def increase_unit_xp(self, unit: Unit, delta_xp: int): xp = unit.xp + delta_xp level = bisect.bisect_left(levelList, xp) - 1 unit.xp = xp unit.level = level if level > unit.level: self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit(unit, { 'state': 'gaining-level', 'stateParams': { 'level': level }, })) self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit(unit, { 'state': 'waiting', 'stateParams': {}, 'level': 'level' })) commander = unit.owner.commander if commander.unit_id == commander.xp = xp commander.level = level db_session.commit()
def sync_selected_unit(self): unit = self.battle.selected_unit if unit: actions = get_available_actions(unit) action_list = [{ 'x': cell.x, 'y': cell.y, 'type': action_type } for cell, action_type in actions.items()] self.shared_commands.append( Command( 'update-selected-unit', { 'actions': action_list, 'briefInfo': { 'atkMin': prototypes[unit.type]['atk']['min'], 'atkMax': prototypes[unit.type]['atk']['max'], 'def': prototypes[unit.type]['def'], 'extraDef': get_cell_defence_bonus(unit), 'level': unit.level, }, 'x': unit.x, 'y': unit.y, })) else: self.shared_commands.append(Command('clear-selected-unit', {}))
def check_players_defeat(self, player: Player): has_no_commander = player.commander.unit is None has_no_castle = len( player.buildings.filter_by(type='castle').all()) == 0 if has_no_commander and has_no_castle: player.defeated = True db_session.commit() team_players = self.battle.players.filter_by(, defeated=False).all() if team_players: for team_player in team_players: += // len(team_players) else: alive_players = self.battle.players.filter_by( defeated=False).all() teams_left = len({ for p in alive_players}) if teams_left == 1: self.battle.winner_team = alive_players[0].team self.shared_commands.append( Command('update-status', { 'winnerTeam': self.battle.winner_team, })) db_session.commit()
def heal_units(self): neutral_buildings_q = self.battle.buildings.filter( Building.type.in_(('well', 'temple'))) buildings = self.battle.active_player.buildings.union_all( neutral_buildings_q).all() injured_units = self.battle.active_player.units.filter( < 100).all() deltas = {} for unit in injured_units: b = [b for b in buildings if b.x == unit.x and b.y == unit.y] building = b[0] if b else None if building: up = building_prototypes[building.type]['healthUp'] delta_hp = min(100 -, up) deltas[] = delta_hp += delta_hp db_session.commit() if [u for u in injured_units if in deltas]: self.shared_commands.append( Command( 'update-units', { 'units': [{ 'id':, 'changes': { 'state': 'healing', 'stateParams': { 'deltaHp': deltas[], } } } for unit in injured_units] })) self.shared_commands.append( Command( 'update-units', { 'units': [{ 'id':, 'changes': { 'health':, 'state': 'waiting', 'stateParams': {}, } } for unit in injured_units] }))
def handle_click_on_cell(self, x: int, y: int): cell = Cell(x, y) if self.battle.selected_unit: actions = get_available_actions(self.battle.selected_unit) else: actions = {} if cell in actions.keys(): action = actions[cell] print(action) self.clear_selected_unit_actions() if action == 'move': self.move_unit(self.battle.selected_unit, cell) elif action == 'fix-building': self.fix_building(self.battle.selected_unit) elif action == 'occupy-building': self.occupy_building(self.battle.selected_unit) elif action == 'attack-unit': unit = Unit.query.filter_by(, x=x, y=y).one() self.attack_unit(self.battle.selected_unit, unit) self.sync_units_active() return self unit = Unit.query.filter_by(, x=x, y=y, owner=self.battle.active_player).one_or_none() if unit: self.select_unit(unit) return self store = Building.query.filter_by(, x=x, y=y, type='castle', owner=self.battle.active_player).one_or_none() if store: self.commands.append( Command( 'open-store', { 'storeCell': { 'x': store.x, 'y': store.y }, 'items': get_units_to_buy(self.battle) })) return self self.clear_selected_unit() return self
def sync_units_active(self): units = self.battle.active_player.units.all() self.shared_commands.append( Command( 'update-units', { 'units': [{ 'id':, 'changes': { 'active': len(get_available_actions(unit)) } } for unit in units] }))
def attack_unit(self, attacker: Unit, defender: Unit): defending_player = defender.owner self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit( attacker, { 'state': 'attacking', 'stateParams': { 'x': defender.x, 'y': defender.y, 'targetType': 'unit', } })) dmg = calculate_damage(attacker, defender) health = max( - dmg, 0) self.decrease_unit_hp(defender, dmg) self.increase_unit_xp(attacker, dmg) if health > 0 and can_strike_back(defender, attacker.cell): self.strike_back(defender, attacker) self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit(attacker, { 'state': 'waiting', 'stateParams': {}, })) attacker.did_attack = True db_session.commit() if not inspect(attacker).detached: self.sync_selected_unit() else: self.clear_selected_unit() if health == 0: self.check_players_defeat(defending_player)
def strike_back(self, defender, attacker): self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit( defender, { 'state': 'attacking', 'stateParams': { 'x': attacker.x, 'y': attacker.y, 'targetType': 'unit', } })) dmg = calculate_damage(defender, attacker) self.decrease_unit_hp(attacker, dmg) self.increase_unit_xp(defender, dmg) self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit(defender, { 'state': 'waiting', 'stateParams': {}, }))
def decrease_unit_hp(self, unit, delta_hp): health = max( - delta_hp, 0) self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit(unit, { 'state': 'bleeding', 'stateParams': { 'deltaHp': delta_hp, } })) if health == 0: self.kill_unit(unit) else: = health self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit(unit, { 'state': 'waiting', 'stateParams': {}, 'health':, })) db_session.commit()
def kill_unit(self, unit: Unit): commander = unit.owner.commander if commander.unit == unit: commander.unit = None commander.death_count += 1 db_session.commit() Unit.query.filter_by( self.shared_commands.append(Command.delete_unit(unit)) db_session.commit() else: if unit.battle.selected_unit == unit: unit.battle.selected_unit = None db_session.commit() Unit.query.filter_by( self.shared_commands.append(Command.delete_unit(unit)) grave = Grave(x=unit.x, y=unit.y, ttl=2, battle=unit.battle) db_session.add(grave) db_session.commit() self.shared_commands.append(Command.add_grave(grave))
def buy_unit(self, unit_type: str, store_cell: Cell): store = Building.query.filter_by(, x=store_cell.x, y=store_cell.y).one_or_none() if store is None: raise Exception('No player\'s store in that cell') player = self.battle.active_player unit = Unit(type=unit_type, x=store_cell.x, y=store_cell.y, xp=0, level=0, health=100, owner=player, battle=self.battle) db_session.add(unit) if unit_type in commanderList: player.commander.unit = unit -= get_unit_cost(unit.type, player) db_session.commit() self.shared_commands.append(Command.add_unit(unit)) self.shared_commands.append( Command( 'update-status', { 'unitCount': self.battle.active_player.unit_count, 'money':, })) self.select_unit(unit) return self
def move_unit(self, unit, cell): self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit(unit, { 'state': 'moving', 'stateParams': { 'x': cell.x, 'y': cell.y, } })) unit.x = cell.x unit.y = cell.y unit.did_move = True db_session.commit() self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_unit(unit, { 'state': 'waiting', 'stateParams': {}, 'x': cell.x, 'y': cell.y, })) self.sync_selected_unit()
def fix_building(self, unit): building = Building.query.filter_by(battle=unit.battle, x=unit.x, y=unit.y).one() building.owner = unit.owner unit.did_fix = True db_session.commit() self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_building(building, { 'state': 'normal', })) self.sync_selected_unit()
def occupy_building(self, unit): building = Building.query.filter_by(battle=unit.battle, x=unit.x, y=unit.y).one() prev_owner = building.owner building.owner = unit.owner unit.did_occupy = True db_session.commit() self.shared_commands.append( Command.update_building(building, { 'color': building.owner.color, })) self.sync_selected_unit() if prev_owner: self.check_players_defeat(prev_owner)
def reset_units(self): units = Unit.query.filter_by(, owner=self.battle.active_player).all() for unit in units: unit.did_move = False unit.did_fix = False unit.did_occupy = False unit.did_attack = False db_session.commit() self.shared_commands.append( Command( 'update-units', { 'units': [{ 'id':, 'changes': { 'active': True } } for unit in units] }))
def end_turn(self): self.clear_selected_unit() self.reset_units() self.activate_next_player() income = self.collect_gold() += income db_session.commit() self.shared_commands.append( Command( 'update-status', { 'color': self.battle.active_player.color, 'unitCount': self.battle.active_player.unit_count, 'unitLimit': self.battle.active_player.unit_limit, 'money':, 'income': income, })) self.heal_units() return self
def collect_battle_data(self): buildings = self.battle.buildings.outerjoin(Building.owner) self.commands.append( Command( 'update-map', { 'width': self.battle.map_width, 'height': self.battle.map_height, 'terrain': { '{0},{1}'.format(str(t.x), str(t.y)): t.type for t in self.battle.terrain }, 'buildings': [{ 'x': b.x, 'y': b.y, 'type': b.type } for b in buildings] })) self.commands.append( Command( 'update-status', { 'color': self.battle.active_player.color, 'unitCount': self.battle.active_player.unit_count, 'unitLimit': self.battle.active_player.unit_limit, 'money':, 'winnerTeam': self.battle.winner_team, })) self.commands.append( Command( 'add-buildings', { 'buildings': [{ 'id':, 'x': b.x, 'y': b.y, 'type': b.type, 'state': b.state, 'color': b.owner.color if b.owner else None, } for b in buildings] })) graves = self.battle.graves self.commands.append( Command( 'add-graves', {'graves': [{ 'id':, 'x': b.x, 'y': b.y } for b in graves]})) units = self.battle.units.outerjoin(Unit.owner) self.commands.append( Command( 'add-units', { 'units': [{ 'id':, 'x': b.x, 'y': b.y, 'type': b.type, 'color': b.owner.color if b.owner else None, 'level': b.level, 'health':, 'state': 'waiting', 'active': len(get_available_actions(b)) } for b in units] })) self.sync_selected_unit() return self
def clear_selected_unit_actions(self): self.shared_commands.append( Command('update-selected-unit', { 'actions': [], }))
def clear_selected_unit(self): self.battle.selected_unit = None db_session.commit() self.shared_commands.append(Command('clear-selected-unit', {}))
def start_battle(self, battle_map, preferences): terrain = [] for cell, terrain_type in battle_map['terrain'].items(): [x, y] = cell.split(',') terrain.append(Terrain(x=x, y=y, type=terrain_type)) db_session.add_all(terrain) buildings = {} for b in battle_map['buildings']: building = Building(type=b['type'], x=b['x'], y=b['y'], state=b['state']) if 'ownerId' in b: building.owner_id = b['ownerId'] buildings[b['id']] = building db_session.add_all(buildings.values()) units = {} for u in battle_map['units']: unit = Unit(type=u['type'], x=u['x'], y=u['y'], xp=0, level=0, health=100, did_move=False, did_attack=False, did_fix=False, did_occupy=False) if 'ownerId' in u: unit.owner_id = u['ownerId'] units[u['id']] = unit players = {} for p in battle_map['players']: pref = next(pref for pref in preferences['players'] if pref['id'] == p['id']) commander_unit_id = p['commander']['unitId'] if commander_unit_id: commander_unit = units[commander_unit_id] commander_unit.type = pref['commander'] else: commander_unit = None commander = Commander(character=pref['commander'], death_count=0, xp=0, level=0, unit=commander_unit) player = Player(color=pref['color'], team=pref['team'], money=pref['money'], unit_limit=pref['unitLimit'], type=pref['type'], commander=commander, defeated=False) players[p['id']] = player for b in battle_map['buildings']: if 'ownerId' in b: buildings[b['id']].owner = players[b['ownerId']] for u in battle_map['units']: if 'ownerId' in u: units[u['id']].owner = players[u['ownerId']] db_session.add_all(players.values()) db_session.add_all(units.values()) first_player = next(iter(dict.values(players))) battle = Battle(map_width=battle_map['width'], map_height=battle_map['height'], turn_count=0, circle_count=0, active_player=first_player, terrain=terrain, buildings=buildings.values(), players=players.values(), units=units.values()) db_session.add(battle) db_session.commit() self.shared_commands.append(Command('start-battle', {'id':})) return self