class Player(BasePlayer): ## method to get questoin from CSV file questions def current_question(self): return self.session.vars['questions'][self.round_number - 1] def role(self): if self.id_in_group % 3 == 0: return 'roomB' else: return 'roomA' ## player timer. The task timer is called and initiated when the task starts task_timer = models.PositiveIntegerField() ## used to store name that is entered by the player name = models.StringField() ## Excel file with nametags - entire file : this file has a unique set of names for each letter in the alphabet loc = 'complex_math/nametags.xlsx' nametagBook = xlrd.open_workbook(loc) ## this variable is the nametag that the player selects. The nametag choices for this variable are determined during the game nametag = models.StringField() ## variable that stores the name that the 'chooser' selected during the team selection page sentNames = models.StringField() ## these variables store data relating to the player and selector task int1 = models.PositiveIntegerField() int2 = models.PositiveIntegerField() solution = models.PositiveIntegerField() user_total = models.PositiveIntegerField( min=1, max=9999, widget=widgets.TextInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) task1payoff_score = models.FloatField() task2payoff_score = models.FloatField() ''' the score_task methods are called to update a players taskpayoff score. there are two methods and are used for the seperate task1 and task2 ''' def score_task1(self): if self.solution == self.user_total: self.task1payoff_score = 1.0 else: self.task1payoff_score = 0.0 def score_task2(self): if self.solution == self.user_total: self.task2payoff_score = 1.0 else: self.task2payoff_score = 0.0
class Player(BasePlayer): rank_before_sabotage = models.IntegerField() rank_after_sabotage = models.IntegerField() rank_after_feedback = models.IntegerField() rank_before_sabotage_str = models.StringField() payoff_before_sabotage = models.IntegerField() payoff_after_sabotage = models.IntegerField() payoff_after_feedback = models.IntegerField() payoff_sabotage = models.IntegerField(initial=0) payoff_belief = models.IntegerField(initial=0) total_correct_after_sabotage = models.FloatField(initial=0) total_correct_after_feedback = models.FloatField(initial=0) total_correct = models.FloatField(initial=0) # sabotage = models.IntegerField( # choices=[ # [0, '0'], # [5, '5'], # [10, '10'], # [15, '15'], # [20, '20'], # [25, '25'], # ], # widget=widgets.RadioSelect, # label="" # ) # sabotage_belief = models.IntegerField( # choices=[ # [0, '0'], # [5, '5'], # [10, '10'], # [15, '15'], # [20, '20'], # [25, '25'], # ], # widget=widgets.RadioSelect, # label="" # ) sabotage = models.IntegerField(min=0, max=50, label="Lütfen diğer oyuncudan kaç TL değerinde doğru eksiltmek istediğizi seçiniz. (Lütfen boşluğa 0 ile 50 arasında bir sayı giriniz)") sabotage_belief = models.IntegerField(min=0, max=50, label="") sabotage_post = models.IntegerField(min=0, max=50, label="Lütfen diğer oyuncudan kaç TL değerinde doğru eksiltmek istediğizi seçiniz. (Lütfen boşluğa 0 ile 50 arasında bir sayı giriniz)") belief = models.IntegerField( choices=[ [1, 'Birinci'], [2, 'İkinci'], ], widget=widgets.RadioSelect, label="" ) task_timer = models.PositiveIntegerField( doc="""The length of the real effort task timer.""" ) correct_text = models.CharField( doc="user's transcribed text") user_text = models.CharField( doc="user's transcribed text", widget=widgets.TextInput(attrs={'autocomplete':'off'})) is_correct = models.BooleanField( doc="did the user get the task correct?") ret_final_score = models.IntegerField( doc="player's total score up to this round") payoff_score = models.IntegerField(initial=0, doc = '''score in this task''') is_winner = models.BooleanField() rank = models.IntegerField() rank_str = models.StringField() other_male = models.IntegerField(initial=0) other_avatar = models.StringField(initial='male') # # def set_belief_payoffs(self): # # if self.rank == self.belief: # self.payoff_belief = 5 # else: # self.payoff_belief = 0 def score_round(self): # update player payoffs if self.correct_text == self.user_text: self.is_correct = True self.payoff_score = 1 else: self.is_correct = False self.payoff_score = 0
class Player(BasePlayer): #time_Facebook = models.LongStringField() time_Instructions = models.LongStringField() time_tetris = models.LongStringField() time_TetrisResults = models.LongStringField() time_Charity = models.LongStringField() time_ControlQuestions = models.LongStringField() time_ModeInstructionsCQ = models.LongStringField() time_InstructionSummary = models.LongStringField() time_TaskInstructions = models.LongStringField() time_Decision = models.LongStringField() time_Results = models.LongStringField() time_Survey = models.LongStringField() endowment = models.IntegerField() # players first choose a charity. # otree's dropdown menus need to return an integer charity = models.IntegerField() donated_yes_no = models.BooleanField(choices=[[0, 'No'], [1, 'Yes']], widget=widgets.RadioSelect) money_kept = models.FloatField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) money_donated = models.IntegerField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) exit_choice_available = models.BooleanField() exit_choice = models.BooleanField(choices=[[0, 'No'], [1, 'Yes']], widget=widgets.RadioSelect) exit_amount = models.FloatField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) mode = models.LongStringField() rebate = models.FloatField() # this is the charity's name. It gets returned in Decision and results charity_dec = models.LongStringField() #facebook page FB_name = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) FB_ID = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) # results page chosen_pr = models.IntegerField() chosen_mode = models.StringField() chosen_charity = models.StringField() chosen_rebate = models.FloatField() chosen_donation = models.FloatField() # survey s1 = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) s2 = models.IntegerField(widget=widgets.NumberInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) s3 = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) s4 = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) s5 = models.BooleanField(choices=[[0, 'No'], [1, 'Yes']], widget=widgets.RadioSelect) s6 = models.IntegerField(choices=[[0, 'No'], [1, 'Yes, part-time'], [2, 'Yes, full-time']], widget=widgets.RadioSelect) s7 = models.IntegerField() s8 = models.IntegerField(widget=widgets.RadioSelect) s9a = models.IntegerField() s9b = models.IntegerField() s10a = models.IntegerField() s10b = models.IntegerField() s11a = models.IntegerField() s11b = models.IntegerField() s12 = models.IntegerField(choices=[[0, 'At least once a day'], [1, 'At least once a week'], [2, 'At least once a month'], [3, 'I rarely use Facebook']], widget=widgets.RadioSelect) s13 = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) s14 = models.IntegerField(choices=[ [0, 'The rebate makes my donation appear less generous'], [ 1, 'The rebate has an advertising effect that will attract more friends to donate' ] ], widget=widgets.RadioSelect) s15a = models.IntegerField( widget=widgets.NumberInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'}), label='Thank you, \'your name\', for donating $10 to ARC!') s15b = models.IntegerField( widget=widgets.NumberInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'}), label= 'Thank you, \'your name\', for donating $10 to ARC, with the LEEPS Lab offering a $5 rebate to you!' ) s15c = models.IntegerField( widget=widgets.NumberInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'}), label= 'Thank you, \'your name\', for donating $5 to ARC, with the LEEPS Lab matching $5. ARC received $10 total in donations!' ) # pr is the paying round: this is randomly chosen # in creating_session def set_payoffs(self, pr): # gets money kept in paying round kept = self.in_round(pr).money_kept donated = self.in_round(pr).money_donated rebate = Constants.round_data[self.participant.id_in_session - 1][pr - 1][1] # multiplies money kept by rebate to get total payoff self.payoff = kept + (donated * (rebate - 1))
class Player(BasePlayer): #time_Facebook = models.LongStringField() time_Instructions = models.LongStringField() time_ControlQuestions = models.LongStringField() time_Charity = models.LongStringField() time_ModeInstructionsCQ = models.LongStringField() time_InstructionSummary = models.LongStringField() time_TaskInstructions = models.LongStringField() time_Decision = models.LongStringField() time_Results = models.LongStringField() time_Survey = models.LongStringField() # players first choose a charity. # otree's dropdown menus need to return an integer charity = models.IntegerField() money_kept = models.FloatField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) money_donated = models.IntegerField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) mode = models.LongStringField() rebate = models.FloatField() # this is the charity's name. It gets returned in Decision and results charity_dec = models.LongStringField() #facebook page FB_name = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) FB_ID = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) # results page chosen_pr = models.IntegerField() chosen_mode = models.StringField() chosen_charity = models.StringField() chosen_rebate = models.FloatField() chosen_donation = models.FloatField() # survey s1 = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) s2 = models.IntegerField(widget=widgets.NumberInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) s3 = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) s4 = models.StringField(widget=widgets.TextInput( attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'})) s5 = models.BooleanField(choices=[[0, 'No'], [1, 'Yes']], widget=widgets.RadioSelect) s6 = models.IntegerField(choices=[[0, 'No'], [1, 'Yes, part-time'], [2, 'Yes, full-time']], widget=widgets.RadioSelect) s7 = models.IntegerField() s8 = models.IntegerField(widget=widgets.RadioSelect) s9a = models.IntegerField() s9b = models.IntegerField() s10a = models.IntegerField() s10b = models.IntegerField() s11a = models.IntegerField() s11b = models.IntegerField() # pr is the paying round: this is randomly chosen # in the Results class in def set_payoffs(self, pr): # gets money kept in paying round kept = self.in_round(pr).money_kept donated = self.in_round(pr).money_donated rebate = Constants.round_data[self.participant.id_in_session - 1][pr - 1][1] # multiplies money kept by rebate to get total payoff self.payoff = kept + (donated * (rebate - 1))
class Player(BasePlayer): birthdate = models.StringField( label='¿Cuál es su edad? Por favor, use el formato años-meses (por ejemplo, 20-4).', widget=widgets.TextInput()) gender = models.StringField( choices=['Masculino', 'Femenino', 'Otro'], label='¿Con que género se identifica?', widget=widgets.RadioSelect()) ethnicity = models.StringField( choices=['Afro-Ecuatoriana', 'Mestiza', 'Asiatica', 'Indígena', 'Blanca', 'Prefiero no decir'], label='¿Con que etnia se identifica?', widget=widgets.RadioSelect()) other_langs = models.StringField( label='¿Qué idiomas habla bien?', widget=widgets.TextInput()) langs_used_weekly = models.StringField( label='¿Qué idiomas (incluyendo sus idiomas maternos y el Castellano) usa al menos una vez a la semana?', widget=widgets.TextInput()) nationality = models.StringField( label='¿Cuál es su nacionalidad?', widget=widgets.TextInput()) birthplace = models.StringField( label='¿Donde nació usted? (Ciudad, Provincia/Estado, País)', widget=widgets.TextInput()) residence = models.StringField( label='¿En qué país reside?', widget=widgets.TextInput()) bool_student = models.StringField( choices=['Sí','No'], label='¿Es usted estudiante?', widget=widgets.RadioSelect()) profession = models.StringField( label='Si usted no es estudiante, ¿cuál es su profesión? Si es estudiante, escriba \'NA\' en la caja', widget=widgets.TextInput()) education_level = models.StringField( choices=['Ninguno','Educación Inicial (Jardín)','Educación General Básica (Primaria)','Bachillerato (Secundaria)', 'Algo de estudios universitarios (actualmente o pasado)','Instituto Técnico','Licenciatura o equivalente', 'Maestría o equivalente','Doctorado'], label='¿Cuál es su nivel educativo?', widget=widgets.RadioSelect()) phil_course_count = models.StringField( choices=['Nunca he tomado un curso de Economía', 'He tomado 1 o 2 cursos de Economía', 'He tomado más de 2 cursos de Economía, pero la Economía no es la disciplina en la que fui formado.', 'Estudio Economía y estoy por obtener una licenciatura en Economía.', 'Estudio Economía y tengo una licenciatura en Economía.', 'Estoy estudiando un posgrado en Economía.', 'Tengo un doctorado en Economía'], label='¿Cuántos cursos de Economía recibió durante sus estudios?', widget=widgets.RadioSelect()) parents_income_level = models.StringField( choices=['400 o menos','401 a 800','801 a 1200','1201 a 1600', '1601 a 2000','2001 o más'], label='Hasta donde sabe, ¿cuál es el nivel de ingreso mensual conjunto de sus padres (en dólares)?', widget=widgets.RadioSelect()) parents_edu_level = models.StringField( choices=['Ninguno','Educación Inicial (Jardín)','Educación General Básica (Primaria)','Bachillerato (Secundaria)', 'Algunos estudios universitarios','Instituto Técnico','Licenciatura o equivalente', 'Maestría o equivalente','Doctorado'], label='Hasta donde sabe, ¿cuál es el nivel educativo más alto que alcanzó alguno de sus padres (el que tenga más estudios)?', widget=widgets.RadioSelect()) religion = models.StringField( choices=['Ninguna','Católica','Evangelista','Protestante (distinto de evangelista)', 'Mormona','Cristiana ortodoxa','Cristiana (otra)','Judía','Musulmana', 'Hinduísta','Budista','Sintoísta','Confucionista','Daoista','Jainista', 'Sikh','Atea o agnóstica','Otra'], label='¿Cuál es su afiliación religiosa actual? ', widget=widgets.RadioSelect()) politics = models.StringField( choices=['Muy de izquierda','Izquierda','Centro-izquierda','Centro','Centro-derecha','Derecha','Muy de derecha'], label='En términos generales, ¿cuál es su inclinación política?', widget=widgets.RadioSelect()) civil_status = models.StringField( choices=['Soltero','Casado','Divorciado','Viudo','Prefiero no decir'], label='¿Cuál es su estado civil?', widget=widgets.RadioSelect())