コード例 #1
ファイル: bytestreamreader.py プロジェクト: ejconlon/yapyotr
	def get_tlv(self):
		tlv_type = _OT.bytes_to_int(self.get_short())
		tlv_len = _OT.bytes_to_int(self.get_short())
		value = []
		if tlv_len > 0:
		return {'type': tlv_type, 'length': tlv_len, 'value': value}
コード例 #2
ファイル: otrauth.py プロジェクト: eXcomm/yapyotr
	def check_their_sig(self, enc_sig, sig_mac, usePrimes=False):
		my_dh_key = self.dh_keys.get_my_cur_keyid()
		if usePrimes:
			cKey = self.dh_keys.cprime
			m1Key = self.dh_keys.m1prime
			m2Key = self.dh_keys.m2prime
			cKey = self.dh_keys.c
			m1Key = self.dh_keys.m1
			m2Key = self.dh_keys.m2
		sig = OtrCrypt.aes_zero_ctr_crypt(cKey, enc_sig)
		#print sig
		byte_reader = ByteStreamReader(sig)
		their_dsa_key = byte_reader.get_pubkey()
		if their_dsa_key["cipher_code"] != list(OtrConstants["dsa_code_bytes"]):
			return False
		# now keyid
		their_dh_keyid = _OT.bytes_to_int(byte_reader.get_int())
		# load their DSA public key - (y,g,p,q)
		their_dsa_key_tup = (
		# compute their M factor
		# now load their signed M factor
		q_len = their_dsa_key["q_len"]
		M_sig_r_factor = _OT.bytes_to_int(byte_reader.get_n_bytes(q_len))
		M_sig_s_factor = _OT.bytes_to_int(byte_reader.get_n_bytes(q_len))
		assert (byte_reader.consumed_all())
		if not OtrDSA.verify(self.dsa_keys.their_public_key, self.their_M, 
								M_sig_r_factor, M_sig_s_factor):
			logging.debug("DID NOT VERIFY")
			return False
		# now check their MAC
		calc_sig_mac = OtrCrypt.get_sha256_hmac_160(m2Key, _OT.bytes_to_data(enc_sig))
		if calc_sig_mac != sig_mac:
			logging.debug( "MAC INCORRECT" )
			#print enc_sig
			#print calc_sig_mac
			#print sig_mac
			return False
		# alright, looks like everything checks out 
		return True
コード例 #3
ファイル: otrdh.py プロジェクト: eXcomm/yapyotr
	def receive_data_message(self, msg):
		#global memo
		self.my_sess_keyid = _OT.bytes_to_int(msg.recipient_keyid)
		self.their_sess_keyid = _OT.bytes_to_int(msg.sender_keyid)
		logging.debug( "KEYIDS %d %d " % (self.my_sess_keyid, self.their_sess_keyid))
		if len(msg.next_dh) > 4:
			logging.debug( "GOT NEXT DH" )
			logging.debug( msg.next_dh )
			self.associate_their_keyid(self.their_sess_keyid+1, _OT.mpi_to_int(msg.next_dh))
		self.update_next_counter(self.my_sess_keyid, self.their_sess_keyid, _OT.bytes_to_int(msg.counter))
		logging.debug( (msg.counter, _OT.int_to_bytes(self.ctr)) )
		self.compute_c_and_m_factors(self.my_sess_keyid, self.their_sess_keyid)
		self.compute_ek_and_mk_factors(self.my_sess_keyid, self.their_sess_keyid)
		#assert memo.sender_keyid == msg.sender_keyid
		#assert memo.recipient_keyid == msg.recipient_keyid
		#assert memo.next_dh == msg.next_dh
		#assert memo.counter == msg.counter
		#assert memo.enc_msg == _OT.data_to_bytes(msg.enc_msg)
		T = [0,2,3, msg.flags[0]] # protocol version and type code 
		# my_keyid
		T.extend( msg.sender_keyid )
		# their_keyid
		T.extend( msg.recipient_keyid )
		# next_dh
		T.extend( msg.next_dh )
		# ctr
		T.extend( msg.counter )
		# enc_msg
		logging.debug(("ENC DATA: ", msg.enc_msg))
		T.extend( msg.enc_msg )
		#assert memo.T == T
		#print memo.sender_factor
		#print "RECVER"
		#for x in sorted(self.their_public_factors.keys()):
		#	print (x, self.their_public_factor_to_mpi(x)) 
		#r = raw_input()
		#assert memo.sender_factor == self.their_public_factor_to_mpi(self.their_sess_keyid)
		#assert memo.recipient_factor == self.my_public_factor_to_mpi(self.my_sess_keyid)
		#assert memo.secbytes == self.secbytes
		# compute MAC_mk(T)
		auth_check = OtrCrypt.get_sha1_hmac(self.recv_mac_key, T)
		if auth_check != msg.authenticator:
			logging.debug( ("got: ", auth_check) )
			logging.debug( ("exp: ", msg.authenticator) )
			#print self.recv_mac_key, self.send_mac_key
			#print memo.send_mac_key
			raise Exception("mac fail")
		return OtrCrypt.aes_ctr_crypt(self.recv_aes_key, _OT.data_to_bytes(msg.enc_msg), msg.counter)
コード例 #4
ファイル: otrhandler.py プロジェクト: eXcomm/yapyotr
	def respond_to_dh_commit(self, msg):
		logging.debug("Responding to DH Commit")
		send_dh_key = True
		if self.auth.auth_state_is("AUTHSTATE_NONE"):
			# Reply with a D-H Key Message, and transition authstate to AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_REVEALSIG.
			pass # pick it up in the 'if' below
		elif self.auth.auth_state_is("AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_DHKEY"):
			#This is the trickiest transition in the whole protocol. It indicates that you have
			# already sent a D-H Commit message to your correspondent, but that he either
			#  didn't receive it, or just didn't receive it yet, and has sent you one as well. 
			#  The symmetry will be broken by comparing the hashed gx you sent in your D-H Commit 
			#  Message with the one you received, considered as 32-byte unsigned big-endian values.
			my_dh_keyid = self.auth.dh_keys.get_my_cur_keyid()
			my_hashed_gxmpi = self.auth.dh_keys.hash_my_public_factor_mpi(my_dh_keyid)
			their_hashed_gxmpi = _OT.data_to_bytes(msg.hash_gxmpi_data)
			my_hash_as_int = _OT.bytes_to_int(my_hashed_gxmpi)
			their_hash_as_int = _OT.bytes_to_int(their_hashed_gxmpi)
			if my_hash_as_int > their_hash_as_int:
				# If yours is the higher hash value:
				# Ignore the incoming D-H Commit message, but resend your D-H Commit message.
				enc_gxmpi_data = self.auth.dh_keys.encrypt_my_public_factor_mpi(my_dh_keyid)
				hash_gxmpi_data = self.auth.dh_keys.hash_my_public_factor_mpi(my_dh_keyid)
				response = self.message_factory().create_dh_commit(enc_gxmpi_data, hash_gxmpi_data)
				self.replay.check('msg_dh_commit', response.jabber_msg.getBody())
				send_dh_key = False
		if send_dh_key:
			my_dh_keyid = self.auth.dh_keys.get_my_cur_keyid()
			# this is g**y formatted as an MPI (4 byte length prepended)	
			# our D-H secret is y (with g**x the shared key is g**(xy))
			gympi = self.auth.dh_keys.my_public_factor_to_mpi(my_dh_keyid)
			# SAVE their info
			self.auth.dh_keys.store_their_commitment( _OT.data_to_bytes(msg.enc_gxmpi_data),
													  _OT.data_to_bytes(msg.hash_gxmpi_data) )
			# ok, now make dh_key message
			response = self.message_factory().create_dh_key(gympi)
			self.replay.check('msg_dh_key', response.jabber_msg.getBody())
		return None # nothing for user
コード例 #5
ファイル: otrdh.py プロジェクト: eXcomm/yapyotr
	def make_new_key(self, add_as_seen=False):
		if self.my_cur_keyid==0 and self.replay.can_replay('private_dh_key'):
			x = _OT.int_to_bytes(self.replay.data['private_dh_key'])
			#r = raw_input("random x")
			x = _OT.make_random_bytes(320/8) # Byte range?
		new_keyid = self.my_cur_keyid + 1
		logging.debug( "making new key %d" % new_keyid)
		x_int = _OT.bytes_to_int(x)
		new_factor = pow(self.dh_g, x_int, self.dh_mod)
		self.my_private_keys[new_keyid] = x_int
		self.my_public_factors[new_keyid] = new_factor
		self.my_key_has_been_used[new_keyid] = False
		self.my_cur_keyid = new_keyid
		if add_as_seen:
		if self.authing and self.my_cur_keyid==1: self.replay.check('public_dh_factor', self.my_public_factors[1])
コード例 #6
ファイル: bytestreamreader.py プロジェクト: ejconlon/yapyotr
	def get_data(self):
		len_array = self.get_n_bytes(4)
		length = _OT.bytes_to_int(len_array)
		value_array = self.get_n_bytes(length)
		return len_array+value_array
コード例 #7
ファイル: otrcrypt.py プロジェクト: eXcomm/yapyotr
		def __init__(self, start = 0):
			if type(start) == type(0): # initialize it w/ an int
				self.count = _OT.bytes_to_int(_OT.int_to_bytes(start)+[0]*8)
			else: # or initialize it with the top half of the ctr array
				self.count = _OT.bytes_to_int(start+[0]*8)