コード例 #1
ファイル: test_conic_lens.py プロジェクト: draustin/otk
def test_conic_surface():
    # Prove that with a conic surface we can focus parallel rays perfectly.
    n1 = 1
    n2 = 1.5
    f = 1
    roc = f * (n2 - n1) / n2
    x0s = [-0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2]
    # There is a formula for this:
    # https://www.iap.uni - jena.de/iapmedia/de/Lecture/Advanced + Lens + Design1393542000/ALD13_Advanced + Lens + Design + 7 + _ + Aspheres + and +freeforms.pdf
    # but I obtained it numerically (in demo_conic_surface.py).
    kappa = 0.55555
    f = roc * n2 / (n2 - n1)
    interface = rt1.FresnelInterface(ri.FixedIndex(n1), ri.FixedIndex(n2))
    conic_surface = rt1.Surface(rt1.ConicProfile(roc, kappa),
    origin = v4hb.stack_xyzw(x0s, 0, -1, 1)
    vector = v4hb.stack_xyzw(0, 0, 1, 0)
    detector_surface = rt1.Surface(rt1.PlanarProfile(),
                                   matrix=h4t.make_translation(0, 0, f))
    surfaces = conic_surface, detector_surface
    line = rt1.Line(origin, vector)
    pol = v4hb.cross(line.vector, [0, 1, 0, 0])
    ray = rt1.Ray(line, pol, 1, 0, 860e-9, n1)
    segments = ray.trace_surfaces(surfaces, ['transmitted', 'incident'])[0]
    assert len(segments) == 3
    xy = segments[-1].ray.line.origin[..., :2]
    # The focusing is close (f number 2.5) but not quite perfect due to errors in the intersection solver.
    assert np.allclose(xy, 0, atol=2e-6)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_pbg.py プロジェクト: draustin/otk
def test_pbg_calc_field():
    origin = v4hb.stack_xyzw(0, 0, 0, 1)
    vector = v4hb.stack_xyzw(0, 0, 1, 0)
    axis1 = v4hb.normalize(v4hb.stack_xyzw(1, 1j, 0.5j, 0))
    lamb = 860e-9
    k = 2*np.pi/lamb
    waist = 100e-6
    z_R = np.pi*waist**2/lamb
    z_waist = 1*z_R
    mode = pbg.Mode.make(rt1.Line(origin, vector), axis1, lamb, waist, z_waist)[0]

    z = np.linspace(-z_R*16, z_R*16, 200)[:, None]
    x = np.arange(3)[:, None, None]*waist
    #zv, xv = [array.ravel() for array in np.broadcast_arrays(zs, xs)]
    points = v4hb.concatenate_xyzw(x, 0, z, 1)
    field, phi_axis, grad_phi = mode.calc_field(k, points, calc_grad_phi=True)
    psis = field*mathx.expj(-z*k)
    psis_true = beams.FundamentalGaussian(lamb, w_0=waist, flux=1).E(z - z_waist, x)*np.exp(

    assert np.allclose(psis, psis_true)

    if 0: # Useful for testing in IPython.
        glw = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget()
        absz_plot = glw.addAlignedPlot()
        phase_plot = glw.addAlignedPlot()
        for x, color, psi, psi_true in zip(xs, pg.tableau10, psis.T, psis_true.T):
            absz_plot.plot(zs[:, 0]*1e3, abs(psi), pen=color)
            absz_plot.plot(zs[:, 0]*1e3, abs(psi_true), pen=pg.mkPen(color, style=pg.DashLine))
            phase_plot.plot(zs[:, 0]*1e3, np.angle(psi), pen=color)
            phase_plot.plot(zs[:, 0]*1e3, np.angle(psi_true), pen=pg.mkPen(color, style=pg.DashLine))
コード例 #3
def test_reflect_Surface():
    s = rt1.Surface(rt1.PlanarProfile(), interface=rt1.Mirror())
    s.rotate_y(np.pi / 4)
    line = rt1.Line((0, 0, -1, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0))
    pol = v4hb.cross(line.vector, [0, 1, 0, 0])
    ray = rt1._raytrace.Ray(line, pol, 0, 860e-9, 1)
    segments = ray.trace_surfaces([s], ['reflected'])[0]
    assert len(segments) == 2
    assert np.allclose(segments[-1].ray.line.vector, (-1, 0, 0, 0))
コード例 #4
def test_make_spherical_lens_surfaces():
    roc1 = 100
    roc2 = 50
    d = 30
    n = 1.5
    f, h1, h2 = paraxial.calc_thick_spherical_lens(n, roc1, -roc2, d)
    surfaces = rt1.make_spherical_lens_surfaces(roc1, -roc2, d,
    line = rt1.Line((0, 0, -f + h1 - d / 2, 1),
                    v4hb.normalize((1e-4, 1e-4, 1, 0)))
    pol = v4hb.cross(line.vector, [0, 1, 0, 0])
    ray = rt1.Ray(line, pol, 0, 860e-9, 1)
    segments = ray.trace_surfaces(surfaces, ['transmitted'] * 2)[0]
    assert len(segments) == 3
    assert segments[1].ray.n == n
    assert np.allclose(segments[-1].ray.line.vector, (0, 0, 1, 0))
コード例 #5
def test_rt_pgl(qtbot):
    surface = rt1.Surface(rt1.PlanarProfile())
    line = rt1.Line((0, 0, -1, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0))
    segments = otk.rt1._raytrace.Ray(line, [1, 0, 0, 0], 0, 860e-9,
                                     1).trace_surfaces((surface, ),

    widget = rtpgl.plot_surfaces((surface, ))

    item = rtpgl.ParentItem()
    rtpgl.SegmentsItem(segments, item)
    widget = pgl.GLViewWidget()
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_pbg.py プロジェクト: draustin/otk
def test_pbg_project_field():
    # Define a fundamental Gaussian beam point along z axis.
    lamb = 860e-9
    k = 2*np.pi/lamb
    waist = 10e-6
    flux = 2
    beam = beams.FundamentalGaussian(lamb=lamb, w_0=waist, flux=flux)
    z_waist = beam.z_R # Put waist of Gaussian at one Rayleigh range.
    z = 2*beam.z_R # Sample at two Rayleigh ranges.
    y = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 16)[:, None]*6*waist
    x = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 16)[:, None, None]*6*waist
    Er = beam.E(z - z_waist, (x**2 + y**2)**0.5)*np.exp(1j*k*z)
    Er *= np.exp(1j*beam.Gouy(-z_waist)) # Want phase at origin to be zero for comparison below.

    # Define a set of PBGs of different angles with same waist plane as Er.
    origin = v4hb.stack_xyzw(0, 0, 0, 1)
    thetay = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 3)[:, None]*6*lamb/(np.pi*waist)
    thetax = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 3)[:, None, None]*6*lamb/(np.pi*waist)
    vector = v4hb.normalize(v4hb.concatenate_xyzw(thetax, thetay, 1, 0))
    axis1 = v4hb.normalize(v4hb.stack_xyzw(1, 0, 0, 0))
    mode_bundle = pbg.Mode.make(rt1.Line(origin, vector), axis1, lamb, waist, z_waist)[0]

    flux_, phi_axis_origin_, projected_field = mode_bundle.project_field(k, v4hb.concatenate_xyzw(x, y, z, 1), Er)
    coefficients = flux_**0.5 * np.exp(1j*phi_axis_origin_)
    testing.assert_allclose(coefficients, np.asarray([[0, 0, 0], [0, flux**0.5, 0], [0, 0, 0]])[:, :, None], atol=1e-10)

# TODO restore me
# def test_pbg_collimate(qtbot):
#     lamb = 860e-9
#     waist = 10e-6
#     n1 = 1.5
#     n2 = 3
#     f = 0.1
#     surface = rt.Surface(rt.SphericalProfile(f*(n2 - n1)), interface=rt.FresnelInterface(ri.FixedIndex(n1), ri.FixedIndex(n2)))
#     line_base = otk.rt.lines.Line([0, 0, -f*n1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0])
#     beam0 = pbg.Beam.make(line_base, [1, 0, 0, 0], lamb, waist, [1,0,0,0], 1, n=n1)
#     surfaces = (surface, )
#     segments = pbg.trace_surfaces(surfaces, ['transmitted'], beam0)
#     assert len(segments) == 2
#     beam1 = segments[1].beam
#     assert beam1.n == n2
#     assert np.isclose(beam1.flux, abs(omath.calc_fresnel_coefficients(n1, n2, 1)[1][0])**2*n2/n1)
#     for surface_index in range(2): # TODO fix this
#         widget = segments[-1].make_profile_widget(0)
#         qtbot.addWidget(widget)
コード例 #7
def test_refraction():
    """Test collimation of a point source by a spherical refracting surface."""
    n1 = 1.5
    n2 = 3
    f = 100
    r0 = np.asarray((100, 20, 300, 1))
    interface = rt1.FresnelInterface(ri.FixedIndex(n1), ri.FixedIndex(n2))
    s = rt1.Surface(rt1.SphericalProfile(f * (n2 - n1)),
    origin = r0 + (0, 0, -f * n1, 0)
    line = rt1.Line(origin, v4hb.normalize((0.001, 0.001, 1, 0)))
    pol = v4hb.cross(line.vector, [0, 1, 0, 0])
    ray = rt1.Ray(line, pol, 0, 860e-9, n1)
    segments = ray.trace_surfaces((s, ), ('transmitted', ))[0]
    assert len(segments) == 2
    assert segments[-1].ray.n == n2
    assert np.allclose(segments[-1].ray.line.vector, (0, 0, 1, 0))