コード例 #1
def pitch_angles(vlsvReader, cellid, cosine=True, plasmaframe=False):
    """ Calculates the pitch angle distribution for a given cell

       :param vlsvReader:        Some VlsvReader class with a file open
       :type vlsvReader:         :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
       :param cellid:            The cell id whose pitch angle the user wants NOTE: The cell id must have a velocity distribution!
       :param cosine:            True if returning the pitch angles as a cosine plot
       :param plasmaframe:       True if the user wants to get the pitch angle distribution in the plasma frame
       :returns: pitch angles and avgs [pitch_angles, avgs]

       .. code-block:: python

          # Example usage:
          vlsvReader = VlsvReader("fullf.0001.vlsv")
          result = pitch_angles( vlsvReader=vlsvReader, cellid=1924, cosine=True, plasmaframe=False )
          # Plot the data
          import pylab as pl
          pl.hist(result[0].data, weights=result[1].data, bins=100, log=False)
    # Read the velocity cells:
    velocity_cell_data = vlsvReader.read_velocity_cells(cellid)
    # Read bulk velocity:
    if vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid) != 0.0:
        bulk_velocity = np.array(
            vlsvReader.read_variable("rho_v", cellid) / vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid), copy=False
        bulk_velocity = 0.0
    # Calculate the pitch angles for the data:
    B = vlsvReader.read_variable("B", cellid)
    B_unit = B / np.linalg.norm(B)
    # Get cells:
    vcellids = velocity_cell_data.keys()
    # Get avgs data:
    avgs = velocity_cell_data.values()
    # Get a list of velocity coordinates:
    if plasmaframe == True:
        v = vlsvReader.get_velocity_cell_coordinates(vcellids) - bulk_velocity
        v = vlsvReader.get_velocity_cell_coordinates(vcellids)
    # Get norms:
    v_norms = np.sum(np.abs(v) ** 2, axis=-1) ** (1.0 / 2)
    # Get the angles:
    if cosine == True:
        pitch_angles = v.dot(B_unit) / v_norms
        units = "radian"
        pitch_angles = np.arccos(v.dot(B_unit) / v_norms) / (2 * np.pi) * 360
        units = "degree"
    # Return the pitch angles and avgs values:
    from output import output_1d

    if vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid) != 0.0:
        return output_1d([pitch_angles, avgs], ["Pitch_angle", "avgs"], [units, ""])
        return output_1d([[0], [1e-9]], ["Pitch_angle", "avgs"], [units, ""])
コード例 #2
ファイル: old_pitchangle.py プロジェクト: Wincolin/analysator
def pitch_angles(vlsvReader, cellid, cosine=True, plasmaframe=False):
    ''' Calculates the pitch angle distribution for a given cell

       :param vlsvReader:        Some VlsvReader class with a file open
       :type vlsvReader:         :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
       :param cellid:            The cell id whose pitch angle the user wants NOTE: The cell id must have a velocity distribution!
       :param cosine:            True if returning the pitch angles as a cosine plot
       :param plasmaframe:       True if the user wants to get the pitch angle distribution in the plasma frame
       :returns: pitch angles and avgs [pitch_angles, avgs]

       .. code-block:: python

          # Example usage:
          vlsvReader = VlsvReader("fullf.0001.vlsv")
          result = pitch_angles( vlsvReader=vlsvReader, cellid=1924, cosine=True, plasmaframe=False )
          # Plot the data
          import pylab as pl
          pl.hist(result[0].data, weights=result[1].data, bins=100, log=False)
    # Read the velocity cells:
    velocity_cell_data = vlsvReader.read_velocity_cells(cellid)
    # Read bulk velocity:
    if vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid) != 0.0:
        bulk_velocity = np.array(vlsvReader.read_variable("rho_v", cellid) /
                                 vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid),
        bulk_velocity = 0.0
    # Calculate the pitch angles for the data:
    B = vlsvReader.read_variable("B", cellid)
    B_unit = B / np.linalg.norm(B)
    # Get cells:
    vcellids = velocity_cell_data.keys()
    # Get avgs data:
    avgs = velocity_cell_data.values()
    # Get a list of velocity coordinates:
    if plasmaframe == True:
        v = vlsvReader.get_velocity_cell_coordinates(vcellids) - bulk_velocity
        v = vlsvReader.get_velocity_cell_coordinates(vcellids)
    # Get norms:
    v_norms = np.sum(np.abs(v)**2, axis=-1)**(1. / 2)
    # Get the angles:
    if cosine == True:
        pitch_angles = v.dot(B_unit) / v_norms
        units = "radian"
        pitch_angles = np.arccos(v.dot(B_unit) / v_norms) / (2 * np.pi) * 360
        units = "degree"
    # Return the pitch angles and avgs values:
    from output import output_1d
    if vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid) != 0.0:
        return output_1d([pitch_angles, avgs], ["Pitch_angle", "avgs"],
                         [units, ""])
        return output_1d([[0], [1e-9]], ["Pitch_angle", "avgs"], [units, ""])
コード例 #3
def gyrophase_angles_from_file( vlsvReader, cellid):
   ''' Calculates the gyrophase angle angle distribution for a given cell with a given file
   :param vlsvReader:        Some VlsvReader class with a file open
   :type vlsvReader:         :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
   :param cellid:            The cell id whose gyrophase angle the user wants NOTE: The cell id must have a velocity distribution!
   :returns: gyrophase angles and avgs [gyro_angles, avgs]
   .. code-block:: python
   # Example usage:
   vlsvReader = VlsvReader("fullf.0001.vlsv")
   result = gyrophase_angles_from_file( vlsvReader=vlsvReader, cellid=1924)
   # Plot the data
   import pylab as pl
   pl.hist(result[0].data, weights=result[1].data, bins=100, log=False)
   # Read the velocity cells:
   velocity_cell_data = vlsvReader.read_velocity_cells(cellid)
   if velocity_cell_data == []:
      from output import output_1d
      return output_1d([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]], ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"], ["", ""])
   # Read bulk velocity:
   if vlsvReader.check_variable( "rho" ):
      if vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid) != 0.0:
         bulk_velocity = np.array(vlsvReader.read_variable("rho_v", cellid) / vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid), copy=False)
         from output import output_1d
         return output_1d([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]], ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"], ["", ""])
      moments = np.array(vlsvReader.read_variable("moments", cellid))
      if moments[0] != 0.0:
         bulk_velocity = np.array(np.divide(np.array(moments[1:]), moments[0]))
         from output import output_1d
         return output_1d([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]], ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"], ["", ""])
   # Calculate the gyrophase angles for the data:
   if vlsvReader.check_variable( "B" ):
      B = vlsvReader.read_variable("B", cellid)
      B = vlsvReader.read_variable("background_B", cellid) + vlsvReader.read_variable("perturbed_B", cellid)
   if np.linalg.norm(B) != 0.0:
      B_unit = B / np.linalg.norm(B)
      from output import output_1d
      return output_1d([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]], ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"], ["", ""])
   # Get cells:
   vcellids = velocity_cell_data.keys()
   # Get a list of velocity coordinates:
   velocity_coordinates = vlsvReader.get_velocity_cell_coordinates(vcellids)
   return gyrophase_angles(bulk_velocity, B_unit, velocity_cell_data, velocity_coordinates)
コード例 #4
ファイル: fit.py プロジェクト: mkruuse/analysator
def subtract_1d_polynomial_fit(x, y):
    ''' Fits 1d polynomial into the data, subtracts it from the given data and returns the subtracted data.

       :param x:           The x-axis
       :param y:           Data to manipulate in either variable or raw form
       :returns: data from which a 1d polynomial fit has been subtracted

       .. note::

          This may be useful for fourier transforms
    # Fit a polynomial into the data
    from variable import get_data, get_name, get_units
    import numpy as np
    parameters = 2

    def function(args, x, y):
        x = np.array(x)
        y = np.array(y)
        value = args[0] + args[1] * x
        return y - value

    from scipy import optimize
    fit = optimize.leastsq(function,
                           args=(get_data(x), get_data(y)))
    y_fitted = (-1) * function(fit[0], x, 0)
    # Create a new array y2 which has a forced constant amplitude for the (possible) waves:
    y2 = y - y_fitted
    # Return the data
    from output import output_1d
    return output_1d([y2], [get_name(y)], [get_units(y)])
コード例 #5
ファイル: fit.py プロジェクト: fmihpc/analysator
def subtract_1d_polynomial_fit( x, y ):
   ''' Fits 1d polynomial into the data, subtracts it from the given data and returns the subtracted data.

       :param x:           The x-axis
       :param y:           Data to manipulate in either variable or raw form
       :returns: data from which a 1d polynomial fit has been subtracted

       .. note::

          This may be useful for fourier transforms
   # Fit a polynomial into the data
   from variable import get_data, get_name, get_units
   import numpy as np
   parameters = 2
   def function(args, x, y):
      x = np.array(x)
      y = np.array(y)
      value = args[0] + args[1]*x
      return y - value
   from scipy import optimize
   fit = optimize.leastsq(function, np.ones(parameters), args=(get_data(x), get_data(y)))
   y_fitted = (-1)*function(fit[0], x, 0)
   # Create a new array y2 which has a forced constant amplitude for the (possible) waves:
   y2 = y - y_fitted
   # Return the data
   from output import output_1d
   return output_1d( [y2], [get_name(y)], [get_units(y)] )
コード例 #6
def fourier(dt, y, kaiserwindowparameter=0):
    ''' Function for returning fourier series and frequencies of some given arrays t and y

       :param dt:           Time
       :param y:            Some variable data
       :returns: the frequencies, new time variables and frequencies

       .. note::

          return format: [FFT, frequencies, t, y]

       .. note::

          t must have a constant time stepping

       .. code-block:: python

          Example usage:
          fourier_data = fourier( t=np.arange(0,500,0.5), y=rho_data, kaiserwindowparameter=14 )

    # Get the data
    from variable import get_data
    #t_data = get_data(t)
    y_data = get_data(y)
    # First check the t array whether it has a constant dt
    #dt = get_data(t)[1] - get_data(t)[0]

    #for i in xrange(len(get_data(t))-1):
    #   if dt != get_data(t)[i+1] - get_data(t)[i]:
    #      print "Gave bad timestep to plot_fourier, the time step in array t must be constant (for now)"
    # Use kaiser window on y
    import numpy as np
    y_tmp = get_data(y) * np.kaiser(len(get_data(y)), kaiserwindowparameter)
    # Do FFT on the data
    fourier = np.fft.fft(y_tmp) * (1 / (float)(len(y_tmp)))
    # Get frequencies of the fourier
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fourier), d=dt)
    # Declare t2 (Note: This is the same as t but we want the steps to be thicker so the data looks smoother
    dt2 = dt * 0.01
    t2 = np.arange(len(y_tmp) * 100) * dt2
    # Declare y2
    y2 = np.array([
        np.sum(fourier * np.exp(complex(0, 1) * 2 * np.pi * freq * T))
        for T in t2
    from output import output_1d
    from variable import get_name
    # Get the indexes:
    toIndex = (int)((len(freq) / 2) / 2.0 + 1)
    return output_1d(
        [2 * np.abs(fourier[1:toIndex]), freq[1:toIndex], t2, y2],
        ["FFT", "frequency", "time", get_name(y)])
コード例 #7
ファイル: fourier.py プロジェクト: fmihpc/analysator
def fourier( t, y, kaiserwindowparameter=0 ):
   ''' Function for returning fourier series and frequencies of some given arrays t and y

       :param t:           Time
       :param y:            Some variable data
       :returns: the frequencies, new time variables and frequencies

       .. note::

          return format: [FFT, frequencies, t, y]

       .. note::

          t must have a constant time stepping

       .. code-block:: python

          Example usage:
          fourier_data = fourier( t=np.arange(0,500,0.5), y=rho_data, kaiserwindowparameter=14 )

   # Get the data
   from variable import get_data
   #t_data = get_data(t)
   y_data = get_data(y)
   # First check the t array whether it has a constant t
   #t = get_data(t)[1] - get_data(t)[0]

   #for i in xrange(len(get_data(t))-1):
   #   if t != get_data(t)[i+1] - get_data(t)[i]:
   #      print "Gave bad timestep to plot_fourier, the time step in array t must be constant (for now)"
   # Use kaiser window on y
   import numpy as np
   y_tmp = get_data(y) * np.kaiser(len(get_data(y)), kaiserwindowparameter)
   # Do FFT on the data
   fourier=np.fft.fft(y_tmp) * (1/(float)(len(y_tmp)))
   # Get frequencies of the fourier
   freq=np.fft.fftfreq(len(fourier), d=t)
   # Declare t2 (Note: This is the same as t but we want the steps to be thicker so the data looks smoother
   # Declare y2
   y2=np.array([np.sum(fourier*np.exp(complex(0,1)*2*np.pi*freq*T)) for T in t2])
   from output import output_1d
   from variable import get_name
   # Get the indexes:
   toIndex = (int)((len(freq)/2)/2.0 + 1)
   return output_1d([2*np.abs(fourier[1:toIndex]), freq[1:toIndex], t2, y2], ["FFT", "frequency", "time", get_name(y)])
コード例 #8
ファイル: gyrophaseangle.py プロジェクト: Wincolin/analysator
def gyrophase_angles(bulk_velocity,
    ''' Calculates the gyrophase angle angle distribution for a given cell
   :param bulk_velocity: TODO
   :param B_unit: TODO
   :param velocity_coordinates: TODO
   :param cosine:            True if returning the gyrophase angles as a cosine plot
   :param plasmaframe:       True if the user wants to get the gyrophase angle distribution in the plasma frame, default True
   :returns: gyrophase angles and avgs [gyro_angles, avgs]
   .. code-block:: python
   # Example usage:
   vlsvReader = VlsvReader("fullf.0001.vlsv")
   result = gyrophase_angles_from_file( vlsvReader=vlsvReader, cellid=1924, cosine=True, plasmaframe=False )
   # Plot the data
   import pylab as pl
   pl.hist(result[0].data, weights=result[1].data, bins=100, log=False)

    # Get avgs data:
    avgs = velocity_cell_data.values()
    # Shift to plasma frame
    if plasmaframe == True:
        velocity_coordinates = velocity_coordinates - bulk_velocity
    # Get norms:
    v_norms = np.sum(np.abs(velocity_coordinates)**2, axis=-1)**(1. / 2)
    # Get the angles:
    v_rotated = rotateVectorToVector(velocity_coordinates, B_unit)
    v_rotated = np.asarray(v_rotated)
    if cosine == True:
        gyro_angles = np.cos(np.arctan2(v_rotated[:, 0], v_rotated[:, 1]))
        units = ""
        gyro_angles = np.arctan2(v_rotated[:, 0],
                                 v_rotated[:, 1]) / (2 * np.pi) * 360
        units = "degree"
    # Return the gyrophase angles and avgs values:
    from output import output_1d
    return output_1d([gyro_angles, avgs], ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"],
                     [units, ""])
コード例 #9
def gyrophase_angles(bulk_velocity, B_unit, velocity_cell_data, velocity_coordinates, plasmaframe=True, cosine=False):
   ''' Calculates the gyrophase angle angle distribution for a given cell
   :param bulk_velocity: TODO
   :param B_unit: TODO
   :param velocity_coordinates: TODO
   :param cosine:            True if returning the gyrophase angles as a cosine plot
   :param plasmaframe:       True if the user wants to get the gyrophase angle distribution in the plasma frame, default True
   :returns: gyrophase angles and avgs [gyro_angles, avgs]
   .. code-block:: python
   # Example usage:
   vlsvReader = VlsvReader("fullf.0001.vlsv")
   result = gyrophase_angles_from_file( vlsvReader=vlsvReader, cellid=1924, cosine=True, plasmaframe=False )
   # Plot the data
   import pylab as pl
   pl.hist(result[0].data, weights=result[1].data, bins=100, log=False)
   # Get avgs data:
   avgs = velocity_cell_data.values()
   # Shift to plasma frame
   if plasmaframe == True:
      velocity_coordinates = velocity_coordinates - bulk_velocity
   # Get norms:
   v_norms = np.sum(np.abs(velocity_coordinates)**2,axis=-1)**(1./2)
   # Get the angles:
   v_rotated = rotateVectorToVector(velocity_coordinates, B_unit)
   v_rotated = np.asarray(v_rotated)
   if cosine == True:
      gyro_angles = np.cos(np.arctan2(v_rotated[:,0], v_rotated[:,1]))
      units = ""
      gyro_angles = np.arctan2(v_rotated[:,0], v_rotated[:,1]) / (2*np.pi) * 360
      units = "degree"
   # Return the gyrophase angles and avgs values:
   from output import output_1d
   return output_1d([gyro_angles, avgs], ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"], [units, ""])
コード例 #10
ファイル: gyrophaseangle.py プロジェクト: Wincolin/analysator
def gyrophase_angles_from_file(vlsvReader, cellid):
    ''' Calculates the gyrophase angle angle distribution for a given cell with a given file
   :param vlsvReader:        Some VlsvReader class with a file open
   :type vlsvReader:         :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
   :param cellid:            The cell id whose gyrophase angle the user wants NOTE: The cell id must have a velocity distribution!
   :returns: gyrophase angles and avgs [gyro_angles, avgs]
   .. code-block:: python
   # Example usage:
   vlsvReader = VlsvReader("fullf.0001.vlsv")
   result = gyrophase_angles_from_file( vlsvReader=vlsvReader, cellid=1924)
   # Plot the data
   import pylab as pl
   pl.hist(result[0].data, weights=result[1].data, bins=100, log=False)
    # Read the velocity cells:
    velocity_cell_data = vlsvReader.read_velocity_cells(cellid)
    if velocity_cell_data == []:
        from output import output_1d
        return output_1d([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]], ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"],
                         ["", ""])
    # Read bulk velocity:
    if vlsvReader.check_variable("rho"):
        if vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid) != 0.0:
            bulk_velocity = np.array(
                vlsvReader.read_variable("rho_v", cellid) /
                vlsvReader.read_variable("rho", cellid),
            from output import output_1d
            return output_1d([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]],
                             ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"], ["", ""])
        moments = np.array(vlsvReader.read_variable("moments", cellid))
        if moments[0] != 0.0:
            bulk_velocity = np.array(
                np.divide(np.array(moments[1:]), moments[0]))
            from output import output_1d
            return output_1d([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]],
                             ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"], ["", ""])
    # Calculate the gyrophase angles for the data:
    if vlsvReader.check_variable("B"):
        B = vlsvReader.read_variable("B", cellid)
        B = vlsvReader.read_variable("background_B",
                                     cellid) + vlsvReader.read_variable(
                                         "perturbed_B", cellid)
    if np.linalg.norm(B) != 0.0:
        B_unit = B / np.linalg.norm(B)
        from output import output_1d
        return output_1d([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]], ["Gyrophase_angle", "avgs"],
                         ["", ""])
    # Get cells:
    vcellids = velocity_cell_data.keys()
    # Get a list of velocity coordinates:
    velocity_coordinates = vlsvReader.get_velocity_cell_coordinates(vcellids)
    return gyrophase_angles(bulk_velocity, B_unit, velocity_cell_data,
コード例 #11
def pitch_angles(vlsvReader,
    ''' Calculates the pitch angle distribution for a given cell

   :param vlsvReader:        Some VlsvReader class with a file open. Can be overriden by keywords.
   :param cellid:            The cell id whose pitch angle the user wants 
                             NOTE: The cell id must have a velocity distribution!
   :kword filename:          path to .vlsv file to use for input.
   :kword filedir:           Optionally provide directory where files are located and use step for bulk file name
   :kword step:              output step index, used for constructing output (and possibly input) filename

   :kword nbins:             How many bins to use for the distribution
   :kword cosine:            True if returning the pitch angles as a cosine(alpha) plot [-1,1].
                             If false, returns as pitch angle in degrees [0,180].

   :kword plasmaframe:       True if the user wants to get the pitch angle distribution
                             in the plasma frame (for this population).
                             If set to a string, will try to use the string as a variable for
                             the frame to transform into.
                             If set to a 3-element vector, will use that frame instead.

   :kword vcut:              Set to True to ignore velocity cells below 2x the thermal speed.
                             If set to a number, will use that velocity in m/s instead.

   :kword outputdir:         Optional (recommended) method to save results to a file in the given directory.
                             If directory does not exist, it will be created.
   :kword outputfile:        Provide exact output file name

   :kword pop:               Active population, defaults to proton (avgs)
   :returns: pitch angles and avgs [pitch_angles, avgs]

       .. code-block:: python

          # Example usage:
          vlsvReader = VlsvReader("restart.0000798.vlsv")
          result = pitch_angles( vlsvReader=vlsvReader, 1924, cosine=True, 
                                 plasmaframe=True, outputdir="/wrk/username/pitchangledirectory/" )

    # Input file or object
    if filename != None:
        vlsvReader = pt.vlsvfile.VlsvReader(filename)
    elif ((filedir != None) and (step != None)):
        filename = filedir + 'bulk.' + str(step).rjust(7, '0') + '.vlsv'
        vlsvReader = pt.vlsvfile.VlsvReader(filename)

    # Transform to a different frame?
    frame = [0., 0., 0.]
    if plasmaframe is not False:
        if isinstance(plasmaframe, str):
            frame = vlsvReader.read_variable(plasmaframe, cellid)
        elif plasmaframe is True:
            if vlsvReader.check_variable("moments"):  # restart
                frame = vlsvReader.read_variable('restart_V', cellid)
                frame = vlsvReader.read_variable('V', cellid)
        elif len(plasmaframe) == 3:  # Assume it's a vector
            frame = plasmaframe

    # Find the magnetic field direction
    B = vlsvReader.read_variable("B", cellid)
    Bmag = np.linalg.norm(B)
    B_unit = B / Bmag

    # verify population
    if pop == "proton":
        if not vlsvReader.check_population(pop):
            if vlsvReader.check_population("avgs"):
                pop = "avgs"
                #print("Auto-switched to population avgs")
                print("Unable to detect population " + pop + " in .vlsv file!")
        if not vlsvReader.check_population(pop):
            print("Unable to detect population " + pop + " in .vlsv file!")

    # Read temperature for thermal speed
    if vcut is True:
        if vlsvReader.check_variable(
                "moments"):  # restart, use overall rho/rhom and pressure
            rhom = vlsvReader.read_variable("restart_rhom", cellid)
            PDiagonal = vlsvReader.read_variable("pressure", cellid)
            Pressure = (PDiagonal[0] + PDiagonal[1] + PDiagonal[2]) * (1. / 3.)
            vth = np.sqrt(Pressure * 8. / (rhom * np.pi))
            if vlsvReader.check_variable("rhom"):  # multipop
                vth = vlsvReader.read_variable(pop + "/vThermal", cellid)
                vth = vlsvReader.read_variable("vThermal", cellid)
        vcutoff = 2 * vth
    else:  # assume it's a number to use as the speed in m/s
        vcutoff = vcut

    # Read the velocity cells:
    velocity_cell_data = vlsvReader.read_velocity_cells(cellid, pop=pop)
    vcellids = velocity_cell_data.keys()
    avgs = velocity_cell_data.values()

    # Transform to a frame
    v = vlsvReader.get_velocity_cell_coordinates(vcellids, pop=pop) - frame

    # Get the angles:
    v_norms = np.linalg.norm(v, axis=-1)
    v_unit = v / v_norms[:, np.newaxis]
    if cosine == True:
        pitch_angles = (v_unit * B_unit).sum(-1)
        units = "cos alpha"
        pitchrange = (-1, 1)
        pitch_angles = np.arccos((v_unit * B_unit).sum(-1)) * (180. / np.pi)
        units = "degree"
        pitchrange = (0, 180)

    # Calculate velocity cell sizes
    [vxsize, vysize, vzsize] = vlsvReader.get_velocity_mesh_size(pop=pop)
    [vxmin, vymin, vzmin, vxmax, vymax,
     vzmax] = vlsvReader.get_velocity_mesh_extent(pop=pop)
    dvx = (vxmax - vxmin) / (4 * vxsize)
    dvy = (vymax - vymin) / (4 * vysize)
    dvz = (vzmax - vzmin) / (4 * vzsize)
    dv3 = dvx * dvy * dvz

    # Clip negative avgs to zero
    # (Some elements may be negative due to ghost cell propagation effects)
    avgs = np.array(avgs).clip(min=0) * dv3

    # Mask off cells below threshold
    condition = (v_norms > vcutoff)
    # Get the velocity cells above cutoff speed
    #vcellids_nonsphere = np.extract(condition, vcellids)
    # Get the avgs
    avgs_nonsphere = np.extract(condition, avgs)
    # Get the pitch-angles (or cosines)
    pitch_nonsphere = np.extract(condition, pitch_angles)

    # Generate a histogram
    weights, angles = np.histogram(pitch_nonsphere,

    # Wrap the data into a custon format
    result = output_1d([angles, weights], ["Pitch_angle", "sum_avgs"],
                       [units, "1/m3"])

    rho_summed = np.sum(avgs)
    rho_nonsphere = np.sum(avgs_nonsphere)
    print("rho", rho_summed, rho_nonsphere)

    if outputfile != None or outputdir != None:  # Save output to file
        # Generate filename
        timestr = '{:4.1f}'.format(vlsvReader.read_parameter("time"))
        if outputfile == None:
            outputfile = outputdir + "/pitchangle_weights_cellid_" + str(
                cellid).rjust(7, '0') + "_time_" + timestr + ".txt"

        # Check to find actual target sub-directory
        outputprefixind = outputfile.rfind('/')
        if outputprefixind >= 0:
            outputdir = outputfile[:outputprefixind + 1]
        # Ensure output directory exists and is writeable
        if not os.path.exists(outputdir):
        if not os.access(outputdir, os.W_OK):
            print("No write access for directory " + outputdir + "! Exiting.")

        outfilewrite = open(outputfile, 'w')
        outfilewrite.write("# cellid time rho rho_nonsphere Bx By Bz pop\n")
        outfilewrite.write(str(int(cellid)) + " " + timestr)
        outfilewrite.write(' {:E} {:E} {:E} {:E} {:E}'.format(
            rho_summed, rho_nonsphere, B[0], B[1], B[2]) + " " + pop + "\n")

        outfilewrite.write("# nbins, bin_edges\n")
        for angle in angles:
            outfilewrite.write('{:E} '.format(angle))
        outfilewrite.write("# bin_values\n")
        for weight in weights:
            outfilewrite.write('{:E} '.format(weight))


    # Return the histogram
    return result
コード例 #12
def get_cellids_coordinates_distances(vlsvReader, xmax, xmin, xcells, ymax,
                                      ymin, ycells, zmax, zmin, zcells,
                                      cell_lengths, point1, point2):
    ''' Calculates coordinates to be used in the cut_through. The coordinates are calculated so that every cell gets picked in the coordinates.
       :param vlsvReader:       Some open VlsvReader
       :type vlsvReader:        :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
       :param point1:           The starting point of a cut-through line
       :param point2:           The ending point of a cut-through line
       :returns: Coordinates of for the cell cut-through as well as cell ids and distances
    point1 = np.array(point1, copy=False)
    point2 = np.array(point2, copy=False)

    distances = [0]

    cellids = [vlsvReader.get_cellid(point1)]

    coordinates = [point1]

    epsilon = sys.float_info.epsilon * 2

    iterator = point1
    unit_vector = (point2 - point1) / np.linalg.norm(point2 - point1 + epsilon)
    while True:
        # Get the cell id
        cellid = vlsvReader.get_cellid(iterator)
        if cellid == 0:
            print("ERROR, invalid cell id!")
        # Get the max and min boundaries:
        min_bounds = vlsvReader.get_cell_coordinates(
            cellid) - 0.5 * cell_lengths
        max_bounds = np.array(
            [min_bounds[i] + cell_lengths[i] for i in range(0, 3)])
        # Check which boundary we hit first when we move in the unit_vector direction:

        coefficients_min = np.divide((min_bounds - iterator), unit_vector)
        coefficients_max = np.divide((max_bounds - iterator), unit_vector)
        # Remove negative coefficients:
        for i in xrange(3):
            if coefficients_min[i] <= 0:
                coefficients_min[i] = sys.float_info.max
            if coefficients_max[i] <= 0:
                coefficients_max[i] = sys.float_info.max

        # Find the minimum coefficient for calculating the minimum distance from a boundary
        coefficient = min([min(coefficients_min),
                           min(coefficients_max)]) * 1.01

        # Get the cell id in the new coordinates
        newcoordinate = iterator + coefficient * unit_vector
        newcellid = vlsvReader.get_cellid(newcoordinate)
        # Check if valid cell id:
        if newcellid == 0:
        # Append the cell id:

        # Append the coordinate:

        # Append the distance:
        distances.append(np.linalg.norm(newcoordinate - point1))

        # Move the iterator to the next cell. Note: Epsilon is here to ensure there are no bugs with float rounding
        iterator = iterator + coefficient * unit_vector
        # Check to make sure the iterator is not moving past point2:
        if min((point2 - iterator) * unit_vector) < 0:
    # Return the coordinates, cellids and distances for processing
    from output import output_1d
    return output_1d([
        np.array(cellids, copy=False),
        np.array(distances, copy=False),
        np.array(coordinates, copy=False)
    ], ["CellID", "distances", "coordinates"], ["", "m", "m"])
コード例 #13
def cut_through_step(vlsvReader, point1, point2):
    ''' Returns cell ids and distances from point 1 to point 2, returning not every cell in a line
       but rather the amount of cells which correspons with the largest axis-aligned component of the line.

       :param vlsvReader:       Some open VlsvReader
       :type vlsvReader:        :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
       :param point1:           The starting point of a cut-through line
       :param point2:           The ending point of a cut-through line
       :returns: an array containing cell ids, coordinates and distances in the following format: [cell ids, distances, coordinates]

       .. code-block:: python

          vlsvReader = VlsvReader(\"testfile.vlsv\")
          cut_through = cut_through_step(vlsvReader, [0,0,0], [2,5e6,0])
          cellids = cut_through[0]
          distances = cut_through[1]
          print \"Cell ids: \" + str(cellids)
          print \"Distance from point 1 for every cell: \" + str(distances)
    # Transform point1 and point2 into numpy array:
    point1 = np.array(point1)
    point2 = np.array(point2)

    # Make sure point1 and point2 are inside bounds
    if vlsvReader.get_cellid(point1) == 0:
    if vlsvReader.get_cellid(point2) == 0:

    # Find path
    distances = point2 - point1
    largestdistance = np.linalg.norm(distances)
    largestindex = np.argmax(abs(distances))
    derivative = distances / abs(distances[largestindex])

    # Re=6371000.
    # print("distances",distances/Re)
    # print("largestindex",largestindex)
    # print("derivative",derivative)

    # Get parameters from the file to determine a good length between points (step length):
    # Get xmax, xmin and xcells_ini
    [xcells, ycells, zcells] = vlsvReader.get_spatial_mesh_size()
    [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax] = vlsvReader.get_spatial_mesh_extent()

    # Calculate cell lengths:
    cell_lengths = np.array([(xmax - xmin) / (float)(xcells),
                             (ymax - ymin) / (float)(ycells),
                             (zmax - zmin) / (float)(zcells)])

    # Initialize lists
    distances = [0]
    cellids = [vlsvReader.get_cellid(point1)]
    coordinates = [point1]
    finalcellid = vlsvReader.get_cellid(point2)
    #print(" cellids init ",cellids,finalcellid)

    # Loop until final cellid is reached
    while True:
        newcoordinate = coordinates[-1] + cell_lengths * derivative
        newcellid = vlsvReader.get_cellid(newcoordinate)

        distances.append(np.linalg.norm(newcoordinate - point1))

        if newcellid == finalcellid:
        if distances[-1] > largestdistance:

    # Return the coordinates, cellids and distances for processing
    from output import output_1d
    return output_1d([
        np.array(cellids, copy=False),
        np.array(distances, copy=False),
        np.array(coordinates, copy=False)
    ], ["CellID", "distances", "coordinates"], ["", "m", "m"])
コード例 #14
ファイル: cutthrough.py プロジェクト: fmihpc/analysator
def get_cellids_coordinates_distances( vlsvReader, xmax, xmin, xcells, ymax, ymin, ycells, zmax, zmin, zcells, cell_lengths, point1, point2 ):
   ''' Calculates coordinates to be used in the cut_through. The coordinates are calculated so that every cell gets picked in the coordinates.
       :param vlsvReader:       Some open VlsvReader
       :type vlsvReader:        :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
       :param point1:           The starting point of a cut-through line
       :param point2:           The ending point of a cut-through line
       :returns: Coordinates of for the cell cut-through as well as cell ids and distances
   point1 = np.array(point1, copy=False)
   point2 = np.array(point2, copy=False)

   distances = [0]

   cellids = [vlsvReader.get_cellid(point1)]

   coordinates = [point1]

   epsilon = sys.float_info.epsilon*2

   iterator = point1
   unit_vector = (point2 - point1) / np.linalg.norm(point2 - point1 + epsilon)
   while True:
      # Get the cell id
      cellid = vlsvReader.get_cellid(iterator)
      if cellid == 0:
         print "ERROR, invalid cell id!"
      # Get the max and min boundaries:
      min_bounds = vlsvReader.get_cell_coordinates(cellid) - 0.5 * cell_lengths
      max_bounds = np.array([min_bounds[i] + cell_lengths[i] for i in range(0,3)])
      # Check which boundary we hit first when we move in the unit_vector direction:

      coefficients_min = np.divide((min_bounds - iterator), unit_vector)
      coefficients_max = np.divide((max_bounds - iterator) , unit_vector)
      # Remove negative coefficients:
      for i in xrange(3):
         if coefficients_min[i] <= 0:
            coefficients_min[i] = sys.float_info.max
         if coefficients_max[i] <= 0:
            coefficients_max[i] = sys.float_info.max

      # Find the minimum coefficient for calculating the minimum distance from a boundary
      coefficient = min([min(coefficients_min), min(coefficients_max)]) * 1.01

      # Get the cell id in the new coordinates
      newcoordinate = iterator + coefficient * unit_vector
      newcellid = vlsvReader.get_cellid( newcoordinate )
      # Check if valid cell id:
      if newcellid == 0:
      # Append the cell id:
      cellids.append( newcellid )

      # Append the coordinate:
      coordinates.append( newcoordinate )

      # Append the distance:
      distances.append( np.linalg.norm( newcoordinate - point1 ) )

      # Move the iterator to the next cell. Note: Epsilon is here to ensure there are no bugs with float rounding
      iterator = iterator + coefficient * unit_vector
      # Check to make sure the iterator is not moving past point2:
      if min((point2 - iterator)* unit_vector) < 0:
   # Return the coordinates, cellids and distances for processing
   from output import output_1d
   return output_1d( [np.array(cellids, copy=False), np.array(distances, copy=False), np.array(coordinates, copy=False)], ["CellID", "distances", "coordinates"], ["", "m", "m"] )
コード例 #15
def cell_time_evolution(vlsvReader_list, variables, cellids, units=""):
    ''' Returns variable data from a time evolution of some certain cell ids

       :param vlsvReader_list:         List containing VlsvReaders with a file open
       :type vlsvReader_list:          :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
       :param variables:               Name of the variables
       :param cellids:                 List of cell ids
       :param units:                   List of units for the variables (OPTIONAL)
       :returns: an array containing the data for the time evolution for every cell id

       .. code-block:: python

          import pytools as pt; import pylab as pl
          # Example of usage:
          time_data = pt.calculations.cell_time_evolution( vlsvReader_list=[VlsvReader("bulk.000.vlsv"), VlsvReader("bulk.001.vlsv"), VlsvReader("bulk.002.vlsv")], variables=["rho", "Pressure", "B"], cellids=[2,4], units=["N", "Pascal", "T"] )

          # Check output
          print time_data

          # Now plot the results:
          time = time_data[0]
          rho = time_data[3]
          pt.plot.plot_variables(time, rho)

          # Do post processing:
          rho_data = rho.data

    vlsvReader_list = np.atleast_1d(vlsvReader_list)
    variables = np.atleast_1d(variables)
    cellids = np.atleast_1d(cellids)
    parameters = ["t", "tstep", "fileIndex"]
    parameter_units = ["s", "", ""]
    #construct empty units, if none are given
    if (units == "") or (len(units) != len(variables)):
        units = ["" for i in range(len(variables))]
    #construct data
    data = [[] for i in range(len(parameters) + len(cellids) * len(variables))]
    for t in range(len(vlsvReader_list)):
        # Get the vlsv reader
        vlsvReader = vlsvReader_list[t]
        # Open the vlsv reader's file:
        #go through parameters
        for j in range(len(parameters)):
            # Read the parameter
            # Save the data into the right slot in the data array:

        # Go through variables:
        for j in range(len(variables)):
            variable = variables[j]
            # Read the variable for all cell ids
            #variables_for_cellids = vlsvReader.read_variables_for_cellids( variable, cellids )
            # Save the data into the right slot in the data array:
            for i in range(len(cellids)):
                data[len(parameters) + i * len(variables) + j].append(
                    vlsvReader.read_variable(variable, cellids[i]))
        # For optimization purposes we are now freeing vlsvReader's memory
        # Note: Upon reading data vlsvReader created an internal hash map that takes a lot of memory
        # Close the vlsv reader's file:
    from output import output_1d
    return output_1d(
        data, parameters + [
            variables[(int)(i) % (int)(len(variables))]
            for i in range(len(data) - len(parameters))
        ], parameter_units + [
            units[(int)(i) % (int)(len(units))]
            for i in range(len(data) - len(parameters))
コード例 #16
def cell_time_evolution( vlsvReader_list, variables, cellids, units="" ):
   ''' Returns variable data from a time evolution of some certain cell ids

       :param vlsvReader_list:         List containing VlsvReaders with a file open
       :type vlsvReader_list:          :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
       :param variables:               Name of the variables
       :param cellids:                 List of cell ids
       :param units:                   List of units for the variables (OPTIONAL)
       :returns: an array containing the data for the time evolution for every cell id

       .. code-block:: python

          import pytools as pt; import pylab as pl
          # Example of usage:
          time_data = pt.calculations.cell_time_evolution( vlsvReader_list=[VlsvReader("bulk.000.vlsv"), VlsvReader("bulk.001.vlsv"), VlsvReader("bulk.002.vlsv")], variables=["rho", "Pressure", "B"], cellids=[2,4], units=["N", "Pascal", "T"] )

          # Check output
          print time_data

          # Now plot the results:
          time = time_data[0]
          rho = time_data[3]
          pt.plot.plot_variables(time, rho)

          # Do post processing:
          rho_data = rho.data

   vlsvReader_list = np.atleast_1d(vlsvReader_list)
   variables = np.atleast_1d(variables)
   cellids = np.atleast_1d(cellids)
   parameters = ["t","tstep","fileIndex"]
   #construct empty units, if none are given
   if (units == "") or (len(units) != len(variables)):
      units=[ "" for i in xrange(len(variables))]
   #construct data 
   data = [[] for i in xrange(len(parameters)+len(cellids)*len(variables))]
   for t in xrange(len(vlsvReader_list)):
      # Get the vlsv reader
      vlsvReader = vlsvReader_list[t]
      # Open the vlsv reader's file:
      #go through parameters
      for j in xrange(len(parameters)):
         # Read the parameter
         # Save the data into the right slot in the data array:
         data[j].append(vlsvReader.read_parameter( parameters[j]))

      # Go through variables:
      for j in xrange(len(variables)):
         variable = variables[j]
         # Read the variable for all cell ids
         #variables_for_cellids = vlsvReader.read_variables_for_cellids( variable, cellids )
         # Save the data into the right slot in the data array:
         for i in xrange(len(cellids)):
            data[len(parameters)+i*len(variables)+j].append(vlsvReader.read_variable( variable, cellids[i] ))
      # For optimization purposes we are now freeing vlsvReader's memory
      # Note: Upon reading data vlsvReader created an internal hash map that takes a lot of memory
      # Close the vlsv reader's file:
   from output import output_1d
   return output_1d( data, 
                     parameters +  [variables[(int)(i)%(int)(len(variables))] for i in xrange(len(data)-len(parameters))], 
                     parameter_units + [units[(int)(i)%(int)(len(units))] for i in xrange(len(data)-len(parameters))] )
コード例 #17
ファイル: pitchangle.py プロジェクト: fmihpc/analysator
def pitch_angles( vlsvReader, 
                     filedir=None, step=None,
                     outputdir=None, outputfile=None,

   ''' Calculates the pitch angle distribution for a given cell

   :param vlsvReader:        Some VlsvReader class with a file open. Can be overriden by keywords.
   :param cellid:            The cell id whose pitch angle the user wants 
                             NOTE: The cell id must have a velocity distribution!
   :kword filename:          path to .vlsv file to use for input.
   :kword filedir:           Optionally provide directory where files are located and use step for bulk file name
   :kword step:              output step index, used for constructing output (and possibly input) filename

   :kword nbins:             How many bins to use for the distribution
   :kword cosine:            True if returning the pitch angles as a cosine(alpha) plot [-1,1].
                             If false, returns as pitch angle in degrees [0,180].

   :kword plasmaframe:       True if the user wants to get the pitch angle distribution
                             in the plasma frame (for this population).
                             If set to a string, will try to use the string as a variable for
                             the frame to transform into.
                             If set to a 3-element vector, will use that frame instead.

   :kword vcut:              Set to True to ignore velocity cells below 2x the thermal speed.
                             If set to a number, will use that velocity in m/s instead.

   :kword outputdir:         Optional (recommended) method to save results to a file in the given directory.
                             If directory does not exist, it will be created.
   :kword outputfile:        Provide exact output file name

   :kword pop:               Active population, defaults to proton (avgs)
   :returns: pitch angles and avgs [pitch_angles, avgs]

       .. code-block:: python

          # Example usage:
          vlsvReader = VlsvReader("restart.0000798.vlsv")
          result = pitch_angles( vlsvReader=vlsvReader, 1924, cosine=True, 
                                 plasmaframe=True, outputdir="/wrk/username/pitchangledirectory/" )

   # Input file or object
   if filename!=None:
   elif ((filedir!=None) and (step!=None)):
      filename = filedir+'bulk.'+str(step).rjust(7,'0')+'.vlsv'

   # Transform to a different frame?
   frame = [0.,0.,0.]
   if plasmaframe is not False:
      if isinstance(plasmaframe, str):
         frame = vlsvReader.read_variable(plasmaframe, cellid)
      elif plasmaframe is True:
         if vlsvReader.check_variable("moments"): # restart
            frame = vlsvReader.read_variable('restart_V', cellid)
            frame = vlsvReader.read_variable('V', cellid)
      elif len(plasmaframe)==3: # Assume it's a vector
         frame = plasmaframe
   # Find the magnetic field direction
   B = vlsvReader.read_variable("B", cellid)
   Bmag = np.linalg.norm(B)
   B_unit = B / Bmag

   # verify population
   if pop=="proton":
      if not vlsvReader.check_population(pop):
         if vlsvReader.check_population("avgs"):
            #print("Auto-switched to population avgs")
            print("Unable to detect population "+pop+" in .vlsv file!")
      if not vlsvReader.check_population(pop):
         print("Unable to detect population "+pop+" in .vlsv file!")

   # Read temperature for thermal speed
   if vcut is True:
      if vlsvReader.check_variable("moments"): # restart, use overall rho/rhom and pressure
         rhom = vlsvReader.read_variable("restart_rhom", cellid)
         PDiagonal = vlsvReader.read_variable("pressure", cellid)
         Pressure = (PDiagonal[0] + PDiagonal[1] + PDiagonal[2])*(1./3.)
         vth = np.sqrt(Pressure*8./(rhom*np.pi))
         if vlsvReader.check_variable("rhom"): # multipop
            vth = vlsvReader.read_variable(pop+"/vThermal", cellid)
            vth = vlsvReader.read_variable("vThermal", cellid)
   else: # assume it's a number to use as the speed in m/s

   # Read the velocity cells:
   velocity_cell_data = vlsvReader.read_velocity_cells(cellid, pop=pop)
   vcellids = velocity_cell_data.keys()
   avgs = velocity_cell_data.values()

   # Transform to a frame
   v = vlsvReader.get_velocity_cell_coordinates(vcellids, pop=pop) - frame

   # Get the angles:
   v_norms = np.linalg.norm(v,axis=-1)
   v_unit = v/v_norms[:,np.newaxis]
   if cosine == True:
      pitch_angles = (v_unit*B_unit).sum(-1)
      units = "cos alpha"
      pitchrange = (-1,1)
      pitch_angles = np.arccos((v_unit*B_unit).sum(-1)) * (180./np.pi)
      units = "degree"
      pitchrange = (0,180)

   # Calculate velocity cell sizes
   [vxsize, vysize, vzsize] = vlsvReader.get_velocity_mesh_size(pop=pop)
   [vxmin, vymin, vzmin, vxmax, vymax, vzmax] = vlsvReader.get_velocity_mesh_extent(pop=pop)      

   # Clip negative avgs to zero 
   # (Some elements may be negative due to ghost cell propagation effects)
   avgs = np.array(avgs).clip(min=0) * dv3

   # Mask off cells below threshold
   condition = (v_norms > vcutoff)
   # Get the velocity cells above cutoff speed
   #vcellids_nonsphere = np.extract(condition, vcellids)
   # Get the avgs
   avgs_nonsphere = np.extract(condition, avgs)
   # Get the pitch-angles (or cosines)
   pitch_nonsphere = np.extract(condition, pitch_angles)

   # Generate a histogram
   weights, angles = np.histogram(pitch_nonsphere, nbins, range=pitchrange, weights=avgs_nonsphere )

   # Wrap the data into a custon format
   result = output_1d([angles, weights], ["Pitch_angle", "sum_avgs"], [units, "1/m3"])

   rho_summed    = np.sum(avgs)
   rho_nonsphere = np.sum(avgs_nonsphere)
   print("rho",rho_summed, rho_nonsphere)

   if outputfile!=None or outputdir!=None: # Save output to file
      # Generate filename 
      if outputfile==None: 
         outputfile = outputdir+"/pitchangle_weights_cellid_"+str(cellid).rjust(7,'0')+"_time_"+timestr+".txt"

      # Check to find actual target sub-directory
      outputprefixind = outputfile.rfind('/')
      if outputprefixind >= 0:            
         outputdir = outputfile[:outputprefixind+1]
      # Ensure output directory exists and is writeable
      if not os.path.exists(outputdir):
      if not os.access(outputdir, os.W_OK):
         print("No write access for directory "+outputdir+"! Exiting.")

      outfilewrite.write("# cellid time rho rho_nonsphere Bx By Bz pop\n")
      outfilewrite.write(str(int(cellid))+" "+timestr)
      outfilewrite.write(' {:E} {:E} {:E} {:E} {:E}'.format(rho_summed,rho_nonsphere,B[0],B[1],B[2])+" "+pop+"\n")

      outfilewrite.write("# nbins, bin_edges\n")
      for angle in angles:
         outfilewrite.write('{:E} '.format(angle))
      outfilewrite.write("# bin_values\n")
      for weight in weights:
         outfilewrite.write('{:E} '.format(weight))


   # Return the histogram
   return result
コード例 #18
ファイル: cutthrough.py プロジェクト: fmihpc/analysator
def cut_through_step( vlsvReader, point1, point2 ):
   ''' Returns cell ids and distances from point 1 to point 2, returning not every cell in a line
       but rather the amount of cells which correspons with the largest axis-aligned component of the line.

       :param vlsvReader:       Some open VlsvReader
       :type vlsvReader:        :class:`vlsvfile.VlsvReader`
       :param point1:           The starting point of a cut-through line
       :param point2:           The ending point of a cut-through line
       :returns: an array containing cell ids, coordinates and distances in the following format: [cell ids, distances, coordinates]

       .. code-block:: python

          vlsvReader = VlsvReader(\"testfile.vlsv\")
          cut_through = cut_through_step(vlsvReader, [0,0,0], [2,5e6,0])
          cellids = cut_through[0]
          distances = cut_through[1]
          print \"Cell ids: \" + str(cellids)
          print \"Distance from point 1 for every cell: \" + str(distances)
   # Transform point1 and point2 into numpy array:
   point1 = np.array(point1)
   point2 = np.array(point2)

   # Make sure point1 and point2 are inside bounds
   if vlsvReader.get_cellid(point1) == 0:
   if vlsvReader.get_cellid(point2) == 0:
   # Find path
   distances = point2-point1
   largestdistance = np.linalg.norm(distances)
   largestindex = np.argmax(abs(distances))
   derivative = distances/abs(distances[largestindex])

   # Re=6371000.
   # print("distances",distances/Re)
   # print("largestindex",largestindex)
   # print("derivative",derivative)

   # Get parameters from the file to determine a good length between points (step length):
   # Get xmax, xmin and xcells_ini   
   [xcells, ycells, zcells] = vlsvReader.get_spatial_mesh_size()
   [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax] = vlsvReader.get_spatial_mesh_extent()

   # Calculate cell lengths:
   cell_lengths = np.array([(xmax - xmin)/(float)(xcells), (ymax - ymin)/(float)(ycells), (zmax - zmin)/(float)(zcells)])

   # Initialize lists
   distances = [0]
   cellids = [vlsvReader.get_cellid(point1)]
   coordinates = [point1]
   finalcellid = vlsvReader.get_cellid(point2)
   #print(" cellids init ",cellids,finalcellid)

   # Loop until final cellid is reached
   while True:
      newcoordinate = coordinates[-1]+cell_lengths*derivative
      newcellid = vlsvReader.get_cellid( newcoordinate )

      distances.append( np.linalg.norm( newcoordinate - point1 ) )

      if newcellid==finalcellid:
      if distances[-1]>largestdistance:
   # Return the coordinates, cellids and distances for processing
   from output import output_1d
   return output_1d( [np.array(cellids, copy=False), np.array(distances, copy=False), np.array(coordinates, copy=False)], ["CellID", "distances", "coordinates"], ["", "m", "m"] )