コード例 #1
ファイル: e_2_geo.py プロジェクト: tarbaig/simpy
def convertors(b):
    #toGeo(b, b.name+'.geo')
    toGeo(b, 'geo')
    toXyz(b, b.name+'.xyz')
    toGjf(b, b.name+'.gjf')
    toPdb(b, b.name+'.pdb')
コード例 #2
def main():
    """get qm info
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("g03.py logfile")
        for i in sys.argv[1:]:
            geo = i.split(".")[0]
            # get configuration
            a = G03LogConf(i)
            # get charge and energy (HF and Zero)
            b = G03tools(i)
            # parse the configuration to standard format
            c = a.parser()
            hf, zpe = b.getEnergy()
            o = open("qm_ener.dat", "w")
            o.write("%-15s HF %.8f\n" % (geo, hf))
            o.write("%-15s ZPE %.8f\n" % (geo, zpe))
            charges = b.getMullikenCharge()
            o = open("qm_mulliken_charge.dat", "w")
            for j in charges:
                o.write("%-15s%6s%6s%12s  # %s\n" %
                        (geo, "1", j[0], j[2], j[1]))
            charges = b.getESPCharge()
            o = open("qm_esp_charge.dat", "w")
            for j in charges:
                o.write("%-15s%6s%6s%12s  # %s\n" %
                        (geo, "1", j[0], j[2], j[1]))
            # freq calculation if quit normally
            if a.stat == 1:
                method = " ".join([j.strip() for j in c.methods])
                tokens = method.strip().split()
                for n in range(len(tokens)):
                    if "opt" in tokens[n]:
                        tokens[n] = "freq"
                    elif "geo" in tokens[n]:
                        tokens[n] = ''
                c.methods = [" ".join(tokens)]
                c.options = ["%mem=800MB"]
                toGjf(c, "freq.gjf")
                runfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), i)
                print("Warning: unfinished calculation!: %s" % runfile)
                method = " ".join([j.strip() for j in c.methods])
                tokens = method.strip().split()
                for n in range(len(tokens)):
                    if "geo" in tokens[n]:
                        tokens[n] = ''
                c.methods = [" ".join(tokens)]
                toGjf(c, "conti.gjf")
コード例 #3
ファイル: getEner.py プロジェクト: carlos-salgado/simpy
def main():
    """get qm info
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print "g03.py logfile"
        for i in sys.argv[1:]:
            geo = i.split(".")[0]
            # get configuration
            a = G03LogConf(i)
            # get charge and energy (HF and Zero)
            b = G03tools(i)
            # parse the configuration to standard format
            c = a.parser()
            hf, zpe = b.getEnergy()
            o = open("qm_ener.dat", "w")
            o.write("%-15s HF %.8f\n"%(geo, hf))
            o.write("%-15s ZPE %.8f\n"%(geo, zpe))
            charges = b.getCharge()
            o = open("qm_charge.dat", "w")
            for j in charges:
                o.write("%-15s%6s%6s%12s  # %s\n"%( geo, "1", j[0], j[2], j[1]))
            # freq calculation if quit normally
            if a.stat == 1:
                method = " ".join([j.strip() for j in c.methods])
                tokens = method.strip().split()
                for n in range(len(tokens)):
                    if "opt" in tokens[n]:
                        tokens[n] = "freq"
                    elif "geo" in tokens[n]:
                        tokens[n] = ''
                c.methods = [" ".join(tokens)]
                c.options = ["%mem=800MB"]
                toGjf(c, "freq.gjf")
                runfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), i)
                print "Warning: unfinished calculation!: %s"%runfile
                method = " ".join([j.strip() for j in c.methods])
                tokens = method.strip().split()
                for n in range(len(tokens)):
                    if "geo" in tokens[n]:
                        tokens[n] = ''
                c.methods = [" ".join(tokens)]
                toGjf(c, "conti.gjf")
コード例 #4
""" read the geo file and output to data (LAMMPS), geo and xyz file.
import sys, os
from mytype import System, Molecule, Atom
from g03 import G03Gjf
from output_conf import toXyz, toGeo, toGjf

usage = """gau2xyz g03logfiles"""
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print usage
    for i in sys.argv[1:]:
        outfile = i.split(".")[0]
        if os.path.exists(i):
            a = G03Gjf(i)
            b = a.parser()
            b.geotag = "BIOGRF 200"
            toXyz(b, outfile + ".xyz")
            toGeo(b, outfile + ".geo")
            toGjf(b, outfile + ".gjf.bak")
            print "missing file %s" % i
コード例 #5
ファイル: e_2_g03inp.py プロジェクト: carlos-salgado/simpy
""" read the geo file and output to data (LAMMPS), geo and xyz file.
import sys, os
from mytype import System, Molecule, Atom
from g03 import G03Gjf
from output_conf import toXyz, toGeo, toGjf

usage = """gau2xyz g03logfiles"""
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print usage
    for i in sys.argv[1:]:
        outfile = i.split(".")[0]
        if os.path.exists(i):
            a = G03Gjf(i)
            b = a.parser()
            b.geotag = "BIOGRF 200"
            toXyz(b, outfile+".xyz")
            toGeo(b, outfile+".geo")
            toGjf(b, outfile+".gjf.bak")
            print "missing file %s"%i