), xmax)
        # Dynamic input constraints
        umax_dyn = np.kron(np.ones(self.N), umax)
        # Get curvature predictions from previous control signals
        kappa_pred = np.tan(np.array(self.current_control[3::] +
                                     self.current_control[-1:])) / self.model.length

        # Iterate over horizon
        for n in range(self.N):

            # Get information about current waypoint
            current_waypoint = self.model.reference_path.get_waypoint(
                self.model.wp_id + n)
            next_waypoint = self.model.reference_path.get_waypoint(
                self.model.wp_id + n + 1)
            delta_s = next_waypoint - current_waypoint
            kappa_ref = current_waypoint.kappa
            v_ref = current_waypoint.v_ref

            # Compute LTV matrices
            f, A_lin, B_lin = self.model.linearize(v_ref, kappa_ref, delta_s)
            A[(n+1) * self.nx: (n+2)*self.nx, n * self.nx:(n+1)*self.nx] = A_lin
            B[(n+1) * self.nx: (n+2)*self.nx, n * self.nu:(n+1)*self.nu] = B_lin

            # Set reference for input signal
            ur[n*self.nu:(n+1)*self.nu] = np.array([v_ref, kappa_ref])
            # Compute equality constraint offset (B*ur)
            uq[n * self.nx:(n+1)*self.nx] = B_lin.dot(np.array
                                                      ([v_ref, kappa_ref])) - f

            # Constrain maximum speed based on predicted car curvature
            vmax_dyn = np.sqrt(self.ay_max / (np.abs(kappa_pred[n]) + 1e-12))
            if vmax_dyn < umax_dyn[self.nu*n]:
                umax_dyn[self.nu*n] = vmax_dyn

        # Compute dynamic constraints on e_y
        ub, lb, _ = self.model.reference_path.update_path_constraints(
            self.model.wp_id+1, self.N, 2*self.model.safety_margin,
        xmin_dyn[0] = self.model.spatial_state.e_y
        xmax_dyn[0] = self.model.spatial_state.e_y
        xmin_dyn[self.nx::self.nx] = lb
        xmax_dyn[self.nx::self.nx] = ub

        # Set reference for state as center-line of drivable area
        xr[self.nx::self.nx] = (lb + ub) / 2

        # Get equality matrix
        Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(self.N + 1),
                         -sparse.eye(self.nx)) + sparse.csc_matrix(A)
        Bu = sparse.csc_matrix(B)
        Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])
        # Get inequality matrix
        Aineq = sparse.eye((self.N + 1) * self.nx + self.N * self.nu)
        # Combine constraint matrices
        A = sparse.vstack([Aeq, Aineq], format='csc')

        # Get upper and lower bound vectors for equality constraints
        lineq = np.hstack([xmin_dyn,
                           np.kron(np.ones(self.N), umin)])
        uineq = np.hstack([xmax_dyn, umax_dyn])
        # Get upper and lower bound vectors for inequality constraints
        x0 = np.array(self.model.spatial_state[:])
        leq = np.hstack([-x0, uq])
        ueq = leq
        # Combine upper and lower bound vectors
        l = np.hstack([leq, lineq])
        u = np.hstack([ueq, uineq])

        # Set cost matrices
        P = sparse.block_diag([sparse.kron(sparse.eye(self.N), self.Q), self.QN,
                               sparse.kron(sparse.eye(self.N), self.R)], format='csc')
        q = np.hstack(
            [-np.tile(np.diag(self.Q.A), self.N) * xr[:-self.nx],
             -np.tile(np.diag(self.R.A), self.N) * ur])

        # Initialize optimizer
        self.optimizer = osqp.OSQP()
        self.optimizer.setup(P=P, q=q, A=A, l=l, u=u, verbose=False)
コード例 #15
def solve_loop(qp_matrices, problem, nsim, solver='osqp'):
    Solve MPC loop
    # Shorter name for qp_matrices
    qp = qp_matrices

    # Get dimensions
    (nx, nu) = problem.B.shape
    N = problem.N

    print('N = %d and solver %s' % (N, solver))

    # Initialize time and number of iterations vectors
    time = np.zeros(nsim)
    niter = np.zeros(nsim)

    if solver == 'osqp':
        # Construct qp matrices
        if len(problem.xmin) > 0:
            # If the problem has state constraints
            Aosqp = spa.vstack([
                spa.eye((N + 1) * nx + N * nu),
            Aosqp = spa.vstack([
                    [spa.csc_matrix((N * nu, (N + 1) * nx)),
                     spa.eye(N * nu)]),
        losqp = np.hstack([qp.l, qp.lx])
        uosqp = np.hstack([qp.u, qp.ux])

        # Initial state
        x0 = problem.x0

        # Setup OSQP
        m = osqp.OSQP()
            # auto_rho=False,

        for i in range(nsim):
            # Solve with osqp
            res = m.solve()

            # Save time and number of iterations
            time[i] = res.info.run_time
            niter[i] = res.info.iter

            # Check if status is correct
            status = res.info.status_val
            if status != m.constant('OSQP_SOLVED'):

                # # Dump file to 'bad_convergence/data'folder
                # import pickle
                # problem = {'P': qp.P,
                #            'q': qp.q,
                #            'A': Aosqp,
                #            'l': losqp,
                #            'u': uosqp}
                # with open('bad_convergence/data/%s.pickle' % 'helicopter_scaling_large', 'wb') as f:
                #     pickle.dump(problem, f)

                import ipdb
                raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

            # Apply first control input to the plant
            u = res.x[-N * nu:-(N - 1) * nu]
            x0 = problem.A.dot(x0) + problem.B.dot(u)

            # Update linear constraints
            if len(problem.tmin) > 0:
                losqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmin, qp.lx])
                uosqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmax, qp.ux])
                losqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), qp.lx])
                uosqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), qp.ux])
            m.update(l=losqp, u=uosqp)

    elif solver == 'osqp_coldstart':
        # Construct qp matrices
        if len(problem.xmin) > 0:
            # If the problem has state constraints
            Aosqp = spa.vstack([
                spa.eye((N + 1) * nx + N * nu),
            Aosqp = spa.vstack([
                    [spa.csc_matrix((N * nu, (N + 1) * nx)),
                     spa.eye(N * nu)]),
        losqp = np.hstack([qp.l, qp.lx])
        uosqp = np.hstack([qp.u, qp.ux])

        # Initial state
        x0 = problem.x0

        # Setup OSQP
        m = osqp.OSQP()
            # auto_rho=False,

        for i in range(nsim):
            # Solve with osqp
            res = m.solve()

            # Save time and number of iterations
            time[i] = res.info.run_time
            niter[i] = res.info.iter

            # Check if status is correct
            status = res.info.status_val
            if status != m.constant('OSQP_SOLVED'):
                import ipdb
                raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

            # Apply first control input to the plant
            u = res.x[-N * nu:-(N - 1) * nu]
            x0 = problem.A.dot(x0) + problem.B.dot(u)

            # Update linear constraints
            if len(problem.tmin) > 0:
                losqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmin, qp.lx])
                uosqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmax, qp.ux])
                losqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), qp.lx])
                uosqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), qp.ux])
            m.update(l=losqp, u=uosqp)

    elif solver == 'osqp_no_caching':

        # Construct qp matrices
        if len(problem.xmin) > 0:
            # If the problem has state constraints
            Aosqp = spa.vstack([
                spa.eye((N + 1) * nx + N * nu),
            Aosqp = spa.vstack([
                    [spa.csc_matrix((N * nu, (N + 1) * nx)),
                     spa.eye(N * nu)]),
        losqp = np.hstack([qp.l, qp.lx])
        uosqp = np.hstack([qp.u, qp.ux])

        # Initial state
        x0 = problem.x0

        for i in range(nsim):
            # Setup OSQP
            m = osqp.OSQP()
                # auto_rho=False,
            # Solve
            res = m.solve()

            # Save time and number of iterations
            time[i] = res.info.run_time
            niter[i] = res.info.iter

            # Check if status is correct
            status = res.info.status_val
            if status != m.constant('OSQP_SOLVED'):
                import ipdb
                raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

            # Apply first control input to the plant
            u = res.x[-N * nu:-(N - 1) * nu]
            x0 = problem.A.dot(x0) + problem.B.dot(u)

            # Update linear constraints
            if len(problem.tmin) > 0:
                losqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmin, qp.lx])
                uosqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmax, qp.ux])
                losqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), qp.lx])
                uosqp = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), qp.ux])
            m.update(l=losqp, u=uosqp)

    elif solver == 'qpoases':

        n_dim = qp.P.shape[0]  # Number of variables
        m_dim = qp.A.shape[0]  # Number of constraints without bounds

        # Initialize qpoases and set options
        qpoases_m = qpoases.PyQProblem(n_dim, m_dim)
        options = qpoases.PyOptions()
        options.printLevel = qpoases.PyPrintLevel.NONE

        # Construct bounds for qpoases
        lx = np.append(-np.inf * np.ones((N + 1) * nx), qp.lx)
        ux = np.append(np.inf * np.ones((N + 1) * nx), qp.ux)

        # Setup matrix P and A
        P = np.ascontiguousarray(qp.P.todense())
        A = np.ascontiguousarray(qp.A.todense())

        # Initial state
        x0 = problem.x0

        # RHS of the linear equality constraints
        lqpoases = qp.l
        uqpoases = qp.u

        for i in range(nsim):
            # Reset cpu time
            qpoases_cpu_time = np.array([60.])

            # Reset number of of working set recalculations
            nWSR = np.array([1e6])

            if i == 0:
                # First iteration
                res_qpoases = qpoases_m.init(P, np.ascontiguousarray(qp.q), A,
                                             nWSR, qpoases_cpu_time)
                # Solve new hot started problem
                res_qpoases = qpoases_m.hotstart(
                    np.ascontiguousarray(qp.q), np.ascontiguousarray(lx),
                    np.ascontiguousarray(ux), np.ascontiguousarray(lqpoases),
                    np.ascontiguousarray(uqpoases), nWSR, qpoases_cpu_time)

            if res_qpoases != 0:
                raise ValueError('qpoases did not solve the problem!')

            # Save time and number of iterations
            time[i] = qpoases_cpu_time[0]
            niter[i] = nWSR[0]

            # Get qpoases solution
            sol_qpoases = np.zeros((N + 1) * nx + N * nu)

            # Apply first control input to the plant
            u = sol_qpoases[-N * nu:-(N - 1) * nu]
            x0 = problem.A.dot(x0) + problem.B.dot(u)

            # Update linear constraints
            if len(problem.tmin) > 0:
                lqpoases = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmin])
                uqpoases = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmax])
                lqpoases = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N)])
                uqpoases = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N)])

    elif solver == 'gurobi' or solver == 'mosek':
        # Construct qp matrices
        if len(problem.xmin) > 0:
            # If the problem has state constraints
            Agurobi = spa.vstack([
                spa.eye((N + 1) * nx + N * nu),
            Agurobi = spa.vstack([
                    [spa.csc_matrix((N * nu, (N + 1) * nx)),
                     spa.eye(N * nu)]),
        lgurobi = np.hstack([qp.l, qp.lx])
        ugurobi = np.hstack([qp.u, qp.ux])

        # Initial state
        x0 = problem.x0

        for i in range(nsim):
            # Solve with gurobi
            prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, qp.q, Agurobi, lgurobi, ugurobi)
            if solver == 'gurobi':
                res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False)
                res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.MOSEK, verbose=False)

            # Save time and number of iterations
            time[i] = res.cputime
            niter[i] = res.total_iter

            # Check if status is correct
            status = res.status
            if status != 'optimal':
                import ipdb
                raise ValueError('Gurobi did not solve the problem!')

            # Apply first control input to the plant
            u = res.x[-N * nu:-(N - 1) * nu]
            x0 = problem.A.dot(x0) + problem.B.dot(u)

            # Update QP problem
            if len(problem.tmin) > 0:
                lgurobi = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmin, qp.lx])
                ugurobi = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), problem.tmax, qp.ux])
                lgurobi = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), qp.lx])
                ugurobi = np.hstack([b(x0, nx, N), qp.ux])

        raise ValueError('Solver not understood')

    # Return statistics
    return utils.Statistics(time), utils.Statistics(niter)
コード例 #16
    def __init__(self,
        """Create an MPC Controller object.

        - N: number of timesteps for predictions
        - Nqd: number of timesteps of the desired trajectory
        - nx: number of states (original or lifted)
        - ns: number or original states
        - nu: number of control inputs

        - initilized linear_dynamics, LinearSystemDynamics object. It takes Ac and Bc from it.
        - number of timesteps, N, integer
        - time step, dt, float
        - minimum control,  umin, numpy 1d array [nu,]
        - maximum control,  umax, numpy 1d array [nu,]
        - minimum state,    xmin, numpy 1d array [ns,]
        - maximum state,    xmax, numpy 1d array [ns,]
        - state cost matrix    Q, sparse numpy 2d array [ns,ns]. In practice it is always diagonal. 
        - control cost matrix, R, sparse numpy 2d array [nu,nu]. In practice it is always diagonal. 
        - final state cost matrix,  QN, sparse numpy 2d array [ns,ns]. In practice it is always diagonal. 
        - reference state trajectory, xr, numpy 2d array [ns,Nqd] OR numpy 1d array [ns,]
        - flag to plot MPC thoughts, plotMPC=False, boolean
        - filename to save the previosu plot, plotMPC_filename="", string
        - flag to use or not lifting, lifting=False, boolean
        - object to store the eDMD data, edmd_object=Edmd(). It has been initialized. s

        Controller.__init__(self, linear_dynamics)

        # Load arguments
        Ac, Bc = linear_dynamics.linear_system()
        [nx, nu] = Bc.shape
        ns = xr.shape[0]

        self.dt = dt
        self.plotMPC = plotMPC
        self.plotMPC_filename = plotMPC_filename
        self.verbose = False
        self.q_d = xr

        self.Q = Q
        self.R = R
        self.lifting = lifting
        self.soft = soft

        self.nu = nu
        self.nx = nx
        self.ns = ns

        #Discretize dynamics:
        self.dt = dt
        if lifting:
            self.C = edmd_object.C
            self.edmd_object = edmd_object
            self.C = sparse.eye(ns)
        lin_model_d = sp.signal.cont2discrete((Ac, Bc, self.C, zeros((ns, 1))),
        Ad = sparse.csc_matrix(
            lin_model_d[0])  #TODO: If bad behavior, delete this
        Bd = sparse.csc_matrix(
            lin_model_d[1])  #TODO: If bad behavior, delete this

        # Total desired path
        if self.q_d.ndim == 2:
            self.Nqd = self.q_d.shape[1]
            xr = self.q_d[:, :N]

        # Prediction horizon
        self.N = N
        x0 = np.zeros(nx)
        self.run_time = np.zeros([
        self.xr = self.q_d[:, :N]

        Rbd = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R)
        Qbd = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Q)
        Bbd = block_diag(Bd, nu).tocoo()

        # Check Xmin and Xmax
        if xmin.shape[
                0] == ns and xmin.ndim == 1:  # it is a single vector we tile it
            x_min_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), xmin)
            x_max_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), xmax)
        elif xmin.shape[0] == ns * N:  # if it is a long vector it is ok
            x_min_flat = xmin
            x_max_flat = xmax
        elif xmin.shape[0] == ns and xmin.shape[
                1] == N:  # if it is a block we flatten it
            x_min_flat = np.reshape(xmin, (N * ns, ), order='F')
            x_max_flat = np.reshape(xmax, (N * ns, ), order='F')
            raise ValueError('xmin has wrong dimensions. xmin shape={}'.format(
        self.x_min_flat = x_min_flat
        self.x_max_flat = x_max_flat

        # Check Umin and Umax
        if umin.shape[0] == nu and umin.ndim == 1:
            u_min_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), umin)
            u_max_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), umax)
        elif umin.shape[0] == nu * N:
            u_min_flat = umin
            u_max_flat = umax
        elif umin.shape[0] == nu and umin.shape[1] == N:
            u_min_flat = np.reshape(umin, (N * nu, ), order='F')
            u_max_flat = np.reshape(umax, (N * nu, ), order='F')
            raise ValueError('umin has wrong dimensions. Umin shape={}'.format(
        self.u_min_flat = u_min_flat
        self.u_max_flat = u_max_flat

        #! GET a & b
        # Write B:
        diag_AkB = Bd
        data_list = Bbd.data
        row_list = Bbd.row
        col_list = Bbd.col
        B = sparse.coo_matrix
        for i in range(N):
            if i < N - 1:
                AkB_bd_temp = block_diag(diag_AkB, N - i)
                AkB_bd_temp = diag_AkB.tocoo()
            data_list = np.hstack([data_list, AkB_bd_temp.data])
            row_list = np.hstack([
                row_list, AkB_bd_temp.row + np.full(
                    (AkB_bd_temp.row.shape[0], ), nx * i)
            col_list = np.hstack([col_list, AkB_bd_temp.col])

            diag_AkB = Ad.dot(diag_AkB)

        B = sparse.coo_matrix((data_list, (row_list, col_list)),
                              shape=(N * nx, N * nu))

        a = Ad.copy()
        Ak = Ad.copy()
        for i in range(N - 1):
            Ak = Ak.dot(Ad)
            a = sparse.vstack([a, Ak])

        self.a = a
        self.B = B

        # check_ab = True
        # if check_ab:
        #     x0  = np.linspace(-5,40,nx)
        #     x00 = np.linspace(-5,40,nx)
        #     # Store data Init
        #     nsim = N
        #     xst = np.zeros((nx,nsim))
        #     ust = np.zeros((nu,nsim))

        #     # Simulate in closed loop

        #     for i in range(nsim):
        #         # Fake pd controller
        #         ctrl = np.zeros(nu,) #np.random.rand(nu,)
        #         x0 = Ad.dot(x0) + Bd.dot(ctrl)

        #         # Store Data
        #         xst[:,i] = x0
        #         ust[:,i] = ctrl

        #     x_dense = np.reshape(a @ x00 + B @ (ust.flatten('F')),(N,nx)).T

        #     plt.figure()
        #     plt.subplot(2,1,1)
        #     for i in range(nx):
        #         plt.plot(range(nsim),xst[i,:],'d',label="sim "+str(i))
        #         plt.plot(range(nsim),x_dense[i,:],'d',label="ax+bu "+str(i))
        #     plt.xlabel('Time(s)')
        #     plt.grid()
        #     plt.legend()

        #     plt.subplot(2,1,2)
        #     for i in range(nu):
        #         plt.plot(range(nsim),ust[i,:],label=str(i))
        #     plt.xlabel('Time(s)')
        #     plt.grid()
        #     plt.legend()
        #     plt.savefig("AB_check_for_"+name+".png",bbox_inches='tight')
        #     plt.close()

        # Cast MPC problem to a QP: x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N),u(0),...,u(N-1))
        if (self.lifting):
            # Compute Block Diagonal elements
            self.Cbd = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), self.C)
            CQCbd = self.Cbd.T @ Qbd @ self.Cbd
            self.CtQ = self.C.T @ Q
            Cbd = self.Cbd

            P = Rbd + B.T @ CQCbd @ B
            self.BTQbda = B.T @ CQCbd @ a
            Aineq_x = Cbd @ B

            xrQB = B.T @ np.reshape(self.CtQ.dot(xr), (N * nx, ), order='F')
            l = np.hstack([x_min_flat - Cbd @ a @ x0, u_min_flat])
            u = np.hstack([x_max_flat - Cbd @ a @ x0, u_max_flat])

            # - quadratic objective
            P = Rbd + B.T @ Qbd @ B
            self.BTQbda = B.T @ Qbd @ a
            xrQB = B.T @ np.reshape(Q.dot(xr), (N * nx, ), order='F')
            Aineq_x = B

            l = np.hstack([x_min_flat - a @ x0, u_min_flat])
            u = np.hstack([x_max_flat - a @ x0, u_max_flat])

        x0aQb = self.BTQbda @ x0
        self.Cbda = Cbd @ a
        self.BQxr = self.B.T @ np.reshape(self.CtQ.dot(self.xr), (N * nx, ),
        q = x0aQb - xrQB
        Aineq_u = sparse.eye(N * nu)
        A = sparse.vstack([Aineq_x, Aineq_u]).tocsc()

        if soft:
            Pdelta = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), D)
            P = sparse.block_diag([P, Pdelta])
            qdelta = np.zeros(N * ns)
            q = np.hstack([q, qdelta])
            Adelta = sparse.csc_matrix(
                np.vstack([np.eye(N * ns),
                           np.zeros((N * nu, N * ns))]))
            A = sparse.hstack([A, Adelta])

        # plot_matrices = True
        # if plot_matrices:
        #     #! Visualize Matrices
        #     fig = plt.figure()

        #     fig.suptitle("QP Matrices to solve MP in dense form. N={}, nx={}, nu={}".format(N,nx,nu),fontsize=20)
        #     plt.subplot(2,4,1,xlabel="Ns*(N+1)", ylabel="Ns*(N+1)")
        #     plt.imshow(a.toarray(),  interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r)
        #     plt.title("a in $x=ax_0+bu$")
        #     plt.subplot(2,4,2,xlabel="Ns*(N+1)", ylabel="Nu*N")
        #     plt.imshow(B.toarray(),  interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r)
        #     plt.title("b in $x=ax_0+bu$")
        #     plt.subplot(2,4,3,xlabel="ns*(N+1) + ns*(N+1) + nu*N", ylabel="Ns*(N+1)+Nu*N")
        #     plt.imshow(A.toarray(),  interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r)
        #     plt.title("A total in $l\\leq Ax \\geq u$")
        #     plt.subplot(2,4,4)
        #     plt.imshow(P.toarray(),  interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r)
        #     plt.title("P in $J=u^TPu+q^Tu$")
        #     plt.subplot(2,4,5)
        #     plt.imshow(Qbd.toarray(),  interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r)
        #     plt.title("Qbd")

        #     #! Visualize Vectors
        #     plt.subplot(2,4,6)
        #     plt.plot(l)
        #     plt.title('l in  $l\\leq Ax \\geq u$')
        #     plt.grid()
        #     plt.subplot(2,4,7)
        #     plt.plot(u)
        #     plt.title("l in  $l\\leq Ax \\geq u$")
        #     plt.grid()
        #     plt.subplot(2,4,8)
        #     plt.plot(q)
        #     plt.title("q in $J=u^TPu+q^Tu$")
        #     plt.grid()
        #     plt.tight_layout()
        #     plt.savefig("MPC_matrices_for_"+name+".png",bbox_inches='tight')
        #     plt.close()

        self.osqp_size = P.shape[0]
        # Create an OSQP object
        self.prob = osqp.OSQP()
        # Setup workspace

        if self.plotMPC:
            # Figure to plot MPC thoughts
            self.fig, self.axs = plt.subplots(self.ns + self.nu)
            if nx == 4:
                ylabels = [
                    '$x$', '$\\theta$', '$\\dot{x}$', '$\\dot{\\theta}$'
                ylabels = [str(i) for i in range(nx)]

            for ii in range(self.ns):
                self.axs[ii].set(xlabel='Time(s)', ylabel=ylabels[ii])
            for ii in range(self.ns, self.ns + self.nu):
                self.axs[ii].set(xlabel='Time(s)', ylabel='u')
コード例 #17
def solve_problem(qp_matrices, n_prob, solver='osqp'):
    Solve Huber fitting problem
    # Shorter name for qp_matrices
    qp = qp_matrices

    # Get dimensions
    m = int(len(qp.lx) / 2)
    n = len(qp.q) - 2 * m

    print('n = %d and solver %s' % (n, solver))

    # Initialize time vector
    time = np.zeros(n_prob)

    # Initialize number of iterations vector
    niter = np.zeros(n_prob)

    if solver == 'osqp':
        # Construct qp matrices
        Aosqp = spa.vstack(
             spa.hstack([spa.csc_matrix((2 * m, n)),
                         spa.eye(2 * m)])]).tocsc()
        losqp = np.hstack([qp.l, qp.lx])
        uosqp = np.hstack([qp.u, qp.ux])

        for i in range(n_prob):
            # Setup OSQP
            m = osqp.OSQP()

            # Solve
            results = m.solve()
            x = results.x
            status = results.info.status_val
            niter[i] = results.info.iter
            time[i] = results.info.run_time

            # Check if status correct
            if status != m.constant('OSQP_SOLVED'):
                import ipdb
                raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

            # DEBUG
            # solve with gurobi
            # import mathprogbasepy as mpbpy
            # prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, qp.q, Aosqp, losqp, uosqp)
            # res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False)
            # print('Norm difference OSQP-GUROBI %.3e' %
            #       np.linalg.norm(x - res.x))
            # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

    elif solver == 'qpoases':

        for i in range(n_prob):
            n_dim = qp.P.shape[0]  # Number of variables
            m_dim = qp.A.shape[0]  # Number of constraints without bounds

            # Initialize qpoases and set options
            qpoases_m = qpoases.PyQProblem(n_dim, m_dim)
            options = qpoases.PyOptions()
            options.printLevel = qpoases.PyPrintLevel.NONE

            # Construct bounds for qpoases
            lx = np.append(-np.inf * np.ones(n), qp.lx)
            ux = np.append(np.inf * np.ones(n), qp.ux)

            # Setup matrix P and A
            P = np.ascontiguousarray(qp.P.todense())
            A = np.ascontiguousarray(qp.A.todense())

            # Reset cpu time
            qpoases_cpu_time = np.array([10.])

            # Reset number of working set recalculations
            nWSR = np.array([1000])

            # Solve
            res_qpoases = qpoases_m.init(P, np.ascontiguousarray(qp.q), A,
                                         np.ascontiguousarray(qp.u), nWSR,

            # if res_qpoases != 0:
            #     raise ValueError('qpoases did not solve the problem!')

            # Save time and number of iterations
            time[i] = qpoases_cpu_time[0]
            niter[i] = nWSR[0]

    elif solver == 'gurobi':

        for i in range(n_prob):

            # Construct qp matrices
            Agurobi = spa.vstack([
                spa.hstack([spa.csc_matrix((2 * m, n)),
                            spa.eye(2 * m)])
            lgurobi = np.hstack([qp.l, qp.lx])
            ugurobi = np.hstack([qp.u, qp.ux])

            # Solve with gurobi
            prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, qp.q, Agurobi, lgurobi, ugurobi)
            res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False)
            niter[i] = res.total_iter
            time[i] = res.cputime

    elif solver == 'mosek':

        for i in range(n_prob):

            # Construct qp matrices
            Amosek = spa.vstack([
                spa.hstack([spa.csc_matrix((2 * m, n)),
                            spa.eye(2 * m)])
            lmosek = np.hstack([qp.l, qp.lx])
            umosek = np.hstack([qp.u, qp.ux])

            # Solve with mosek
            prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, qp.q, Amosek, lmosek, umosek)
            res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.MOSEK, verbose=False)
            niter[i] = res.total_iter
            time[i] = res.cputime

    elif solver == 'ecos':
        for i in range(n_prob):

            # Model with CVXPY
            #       minimize	1/2 u.T * u + np.ones(m).T * v
            #       subject to  -u - v <= Ax - b <= u + v
            #                   0 <= u <= 1
            #                   v >= 0
            n_var = qp.A_huber.shape[1]
            m_var = qp.b_huber.shape[0]
            x = cvxpy.Variable(n_var)
            u = cvxpy.Variable(m_var)
            v = cvxpy.Variable(m_var)

            objective = cvxpy.Minimize(.5 *
                                       cvxpy.quad_form(u, spa.eye(m_var)) +
                                       np.ones(m_var) * v)
            constraints = [
                -u - v <= qp.A_huber * x - qp.b_huber,
                qp.A_huber * x - qp.b_huber <= u + v, 0 <= u, u <= 1, v >= 0
            problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
            problem.solve(solver=cvxpy.ECOS, verbose=False)

            # DEBUG: solve with MOSEK
            # Amosek = spa.vstack([
            #             qp.A,
            #             spa.hstack([spa.csc_matrix((2*m, n)), spa.eye(2*m)])
            #         ]).tocsc()
            # lmosek = np.hstack([qp.l, qp.lx])
            # umosek = np.hstack([qp.u, qp.ux])
            # # Solve with mosek
            # prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, qp.q, Amosek, lmosek, umosek)
            # res = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.MOSEK, verbose=False)
            # x_mosek = res.x[:n_var]

            # Obtain time and number of iterations
            time[i] = problem.solver_stats.setup_time + \

            niter[i] = problem.solver_stats.num_iters

        raise ValueError('Solver not understood')

    # Return statistics
    return utils.Statistics(time), utils.Statistics(niter)
コード例 #18
    def init_problem(self):

        # constraints
        umin = self.input_constraints["umin"]
        umax = self.input_constraints["umax"]
        xmin = self.state_constraints["xmin"]
        xmax = self.state_constraints["xmax"]

        # LTV systems
        # huge matrices that consist of all matrices in a given horizon (N)
        A = np.zeros((self.nx * (self.N + 1), self.nx * (self.N + 1)))
        B = np.zeros((self.nx * (self.N + 1), self.nu * (self.N)))

        x_ref = np.zeros(self.nx * (self.N + 1))
        u_ref = np.zeros(self.nu * self.N)

        # offset for equality constraints
        u_eq = np.zeros(self.N * self.nx)

        # dynamic state and input constraints
        xmin_dyn = np.kron(np.ones(self.N + 1), xmin)
        print("xmin_dyn dimension ", xmin_dyn.shape)
        xmax_dyn = np.kron(np.ones(self.N + 1), xmax)
        umax_dyn = np.kron(np.ones(self.N), umax)

        # derive predicted curvature from last control
        # kappa = tan(delta) / length
        kappa_pred = (np.tan(
            np.array(self.current_control[3::] + self.current_control[-1::])) /

        # fill the information over entire horizon
        for n in range(self.N):

            # extract information from current waypoint
            current_waypoint = self.model.reference_path.get_waypoint(
                self.model.wp_id + n)
            next_waypoint = self.model.reference_path.get_waypoint(
                self.model.wp_id + n + 1)

            # Previous reference output
            # delta_s = next_waypoint - current_waypoint
            # kappa_ref = current_waypoint.kappa

            v_ref = current_waypoint.v_ref
            psi_ref = current_waypoint.psi
            # TODO: reference values below haven't created yet
            delta_ref = current_waypoint.delta

            # get linearized LTV model
            # TODO: different model, different states
            A_lin, B_lin = self.model.linearize(v_ref, psi_ref, delta_ref)

            A[(n + 1) * self.nx:(n + 2) * self.nx,
              n * self.nx:(n + 1) * self.nx] = A_lin
            B[(n + 1) * self.nx:(n + 2) * self.nx,
              n * self.nu:(n + 1) * self.nu] = B_lin

            # TODO: 2 inputs have changed
            u_ref[n * self.nu:(n + 1) * self.nu] = np.array([v_ref, delta_ref])

            # compute equality constraint offset
            # TODO: dunno what this is
            u_eq[n * self.nx:(n + 1) * self.nx] = B_lin.dot(
                np.array([v_ref, delta_ref]))

            # maximum speed limited by predicted car curvature
            vmax_dyn = np.sqrt(self.ay_max / (np.abs(kappa_pred[n] + 1e-12)))
            if vmax_dyn < umax_dyn[self.nu * n]:
                umax_dyn[self.nu * n] = vmax_dyn

        # compute dynamic constraints on states
        upp_b, low_b, _ = self.model.reference_path.update_path_constraints(
            self.model.wp_id + 1,
            2 * self.model.safety_margin,
        # TODO: the constraints should place on x,y instead of e_y
        xmin_dyn[0], xmin_dyn[1] = (
        xmax_dyn[0], xmax_dyn[1] = (

        for i in range(self.N):
            xmin_dyn[self.nx + i * self.nx] = low_b[0 + i * self.nx]
            xmin_dyn[self.nx + i * self.nx + 1] = low_b[1 + i * self.nx]
            xmax_dyn[self.nx + i * self.nx] = upp_b[0 + i * self.nx] + 0.000001
            xmax_dyn[self.nx + i * self.nx + 1] = upp_b[1 +
                                                        i * self.nx] = 0.000001

            # reference state = middle line of free space
            x_ref[self.nx + i * self.nx] = (low_b[0 + i * self.nx] +
                                            upp_b[0 + i * self.nx]) / 2
            x_ref[self.nx + i * self.nx + 1] = (low_b[0 + i * self.nx + 1] +
                                                upp_b[0 + i * self.nx + 1]) / 2
        form an QP problem using the format of OSQP
        we need P, q, A, l, u
        for more infromation, visit https://osqp.org/docs/examples/setup-and-solve.html

        # P: matrix for quadratic term #
        # q: matrix for linear term    #

        P = sparse.block_diag(
                sparse.kron(sparse.eye(self.N), self.Q),
                sparse.kron(sparse.eye(self.N), self.R),

        # TODO: dunno how to construct
        q = np.hstack([
            -np.tile(np.diag(self.Q.A), self.N) * x_ref[:-self.nx],
            -np.tile(np.diag(self.R.A), self.N) * u_ref,

        # A: system matrix in osqp form #

        # equality part
        Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(self.N + 1),
                         -sparse.eye(self.nx)) + sparse.csc_matrix(A)

        Bu = sparse.csc_matrix(B)
        A_eq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])

        # inequality matrix
        A_ineq = sparse.eye((self.N + 1) * self.nx + self.N * self.nu)

        A = sparse.vstack([A_eq, A_ineq], format="csc")

        # l, u: lower bound and upper bound #

        # equality part: just for the format
        x0 = np.array(self.model.temporal_state[:])
        low_eq = np.hstack([-x0, u_eq])
        upp_eq = low_eq  # format reason

        # inequality part
        low_ineq = np.hstack([xmin_dyn, np.kron(np.ones(self.N), umin)])
        upp_ineq = np.hstack([xmax_dyn, umax_dyn])

        # results
        l = np.hstack([low_eq, low_ineq])
        u = np.hstack([upp_eq, upp_ineq])

        #       Solve the problem           #

        self.optimizer = osqp.OSQP()
        self.optimizer.setup(P=P, q=q, A=A, l=l, u=u, verbose=False)
コード例 #19
ファイル: mpc_controller.py プロジェクト: PastorD/ensemblempc
    def __init__(self, linear_dynamics, N, dt, umin, umax, xmin, xmax, Q, R, QN, xr, plotMPC=False, plotMPC_filename="",lifting=False, edmd_object=Edmd()):
        """__init__ Create an MPC controller
            linear_dynamics {dynamical sytem} -- it contains the A and B matrices in continous time
            N {integer} -- number of timesteps
            dt {float} -- time step in seconds
            umin {numpy array [Nu,]} -- minimum control bound
            umax {numpy array [Nu,]} -- maximum control bound
            xmin {numpy array [Ns,]} -- minimum state bound
            xmax {numpy array [Ns,]} -- maximum state bound
            Q {numpy array [Ns,Ns]} -- state cost matrix
            R {numpy array [Nu,Nu]} -- control cost matrix
            QN {numpy array [Ns,]} -- final state cost
            xr {numpy array [Ns,]} -- reference trajectory
        Keyword Arguments:
            plotMPC {bool} -- flag to plot results (default: {False})
            plotMPC_filename {str} -- plotting filename (default: {""})
            lifting {bool} -- flag to use state lifting (default: {False})
            edmd_object {edmd object} -- lifting object. It contains projection matrix and lifting function (default: {Edmd()})

        Controller.__init__(self, linear_dynamics)

        # Load arguments
        Ac, Bc = linear_dynamics.linear_system()
        [nx, nu] = Bc.shape
        self.dt = dt
        self._osqp_Ad = sparse.eye(nx)+Ac*self.dt
        self._osqp_Bd = Bc*self.dt
        self.plotMPC = plotMPC
        self.plotMPC_filename = plotMPC_filename
        self.q_d = xr
        self.ns = xr.shape[0]

        self.Q = Q
        self.lifting = lifting

        self.nu = nu
        self.nx = nx

        # Total desired path
        if self.q_d.ndim==2:
            self.Nqd = self.q_d.shape[1]
            xr = self.q_d[:,:N+1]

        # Prediction horizon
        self.N = N
        x0 = np.zeros(nx)

        # Cast MPC problem to a QP: x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N),u(0),...,u(N-1))
        if (self.lifting):
            # Load eDMD objects
            self.C = edmd_object.C
            self.edmd_object = edmd_object

            # - quadratic objective
            CQC  = sparse.csc_matrix(np.transpose(edmd_object.C).dot(Q.dot(edmd_object.C)))
            CQNC = sparse.csc_matrix(np.transpose(edmd_object.C).dot(QN.dot(edmd_object.C)))
            P = sparse.block_diag([sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), CQC), CQNC,
                                sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R)]).tocsc()

            # - linear objective
            QCT = np.transpose(Q.dot(edmd_object.C))
            QNCT = np.transpose(QN.dot(edmd_object.C))
            if (xr.ndim==1):
                q = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N), -QCT.dot(xr)), -QNCT.dot(xr), np.zeros(N*nu)])
            elif (xr.ndim==2):
                q = np.hstack([np.reshape(-QCT.dot(xr),((N+1)*nx,),order='F'), np.zeros(N*nu)])

            # - input and state constraints
            Aineq = sparse.block_diag([edmd_object.C for i in range(N+1)]+[np.eye(N*nu)])

            # - quadratic objective
            P =  sparse.block_diag([sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Q), QN,
                                sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R)]).tocsc()
            # - linear objective
            if (xr.ndim==1):
                q = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N), -Q.dot(xr)), -QN.dot(xr), np.zeros(N*nu)])
            elif (xr.ndim==2):
                q = np.hstack([np.reshape(-Q.dot(xr),((N+1)*nx,),order='F'), np.zeros(N*nu)])  #TODO: Check if reshape is reshaping in the expected order

            # - input and state constraints
            Aineq = sparse.eye((N+1)*nx + N*nu)

        # - linear dynamics
        Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1),-sparse.eye(nx)) + sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1, k=-1), self._osqp_Ad)
        Bu = sparse.kron(sparse.vstack([sparse.csc_matrix((1, N)), sparse.eye(N)]), self._osqp_Bd)
        Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])
        leq = np.hstack([-x0, np.zeros(N*nx)])

        lineq = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N+1), xmin), np.kron(np.ones(N), umin)])
        uineq = np.hstack([np.kron(np.ones(N+1), xmax), np.kron(np.ones(N), umax)])

        ueq = leq
        self._osqp_q = q

        A = sparse.vstack([Aeq, Aineq]).tocsc()
        self._osqp_l = np.hstack([leq, lineq])
        self._osqp_u = np.hstack([ueq, uineq])

        # Create an OSQP object
        self.prob = osqp.OSQP()

        # Setup workspace
        self.prob.setup(P, q, A, self._osqp_l, self._osqp_u, warm_start=True, verbose=False)

        if self.plotMPC:
            # Figure to plot MPC thoughts
            self.fig, self.axs = plt.subplots(self.ns+self.nu)
            ylabels = ['$x$', '$\\theta$', '$\\dot{x}$', '$\\dot{\\theta}$']
            for ii in range(self.ns):
            for ii in range(self.ns,self.ns+self.nu):
コード例 #20
    def compute_speed_profile(self, Constraints):
        Compute a speed profile for the path. Assign a reference velocity
        to each waypoint based on its curvature.
        :param Constraints: constraints on acceleration and velocity
        curvature of the path

        # Set optimization horizon
        N = self.n_waypoints - 1

        # Constraints
        a_min = np.ones(N - 1) * Constraints['a_min']
        a_max = np.ones(N - 1) * Constraints['a_max']
        v_min = np.ones(N) * Constraints['v_min']
        v_max = np.ones(N) * Constraints['v_max']

        # Maximum lateral acceleration
        ay_max = Constraints['ay_max']

        # Inequality Matrix
        D1 = np.zeros((N - 1, N))

        # Iterate over horizon
        for i in range(N):

            # Get information about current waypoint
            current_waypoint = self.get_waypoint(i)
            next_waypoint = self.get_waypoint(i + 1)
            # distance between waypoints
            li = next_waypoint - current_waypoint
            # curvature of waypoint
            ki = current_waypoint.kappa

            # Fill operator matrix
            # dynamics of acceleration
            if i < N - 1:
                D1[i, i:i + 2] = np.array([-1 / (2 * li), 1 / (2 * li)])

            # Compute dynamic constraint on velocity
            v_max_dyn = np.sqrt(ay_max / (np.abs(ki) + self.eps))
            if v_max_dyn < v_max[i]:
                v_max[i] = v_max_dyn

        # Construct inequality matrix
        D1 = sparse.csc_matrix(D1)
        D2 = sparse.eye(N)
        D = sparse.vstack([D1, D2], format='csc')

        # Get upper and lower bound vectors for inequality constraints
        l = np.hstack([a_min, v_min])
        u = np.hstack([a_max, v_max])

        # Set cost matrices
        P = sparse.eye(N, format='csc')
        q = -1 * v_max

        # Solve optimization problem
        problem = osqp.OSQP()
        problem.setup(P=P, q=q, A=D, l=l, u=u, verbose=False)
        speed_profile = problem.solve().x

        # Assign reference velocity to every waypoint
        for i, wp in enumerate(self.waypoints[:-1]):
            wp.v_ref = speed_profile[i]
        self.waypoints[-1].v_ref = self.waypoints[-2].v_ref
コード例 #21
ファイル: osqp_qpif.py プロジェクト: nicklarson6/cvxpy
    def solve_via_data(self,
        import osqp
        P = data[s.P]
        q = data[s.Q]
        A = sp.vstack([data[s.A], data[s.F]]).tocsc()
        data['full_A'] = A
        uA = np.concatenate((data[s.B], data[s.G]))
        data['u'] = uA
        lA = np.concatenate([data[s.B], -np.inf * np.ones(data[s.G].shape)])
        data['l'] = lA

        if solver_cache is not None and self.name() in solver_cache:
            # Use cached data.
            solver, old_data, results = solver_cache[self.name()]
            same_pattern = (P.shape == old_data[s.P].shape and
                            all(P.indptr == old_data[s.P].indptr)) and \
                           (A.shape == old_data['full_A'].shape and
                            all(A.indptr == old_data['full_A'].indptr))
            same_pattern = False

        # If sparsity pattern differs need to do setup.
        if warm_start and same_pattern:
            new_args = {}
            for key in ['q', 'l', 'u']:
                if any(data[key] != old_data[key]):
                    new_args[key] = data[key]
            factorizing = False
            if any(P.indices != old_data[s.P].indices):
                new_args['Px_idx'] = P.indices
                factorizing = True
            if any(P.data != old_data[s.P].data):
                new_args['Px'] = P.data
                factorizing = True
            if any(A.indices != old_data['full_A'].indices):
                new_args['Ax_idx'] = A.indices
                factorizing = True
            if any(A.data != old_data['full_A'].data):
                new_args['Ax'] = A.data
                factorizing = True
            if new_args:
            # Map OSQP statuses back to CVXPY statuses
            status = self.STATUS_MAP.get(results.info.status_val,
            if status == s.OPTIMAL:
                solver.warm_start(results.x, results.y)
            # Polish if factorizing.
            solver_opts['polish'] = solver_opts.get('polish', factorizing)
            solver.update_settings(verbose=verbose, **solver_opts)
            # Initialize and solve problem
            solver_opts['polish'] = solver_opts.get('polish', True)
            solver = osqp.OSQP()
            solver.setup(P, q, A, lA, uA, verbose=verbose, **solver_opts)

        results = solver.solve()

        if solver_cache is not None:
            solver_cache[self.name()] = (solver, data, results)
        return results
コード例 #22
def mpc_increment(Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list, x_tilda_vec, Xr, pred_x_tilda,
                  pred_del_u, Q, QN, R, N, xmin_tilda, xmax_tilda, del_umin,
    Incremental MPC
    x_tilda_vec : [nx+nu, nx+nu]
    Xr          : [nx, N+1]
    Q           : [nx, nx]
    R           : [nu, nu]

    tic_mat = time.time()
    # ========== Cast MPC problem to a QP: x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N),u(0),...,u(N-1)) ==========
    nx = Ad_list[0].shape[0]
    nu = Bd_list[0].shape[1]

    # Cast MPC problem to a QP:
    #   x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N), u(0),...,u(N-1))

    # Objective function
    # C_tilda = [I, 0]
    # Q_tilda = C_tilda.T * Q * C_tilta : (nx+nu, nx) * (nx, nx) * (nx, nx+nu) => (nx+nu, nx+nu)
    C_tilda = sparse.hstack([sparse.eye(nx),
                             np.zeros([nx, nu])])  # (nx, nx+nu)
    Q_tilda = C_tilda.transpose() * Q * C_tilda
    Q_tilda_N = C_tilda.transpose() * QN * C_tilda

    # - quadratic objective (P)
    P = sparse.block_diag([
        sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Q_tilda),  # Q x (N+1) on diagonal
        sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R),  # R X (N) on diagonal

    # - linear objective (q)
    Q_C_tilda = Q * C_tilda
    QN_C_tilda = QN * C_tilda

    Q_C_tilda_trans = Q_C_tilda.transpose()
    QN_C_tilda_trans = QN_C_tilda.transpose()

    q = -Q_C_tilda_trans.dot(Xr[:, 0])  # index 0
    for ii in range(N - 1):
        q = np.hstack([q,
                       -Q_C_tilda_trans.dot(Xr[:, ii + 1])])  # index 1 ~ N-1
    q = np.hstack([q, -QN_C_tilda_trans.dot(Xr[:, N]),
                   np.zeros(N * nu)])  # index N

    # Augmentation for Incremental Control
    Ad_sys = Ad_list[0]
    Bd_sys = Bd_list[0]
    Aug_A_sys = np.hstack([Ad_sys, Bd_sys])
    Aug_A_increment = sparse.hstack(
        [sparse.csr_matrix((nu, nx)),
    Ad_tilda = sparse.vstack([Aug_A_sys, Aug_A_increment])
    Bd_tilda = sparse.vstack([Bd_sys, sparse.eye(nu)])

    Ax_Ad = sparse.csc_matrix(Ad_tilda)
    Ax_diag = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N + 1), -sparse.eye(nx + nu))
    Bu_Bd = sparse.csc_matrix(Bd_tilda)

    for i in range(N - 1):
        Ad_sys = Ad_list[i + 1]
        Bd_sys = Bd_list[i + 1]
        Aug_A_sys = np.hstack([Ad_sys, Bd_sys])
        Aug_A_increment = sparse.hstack(
            [sparse.csr_matrix((nu, nx)),
        Ad_tilda = sparse.vstack([Aug_A_sys, Aug_A_increment])
        Bd_tilda = sparse.vstack([Bd_sys, sparse.eye(nu)])

        Ax_Ad = sparse.block_diag([Ax_Ad, Ad_tilda])
        Bu_Bd = sparse.block_diag([Bu_Bd, Bd_tilda])

    Ax_Ad_top = sparse.kron(np.ones(N + 1), np.zeros((nx + nu, nx + nu)))
    Ax_Ad_side = sparse.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), np.zeros((nx + nu, nx + nu)))
    Ax = Ax_diag + sparse.vstack(
        [Ax_Ad_top, sparse.hstack([Ax_Ad, Ax_Ad_side])])
    Bu_Bd_top = sparse.kron(np.ones(N), np.zeros((nx + nu, nu)))
    Bu = sparse.vstack([Bu_Bd_top, Bu_Bd])
    Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])

    # - Equality constraint (linear dynamics) : lower bound and upper bound
    leq = -x_tilda_vec  # later ueq == leq
    for i in range(N):
        gd_tilda = np.vstack([gd_list[i], np.zeros(
            (nu, 1))])  # gd_tilda for augmented system
        gd_tilda = np.squeeze(gd_tilda, axis=1)  # from (N,1) to (N,)
        leq = np.hstack([leq, -gd_tilda])
    # leq = np.hstack([-x_tilda_vec, np.zeros(N*nx)])
    ueq = leq

    # Original Code
    # ----- input and state constraints -----
    Aineq = sparse.eye((N + 1) * (nx + nu) + N * nu)
    lineq = np.hstack(
        [np.kron(np.ones(N + 1), xmin_tilda),
         np.kron(np.ones(N), del_umin)])
    uineq = np.hstack(
        [np.kron(np.ones(N + 1), xmax_tilda),
         np.kron(np.ones(N), del_umax)])

    # ----- OSQP constraints -----
    A = sparse.vstack([Aeq, Aineq]).tocsc()
    lb = np.hstack([leq, lineq])
    ub = np.hstack([ueq, uineq])

    print("matrix time :", time.time() - tic_mat)

    # ==========Create an OSQP object and Setup workspace ==========
    tic_solve = time.time()
    prob = osqp.OSQP()
    prob.setup(P, q, A, lb, ub, verbose=False, polish=False,
               warm_start=False)  # verbose: print output.

    # Solve
    res = prob.solve()

    # Check solver status
    if res.info.status != 'solved':
        print('OSQP did not solve the problem!')
        raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

    print("solver time :", time.time() - tic_solve)

    tic_pred = time.time()

    # Predictive States and Actions
    sol_state = res.x[:-N * nu]
    sol_action = res.x[-N * nu:]

    for ii in range((N + 1) * (nx + nu)):
        if ii % (nx + nu) == 0:
            pred_x_tilda[0, ii // (nx + nu)] = sol_state[ii]  # X
        elif ii % (nx + nu) == 1:
            pred_x_tilda[1, ii // (nx + nu)] = sol_state[ii]  # Y
        elif ii % (nx + nu) == 2:
            pred_x_tilda[2, ii // (nx + nu)] = sol_state[ii]  # Vx
        elif ii % (nx + nu) == 3:
            pred_x_tilda[3, ii // (nx + nu)] = sol_state[ii]  # Yaw
        elif ii % (nx + nu) == 4:
            pred_x_tilda[4, ii // (nx + nu)] = sol_state[ii]  # Steer
        else:  # ii % (nx+nu) == 5:
            pred_x_tilda[5, ii // (nx + nu)] = sol_state[ii]  # accel_track

    for jj in range((N) * nu):
        if jj % nu == 0:
            pred_del_u[0, jj // nu] = sol_action[jj]
        else:  # jj % nu == 1
            pred_del_u[1, jj // nu] = sol_action[jj]
    pred_del_u[:, -1] = pred_del_u[:, -2]  # append last control

    print("Parsing pred state action time :", time.time() - tic_pred)

    return pred_x_tilda, pred_del_u
コード例 #23
             'sigma': 1e-06,
             'scaled_termination': False,
             'check_termination': 1,
             'polish': False,
             'verbose': True,
             'linsys_solver': 'suitesparse ldl'

qp = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, l, u)
res_gurobi = qp.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=True)

model = osqppurepy.OSQP()
model.setup(P=P, q=q, A=A, l=l, u=u, **osqp_opts)
res_osqppurepy = model.solve()

# Solve with SuiteSparse LDL
model = osqp.OSQP()
model.setup(P=P, q=q, A=A, l=l, u=u, **osqp_opts)
res_osqp = model.solve()

# Check difference with gurobi
if res_gurobi.status == 'optimal':
    print("Difference OSQP vs Gurobi")
    print("  - primal = %.4f" %
          (np.linalg.norm(res_gurobi.x - res_osqp.x) /
    print("  - dual = %.4f" %
          (np.linalg.norm(res_gurobi.y - res_osqp.y) /
コード例 #24
    def __init__(self,
                 m: int,
                 sid: str,
                 params_path: str,
                 input_path: str,
                 logging_path: str = None,
                 ci: bool = False):
        """Class to construct QP-optimizer by a manually designed vector matrix notation.

        :param m: number of velocity points
        :param sid: optimized ID 'PerfSQP' or 'EmergSQP'
        :param params_path: absolute path to folder containing config file .ini
        :param input_path: absolute path to folder containing variable vehicle and track information
        :param ci: switch to construct an object of this class used within the CI/CD jobs

            Thomas Herrmann <*****@*****.**>

        :Created on:

        # --- Retrieve SQP settings from parameter-file
        self.sqp_stgs = params_vp_sqp(m=m, sid=sid, params_path=params_path)[0]

        # Store params_path
        self.params_path = params_path
        # number of velocity optimization variables
        self.m = m
        # counter for how many velocity variables one slack is valid
        self.slack_every_v = self.sqp_stgs['slack_every_v']
        # number of slack variables
        self.n = int(np.ceil(m / self.slack_every_v))
        # weight on velocity slacks
        self.ev_vel_w = None
        # determines whether A, P, u, l, q-matrices have been filled once
        self.b_ini_done = False
        # ID of optimizer object
        self.sid = sid

        # --- Pre-allocation of QP matrices
        # --- Matrix setup for Emergency SQP and Performance SQP
        if self.sid == 'EmergSQP':

            # --- no F_ini-constraint in emergency profile
            self.Am =\
                np.empty((1 * 1 + m * 0 + (m - 1) * 6 + (m - 2) * 1 + self.n * 1, m - 1 + self.n), dtype=np.float64)
            self.lo = np.empty(
                (1 * 1 + m * 0 + (m - 1) * 6 + (m - 2) * 1 + self.n * 1, 1),
            self.up = np.empty(
                (1 * 1 + m * 0 + (m - 1) * 6 + (m - 2) * 1 + self.n * 1, 1),


            self.Am =\
                np.empty((1 * 2 + m * 0 + (m - 1) * 5 + (m - 2) * 2 + self.n * 1, m - 1 + self.n), dtype=np.float64)
            self.lo = np.empty(
                (1 * 2 + m * 0 + (m - 1) * 5 + (m - 2) * 2 + self.n * 1, 1),
            self.up = np.empty(
                (1 * 2 + m * 0 + (m - 1) * 5 + (m - 2) * 2 + self.n * 1, 1),

        print('*** --- ' + sid + ' solver initialized --- ***')

        # --- Initialize Logging

        if logging_path is not None:
            # create logger for Performance SQP
            self.logger_perf = logging.getLogger('sqp_logger_perf')

            os.makedirs(logging_path, exist_ok=True)

            fh_perf = logging.FileHandler(
                logging_path + '/sqp_perf_' +
                datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d") + '_' +
                datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H_%M") + '.log')
            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')

            # create logger for Emergency SQP
            self.logger_emerg = logging.getLogger('sqp_logger_emerg')
            fh_emerg = logging.FileHandler(
                logging_path + '/sqp_emerg_' +
                datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d") + '_' +
                datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H_%M") + '.log')
            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')

        # --- Assign numeric values to hard-coded parameters in QP

        # --- Performance SQP settings
        # load SQP config files
        sqp_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        # load QP config sparsity patterns
        sqp_sparsity = configparser.ConfigParser()

        if not sqp_config.read(self.params_path + 'sqp_config.ini'):
            raise ValueError(
                'Specified SQP config file does not exist or is empty!')

        # check whether we are running in CI/CD job
        if ci:

            src = logging_path + '/sparsity/.'
            dst = params_path

            os.system("cp -r -n " + src + " " + dst)

        if not sqp_sparsity.read(self.params_path + 'sqp_sparsity_' + sid + str(m) + '.ini') and \
            raise ValueError(
                'Specified SQP sparsity file does not exist or is empty!')

        # --- Performance SQP settings
        if self.sid == 'PerfSQP':
            sym_sc_ = {
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'mass_t'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'P_max_kW'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'F_max_kN'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'F_min_kN'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'ax_max_mps2'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'ay_max_mps2'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_GENERAL', 'dF_kN_pos'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_GENERAL', 'dF_kN_neg'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_PERFORMANCE', 'F_ini_tol'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'c_res'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_GENERAL', 'v_min_mps'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_GENERAL', 'slack_var_tire_unit'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_PERFORMANCE', 'penalty_jerk'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_PERFORMANCE', 'w_tre_constraint'),
            if self.sqp_stgs['b_sparse_matrix_fill']:
                self.sparsity_pat = {
                                             'r'))),  # noqa: E501
                                             'c'))),  # noqa: E501
                                             'r'))),  # noqa: E501

        # --- Emergency SQP settings
            sym_sc_ = {
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'mass_t'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'P_max_kW'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'F_max_kN'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'F_min_kN'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'ax_max_mps2'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'ay_max_mps2'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_GENERAL', 'dF_kN_pos'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_GENERAL', 'dF_kN_neg'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_EMERGENCY', 'F_ini_tol'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('VEHICLE', 'c_res'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_GENERAL', 'v_min_mps'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_EMERGENCY', 'slack_var_tire_lim'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_GENERAL', 'slack_var_tire_unit'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_EMERGENCY', 'penalty_jerk'),
                sqp_config.getfloat('SOLVER_EMERGENCY', 'w_tre_constraint'),
            if self.sqp_stgs['b_sparse_matrix_fill']:
                self.sparsity_pat = {
                                             'r'))),  # noqa: E501

        # Assign settings to SQP object
        self.sym_sc_ = sym_sc_

        # --- Pre-define numeric matrices

        # Vector with elements 1, ..., 1: m-1 x 1
        self.ones_vec_red = np.ones((m - 1, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        # unity matrix last row removed: m-1 x m+n
        self.E_mat_red = np.eye(m - 1, m + self.n, dtype=np.float64)
        # unity matrix last 2 rows removed: m-2 x m+n
        self.E_mat_redd = np.eye(m - 2, m + self.n, dtype=np.float64)
        # unity matrix last row removed: m-1 x m+n; filled with power constraint
        self.EP_mat_red = np.eye(m - 1, m + self.n, dtype=np.float64)
        # Matrix to store inverse elements of delta t for every discretization step
        self.T_mat_inv = np.zeros((m - 1, m + self.n), dtype=np.float64)

        # --- Contribution of derivative of tire slack variables to tire jacobian
        for j in range(self.n):
            self.T_mat_inv[j * self.slack_every_v:self.slack_every_v + j * self.slack_every_v, - self.n + j] =\
                - 1 * self.sym_sc_['s_v_t_unit_']

        # Inverse of vehicle mass [1/t = 1/1000kg]
        self.m_inv = 1 / sym_sc_['m_t_']

        # Initialization of attributes
        self.err = None
        self.err_inf = None
        self.x0 = None
        self.x0_s_t = None

        self.J_jac = None
        self.J_Hess = None
        self.F_cst = None
        self.F_cst_jac = None
        self.F_ini_cst = None
        self.F_ini_cst_jac = None
        self.v_cst_end = None
        self.v_cst_end_jac = None
        self.P_cst = None
        self.P_cst_jac = None
        self.Tre_cst1 = None
        self.Tre_cst1 = None
        self.Tre_cst1_jac = None
        self.Tre_cst2 = None
        self.Tre_cst2_jac = None
        self.Tre_cst3 = None
        self.Tre_cst3_jac = None
        self.Tre_cst4 = None
        self.Tre_cst4_jac = None
        self.dF_cst = None
        self.dF_cst_jac = None

        self.Am_csc = None

        # --- Get variable power handler class
        self.vpl = VarPowerLimits(input_path=input_path)

        # --- Construct QP solver object (OSQP)
        self.sol_osqp = osqp.OSQP()

        # --- Initialize QP solver object (OSQP)
コード例 #25
    Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1),
                     -sparse.eye(nx)) + sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N+1, k=-1), Ad)
    Bu = sparse.kron(sparse.vstack([sparse.csc_matrix((1, N)), sparse.eye(N)]),
    Aeq = sparse.hstack([Ax, Bu])

    # - OSQP constraints
    A = sparse.vstack([Aeq, Aineq], format='csc')

    return A, lb, ub, q, P

A, lb, ub, q, P = calc_matrices(Ad, Bd, x0, xr)

# Create an OSQP object
prob = osqp.OSQP()

# Setup workspace
prob.setup(P, q, A, lb, ub, warm_start=True)

# Process observation to state
def proc_obs(obs):
    pos_sp = np.array([obs[2], -obs[1]])
    mb_vel = obs[6:9]
    linkpos = [0.5, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0]
    j_pos = [obs[45], -obs[46]]
    j_vel = obs[47:49]
    sc = obs[49:90]
    angs = np.linspace(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, 41)
    sc_xs, sc_ys = np.cos(angs)*sc, np.sin(angs)*sc
コード例 #26
    def solve(self, x, x_d, mu_d, sigDelta):
        sigDelta = sigDelta * self.ksig
        sigDelta = np.clip(sigDelta, 0.0, self.max_var)
        # sigDelta = np.ones((self.xdim/2,1)) * self.max_var # for testing

        # build Q and p matrices to specify minimization expression
        Q = np.diag(
                    np.ones(self.xdim / 2, dtype=np.float32) *
                    (self.u_cost + self.u_prev_cost), self.p1_cost),
        self.Q = sparse.csc_matrix(Q)
        self.p = 2 * np.append(
            np.append(-self.mu_qp_prev * self.u_prev_cost, 0), 0)

        #error dynamics for clf
        e = x[:-1, :] - x_d[:-1, :]
        e = np.clip(e, -self.max_error, self.max_error)
        eTPG = np.matmul(e.T, np.matmul(self.P, self.G))
        G_dyn = np.expand_dims(np.append(np.append(eTPG, 1), 0),
                               0)  #append 1 for clf < d
        Gsig = np.matmul(self.G, sigDelta)
        GssG = np.matmul(Gsig, Gsig.T)
        self.trGssGP = np.trace(np.matmul(GssG, self.P))
        h_dyn = -1 * (-0.5 * np.matmul(e.T, np.matmul(Q, e)) + 0.5 * np.matmul(
            e.T, np.matmul(self.P, e)) / self.clf.epsilon + 0.5 * self.trGssGP)

        # build constraints for barriers
        N_cbf = len(self.cbf_list)
        G_cbf = np.zeros((N_cbf, self.xdim / 2 + 2), dtype=np.float32)
        h_cbf = np.zeros((N_cbf, 1), dtype=np.float32)
        A0x_Gmud = np.matmul(self.A0, x[:-1, :]) + np.matmul(self.G, mu_d)
        GssG_22 = GssG[2:, 2:]
        for i, cbf in enumerate(self.cbf_list):
            h_x, dB, d2B = cbf.get_B_derivatives(x)
            G_cbf[i, :] = np.append(
                np.append(np.einsum('ij,jk', dB, self.G), 0), 1)
            trGssGd2B = np.einsum('ii', np.einsum('ij,jk', GssG_22, d2B))
            h_cbf[i, :] = -1 * (np.einsum('ij,jk', dB, A0x_Gmud) -
                                cbf.gamma * h_x + 0.5 * trGssGd2B)

        # build constraints for control limits
        ginv = np.linalg.inv(self.dyn.g(x))
        l_ctrl = np.matmul(ginv, mu_d - self.dyn.f(x))
        A_ctrl = ginv

        G_ctrl = np.zeros((self.udim * 2, self.xdim / 2 + 2), dtype=np.float32)
        h_ctrl = np.zeros((self.udim * 2, 1), dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(self.udim):
            G_ctrl[i * 2, :self.xdim / 2] = -A_ctrl[i, :]
            h_ctrl[i * 2] = -self.u_lim[i, 0] + l_ctrl[i]
            G_ctrl[i * 2 + 1, :self.xdim / 2] = A_ctrl[i, :]
            h_ctrl[i * 2 + 1] = self.u_lim[i, 1] - l_ctrl[i]

        # stack into one matrix and vector
        G = np.concatenate((G_dyn, G_cbf, G_ctrl), axis=0)
        h = np.concatenate((h_dyn, h_cbf, h_ctrl), axis=0)

        self.G_csc = sparse.csc_matrix(G)
        self.h = h

        # dummy lower bound
        l = np.ones(h.shape, dtype=np.float32) * np.inf * -1

        #Solve QP
        self.prob = osqp.OSQP()
        exception_called = False
        mu_bar = np.zeros((self.xdim + 1), dtype=np.float32)
        # try:
        self.res = self.prob.solve()
        # except:
        # exception_called = True
        # else:
        mu_bar = self.res.x
        # if exception_called or u_bar[0] is None or np.isnan(u_bar).any():
        if mu_bar[0] is None or np.isnan(mu_bar).any():
            mu_bar = np.zeros((self.xdim + 1))
            self.res = None
            rospy.logwarn("QP failed!")

        self.mu_qp_prev = np.expand_dims(mu_bar[0:self.xdim / 2], axis=0).T

        self.V = self.clf.V(x, x_d)

        if self.verbose:
            print('z_ref: ', x.T)
            print('z_des: ', x_d.T)
            print('u_lim', self.u_lim)
            print('V: ', self.V)
            print('Q:', Q)
            print('p:', np.array(self.p))
            print('G_dyn:', G_dyn)
            print('h_dyn:', h_dyn)
            print('trGssGP', self.trGssGP)
            if h_cbf.shape[0] < 10:
                print('G_cbf:', G_cbf)
                print('h_cbf:', h_cbf)
            print('G_ctrl:', G_ctrl)
            print('h_ctrl:', h_ctrl)
            print('result:', mu_bar)

        return self.mu_qp_prev
コード例 #27
    def step(self):
        u_set = [None] * self.NV
        xx_set = [None] * self.NV
        QQ_set = [None] * self.NV
        u0_set = [None] * self.NV
        Qt_set = [None] * self.NV
        x_set = [None] * self.NV

        umax = np.array([self.cons.am, self.cons.rm])
        # generate backup trajectories
        self.xbackup = np.empty([0, (self.mpc.N + 1) * 4])
        for i in range(0, self.NV):
            xx_set[i] = [None] * self.m
            QQ_set[i] = [None] * self.m
            Qt_set[i] = [None] * self.m

            if abs(self.veh_set[i].state[1] -
                   (1.8 + self.veh_set[i].laneidx * 3.6)) < 0.4:
                if i == 0:
                    mindis = 1000
                    idx = 0
                    for ii in range(1, self.NV):
                        if self.veh_set[ii].laneidx != self.veh_set[
                                0].laneidx and abs(
                                    self.veh_set[ii].state[0] -
                                    self.veh_set[0].state[0]) < mindis:
                            mindis = abs(self.veh_set[ii].state[0] -
                            idx = ii
                    if mindis < 4:
                        self.veh_set[0].laneidx = self.veh_set[idx].laneidx

                    if with_probability(0.05):
                        if self.veh_set[i].laneidx == 0:
                            self.veh_set[i].laneidx = 1
                        elif self.veh_set[i].laneidx == self.N_lane - 1:
                            self.veh_set[i].laneidx = self.N_lane - 2
                            if with_probability(0.5):
                                self.veh_set[i].laneidx += 1
                                self.veh_set[i].laneidx -= 1

            x0 = self.veh_set[i].state.copy()
            x0[1] = 1.8 + self.veh_set[i].laneidx * 3.6
            x0[2] = self.veh_set[0].state[2] + 0.5 * (
                self.veh_set[0].state[0] - self.veh_set[i].state[0])
            x0[3] = 0

            con = lambda x: veh_con(x, x0, umax)
            u0_set[i] = con(self.veh_set[i].state)
            stop_crit = lambda x, t: t > self.dt * self.mpc.N + 2
            for j in range(0, self.m):
                tt, xx, uu, QQ, Qt = generate_backup_traj(
                    self.veh_set[i].state, self.backupcons[j], stop_crit, f0,
                    self.dt, True)
                xx_set[i][j] = xx
                Qt_set[i][j] = Qt
                QQ_set[i][j] = QQ
                if i > 0:
                    self.xbackup = np.vstack(
                         np.reshape(np.array(xx[0:self.mpc.N + 1]), [1, -1])))

        Ydes = 1.8 + self.veh_set[0].laneidx * 3.6
        vdes = v0
        xRef = np.array([0, Ydes, vdes, 0])
        # print(self.veh_set[1].backupidx)
        self.mpc.solve(self.veh_set[0].state, self.b, self.xbackup, xRef)

        u_set[0] = self.mpc.uPred[0]
        x_set[0] = self.veh_set[0].state

        ## no control
        # u_set[0]=np.zeros(2)
        # self.veh_set[0].step(u_set[0])
        # x_set[0] = self.veh_set[0].state
        ## backup CBF QP
        for i in range(1, self.NV):
            A = []
            b = []

            x = self.veh_set[i].state
            fi, g = dubin_fg(x)
            for t in range(0, len(xx_set[i][self.veh_set[i].backupidx])):
                if t % 3 == 0:
                    xi = xx_set[i][self.veh_set[i].backupidx][t]
                    h, dh = X_bdry(xi, [0, lm[self.N_lane]],
                    if h < 0.5:
                        dhdx = np.matmul(
                            dh, QQ_set[i][self.veh_set[i].backupidx][t])
                        if norm(dhdx.dot(g)) > 1e-6:
                                dhdx.dot(fi - f0) - np.matmul(
                                    dh, Qt_set[i][self.veh_set[i].backupidx]
                                    [t]) + self.cons.alpha * h)

                    for j in range(0, self.NV):
                        if j != i:
                            if t >= len(xx_set[j][self.veh_set[j].backupidx]):
                                xj = xx_set[j][self.veh_set[j].backupidx][
                                    -1] + f0 * self.dt * (t - len(xx_set[j][
                                        self.veh_set[j].backupidx]) + 1)
                                xj = xx_set[j][self.veh_set[j].backupidx][t]
                                eps = 1e-6
                                h = veh_col(
                                    xi, xj,
                                    [(self.veh_set[i].v_length +
                                      self.veh_set[j].v_length) / 2 + 1,
                                     (self.veh_set[i].v_width +
                                      self.veh_set[j].v_width) / 2 + 0.2])

                                if h < 2:
                                    dh = np.zeros(4)
                                    dh[0] = (veh_col(xi + [eps, 0, 0, 0], xj, [
                                        (self.veh_set[i].v_length +
                                         self.veh_set[j].v_length) / 2 + 1,
                                        (self.veh_set[i].v_width +
                                         self.veh_set[j].v_width) / 2 + 0.2
                                    ]) - h) / eps
                                    dh[1] = (veh_col(xi + [0, eps, 0, 0], xj, [
                                        (self.veh_set[i].v_length +
                                         self.veh_set[j].v_length) / 2 + 1,
                                        (self.veh_set[i].v_width +
                                         self.veh_set[j].v_width) / 2 + 0.2
                                    ]) - h) / eps
                                    dhdx = np.matmul(
                                        dh, QQ_set[i][
                                    if norm(dhdx.dot(g)) > 1e-6:
                                            dhdx.dot(fi - f0) +
                                            self.cons.alpha * h - np.matmul(
                                                dh, Qt_set[i][self.veh_set[i].
            if A:
                A = np.array(A)
                A = np.append(A, -np.ones([A.shape[0], 1]), 1)
                AA = np.concatenate((A, np.identity(3)))
                AA = sparse.csc_matrix(AA)

                ub = np.append(np.append(np.array(b), np.array(umax)), np.inf)
                lb = np.append(
                    np.append(-np.inf * np.ones(len(b)), np.array(-umax)), 0.0)
                P = np.eye(3)
                P[2][2] = 0
                P = sparse.csc_matrix(P)
                q = np.append(-u0_set[i], 1e6)
                prob = osqp.OSQP()
                prob.setup(P, q, AA, lb, ub, alpha=1.0, verbose=False)
                res = prob.solve()

                if res.info.status_val == 1 or res.info.status_val == 2:
                    u_set[i] = res.x[0:2]
                    if res.x.shape[0] > 0:
                        u_set[i] = res.x[0:2]
                        u_set[i] = u0_set[i]

                uu = np.maximum(u0_set[i], -umax)
                u_set[i] = np.minimum(uu, umax)
            x_set[i] = self.veh_set[i].state

            ## update belief and replace vehicles far away from host vehicle
            if self.veh_set[i].state[0] - self.veh_set[0].state[
                    0] > 15 or self.veh_set[i].state[0] - self.veh_set[
                        0].state[0] < -15:
                succ = self.replace_veh(i, 0)
                if not succ:
                    self.replace_veh(i, 2)
                cbfcond = np.zeros(self.m)
                xdot = dubin(x_set[i], u_set[i])
                hi = np.zeros(self.m)
                for j in range(0, self.m):
                    hij = np.zeros(self.mpc.N)
                    dhij = np.zeros(self.mpc.N)

                    for tt in range(0, self.mpc.N):
                        hij[tt] = veh_col(xx_set[i][j][tt],self.mpc.xPred[tt][0:4],[(self.veh_set[i].v_length+self.veh_set[0].v_length)/2,\
                        dh = np.zeros(4)
                        dh[0] = (veh_col(xx_set[i][j][tt]+[eps,0,0,0],self.mpc.xPred[tt][0:4],[(self.veh_set[i].v_length+self.veh_set[0].v_length)/2,\
                        dh[0] = (veh_col(xx_set[i][j][tt]+[0,eps,0,0],self.mpc.xPred[tt][0:4],[(self.veh_set[i].v_length+self.veh_set[0].v_length)/2,\
                        dhij[tt] = dh @ (QQ_set[i][j][tt] @ (xdot - f0) -
                    hi[j] = np.min(hij)
                    cbfcond[j] = np.mean(hij + dhij)

                bi = self.b[i - 1].copy()
                H = backup_trans(hi, self.cons)
                bi = bi @ H
                for j in range(0, self.m):
                    bi[j] = bi[j] * backup_input_prob(cbfcond[j], self.cons)
                self.b[i - 1] = bi / np.sum(bi)

                ## change backup
                self.veh_set[i].backupidx = np.random.choice(
                    range(0, self.m), 1, p=H[self.veh_set[i].backupidx])[0]
                if np.isnan(self.b).any():
        return u_set, x_set, xx_set, self.mpc.xPred[1:, 0:4]
コード例 #28
def qp_shortest_path(wx, wy):

    tx, ty, tyaw, tc, csp = generate_target_course(
        wx, wy)  # 2m间隔的参考路径,可以计算每点的frenet坐标 法向量+切向量
    # tx, ty, tyaw, tc, csp = generate_target_course(wx, wy)
    # tx_ori, ty_ori, tyaw_ori, tc_ori, csp_ori = generate_target_course(wx, wy)

    # osqp for nearest route
    total_dis = 0.0
    sampling_dis = 2.0
    sampling_num = int(csp.s[-1] // sampling_dis)
    E = np.zeros([2, sampling_num])
    H = np.zeros([sampling_num, sampling_num])
    B = np.zeros([1, sampling_num])
    next_pos = csp.calc_position(total_dis)
    pos_s = [next_pos]
    phi_1 = np.array(csp.calc_norm(total_dis))
    phi_s = [phi_1]
    for i in range(sampling_num - 1):
        cur_pos = next_pos
        next_pos = csp.calc_position(total_dis + sampling_dis)
        delta_x = next_pos[0] - cur_pos[0]
        delta_y = next_pos[1] - cur_pos[1]
        E_i = np.zeros([2, sampling_num])
        phi = phi_1
        phi_1 = np.array(csp.calc_norm(total_dis + sampling_dis))
        phi_xi = np.array([[phi_1[0], -phi[0]]])
        phi_yi = np.array([[phi_1[1], -phi[1]]])
        E_i[0][i] = 1
        E_i[1][i + 1] = 1
        B_i = 2 * delta_x * np.dot(phi_xi, E_i) + 2 * delta_y * np.dot(
            phi_yi, E_i)
        H_si_t = np.dot(phi_xi.T, phi_xi) + np.dot(phi_yi.T, phi_yi)
        H += np.dot(np.dot(E_i.T, H_si_t), E_i)
        B += B_i
        total_dis += sampling_dis
    H = H * 2
    P = sparse.csc_matrix(H)
    q = B[0]
    A = sparse.csc_matrix(np.eye(sampling_num))
    l = np.array([-2.5 for i in range(sampling_num)])
    l[0] = -0.1
    l[-1] = -0.1
    u = np.array([2.5 for i in range(sampling_num)])
    u[0] = 0.1
    u[-1] = 0.1
    prob = osqp.OSQP()
    # Setup workspace and change alpha parameter
    prob.setup(P, q, A, l, u, alpha=1.0)
    # Solve problem
    res = prob.solve()
    shortest_x = []
    shortest_y = []
    for i in range(sampling_num):
        shortest_x.append(pos_s[i][0] + res.x[i] * phi_s[i][0])
        shortest_y.append(pos_s[i][1] + res.x[i] * phi_s[i][1])
    tx_shortest, ty_shortest, tyaw_shortest, tc_shortest, csp_shortest = generate_target_course(
        shortest_x, shortest_y)
    # x,y,yaw,k,config,P,Q
    return tx_shortest, ty_shortest, tyaw_shortest, tc_shortest, csp_shortest, H, q
コード例 #29
ファイル: rho_sigma_equil.py プロジェクト: lovedheart/osqp
rho_plot = np.zeros(n_rho * n_sigma)
sigma_plot = np.zeros(n_rho * n_sigma)
r_KKT_plot = np.zeros(n_rho * n_sigma)
r_res_plot = np.zeros(n_rho * n_sigma)
cond_KKT_plot = np.zeros(n_rho * n_sigma)
n_iter_plot = np.zeros(n_rho * n_sigma)
z_idx = 0

for i in tqdm(range(len(rho_vec))):
    for j in range(len(sigma_vec)):
        # Get ratios of norms for columns and rows
        r_KKT[i, j], cond_KKT[i, j] = get_KKT_info(P_sc, A_sc, sigma_vec[j],

        # Solve problem
        m = osqp.OSQP()
        res = m.solve()

        # Store number of iterations
        n_iter[i, j] = res.info.iter
コード例 #30
import osqp
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

# Define problem data
P = sparse.csc_matrix([[4, 1], [1, 2]])
q = np.array([1, 1])
A = sparse.csc_matrix([[1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 1]])
l = np.array([1, 0, 0])
u = np.array([1, 0.7, 0.7])

# Create an OSQP object
prob = osqp.OSQP()

# Setup workspace and change alpha parameter
prob.setup(P, q, A, l, u, alpha=1.0)

# Solve problem
res = prob.solve()

# ================================================== #
# ====== Create the C code ========================= #

## Create an OSQP object
m = osqp.OSQP()
## Solver initialization
###settings = [eps_abs='1.e-3']
m.setup(P, q, A, l, u, eps_abs=1.e-3)
## Generate code
m.codegen('code1', project_type='Makefile', parameters='vectors')