def _merge_layers(rows, cols, geotransform, spatialreference, array1, array2, min1, max1, min2, max2, nodata1=None, nodata2=None): path = create_tmp_filename('', ".tif") # find the indexes of the arrays index1 = (array1 > min1) & (array1 <= max1) & (array1 != nodata1) index2 = (array2 > min2) & (array2 <= max2) & (array2 != nodata2) # merge array indexes compound_index = index1 & index2 del index1, index2 # create a new raster output_raster = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( path, rows, cols, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) # Open the file output_raster.SetGeoTransform(geotransform) srs = SpatialReference(wkt=spatialreference) output_raster.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) # create raster from the compound_index of the two rasters # TODO: the reshape slows the operation, use matrixes output_raster.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( compound_index.reshape(cols, rows)) return path
def transform_shape(shape, ssrs, tsrs): """ Transform shape from ssrs to tsrs (all wkt) and return as wkt """ ogrgeom = CreateGeometryFromWkt(shape) trans = CoordinateTransformation(SpatialReference(ssrs), SpatialReference(tsrs)) ogrgeom.Transform(trans) wkt = ogrgeom.ExportToWkt() ogrgeom = None return wkt
def get_attrs(self): from osr import SpatialReference attrs = self.ds.GetMetadata() try: sp = SpatialReference(wkt=self.ds.GetProjection()) proj4 = sp.ExportToProj4() except: warn('Could not identify projection') else: attrs['proj4'] = proj4 return FrozenOrderedDict(attrs)
def parse_geotiff(gtiff_file): """Read a geotiff file and return the grid information in it. """ from osgeo import gdal from osr import SpatialReference g = gdal.Open(gtiff_file) srs = SpatialReference(g.GetProjection()) proj4_str = srs.ExportToProj4() gtransform = g.GetGeoTransform() origin_x, x_psize, _, origin_y, _, y_psize = gtransform width = g.RasterXSize height = g.RasterYSize return proj4_str, width, height, origin_x, origin_y, x_psize, y_psize
def gdal_translate(src_filename, dst_filename, dst_format="GTiff", bands=None, nodata=None, projection=None, options=None): """ Convert a raster image with the specified arguments (as if running from commandline) :param argstring: command line arguments as string :return: Result of gdal_translate process (success or failure) """ from osgeo import gdal from osr import SpatialReference if not options: options = [] # Open existing dataset, subsetting bands if necessary if bands: tmp_file = src_filename + ".sub" gdal_band_subset(src_filename, bands, tmp_file) src_ds = gdal.Open(tmp_file) else: src_ds = gdal.Open(src_filename) try: #Open output format driver, see gdal_translate --formats for list driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(dst_format) #Output to new format dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(dst_filename, src_ds, 0, options) if projection: srs = SpatialReference() srs.SetWellKnownGeogCS(projection) dst_ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) if nodata is not None: band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(nodata) finally: #Properly close the datasets to flush to disk dst_ds = None src_ds = None band = None if bands and tmp_file: os.remove(tmp_file)
def calc_elevation_models(self): for item in range(len(self.data_lst)): file_name = self.data_lst[item].strip(".xyz") self.outfile = os.path.join(self.outfolder, file_name + ".tif") x, y, z = np.loadtxt(self.data_lst[item], skiprows=1, unpack=True) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = [min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)] #size of the grid nx = (int(xmax - xmin + 1)) ny = (int(ymax - ymin + 1)) # Generate a regular grid to interpolate the data. xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx) yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) # adding the z - values zi = il.griddata((x, y), z, (xi, yi), method='nearest') # linear, cubic, nearest #--------------- Write to GeoTIFF ------------------------ nrows, ncols = np.shape(zi) xres = (xmax - xmin) / float(ncols) yres = (ymax - ymin) / float(nrows) geotransform = (xmin, xres, 0, ymin, 0, yres) self.outDS = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( self.outfile, ncols, nrows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ['TFW=YES', 'COMPRESS=PACKBITS']) self.outDS.SetGeoTransform(geotransform) # Specify its coordinates srs = SpatialReference() # Establish its coordinate encoding srs.ImportFromEPSG(self.epsg) # WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N self.outDS.SetProjection( srs.ExportToWkt()) # Exports the coordinate system to the file self.outDS.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( zi) # Writes my array to the raster #self.outDS.FlushCache() self.data_out_lst.append(self.outfile) self.outDS = None zi = None x, y, z = None, None, None nrows, ncols = None, None return [self.message, self.data_out_lst]
def __init__(self, src): """ initialize shapefile reader """ if isinstance(src, unicode): src = src.encode('ascii', 'ignore') src = self.find_source(src) self.shpSrc = src = shapefile.Reader(src) self.recs = [] self.shapes = {} self.load_records() self.proj = None # Check if there's a spatial reference prj_src = src[:-4] + '.prj' if exists(prj_src): prj_text = open(prj_src).read() srs = SpatialReference() if srs.ImportFromWkt(prj_text): raise ValueError("Error importing PRJ information from: %s" % prj_file) if srs.IsProjected(): self.proj = pyproj.Proj(srs.ExportToProj4()) print srs.ExportToProj4()
def SubbasinDelineation(np, workingDir, dem,outlet, threshold, mpiexeDir=None,exeDir=None): if not os.path.exists(workingDir): os.mkdir(workingDir) statusFile = workingDir + os.sep + "status_SubbasinDelineation.txt" fStatus = open(statusFile, 'w') tauDir = workingDir + os.sep + "taudir" if not os.path.exists(tauDir): os.mkdir(tauDir) status = "Fill DEM..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (10, status)) fStatus.flush() print Fill(np, tauDir, dem, filledDem, mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir,exeDir=exeDir) print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) status = "Calculating D8 and Dinf flow direction..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (20, status)) fStatus.flush() print FlowDirD8(np, tauDir, filledDem, flowDir, slope, mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir,exeDir=exeDir) print GenerateDinf(np, tauDir, filledDem, flowDirDinf, slopeDinf, dirCodeDinf, weightDinf,mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir,exeDir=exeDir) print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) status = "Generating stream skeleton..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (30, status)) fStatus.flush() print StreamSkeleton(np, tauDir, filledDem, streamSkeleton,mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir, exeDir=exeDir) print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) status = "D8 flow accumulation..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (40, status)) fStatus.flush() print FlowAccD8(np, tauDir, flowDir, acc,outlet=None, streamSkeleton=None, mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir,exeDir=exeDir) print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) status = "Generating stream raster initially..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (50, status)) fStatus.flush() if threshold != 0: print StreamRaster(np, tauDir, acc, streamRaster, threshold, mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir,exeDir=exeDir) else: accD8 = tauDir+os.sep+acc maxAccum, minAccum, meanAccum, STDAccum = util.GetRasterStat(accD8) print StreamRaster(np, tauDir, acc, streamRaster, meanAccum, mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir,exeDir=exeDir) print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) status = "Moving outlet to stream..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (60, status)) fStatus.flush() print MoveOutlet(np, tauDir, flowDir, streamRaster, outlet, modifiedOutlet, mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir,exeDir=exeDir) print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) status = "Flow accumulation with outlet..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (70, status)) fStatus.flush() print FlowAccD8(np, tauDir, flowDir, acc, modifiedOutlet, streamSkeleton, mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir, exeDir=exeDir) print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) if threshold == 0: status = "Drop analysis to select optimal threshold..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (75, status)) fStatus.flush() if meanAccum - STDAccum < 0: minthresh = meanAccum else: minthresh = meanAccum - STDAccum maxthresh = meanAccum + STDAccum numthresh = 20 logspace = 'true' drpFile = 'drp.txt' print DropAnalysis(np,tauDir,filledDem,flowDir,acc,acc,modifiedOutlet,minthresh,maxthresh,numthresh,logspace,drpFile, mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir,exeDir=exeDir) drpf = open(drpFile,"r") (beg,threshold)=tempContents.rsplit(' ',1) print threshold drpf.close() print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) status = "Generating stream raster..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (80, status)) fStatus.flush() print StreamRaster(np, tauDir, acc, streamRaster, float(threshold), mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir,exeDir=exeDir) print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) status = "Generating stream net..." fStatus.write("%d,%s\n" % (90, status)) fStatus.flush() print StreamNet(np, tauDir, filledDem, flowDir, acc, streamRaster, modifiedOutlet, streamOrder, chNetwork, chCoord, streamNet, subbasin, mpiexeDir=mpiexeDir, exeDir=exeDir) print "[Output], %s, %s" % (workingDir, status) fStatus.write("100,subbasin delineation is finished!") fStatus.close() ds = gdal.Open(dem) configFile = workingDir + os.sep + 'ProjConfig.txt' f = open(configFile, 'w') f.write(dem + "\n") f.write(str(threshold) + "\n") projWkt = ds.GetProjection() srs = SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(projWkt) proj4Str = srs.ExportToProj4() f.write(proj4Str + "\n") f.close()