コード例 #1
 def table ( self , title = None , prefix = ' ' ) :
     """Format weighting information as table
     import ostap.logger.table as Table
     if title is None : title = 'Weighter(%s)' % self.__dbase 
     return Table.table ( self.__table , title = title , prefix = prefix ,
                          alignment = 'llcc' )
コード例 #2
def derivative_testing ( der_type , func , der_exact , logger , **kwargs ) :

    IMAX = der_type.IMAX
    cnt1  = {}
    for i in range ( IMAX )  :  cnt1 [i] = SE()
    ders = [ der_type ( func , I , **kwargs ) for I in range ( IMAX ) ]
    with timing ( 'derivative test' , logger = logger ) :
        for i in range(10000) :
            x = random.uniform ( 0 , pi )
            d_true = der_exact ( x )
            for I , dd in enumerate ( ders ) :
                delta     = dd ( x ) - d_true
                cnt1 [I] += delta

    rows = [ ('I' , 'rms' , 'min' , 'max' ) ]
    for i,c in cnt1.items() :
        row = '%d' % i , '% .4g' % c.rms () , '% .4g' % c.min() , '% .4g' % c.max() 
        rows.append ( row ) 
    table = T.table ( rows ,
                      title  = 'Test numerical derivatives' ,
                      prefix = '# ' , alignment = 'clll'     )
    logger.info ( 'Test numerical derivatives\n%s' % table )
コード例 #3
ファイル: root_file.py プロジェクト: DmitryYuGolubkov/ostap
def _rd_ls_table_ ( rdir , prefix = '# ' ) :
    """Show the content of the directory as a table
    >>> rdir = ...
    >>> rdir.ls_table ()
    lines   = [  ( n , k.GetClassName() ) for ( n , k ) in _rd_ikeyskeys_ ( rdir ) ]
    maxkey  = 5
    maxtype = 5
    for l in lines :
        maxkey  = max ( maxkey  , len ( l[0] ) )
        maxtype = max ( maxtype , len ( l[1] ) )
    fmt_type = '%%-%ds' % ( maxtype + 2 )
    fmt_key  = '%%-%ds' % ( maxkey  + 2 )
    table = [ ( fmt_key % 'Key' , fmt_type % 'type' ) ]
    for line in lines :
        row = fmt_key % line[0] , fmt_type % line[1]
        table.append ( row ) 

    name = rdir.GetName()
    if isinstance ( rdir , ROOT.TFile ) :
        name =  os.path.basename ( name )

    if maxkey + maxtype < len ( name ) :
        name = '<.>' + name [ -maxkey - maxtype : ]
    import ostap.logger.table as T
    table = T.table ( table , title = '%s' % name , prefix = '# ' )
    logger.info ( 'Directory %s:\n%s' % ( rdir.GetName() , table ) )
コード例 #4
def make_print ( pdf , fitresult , title , logger = logger ) :
    title2 ='%s resolution model' % title 
    logger.info ('%-20s : fit result\n%s' % ( title ,
                                              fitresult.table ( title  = title2 ,
                                                                prefix = '# '   ) ) )
    rows = [ ( 'Parameter' , 'Value', '(Roo)Value' ) ]
    row = 'mean'       , '%+.6g' % pdf.get_mean  () , '%+.6g' % pdf.roo_mean  ()
    rows.append ( row )
    row = 'mode'       , '%+.3g' % pdf.mode      () , ''
    rows.append ( row )
    row = 'median'     , '%+.3g' % pdf.median    () , ''
    rows.append ( row )
    row = 'midpoint'   , '%+.3g' % pdf.mid_point () , ''
    rows.append ( row )
    row = 'rms'        , '%+.6g' % pdf.rms       () , '%+.6g' % pdf.roo_rms  ()
    rows.append ( row )    
    row = 'FWHM'       , '%+.6g' % pdf.fwhm      () , ''
    rows.append ( row )    
    row = 'skewness'   , '%+.6g' % pdf.skewness  () , '%+.6g' % pdf.roo_skewness  ()
    rows.append ( row )    
    row = 'kurtosis'   , '%+.6g' % pdf.kurtosis  () , '%+.6g' % pdf.roo_kurtosis  ()  
    rows.append ( row )    

    table = T.table ( rows , title = title2 ,  prefix = '# ' )
    logger.info ( 'Global features for %s\n%s' % ( title2 , table ) ) 
コード例 #5
def test_derivative_5 ():

    logger = getLogger ( 'test_derivative_5' )

    ## the function
    func2 = lambda x,y : 0.25*x*x + (x-y)*(x-y) + y + 2*x
    ## use explicit   partial derivatives 
    eval2_1 = Eval2VE( func2 , dFdX = lambda x,y : 2+0.5*x+2*(x-y) ,  dFdY = lambda x,y : 1-2*(x-y) )
    ## use numerical  partial derivatives 
    eval2_2 = Eval2VE( func2 )
    table = [  ( 'x' , 'y' , 'corr' , 'F(exact)' , 'F(numerical)' ) ] 
    for x , y in [ (0,0) , (1,0) , (0,1) , (1,2) , ( 1 , -1 ) , ( -1 , 1 ) , (2,1) ] :
        for c in  ( -1.0 , -0.5 , 0.0 , 0.5 , 1.0 ) :

            x = VE ( x , 0.1 ** 2 )
            y = VE ( y , 0.1 ** 2 )

            row = [ x.toString ( '%+5.2f +/- %-5.2f' ) ,
                    y.toString ( '%+5.2f +/- %-5.2f' ) ,
                    '%+3.1f' %  c  ]

            v1 = eval2_1 ( x , y , c )
            v2 = eval2_2 ( x , y , c )

            row.append ( v1.toString ( '%+6.3f +/- %-5.3f') )
            row.append ( v2.toString ( '%+6.3f +/- %-5.3f') )
            table.append ( tuple ( row ) ) 
    title = 'Error propagation for F(x,y)'
    table = T.table ( table , title = title , prefix = '# ' , alignment=5*'c' )
    logger.info ('%s\n%s' % ( title , table ) ) 
コード例 #6
    def table  ( self , title = 'Jobs execution statistics' , prefix = '' ) :

        text =  [ (' #jobs ' , '%' , ' total  time' , 'time/job' , 'job server') ]
        njobs = self.njobs        
        keys  = self.__merged.keys()
        for host in sorted ( keys ) :
            se   = self.__merged [ host ]
            nj   = se.njobs
            time = se.time
            mean = time / nj if 1 <= nj else 0.0
            if 1 <= nj :
                line = ( "%6d "     % nj                    ,
                         " %5.1f "  % ( 100. * nj / njobs ) ,
                         " %10.4g " % time ,
                         " %10.4g " % mean ,
                         " %-s"     % host )
            else :
                line = "%6d "% nj , '', '' , '' , " %-s" % host

            text.append ( line )
        import ostap.logger.table as T
        return T.table ( text , title = title , prefix = prefix )
コード例 #7
def dump_models () :
    header =  'Model'   , \
             'mean'     , 'mode' , 'midpoint' , 'median' , \
             'rms'      , 'fwhm' ,  \
             'skewness' , 'kurtosis'
    mods = {}
    for m in models :
        mods[ m.name ] = m

    rows = [ header ] 
    for m in sorted ( mods ) :
        model = mods [ m ] 
        row = m , \
              '%+.3g' % model.get_mean  () , \
              '%+.3g' % model.mode      () , \
              '%+.3g' % model.median    () , \
              '%+.3g' % model.mid_point () , \
              '%+.5g' % model.rms       () , \
              '%+.5g' % model.fwhm      () , \
              '%+.5g' % model.skewness  () , \
              '%+.5g' % model.kurtosis  ()
        rows.append ( row )

    table = T.table ( rows , title = "Model's features" ,  prefix = '# ' )
    logger.info ( 'Features of models\n%s' % table )
コード例 #8
def differences_testing ( RULE , logger ) :

    a = 1.5
    fun        =   lambda x :   math.sin ( a * x ) 
    exact_ders = ( fun                     ,           ## 0
                   lambda x :   math.cos ( a * x ) * a             , ## 1
                   lambda x : - math.sin ( a * x ) * a * a         , ## 2 
                   lambda x : - math.cos ( a * x ) * pow ( a , 3 ) , ## 3  
                   lambda x :   math.sin ( a * x ) * pow ( a , 4 ) , ## 4
                   lambda x :   math.cos ( a * x ) * pow ( a , 5 ) , ## 4
                   lambda x : - math.sin ( a * x ) * pow ( a , 6 ) ) ## 4
    h0   = 0
    hmax = 1.2
    N    = 1000
    cd   = SE ()
    cp   = SE ()
    ch   = SE ()
    for D in range ( 1 , RULE.DMAX + 1 ) :

        table = [  ( 'I' , '#' , 'step' , '' , 'delta' , '' , 'pull' ) ]
        for I in range ( RULE.IMAX ( D ) ) :
            rule  = RULE ( D , I , with_error = True )
            for ik in range ( N ) :
                z      = random.uniform ( -math.pi , math.pi )
                h , _  = rule.optimal_step ( fun , z , h0 , hmax )
                r      = rule ( fun , z , h )
                exact  = exact_ders [ D ] ( z )

                dd     = float ( r ) - exact
                cd    += abs ( dd )
                cp    += dd / r.error()
                ch    += h 
            hh = ch.mean()
            dd = cd.mean()

            hh , nh = pretty_ve ( hh , width = 4 , precision = 3 , parentheses = False )
            dd , nd = pretty_ve ( dd , width = 4 , precision = 3 , parentheses = False )

            row = '%2d' % I , \
                  '%2d' % len( rule.stencil)  , \
                  hh , '' if not nh else '[10^%-3d]' % nh , \
                  dd , '' if not nd else '[10^%-3d]' % nd , \
                  "%-.2f" % cp.rms() 
            table.append ( row )

        title = 'Finite differences test for D=%s derivative' %  D  
        table = T.table ( table , title = title , prefix = '# ' , alignment = 'rrlclcr' )
        logger.info ('%s\n%s' % ( title , table ) ) 
コード例 #9
ファイル: toys.py プロジェクト: chrisburr/ostap
def print_stats(stats, ntoys='???'):
    """print statistics of pseudoexperiments

    table = [('Parameter', '#', 'mean', 'rms', '%13s / %-13s' % ('min', 'max'))
    keys = stats.keys()
    keys = sorted(keys)

    def make_row(c):
        n = "{:^11}".format(c.nEntries())
        mean = c.mean()
        mean = "%+13.6g +- %-13.6g" % (mean.value(), mean.error())
        rms = "%13.6g" % c.rms()
        minmax = "%+13.6g / %-+13.6g" % (c.min(), c.max())
        return p, n, mean, rms, minmax

    for p in sorted(stats):
        if p.startswith('pull:'): continue
        c = stats[p]

    for p in sorted(stats):
        if not p.startswith('pull:'): continue
        c = stats[p]

    import ostap.logger.table as Table
    table = Table.table(table,
                        title="Results of %s toys" % ntoys,
                        prefix="# ")
    logger.info('Results of %s toys:\n%s' % (ntoys, table))
コード例 #10
def test_pickle():
    logger = getLogger('test_pickle')
    logger.info('Check pickling/unpickling')

    bad = False
    import pickle
    rows = [('#', 'before', 'after', 'mean', 'rms')]
    for i, f in enumerate(progress_bar(functions), start=1):

        n, ff = f
        fs = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(ff))
        s = SE()
        for j in range(1000):
            x = random.uniform(ff.xmin(), ff.xmax())
            s += abs(fs(x) - ff(x))

        mean = '%-+.6g' % s.mean()
        rms = '%-+.6g' % s.rms()

        if 1.e-7 < s.mean(): mean = attention(mean)
        if 1.e-7 < s.rms(): rms = attention(rms)

        row = '%d' % i, ff.__class__.__name__, fs.__class__.__name__, mean, rms
        ## row = '%d' % i , '%s' % ff  , '%s' % fs , '%-+.5g' % s.mean() , '%-+.5g' % s.rms()


    import ostap.logger.table as T
    title = "Compare before/after serialisation"
    table = T.table(rows, title=title, prefix='# ', alignment='rllll')
    if bad: logger.warning('%s\n%s' % (title, table))
    else: logger.info('%s\n%s' % (title, table))
コード例 #11
def _rp_table_ ( plot , prefix = '' , title = '' ) :
    """Format <code>RooPlot</code> as a table
    >>> frame = ...
    >>> print ( frame.table( title = 'Title', prefix = '# ' ) 
    - see `RooPlot`
    def _name ( obj  ) :
        n = type( obj ).__name__ 
        p = n.find ( 'cppyy.gbl.' ) 
        return n [ p + 10 : ] if 0 < p else n
    if not title  :
        title = 'RooPlot %s' % plot.name
    table = [ ( 'Index' , 'Type' , 'Option' , 'Name' ) ]
    for index , obj in enumerate ( plot )  :
        name = plot.nameOf ( index ) 
        row  = '%2d' % index , _name ( obj ) , plot.getDrawOptions ( name ) , name  

        table.append ( row )

    import ostap.logger.table as T
    return T.table ( table , title = title, prefix = prefix , alignment = 'clcw' )
コード例 #12
def test_carlson_Eq51():
    """Test identity Eq (49) arXiv:math/9409227' )
    - see Ostap::Math.carlson_RF 

    logger = getLogger('test_carlson_Eq51')
    logger.info('Test identity Eq.(451) from arXiv:math/9409227')

    ad_max = -1
    rd_max = -1

    rows = [('Arguments', 'Left', 'Right', 'abs-delta', 'rel-delta')]

    for i in range(NTEST):

        x = random.uniform(0, 100)
        y = random.uniform(0, 100)
        p = random.uniform(0, 100)
        l = random.uniform(0, 100)
        m = x * y / l

        a = p * p * (l + m + x + y)
        b = p * (p + l) * (p + m)

        left = RJ(x + l, y + l, l, p + l) + RJ(x + m, y + m, m, p + m)
        right = RJ(x, y, 0, p) - 3 * RC(a, b)

        ad = abs(left - right)
        rd = abs(left / right - 1)

        if prec_TIGHT < ad or prec_TIGHT < rd:
            row = str ( (x,y,p,l,m) ) , \
                  '%+.12f' % left   , \
                  '%+.12f' % right  , \
                  '%.5g' % ad       , \
                  '%.5g' % rd

        ad_max = max(ad_max, ad)
        rd_max = max(rd_max, rd)

    row = '', '', '', '%.5g' % ad_max, '%.5g' % rd_max

    title = 'Test Eq.(51) from arXiv:math/9409227; bad values from %d tests ' % NTEST
    table = T.table(rows, title=title, prefix='# ', alignment='llll')

    logger.info('%s\n%s' % (title, table))

    if max(ad_max, rd_max) < prec_TIGHT:
        logger.info('Maximal differences are %.5g/%.5g (abs/rel)' %
                    (ad_max, rd_max))
    elif max(ad_max, rd_max) < prec_LOOSE:
        logger.warning('Maximal differences are %.5g/%.5g (abs/rel)' %
                       (ad_max, rd_max))
        logger.error('Maximal differences are %.5g/%.5g (abs/rel)' %
                     (ad_max, rd_max))
コード例 #13
def test_derivative_4 ():

    logger = getLogger ( 'test_derivative_4' )

    functions = (
        ( lambda x : cos(10.*x)   , lambda x : -10*sin(10.*x)                  ) , 
        ( lambda x : x**3         , lambda x : 3.0*x*x                         ) , 
        ( lambda x : exp(x)       , lambda x : exp(x)                          ) ,
        ( lambda x : x**8         , lambda x : 8.0*x**7                        ) ,
        ( lambda x : tanh(2.*x)   , lambda x : 2*(1.-tanh(2.*x)**2)            ) ,
        ( lambda x : 1.11*x       , lambda x : 1.11                            ) , 
        ( lambda x : 1.11111      , lambda x : 0.0                             ) , 
        ( lambda x : x**10        , lambda x : 10.*x**9                        ) , 
    from ostap.core.core import SE
    counters = {} 

    from ostap.utils.progress_bar import progress_bar
    IMAX  = 8 
    table =  [ ['Function'] + [ 'I=%d' % i for i in range ( IMAX ) ] ] 
    for i , o in enumerate ( progress_bar ( functions ) ) :
        fun = o [ 0 ] ## function 
        der = o [ 1 ] ## derivative 
        row = [ '%2d' % (i+1) ]
        for I in range ( IMAX ) :
            cnt1 = SE ()            
            cnt2 = SE ()
            dd   = Derivative ( fun , step = 0.001 , calc = I , with_error = True )

            for j in range ( 1000 ) :
                x = random.uniform ( 0.05 , 1.5 )
                res  = dd ( x ) 
                dif  = float ( res ) - der ( x ) 
                cnt1 += dif 
                if res.cov2() > 0 : cnt2 += dif/res.error()  
            mmax1 = abs ( cnt1.max ()  *10**12 ) 
            if 2 < cnt2.nEntries() : 
                mmax2 = cnt2.max()
                row.append ( '%7.3f / %-5.2fs' % ( mmax1, mmax2 ) )
            else :
                mmax2 = 0
                row.append ( '%7.3f / %-5.2fs' % ( mmax1, mmax2 ) )
        table.append ( row )

    table = T.table ( table , prefix = '# ' , alignment=9*'c' )
    logger.info ('Numerical differentiation: Max difference [10^12]\n%s' % table ) 
コード例 #14
def test_carlson_eq19217():
    """Test identity Eq.(19.21.7) https://dlmf.nist.gov/19' 
    - see Ostap::Math.carlson_RD 
    - see Ostap::Math.carlson_RF 

    logger = getLogger('test_carlson_eq19217')
    logger.info('Test identity Eq.(19.21.7) https://dlmf.nist.gov/19')

    ad_max = -1
    rd_max = -1

    rows = [('Arguments', 'Left', 'Right', 'abs-delta', 'rel-delta')]

    for i in range(NTEST):

        x = random.uniform(0, 100)
        y = random.uniform(0, 100)
        z = random.uniform(0, 100)

        left = (x - y) * RD(y, z, x) + (z - y) * RD(x, y, z)
        right = 3 * RF(x, y, z) - 3 * math.sqrt(y / (x * z))

        ad = abs(left - right)
        rd = abs(left / right - 1)

        if prec_TIGHT < ad or prec_TIGHT < rd:
            row = str ( (z,) ) , \
                  '%+.12f' % left   , \
                  '%+.12f' % right  , \
                      '%.5g' % ad       , \
                      '%.5g' % rd

        ad_max = max(ad_max, ad)
        rd_max = max(rd_max, rd)

    row = '', '', '', '%.5g' % ad_max, '%.5g' % rd_max

    title = 'Test Eq.(19.21.7) from https://dlmf.nist.gov/19; bad values from %d tests ' % NTEST
    table = T.table(rows, title=title, prefix='# ', alignment='llll')

    logger.info('%s\n%s' % (title, table))

    if max(ad_max, rd_max) < prec_TIGHT:
        logger.info('Maximal differences are %.5g/%.5g (abs/rel)' %
                    (ad_max, rd_max))
    elif max(ad_max, rd_max) < prec_LOOSE:
        logger.warning('Maximal differences are %.5g/%.5g (abs/rel)' %
                       (ad_max, rd_max))
        logger.error('Maximal differences are %.5g/%.5g (abs/rel)' %
                     (ad_max, rd_max))
コード例 #15
def test_carlson_Eq54():
    """Test identity Eq.(54) arXiv:math/9409227' )
    - see Ostap::Math.carlson_RD 

    logger = getLogger('test_carlson_Eq54')
    logger.info('Test identity Eq.(54) from arXiv:math/9409227')

    ad_max = -1
    rd_max = -1

    rows = [('Arguments', 'Left', 'Right', 'abs-delta', 'rel-delta')]

    for i in range(NTEST):

        x = random.uniform(0, 100)
        y = random.uniform(0, 100)
        z = random.uniform(0, 100)

        left = RD(x, y, z) + RD(y, z, x) + RD(z, x, y)
        right = 3.0 / math.sqrt(x * y * z)

        ad = abs(left - right)
        rd = abs(left / right - 1)

        if prec_TIGHT < ad or prec_TIGHT < rd:
            row = str ( (x,y,z) ) , \
                  '%+.12f' % left   , \
                  '%+.12f' % right  , \
                      '%.5g' % ad       , \
                      '%.5g' % rd

        ad_max = max(ad_max, ad)
        rd_max = max(rd_max, rd)

    row = '', '', '', '%.5g' % ad_max, '%.5g' % rd_max

    title = 'Test Eq.(54) from arXiv:math/9409227; bad values from %d tests ' % NTEST
    table = T.table(rows, title=title, prefix='# ', alignment='llll')

    logger.info('%s\n%s' % (title, table))

    if max(ad_max, rd_max) < prec_TIGHT:
        logger.info('Maximal differences are %.5g/%.5g (abs/rel)' %
                    (ad_max, rd_max))
    elif max(ad_max, rd_max) < prec_LOOSE:
        logger.warning('Maximal differences are %.5g/%.5g (abs/rel)' %
                       (ad_max, rd_max))
        logger.error('Maximal differences are %.5g/%.5g (abs/rel)' %
                     (ad_max, rd_max))
コード例 #16
def make_table(func, title, prefix="# "):

    rows = [('x', 'fitted eff [%]', 'true eff [%]', 'delta [%]')]
    for p in points:

        e1 = 100 * func(p, error=True)
        e2 = 100 * eff0(p)
        d = e1 - e2
        row = "%4.2f" % p , \
              "%s"    %  e1.toString ( '(%5.2f+-%4.2f)'  ) ,\
              "%.2f"  %  e2  ,\
              "%s"    %  d .toString ( '(%5.2f+-%4.2f)'  )

    from ostap.logger.table import table
    return table(rows, title=title, prefix=prefix)
コード例 #17
ファイル: root_file.py プロジェクト: OstapHEP/ostap
def _rd_table_(rdir, prefix='# '):
    """Show the content of the directory as a table
    >>> rdir = ...
    >>> rdir.ls_table ()

    lines = [(n, k.GetClassName(), k.GetObjlen())
             for (n, k) in _rd_ikeyskeys_(rdir)]
    maxkey = 5
    maxtype = 5
    for l in lines:
        maxkey = max(maxkey, len(l[0]))
        maxtype = max(maxtype, len(l[1]))

    fmt_type = '%%-%ds' % (maxtype + 2)
    fmt_key = '%%-%ds' % (maxkey + 2)

    table = [(fmt_key % 'Key', fmt_type % 'type', 'Size')]
    for line in lines:

        size = line[2]
        if 1024 * 1024 * 1024 <= size:
            size, _ = divmod(size, 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
            size = '%s GB' % size
        elif 1024 * 1024 <= size:
            size, _ = divmod(size, 1024 * 1024)
            size = '%s MB' % size
        elif 1024 <= size:
            size, _ = divmod(size, 1024)
            size = '%s kB' % size
            size = '%3d  B' % size

        row = fmt_key % line[0], fmt_type % line[1], size

    name = rdir.GetName()
    if isinstance(rdir, ROOT.TFile):
        name = os.path.basename(name)

    if maxkey + maxtype < len(name):
        name = '<.>' + name[-maxkey - maxtype:]

    import ostap.logger.table as T
    return T.table(table, title='%s' % name, prefix='# ', alignment='llr')
コード例 #18
ファイル: frames.py プロジェクト: OstapHEP/ostap
def report_print_table(report, title='', prefix='', more_rows=[]):
    """Print a frame report data 
    from ostap.core.core import binomEff

    n0 = -1
    lmax = 5
    table = []

    for name, passed, all in report:

        n0 = max(n0, all, passed)

        eff1 = binomEff(passed, all) * 100

        eff2 = binomEff(passed, n0) * 100

        lmax = max(len(name), lmax, len('Filter '))

        item = name, passed, all, eff1, eff2

    lmax = max(lmax + 2, len('Selection') + 2)
    fmt_name = '%%-%ds ' % lmax
    fmt_input = '%10d'
    fmt_passed = '%-10d'
    fmt_eff = '%8.3g +- %-8.3g'
    fmt_cumulated = '%8.3g +- %-8.3g'

    header = (('{:^%d}' % lmax).format('Filter'), ('{:>10}').format('#input '),
              ('{:<10}').format(' #passed'),
              ('{:^20}').format('efficiency [%]'),
              ('{:^20}').format('cumulated efficiency [%]'))

    table_data = [header]
    for entry in table:
        n, p, a, e1, e2 = entry
        table_data.append((fmt_name % n, fmt_input % a, fmt_passed % p,
                           fmt_eff % (e1.value(), e1.error()),
                           fmt_cumulated % (e2.value(), e2.error())))
    for row in more_rows:

    import ostap.logger.table as T
    return T.table(table_data, title, prefix)
コード例 #19
ファイル: pptunnel.py プロジェクト: DmitryYuGolubkov/ostap
def show_tunnels ( tunnels = None ) :
    """Show currently opened tunnels
    if tunnels is None : tunnels = ppServer.open_pptunnels

    rows = [ ( "local port"  , 'remote host:port' ) ]
    for tunnel in tunnels :
        if isinstance ( tunnel , ppServer ) : row = tunnel.stamp 
        else                                : row = tunnel
        rows.append ( row )
    import ostap.logger.table as Table
    table = Table.table ( rows , title = 'Opened %d ssh/pp-tunnels' % len ( tunnels ) , prefix = '# ')
    logger.info ( 'Opened %d ssh/pp-tunnels\n%s' %  ( len  ( tunnels ) , table ) )
コード例 #20
ファイル: gsl.py プロジェクト: chrisburr/ostap
def print_gsl_errors():
    """Catch GSL errors from C++ and print the summary table at exit

    gsl_cnt = Ostap.Utils.GslCount
    if 0 == gsl_cnt.size(): return  ## No GSL errors

    ## get the summary
    table = gsl_cnt.table()
    rows = []
    for tline in table:

            n, code, msg, reason, file, line = tline
            code = int(code)
            n = int(n)
                'print_gs_errors: failure to decode line: %s, skip it!' %

        row = '%4d' % n, '%3d:%s' % (code, msg), reason, file, line

    if rows:

        from ostap.logger.logger import getLogger
        logger = getLogger('ostap.utils.gsl')

        rows = [('#', 'error', 'reason', 'file', 'line')] + rows

        title = 'Summary of GSL errors'

        import ostap.logger.table as T
        from ostap.logger.colorized import attention
            '%s\n%s' %
             T.table(rows, title=title, prefix='# ', alignment='ccccl')))

    ## clear the errors
    del gsl_cnt
コード例 #21
ファイル: interpolation.py プロジェクト: OstapHEP/ostap
def _tab_print_(t,
    """Print interpolation table as table
    >>> table= ...
    >>> print ( table.table() )
    rows = [('Abscissa', 'Value')]
    for i in range(t.size()):
        x = t.x(i)
        y = t.y(i)
        row = xfmt % x, yfmt % y

    if not title: title = 'Interpolation Table'
    import ostap.logger.table as T
    return T.table(rows, title=title, prefix=prefix, alignment=alignment)
コード例 #22
def test_pickle():
    logger = getLogger('test_pickle')
    logger.info('Check pickling/unpickling')

    import pickle
    rows = [('#', 'before', 'after', 'mean', 'rms')]
    for i, f in enumerate(functions, start=1):

        fs = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(f))
        s = SE()
        for j in range(1000):
            x = random.uniform(f.xmin(), f.xmax())
            s += abs(fs(x) - f(x))
        row = '%d' % i, f.__class__.__name__, fs.__class__.__name__, '%-+.4g' % s.mean(
        ), '%-+.4g' % s.rms()

    import ostap.logger.table as T
    title = "Compare before/after eserialisation"
    table = T.table(rows, title=title, prefix='# ', alignment='rllll')
    logger.info('%s\n%s' % (title, table))
コード例 #23
def table_style(style, prefix='', title=''):
    """Dump the style as a table"""

    conf = dump_style(style)

    for i in range(31):
        key = 'LineStyleString_%s' % i
        fmt = style.GetLineStyleString(i)
        if fmt: conf[key] = fmt

    table = [('#', 'Parameter', 'value')]
    for i, key in enumerate(sorted(conf), start=1):

        value = conf[key]
        row = '%3d' % i, key, '%s' % value

    title = title if title else 'Style %s/%s' % (style.GetName(),
    import ostap.logger.table as T
    return T.table(table, title=title, prefix=prefix, alignment='ll')
コード例 #24
def test_derivative_2():

    logger = getLogger('test_derivative_2')

    cnt = {}
    cntE = {}
    for I in range(1, 9):
        cnt[I] = SE()

    func = lambda x: sin(10 * x) + x
    deri = lambda x: 10 * cos(10 * x) + 1

    with timing():

        for i in range(10000):

            x = random.uniform(0, pi)

            d_true = deri(x)

            for I in range(1, 9):
                delta = derivative(func, x, I=I) - d_true
                cnt[I] += delta

    rows = [('Order', '#', 'min', 'max')]
    for i in cnt:
        c = cnt[I]
        row = '%d' % i, '%d' % c.nEntries(), '%+.5g' % c.min(
        ), '%+.5g' % c.max()

    table = T.table(rows,
                    title='Test numerical derivatives',
                    prefix='# ',

    logger.info('Test numerical derivatives\n%s' % table)
コード例 #25
ファイル: toys.py プロジェクト: OstapHEP/ostap
def print_bootstrap(fitresult, stats, morevars={}, logger=logger, title=''):
    """print Bootstrap statistics

    header = ('Parameter', 'theta', 'theta_boot', 'bias/sigma [%]',
              'error [%]')
    table = []

    n = 0

    for name in sorted(stats):

        if name in fitresult:
            p = fitresult[name]
            theta = p * 1.0
            if not isinstance(theta, VE) or theta.cov2() <= 0:
                    'print_bootstrap: parameter "%s" is invalid in ``fitresult'
                    ', skip %s' % (name, theta))
        elif name in morevars:
            theta = morevars[name]
            if not isinstance(theta, VE) or theta.cov2() <= 0:
                    'print_bootstrap: parameter "%s" is invalid in ``morevars'
                    ',  skip %s' % (name, theta))

        statistics = stats[name]

        n = max(n, statistics.nEntries())

        theta_boot = VE(statistics.mean().value(), statistics.mu2())

        bias = theta_boot.value() - theta.value()
        scale = theta.error() / theta_boot.error()

        row = (name, "%+13.6g +/- %-13.6g" % (theta.value(), theta.error()),
               "%+13.6g +/- %-13.6g" %
               (theta_boot.value(), theta_boot.error()), '%+6.2f' %
               (bias / theta.error() * 100), '%+6.2f' % (scale * 100 - 100))


    for name in sorted(stats):

        if name in fitresult: continue
        if name in morevars: continue

        statistics = stats[name]
        theta_boot = VE(statistics.mean().value(), statistics.mu2())

        row = name, '', "%+13.6g +/- %-13.6g" % (theta_boot.value(),
                                                 theta_boot.error()), '', ''

    table = [header] + table

    title = title if title else "Bootstrapping with #%d samples" % n

    import ostap.logger.table as Table
    table = Table.table(table, title=title, alignment='lcccc', prefix="# ")
    logger.info('%s:\n%s' % (title, table))
コード例 #26
ファイル: toys.py プロジェクト: OstapHEP/ostap
def print_jackknife(fitresult, stats, morevars={}, logger=logger, title=''):
    """print Jackknife statistics

    header = ('Parameter', 'theta', 'theta_(.)', 'theta_jack',
              'bias/sigma [%]', 'error [%]')
    table = []

    N = 0
    for name in sorted(stats):

        if name in fitresult:
            p = fitresult[name]
            theta = p * 1.0
            if not isinstance(theta, VE) or theta.cov2() <= 0:
                    'print_jackknife: parameter "%s" is invalid in ``fitresult'
                    ', skip %s' % (name, theta))
        elif name in morevars:
            theta = morevars[name]
            if not isinstance(theta, VE) or theta.cov2() <= 0:
                    'print_jackknife: parameter "%s" is invalid in ``morevars'
                    ',  skip %s' % (name, theta))

        statistics = stats[name]

        N = max(N, statistics.nEntries())

        ## jackknife estimates
        jackknife, theta_jack = jackknife_statistics(statistics, theta)

        bias = theta_jack.value() - theta.value()
        scale = theta.error() / theta_jack.error()

        row = (name, "%+13.6g +/- %-13.6g" % (theta.value(), theta.error()),
               "%+13.6g +/- %-13.6g" % (jackknife.value(), jackknife.error()),
               "%+13.6g +/- %-13.6g" %
               (theta_jack.value(), theta_jack.error()), '%+6.2f' %
               (bias / theta.error() * 100), '%+6.2f' % (scale * 100 - 100))


    for name in sorted(stats):

        if name in fitresult: continue
        if name in morevars: continue

        statistics = stats[name]
        jackknife = jackknife_statistics(statistics)

        row = name, '', "%+13.6g +/- %-13.6g" % (jackknife.value(),
                                                 jackknife.error()), '', '', ''

    table = [header] + table

    title = title if title else "Jackknife results (N=%d)" % N

    import ostap.logger.table as Table
    table = Table.table(table, title=title, alignment='lcccccc', prefix="# ")
    logger.info('%s:\n%s' % (title, table))
コード例 #27
def _cleanup_ () :
    ## 1. clean up the files 
    tmp_files  = CleanUp._tmpfiles
    logger.debug ( 'remove temporary files: %s' % list ( tmp_files ) )
    while tmp_files :
        f = tmp_files.pop()
        CleanUp.remove_file ( f )

    ## 2. clean up  the directories 
    tmp_dirs = CleanUp._tmpdirs
    logger.debug ( 'remove temporary directories: %s' % list ( tmp_dirs ) )
    while tmp_dirs :
        f = tmp_dirs.pop()
        CleanUp.remove_dir ( f )

    ## 3.remove base directories
    global base_tmp_pid_dirs    
    for k in base_tmp_pid_dirs :
        d = base_tmp_pid_dirs [ k ]
        CleanUp.remove_dir ( d )
    base_tmp_pid_dirs = {}

    ## 4. remove base tmp directory 
    if for_cleanup and base_tmp_dir :
        CleanUp.remove_dir ( base_tmp_dir  )

    if CleanUp._protected :
        title = 'Kept temporary files'
        rows = [] 
        for fname in CleanUp._protected :
            if os.path.exists ( fname ) and os.path.isfile ( fname ) :
                row = '%s' % fname
                rows.append ( row )
        if rows : 
            rows = [  ('%d' % i , f ) for i, f in enumerate ( rows , start = 1 ) ]
            rows = [ ( '#', title ) ] + rows 
            import ostap.logger.table as T
            table = T.table ( rows , title = title , prefix = "# " , alignment = 'rl' )
            logger.info ( '%s:\n%s' % ( title , table ) ) 

    if CleanUp._failed :
        title = 'Not removed directories/files'
        rows  = []

        def alldirs ( path ) :
            a , b = os.path.split ( path )
            yield a
            while a and b :
                a , b = os.path.split ( a )
                yield a

        pdirs = set() 
        for pp in CleanUp._protected :
            pdirs |= set ( ( p for p in alldirs ( pp ) ) ) 
        for fname in CleanUp._failed :
            if os.path.exists ( fname ) and os.path.isdir  ( fname ) and not fname in pdirs :
                row = '%s' % fname
                rows.append ( row )
        for fname in CleanUp._failed :
            if fname in CleanUp._protected : continue 
            if os.path.exists ( fname ) and os.path.isfile ( fname ) :
                row = '%s' % fname
                rows.append ( row )
        if rows : 
            rows = [  ('%d' % i , f ) for i, f in enumerate ( rows , start = 1 ) ]
            rows = [ ( '#', title ) ] + rows 
            import ostap.logger.table as T
            title = 'Not removed directories/files'
            table = T.table ( rows , title = title  , prefix = "# " , alignment = 'rl' )
            logger.warning ( '%s\n%s' % ( title , table ) ) 
コード例 #28
ファイル: frames.py プロジェクト: OstapHEP/ostap
def frame_table(self, pattern=None, cuts='', more_vars=(), prefix=''):
    """Data frame as table
    >>> frame = ...
    >>> table = frame_table ( frame , '.*PT.*' , cuts = ... , more_vars = [ 'x*x/y' , 'y+z'] )
    >>> print ( table )

    frame = DataFrame(self)

    def col_type(var):

        if var in cols: t = frame.GetColumnType(var)
        else: return ''

        if 'Double_t' == t: return 'double'
        elif 'Float_t' == t: return 'float'
        elif 'Bool_t' == t: return 'bool'
        elif 'Char_t' == t: return 'char'
        elif 'Short_t' == t: return 'short'
        elif 'Int_t' == t: return 'int'
        elif 'Long64_t' == t: return 'long'
        elif 'UChar_t' == t: return 'unsigned char'
        elif 'UShort_t' == t: return 'unisgned short'
        elif 'UInt_t' == t: return 'unsigned int'
        elif 'ULong64_t' == t: return 'unisgned long'

        return t

    ## get all variables/columns
    cols = tuple(frame.GetColumnNames())

    vcols = cols

    if pattern:
        import re
        cpat = re.compile(pattern)
        vcols = tuple([v for v in vcols if cpat.match(v)])

    svars = vcols + tuple(more_vars)
    stats = fr_statVars(frame, svars, cuts=cuts, lazy=False)

    if len(vcols) < 10: ifmt = '%1d.'
    elif len(vcols) < 100: ifmt = '%2d.'
    elif len(vcols) < 1000: ifmt = '%3d.'
    else: ifmt = '%d6.'

    header = ('#', 'Variable', 'Type', 'mean', 'RMS', 'min', 'max')
    table = [header]

    for i, e in enumerate(sorted(vcols), start=1):

        stat = stats[e]

        n = stat.nEntries()
        mnmx = stat.minmax()
        mean = stat.mean()
        rms = stat.rms()

        row = [
            ifmt % i,
            ('%+.5g' % mean.value()).strip(),  ## 4
            ('%-.5g' % rms).strip(),  ## 5 
            ('%+.5g' % mnmx[0]).strip(),  ## 6
            ('%-+.5g' % mnmx[1]).strip(),  ## 7


    nv = len(table)

    if len(more_vars) < 10: ifmt = '%1d.'
    elif len(more_vars) < 100: ifmt = '%2d.'
    elif len(more_vars) < 1000: ifmt = '%3d.'
    else: ifmt = '%6d.'

    for i, e in enumerate(sorted(more_vars), start=1):

        stat = stats[e]

        n = stat.nEntries()
        mnmx = stat.minmax()
        mean = stat.mean()
        rms = stat.rms()

        row = [
            ifmt % i,
            ('%+.5g' % mean.value()).strip(),  ## 4
            ('%-.5g' % rms).strip(),  ## 5 
            ('%+.5g' % mnmx[0]).strip(),  ## 6
            ('%-+.5g' % mnmx[1]).strip(),  ## 7


    import ostap.logger.table as T
    title = 'DataFrame variables'
    if pattern: title = '%s (pattern %s)' % (title, pattern)
    t = T.table(table, title, prefix=prefix, alignment='rllrlrl')

    return t
コード例 #29
def source_env(scripts, silent=False, lmax1=65, lmax2=55):
    """``Source'' the environment file
    >>> from ostap.utuls.source_env import source_env
    >>> get the dict of all modified/new variables 
    >>> variables =  source_env ( 'my_env_script.sh' )
    >>> # inspect the list and modify os.environ
    >>> for key in  variables :
    ... if k in good_keys :
    ...    os.environ[key] = variables [  key ] 
    from ostap.core.ostap_types import string_types

    if isinstance(scripts, string_types): scripts = [scripts]

    if not scripts: return

    before = {}

    variables = {}
    for script in scripts:
        if not os.path.exists(script) or not os.path.isfile(script):
            logger.error("Invalid script ``%s'' for sourcing! skip it!" %

        command = 'sh -c "source %s && env"' % script
        args = shlex.split(command)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        ## stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
        ## error = False
        ## for line in proc.stderr :
        ##     if line : line = line [:-1]
        ##     logger.error ( "stderr: %s" % line )
        ##     error = True

        ## assert not error,\
        ##        "source_env: cannot source script %s using ``%s''" % ( script , command )
        vars = {}
        for line in proc.stdout:
            if line: line = line[:-1]
            key, _, value = line.partition("=")
            if _ and not key in skip:
                vars[key] = value


    new_keys = set(variables.keys()) - set(before.keys())
    modified = set()
    for key in variables:
        if key in before and variables[key] != before[key]:

    if not silent and (new_keys or modified):

        import ostap.logger.table as Table

        if new_keys:
            new_keys = list(new_keys)
            rows = [("Variable", 'Value', '#')]
            for key in new_keys:
                value = variables[key]

                path = value.split(':')
                while '' in path:
                path = len(path)
                path = str(path) if 2 <= path else ''

                value = clip(value, lmax1)
                row = key, value, path
            table = Table.table(rows, title="New variables", prefix='# ')
            logger.info('New %d variables:%s\n%s' %
                        (len(new_keys), new_keys, table))

        if modified:
            modified = list(modified)
            rows = [("Variable", 'New value', '#', 'Old value', '#')]
            for key in modified:
                value1 = variables[key]
                value2 = before[key]

                path1 = value1.split(':')
                while '' in path1:
                path1 = len(path1)
                path1 = str(path1) if 2 <= path1 else ''

                path2 = value2.split(':')
                while '' in path2:
                path2 = len(path2)
                path2 = str(path2) if 2 <= path2 else ''

                value1 = clip(value1, lmax2)
                value2 = clip(value2, lmax2)

                row = key, value1, path1, value2, path2

            table = Table.table(rows, title="Modified variables", prefix='# ')
            logger.info('Modified %d variables:%s\n%s' %
                        (len(modified), modified, table))

    result = {}
    for key in new_keys:
        result[key] = variables[key]
    for key in modified:
        result[key] = variables[key]

    return result
コード例 #30
    def ls(self, pattern='', load=True):
        """List the available keys (patterns included).
        Pattern matching is performed accoriding to
        fnmatch/glob/shell rules [it is not regex!] 

        >>> db = ...
        >>> db.ls() ## all keys
        >>> db.ls ('*MC*')        
        n = os.path.basename(self.filename)
        ap = os.path.abspath(self.filename)

            fs = os.path.getsize(self.filename)
            fs = -1

        if fs < 0: size = "???"
        elif fs < 1024: size = str(fs)
        elif fs < 1024 * 1024:
            size = '%.2fkB' % (float(fs) / 1024)
        elif fs < 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
            size = '%.2fMB' % (float(fs) / (1024 * 1024))
            size = '%.2fGB' % (float(fs) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024))

        keys = []
        for k in self.ikeys(pattern):
        if keys: mlen = max([len(k) for k in keys]) + 2
        else: mlen = 2
        fmt = ' --> %%-%ds : %%s' % mlen

        table = [('Key', 'type', '   size   ')]
        for k in keys:
            size = ''
            ss = self.__sizes.get(k, -1)
            if ss < 0: size = ''
            elif ss < 1024: size = '%7d   ' % ss
            elif ss < 1024 * 1024:
                size = '%7.2f kB' % (float(ss) / 1024)
            elif ss < 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
                size = '%7.2f MB' % (float(ss) / (1024 * 1024))
                size = '%7.2f GB' % (float(ss) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024))

            ot = type(self[k])
            otype = ot.__cppname__ if hasattr(ot,
                                              '__cppname__') else ot.__name__
            row = '{:15}'.format(k), '{:15}'.format(otype), size

        import ostap.logger.table as T
        t = self.__class__.__name__
        title = '%s:%s' % (t, n)
        maxlen = 0
        for row in table:
            rowlen = 0
            for i in row:
                rowlen += len(i)
            maxlen = max(maxlen, rowlen)
        if maxlen + 3 <= len(title):
            title = '<.>' + title[-maxlen:]
        table = T.table(table, title=title, prefix='# ')
        ll = getLogger(n)
        line = 'Database %s:%s #keys: %d size: %s' % (t, ap, len(self), size)
        ll.info('%s\n%s' % (line, table))