コード例 #1
    def generateCXXBody(self, config):
        strCommon = """%s
		namespace %s {
		""" % (self.getDescriptionHeader(config), licenseWrapper().getLicense(),

        strCommonEnd = """

        str = ""

        if config.getSplitPerObject() == True:
            for object in self.package.getObjects():
                strInclude = """#include "%s"
				""" % (self.__getFileNameForObjectDeclaration(config, "header", object))

                fileName = self.__getFileNameForObjectDeclaration(
                    config, "body", object)
                str = strInclude + strCommon + object.generateCXXBody(
                ) + strCommonEnd
                outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(), fileName, str)
                print("%s generated ..." % fileName)
            strInclude = """#include "%s"
			""" % (self.__getFileNameForPackageDeclaration(config, "header"))
            fileName = self.__getFileNameForPackageDeclaration(config, "body")
            str = """%s
			""" % (strInclude, strCommon, self.getObjectCXX("body"), strCommonEnd)
            outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(), fileName, str)
            print("%s generated ..." % fileName)
コード例 #2
    def generateCXXHeader(self, config):
        strCommonEnd = """
        str = ""
        if config.getSplitPerObject() == True:
            for object in self.package.getObjects():
                fileName = self.__getFileNameForObjectDeclaration(
                    config, "header", object)
                str = self.getCXXHeader(
                    config, object.getName()) + object.generateCXXHeader(
                        self.package.getNameForJNI()) + strCommonEnd
                outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(), fileName, str)
                print("%s generated ..." % fileName)
            fileName = self.__getFileNameForPackageDeclaration(
                config, "header")
            str = """%s
			""" % (self.getCXXHeader(config), self.getObjectCXX("header"), strCommonEnd)

            outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(), fileName, str)
            print("%s generated ..." % fileName)
コード例 #3
ファイル: CXXFile.py プロジェクト: rfabbri/giws
	def generateCXXBody(self,config):
		namespace %s {
		"""%(self.getDescriptionHeader(config),licenseWrapper().getLicense(),  self.package.getNameForCXX())
		if config.getSplitPerObject()==True:
			for object in self.package.getObjects():
				strInclude="""#include "%s"
				"""%(self.__getFileNameForObjectDeclaration(config, "header",object))
				fileName=self.__getFileNameForObjectDeclaration(config, "body",object)
				outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(),fileName, str)
				print "%s generated ..."%fileName
			strInclude="""#include "%s"
			"""%(self.__getFileNameForPackageDeclaration(config, "header"))
			fileName=self.__getFileNameForPackageDeclaration(config, "body")
			""" % (strInclude, strCommon, self.getObjectCXX("body"), strCommonEnd)
			outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(),fileName, str)
			print "%s generated ..."%fileName
コード例 #4
ファイル: CXXFile.py プロジェクト: rfabbri/giws
	def generateCXXHeader(self,config):
		if config.getSplitPerObject()==True:
			for object in self.package.getObjects():
				fileName=self.__getFileNameForObjectDeclaration(config, "header",object)
				outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(), fileName, str)
				print "%s generated ..."%fileName
			fileName=self.__getFileNameForPackageDeclaration(config, "header")
			""" % (self.getCXXHeader(config), self.getObjectCXX("header"), strCommonEnd)
			outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(),fileName, str)
			print "%s generated ..."%fileName
コード例 #5
    def generateCXXHeader(self, config):
        strCommonEnd = """
        strHeader = """

        * Parent class for exceptions which may occure in JNI code.
        class GIWSEXPORT JniException : public std::exception

            /** Error message to display */
            std::string m_oErrorMessage;

            /** Java description of the exception*/
            std::string m_oJavaMessage;

            /** Java stackTrace when the exception occurred */
            std::string m_oJavaStackTrace;

            /** Name of the exception (ie class name).*/
            std::string m_oJavaExceptionName;

            /** The exception itself ... we store as a member otherwise JNI
            complains about 'WARNING in native method: JNI call made with
            exception pending' */
            jthrowable javaException;


            * Each subclass of JniExcpetion should call the super constructor
            * and the setErrorMessage function to set the message.
            * @param curEnv java environment where the exception occurred.
            JniException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() ;
            JniException() throw() : exception() { };

            virtual ~JniException(void) throw();

            * @return a description of the exception
            * @deprecated This function could lead to side effect error. Please use whatStr
            virtual const char * what(void) const throw();

            * @return a description of the exception
            virtual std::string whatStr(void) const throw();

            * @return Java description of the exception.
            std::string getJavaDescription(void) const throw();

            * @return Java stack trace where the exception occurred.
            std::string getJavaStackTrace(void) const throw();

            * Get the name of the exception (ie its class name).
            std::string getJavaExceptionName(void) const throw();


            * Set the error message that the exception should print.
            void setErrorMessage(const std::string & errorMessage);

            * Get the message that the exception will print.
            std::string getErrorMessage(void) const;

            * @return error message of the exception.
            std::string retrieveExceptionMessage(JNIEnv * curEnv);
            * @return full stack trace when the exception occurred.
            std::string retrieveStackTrace(JNIEnv * curEnv);

            * @return string containing the name of the exception (ie its class name).
            std::string retrieveExceptionName(JNIEnv * curEnv);
            * To be called when all the information about the exceptions have been
            * retrived.
            * Remove the exception from the environment.
            void closeException(JNIEnv * curEnv);

            * Convert a Java string (jstring) into a C++ string
            std::string convertJavaString(JNIEnv * curEnv, jstring javaString);

            * Exception that should be thrown when allocation of Java resources from C++
            * code fails (sur as NewDoubleArray or NewStringUTF).
            class GIWSEXPORT JniBadAllocException : public JniException

            JniBadAllocException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw();
            virtual ~JniBadAllocException(void) throw();

            * Exception that should be thrown when a call to a Java method
            * using Jni throw an exception.
            * If possible, user should try to avoid this sitution because of the loss
            * of information.
            class GIWSEXPORT JniCallMethodException : public JniException

               * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
              JniCallMethodException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw();

              virtual ~JniCallMethodException(void) throw();

                * Exception that should be thrown when Jni code could not find a Java class
            class GIWSEXPORT JniClassNotFoundException : public JniException

            * @param className name of the class which haven't been found
            JniClassNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw();

            virtual ~JniClassNotFoundException(void) throw();


            * Exception that should be thrown when Jni code could not find a Java method
            class GIWSEXPORT JniMethodNotFoundException : public JniException

            * @param className name of the method which haven't been found
            JniMethodNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & methodName) throw();
            virtual ~JniMethodNotFoundException(void) throw();


            * Exception that should be thrown when a call to a Java method
            * using Jni throw an exception.
            * If possible, user should try to avoid this sitution because of the loss
            * of information.
            class GIWSEXPORT JniObjectCreationException : public JniException

            * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
            JniObjectCreationException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw();
            virtual ~JniObjectCreationException(void) throw();


            * Exception that should be thrown when a call to the Java monitor
            * failed
            class GIWSEXPORT JniMonitorException : public JniException

            * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
            JniMonitorException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw();
            virtual ~JniMonitorException(void) throw();


        str = """%s
        """ % (self.getCXXHeader(config), strHeader, strCommonEnd)
        fileName = config.getExceptionFileName(
        ) + config.getCPPHeaderExtension()
        outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(), fileName, str)
        #print "%s generated ..."%fileName # Python 2
        print("%s generated ..." % fileName)
コード例 #6
    def generateCXXBody(self, config):
        strCommon = """%s
        namespace %s {
        """ % (self.getDescriptionHeader(config),
               licenseWrapper().getLicense(), """#include "%s" """ %
               (config.getExceptionFileName() +
                config.getCPPHeaderExtension()), config.getExceptionFileName())

        strCommonEnd = """

        strBody = """

        * Each subclass of JniExcpetion should call the super constructor
        * and the setErrorMessage function to set the message.
        * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
        JniException::JniException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() : exception()
        // retrieve information about the exception
        javaException = curEnv->ExceptionOccurred();
        /* Clear the Java Exception to avoid calling it again & again */
        m_oJavaMessage = this->retrieveExceptionMessage(curEnv);
        m_oJavaStackTrace = this->retrieveStackTrace(curEnv);
        m_oJavaExceptionName = this->retrieveExceptionName(curEnv);

        // by default JniExceptions display teh stack trace
        setErrorMessage(m_oJavaMessage + "\\n" + m_oJavaStackTrace);

        JniException::~JniException(void) throw()

        * @return a description of the exception
        * @deprecated This function could lead to side effect error. Please use whatStr
        const char * JniException::what(void) const throw()
        return m_oErrorMessage.c_str();

        * @return a description of the exception
        std::string JniException::whatStr(void) const throw()
        return m_oErrorMessage;

        * @return Java description of the exception.
        std::string JniException::getJavaDescription(void) const throw()
        return m_oJavaMessage;

        * @return Java stack trace where the exception occurred.
        std::string JniException::getJavaStackTrace(void) const throw()
            return m_oJavaStackTrace;

        * Get the name of the exception (ie its class name).
        std::string JniException::getJavaExceptionName(void) const throw()
            return m_oJavaExceptionName;

        * Set the error message that the exception should print.
        void JniException::setErrorMessage(const std::string & errorMessage)
            m_oErrorMessage = errorMessage;

            * Get the message that the exception will print.
        std::string JniException::getErrorMessage(void) const
            return m_oErrorMessage;

        * @return error message of the exception.
        std::string JniException::retrieveExceptionMessage(JNIEnv * curEnv)
            // return the result of the getLocalizedMessage method

            // retrieve information from the exception.
            // get method id
            jmethodID getLocalizedMessageId = curEnv->GetMethodID(curEnv->GetObjectClass(javaException),

            // call getLocalizedMessage
            jstring description = (jstring) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(javaException, getLocalizedMessageId);

    if (description == NULL)
      return "";

    std::string res = convertJavaString(curEnv, description);

    // release java resources

    return res;

   * @return full stack trace when the exception occurred.
  std::string JniException::retrieveStackTrace(JNIEnv * curEnv)

    // return the result of the getStackTrace method

    // retrieve information from the exception.
    // get method id
    // getStackTrace returns an array of StackTraceElement
    jmethodID getStackTraceId = curEnv->GetMethodID(curEnv->GetObjectClass(javaException),

    // call getStackTrace
    jobjectArray stackTrace = (jobjectArray) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(javaException, getStackTraceId);

    if (stackTrace == NULL)
      return "";

    // get length of the array
    jsize stackTraceLength = curEnv->GetArrayLength(stackTrace);
    std::string res = "";

    // get toString methodId of StackTraceElement class
    jclass stackTraceElementClass = curEnv->FindClass("java/lang/StackTraceElement");
    jmethodID toStringId = curEnv->GetMethodID(stackTraceElementClass, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");

    for (jsize i = 0; i < stackTraceLength; i++)
      // add the result of toString method of each element in the result
      jobject curStackTraceElement = curEnv->GetObjectArrayElement(stackTrace, i);

      // call to string on the object
      jstring stackElementString = (jstring) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(curStackTraceElement, toStringId);

      if (stackElementString == NULL)
        return res;

      // add a line to res
      res += " at " + convertJavaString(curEnv, stackElementString) + "\\n";


    // release java resources

    return res;

   * @return string containing the name of the exception (ie its class name).
  std::string JniException::retrieveExceptionName(JNIEnv * curEnv)

    // then get its class
    jclass exceptionClass = curEnv->GetObjectClass(javaException);

    // get the Class class
    // we could also use curEnv->FindClass("Class");
    jclass classClass = curEnv->GetObjectClass(exceptionClass);

    // get the getName method
    jmethodID getNameId = curEnv->GetMethodID(classClass, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");

    // call the getName function
    jstring javaName = (jstring) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(exceptionClass, getNameId);

    if (javaName == NULL)
      return "";

    std::string res = convertJavaString(curEnv, javaName);

    // release java resources

    return res;

   * To be called when all the information about the exceptions have been
   * retrived.
   * Remove the exception from the environment.
  void JniException::closeException(JNIEnv * curEnv)
    // remove the exception from the environment
    // Beware, the exception is no longer reachable

   * Convert a Java string (jstring) into a C++ string
  std::string JniException::convertJavaString(JNIEnv * curEnv, jstring javaString)
    // get a pointer on a C string
    const char * tempString = curEnv->GetStringUTFChars(javaString, 0);

    // convert the C string into a C++ string
    std::string res(tempString);

    // release pointer
    curEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(javaString, tempString);

    return res;

  * Exception that should be thrown when allocation of Java resources from C++
  * code fails (sur as NewDoubleArray or NewStringUTF).

  JniBadAllocException::JniBadAllocException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() : JniException()
  std::string message = "Error no more memory.";

  JniBadAllocException::~JniBadAllocException(void) throw() {}

  * Exception that should be thrown when a call to a Java method
  * using Jni throw an exception.
  * If possible, user should try to avoid this sitution because of the loss
  * of information.

  * @param curEnv java environment where the exception occurred.
  JniCallMethodException::JniCallMethodException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
  std::string errorMessage = "Exception when calling Java method : ";
  errorMessage += getJavaDescription() + "\\n" + getJavaStackTrace();
  errorMessage += what();

  JniCallMethodException::~JniCallMethodException(void) throw() {}
  * @param className name of the class which haven't been found
  JniClassNotFoundException::JniClassNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
                std::string errorMessage = "Could not get the Class " + className + ".";

              JniClassNotFoundException::~JniClassNotFoundException(void) throw() {}

               * @param className name of the method which haven't been found
              JniMethodNotFoundException::JniMethodNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & methodName) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
                std::string errorMessage = "Could not access to the method " + methodName + ".";

              JniMethodNotFoundException::~JniMethodNotFoundException(void) throw() {}

               * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
              JniObjectCreationException::JniObjectCreationException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
                std::string errorMessage = "Could not instantiate the object " + className + ".";

              JniObjectCreationException::~JniObjectCreationException(void) throw() {}

               * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
              JniMonitorException::JniMonitorException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
                std::string errorMessage = "Error in the access (Enter or exit) or a Java env monitor of class " + className + ".";

              JniMonitorException::~JniMonitorException(void) throw() {}


        str = """%s
        """ % (strCommon, strBody, strCommonEnd)

        fileName = config.getExceptionFileName() + config.getCPPBodyExtension()
        outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(), fileName, str)
        #print "%s generated ..."%fileName # Python 2
        print("%s generated ..." % fileName)
コード例 #7
ファイル: CXXException.py プロジェクト: rfabbri/giws
    def generateCXXHeader(self, config):
        strCommonEnd = """
        strHeader = """

		* Parent class for exceptions which may occure in JNI code.
		class GIWSEXPORT JniException : public std::exception

			/** Error message to display */
			std::string m_oErrorMessage;

			/** Java description of the exception*/
			std::string m_oJavaMessage;

			/** Java stackTrace when the exception occurred */
			std::string m_oJavaStackTrace;

			/** Name of the exception (ie class name).*/
			std::string m_oJavaExceptionName;

			/** The exception itself ... we store as a member otherwise JNI
			complains about 'WARNING in native method: JNI call made with
			exception pending' */
			jthrowable javaException;


			* Each subclass of JniExcpetion should call the super constructor
			* and the setErrorMessage function to set the message.
			* @param curEnv java environment where the exception occurred.
			JniException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() ;
			JniException() throw() : exception() { };

			virtual ~JniException(void) throw();

			* @return a description of the exception
			* @deprecated This function could lead to side effect error. Please use whatStr
			virtual const char * what(void) const throw();

			* @return a description of the exception
			virtual std::string whatStr(void) const throw();

			* @return Java description of the exception.
			std::string getJavaDescription(void) const throw();

			* @return Java stack trace where the exception occurred.
			std::string getJavaStackTrace(void) const throw();

			* Get the name of the exception (ie its class name).
			std::string getJavaExceptionName(void) const throw();


			* Set the error message that the exception should print.
			void setErrorMessage(const std::string & errorMessage);

			* Get the message that the exception will print.
			std::string getErrorMessage(void) const;

			* @return error message of the exception.
			std::string retrieveExceptionMessage(JNIEnv * curEnv);
			* @return full stack trace when the exception occurred.
			std::string retrieveStackTrace(JNIEnv * curEnv);

			* @return string containing the name of the exception (ie its class name).
			std::string retrieveExceptionName(JNIEnv * curEnv);
			* To be called when all the information about the exceptions have been
			* retrived.
			* Remove the exception from the environment.
			void closeException(JNIEnv * curEnv);

			* Convert a Java string (jstring) into a C++ string
			std::string convertJavaString(JNIEnv * curEnv, jstring javaString);

			* Exception that should be thrown when allocation of Java resources from C++
			* code fails (sur as NewDoubleArray or NewStringUTF).
			class GIWSEXPORT JniBadAllocException : public JniException

			JniBadAllocException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw();
			virtual ~JniBadAllocException(void) throw();

			* Exception that should be thrown when a call to a Java method
			* using Jni throw an exception.
			* If possible, user should try to avoid this sitution because of the loss
			* of information.
			class GIWSEXPORT JniCallMethodException : public JniException

			   * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
			  JniCallMethodException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw();

			  virtual ~JniCallMethodException(void) throw();

				* Exception that should be thrown when Jni code could not find a Java class
			class GIWSEXPORT JniClassNotFoundException : public JniException

			* @param className name of the class which haven't been found
			JniClassNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw();

			virtual ~JniClassNotFoundException(void) throw();


			* Exception that should be thrown when Jni code could not find a Java method
			class GIWSEXPORT JniMethodNotFoundException : public JniException

			* @param className name of the method which haven't been found
			JniMethodNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & methodName) throw();
			virtual ~JniMethodNotFoundException(void) throw();


			* Exception that should be thrown when a call to a Java method
			* using Jni throw an exception.
			* If possible, user should try to avoid this sitution because of the loss
			* of information.
			class GIWSEXPORT JniObjectCreationException : public JniException

			* @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
			JniObjectCreationException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw();
			virtual ~JniObjectCreationException(void) throw();


			* Exception that should be thrown when a call to the Java monitor
			* failed
			class GIWSEXPORT JniMonitorException : public JniException

			* @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
			JniMonitorException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw();
			virtual ~JniMonitorException(void) throw();


        str = """%s
		""" % (
        fileName = config.getExceptionFileName() + config.getCPPHeaderExtension()
        outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(), fileName, str)
        print "%s generated ..." % fileName
コード例 #8
ファイル: CXXException.py プロジェクト: rfabbri/giws
    def generateCXXBody(self, config):
        strCommon = """%s
		namespace %s {
		""" % (
            """#include "%s" """ % (config.getExceptionFileName() + config.getCPPHeaderExtension()),

        strCommonEnd = """

        strBody = """

		* Each subclass of JniExcpetion should call the super constructor
		* and the setErrorMessage function to set the message.
		* @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
		JniException::JniException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() : exception()
		// retrieve information about the exception
		javaException = curEnv->ExceptionOccurred();
		/* Clear the Java Exception to avoid calling it again & again */
		m_oJavaMessage = this->retrieveExceptionMessage(curEnv);
		m_oJavaStackTrace = this->retrieveStackTrace(curEnv);
		m_oJavaExceptionName = this->retrieveExceptionName(curEnv);

		// by default JniExceptions display teh stack trace
		setErrorMessage(m_oJavaMessage + "\\n" + m_oJavaStackTrace);

		JniException::~JniException(void) throw()

		* @return a description of the exception
		* @deprecated This function could lead to side effect error. Please use whatStr
		const char * JniException::what(void) const throw()
		return m_oErrorMessage.c_str();

		* @return a description of the exception
		std::string JniException::whatStr(void) const throw()
		return m_oErrorMessage;

		* @return Java description of the exception.
		std::string JniException::getJavaDescription(void) const throw()
		return m_oJavaMessage;

		* @return Java stack trace where the exception occurred.
		std::string JniException::getJavaStackTrace(void) const throw()
			return m_oJavaStackTrace;

		* Get the name of the exception (ie its class name).
		std::string JniException::getJavaExceptionName(void) const throw()
			return m_oJavaExceptionName;

		* Set the error message that the exception should print.
		void JniException::setErrorMessage(const std::string & errorMessage)
			m_oErrorMessage = errorMessage;

			* Get the message that the exception will print.
		std::string JniException::getErrorMessage(void) const
			return m_oErrorMessage;

		* @return error message of the exception.
		std::string JniException::retrieveExceptionMessage(JNIEnv * curEnv)
			// return the result of the getLocalizedMessage method

			// retrieve information from the exception.
			// get method id
			jmethodID getLocalizedMessageId = curEnv->GetMethodID(curEnv->GetObjectClass(javaException),

			// call getLocalizedMessage
			jstring description = (jstring) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(javaException, getLocalizedMessageId);

	if (description == NULL)
	  return "";

	std::string res = convertJavaString(curEnv, description);

	// release java resources

	return res;

   * @return full stack trace when the exception occurred.
  std::string JniException::retrieveStackTrace(JNIEnv * curEnv)

	// return the result of the getStackTrace method

	// retrieve information from the exception.
	// get method id
	// getStackTrace returns an array of StackTraceElement
	jmethodID getStackTraceId = curEnv->GetMethodID(curEnv->GetObjectClass(javaException),

	// call getStackTrace
	jobjectArray stackTrace = (jobjectArray) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(javaException, getStackTraceId);

	if (stackTrace == NULL)
	  return "";

	// get length of the array
	jsize stackTraceLength = curEnv->GetArrayLength(stackTrace);
	std::string res = "";

	// get toString methodId of StackTraceElement class
	jclass stackTraceElementClass = curEnv->FindClass("java/lang/StackTraceElement");
	jmethodID toStringId = curEnv->GetMethodID(stackTraceElementClass, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");

	for (jsize i = 0; i < stackTraceLength; i++)
	  // add the result of toString method of each element in the result
	  jobject curStackTraceElement = curEnv->GetObjectArrayElement(stackTrace, i);

	  // call to string on the object
	  jstring stackElementString = (jstring) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(curStackTraceElement, toStringId);

	  if (stackElementString == NULL)
		return res;

	  // add a line to res
	  res += " at " + convertJavaString(curEnv, stackElementString) + "\\n";


	// release java resources

	return res;

   * @return string containing the name of the exception (ie its class name).
  std::string JniException::retrieveExceptionName(JNIEnv * curEnv)

	// then get its class
	jclass exceptionClass = curEnv->GetObjectClass(javaException);

	// get the Class class
	// we could also use curEnv->FindClass("Class");
	jclass classClass = curEnv->GetObjectClass(exceptionClass);

	// get the getName method
	jmethodID getNameId = curEnv->GetMethodID(classClass, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");

	// call the getName function
	jstring javaName = (jstring) curEnv->CallObjectMethod(exceptionClass, getNameId);

	if (javaName == NULL)
	  return "";

	std::string res = convertJavaString(curEnv, javaName);

	// release java resources

	return res;

   * To be called when all the information about the exceptions have been
   * retrived.
   * Remove the exception from the environment.
  void JniException::closeException(JNIEnv * curEnv)
	// remove the exception from the environment
	// Beware, the exception is no longer reachable

   * Convert a Java string (jstring) into a C++ string
  std::string JniException::convertJavaString(JNIEnv * curEnv, jstring javaString)
	// get a pointer on a C string
	const char * tempString = curEnv->GetStringUTFChars(javaString, 0);

	// convert the C string into a C++ string
	std::string res(tempString);

	// release pointer
	curEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(javaString, tempString);

	return res;

  * Exception that should be thrown when allocation of Java resources from C++
  * code fails (sur as NewDoubleArray or NewStringUTF).

  JniBadAllocException::JniBadAllocException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() : JniException()
  std::string message = "Error no more memory.";

  JniBadAllocException::~JniBadAllocException(void) throw() {}

  * Exception that should be thrown when a call to a Java method
  * using Jni throw an exception.
  * If possible, user should try to avoid this sitution because of the loss
  * of information.

  * @param curEnv java environment where the exception occurred.
  JniCallMethodException::JniCallMethodException(JNIEnv * curEnv) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
  std::string errorMessage = "Exception when calling Java method : ";
  errorMessage += getJavaDescription() + "\\n" + getJavaStackTrace();
  errorMessage += what();

  JniCallMethodException::~JniCallMethodException(void) throw() {}
  * @param className name of the class which haven't been found
  JniClassNotFoundException::JniClassNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
				std::string errorMessage = "Could not get the Class " + className + ".";

			  JniClassNotFoundException::~JniClassNotFoundException(void) throw() {}

			   * @param className name of the method which haven't been found
			  JniMethodNotFoundException::JniMethodNotFoundException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & methodName) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
				std::string errorMessage = "Could not access to the method " + methodName + ".";

			  JniMethodNotFoundException::~JniMethodNotFoundException(void) throw() {}

			   * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
			  JniObjectCreationException::JniObjectCreationException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
				std::string errorMessage = "Could not instantiate the object " + className + ".";

			  JniObjectCreationException::~JniObjectCreationException(void) throw() {}

			   * @param curEnv java envirnonment where the exception occurred.
			  JniMonitorException::JniMonitorException(JNIEnv * curEnv, const std::string & className) throw() : JniException(curEnv)
				std::string errorMessage = "Error in the access (Enter or exit) or a Java env monitor of class " + className + ".";

			  JniMonitorException::~JniMonitorException(void) throw() {}


        str = """%s
		""" % (

        fileName = config.getExceptionFileName() + config.getCPPBodyExtension()
        outputWriter().writeIntoFile(config.getOutput(), fileName, str)
        print "%s generated ..." % fileName