def _showPorts(self, ports): if ports: table = TablePrinter('Port Name', 'Port Interface') for port in ports.itervalues(): table.append(port['Port Name'], port['Port Interface']) table.write() else: print "None"
def api(self): print 'Allocation Properties ======' if not self._allocProps: print 'None' return table = TablePrinter('Property Name', '(Data Type)', 'Action') for prop in self._allocProps: table.append(prop.clean_name, '('+prop.type+')', prop.action) if prop.type in ('struct', 'structSeq'): if prop.type == 'structSeq': structdef = prop.structDef else: structdef = prop for member in structdef.members.itervalues(): table.append(' '+member.clean_name, member.type) table.write()
def api(self): kinds = [] print "\nProperty\n--------" print "% -*s %s" % (17,"ID:", print "% -*s %s" % (17,"Type:",self.type) simpleOrSequence = False if self.type != "structSeq" and self.type != "struct": simpleOrSequence = True print "% -*s %s" % (17,"Default Value:", self.defValue) if self.mode != "writeonly": print "% -*s %s" % (17,"Value: ", self.queryValue()) try: if self._enums != None: print "% -*s %s" % (17,"Enumumerations:", self._enums) except: simpleOrSequence = True if self.type != "struct": print "% -*s %s" % (17,"Action:", self.action) print "% -*s %s" % (17,"Mode: ", self.mode) if self.type == "struct": structTable = TablePrinter('Name','Data Type','Default Value', 'Current Value','Enumerations') structTable.limit_column(1,20) structTable.limit_column(2,15) structTable.limit_column(3,15) structTable.limit_column(4,40) for prop in self.compRef._prf.get_struct(): if prop.id_ == first = True for simple in prop.get_simple(): defVal,value, type, kinds,enums = self._getStructsSimpleProps(simple,prop) structTable.append(simple.get_id(),type,str(defVal),str(value),enums) if first: print "% -*s %s" % (17,"Kinds: ", ', '.join(kinds)) first = False structTable.write() elif self.type == "sequence": print "sequence: ",type(self) elif self.type == "structSeq": structNum = -1 structTable = TablePrinter('Name','Data Type') structTable.limit_column(1,35) for prop in self.compRef._prf.get_structsequence(): for kind in prop.get_configurationkind(): kinds.append(kind.get_kindtype()) if prop.id_ == and prop.get_struct() != None: for simple in prop.get_struct().get_simple(): structTable.append(simple.id_, simple.get_type()) print "% -*s %s" % (17,"Kinds: ", ', '.join(kinds)) print "\nStruct\n======" structTable.write() simpleTable = TablePrinter('Index','Name','Value') simpleTable.limit_column(1,30) simpleTable.limit_column(2,35) for i in self.compRef._properties: if i.type == "structSeq" and self.mode != "writeonly": for s in i: structNum +=1 for key in s.keys(): simpleTable.append(str(structNum),key,str(s[key])) if self.mode != "writeonly": print "\nSimple Properties\n=================" simpleTable.write() elif simpleOrSequence: for prop in self.compRef._prf.get_simple() + self.compRef._prf.get_simplesequence(): if prop.id_ == for kind in prop.get_kind(): kinds.append(kind.get_kindtype()) print "% -*s %s" % (17,"Kinds: ", ', '.join(kinds))
def api(self, externalPropInfo=None): properties = [p for p in self._properties if 'configure' in p.kinds or 'execparam' in p.kinds] if not properties: return table = TablePrinter('Property Name', '(Data Type)', '[Default Value]', 'Current Value') # Limit the amount of space between columns of data for display table.limit_column(1, 32) table.limit_column(2, 24) if externalPropInfo: # For external props, extract their information extId, propId = externalPropInfo table.enable_header(False) else: print "Properties ==============" for prop in properties: if externalPropInfo: # Searching for a particular external property if prop.clean_name != propId: continue name = extId else: name = prop.clean_name writeOnly = False if prop.mode != "writeonly": currentValue = prop.queryValue() else: writeOnly = True currentValue = "N/A" scaType = _formatType(prop.type) if prop.type == 'structSeq': table.append(name, '('+scaType+')') if writeOnly: currentValue = "N" for item_count, item in enumerate(currentValue): for member in prop.valueType: _id = str(member[0]) scaType = str(member[1]) defVal = str(member[2]) if not writeOnly: currVal = str(item[member[0]]) else: currVal = "N/A" name = ' [%d] %s' % (item_count, _id) scaType = _formatType(scaType) table.append(name, '('+scaType+')', defVal, currVal) elif prop.type == 'struct': table.append(name, '('+scaType+')') for member in prop.members.itervalues(): name = ' ' + member.clean_name scaType = _formatType(member.type) if not writeOnly: _currentValue = _formatSimple(member, currentValue[], else: _currentValue = "N/A" table.append(' '+name, '('+scaType+')', str(member.defValue), _currentValue) else: currentValue = _formatSimple(prop, currentValue, table.append(name, '('+scaType+')', str(prop.defValue), currentValue) table.write()