コード例 #1
def fioresult(initiator, check=True, expectation=False):
    Return the fio result. True: fio stdout. False: fio stderr.
    wait_nofiorunning(initiator, expectation=expectation)
    wait_file_exists(initiator, 'out')
    result = initiator.run_and_check('cat out', expectation=expectation)
    if not result:
        return result
    if not result.message:
        result = initiator.run_and_check('cat err', expectation=expectation)
        if not result:
            return result
        if not result.mesage:
            return ReturnCode(False, 'err: no output')
            return ReturnCode(False, 'err: %s' % result.message)
    logger.info('fio result:\n%s' % result.message)
    j = simplejson.loads(result.message)
    if check:
        for i in range(len(j['jobs'])):
            if j['jobs'][i]['error'] != 0:
                return ReturnCode(
                    'fio[%d] error code: %s' % (i, j['jobs'][i]['error']))
    return ReturnCode(True, j)
コード例 #2
ファイル: srx.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
def make_spare(sr, num_spares=1, min_size=None):
    This function will create any numbre of spare drives in the specified appliance, provided drives are available.

    :param sr: it's an appliance.srx.Srx object
    :param num_spares: the number of spare drives you want to create, by default 1 will be created.

    :returns: ReturnCode indicating if successful.
    d = sr.disks
    slots = d.keys()

    availableDisks = list()
    for x in slots:
        if min_size:
            if d[x]['size'] == 'missing' or not int(
                    d[x]['size'].strip('*').split('.')[0]) >= int(min_size):
        if slot_is_available(sr, x):
            availableDisks.append(str(sr.shelf) + '.' + x)

    if len(availableDisks) >= num_spares:
        for i in range(num_spares):
                # sr.run_and_check('spare %s' % availableDisks[i])
            except ApplianceError as e:
                logger.error('Failed to create spare drive: %s', e)
        return ReturnCode(
            'Not enough disk to complete request to create %d spare drives' %
    return ReturnCode(True, 'Spare drives were created successfully')
コード例 #3
ファイル: solaris.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
 def is_down(self):
         self.run_and_check('echo waiting for ssh to shutdown', timeout=5)
     except (OSError, TIMEOUT):
         logger.info('ssh appears to have shutdown')
         return ReturnCode(True, "host appears down")
     return ReturnCode(False)
コード例 #4
def pool_is_empty(vsx, pool):
    Verifypool makes sure that the pool has no extents allocated.
    if not isinstance(vsx, Vsx):
        e = ReturnCode(False)
        e.message = "object is not a Vsx instance"
        return e

    total = 0
    free = 0
    unique = 0
    shelf = vsx.shelf
    ret = vsx.run_and_check("pools -a %s" %
                            pool)  # TODO: teach this that pools has -a
    if not ret.status:
        return ret
    p = ret.message
    ret = ReturnCode(True)
    m = re.search(r"Total[ \t]+Exts[ \t]+:[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+", p)
    if m:
        total = int(m.group(1))
    m = re.search(r"Free[ \t]+Exts[ \t]+:[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+", p)
    if m:
        free = int(m.group(1))
    m = re.search(r"Unique[ \t]+Exts[ \t]+:[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+", p)
    if m:
        unique = int(m.group(1))
    if total:
        e = "Empty pool %s on %s has %d total extents:\n%s" % (pool, shelf,
                                                               total, p)
        ret.status = False
        ret.message += "\n%s" % e
    if free:
        e = "Empty pool %s on %s has %d free extents:\n%s" % (pool, shelf,
                                                              free, p)
        ret.status = False
        ret.message += "\n%s" % e
    if unique:
        e = "Empty pool %s on %s has %d unique extents:\n%s" % (pool, shelf,
                                                                unique, p)
        ret.status = False
        ret.message += "\n%s" % e
    m = re.search(r"PVs[ \t]+:[ \t]+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+", p)
    if m:
        e = "Empty pool %s on %s has PVs:\n%s" % (pool, shelf, p)
        ret.status = False
        ret.message += "\n%s" % e
    m = re.search(r"LVs[ \t]+:[ \t]+(.*)[ \t]+", p)
    if m:
        e = "Empty pool %s on %s has LVs:\n%s" % (pool, shelf, p)
        ret.status = False
        ret.message += "\n%s" % e
    return ret
コード例 #5
def wget(initiator, path, fname, loops=10, sleeptime=1):
    initiator.run_and_check('rm %s' % fname, expectation=False)
    initiator.run('wget -q %s/%s' % (path, fname), wait=False)
    for i in range(loops):
        if exists(initiator, fname):
            return ReturnCode(True)
    return ReturnCode(False, 'wget: %s/%s not available' % (path, fname))
コード例 #6
ファイル: ethdrv.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
def cmp_hba_ports(h, p):
    checks = (h['port'] != str(p.index), h['mac'] != p.ea, h['type'] != p.name,
              h['link']['max'] != str(p.maxlink),
              h['link']['speed'] != str(p.currentlink))

    if True in checks:
        return ReturnCode(False, 'hba %s does not match ports %s' % (h, p))

    return ReturnCode(True)
コード例 #7
def get_elstats(initiator):
    This function will translate data from /dev/ethdrv/elstat into a dictionary.
    elstat = OrderedDict()

    if initiator.os == 'solaris':
        fname = '/dev/ethdrv/elstats'
    elif initiator.os == 'linux':
        fname = '/proc/ethdrv/elstats'
        raise (NotImplementedError('%s does not support elstats' %

    if isinstance(initiator, otto.connections.ssh.Client):
        sftpsession = initiator.open_sftp()
            fh = sftpsession.open(fname)

            result = ReturnCode(True)
            result.message = fh.read()
        except Exception as e:
            result = ReturnCode(False)
            result.message = str(e)
            return result

        cmd = 'cat %s' % fname
        result = initiator.run_and_check(cmd)

    if result:
        for line in result.message.splitlines():
            if line:
                if line.startswith('Listen'):
                    if not elstat.get('Listen'):
                        elstat['Listen'] = dict()
                    k = line.split()[1].strip(
                        '[]')  # This will extract just the number from [0]
                    v = line.split()[2:]
                    elstat['Listen'][k] = v
                elif line.startswith('Closed'):
                    if not elstat.get('Closed'):
                        elstat['Closed'] = dict()
                    k = line.split()[1].strip(
                        '[]')  # This will extract just the number from [0]
                    v = line.split()[2:]
                    elstat['Listen'][k] = v
                    kvpair = line.split(':')
                    k = kvpair[0]
                    if len(kvpair) < 2:
                    v = kvpair[1].strip()
                    elstat[k] = v
    return elstat
コード例 #8
    def connect(self, timeout=10, args=None, nolog=False):
        """Connect to and authenticate with host."""

        cmd = "ssh"

        if args is None:
            args = [
                "-q", "-o PubkeyAuthentication no",
                "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null",
                "-o UserKnownHostsFile2=/dev/null",
                "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"

        args.append("-l" + self.user)
        if not nolog:
            logger.debug("%s %s" % (cmd, str(args)))

            spawn.__init__(self, cmd, args, timeout)

            prompt = self.expect(["(?i)password: "******"(?i)password"])

            if prompt in [0, 1]:

                return False
                if self.prompt == ':\>':
            except TIMEOUT:
                raise ConnectionError(
                    "Connected but didn't find prompt '%s'\n instead self.before was:\n%s"
                    % (self.prompt, self.before))
            self.connected = True
        except KeyError as e:
            if not nolog:
                logger.critical("Couldn't complete connection")
                if e.message:
            return False
        except (EOF, TIMEOUT) as e:
            if not nolog:
                logger.critical("Couldn't complete connection to %s@%s" %
                                (self.user, self.host))
                if e.message:
            return ReturnCode(False, message=e.message)

        return ReturnCode(True, message=self.before)
コード例 #9
ファイル: solaris.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
 def get_ethdrv(self, fname):
     Required function for Ethdrv class
     sftpsession = self.open_sftp()
         fh = sftpsession.open('/dev/ethdrv/%s' % fname, 'r')
         ret = ReturnCode(True)
         ret.message = fh.read()
     except Exception as e:
         ret = ReturnCode(False, str(e))
     return ret
コード例 #10
ファイル: solaris.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
    def lun_exists(self, lun, flush=True):
        Returns lun's aoestat dict::

            {'device': 'sd379', 'port': ['1'], 'target': '91.1', 'size': '2000.398GB'}

        or False in ReturnCode format
        if flush:
        n = self.aoestat
        if lun in n:
            return ReturnCode(True, n[lun])
        return ReturnCode(False, '%s not found' % lun)
コード例 #11
ファイル: cec.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
    def __checkasync(self, buf, cmd):
        __checkasync checks pexpect buffers for async CEC
        messages which often cause timeouts.  If found, 
        the function returns a ReturnCode which is True and 
        consists of the async message.  If an expected async 
        message is not found, the ReturnCode is False and its 
        message is the pexpect buffer.
        logger.debug("CHECKASYNC: '%s'\nbuf:\n'%s'" % (cmd, buf))
        ret = ""
        msg = buf

        for msg in self.amsgs:
            match = re.search(r"(%s)(\r\n)*" % msg, buf)
            if not match:
            logger.debug("CHECKASYNC: FOUND MATCH: '%s'" % msg)
            start = buf.find(match.group(1))
            end = len(match.group(1))
            if match.lastindex == 3:
                # include the matched newline
                end += len(match.group(3))

            # what surrounds the match (hopefully the expected cmd)
            ret = buf[:start] + buf[start + end:]

            # the matched async message
            msg = buf[start:start + end]

        if not ret:
            # prevent infinite recursion
            return ReturnCode(False)

        if ret.find(cmd) != -1:
            logger.debug("CHECKASYNC: successfully matched and removed '%s'" %
            return ReturnCode(True, msg)

        # we have had instances where two async msgs were output while pexpect
        # was waiting for the echo of a cmd ... recurse to handle any multiples
        r = self.__checkasync(ret, cmd)
        if r:
            return r
        e = "CHECKASYNC: '%s' timed-out, but no asynchronous output found in:\n" \
            "'%s'\nret: '%s'" % (cmd, buf, ret)
        return ReturnCode(False, e)
コード例 #12
ファイル: srx.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
def save_sos(sr, loc='.'):
    Save a copy of sos output into a local file

    :param sr: an srx object
    :param loc: file destination drectory

    filename will be in the following format::


    result = ReturnCode(False)

    sos_output = sr.sos

    # File name will be a combination of model+shelfID+time
    file_name = 'sos_%s_%s_%s.txt' % (sr.model, sr.shelf, str(time()))

    # full path + file name where sos will be saved.
    sos_file = '%s/%s' % (loc, file_name)

        f = open(sos_file, 'w')
        for line in sos_output.split('\r\n'):
            f.write('%s\n' % line)
        result.status = True
        result.message = 'sos output stores in %s' % sos_file
    except IOError as e:
        result.message = e

    return result
コード例 #13
ファイル: srx.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
def add_ssd_to_fc(sr, nssds=1):
    Add SSD a number to flashcache pool

    :param sr: an srx object
    :param nssds: number of drives ot add

    ret = ReturnCode(False)

    disks = sr.disks.keys()
    available_disks = [
        "%s.%s" % (sr.shelf, x) for x in disks
        if slot_is_available(sr, x, cache=True)

    ssds = ["%s" % d for d in available_disks if is_ssd(sr, d)]

    if not ssds or len(ssds) < nssds:
        ret.message = 'No more ssds to add to flashcache'
        ret.status = False
        return ret
    ssds.reverse()  # implicitly sorts ssds wrt slot numbers
    for _ in range(nssds):
        ret = sr.fcconfig(ssds.pop())
        if not ret:
    return ret
コード例 #14
ファイル: srx.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
def fail_disk(sr, lun, element=None, raid='0'):
    Fail a single disk on a lun, if not specified, the function will choose one for you.

    :param sr: an srx object
    :param lun: this is the lun id from which we want to fail an element
    :param element: if this is passed, the element we want to fail, it's in the form '1','3' or '5'
    :param raid: this value was for concat raids and is not used anymore the default value is 0

    :returns: A ReturnCode object the message contains the disk that was failed or if no disk was failed at all.

    result = ReturnCode(False, 'err: No disk was failed in lun %s' % lun)

    # get a list of disks for lun
    luns = sr.list

    # We search among the components of the lun for one to fail.
    for l in luns[lun]['raids'][int(raid)]['components']:
        if element is None or element == l['position']:
            if l['stat'] == 'normal':
                    drive = '%s.%s.%s' % (lun, raid, l['position'])
                    result = sr.fail(drive)
                    result.message = drive
                    return result
                except ApplianceError as e:
                    result.message = e
                    return result
    return result
コード例 #15
 def cycle(self, outlet, expectation=True):
     Power cycle a particular port in the PDU specified by the outlet number.
     outlet_state = self.state
     result = ReturnCode(True)
     outlet = str(outlet)
     logger.info("cycle %s" % outlet)
     self.expect("Control Sub Menu")
     self.expect("Outlet State Sub Menu")
     if int(outlet) in range(1, 9):
     elif int(outlet) in range(9, 17):
     elif int(outlet) in range(17, 25):
     self.expect("Outlet Control Sub Menu")
     self.expect("%s Command Choices" % outlet_state[outlet]['name'])
     self.expect("%s Requested Command is Reboot" %
     self.expect("Outlet State Sub Menu")
     if not expectation:
         return result
     elif re.search("error|fail", self.before, re.MULTILINE | re.I):
         raise ApplianceError("pdu cycle failed")
         # get back to main menu
     for i in range(0, 2):
         self.expect("Select Item Number")
コード例 #16
ファイル: srx.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
def rdunfail(sr, disk):
    unset the rdfail flag on a drive

    :param sr: an srx object
    :param disk: drive on which to set the rdfail flag, we test the flag to verify it is on, before setting it

    Return: a ReturnCode True if flag was set to off False if failed (drive was already off or missing.

    result = ReturnCode(False)

    d = sr.disks.get(disk)

    if d and d[
            'rdfail'] == 'on':  # Let's test for the result of sr.disks.get, just in case that disk is missing.
        cmd = "echo rdfail off > /raiddev/%s/ctl" % disk
            if sr.version >= 7:
                result = sr.expert_run(cmd)
                result = sr.run_and_check(cmd)
        except ApplianceError, e:
            logger.error('A problem was found trying to rdunfail disk %s: %s',
                         disk, e)
コード例 #17
    def run_and_check(self, cmd, expectation=True):
        Run a command check the result.  If the caller cares about failure
        and the command fails we raise a generic exception.
        result = ReturnCode(True)
        logger.info(cmd + " called")
        result.message = self.pdu.run(cmd)
        e = Exception()

        if not result.message.find('E000: Success'):
            if result.message.find('E101: Command Not Found') > -1:
                result.status = False
                failmsg = cmd + " failed"
                e = ApplianceError(failmsg)

            elif result.message.startswith('E102: Parameter Error'):
                result.status = False
                failmsg = cmd + " failed"
                e = ApplianceUsage(failmsg)
                result.status = False

        if not expectation:
            return result
        elif not result.status:
            raise e
        return result
コード例 #18
ファイル: solaris.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
    def _zpool_create(self, pname, targets, ptype='', spares=None):
        This gets called from abstraction zpool_create and does zpool creation.

        if type(targets) == list:
            devices = [self._target2device(target) for target in targets]
            spare_devices = []
            if spares:
                spare_devices = [
                    self._target2device(spare) for spare in spares
            if len(devices) > 0:
                cmd = 'zpool create -f %s %s' % (pname, ptype)
                for d in devices:
                    if d:
                        cmd += ' %s' % d
                if spares:
                    cmd += ' spare'
                    for s in spare_devices:
                        if s:
                            cmd += ' %s' % s
                return self.run_and_check(cmd, False)
                # it could be a question being asked during the creation.
                return ReturnCode(False, 'Devices not found at initiator')

        elif type(targets) == str:
            device = self._target2device(targets)
            spare_devices = []
            if spares:
                spare_devices = [
                    self._target2device(spare) for spare in spares
            if device:
                cmd = 'zpool create -f %s %s %s' % (pname, ptype, device)
                if spares:
                    cmd += ' spare'
                    for s in spare_devices:
                        if s:
                            cmd += ' %s' % s
                return self.run_and_check(
                    cmd, False)  # FIXME, same as above run command.
                return ReturnCode(False,
                                  'Device for target %s not found' % targets)
コード例 #19
ファイル: windows.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
 def aoerevalidate(self, shelf_lun):  # STUB
     Calls aoe-revalidate e{shelf}.{lun} on initiator
         Accept a string e.g. 'e4.1' or AoEAddress
         Returns ReturnCode object
     ret = ReturnCode(False)
     return ret
コード例 #20
ファイル: windows.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
    def loadaoe(self):  # STUB
        Loads the AoE driver module defined in self.coraidmodule:
        either the HBA driver 'ethdrv', or the software initiator 'aoe'.

        ret = ReturnCode(False)
        return ret
コード例 #21
ファイル: windows.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
    def unloadaoe(self):  # STUB
        Unload the AoE driver module defined in self.coraid_module

        Returns a ReturnCode object
        ret = ReturnCode(False)
        return ret
コード例 #22
ファイル: windows.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
 def claim(self, lun):  # STUB
     claim a LUN
     accept string or AoEAddress type
     Return : ReturnCode
     ret = ReturnCode(False)
     return ret
コード例 #23
ファイル: ssh.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
    def run(self, cmd, timeout=None, bufsize=-1):
        :param cmd: command to run on remote host
        :type cmd: str

        :param timeout: timeout on blocking read/write operations when exceeded socket error will be raised
        :type timeout: float
        :param bufsize: byte size of the buffer for the filehandle returned
        :type bufsize: int
        :rtype: ReturnCode
        ret = ReturnCode(False)
        if not self.connected:
            raise ConnectionError(
                "Run was called on an unconnected host. Did you check the result of connect()?"
            if self.environmentals:
                envstring = str()
                for var, value in self.environmentals.items():
                    statement = "%s=%s " % (var, value)
                    envstring += statement
                cmd = "%s%s" % (envstring, cmd)
            if self.cwd:
                cmd = "cd %s && %s" % (self.cwd, cmd)
            self._log(logging.DEBUG, 'running command: "%s"' % cmd)
            stdin, stdout, stderr = self.exec_command(command=cmd,
        except paramiko.SSHException as e:
            err = "Couldn't complete the command: %s" % str(e)
            ret.message = err
            return ret

        # we must read stderr _before_ stdout
        # otherwise paramiko losses the stdout data
            ret.raw = Data(ret.raw.status, ret.raw.stdout, stderr.read())
        except socket.timeout:
            ret.message = "Timeout"
            return ret

        status = stdout.channel.recv_exit_status()
        ret.raw = Data(status, stdout.read(), ret.raw.stderr)

        if status != 0:
            ret.message = ret.raw.stderr
            ret.status = True
            ret.message = ret.raw.stdout


        return ret
コード例 #24
ファイル: windows.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
 def aoediscover(self):
     Call the driver's discover command.  Returns ReturnCode object
     cmd = "%s discover" % ethdrvadm
     output = self.run(cmd)
     if output.find("error") > -1:  # I don't think this will ever happen
         status = False
         status = True
     return ReturnCode(status=status, message=output)
コード例 #25
 def claim_targets(self, target_list):
     Claim the luns
     lun_list = target_list.split(' ')
     result = ReturnCode(False, message="empty target list")
     for lun in lun_list:
         cmd = mkcmdstr('esxcli ethdrv claim -t', lun)
         result = self.run_and_check(cmd)
     return result
コード例 #26
def lv_is_empty(vsx, lv):
    Verify there are no snap extents left on this LV.
    su = get_snap_used(vsx, lv)
    r = ReturnCode(False)
    if su == "0.000":
        r.status = True
        r.message = "Stray snap extents on LV %s: %s" % (lv, su)
    return r
コード例 #27
ファイル: srx.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
def slot_is_available(sr, slot, cache=False):
    check slots' role as part of a lun, or if is marked as an spare or cache disk or if it missing.

    :param slot: the slot we want to check, it's a str or int in the form: '3', '12' or '34'.
    :param cache: is it ok to assume that sr.disks is unchanged while we are in this function?

    :return: a ReturnCode object, message contains the output of disks command for the specified slot

    # !!this is a surprisingly complicated function!! You have been warned.

    if sr.use_slots and slot not in sr.use_slots:
        return ReturnCode(status=False, message="masked by use_slots")

    t = sr.use_slots

    sr.use_slots = [slot]
    diskcache = sr.cache.get('disks')

    if not ((cache and diskcache) and diskcache.get(slot)):

        disk = getattr(sr, "s%s" % slot)
        if not disk.get('model'):
            sr.use_slots = t
            return ReturnCode(status=False, message=str(disk))
        disk = diskcache.get(slot)

    sr.use_slots = t

    if disk['role'] in ['', None]:
        if disk['size'] != 'missing':
            status = True
            status = False
        status = False
    return ReturnCode(status=status, message=disk)
コード例 #28
def pv_is_empty(vsx, pv=None):  # TODO: use pv to filter results
    Check if most of the metadata is empty and that extents are
    correctly accounted for. pv parameter is ignored for now
    if not isinstance(vsx, Vsx):
        e = ReturnCode(False)
        e.message = "object is not a Vsx instance"
        return e

    total = 0
    free = 0
    dirty = 0
    meta = 0
    sh = vsx.shelf

    ret = vsx.pvs
    if not ret.status:
        return ret
    p = ret.message
    ret = ReturnCode(True)
    used = calculate_metaext(total, 4096)
    if used != dirty:
        e = "pv has too many dirty extents, should be %d on VSX %s:\n%s" % (
            used, sh, p)
        ret.status = False
        ret.message = e
    if meta:
        e = "meta extents not zero on VSX %s:\n%s" % (sh, p)
        ret.status = False
        ret.message += "\n%s" % e
    if total != free + dirty:
        e = "pv accounting error on VSX %s:\n%s" % (sh, p)
        ret.status = False
        ret.message += "\n%s" % e
    return ret
コード例 #29
ファイル: ethdrv.py プロジェクト: ikozhukhov/oTTo
def cmp_aoestat_targets(a, t):
    # Confirm aoestats.paths in targets.ea
    for l in a.port:
        for m in a.paths[l].address:
            found = False
            for n in t:
                mask = bin(n.ports)[2:][::-1]
                if a.paths[l].port < len(mask) and mask[
                        a.paths[l].port] == '1' and m == n.ea:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                return ReturnCode(
                    False, 'aoestat %s does not match targets %s' % (a, t))
    # Confirm targets.ea in aoestats.paths
    for l in t:
        mask = bin(l.ports)[2:][::-1]
        for m in range(len(mask)):
            if mask[m] == '1':
                if l.ea not in a.paths[m].address:
                    return ReturnCode(
                        False, 'targets %s does not match aoestat %s' % (t, a))
    return ReturnCode(True)
コード例 #30
def fio(init1, args):
    Pull out fio configuration options from fc and execute
    init1.run_and_check('set +m; rm -f *out *err')
    cmd = 'fio --output-format=json %s> out 2> err &' % args
    init1.run(cmd, wait=False)
    for i in range(10):
        n = nofiorunning(init1)
        if not n:
            return ReturnCode(True)
    return fioresult(init1)