コード例 #1
	def set_size(self, new_width, new_height):
		# Set the actual width and height to the new width and height.
		self.actual_width = new_width
		self.actual_height = new_height

		# Temporarily store the old width and height, used for positioning the paddle later.
		old_width = self.rect.width
		old_height = self.rect.height

		# Change the rect width.
		if self.actual_width > self.max_width:
			self.rect.width = self.max_width
		elif self.actual_width < self.min_width:
			self.rect.width = self.min_width
			self.rect.width = self.actual_width

		# Change the rect height.
		if self.actual_height > self.max_height:
			self.rect.height = self.max_height
		elif self.actual_height < self.min_height:
			self.rect.height = self.min_height
			self.rect.height = self.actual_height

		# Make sure the position of the paddle isn't changed.
		self.x += (old_width - self.rect.width) / 2.0
		self.y += (old_height - self.rect.height) / 2.0

		if hasattr(self, 'image'):
			# Resize the current image.
			self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.rect.width, self.rect.height))
			# Create the image attribute that is drawn to the surface.
			self.image = pygame.Surface((self.rect.width, self.rect.height), pygame.locals.SRCALPHA)
		# Blit the top part.
		self.image.blit(Paddle.top_image, (0, 0))

		# Blit the middle parts.
		for i in range(Paddle.top_image.get_height(), self.rect.height - Paddle.bottom_image.get_height()):
			self.image.blit(Paddle.middle_image, (0, i))

		# Blit the bottom part.
		self.image.blit(Paddle.bottom_image, (0, self.rect.height - Paddle.bottom_image.get_height()))

		useful.colorize_image(self.image, copy.copy(self.owner.color), False, False)

		# If the shadow already exists, kill it first.
		if hasattr(self, 'shadow'):

		# Then, create a (new) shadow.
		self.shadow = shadow.Shadow(self)
コード例 #2
ファイル: timeout.py プロジェクト: Pigmassacre/mBreak
	def __init__(self, parent, duration):
		# We start by calling the superconstructor.
		effect.Effect.__init__(self, parent, duration)

		# Create the image attribute that is drawn to the surface. We only do this if the parent is a ball, however.
		if self.parent.__class__ == ball.Ball:
			self.image = Timeout.image.copy()
			useful.colorize_image(self.image, self.parent.color)

		# Set the rects width and height to the standard values.
		self.rect.width = Timeout.width
		self.rect.height = Timeout.height
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, parent, duration):
        # We start by calling the superconstructor.
        effect.Effect.__init__(self, parent, duration)

        # Create the image attribute that is drawn to the surface. We only do this if the parent is a ball, however.
        if self.parent.__class__ == ball.Ball:
            self.image = Timeout.image.copy()
            useful.colorize_image(self.image, self.parent.color)

        # Set the rects width and height to the standard values.
        self.rect.width = Timeout.width
        self.rect.height = Timeout.height
コード例 #4
ファイル: shadow.py プロジェクト: kangah-codes/mBreak
	def __init__(self, parent, color = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0, 128), linger = False, fill = False):
		# We start by calling the superconstructor.
		# Keep track of the parent, used to position the shadow.
		self.parent = parent

		# Create the rect used for drawing the shadow.
		self.rect = pygame.rect.Rect(self.parent.rect.x, self.parent.rect.y, self.parent.rect.width, self.parent.rect.height)

		# Store the offset, the distance from the parent the shadow is drawn from.
		self.offset_x = Shadow.offset_x
		self.offset_y = Shadow.offset_y

		# Store the variables used when timing out the shadow. If set to linger, the shadow eventually fades away.
		self.linger = linger
		self.linger_time_left = Shadow.linger_time
		self.alpha_step = Shadow.alpha_step

		# Store whether or not to use image resource or fill blitting.
		self.fill = fill

		# Store the color.
		self.color = color

		# Copy the parents image, and then colorize it to the shadow color.
		if not self.fill:
			self.image = self.parent.image.copy()
			# Colorize the image. If the image doesn't have any alpha values, don't blend alphas. If it does, do blend alphas.
			if self.image.get_alpha() == None:
				useful.colorize_image(self.image, self.color)
				useful.colorize_image(self.image, self.color, True)

			# Convert to alpha and apply the alpha value.

			# Store a copy of this image as the original image. Used when rotating the shadow.
			self.original_image = self.image.copy()
			# If using fill instead of image, create a new surface to handle alpha.
			self.surface = pygame.Surface((self.rect.width, self.rect.height), SRCALPHA)

		# Add self to the main shadow_group.
コード例 #5
ファイル: normal.py プロジェクト: Pigmassacre/mBreak
	def __init__(self, x, y, owner):
		# We start by calling the superconstructor.
		block.Block.__init__(self, owner, x, y, NormalBlock.width, NormalBlock.height, NormalBlock.health)	

		# Create the image attribute that is drawn to the surface.
		self.image = NormalBlock.image.copy()

		# Colorize the block.
		self.color = self.owner.color
		useful.colorize_image(self.image, self.color)

		# Create the image that is drawn when health is half or less.
		self.half_health_image = NormalBlock.half_health_image.copy()

		# Colorize that image.
		self.half_health_color = useful.blend_colors(self.owner.color, block.Block.half_health_blend_color)
		useful.colorize_image(self.half_health_image, self.half_health_color)

		# Create a shadow.
		self.shadow = shadow.Shadow(self)
コード例 #6
ファイル: strong.py プロジェクト: kangah-codes/mBreak
    def __init__(self, x, y, owner):
        # We start by calling the superconstructor.
        block.Block.__init__(self, owner, x, y, StrongBlock.width,
                             StrongBlock.height, StrongBlock.health)

        # Create the image attribute that is drawn to the surface.
        self.image = StrongBlock.image.copy()

        # Colorize the block.
        self.color = self.owner.color
        useful.colorize_image(self.image, self.color)

        # Create the image that is drawn when health is half or less.
        self.half_health_image = StrongBlock.half_health_image.copy()

        # Colorize that image.
        self.half_health_color = useful.blend_colors(
            self.owner.color, block.Block.half_health_blend_color)
        useful.colorize_image(self.half_health_image, self.half_health_color)

        # Create a shadow.
        self.shadow = shadow.Shadow(self)
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, x, y, angle, owner):
        # We start by calling the superconstructor.

        # Create the rect used for collision detection, position etc.
        self.rect = pygame.rect.Rect(x, y, Ball.width, Ball.height)

        # Keep track of x and y as floats, for preciseness sake (rect keeps track of x,y as ints)
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

        # Keep track of the balls position in the previous frame, used for collision handling.
        self.previous = pygame.rect.Rect(self.x, self.y, Ball.width,

        # Set the angle variable.
        self.angle = angle

        # Set maximum speed of the ball.
        self.max_speed = Ball.max_speed

        # Set the speed variable.
        self.speed = Ball.speed
        self.tick_speed = self.speed

        # Store the current level of smash stack.
        self.smash_stack = 0

        # Store the owner.
        self.owner = owner

        # Create one image attribute per player.
        self.player_images = {}
        for player in groups.Groups.player_group:
            player_image = Ball.image.copy()

            # Colorize the image to the color of the player.
            useful.colorize_image(player_image, player.color)

            # Finally, add this image to the list of player images.
            self.player_images[player] = player_image

        # Create the image attribute that is drawn to the surface.
        self.image = self.player_images[self.owner]

        # We save a reference to the parents color in our own variable, so that classes and modules
        # that want to use our color do not have to call us.owner.color.
        self.color = self.owner.color

        # If collided is True, the ball sound is played.
        self.collided = False

        # Setup the trace time keeping variable.
        self.trace_spawn_time = 0

        # Create a shadow.
        self.shadow = shadow.Shadow(self)

        # Store the ball in the owners ball_group and the main ball_group.

        # Create an effect group to handle effects on this ball.
        self.effect_group = pygame.sprite.Group()
コード例 #8
ファイル: helpmenu.py プロジェクト: kangah-codes/mBreak
    def setup_info(self, file_path):
        texts = []

        # Parse the JSON file.
        json_file = open(file_path, "r")
            parsed_json = json.load(json_file)
        except IOError:
            print("IOError when reading JSON file.")

        # We try to parse the image tag in the JSON file. If it isn't found, an error is raised.
        if "image" in parsed_json:
                image_item = imageitem.ImageItem(parsed_json["image"])
                raise ValueError("The image path could not be read.")
            raise SyntaxError("Image key not found in JSON file.")

        # We try to parse the color tag in the JSON file. If it isn't found, we simply ignore it.
        if "color" in parsed_json:
                color_list = parsed_json["color"]
                raise ValueError("The color value could not be read.")

                    pygame.Color(color_list[0], color_list[1], color_list[2]))
                raise ValueError(
                    "The given color values cannot be applied: [{0}, {1}, {2}]"
                    .format(color_list[0], color_list[1], color_list[2]))

        # We add the image item to the help_menu here, so that the text can be be positioned properly.
        self.help_menu.add(image_item, self.view_info)

        # We try to parse the title tag in the JSON file. If it isn't found, an error is raised.
        if "title" in parsed_json:
            text = textitem.TextItem(parsed_json["title"],
                                     pygame.Color(255, 255, 255), 255,
            text.x = (settings.SCREEN_WIDTH - text.get_width()) / 2
            text.y = self.help_menu.y + self.help_menu.get_height(
            ) + text.get_height()
            previous_text = text
            raise SyntaxError("Title key not found in JSON file.")

        if "body" in parsed_json:
            body = parsed_json["body"]

            odd = True
            first_line = True

            wrapped_body = useful.wrap_multi_line(
                pygame.font.Font(textitem.TextItem.font_path, self.font_size),

            for line in wrapped_body:
                if odd:
                    color = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
                    color = pygame.Color(150, 150, 150)

                text = textitem.TextItem(line, color, 255, self.font_size)

                if first_line:
                    text.x = self.distance_from_screen_edge
                    text.y = previous_text.y + (2 * text.get_height())
                    first_line = False
                    text.x = self.distance_from_screen_edge
                    text.y = previous_text.y + text.get_height()

                previous_text = text

                if line != "":
                    odd = not odd
            raise SyntaxError("Body tag not found in JSON file.")

        if "quote" in parsed_json:
            quote = parsed_json["quote"]

            odd = True

            quotes = []

            font = pygame.font.Font(textitem.TextItem.font_path,
            wrapped_quote = useful.wrap_multi_line(quote, font,

            for line in wrapped_quote:
                if odd:
                    color = pygame.Color(200, 0, 200)
                    color = pygame.Color(200, 50, 200)

                text = textitem.TextItem(line, color, 255, self.font_size)
                text.x = settings.SCREEN_WIDTH - text.get_width(
                ) - self.distance_from_screen_edge

                previous_text = text

                if line != "":
                    odd = not odd

            for quote_line in quotes:
                quote_line.y = (
                    self.back_menu.y - (2 * quote_line.get_height()) -
                    len(quotes) * quote_line.get_height()
                ) + quotes.index(quote_line) * quote_line.get_height()

        self.info[image_item] = texts

        return image_item
コード例 #9
ファイル: helpmenu.py プロジェクト: Pigmassacre/mBreak
	def setup_info(self, file_path):
		texts = []

		# Parse the JSON file.
		json_file = open(file_path, "r")
			parsed_json = json.load(json_file)
		except IOError:
			print("IOError when reading JSON file.")		

		# We try to parse the image tag in the JSON file. If it isn't found, an error is raised.
		if "image" in parsed_json:
				image_item = imageitem.ImageItem(parsed_json["image"])
				raise ValueError("The image path could not be read.")
			raise SyntaxError("Image key not found in JSON file.")

		# We try to parse the color tag in the JSON file. If it isn't found, we simply ignore it.
		if "color" in parsed_json:
				color_list = parsed_json["color"]
				raise ValueError("The color value could not be read.")

				useful.colorize_image(image_item.image, pygame.Color(color_list[0], color_list[1], color_list[2]))
				raise ValueError("The given color values cannot be applied: [{0}, {1}, {2}]".format(color_list[0], color_list[1], color_list[2]))

		# We add the image item to the help_menu here, so that the text can be be positioned properly.
		self.help_menu.add(image_item, self.view_info)

		# We try to parse the title tag in the JSON file. If it isn't found, an error is raised.
		if "title" in parsed_json:
			text = textitem.TextItem(parsed_json["title"], pygame.Color(255, 255, 255), 255, self.font_size)
			text.x = (settings.SCREEN_WIDTH - text.get_width()) / 2
			text.y = self.help_menu.y + self.help_menu.get_height() + text.get_height()
			previous_text = text
			raise SyntaxError("Title key not found in JSON file.")

		if "body" in parsed_json:
			body = parsed_json["body"]

			odd = True
			first_line = True

			wrapped_body = useful.wrap_multi_line(body, pygame.font.Font(textitem.TextItem.font_path, self.font_size), self.max_width_of_text_line)

			for line in wrapped_body:
				if odd:
					color = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
					color = pygame.Color(150, 150, 150)

				text = textitem.TextItem(line, color, 255, self.font_size)

				if first_line:
					text.x = self.distance_from_screen_edge
					text.y = previous_text.y + (2 * text.get_height())
					first_line = False
					text.x = self.distance_from_screen_edge
					text.y = previous_text.y + text.get_height()
				previous_text = text

				if line != "":
					odd = not odd
			raise SyntaxError("Body tag not found in JSON file.")

		if "quote" in parsed_json:
			quote = parsed_json["quote"]

			odd = True

			quotes = []

			font = pygame.font.Font(textitem.TextItem.font_path, self.font_size)
			wrapped_quote = useful.wrap_multi_line(quote, font, self.max_width_of_text_line)

			for line in wrapped_quote:
				if odd:
					color = pygame.Color(200, 0, 200)
					color = pygame.Color(200, 50, 200)

				text = textitem.TextItem(line, color, 255, self.font_size)
				text.x = settings.SCREEN_WIDTH - text.get_width() - self.distance_from_screen_edge
				previous_text = text

				if line != "":
					odd = not odd

			for quote_line in quotes:
				quote_line.y = (self.back_menu.y - (2 * quote_line.get_height()) - len(quotes) * quote_line.get_height()) + quotes.index(quote_line) * quote_line.get_height()

		self.info[image_item] = texts
		return image_item
コード例 #10
ファイル: ball.py プロジェクト: Pigmassacre/mBreak
	def __init__(self, x, y, angle, owner):
		# We start by calling the superconstructor.

		# Create the rect used for collision detection, position etc.
		self.rect = pygame.rect.Rect(x, y, Ball.width, Ball.height)

		# Keep track of x and y as floats, for preciseness sake (rect keeps track of x,y as ints)
		self.x = x
		self.y = y

		# Keep track of the balls position in the previous frame, used for collision handling.
		self.previous = pygame.rect.Rect(self.x, self.y, Ball.width, Ball.height)

		# Set the angle variable.
		self.angle = angle

		# Set maximum speed of the ball.
		self.max_speed = Ball.max_speed

		# Set the speed variable.
		self.speed = Ball.speed
		self.tick_speed = self.speed

		# Store the current level of smash stack.
		self.smash_stack = 0
		# Store the owner.
		self.owner = owner

		# Create one image attribute per player.
		self.player_images = {}
		for player in groups.Groups.player_group:
			player_image = Ball.image.copy()
			# Colorize the image to the color of the player.
			useful.colorize_image(player_image, player.color)
			# Finally, add this image to the list of player images.
			self.player_images[player] = player_image

		# Create the image attribute that is drawn to the surface.
		self.image = self.player_images[self.owner]

		# We save a reference to the parents color in our own variable, so that classes and modules
		# that want to use our color do not have to call us.owner.color.
		self.color = self.owner.color

		# If collided is True, the ball sound is played.
		self.collided = False

		# Setup the trace time keeping variable.
		self.trace_spawn_time = 0
		# Create a shadow.
		self.shadow = shadow.Shadow(self)

		# Store the ball in the owners ball_group and the main ball_group.

		# Create an effect group to handle effects on this ball.
		self.effect_group = pygame.sprite.Group()